Ancient's Table • Bastion of Flames • Blackscale Sepulcher • Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds • Cazel's Mesa • Condemned Catacombs • Court of Innovation • Cove of Decay • Crypt of Valdoon • Deathfist Citadel • Den of the Devourer • Tower of the Drafling • Eternal Gorge • Firemyst Gully • Gobblerock's Hideout • Nest of the Great Egg • Halls of Fate • Hidden Cache • Mines of Meldrath • Nektropos Castle: The Return • Nektropos Castle: Tribulation • Nektropos Castle • Nizara, City of the Nayad • Obelisk of Blight • Poet's Palace • Valley of the Rogue Magi • Scornfeather Roost • Shard of Fear • The Acadechism • The Sanctorium • Tombs of Night • Estate of Unrest • Vault of Dust • The Sanctum of Fire • Vault of the Fallen • Vaults of El'Arad • Crypt of T'Haen
Goodies for Grobb:
Accessorizing, Grobb Style • Fundamental Furnishings • Home Cooking • Snapper Security • Swamp Reeds
Working Hard for Tupta:
Getting Plastered • House Repairs • Pottering Around • Swamp Treats • Tupta Toys
Accord Assistance:
A Rush Job • Air Repair • Letters From Home • Swamp Foot Lotion • To Dye For
Far Seas Supply Division:
Shipyard Services/Shipyard Building Work • Clockwork Rescue/Clockwork Components • Emergency Portal Repairs/Building a Better Portal • Supply Stocking/Firemyst Supply Stocking
Far Seas Supply Division Weekly:
A Recipe for Disaster • Rescuing the Relics • Restocking the Stores
Bready Goodness • Full Metal Artisan • Eats Shoots and Leaves • Stonebrunt Express • Paineel Replenishment • Further Essential Studies • Back to the Grindstone
Hua Mein Craftsmen:
A Tasty Task • Hua Mein Craftsmanship • Hua Mein Heating • The Bear Necessities • Netting More Fish • Shining Shells • Honoring the Ancestors
Kerra Isle Outfitters:
A Close Eye on Quel'ule • Kerra Kindling • Kerra Clothing • Weaving A Profit • Herbal Healing • Paw Tips and Tail Feathers • Defensive Dressing
Researchers of Quel'ule:
Supplies for the Fighters • Sampling More Strangeness • Reporting to Paineel • Equipping the Front Line • Rebuilding Materials • Reinforcing the Wards • Tracking the Void Influence
Obol Plains:
Tonic for the Soul • Herbs and Spirits • Focused Fire • Where Are All The Clean Bedrolls?
Far Seas Trading:
Botanical Divergence • Reporting Home • Fishing Up Fauna • Researching the Recordings
Altar of Malice Daily:
Sampling the Danger • Sour Tooth • Grim Running • Legendary Pepper • Salve Supplies • Small Arms for Small Arms • Fruitful Foraging
Search out a place in Norrath where ancient and raw planar powers might be found. Take your weapon of old and awaken it. Create a weapon powerful enough to slay the gods themselves. Then take a break and do something for yourself.
~ Bristlebane
A Gnome-Scribed Journal This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
I don’t know how. Here I am at the top of a peak in Steamfont, and I don’t know how. I don’t know how I got up here, I don’t know how to get down, and I don’t know how this all happened.
One moment, I was scavenging scrap from the gearyards, trying my best to keep away from the minotaurs’ attention (and doing quite well at that, I might add), when I suddenly felt… torn?
Everything went topside down. Left was right, hornscroggle went tomdangle and then, before I could tell you my name, there were minotaurs EVERYWHERE. I’ve never seen so many minotaurs. Gnomeland Security? Gone. Like it never existed. In its place? Minotaurs. Frugrin Observatory? Nope - minotaurs. Steamfont Windmill? Minotaurs. Minotaurs? Minotaurs.
I’ve never run so much in my life. Thank goodness for my Gnomeland Security internship. They may be tough, but they’re not the most observant cows. And then, just as quickly, three days after I arrived… POOF. I’m up here. And I’m still up here. I have two choices - stay up here and starve to death, or jump and fall to death. Either way, these aren’t good options.
-Agler Togglespin
A Mysterious Green Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This mysterious tome appears to be written in an unknown language.
Frotine specializes in recipes for cooking with your offspring. No matter how young your spawn are, they can help you make tasty treats. (no recipes contain ingredients requiring Froglok offspring substitution at your own risk.)
Frogurt and Berries 1 part cream 1 part sea foam 1 part berries Stir vigorously to make sure that it is light and airy. Leave to sit over night, exposed to the ocean breeze. You should end up with something like a nice mud water taffy.
Seaweed Crackers 1 part seaweed 1 part seasonings Bake in an oven (or on a nice flat rock in the sun) until crispy.
Scallop Lick 1 skewer 1 part scallop 1 part salt water 1 part seasonings Roast over a medium fire until golden brown and then ad the seasonings. You will want to make sure that these are nice and salty licking good.
Goliath Beetle Pie 1 part beetle carapace 1 part beetle meat 1 part dough 1 part Frogurt and Berries These little beauties are naturally sweet from the fruits they eat. There is no need to sweeten them. Cover the inside of the carapace with the dough. Pour in the other ingredients and mix them together. Bake on medium low fire for a few hours. You will want to make sure that the meat is nice and tender.
Tree Sap Covered Dragonfly 1 part Tree Sap 1 part Dragonfly meat 1 sharp stick Take the sharp stick and skewer the Dragonfly meat. Roll the meat in the tree sap until covered. Heat the skewer until the tree sap starts to harden. Let the skewer cool for a few minutes before enjoying.
A Mysterious Red Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This mysterious tome appears to be written in an unknown language.
It is Warlord Kel'Nor's opinion that any aspiring military strategist needs to know the following terms.
- Adversary - Any person, animal, or party that refuses to follow Warlord Kel'Nor's orders. - Ballistic - A Ballistic is anything that Warlord Kel'Nor wants fired in the air at any adversary. - Cache - A cache is a supply of items that Warlord Kel'Nor feels are necessary. Like a cache of ballistics for throwing at an adversary. - Dazzle - A form of attacking with something like fire or spells that can blind the adversary. These are very effective when attached to the cache Warlord Kel'Nor's ballistics.
- Emplacement - A prepared position for attacking from or repairing any ballistics under Warlord Kel'Nor's command.
- Fallout - Particles that can some times break off of ballistics and or pieces of a foot soldier that might have fired Warlord Kel'Nor's weaponry incorrectly. - General Orders - Any standing order that must be followed at all times. For instance, never get in Warlord Kel'Nor's way. - Hazard - A condition that can lead to the causing of injuries due to being in Warlord Kel'Nor's way.
- Incident - What they will tell your family happened after you got in Warlord Kel'Nor's way. - Joint - An operation that contains activities in which two or more divisions are under Warlord Kel'Nor's control. - Key Terrain - Any location that Warlord Kel'Nor decides to take, that will grant him an advantage. - Liaison - The liaison is the only person that Warlord Kel'Nor will allow to travel between his camps to make sure that everyone is following his orders.
- Manifest - A list usually carried by the liaison that can contain specifics of Warlord Kel'Nor's ballistics. - Neutral - An opponent of Warlord Kel'Nor's that may not be considered directly an Adversary. - Objective - The goal which Warlord Kel'Nor is fighting towards. - Pace - The pace is the speed with which Warlord Kel'Nor is moving towards his objective.
- Quick Response Force - Warlord Kel'Nor's special team that handles his special assignments. - Raid - An operation usually run by the Quick Response Force that is a temporary seizure that may be necessary to obtain Warlord Kel'Nor's objective. - Sabotage - An act which the Quick Response Force is known for doing after a raid has taken place. - Target - A target is a designated area or object that has been chosen by Warlord Kel'Nor.
- Unit - Warlord Kel'Nor commands many small units that make up a larger unit. - Validate - Units have to be validated before they can join Warlord Kel'Nor's command. - Warning - Knowledge of impending danger. The sound of Warlord Kel'Nor's foot steps will be all the warning you need to get out of his way. - X - Marks the spot to where Warlord Kel'Nor has planned his offensive.
- Yield - A yield is what is attained from Warlord Kel'Nor's directions. Raids are expected to have high yields. - Zone of Action - An area decided by Warlord Kel'Nor that is sub-divided from a larger area, where an offensive action will take place.
A Seeker's Diary This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This slim volume is a copy of the personal notes once kept by a Keeper of Solusek Ro.
Blossoming 10 - Melvar is up to something, I'm convinced of it. Old Gavel says I have an overactive imagination, but Gavel is too good tempered to mistrust anyone's motives, particularly if they buy him ale. I'm sure he's up to no good, despite what Gavel thinks; he's changed his habits, and I've seen him with a strange expression on his face when he thinks no one's looking. I'm going to watch him and keep notes. If I can accumulate enough evidence to prove he's up to something, I'll take it to the temple leaders.
Blossoming 21- He seems discontented with the temple's leadership. Or perhaps he simply wishes to lead us himself. He does not speak directly against the leaders during public discussion, but afterwards, in one-to-one conversations in the hallways, he is fast to criticize. He seems to be gathering a clique of those who agree with him. They whisper in the corners.
Oceansfull 3 - I saw him depart to the south around midday, although he thought he was unobserved. He did not return to the temple last night. When he returned today in late morning, he was carrying something. It was wrapped, so I couldn't tell what it was, but he definitely didn't have it when he left yesterday. He took it to his room, which is always kept locked.
Oceansfull 10 - The concealed passage behind the ornamental sideboard leads down to the chamber of the efreeti. Only the elders are supposed to enter here, as the efreeti is not to be disturbed in any way. However, fewer people know that there is a second concealed passage beyond this point Tonight I followed him down it, and saw him meet with some others. I could not hear what they were discussing, however, and the others were heavily cloaked and hooded.
Oceansfull 21 - Today Blaize returned from a standard scouting mission, and reported a worrying increase in the activity of the shadowed men in the south of Lavastorm. The temple elders are concerned at the unusual disturbance. A special meeting has been called.
Scorchedsky 2 - I overheard one of his followers boasting to a friend that "soon we'll be in control". I tried to creep closer to hear more, but my foot scuffed on the floor and they heard the noise. I barely managed to run away before they saw me. Reading over my notes, I can't say I've managed to collect any absolute proof something is wrong, but I am even more convinced.
Scorchedsky 3 - I spoke to Blaize, and she agreed Melvar's been acting strangely recently. She said she has seen a cloaked figure that might have been him in the area of the shadowed men a couple of times while she was out scouting. Since our order opposes all that these creatures of shadow stand for, this would be a serious concern if it was indeed him. She has promised to investigate.
Scorchedsky 6 - It was three days ago that I spoke to Blaize, and I haven't seen her since the day before yesterday. A search party has been sent out to search the hills in case she was injured while scouting, but I fear that danger befell her much closer to home.
Scorchedsky 7 - I have searched every corner of the temple I can access, but found no sign of Blaize. I am sure there is foul play involved. But still I have no absolute proof! I fear for my life if Melvar or his followers find out, but I need to approach the elders with my suspicions.
Scorcheclsky 8 - All is lost! I spoke to the elders and they gathered to discuss the evidence. But while we gathered in the library, the void beings attacked. Normally, the temple is sealed and warded against them, but HE must have let them in while the elders were distracted. We have barred the doors to the library, but they can't hold long.
Does he really think the shadowed men truly serve him? Is power worth such betrayal? I pray some of the others can escape while they are distracted trying to break into the library. Perhaps if they do survive, and can one day retrieve these notes, it may help explain what happened.
a set of memoirs This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A journal penned by a Teir'Dal, locked away in the prison cells of High Keep.
Oh, how I miss the comforts of Neriak. I should have stayed in the academy, as deplorable as that prospect was. At least there I had some entertainment after listening to those idiots drone on about their useless theories – now I just have this useless cell to rot in. My only joy here is the wails of the other prisoners bemoaning their fates. Beautifully pathetic.
Well, now I have a cell mate. He is gruff and smells like he has been drug through a horse’s filthy corral. And the noise… he talks about himself non-stop. He’s over there talking right now, clearly aware that I am not paying attention, just rambling on and on. Every word crawls up my spine like a venomous widow looking to deliver a fatal bite. I saw the guards smile when they tossed him in here – they knew what they were doing. Commendable.
Today the idiot said something that was actually interesting. Apparently he is rich – even richer than the vapid nobles that fill the upper floors. I am suspect, but in his drunken stupors, the fool tells me intricate details about where the stash is, what is in it, what he is planning to do with it… unless he is an amazingly imaginative storyteller, there’s probably something to this. But where does he keep getting this alcohol? His breath would offend Bertoxxulous.
Well, there are some advantages to having this cell mate. He has been able to make a small hole in the back of the room, and has done so without the guards noticing. Dwarven mastery over stone is fascinating, if generally useless in most circumstances. We’re going to make our way out of here tonight, and head out into the pass. He claims to know the way, but I question if he even knows his way out of his bed. I guess we’ll see.
I think these years in confinement have messed with my ability to properly reason. I should have known better than to listen to that fool. He made a ridiculous hat from candles to help him see better in the dank passageway we were crawling through, but it didn’t help him see the massive hole he fell into. Now he has been captured by goblins, and I am stuck here in a narrow passageway with no idea where to go. I thought dwarves can see in the dark. What was he even doing?
This just took a turn for the bizarre. The goblins are actually rather interesting to observe – they relish in the pain of others, and after all the time listening to the idiot ramble on, I was going to enjoy watching them pick him apart. But they didn’t do that at all. When they carted him away, they set him up on a pile of rocks like a throne. I have no idea what they are thinking, but over the past few days, they have brought him offerings of food and trinkets, and it looks like they found his treasure for him in the hills. I’m perplexed, but must admit I am curious.
I approached him last night, and he was glad to see me. I’ve spent the past few hours talking to him, and he is enjoying his newfound power. Still, this is a situation I can turn to my advantage, I believe. I pointed out to him that he doesn’t have to be content being served in the mines. That the Keep above us was ripe for the taking, and that he had an army. He spouted off some nonsense about divine providence and authority or something – I think some of this has gone to his head. But he likes the idea, which could be very interesting if this goes well.
Well, well! If you’ve never seen goblins whipped into a religious frenzy, it is truly an interesting sight to behold. Still, they performed quite effectively, and the lower parts of the Keep are ours. My partner has his riches, the goblins have their god, and I have a place to entertain myself. I could get used to this. I think I’ll start with those pathetic prisoners from the other cells. Their cries are quite lovely indeed.
a small book pile This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Purchased from Tie Shan in The Sundered Frontier(2293, -199, 2506) requires membership and having completed 5 weekly quests from Days of Summer 2024 quest giver. for 0c.
