Total items in category Pets (Snakes): 7
a feerrott jungle crawler
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A Feerrott Jungle Crawler


Rent Status

Purchased from Mulka the Skinner in The City of Freeport (121, -4, -69) for 6s or Donovan Herald in Qeynos Capitol District (644, -17, 179) or Sunneva Nepenthes in Greater Faydark (438, 89, 239) or Ch'hok Mik'Tokk in Neriak, City of Hate (-535, 22, 194) or Keeper Chorwin in Timorous Deep (2761, 127, 1120) or Fretta Toughtoes in Kylong Plains (1935, 480, -770) or Torvil Beastamer in Frostfang Sea (-304, 173, -105) or Eduard Branor in City of Fordel Midst (-132, -3, 100) or Mwinyi Zasopor in City of Shar Vahl (-345, 78, 70) for 25s.

Discovered on 25 Nov 2004 at 1:50:14 PST.
a searing sands cobra
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A Searing Sands Cobra


Rent Status

Purchased from Bursar Janha in The Court of the Blades (7, 5, 4)
requires at least 40,000 faction with The Court of the Blades

for 12g.

Discovered on 14 Sep 2005 at 2:12:55 PDT.
Albino Slither
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A albino slitherer house pet.


Rent Status

Purchased from a Nights of the Dead Merchant (337, -21, -99) or Haint in Qeynos Capitol District (338, -21, -90) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (42, -12, 87) or Haint in The City of Freeport (0, -12, 93) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (89, 148, -136) or Haint in Maj'Dul (84, 148, -149) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (54, -32, -180) or Haint in Haven (51, -32, -173) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (458, 93, 325) or Haint in Greater Faydark (461, 93, 326) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-411, -63, 231) or Haint in Darklight Wood (-412, -63, 226) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-145, -5, 264) or Haint in Neriak, City of Hate (-139, -5, 257) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (2746, 124, 1148) or Haint in Timorous Deep (2743, 124, 1149) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-336, 176, -52) or Haint in Frostfang Sea (-335, 176, -55) for 25 Candy Corn.

Discovered on 8 Oct 2015 at 0:01:28 PDT.
night slither
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A night slitherer house pet.


Rent Status

Quest reward from [200] The Haunting (Haunted House) (Repeatable - 18 hours), started by Gigglegibber Scalper in Qeynos Capitol District or in The City of Freeport.

Discovered on 13 Oct 2011 at 0:13:42 PDT.
Scarlet Crag Cobra
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A scarlet crag cobra house pet.


Rent Status

Purchased from Baniti in The Sinking Sands (-1232, -215, -300)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Nomads of Ro
or Baniti in Raj'Dur Plateaus (91, -60, 548) or requires at least 20,000 faction with Hizite Nomads of Ro
for 25g.

Discovered on 15 Sep 2022 at 0:56:34 PDT.
Stonescale Serpent
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A stonescale serpent house pet.


Rent Status

Purchased from a Nights of the Dead Merchant (337, -21, -99) or Haint in Qeynos Capitol District (338, -21, -90) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (42, -12, 87) or Haint in The City of Freeport (0, -12, 93) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (89, 148, -136) or Haint in Maj'Dul (84, 148, -149) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (54, -32, -180) or Haint in Haven (51, -32, -173) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (458, 93, 325) or Haint in Greater Faydark (461, 93, 326) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-411, -63, 231) or Haint in Darklight Wood (-412, -63, 226) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-145, -5, 264) or Haint in Neriak, City of Hate (-139, -5, 257) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (2746, 124, 1148) or Haint in Timorous Deep (2743, 124, 1149) or a Nights of the Dead Merchant (-336, 176, -52) or Haint in Frostfang Sea (-335, 176, -55) for 25 Candy Corn.

Discovered on 6 Oct 2016 at 10:31:32 PDT.
Tidal Lord
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A housepet that can be used as a combatant in the Maj'Dul arena.

Discovered on 13 Sep 2005 at 17:46:13 PDT.

I am not a Frostfell elf.