Total items rewarded from Shields of Phantom Sea: 1
Wall Mounts
Transporting the Troops
This item can be placed on the wall in any house type.


Rent Status

Purchased from Beck Quantem in Great Divide (1193, -533, 464) for 3g 28s 5c.
requires Lore and Legend server

Collection reward from [100] Shields of Phantom Sea (Altar of Malice).

Shield of Gazanti (collection reward from Grim Shales Ferns)
Shield of North Dshinn (collection reward from Old-Fashioned Ossein)
Shield of Grim Shales (collection reward from Akhevan Antiquity)
Shield of Blackwall (collection reward from Grimling Glamour)
Shield of Blessed Knoll (collection reward from Igneous Ideal)
Shield of Highpass (collection reward from Far Seas Seasoning)
Shield of Sshraeshza (collection reward from Scaly Superstition)
Shield of Ossuary of Malevolence (collection reward from Objects of Malice)
Shield of Stillwater Bridge (collection reward from Official Oriflamme)
Shield of Bloody Battlegrounds (collection reward from Deadly Plants)
Shield of Castle Highhold (collection reward from Castle Highhold Heirlooms)
Shield of Charnel Grove (collection reward from Bad Juju)
Shield of Ghorkaal (collection reward from Ghorkaal Relics)
Shield of Kithicor (collection reward from Ancient Kithicor Artifacts)
Shield of Peril Point (collection reward from Kithicor Pine Cones)

Discovered on 12 Nov 2014 at 3:14:26 PST.

I like cabbage.