Discovered on 15 Oct 2024 at 0:07:56 PDT.
a torn half of a map This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is half of a very strange looking map. You do not recognize any of the land masses on it but have a feeling this will be very important later.
Plundered from The Feerrott (-133, -5, 461 [part of the Scout Epic 2.0 quest]).
Discovered on 28 Dec 2016 at 0:14:10 PST.
There are words scribbled on the back of this map. You are unable to decipher them at this time.
You are unable to decipher this.
You are unable to decipher this.
You are unable to decipher this.
You are unable to decipher this.
You are unable to decipher this.
Such is a place that is hidden in the old worlds. Last in the line of those who gnaw and bite. A promontory of unknown origins.
Darkness is but a commonality. Ever does it sink, never does it get deeper. Think before you enter.
These rules present a problem, they do not always solve what they set out to. These is often ruin.
Sometimes mouths are covered from the world. Sometimes they are covered from the past. Sometimes they are covered too long.
Water is moved. Water accumulates. Water is moved again. The water in its body is not always clean.
The menacing and maligned are sometimes forgotten. They are forgotten as they are out of sight, out of mind. This is their domain.
Adventurer's Journals This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Aerakyn History Here and There This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The majority of this book appears to be scraps of parchment adhered to the bound book pages. Few of them are written in the same hand, nor on the same parchment. They must have been collected over time.
"According to Lord Vyemm, it is the Awakened's will that a division of arcanists carry out an intriguing task - that of army creation! He has reminded us that the pool of willing dragon and dragonkin recruits for the Awakened Legion is finite, and although we have yet to reach such a point, the new recruits have observably slackened. They have been following many prospects and arcane schools of thought on the issue, beginning with the magical techniques first discovered by the iksar archmage, Atrebe Sathir. They are carrying out their efforts within the Overrealm, where our concealment is assured."
"Kerafyrm consented to our experimentation upon the unhatched, claimed from Western Wastes. We intend to increase their gestation through arcane and alchemical alterations, thus providing our legion with the increased forces it needs."
"No matter what arcane or alchemical change was applied, all of the experiments have resulted in failure; unstable eggs, brittle shelled eggs, still-hatched young, or short-lived kin unable to care for themselves. We are not to be sacrificing any more of the unhatched."
"Our forces suffered a monumental loss within Skyshrine. We had projected high causalities, but felt that the successful outcome, including the decimation of the Claws of Veeshan, would have brought more kin within our ranks, as a result. The offense was not successful, and our legion was diminished. We are in dire need of more kin to refill the ranks we have lost. I have advised Lord Feshlak of this. He assures me that Kerafyrm is aware of the issue, and to not question his brilliance."
"Kerafyrm has begun to utilize the Tear of Veeshan in an effort to locate she, who was known as the Keeper within the Claws of Veeshan, Lendiniara. She hides within another thread of reality, like a frightened hatchling. Her clairvoyance must have revealed her future! No one can hide from the great Awakened One, or stop him from ushering in a new Age of Scale! One of the [dragon mages] casts a draconic location spell upon the Tear, followed by my own chronomagic. The results are impressive! The spells are combined, and amplified by the Tear, opening portals to other threads. She will be found!"
"The most recent thread portal has brought with it great fortune for our ranks! The chrono-location spell had opened a portal near something with a strong connection to Veeshan on the other side, but what awaited the thread scouts was not Lendiniara. The droag scouts found themselves face to face with an army of dragon-elves! Elddar elves in body, but their kindred features were abundantly clear: Wings, horns, and the slight glimmer of scales upon their limbs. There was no doubting they were looking upon other children of Veeshan!"
"Thankfully, the droag scouts were received with curiosity by the dragon-elves, calling themselves aerakyn, and led by another, named Dyn'leth. Upon receiving this report Kerafyrm entered the thread, himself. I assumed that he suspected they were hiding Lendiniara, and had gone to battle, but the truth was even greater! According to others, Dyn'leth attacked Kerafyrm, sealing his doom. How foolish! Kerafyrm returned to the Temple of Veeshan, with Dyn'leth's forces marching behind him. But that was not all he had claimed from their thread!"
"Veeshan's Scale, that is what they call it. I remain unconvinced that it is any more the Wurm Mother's scale as what we hold is truly a tear fallen from her eye, but the symbolism is strong, and their ties to its arcane power is even stronger. This I am convinced of! With it in the Awakened One's clutches, they do his bidding, and carry out every action, unquestioningly. They have grown our ranks to overwhelming numbers, once again! The few remaining members of the Claws of Veeshan hold no chance against the might of the Awakened!"
I have collected these bits of parchment as a record of our role within the Awakened Legion. We are numbers for Kerafyrm's legion, that is all - a body count. He thinks nothing of us as a people!
Somehow, I have managed to erode the Scale's spell that bound me to the Awakened One. I am uncertain how this was accomplished. Perhaps my mind or will was stronger, or the distance between myself and the Scale was great enough to weaken its ties. However it occurred, the magic that keeps other aerakyn in-line, obeying and pleasing The Awakened Legion, no longer binds me.
Remember our heritage! Do not allow our current situation eat away your pride. We are the progeny of Lethar, a black dragon, and Veldyn, an Elddar elf woman - a coupling built on a shaky foundation of deceit. Lethar had approached Veldyn under the illusion of an Elddar male, while she wandered, mourning the loss of many of her kin. She found strength and contentment within Lethar's embrace. When she became with child she knew that it was the gods reassuring her that she and Lethar were to begin their own clan. Her conviction was tested when she looked upon their son, Dyn'leth, for the first time.
Dyn'leth's body exposed his father's deception. But his small form, swaddled by thin wings and crowned by diminutive horn starts, did not invoke feelings of anger or betrayal by Lethar, instead Veldyn was intoxicated by his strength and power. He had chosen her, and showered her with love and devotion, when he could have certainly taken a great many other dragons as his mate. His true physical form was of little consequence to her, he had already proven she held his soul!
Lethar and Veldyn went on to sire many more children through the years, each one a slight variation of their firstborn. She basked in the reassuring power of her growing clan, not just for herself but for her children and lover. Long had the cowl of mourning, for the loss of her fellow Elddar, weighted her with fear of abandonment. She relished the thought of being the matriarch of such powerful new people on Norrath! In time, Dyn'leth took an elven mate and sired more aerakyn, as did his siblings, thus expanding our numbers.
We may be stuck here, in this thread of elsewhere. My brethren, our true history must not be forgotten!
Daeron Ashenwing
Alchemist's Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Anaz Mal, Blackfang - Page 4 (looted in The Sinking Sands or The Silent City or The Living Tombs)
Anaz Mal, Blackfang - Page 5 (looted in The Sinking Sands or The Silent City or The Living Tombs)
Anaz Mal, Blackfang - Page 8 (plundered from a vase at -592, 9, 93 in The Living Tombs)
Anaz Mal, Blackfang - Page 9 (plundered from a vase at -534, -18, 347 in The Living Tombs)
Anaz Mal, Blackfang - Page 11 (looted in The Sinking Sands or The Silent City or The Living Tombs)
Discovered on 16 Sep 2005 at 23:18:28 PDT.
This reads like a religious text of some sort. There is no author listed. Though it is worn, it seems to have been very well made - albeit long ago.
Anaz Mal, Blackfang
Of Our Past
We are the master's secret hand. It is of us, and only of us, that true order can flow. We sacrifice it among ourselves so that we may better provide it for others.
It is our great duty to do this in the name of the Godking, in the name of his goddess. We work at their bidding, though it is the peace and livelihood of the Godking's followers that our efforts support. In that we are revered.
Let this not be a guide, nor a map or stepping stone. Instead, this is our journey.
The path you take is your own, the goal we seek is shared. At path's end we are given our reward: The gift of the Godking, the gift of his goddess.
Our purpose, then, is to repay their kindness, with the skill of our ancestors. You are born Blackfang, and you shall die Anaz Mal.
Forever more you shall die Anaz Mal.
Go, then, Anaz Mal, and find your tools of death. Suit your garments, your shadows, and exist not as what they fear, but as their subconscious.
Strike at mind and body; exist as not a thing to be feared but as fear itself. Use that fear - your non-physical presence - as your poisoned tip. To kill with as much is not unheard of.
We exist in the tales of the lesser; we are their death, their specter in the desert.
Take then not just their bodies, but their minds and souls.
For upon the minds we can impress fear and in turn feed upon it. And in many cases it is in a lack of exercising our power, in feigned mercy, that our power spreads.
For each one slain five are mysteriously afraid. For each one spared, fifty are afraid with good reason. And from those souls we can bring ever closer the truth of the Godking.
Go, then, Anaz Mal, and find your tools of death. Draw your sickening blades and taste the scent of fear. To reap the soul of the unknowing brings prestige and power. To reap the soul of the fearful brings prophecy uppn these lands. And to reap the soul of an entire people is godliness.
And as the power of the Godking grows so grows his need of us. We are his renewing decree.
In our lives, and our lives beyond, if we instill the fear of the unknown - and the fear of the known - then we have fulfilled our pact with creation, and our pact with the Godking.
Go, then, Anaz Mal, and find your tools of death. Don your black-toothed grins. Paint your faces with the rich feelings you shouldn't have.Kill in the name of the Godking. Bring his prophecy to this land.
Of Our Future
Our eternal ancestors, just as foretold, await the Deathhowl just as we do. As we pass through the gates of life and into the Silent City we will wait as they do. And when the howl comes, if we have done our job then they shall do theirs. Thus, it is in our work and reverence that we must prepare.
Give to the dead the sacred rites of the fallen. With Deathhowl shall they repay us.
Give to the dead the reverence of elders. With Deathhowl shall they repay us.
Give to the dead the path of Graul. With Deathhowl shall they repay us.
Give to the dead the right of Godking. With Deathhowl shall they repay us.
Give to the dead a land ripe for them. With Deathhowl shall they repay us.
In the Deathhowl we shall meet them again.
Ancient Moldering Grimoire This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Rent Status Reduction
Purchased from Beck Quantem in Great Divide(1193, -533, 464) for 2g50s. requires Lore and Legend server
Dear Heartbound, I left the world of pain. The loss of you had taken all the beauty and spoilt it.
Rot and rage was all that was left. Tried I did to drown it in ogre blood and troll screams. Oh, how such things used to make you giggle! Bliss you called it.
My spirits refused to raise, as did yours.
I was dead.
Watch the body burn and billow. Smell the roast and taste the wine.
Dance and sing before the pillow! Let them weep - tonight we dine!
From birth to death our hearts were one. The Silver Reaper be damned! He refused my summons. Anything, I was prepared to give to him. Everything he took from me.
Where has he hidden you? What walls are you behind? What stone is atop you? I flew from the tower, chasing after you! Crying your name, down. Down. You did not answer. You do not answer.
[Lines of text smeared beyond recognition]
Remember those days of sun? Running through fields and traitors always made you shine! Age of War, and power! The army marched under the name of Rallos. Slain you were.
Here you should be!
I have not passed onto other lands. Here I stay in search. When we are reunited all will be whole, and together we will pass on.
[Jots of erratic text smeared beyond recognition]
Book Dominos This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Someone spent a lot of time lining up these books, and now you're going to watch them topple, aren't you?
Furniture version of:
Magic Affinity
Discovered on 7 Dec 2011 at 10:47:56 PST.
Book of Hate This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Xilania Nevagon, the Seraph of Hate, rewarded your effort in the Battle of Cauldron Hollow with this book. It is held firmly closed by a strong magical power. You should inspect it further when it is placed in your house.
Book of Hate This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Xilania Nevagon, the Seraph of Hate, rewarded your effort in the Battle of Cauldron Hollow with this book. It is held firmly closed by a strong magical power. You should inspect it further when it is placed in your house.
A small inscription written in the common tongue reads, "May he who wishes to know of the immense power of the Awakened seek out the mystical key to the tome and return only whence he has found it."
The Book of Power: Awakened Blood
Each of the three pillars of the Awakened bring their own unique power to the table. Should the dragons wish to pass on their power to a younger age, each shall have much to teach.
Without power, the Awakened would not have had the power to claim Sky as their realm. Only the truly mighty could lay claim to Veeshan's realm in such a fashion, or . I am led to believe.
Lord Vyemm is the perfect specimen of physical prowess. In the brood war against the giantkin of Kael Draldwl, what little documentation exists suggests that only the mightiest warriors the giants could put forth finally wounded him.
Though he was injured in the battle, Vyemm returned to full health not long after the fighting ceased. All totaled, Vyemm's damage to the giant city would not be repaired for many a cold year to follow.
Harla Dar's nobility has shown her true power to be in that of the art of persuasion. Tis said that political society exists for the sake of noble actions, and not of mere companionship, and nothing could be more true of dragons.
For when one has eternity, as dragons have, the one true power not everyone can possess is nobility. The ability to convince others of a cause and promote strength of spirit from within is Harla Dar's proficiency.
Long before his terrible fate fell upon him, the Mysterious One's power with the magic of Norrath was unparalleled. Through a strong connection with the bond which connects Norrath to the realm of Druzzil and Ayonae, he was able to tap into powers well beyond those accessed by other of his kin.
Only a true master of his craft could have accomplished the feat he did - escape the world upon his own death. Tomes I have found indicate that it was only through the power of a mysterious race of void-travelers that he was captured. Perhaps I will find more as I continue my research.
I once again humbly seek forgiveness, for my own penning of each of these tales is limited by my mortal talents, which is to say, I am but an insignificant speck to the power which the Awakened have displayed to me.
- Vinc, the Enlightened
Book of Sacrifice This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A small inscription written in the common tongue reads, "May he who wishes to learn of the sacrifices made by the Awakened place the scale of an unhatched dragon onto the tome."
The Awakened Truths
The children of the sky are not chosen for their power alone. Each of the Awakened must have dealt with great sacrifice during their time below on the world of Norrath.
Though the deeds of many younger members are, of course, grand, the true sacrifices have been made by those who have gone before; the true pillars of the Awakened: Lord Vyemm, Harla Dar, The Mysterious One.
Lord Vyemm shall be known as the first of the great ones. Though it may be said that temper gets one into trouble, but pride keeps one there, the truth lies a bit further down the path for dragons.
Vyemm's pride has brought him strength, a power to do that which others of his kind have not. In the end, he was betrayed by fearful dragons, those who knew not what they could accomplish. His great pride was shattered by blows both physical and spiritual in the great battle.
Harla Dar shall forever be known for the passionate love she held for her brood. Her mate left his position among the ranks of the Claws of Veeshan, abandoning her to the cold wastelands of Velious. Though she watched with pride as her first child, Phara, led the new and upstart faction of dragons, she continued to care for her newest hatchling, Fraka.
For her undying loyalty, Harla was rewarded only with betrayal at the hands of Zlandicar. He stole and devoured Harla's child in a fit of gluttony. Her great heart slowed and she slumbered until He came calling, for her sacrifice was almost too great for the matron to bear.
