Total items in category Wall Mounts (Masks): 2
Wall Mounts
Scary Oni Mask
This item can be placed on the wall in any house type.

The Mask of a Scary Creature found in unknown eastern lands.Said to sometimes chase people and refer to them as "Darling".


Created by          Neko Zero

Purchased on the Marketplace (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for 300 240 DBC or as part of Horrors of the East (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for 800 640 DBC

or Oni Mask Bundle (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for
500 400 DBC

Discovered on 8 Oct 2015 at 15:47:56 PDT.
Wall Mounts
Terrifying Oni Mask
This item can be placed on the wall in any house type.

A Mask of a terrifying creature said to be found in unknown eastern lands. It is said to cause horrifying electrical shocks if not shown constant attention.


Created by          Neko Zero

Purchased on the Marketplace (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for 300 240 DBC or as part of Horrors of the East (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for 800 640 DBC

or Oni Mask Bundle (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations) for
500 400 DBC

Discovered on 8 Oct 2015 at 15:47:56 PDT.