The Mysterious One. An interesting subject, to be sure. He is not known to the rest of the Awakened, this is certain. I have done much research into the matter. Information on him has been scarce at best.
What few scraps of information I have recovered on him indicates that his sacrifice was greater than all the others. Both his body and mind were shattered by some catastrophic occurrence, and he was returned only through the grace of His power.
I humbly report all these findings as a faithful student of history. I shall continue to chronicle the deeds of these three great pillars of the Awakened.
-Vinc, the Enlightened
Book of Trials This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A small inscription written in the common tongue reads, "Only he who delivers the blood of a true hero to the indention in the cover of this book may learn the secrets written within."
Trials of the Awakened: The True Potential Revealed
It is said that the Awakened are blessed with unnatural power, grace and potential. Perhaps that is why a series of trials are have been set up to weed out the weak and unwilling.
Four trials are set down by the Keeper in the Halls of Fate. Those who are ready to attempt the trials will be sought out by the Keeper on the Rim of Eternity. I have thus far been able to attempt only the least of the trials successfully. I wish I had more to report than what I have.
The Keeper is a ghostly apparition which has been placed by Him in order to guide those who would seek to try their will and fortitude against those trials set down. He will guide those who are willing to their fate as heroes or their doom as the dead.
The First Trial is that of Alacrity. It seems to test your speed in traversing an area filled with guardians. I was able to pass with only the barest of margins.
The Second Trial is that of Endurance. Many waves of guardians must be defeated before the true guardian will show itself. Sadly I lost two members of my party in the process.
I will not divulge much about the Third Trial. Suffice it to say, it was an out-of-body experience for me, and one which I almost long to return to...
I have no information about the fourth trial, the Trial of Leadership. I have yet to attempt the feat. It seems that I will need to hire many mercenaries for this task.
I regret that I do not have more information to part with at this time. I can only hope that I will be found worthy after completing the Trial of Leadership. I will see you on the other side. May you hold yourself high, and do well in these trials.
- Vinc, the Enlightened
Brien - Clan Icereaver This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.
This is a journal kept by a wild barbarian of the northlands who was instrumental at taking back Halas. Unfortunately, it doesn't end on a pleasant note.
Excerpt: For fifteen years, I have been a babe. Today, on my Woading Day, I have been told why we struggle within the cold.
We once had a home, but it was taken from us. Our people come from the orc city of Halas. I am so filled with rage I am crying because there is nothing to kill in front of me. I vow upon my ancestor's spirits that I will not die until I see Halas as our home again.
Excerpt: My axe has been blessed with the blood of an orc chief today.
I want to keep his head as a reminder of my victory, but the elders know what is wise. I took his blood and washed my weapon with it. This was but one chief.
There are many more. And all of them will pay ten times over for what they have done to my people.
Excerpt: Our clan has become much larger, and this is good. If Halas is to be ours, we cannot keep the clans separated.
Though we have no chieftains, we all know our part and what we have to do. When we take Halas back from those murderous monsters, then the chieftains will be chosen.
I hope we choose strong leaders that will lead us to our former glory.
Excerpt: It has been twenty years since I vowed to take back Halas, and today my oath has been fulfilled. The orcs have been driven out of our home and scattered to the four corners of the wastelands. This is no time to rest, though. Halas is within hands of its true people. but the orcs still lurk out there in the shadows.
Excerpt: I have been chosen by my people to be one of the six chieftains.
This honor is only matched by the day I slaughtered my first orc chief. The people have chosen well, for we six chieftains will guide the True Men back to the life we once had.
And I vow that I will never see Halas destroyed again. Never.
Excerpt: My first act as chieftain was to declare the defenses of our city are to be rebuilt. The great crevice that opens the way to the frozen lands will be filled with oil.
Were the orcs to dare breach our defenses by rafting across the gully, they will be in store for a nasty treat. Those that manage to struggle past the fiery inferno will then have to survive the axes being lobbed at them from the two great towers.
Finally, they will face us. They should pray to the Tribunal they don't make it past the flames.
Excerpt: A gifted shaman came to the council and warned us of a terrible prophecy.
She claimed, "On the night of fire, Halas shall be consumed by earth. Blood shall flow like water, for death travels through the air." At that, she collapsed and died.
We have written her words, and we dread what the night of fire may signify. Whatever it means, I have doubled the defenses so that we are prepared.
Excerpt: My bones are weary, and my beard is as white as a bear's, but I am still young enough to stand up to a whippersnapper.
Kurg Dunnbrow has been exiled from Halas for daring to usurp the council. He can flee the prophecy all he likes. We are the True Men, not savage beasts like the orcs.
He can take anyone with him that also has conquest in their heart, for they have obviously turned their back on the Tribunal.
Excerpt: My fingers do not hold a quill as steady as they once did. This does not matter.
When I look to the night sky and I see the shattered moon, I realize that there are worse things that can happen to a person.
We have Halas. I have a clan. I am still a chieftain. And even though my joints do not bend as well as they did when I was young, my vow still remains as strong as ever. I will not see Halas destroyed again! Never!
Excerpt: It is hard to see what I write, for everything is much darker than it used to be.
Even with sky aflame with streaks of fire, I still only see darkness. As all the great-grandchildren walk around, pointing to the pretty rocks falling from the sky, I write my last entry. It is the night of fire, yet no one understands what that means. They do not see what is about to happen.
I am too frail to warn them. I am glad I cannot see far anymore so that I can keep my vow. I will not see Halas destroyed again.
Brien - Clan Icereaver This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.
This is a journal kept by a wild barbarian of the northlands who was instrumental at taking back Halas. Unfortunately, it doesn't end on a pleasant note.
Excerpt: For fifteen years, I have been a babe. Today, on my Woading Day, I have been told why we struggle within the cold.
We once had a home, but it was taken from us. Our people come from the orc city of Halas. I am so filled with rage I am crying because there is nothing to kill in front of me. I vow upon my ancestor's spirits that I will not die until I see Halas as our home again.
Excerpt: My axe has been blessed with the blood of an orc chief today.
I want to keep his head as a reminder of my victory, but the elders know what is wise. I took his blood and washed my weapon with it. This was but one chief.
There are many more. And all of them will pay ten times over for what they have done to my people.
Excerpt: Our clan has become much larger, and this is good. If Halas is to be ours, we cannot keep the clans separated.
Though we have no chieftains, we all know our part and what we have to do. When we take Halas back from those murderous monsters, then the chieftains will be chosen.
I hope we choose strong leaders that will lead us to our former glory.
Excerpt: It has been twenty years since I vowed to take back Halas, and today my oath has been fulfilled. The orcs have been driven out of our home and scattered to the four corners of the wastelands. This is no time to rest, though. Halas is within hands of its true people. but the orcs still lurk out there in the shadows.
Excerpt: I have been chosen by my people to be one of the six chieftains.
This honor is only matched by the day I slaughtered my first orc chief. The people have chosen well, for we six chieftains will guide the True Men back to the life we once had.
And I vow that I will never see Halas destroyed again. Never.
Excerpt: My first act as chieftain was to declare the defenses of our city are to be rebuilt. The great crevice that opens the way to the frozen lands will be filled with oil.
Were the orcs to dare breach our defenses by rafting across the gully, they will be in store for a nasty treat. Those that manage to struggle past the fiery inferno will then have to survive the axes being lobbed at them from the two great towers.
Finally, they will face us. They should pray to the Tribunal they don't make it past the flames.
Excerpt: A gifted shaman came to the council and warned us of a terrible prophecy.
She claimed, "On the night of fire, Halas shall be consumed by earth. Blood shall flow like water, for death travels through the air." At that, she collapsed and died.
We have written her words, and we dread what the night of fire may signify. Whatever it means, I have doubled the defenses so that we are prepared.
Excerpt: My bones are weary, and my beard is as white as a bear's, but I am still young enough to stand up to a whippersnapper.
Kurg Dunnbrow has been exiled from Halas for daring to usurp the council. He can flee the prophecy all he likes. We are the True Men, not savage beasts like the orcs.
He can take anyone with him that also has conquest in their heart, for they have obviously turned their back on the Tribunal.
Excerpt: My fingers do not hold a quill as steady as they once did. This does not matter.
When I look to the night sky and I see the shattered moon, I realize that there are worse things that can happen to a person.
We have Halas. I have a clan. I am still a chieftain. And even though my joints do not bend as well as they did when I was young, my vow still remains as strong as ever. I will not see Halas destroyed again! Never!
Excerpt: It is hard to see what I write, for everything is much darker than it used to be.
Even with sky aflame with streaks of fire, I still only see darkness. As all the great-grandchildren walk around, pointing to the pretty rocks falling from the sky, I write my last entry. It is the night of fire, yet no one understands what that means. They do not see what is about to happen.
I am too frail to warn them. I am glad I cannot see far anymore so that I can keep my vow. I will not see Halas destroyed again.
Chardok: Di'Zok Tome Dungeon Maker Decoration Activating this item will allow for you to use "Chardok: Di'Zok Tome" in your dungeons.
Adds Chardok: Di'Zok Tome to your Dungeon Maker toolbox
A guide on how to safely operate and reliably maintain your Clockwork Chirurgeon (Model No. 4898).
List of Features and Functions Your Clockwork Chirurgeon comes pre-installed with a dizzying array of useful functions and protocols for usage on biological and mechanical subjects. - Egol Vital Accelerator (EVA) - Thanatopticon - Antiseptic Aerator - Bioamputation Assistant - Mechanamagical Disassembler (for use against mechanical subjects ONLY!) - Electromagic Discharger (for use against mechanical subjects ONLY!)
How To Clean and Maintain Your Clockwork Chirurgeon Cleaning Always use scalding hot water and a hypurgation cleaning solvent. Sterilization is key when working with organic lifeforms! Maintenance Oil the gears, joints and other moving parts before and after using your Clockwork Chirurgeon to ensure proper motion and steadiness. Failure to do so may result in horrible disfigurement or other bodily harm.
Warranty Information
For replacement parts or other maintenance devices, please visit our store in Ak'Anon, Mechanamagical Ward, District B.
We hope you enjoy your Clockwork Chirurgeon (Model No. 4898)!
Coming to Kunark This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Coming to Kunark; A History of the Cae'Dal by Merith Iliqirelle
Long, long ago, there was a huge elven society living within the Elddar Forest on the continent of Antonica. It was a magical, life-giving forest. They cared for it, and it cared for them. That is, until the land began to scorch and the woodlands began to wither and die. In time, the elves were forced to migrate in order to survive.
They left Antonica in search of forests in lands unnamed. One such group of Elddar elves, led by Valinor Tah'Re, found a lush woodland in a faraway land where they established a colony, by the name of Khalee'Sri. They met the challenges of living in a new land, and the new threats it contained, unflinchingly. Khalee'Sri grew strong.
Climate of Fear
Years had passed since establishing Khalee'Sri, by the time the elves began to notice the greater Khalee'Sri region was getting less rainfall, and the temperatures were consistently rising. The forest vegetation began to die as a result of the climate shift, and the fauna with it.
In their confusion and fear, the elves suspected each other as the cause of the dying forest, after all, it was not that long ago they had left a dying forest. This was all too familiar! Infighting and finger pointing ensued. They must have done something to cause Tunare to shun them like this!
Arid Enlightenment
The elves of Khalee'Sri were desperate and had lost their way. They cried out to Tunare, making sacrifices and pleading with their goddess for salvation. She answered their prayers in the form of a wizened master of the arcane, by the name of Xakartaz. He appeared to them and suggested they had not done anything to shun Tunare. This was her will! Why else had she allowed this transformation of two forests? She was showing her children yet another aspect of nature. The desert may not look like it, but it is teeming with life!
Xakartaz showed the elves how to live in an arid climate and began to teach them geomancy, the magic of commanding rock and soil. Over the years, punctuated by births and deaths, they began calling themselves Cae'Dal, elves of the stone. They had become proficient geomancers, animating the soil in battle, construction, and conveyance.
Visions of Calamity
Then came the first warnings. Cae'Dal geo oracles had begun having visions of a great calamity coming, one that would surely mean the end of Khalee'Sri! Xakartaz refused to heed their warnings. He thought the visions a deception by some unknown threat, or an enemy of Tunare's. The Cae'Dal did not understand. Why would he rather they all stay in this doomed land?
Norrath began to moan loud enough for all to feel and hear. Its complaints rose from far below. How could they deny this any longer? The Cae'Dal began to construct sailing vessels, believing that Xakartaz would come to realize the dire situation. But when he learned of their plans, he called them traitors and destroyed the vessels!
The Second Exodus
Xakartaz's stubbornness did not stop the rending of the land, nor did it stop the Cae'Dal. The quakes were sudden, and building in ferocity. The Cae'Dal knew if they were to survive they would have to do so on their own, and in secret. They worked hard, constructing vessels in secret, separate locations.
Then came the dark day, Xakartaz followed a group of provision suppliers to one of the sailing vessels. His anger burned upon sight of their rebellious action. He lashed out, destroying both vessel and Cae'Dal, alike. Word spread quickly of his wrath, forcing other Cae'Dal to board the other vessel and flee Khalee'Sri for stable lands unknown.
A New Land
The elves who sailed away from Khalee'Sri found the waters treacherous and barely passable. The seas were growing as unstable as the land! When a lush land was finally spotted, they counted their blessings and steered toward the rugged coastline. They found themselves in a forested land, inhabited by threatening goblins and iksar, but this did not deter them. They could not face the seas, once more!
Perhaps one day, the Cae'Dal may return to Khalee'Sri. Perhaps, Xakartaz was right, and the land did not succumb to the great quakes, or the rising waves, but for now they live on Kunark, in a region known as Obulus Frontier, in the city of Nye'Caelona, overlooking Warslik's Wood.
Council of the Gods This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Rallos Zek's burning eyes moved disdainfully from one god to the next, hoping his harsh edict had convinced more of them to take his side. It had been countless ages since virtually all the gods had gathered together like this, and he did not intend to miss the opportunity to expand his influence.
"I maintain that this would be an overreaction," Tunare said, shaking her head. "The mortals need our guidance, not our wrath. We should inspire them and strengthen the spirituality within them, not snuff it out."
"You mean your precious elves?" Rallos countered. "Did they need your guidance as their greed soiled your plane, murdering your servants in their lust for power and wealth? Attacking the very manifestation of your being as if you were a boar for the slaughter?"
She scowled and shook her head. "That is your influence at work, Rallos. It was only when they breached the Planes of Power that you lost the delight you had taken in their growing viciousness."
"We all agree that the mortals have gone too far," Brell interjected, sensing the need to interrupt before the argument dragged on further. "But surely the answer isn't to wipe away all our handiwork. After all, it is only a few races that have committed offenses worthy of such action. Perhaps a selective pruning is in order rather than complete annihilation."
Solusek Ro shook his head. "I must agree with Rallos on this matter. Wipe them out; it is the only way."
"The solution is obvious," interjected Cazic-Thule. "If my influence were allowed to grow, the mortals would not be in a position to challenge us. Fear will keep them in check, as it always should have."
Karana scowled. "Preposterous. It has been proven that any one of us alone can be overcome by the mortals. It is underestimating them that has brought us to this place, that has forced us to become allies in action if not in principle. But the solution must be one that we can all agree to."
"How can you be so blind?" Rallos growled. "How can you not see that the mortals must be made to pay for their insolence?"
"You ignore the honor in their hearts," Mithaniel Marr countered. "They have earned the right to exist, to ascend to greatness."
"Greatness?" Innoruuk cackled gleefully. "Leave them to their own devices and they will devour themselves in jealousy and hatred. The solution is not for us to kill them, but to step aside and let them feed upon each other."
"We don't have time for that," Solusek Ro asserted. "The demi-planes are already weakened--in fact, some have simply faded from existence, as our powers have grown too thin to sustain them. We must refocus our resources and strike back while we still can."
Quellious had listened to the bickering for what seemed like ages. Though time had no meaning for them in this place, she could bear to listen no longer. She spoke softly, yet with a directness that silenced the others.
"I propose a compromise," she said, her gaze moving from one god to the next. "It will not be ideal for any of us, and it does not come without risk. But I feel it is the only way to satisfy all our objectives and restore balance between us and the mortals."
Bristlebane perked an ear. "Speak, please, for this endless debate is maddening even for me."
Quellious continued. "We all agree the mortals have gained too much power, but there are non-destructive ways to correct this. There is also a way for us to regain our strength, though it means removing our influence from this world for a time. But if we all agree--including those who sit upon the greater wheel of Elemental Power--it could save us all."
"Speak, Tranquil One," Xegony said, breaking her long silence. "We will listen to your proposal."
Quellious nodded. "It is through their unity that the mortals initially became strong. The first thing we must do is to disrupt that unity..."
When Quellious had finished, Erollisi Marr nodded. "It would be an acceptable compromise."
"Agreed," her twin brother added.
"It does not matter to me," Innoruuk grinned, "for I still believe that the mortals will destroy themselves eventually."
Brell rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I will do as you suggest."
The Faceless shrugged. "It seems like a waste of time, but I will follow the wishes of this council."
Tunare sighed sadly. "I will do what you ask in order to make this work."
Fennin Ro spoke for the first time since he had entered the chamber. "The rulers of the Elemental Planes will abide by this decision."
One by one the other gods either agreed or said nothing, nodding silently.
Quellious eyed Rallos Zek as he whispered something to Solusek Ro. The Prince of Flame shook his head.
"We agree," the god of War said at last. "When does it begin?"
"In seven mortal days' time, we will act as one. Will that be long enough to do what is needed?"
"It will," Solusek Ro said coldly. Tunare nodded with reluctance.
"Then it is agreed," the Tribunal spoke in a single voice. "This council stands adjourned."
The gods began to leave the chambers, but Quellious lingered. She noticed as Rallos approached Cazic-Thule and began to whisper something to him, and watched as Solusek Ro did the same to Brell.
Tunare stood next to her. "Is this really the only way?"
"I believe it is," Quellious responded softly. "But I think we need to remain watchful, as not everyone may honor the intent of this pact."
Karana approached the two goddesses. "I have some trepidation in this matter, and I'd wager you feel the same."
"I do," replied Quellious. "But I have another proposal to share with the two of you to ensure our interests are preserved."
As the three gods left the council chamber together, Rallos Zek eyed them loathingly. He muttered to himself. "So, Quellious, you have your allies and I have mine. But your weakness will be your downfall. Let the endgame begin."
Crushbone: Ancient Blue Tome Dungeon Maker Decoration Activating this item will allow for you to use "Crushbone: Ancient Blue Tome" in your dungeons.
Adds Crushbone: Ancient Blue Tome to your Dungeon Maker toolbox
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 2 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 3 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 4 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 5 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 6 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 7 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 8 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 9 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 10 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 11 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
Dag the Blasphemer- Page 12 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Discovered on 15 Nov 2016 at 13:50:35 PST.
Dal the Blasphemer Author Unknown
Long ago in the time of Emperor Ganak, Scholar Dag served and studied with the great Master Atrebe Sathir, first-hatched son of Rile Sathir. After the unfortunate demise of Atrebe, Scholar Dag begin his study of the forbidden circles, Wizardry, Enchantment and Magic. He soon began to specialize in the ways of Wizardry, in contravention of the Laws of Kotiz.
Scholar Dag kept his studies to himself. Most of his studies were held in private, only his Sarnak slave named Kly was allowed to assist in his blasphemous studies.
Hearing of Dag's skills, Kurn Machta, the Dread Torturer and trusted general of Rile Sathir, secretly commissioned Dag to create a magical dagger for his personal use.
Dag traveled to Kurn's outpost to begin his work. His slave Kly and some sarnak slaves answering to him followed, pulling behind them a special forge which belonged to Haggle Baron Dalnir. During Dag's absence, however, evidence of his blasphemous research was discovered, and his secret obsession was revealed to all. He became known as the Blasphemer of the Brood.
Word was sent from Cabilis to Kurn to have Dag executed. As Dag was in the final stage of enchantments, Kurn let him proceed and when the dagger was complete, Kurn shackled Dag and used the dagger upon the belly of the Blasphemer.
The Crusaders sent from Cabilis to bring back the body of Dag, the dagger, and the Sarnak slaves, all vanished without a trace. Only the Dalnir Forge remained. No trace of the others was ever found.
Assuming the disappearance was a sign the gods had cursed the blade and the Blasphemer, the Brood decreed that to avoid the wrath of the gods, all of Dag's property and creations were burned, as were all records of his blasphemous studies.
The slave Kly was sought for many years, but never found. It was feared that the slave, in assisting his master, might have learned some of the blasphemous arts, and thus must be destroyed also.
The descriptions posted described Kly as a tall, relatively youthful Sarnak of a reddish skin tone, with some scars on his right arm and leg from early punishment. The slaves accompanying Kly and answering only to him were not known to have individual names or descriptions.
The leader among them, known only as the Kly's Overseer, kept discipline over them and could be distinguised from the others only because he was permitted to use for this purpose a battered ferrite longsword and kite shield forged in the traditional style of the Ganak footsoldiers
After some decades, the search for the Kly and his followers was abandoned, and the mystery of their disappearance has vanished into the mists of time.
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A collection of unauthenticated tales concerning the origins of some of Bertoxxulous' most notorious acolytes.
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 5 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 8 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 12 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 15 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 18 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 20 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous - Page 23 (shinies in Myrist, the Great Library)
Requires the use of:
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous A collection of unauthenticated tales concerning the origins of some of Bertoxxulous' most notorious acolytes. TREASURED LORE  NO-TRADE
Discovered on 13 Nov 2018 at 12:15:54 PST.
Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous
Of Detrioxx Inhabitants: Origin Myths or Histories
Raex and Vindor
Long ago in the Kingdom of Skaxron lived two childhood friends, Raex, and Vindor. The friends played, fought, competed and grew up together in their lawful kingdom. As they matured both young men proved to be the greatest warriors of their generation. They became pledged as knights in service to their good King Randall.
Two years after the knighting of Raex and Vindor, the War of Ages engulfed their continent, separating the friends as they fought to save their beloved kingdom. War raged for many years, their good King Randall was slain, and all the lands were put under the rule of an iron fisted dark emperor. Raex and Vindor survived these lean years as mercenaries and swore complete and utter vengeance upon the dark emperor that ruled the land. They did not have long to wait, for a great and ancient evil was listening.
Bertoxxulous, Lord of Decay, heard the plea and offered to assist Raex and Vindor for their permanent indentured servitude. For the Plague Lord knew they were among the greatest of warriors, and would aid him greatly in his rise to power. Blinded by vengeance Raex and Vindor immediately agreed to the deal. With a snap of his fingers, Bertoxxulous banished his servant, the dark emperor, to another realm and accepted the two great warriors into his service, for they did not know Bertoxxulous had conquered their world just to bring them into the ranks of his minions.
Carprin Deatharn
Long ago on the continent of Antonica, within the world of Norrath, there existed a small village known as Yawnwater. The village of Yawnwater was a typical village, with happy villagers and flowers that grew all about the town. In the middle of the village stood a small shrine dedicated to the goddess of love, Erollisi Marr, located right off of a small river that flowed down into a great lake. However all did not remain right within the happy little village of Yawnwater.
On a dark night when the moon was just a sliver in the night sky, terror and destruction came down upon the happy little village of Yawnwater. The dark knight, Carprin Deatharn, determined to prove to his god, Bertoxxulous, Lord of Decay, that he was an exalted spreader of corruption and decay that none could match, came upon the village set to destroy it.
Caprin killed off what resistance the village had to offer and then gathered around the shine to Erollisi Marr, the elderly, the women, and the children, who were too weak to defend themselves from the dark knight. Carprin then set to systematically desecrating the temple by performing a dark sacrifice on its altar. After the sacrifice he infected the rest of the survivors with an incurable malady that left them slowly wasting away and dying. When Bertoxxulous saw all that his servant did in his name he was pleased and raised him to new and untold levels of power. It was not long after that Caprin Deatharn would join his master in the Plane of Disease.
The Tale of Toluwon
In the Plains of Karana in a time not so long ago, the clergy of Karana erected a small temple in honor of The Rainkeeper. Among those present at the building of this temple was Young Toluwon, a promising cleric that had recently been raised up from the position of Acolyte. Young Toluwon was one of the most promising clerics to come in years. He had shown wisdom beyond his years, mastered the honored rituals of Karana in a short time, and performed the extremely difficult Ritual of Thunder and Lightning for the first time in centuries.
However, all this was soon to come to an end for Young Toluwon for he had a different path to walk. Young Toluwon returned home soon after helping finish up the final building stages of the temple. He had to visit his love in the nearby city of Qeynos. When he arrived at his lover's house, he found a small note asking him to meet her at a private locale. Concerned, Toluwon made his way immediately to the locale, to find something he could not believe; his lover was a worshipper of the dark god Bertoxxulous!
She was with a group of people in brown robes muttering chants to the Lord of Decay. Once he overcame his disbelief he knew what he must do. He would join her, for she was more important to him than anything else. When the decision was made, the worshipers of Bertoxxulous immediately sent Toluwon out to prove his faith. They sent him against his old brethren at the newly built temple in the Plains of Karana.
When he arrived the priests were surprised to see him back so early for they knew he loved his woman dearly. He assured them everything was all right, and told them that he needed to get some rest. Little did they know what dark plans were about to unfold. In the dead of night Toluwon crept around and slit the throats of each priest within the temple. Then performing a dark ritual told to him by the priests of Bertoxxulous he desecrated the newly erected temple. Toluwon had now become a full-fledged member of Bertoxxulous' clergy. This is how Bishop Toluwon came to join the legions of corruption.
Rise of Avhi Escron
Thousands of years ago in lands long gone there was a prophecy of power. It said 'One shall be born perched between light and darkness. They will grow and one day shroud the world in golden light or encompassing darkness. For they will choose.' Avhi Escron was born shortly thereafter. She was the child foretold in the prophecy and the forces of light and dark waged war over her. As time passed Avhi began to show signs of extreme magical power, unmatched by any ever known to the world. The time for her to choose was fast approaching.
As the time came upon her Avhi was tempted by the forces of dark with images of unseen power, wealth beyond imagining, and endless lands to rule. With these images in her mind, Avhi chose the side of evil, and the world fell into an encompassing darkness. The ancient evil, known today as Bertoxxulous, was among the powers that she now served.
Decay and corruption became a daily part of Avhi's life as she explored the dark arts of necromancy, creating new dark rituals, and spells became commonplace as she reached the pinnacle of her power. Eventually Avhi declared herself fully in the service of the Lord of Decay. Soon after she brought down a mighty spell of foul corruption upon the kingdoms, laying waste to huge tracts of land. And so Avhi continued until one day she was raised to the side of her lord in the Plane of Disease.
Fall of the Wemmal Royal Family
The Wemmal Family had ruled their small island in the middle of the endless sea for years. Not knowing of the other continents and lands of their world, it was a self-contained island filled with peace. One day that changed, for chance brought the sole survivor of a shipwreck to a beach on their land. The survivor was Banford Paffa a cook from a pirate ship that had been wrecked in a nasty storm. The islanders discovered him on one of the beautiful beaches and brought him to the royal family.
The Wemmal's were taken with this seemingly charming pirate from lands unknown. They offered him a position on the cooking staff for he knew many exotic dishes previously unknown to the islanders. However, the Wemmal's would soon learn that their new cook had a dark secret. Banford was a worshipper of Bertoxxulous, the Lord of Decay. He set to slowly poisoning the food he served to the royal family. Soon after all of the royal family became sick and dying.
It was discovered that Banford had been poisoning them, but by then it was to late, and the Wemmals were dead. The islanders maddened by grief for their beloved royals lynched Banford and hung his corpse from the islands tallest tree. Bertoxxulous pleased with what Banford accomplished gave him a new form in the Plane of Disease, where he now serves his lord for eternity.
Origins of the Bubonians
In the deepest depths of some forgotten tomb, Tarkon Praez, a necromancer in service to Bertoxxulous, was performing experiments on a tribe of rat men that he had previously enslaved. During this time he bred a variety of rat men, but none of them were what he wanted. Tarkon wanted a ravenous, festering, and foul breed that would strike terror and fear into the hearts of the pure. Tarkon decided to pray one day to his dark god for guidance.
After many hours of prayers, foul rituals and sacrifices, Bertoxxulous enlightened Tarkon with a vision of what he must do. He would travel to the farthest reaches and find the necessary components to perform a ritual of the darkest evil. The four components Tarkon was to gather were a unicorn heart, tail of a phoenix, tears of a virgin, and the blood of a faerie. After many trials and tribulations he had gathered the necessary components and began the dark ritual.
What took form was more than he expected. An extremely evil crazed race of rat men that carried a foul plague in their blood and minds. He dubbed them the Bubonians and set them on the land. The Bubonians tore apart the lands near the tomb of their creation, spreading disease, death, and destruction wherever they went. They continued unhindered for a time, until they were banished from the world by a good and noble order of knights. Bertoxxulous took the Bubonians into the Crypt of Decay and that is where they have festered ever since, waiting to lay waste to the world once again.
Di'zok Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is a ledger that keeps track of disciplinary infractions, investigations and actions. Paging through the document, you come across several entries that detail the investigation into Captain Boshinko...
We have gotten several disturbing reports that Captain Boshinko may be indirectly responsible for what can only be called the assassination of our prison warden, Sergeant Kilgresh Oman. Sergeant Oman had come to us with some concerns over the behavior of Captain Boshinko, mostly in regards to veiled threats and odd rumors that seemed to source from the Captain's mouth. You will not find these incidents detailed elsewhere in this log as, to our chagrin, we ignored the issue. The Captain has been a stalwart ally, and has served well in his duties for many long years. The Sergeant was a relatively new member of the High Keep contingent, and the council did not know him well. At the time, the Sergeant's report seemed either a matter of professional jealousy or a badly executed ploy for advancement.
Be that as it may, the Sergeant is now dead, found with a knife in his back at the bottom of the stairs leading into the jail proper. Given that the jail is inaccessible to visitors and well guarded, it must have been one of the contingent stationed here. We have three reasons to believe that the perpetrator may have been the Captain -
1: Oman's own testimony against the Captain
2: A watchman's observation of the Captain smuggling in an unidentified humanoid late in the night.
3: The Captain's odd, furtive and antisocial behavior in the last few days.
It pains me to think that the Captain may be responsible, and we will be taking no action against him until he is able to first defend himself against our inquiry. To that end, we will be assembling a tribunal in the next few days to conduct the interrogation. I will report the results of the tribunal in a forthcoming log.
I am aghast at what I have to report today. The tribunal assembled to interrogate the Captain has seen all three of its members killed last night. There is only one possible suspect in this matter, and that is Captain Boshinko.
We currently are holding Captain Boshinko in a cell and have questioned him at length. He claims that he has been "set up," and that the person responsible for this deadly conspiracy against him is a former prisoner named Bronin Higginsbot. He points at the 'evidence' left in the Higginsbot cell - a bloody shank and a note detailing plans to ruin the Captain's good name.
I put 'evidence' in quotes, as on Higginsbot's departure, the cell was thoroughly cleaned. It is simply not possible that these conspicuous articles could have been missed in the three weeks since his departure.
That is the first oddity. The second is that if this story were true, it would have been the act of a very inept and very inexperienced person. Even a novice would-be assassin would be better able to cover their tracks than this. Higginsbot may be many things, but stupid is certainly not one of them.
The third oddity is that the note contains writing that bears a very strong resemblance to the Captain's own hand - when compared side-by-side with other reports he has written, the script is almost identical.
The final oddity is motive. Higginsbot has no motive to act against us. We have come to a mutually beneficial agreement which he has much to gain from. He was released on his own recognizance because of this. Any such agreement would be null and void were he to act in this matter, in a petty act of revenge against an officer he barely knew.
Given the narrative at play here, we have no choice but to lie the blame squarely at the Captain's feet. Not only were his intentions murderous, but they were treasonous as well. The Captain's mental state has continued to degenerate, and he seems in a constant panicked state with high levels of paranoia. He refuses to take responsibility for his actions, and fabricates more outlandish stories about this matter as time goes on.
I fear that in order to get a confession from him, we will have to resort to the iron maiden. This will be the first time we've had to use the device on one of our own men, but it has never failed to bring results.
I will report more when the situation changes.
Effect Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 2 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 1 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 6 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 5 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 4 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Escape from Klick'Anon Page 3 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Discovered on 21 Jan 2016 at 16:19:52 PST.
Escape from Klik'Anon
(a collection of diary fragments believed to be written in the Age of Enlightenment)
Day 5
Maybe we should have struck west above ground towards Moradhim first, but that would have been weeks of marching and close to the Misty Thicket also, where there are reports the goblins have been unusually active. And with the Teir'Dal attacking from the south, that left us a choice between earth or water, and gnomes have never been fond of boats.
So into the deep caves it was, and down as far as we'd ever explored and then some more. But we've reached the bottom of the caves now, and it's too late to consider returning. Will the Teir'Dal bother to pursue us down here? Insufficient data, but they must be close to capturing Klik'Anon by now, and when they discover all the clockworks and traps we've left for them, they might be minded to hunt us down just to defuse them.
Day 10
Creating our own tunnels we are, and with the excavation tools, explosives, and just the sheer number of hands we brought, it's going surprisingly fast. Artificer Dunbolt says he detects a large cave system to the south-west some miles beneath, and Topographer Tomkin says that if our calculations are correct, the old dwarven trade route should be in that direction.
Day 18
I have my doubts about Topographer Tomkin's calculations. He was never good at differential equations, now I think about it. We've had to start supplementing our rations with fried rats.
Day 34
Dabnot leaped directly into the chasm. It looked suicidal, but he was muttering equations and flapping his arms as if his tinkered flight wings were strapped on. Fortunately most of us ate fewer of the green mushrooms. Alchemist Wilfre did warn us, but we were so tired of rats. After three days of throwing up, I think I'm ready for some rats again. No more green mushrooms. Young Roslo has found some purple ones but nobody is keen to try them except him. I will wait and see if he tries flying first.
Day 35
I don't think this trade route ever existed. We were mad to think we could use it to get to Faydwer.
Day 38
The cave floor is solid rock here so we were unable to bury young Roslo, and had to cover him with a cairn of stones. We left the purple mushrooms with him like a bouquet of flowers.
I start to doubt that dwarves exist either. The world is all desperate gnomes and tunnels and hairy things with too many teeth. And we are almost out of torches.
Day 49?
Alchemist Wilfre found a glowing slug thing and has been carrying it around for its faint light, but apparently it bites him occasionally. Do slugs have teeth? It does something anyway, and the cave echoes with a sudden scream and everyone jumps. There are wild creatures down here. Lots of teeth and claws. We fight them but it's hard to see in the dark and next time Wilfre brings the slug around there is one less in the party. And crunching sounds down the tunnels.
Day ???
Praise the gods, civilization. Of sorts. A company of dwarves found us and brought us to safety. They said they heard Wilfre's screams, so I suppose we have the slug to thank. There is food here, and fresh water, and strong walls. This is the legendary citadel of Maldura, which we had thought destroyed by the Teir'Dal expansion a century or more ago. The routes to Faydwer have been long collapsed, so no wonder we couldn't find them. I would apologize to Topographer Tomkin except he was a kobold's dinner some weeks ago. I hope his differential equations gave it indigestion.
Day ???
The dwarves, or dhalgar as they now style themselves, have offered us a new home here. A small group wishes to continue the attempt to reach Faydwer and find safety in Ak'Anon, but the majority of our party have no wish to return to the dark tunnels and the teeth. We can be of great use here; the dhalgar are fine metal workers but their interest in complex machinery is limited to mining applications. With a little gnomish ingenuity, we should be able to harness the natural steam vents to provide power and defenses to the city. We take a formal vote tonight but I forsee a new future for us with our Serilian cousins in Maldura.
Far Seas Research Notes: Draconic Influences This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Preliminary research notes taken by the Far Seas Trading Company on investigation of the draconic presence in Ethernere. Data is incomplete, more study indicated.
Research and Evaluation Report: Preliminary Study of the Vesspyr Isles
This isle appears to be a relatively safe base of operations, although we continue to be cautious and avoid close contact with any who might recognize we do not belong. There are some dangers in the golem constructs, which appear to be created to combat the threat of the Harrowing Horde.
As a result of the golems' efforts, the Horde presence on this island is minimal. A large tower on this isle contains much useful information and facilities that we are cautiously exploring. One passageway appears to lead to a portal similar in appearance to the Tourbillion device observed in the Obol Plains; however investigation so far suggests is may not be functional.
Key observation from study of all the isles is that the phenotype of the flora and fauna appears to be influenced by the spirit of the dragon nearby. On Daarspire, this is evinced by the white tint of the flora which is clearly being influenced by the presence of the white dragon Yelinak. Far Seas traders had encountered this dragon previously in Thurgadin, before he was killed by Kerafyrm. He appears to be in negotiation with adventurers from the living world; we are making discreet enquiries to learn more in case there may be opportunities for profit.
Veeshenna Tol
Main draconic influence: Harla Dar. The flora in this region is a deep purple matching her scales.
When the Far Seas Trading Company last heard reports of her in life, she was serving Kerafyrm as High Priestess of the Awakened. There are signs this may have changed since her death. She is said to have been the mate of Jaled Dar, and the mother of Phara Dar and Fraka Dar.
More research needed.
Main draconic influence: unknown. This island seems to be a site of battle between the Harrowing Horde and the draconic servants. From a distance it appears as if the draconic forces are winning.
There is a large constructed platform on this isle whose purpose is not yet clear - possibly a location for those who serve the dragons to gather? One scout has reported seeing what looks like offerings left on the platform. This is a dangerous region so investigation has been limited so far.
More data still needed.
Main draconic influence: Draazak. Old Company records report this dragon lived in the Western Wastes many hundreds of years ago, indicating he may have been in Ethernere for a long time. The island is a desolate wasteland largely overrun by the Harrowing Horde. Is it possible for a dragon to have been corrupted by the Horde?
Data unclear. Further investigation required.
Main draconic influence: Lord Vyemm. In life he was a strong supporter of the Awakened, and no friend to the "lesser races". His death does not appear to have changed this. Interestingly, the island flora is very slightly blue-tinted but still mostly purple. As Vyemm is blue-grey in color, based on observations of the flora of other isles, the foliage should have become more blue by now. No explanation available at present.
There is a tower of some sort underneath this island, heavily guarded by Awakened servant droags similar to those we have observed in the Overrealm.
More information needed.
Karak Peak
Draconic influence: unknown. This is an extremely dangerous isle even to approach, and gathering information has been challenging. Based on the flora we have been able to sample, the dragon or dragons influencing this region are probably blue or grey.
There appears to be some extreme damage to the landscape on this island accompanied by some magical disruption or the like.
Data inadequate and the difficulty of making a safe approach has thus far precluded more research.
Veiled Thessk
Draconic influence: unknown. Scouts have not yet reported signs of any dragon on this isle, but the samples clearly indicate something has turned the foliage a brilliant gold. This isle is veiled in spider webs which can be a hazard to flying mounts. There is a small tower on this island which we have been unable to investigate closely, but it appears to be too small to hold a dragon. More data most urgently desired.
Aeterna Gardens
Main draconic influence: Wuoshi. This isle bears a strong resemblance to parts of Faydwer, with an abundance of life and enormous flower-bearing vines. Here more than any other isle have the characteristics of the resident dragon influenced the flora; most likely the strength of this influence is due to Wuoshi's strong ties to Tunare's realm and the power of Growth.
Caution is indicated when gathering plant samples, however, as some of the plants on this isle are more self-aware than normal and may resist being gathered.
Additional notes
The larger islands are surrounded by a number of smaller islands which tend to take their phenotypical characteristics from the nearest larger island. Investigation thus far has concentrated on the larger islands but future research should expand further. Additionally, there are strange phenomena observed in the sky, most notably what appears to be a fracture in the sky near Droumlunds through which can be seen a structure of some sort.
Continued research goals: pursue investigation of knowledge in the library on Daarspire. Gather additional data from passing travelers and non-aggressive dragonic servants.
Acquire more information about the golem constructs and devise tests to determine whether this knowledge could be utilized in the living realms.
Continue to gather information on the draconic presence and motivations. There seems to be a significant factional divide between the dragons in this realm and where there is conflict, there may be profit.
End of initial evaluation.
Frostfell Carol Greeting Card This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Deck the halls with Frostfell berries Fa-la-lal-la-la, la-la la la Tis the season we be merries Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la la la Join the Frostfell goblin chorus. Fa-la-la-la-la, la-la-la, la la la Don't forgets your presents for us! La-la-la-la-la, la-la la la!
Frostfell Feast Greeting Card This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Gilzin's Glory Page 1 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Gilzin's Glory Page 2 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Gilzin's Glory Page 6 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Gilzin's Glory Page 3 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Gilzin's Glory Page 5 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Gilzin's Glory Page 4 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Discovered on 21 Jan 2016 at 12:10:39 PST.
Gilzin's Glory
Memories of my father
The rest of Maldura calls him a hero and the father of magecraft, but we just called him father.
My sister and I were only ten when the goblins started attacking. Maldura was still a small village by the shore, not so well positioned as the new fortifications now underway, and we were used to occasional attacks from other denizens of the underground. So close to Brell's domain, all manner of strange creatures were attracted or even created by the influence of the Underfoot.
The fighters of the village were skilled at combat and the smiths were becoming skilled at creating fine weapons from the nearby mines. However, my father was neither a fighter nor a smith, and instead spent much of his time reading. He was the first to establish a small library in our home and he tried to encourage the others to share it, but few were interested. Some of my happiest memories were sitting with my sister while he read us some tale from the old legends of Brell.
Perhaps my father was not the most politic of dwarves; I was too young to tell. For whatever reason, his studies were not welcomed by most of the village and he was viewed with suspicion. My father felt that the magic he read about could help protect the settlement, but he was unable to convince the elders that this was worth pursuing. "Brell's greatest tools are hammer and sweat!"
When the goblins first attacked, it seemed to be a random scouting party. The fighters drove them away without much problem. But then they came back with more goblins. And then again with more. We were better armed, but they outnumbered us ten to one, and they kept coming back every day. Father thought it might be a tribe that had been displaced from their home and was looking to take over our area. We kids had to stay inside all the time, which was boring, but since father wasn't a fighter, he stayed with us while mother helped defend the village.
When the goblins started using spells to knock down the village's defenses and smash our walls, father was even more convinced we needed magic to protect us. Early one morning he left us in the house and went to try and persuade the elders, but they still wouldn't listen. There were lots of loud arguments but my father lost.
They tell me he was on his way back when the goblins started attacking.
They tell me when he saw our house destroyed, he started screaming and his hands burned with blue flame, so bright nobody could look directly. All around him, the rubble of the broken stones flew up and formed into great stone guardians that marched towards the goblin army and crushed them without mercy. If the goblins knocked one down, it just re-formed and continued to attack. They were unstoppable.
Unfortunately, my sister and mother weren't so unstoppable. The chimney had collapsed across them, and they were dead by the time I was pulled free from the rubble.
They say my father went mad with grief and marched into battle with his stone warriors, burning goblins with blue flame until they finally outnumbered him. But I don't remember any of this; by the time I woke up, my family was already long gone and buried. The stone warriors continued to fight until the last goblin was destroyed. Then they returned to wait in the battlefield. Perhaps the magic will fade now my father is gone, but for now they stand guard.
We've relocated the village now into a more defensible area where we can build fortified walls. If they continue as they've planned, one day Maldura may be the strongest citadel in the dwarven empire.
The elders have reconsidered their decision about magic, and the new settlement will have an extensive library, and a guild to study the arcane arts. My father has been named Gilzin the Bluefist in recognition of his accomplishments, and will be considered the founding father of the guild.
I am proud my father saved the village. But I'll never again sit with my sister and listen to his voice. I'd rather have him read me old legends than be one. But some choices Brell makes for us.
Glaciersmash Log This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is to certify that the Claciersmash, commissioned by Captain Nalot of the icebreaker, has been deemed sea worthy and all titles of ownership delivered to the intended party.
This fulfills the contractual obligation by the Steam Industry's Nautical Kontraptions Co. for 1 of 2 clanghull class sailing vessels.
This here be me first day as captain of this fine vessel. Next to the Icebreaker this be the most sea-worthy ship from stem to stern to be sailin' the Icelclad waters. The famed Cap'n Nalot assured me such when he sold her to me. Nearly emptied me coffers, but she's so worth it! I've hired a quartermaster and he's given his word as a pirate that well be able to set sail in a fortnight with a full crew. There's a stern full of work ahead for us, what with all the provisions, tools, weapons, and sailing materials we be needin' but I'm confident It'll get done.
The day has finally come! As I quill ink to page we are sailin' outta the safety of the port and into the frigid oceans. What adventures await us? What plunder will we return with? The excitement of exploration and unknown is overwhelming! Me quartermaster Lumrick was right, he was able to fill me crew, and less than half needed to be "convinced," as he put it. I've looked the bilge rats over meself and been impressed with the lot 'o 'em.
We returned to the Iceclad Islands yesterday, proving to all that Glaciersmash's maiden voyage was a success! She weathered attacks by both mortal and Prexus, alike. And we be carrying the plunder to prove it to one and all who be holdin' any doubt. 'Cource once we showed 'em the loot it be striking our minds that we had to be findin' a place to hide it. Now we be off to find that place 'tween rock and wall where we can stow it.
I guess I be not the penning type. Me life at sea be wondrous and exciting, not to mention, prosperous! I should be recording these tales upon these pages. The sands of time drop so smartly! Two full years it has been since me purchase of Glaciersmash. We've returned to Velious many a time to restock, visit the landlubbers and wenches and to stow our plunder. Life of a pirate, for me!
Somethin' bad be upon us, I be fearin'. Started several days back, as we be facing one of Prexus's, most mighty of storms, many of me hearties was lost to the waves. Nothin' unusual of that, but this time it were different. A creature of the deep were called to the ship like a shark to chummed waters! It were snatching men from the decks with ifs mighty tentacles, pulling them under!
Bilgeblast, our mage of 'munitions, strapped a barrel of boom powder to himself and jumped in after it. All hands on Glaciersmash felt the 'splosion rip through the waters under her decks. That be the last we set our eyes on dear Bilgeblast. And the last we saw of the tentacled beast of the deep, too. And with the rise of the next day, came calmer seas and clear skied. We honored those who were lost as we continued sailing back to Velious.
Two days later me lookout, by the name of Longarm, swore on his mother's blessed bonnet that he done spotted the damned seabeast in our wake. I told him and the rest 'o me crew that it were the vast amounts of rum that be playin' with his eyes, as sure as it were blushing his cheeks. It calmed me crew and got them back to their tasks, but it has unsettled me somethin' fierce. Longarm be a sharp-eyed seadog if ever there was one. If he says he saw it you can bet your blimey britches it be there!
I can only pray to the gods that we reach port 'fore it decides to strike once more, but if that be me fate and that of Glaciersmash, then we will face it. Me only regret will be that I had not the time to spend me hidden loot. Certain am I that I would have enjoyed that, very much!
~Cap'n Lirprin
Golden Shissar Encyclopedia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Of late, I have had trouble sleeping. I close my eyes, and visions spring to life, as real as if I were there. I have always been a faithful follower of Mithaniel Marr, and my conscience is clear, so why do I dream so frequently these days of him and his twin? I begin to have trouble distinguishing what I know to be real from what I have seen in my dreams. In an attempt to keep my mind clear, I have decided to write down what scraps of meager knowledge I possess regarding the Marr twins. Perhaps by putting it in writing, I can ease my visions.
Tarew Marr: the Fathom Lord, the first member of the Triumvirate of Water. He is father to the twins Mithaniel and Erollisi Marr. He is the sole lord and commander of the liquid form of water, and both dreaded and revered by sailors and all those who live at the mercy of the sea.
Erollisi Marr: sister of Mithaniel and daughter of Tarew, she is called the Queen of Love, and reigned over the Plane of Love. Her followers believe that love can conquer all. They are passionately devoted to people, places and ideas and are more than willing to fight and die to preserve those things. The dream of every follower of Erollisi is to die in the selfless defense of someone or something they love.
Mithaniel Marr: brother of Erollisi and son of Tarew, he is known as the Truthbringer, and governs the Plane of Valor. His followers believe in truth, valor, and righteousness, and will fight to the death to protect the innocent and defend these values.
The Eight Virtues of Marr: Charity; Compassion; Devotion; Honor; Love; Sacrifice; Truth; and Valor.
I spoke some time ago to Sir Bayden Cauldthorn, prophet of Mithaniel Marr. He told me the frogloks and Northmen were not the Marr twins' first creations, as commonly believed. There was a time when Mithaniel and Erollisi walked upon Norrath, unnoticed by the other, more elder gods. In the naivety of their youth, they thought they could be like the other gods and sought to create mortals of their own. And so Mithaniel Marr created the minotaur race, intended to personify honor and courage.
Alas, the inexperienced twins did not know how best to guide them and provide moral grounding. When Rallos Zek, the Warlord, saw the fearless minotaur in battle, he enticed them to join his army. Mithaniel was powerless to stop Rallos Zek from using the minotaur in his attack against the Plane of Earth, and as a consequence could not prevent them from being cursed for their part in the slaying of the Rathe Council. Due to the curse, the minotaur have remained in a primitive state, unable to build upon the achievements or progress of themselves or others. Sir Cauldthorn told me this has always been a source of grief and regret for Marr.
It was Katey Dalwynn of the Sisters of Erollisi who recently told me the sad news obtained from the Shard of Love. Erollisi Marr was struck down in the Plane of Valor by a trap intended for her brother; when he returned to find her dead, all he could do was bring her body back to her realm. Here it remained sealed in a crystal casket while Mithaniel m,mourned her death. When Mithaniel realized he was mistaken to have tried to trap the essence of love, even with the best of intentions, he shattered the crystal casket and freed Erollisi's essence. He returned to tend his own realm, which had also fallen into neglect while he mourned his sister.
I sought Sister Katey once again when these visions started, but without success. It appears Sisters of Erollisi have returned to their hidden isle in the Ocean of Tears to mourn, now that Erollisi's passing has been confirmed.
The dreams continue to persist. Sometimes I awake more tired than I was before sleeping. I see the Marr twins as they must have been in times long past, healthy and happy together. But then I see the face of Mithaniel, deeply lined with grief and sadness. I see Erollisi struck down dead, but I cannot make out what attacks her. Sometimes I see her lying dead, sometimes I see her sealed into a crystal casket, and sometimes - inexplicably- I see her likeness carved in stone. I see Halas burning in the night, as the armies of Zek overrun it, and then shattered as the skies fall and tear it asunder. But I also see Halas being built, by scores of strong Northmen and heroic fogloks and strange dwarves all working together.
What mean these dreams? Do they contain some message, or are they lies sent by the enemies of Marr, hoping to spread further confusion before Mithaniel Marr can reestablish himself in his place after his long mourning? I will continue to pray for guidance and try to understand. Writing these thoughts down has at least eased my mind somewhat and helped to clear my thoughts.
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The final part in the Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndlayer book tells of the Houndslayer Gumpy Nattoo's triumphant return to Rivervale with the lead unit of the Kithicor rangers.
To commemorate his receiving the nickname "Houndslayer," the Kithicor ranger squad leader insisted upon slicing off the dead wolf's tail and tying it to Gumpy's belt. Gumpy felt a bit foolish having the tail flopping about as he and the rangers continued to Rivervale, but the rangers seemed to set a high store by his showing it off so he said nothing. He had found over the years that the less he said, the better off he ended up.
As the sun rose over the river which gave Rivervale its name, Gumpy and the Kithicor rangers entered the town. Smoke curled from a few chimneys, but the halflings were given to sleeping late. Gumpy said, "If anyone's awake, they'll be at a pub." Even though Gumpy told them it wasn't necessary, the rangers darted from one patch of shade to the next, looking both ways before they crossed any road and generally being so stealthy as to draw attention to themselves.
Having gotten the rangers to the inn, Gumpy went to the Sarge's home to rouse him and tell him about the visitors. The Sarge seemed put out that Gumpy was there so early in the morning, but he threw on his uniform and accompanied Gumpy back to the inn. Wrinkling his nose, the Sarge said, "Gumpy, I don't know where you got that mangy tail from, but I'd get rid of it; it stinks."
The ranger's squad leader and the Sarge held a quiet meeting together, during which time the Sarge furrowed his brow so intently that his eyes were nearly shut. At the conclusion of their discussion, the Sarge clapped Gumpy on the shoulder and told him, "Gumpy, you done us proud. The rangers are impressed with you and they've asked me to have your unit work with them on their mission. Good work, son." Gumpy thought this sounded like more work. Hard work.
The Kithicor rangers and the Leatherfoot's elite scout unit gathered together in Rivervale's ranger guild hall, where both the Sarge and the ranger squad leader took turns explaining the mission to the troops. Gumpy slumped dejectedly in his seat; the mission was as bad as he'd expected. The Leatherfeet and some of the Kithicor units would be heading to Neriak's Foreign Quarter within the hour. "And I haven't even had breakfast yet," Gumpy thought sadly.
"Troops," the Sarge said in his booming voice, "We've been hearing for many days now about the war going on over to Faydwer. Them gnomes as have come to Rivervale report a great loss of life. Them dark elves and such are burning and pillaging as they go, and we got to help stop them afore those pesky elves come this-a-way." At this moment, Gumpy slipped out for a snack; it sounded like the Sarge would be carrying on for a while.
"...and that's the orders, troops!" The Sarge finished speaking as Gumpy returned, his belly full of bacon, cheese toast and scrambled duck eggs. Chairs scraped the floor all across the hall as the Leatherfoot's elite troops stood to leave. "What's the order? What'd I miss?" Gumpy asked the nearest soldier, but there was so much noise in the room he couldn't get anyone's attention. "Come, Houndslayer!" cried one of the Kithicor rangers, "You travel with us!" Gumpy sighed, "Great."
"We travel through the Kithicor Woods, thence to Nektulos," said the ranger, patting Gumpy's shoulder. "You will be our emissary, Houndslayer, delivering dispatches between the units as you are well-acquainted with the woods." Gumpy tried to explain that he wasn't as familiar with the woods as the rangers credited him, but his new friend laughed merrily and said, "Nay! Nay! Your modesty is all too well known to us, Houndslayer! Now, let us prepare for the coming battle!"
Gumpy had never paid much attention to the gnomes that had been showing up in increasing numbers within the past months, but now they lined the streets of Rivervale alongside the halflings, waving farewell to the departing troops. "We won't be sneaking up on anyone anytime soon," grumbled Gumpy, "since everyone within a hundred sprockets of here can hear the racket."
The Kithicor ranger unit with Gumpy was the last to leave Rivervale. Turning to look over his shoulder at his home town, Gumpy felt a lump in his throat and his eyes stung as though pricked by tiny needles. "Must be getting old," he thought wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, "That's the last breakfast I'll ever have at the Egg Pan. Forgot I'm allergic to duck eggs again!"
Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
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This part of the Leatherfoot Tales relates how Gumpy Nattoo received the name "Houndslayer" during the Age of Turmoil.
After meeting up with the Kithicor ranger in the woods, Gumpy felt his luck had changed. For one thing, the ranger shared his rations generously. For another, they were heading back to Rivervale. Since the Sarge had only said the test to become a Leatherfoot Brigade scout involved finding his way home, and never mentioned whether Gumpy might take help where he found it, Gumpy knew he'd get into the scout unit without trouble. What a great day this was turning out to be!
The other Kithicor rangers were much like the lad who had found Gumpy in the woods. They dressed simply and with little adornment other than having ivy etched on every article of clothing, armor and upon the hilts of their weapons. Gumpy found that the ivy theme carried even unto their undergarments, which discovery he made entirely by mistake by stepping off the narrow path and coming across one of the rangers who was, as they said in Rivervale, "contemplating life."
The rangers were a jolly bunch, if silent, and Gumpy felt completely at home. They treated Gumpy squarely as though he were one of them. When they encountered any enemies, Gumpy was allowed to protect the rear of the unit quite valiantly. It was during one of these times that Gumpy found himself face to face with a large hound that looked as though it hadn't eaten in days. In fact, it looked pretty enraged.
"Nice hound. There's a good puppy," croaked Gumpy, trying the technique which had always worked for him in the past when he delivered mail in the Misty Thicket. The hound was not taken in by his cheerful demeanor and circled around, fangs bared. Gumpy glanced over his shoulder. It sounded like the Kithicor rangers had not finished off the undead attackers; he was on his own.
The hound pounced and Gumpy dodged. He drew his weapon (a nice, ivy-etched gladius that one of the rangers gave him) and circled around again, keeping his face toward his adversary. Between encouraging the hound to "be a good pup" Gumpy found himself dodging more and more frequently. Where were those Kithicor rangers now that he really needed them?
With a snarl, the dog lunged forward and closed his jaws around Gumpy's left arm. Surprised and in pain, Gumpy whacked the dog on the top of its snout with the pommel of the gladius, which caused it to release its grip. Blood began to seep out of the puncture wounds the dog's fangs had made in his arm, soaking through his leather sleeves. Gumpy growled fiercely, "No dog bites Gumpy Nattoo and lives to tell about it!"
Crying aloud, Gumpy lunged at the dog, stabbing it with his gladius. If the hound had seemed enraged earlier, its anger was nothing compared to Gumpy's. Despite its protective cover of thick, matted fur, the hound was staggered by the force of Gumpy's blows. As it leaned to correct its balance, Gumpy lunged again and stuck the gladius directly into the hound's neck, slaying it instantly.
Standing over the dead dog, Gumpy was filled with remorse; this could have been some poor child's pet simply gone astray in the woods. And now it lay lifeless before him on the narrow ranger path. Rangers! He better not have lost them! Turning quickly around, Gumpy found himself face to the ivy-etched breastplate of a Kithicor ranger.
"Well done, Gumpy!" the ranger said in amazement, calling for his comrades. They crowded around Gumpy and the dead dog, patting him on the back and honoring his achievement. "Tweren't nothing but an angry hound," muttered Gumpy in embarrassment, "Any halfling could've done it in."
"Listen to his modesty; he calls the enraged dread wolf a mere hound!" cried the ranger squad leader. "Brave are the halfling warriors with whom we shall work!" Patting Gumpy on the shoulder, the leader continued, "I name you 'Houndslayer' for you have single-handedly killed a beast of great power." "Houndslayer," said Gumpy thoughtfully. "I like the sound of that."
Legacy of Guk This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is written on what appears to be toughened skin. It's old and brittle, and has fallen apart in some places. The parts that remain are readable, however.
Legacy of Guk or What History Remains Kruuk Glugop
Our people are a strong people. With Mithaniel Marr behind us, we have endured many catastrophes in our history, and have always managed to come back stronger than before. Recently, we were able to rise against the vile trolls, and took the city for our own, as Gukta, the Outpost of Marr. The trolls have been unsuccessful in reclaiming the city, and Mithaniel willing, they never shall.
The ancient home of our people, Guk, was not so lucky. It was consumed by a curse unleashed by Innoruuk and the troll villain known as Ykesha. Many of our brave warriors were trapped there, either taken by surprise due to the attacks, or they stayed behind to fend off the undead hordes long enough to allow the rest of our people to escape. Now, in a dark twist that makes me shudder, they have joined the ranks of the walking dead.
Many of us have wondered if there is a chance to study who from our history might be still wandering the depths of Lower Guk, and what might be learned by discovering this information. I am to accompany a group of adventurers who are currently resting here within Gukta, and I will see if I can learn this information. We leave at dawn.
It took some time, but we were able to make it to a small chamber near a few precarious walkways. It was here that we found the first interesting member of the cursed frogloks. As we rested, we began to hear a sound off in the distance. It first sounded as if it came from above us, then it seemed to circle around to the sides of our small camp. It seemed like it was looking for a weakness in our defense. Then, suddenly, it was silent - we heard nothing more. When we were ready to leave, we began to look for the source of the sound, but could not locate it. Just when we had given up, a black-colored froglok ghoul leapt at us from the shadows, and directly at our warrior. He was just fast enough to deflect the attack and together we were able to beat the creature back. However, I always had the feeling it was there... watching us, just out of sight.
Further in, we found another strange room, where it seemed like the ghouls themselves would not even enter. We could hear a strange sound coming from it - something like a breathing, but more like a constant hiss, and the sound of rushing wind, almost as if something inside could not remain still, and moved incredibly fast. We approached cautiously, but it became evident that whatever we had heard, had heard us as well. We were instantly set upon by a creature of tremendous speed. It was a ghoul like the others, but was blindingly fast. It seemed chaotic in its attacks as well - one of us would be hit, then suddenly another would feel the sting of the creature's unrelenting attacks. We were able to land a magical shackle on the beast, which caused it to howl in anger. Immediately we fled the area - this creature proved to be too mighty for our group, and we hoped to leave it behind us.
Finally, we came upon the throne room. Fighting our way through, we spied the dais and throne on the far side of the room. We dispatched the guards, and before us we could see what appeared to be the ruler of Lower Guk - the Ghoul Lord. Once a noble paladin of Marr, this creature is now twisted and corrupt, only a shell of what it once used to be. We engaged the beast at my urging, as I thought it would be best to end the eternal suffering of this once noble froglok and hopefully return his spirit to Marr. We were not ready for the strength of this opponent in darkness, he had grown stronger. He felled our warrior nearly immediately, and it was all we could do to parry off his strikes, and carry our comrade to safety. We escaped with our lives, but truly, the curse of Ykesha is still strong within the depths of Lower Guk.
Legends Paintings: Volume 10 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Discovered on 21 Jun 2016 at 14:25:07 PDT.
Legends Paintings: Volume 11 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
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Discovered on 21 Jun 2016 at 14:24:55 PDT.
Machinations of Chaos This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
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Discovered on 18 Nov 2018 at 3:32:28 PST.
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Vol. 1 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Mei Lan has compiled notes from brave adventurers to teach young hua-mein about a variety of creatures that inhabit Kunark. This is volume one of two.
Purchased from Pas Yu in The Sundered Frontier(2294, -199, 2507) requires membership and having completed 9 weekly quest from the Days of Summer 2022 merchant. for 0c.
Days of Summer 2022: Week 9 This account flag grants access to claiming rewards from the Days of Summer merchant. NO-TRADE  NO-VALUE
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Discovered on 22 Nov 2022 at 0:06:16 PST.
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Volume 1
The creatures of Kunark are too many and varied to fully cover in this tome, but I shall endeavor to record some of the more notable details of a wide variety of denizens within this volume.
Drachnid: The drachnid are a horrifying mix of dark elves and giant spiders, created by the infamous Mayong Mistmoore. These beings are highly intelligent and filled with much spite and malice.
Drolvarg: Human-like wolves? Wolf-like humans? Don't ask a drolvarg that question unless you want your face eaten off! Regardless of how you define them, they are warlike and at least moderately intelligent. They claim to have been created by Innoruuk.
Hulking Brutes: While not very smart, these orange-furred quatcha creatures tend to be quite strong and aggressive. Their cousins up in the colder peaks are referred to as Tundra Beasts that have blue skin and white fur.
Flesh Feeders: These vicious and speedy little beasts are a frightful mix of tentacles and teeth perched upon stubby little legs. They live up to their name, so I recommend avoiding their home in the Gash of Thelin.
Ember Drones: What is worse than large aggressive wasp creatures? Large aggressive wasp creatures that are flaming! While rumor has it that they are not true wasps, but more something in the bee side of the family, I have yet to actually taste any of their honey for myself.
Tatterback Apes: These black-furred humanoid creatures just want to be left alone. Is that too much to ask? Woe betide you if you decide to bother them, as you may find yourself surrounded by several other members of their troop!
Goblins: There are many tales of goblins throughout the lands, but the ones in Kunark differ in looks compared to the ones from the Shattered Lands. They are a dark green with long tongues hanging out of their mouths that make them appear almost comical. I would not recommend laughing in their presence, though, as these malicious beings are much stronger than their lesser cousins, and are armed and armored as well!
Arbor Giant: Yes, there is "giant" in the name, which should tell you everything you need to know about these forest-dwelling giants. They are truly terrifying in their enormity. Don't get close enough to get squished!
Yha-Lei: I am of the firm belief that fish should be food, not foes! Just the thought of aggressive and intelligent fish-men is enough to give me nightmares, but they won't stop me from eating sushi that easily!
Nathsarian frog-biters: Do not let the name fool you. These colorful flowers go walkabout to snag any unsuspecting travelers, not just frogs!
Wild Sokokar: These things look like a confused mix of frogs and dragons. Are they so cute that they are ugly or so ugly that they are cute?
Burynai: Ah, the confusion these black and white creatures have caused! Do not be fooled by adventurers telling you tales of "panda men" in Kunark, as I can tell you quite confidently that this is not the case. Whether they are trying to tell you of the Bellywhumpers, the shiny-seeking Rubble Rabble burynai, or some other group of burynai within Kunark, one thing is for sure: these are not related to pandas, much less the noble hua-mein like ourselves. Instead, their longer pointed snouts and distinctive striping seem to imply some relationship to badgers.
Undead: Many of the ghosts and skeletons in Kunark seem to comprise of fallen members of the long-tailed Iksar or Sarnak races. These two races truly have a long and bloody history of conflict.
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Vol. 2 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Mei Lan has compiled notes from brave adventurers to teach young hua-mein about a variety of creatures that inhabit Kunark. This is volume two of two.
Purchased from Pas Yu in The Sundered Frontier(2294, -199, 2507) requires membership and having completed 9 weekly quest from the Days of Summer 2022 merchant. for 0c.
Days of Summer 2022: Week 9 This account flag grants access to claiming rewards from the Days of Summer merchant. NO-TRADE  NO-VALUE
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Panda, Panda, Panda 2022 Decoration Pack 9 You may only unpack a single Panda, Panda, Panda 2022 Decoration Pack 9 TREASURED LORE  NO-TRADE  NO-VALUE
Discovered on 22 Nov 2022 at 0:06:16 PST.
Mei Lan's Catalog of Kunark Creatures, Volume 2
Vespid: These jungle-dwelling hornets are large with a terrifying set of teeth. They are also only one of many dangers lurking in the Kunzar Jungle, so read on for details regarding some of the other hazards of the region.
Jade and Iron Constructs: Just because something has no true intelligence, such as these golems standing guard outside the City of Mist, does not mean they are not dangerous! They are large and strong and the iron ones have even been constructed so as to have one "hand" replaced with a deadly hammer.
Trankanasaur: These raptors are much like our local ones - extremely fast, with sharp teeth and claws. However, they pose an added danger in having an extremely enormous and deadly version of themselves wandering around that apparently finds anything smaller than a raid force to be a tasty treat.
Sporconid: These mushroom-men are a second example of things that should be food, not foes. Since they are reported to have some level of intelligence, I have not managed to get information on if they are edible or not.
Sebilite Guardians and Massive Juggernauts: These magical constructs guard the entrance to the famed and frightening dungeon of Sebilis. While the worst of the dangers lurk inside the dungeon, one should never discount the danger posed by these hard-hitting entry guardians, and care should be used when approaching the area.
Skyshadow Drakes: Do not let their delicate dragonfly-type wings deceive you. These are no delicate little bugs, and they are prone to swooping in from above to attack at the most inopportune times!
Skyfire Wurms: These huge creatures cause the ground to shake as they roam their territories. The deeper you delve into the Skyfire region, the older more powerful and dangerous wurms you will encounter.
Gnashing Devourer: Ugh. Just ugh. A huge mouth with a tail attached. Be ready for a strong need for brain bleach if you encounter these beasts and survive.
Prickly Spined Succulent: Just because there is "succulent" in the name does not mean you should immediately chase it down for a taste-test. They truly are prickly, and being stabbed full of cactus spines is not an enjoyable proposition!
Deadly Stoneglint: There are several groups of cockatrices in the Jarsath Wastes. Do not relax your guard if you avoid being petrified by these beasts, as their beaks and feet are painfully nasty weapons as well!
Skorpikis: Last but not least are the deadly scorpion-men with their vicious claws and stingers at the end of their tails. They are quite large, aggressive and territorial, and should be avoided by any who struggle to deal with the other residents of the region.
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Mistmoore: Collection of Spellbooks Dungeon Maker Decoration Activating this item will allow for you to use "Mistmoore: Collection of Spellbooks" in your dungeons.
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They who have heard of the Unkempt Druid, think us nothing but zealots, but their ignorance transcends the planes, even in Ethernere, our new home, forever under the shade of the Lord of Graves.
The worst of them is Wegadas, for he is their leader, their father. I will follow him closely as he spews his drivel to those who would call themselves the Augurs of her. They must see the light in death. The ways of the Unkempt Warders has no place here. I will see to it.
Cardin Ward is upon us. These Wayward act comfortable within its walls, but I see the worry in their faces. Drinal's Harrowing Horde has been released upon them, as was required. Ethernere is becoming overcrowded with this Wayward plague who must be eradicated.
Wegadas has promised them protection. I laugh as they fall for his ranting, as though his Writ of the Wild and Tunare can protect them from Drinal. Do they not see? They are bound within Ethernere! If they would accept that fact, accept Drinal, then he would embrace them, and call back the Horde.
I know where I stand. The Harrowing Horde do not frighten me. They pass me by and feast only upon their intended prey. I have shown this to the Wayward in Cardin Ward, particularly those who now follow Wegadas. Most are blind, but to a few I have proved that to follow Wegadas is to follow a life of a runaway. A nomad with no home, not even a temporary one.
Even camped outside the safety of Cardin Ward they cannot feel safe. My section of camp has not lost a single among us. The Augurs of Ulter, both those that recently converted and Wegadas's original followers, have taken notice. They will soon choose right from wrong. And when they do, I will accept them.
My followers grow while the number of Augurs wane. Wegadas is beginning to feel threatened by my presence, fueled by the ever-increasing threat of the Harrowing Horde. Now a new threat, at least to the Augurs, is upon them. The Gehein have emerged. I have heard of their kind. Those who volunteered their souls for the Horde.
It is a calling similar to mine own, but Drinal will see that unlike the Gehein, I seek to spread his will to others through my teachings of the Unkempt Druids. I have continued to update this philosophy, molded it to Ethernere, to death and chaos.
When we reached the camp of Wayward erudites, Wegadas fell sick. It was a turning point for many of his followers. Through our journey, so many of them were taken by the Harrowing Horde, yet none had that followed my path of the Unkempt Druids.
And now they see their leader sick and nearly dying. We have all eaten the same foods, drank from the same waters, yet he is the only one. It must be Drinal. He is watching. He has sensed a blasphemer in his realm and has punished this would-be prophet!
The erudite have cared for him. In their battles with the Gehein and their pathetic attempt to restore the Ulteran spires, they somehow brought Wegadas back to health. I had hoped his remaining disciples would see him succumb to an illness no one else among us acquire. I !mow that Wegadas cannot truly die in Ethernere...or can he? I have heard a man in camp speaking to others about his visit within the walls of Harrow's End. I confronted this Augur of Ulter.
Indeed, he claims. He has been to see Drinal himself. With great need the path became clear to him. That is how he entered. One-for-one he says. A deal for a deal. That is how he was able to leave. Those that choose a deal for no deal are chained within Harrow's End for an eternity. I will speak with this man further about this. I wish to speak with my god personally.
I now lead these people. Wegadas has been left a follower himself, along with but a dozen or so that still cling to his side. He should see his cause is lost, yet he clings to us. For safety, for the hope to bring us all back to the ways of the Unkempt Warders, I do not know, nor do I care.
I should just destroy him. Be rid of this pestilence from our presence once and for all, but I have decided to show him what it means to be an Unkempt Druid. He will soon be converted, and the last of the Augurs of Ulter will be wiped from Ethernere forever.
I can feel my god's call. I am ashamed to admit, but I was deaf and blind to it. I was obsessed with simply following Wegadas, and bringing his followers to their knees before me. But now that I have taken the lead, what felt like an aimless trek has turned into a pilgrimage.
I have learned all that I needed from the man who claims to have seen Drinal himself. He knows these ways. We are indeed getting closer to the Silver Reaper's home. Soon I will be at its doorsteps. Soon I will be at Drinal's feet, and he will hear the words of the Unkempt Druids.
I can see the tips of Harrow's End from where I stand, on the outskirts of this camp of lujiens. They have already killed three of us. Their souls have not returned, so I do not know where they have reformed. If they are true followers of my ways, they will find it safely to the Dreary Coast. Our final destination before I enter Harrow's End. But first, these lujiens and their camp must be passed. Wegadas speaks of them highly, at least about the lujien he shared the Valley of the Dawn with in his mortal life.
He nearly lost his own head to them, thinking these few would know his name. They are dangerous, yes, but I have a great respect for these lujien. They are said to be mirror images of Drinal, perhaps even his own creations. They are wholly, even blindly, devoted to Drinal. So much so that they only allow a select to enter their sanctuary. I would follow them myself, but I have a greater calling. A calling to lead.
We have arrived on the outskirts of my god's home! The Whittled Woodlot is surrounded by lush cypress trees and beautiful, serene ponds. I have decided to live out the rest of my days here in the shadow of Harrow's End, near the dock which once was used to shepherd souls to their gods' realms.
Those days are over, though, for Drinal is the one true god, and Ethernere is the one true plane. I shall remain here, awaiting Wayward who would think to leave, and introduce to them the ways of the Unkempt Druids. We shall destroy the non-believers! We will use their souls as nourishment for the land!
Of Maj'Dul Am I This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 5 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 6 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 11 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 12 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 15 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Of Maj'Dul Am I - Page 16 (shinies in The Shimmering Citadel)
Discovered on 15 Sep 2005 at 23:55:57 PDT.
by an anonymous poet
The author of this poem has -- for good reasons -- decided to remain anonymous. A quick ruling in the arena has prevented this from being legally published, though copies still find their way into the hands of agitators. While many critics agree that it is filled with political half-truths and exaggerations, few will state that there is no basis in truth for these lines.
Ahkari am I, impaled on my own lance. Forsaker of Maj'Dul am I.
Maj'dul, the city of my blood, all for naught. Forsaker of Maj'Dul am I.
Ahkarem am I. No lure of victory shall overcome my cowardice.
Into the sand I flee, none shall hunt me here. Deserter of Maj'Dul am I.
Dukar am I. Poison my son with promises of might, but fail to temper.
I gut myself, and place the blade in his hand. Corruptor of Maj'Dul am I.
Dukarem am I, swordsman, son, and savage. My might shall prove my wealth of mind.
Paranoid am I, guards, child, and friends: all foes. Usurper of Maj'Dul am I.
Dukaris am I, defender of the people, my call to arms shall bring you.
Aloof am I, no sight but combat. The blind protector of Maj'Dul am I.
Danaria am I, watching the city expand about me, just watching.
I rely on others to move me, just an in-liver of Maj'Dul am I.
Ishti am I, my sinister mind giving way to sinister employment.
Mask my grief, pretend I am necessary. Murderer of Maj'Dul am I.
Ishara am I, and through my kadaren this city shall one day be mine.
Those in my way are banished to the sands, the dread lawyer of Maj'Dul am I.
Isdala am I, a beautiful face in a footbath's depth of existence.
The more desired, the less acquired. The distracter of Maj'Dul am I.
Rahima am I, sister of my inverted self, and no place here for me.
My value lies behind my eyes. The solemn foreigner of Maj'Dul am I.
Omren am I, giving to my son the happiness I thought to be useful.
It is too late, poisoned by the silver spoon. The spoiler of Maj'Dul am I.
Neriph am I, once happy son of Omren. Saddened now, but not by his death.
His responsibility is my new bane. Slow learner of Maj'Dul am I.
Mudeef am I, I think I rule a city somewhere, or so some people say.
Hidden I shall stay, avoiding my duties. Neglector of Maj'Dul am I.
Your neighbor am I, most unfortunately unprepared and unprotected.
Unaware of what goes on just behind me. A dweller of Maj'Dul am I.
On Founding the Conservatory This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Some time ago, I heard rumors of an exceptional discovery made by the adventurers of Norrath. Through all the tribulations and terrors facing the world, they found a truly remarkable gem thought lost for eternity - the menagerie of Miragul.
As exciting as this news was to those of us who had heard the rumors of this magnificent collection, there was no way to safely explore the find - it crawled with all manner of creatures, some living, some animated with unlife, and some that supposedly came from planes not of our own.
My attempts to hire bodyguards or buy my way into an adventuring party were rebuffed, as no one wanted to take an inexperienced researcher into a place such as that. For a maddeningly long time, the Menagerie was cut off to all of us who would attempt to catalog and preserve what we found there.
It wasn't until recently that we were able to find and hire mercenaries willing to accompany us to the frozen north and lead us to the treasures we had sought for so long. I admit, the toll in life was... higher than I would have liked, but the sacrifice bore fruit. We found the Menagerie, and the creatures it still held.
Although it clearly held many more creatures than we found still housed within, the ones that we found were remarkable. But even more incredible were the notes Miragul left behind, regarding his own research and experiments - the most fascinating of which seemed to regard a bonding technique. Miragul referred to this bond as a 'familiar' - a creature that was able to share a piece of its essence with its handler, increasing their own powers and abilities. Incredible!
With the notes in hand, we gathered what creatures that we could, and left the Menagerie - as much as it pained me, that place was too dangerous to remain at indefinitely. So instead, I took my own fortune and built the keep that we now call home. Within, we set up what we affectionately call the Conservatory, where we dedicate ourselves to the care and preservation of the creatures we pulled from the Menagerie.
Here, we will continue the research started by Miragul, and hope to build on the knowledge already found by one of the greatest minds ever to grace Norrath.
What follows is an incomplete list of the creature we pulled from the Menagerie. A more complete list will be provided when Steward Aelin and her Attendants finish their cataloging of what we have discovered.
The quaking had stopped. Those of us that were left took stock as well as we could, searching for survivors, and try to regroup. It wasn't enough that we were still hunted by those that branded us as traitors, now we also had to contend with the terrible aftermath of the apocalyptic shaking. However, we had survived the wrath of our creator, and near genocide of our horrendous cousins - we were determined to survive this as well.
There was an unexpected benefit to the mighty earthquakes, which we only discovered later. Cracks had emerged in the walls of the Underfoot, which opened to a new, mysterious place. Those that went through first and returned told stories of a world outside of the tunnels, brilliantly bright, covered in new creatures and green plant life. It was daunting to imagine a place like that, but we recognized it as something important. It was a place to escape those that pursued us.
The light was blinding, and hot on our fur. The air was crisp, and full of smells we had never experienced before. It was open and spacious, which is something none of us were used to -- it was hard to not feel exposed and vulnerable without the walls of the tunnels around us. It was difficult to get used to being outside like this, but we were quickly able to adapt, moving through the shadows to keep from being seen.
We were surprised to find civilizations living in this new environment, and we took some time to observe them. They seemed industrious, and even though their cities were devastated, they banded together and began to rebuild. There were also some unique individuals among them, more powerful than the rest, who adventured through the world, and possessed impressive power.
We knew that the RoekiIlik would stop at nothing to exterminate us, and ensure that their Dark Agenda would come to pass. If there was any hope to stop them, we would need to employ powerful agents to stand against their plan, and these surface dwellers seemed to have the potential that might be needed. After debates among ourselves, we decided to approach them with our warning.
We chose the city of Qeynos first. The people there seemed just and fair, and we believed they might be welcoming. A few of us were selected to emerge and speak with the people there. To our horror, we were very far off in our assessment of their nature. We were viewed as vermin, accused of being disease-infested, of sneaking about in the sewers, stealing what little food the city had. Some even attacked us outright. It was clear that we were not welcome.
It was a long trek to the city of Freeport, the only other standing city we were able to find. It was more militaristic, being run under the direction of a single leader as opposed to a cooperative. Some of us were wary about speaking with these people, as if we were rejected once again, we might find ourselves once again under the sword of an oppressor. However, we reasoned it wasn't necessary to impress the population as much as it was to impress the one in charge.
A few of us were able to bypass the cities' defenses and enter the chambers of the leader himself. At first, he was quite angry that we intruded and ordered our emissaries imprisoned. After torturous days in the prisons of Freeport, an offer was made to our fellows. The leader, while upset, was still impressed that we were able to bypass his security so easily. If we were to swear loyalty to him and become scouts for the city, he would spare us and allow us entry.
We attempted, at this point, to explain the danger possessed by the Roekillik, but the leadership of the city was uninterested in our warnings. Perhaps it was the immediacy of their current problems, or their own arrogance, but all we said fell on deaf ears. In the end, it was advantageous for us to remain here. Free, offered protection and a home, and if the Roekillik were to emerge, they would make a suitable buffer between us and our ancient enemies.
Thus, we came to reside within the city... for now at least. There might come a time when the Roekillik return, and we must choose to flee, or try to rally the races of Norrath to stop them and their Dark Agenda. We will continue to hope that day never comes.
Purrik's Tale This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This book contains a tale originally recorded in a Vah Shir echo stone.
A story of a Vah Shir father and daughter on a fateful hunting trip
There once was a Vah Shir cub by the name of Kisabi. Her father, Danarin Purrik, was a respected hunter within the tribe. When she came of age, he took her on a hunting trip. They had gone on many before, but those were for smaller or more docile prey. This trip was different; their target was a very aggressive boar that had been terrorizing the camps outside the city.
Young Kisabi could sense the difference of this trip, and asked her father if he was scared. He said, "No, little paw, for I have my good luck charm." He pulled out a boar tusk, intricately carved with designs. He gave it over to her and said, "And now it is yours, and you have no reason to be scared, either."
First, they had to pass through the vast valley known as Hollowshade Moor. Cold and foggy, the valley is full of squat scalebark trees and hardy moor grasses, all of which thrived in the region's constant darkness. They camped at the fork in Nightshade River, in a sturdy little tent that protected them against the threat of fog and chilling rains.
That night, Kisabi's father brought out a kaborite bowl. He explained to her that it was an offering bowl from Odus. It had been his father's, and his father's before that. He poured some wine into it and handed her the dried fish to add to it. Their hunt was to begin the next day, and this was an offering to the spirits, that they might bless their endeavor and not be enraged when they kill the beast they seek.
The next morning, they set out with their gear in her pack. It didn't take Danarin long to find the giant boar's trail. Following a path of tusked trees and giant mushroom stalks, and unmistakable hoof tracks left in the soft soil, they were led northeast, into Grimling Forest, a land of chaos ever since the grimlings erupted onto the surface from deep within the acrylia mines.
There, in a bed of trampled grasses, they spotted their target, a large, grizzled boar, matching the description of the one rampaging and goring Vah Shir. Kisabi stayed still and quiet, just as she had been taught, her carved good luck charm held tight. Danarin reached behind for his arrow, but before he could nock it, a gang of grimlings fell upon them from the forest canopy above! Kisabi was knocked unconscious, while her father fell victim to a potion hurled by one of the more devious grimlings.
When she woke, Kisabi found she was being clumsily carried through the depths of a cave system overrun with grimlings, her pack still strapped on. Disoriented, she looked around, trying to make sense of what had occurred, and where she was being taken. The cave tunnels and cracks twisted and turned, but the grimlings navigated them expertly. A cacophony of howls, ear-piercing screams, and terrifying laughs echoed through the labyrinth, and it was getting louder.
When the damp cave walls began to reflect torch light she knew their destination was close at hand. As they rounded a corner, she lifted her head in time to see a robed being floating above a churning throng of grimlings. A giant hook of bone protruded at the end from each of its arms, where hands would be expected. She was dropped on the stone floor suddenly, sending a jolt of new pains through her.
The beast turned its head towards the newcomers and from under the beast's cowl a fleshless face could be seen, illuminated by its glowing eyeless sockets. Shock and revulsion washed over her. An unnatural cackle, emitted from the beast, as it lunged forward, unhinged, with little care for the grimlings that crowded the cavern. It stopped short in front of Kisabi, and with a gesture of its clawed arm, she began to feel her life draining away. Blackness swallowed her as mortal screams erupted somewhere behind her.
It wasn't until later, while recovering on the riverbank, near the waters falling from the Tenebrous Mountains, that she learned what had happened next; Her father, despite being weakened by magics, stabbed several times, and left for dead, had tracked her grimling kidnappers, and attacked the cowled beast as it began to feed upon her essence. In the chaos caused by his surprise attack, he narrowly escaped, and ran away with his daughter over his shoulder.
They hadn't gone very far, when a wrong turn and slick footing landed them in a mighty underground stream. The rushing waters aggressively jostled them about, banging the pair upon rocks and threatening to drown them, while it carried them out and into the river, into a section of calmer waters. He dragged the two of them to shore, exhausted and weak, but thanking the Feral Spirit for their delivery.
When she opened her eyes and had recovered enough to ask what had happened, he relayed the story as best he could through ragged breath. She had assumed her father was still winded from the whole ordeal, but quickly learned the injuries he had sustained were many, and grievous. His matted fur hid the deep cuts that bled so profusely. She bandaged him, and with a plead, leaned him on her as they headed to a nearby mining camp, just outside Acrylia Caverns.
Unfortunately, they only made it half way, before the poison of the grimling blades took him from this mortal existence. Faced with the reality of her situation, she found a nearby spot to return her father's body to the natural world. She covered him with stones, and marked the spot with the kaborite bowl and the boar tusk carving from her pack.
Kisabi stumbled into the Vah Shir mining camp the following day where she was cared for. Her wounds were tended and her belly fed. Her fur was brushed and she was provided a change of clothes. She returned to Shar Vahl a few days later with a delivery of acrylia and an unexpected tale.
Danarin was honored at a funerary feast held by the village, where this story of heroics, tragedy, and luck was first told, and committed to memory by the great lorekeepers. The lives of Danarin Purrik and his brave daughter, Kisabi, would live on, far beyond this day, told and retold for generations to come.
Scholar Primarch Research Prospectus This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Have you heard the tale? The tale of our hero? Speak now, speak! Tell us what you know!
Strong he was, of body and heart. Took on all foes, he knew only victory! Speak now, speak! Tell more of this tale to me!
Alone he was, when beset by foes. Through spell and sword, he was locked in shackle. Speak now, speak! What happened when he fell?
Forced to fight, in arenas far from home. He thought of nothing save escape, a release from his bond. Speak now, speak! How did the hero abscond?
Fought his imprisoners he did, felling one by one. With a mighty call he broke his shackles clean, and fled his confine. Speak now, speak! Our hero's strength is divine!
Never again a slave to them, he watches us all. Forever he is among us, to drive off every foe. All hail the Minotaur Hero!
The Art of Killing Iksar This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 2 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 3 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 4 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 5 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 6 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 7 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 8 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 9 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 10 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 11 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Art of Killing Iksar - Page 12 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Discovered on 15 Nov 2016 at 13:54:20 PST.
The Art of Killing Iksar
Battlemaster Kyzon Di'kor
Iksars' scaly hide makes them resistant to superficial attacks. In addition to this, they are a highly militant race and often choose to wear protective armor. As a result, attacks against iksar foes need to be more well-planned than against more vulnerable foes, for example, frogloks, whose thin skin can easily be sliced even by a bare tooth or claw. Iksars' claws and tail also make formidable weapons even when the iksar is unarmed, so prepare yourself in advance with sturdy armor and a reliable weapon.
The female iksar is easily distinguished from the male by the frilliks, a flexible crest frill that rises at the sides of the head during excitement and combat. This structure is lacking in the male.
While damage to the frilliks is a minor injury unlikely to result in death, it is an extremely sensitive area and can cause great pain, disabling or distracting an opponent preparatory to a second attack.
Male iksar tend to be more muscular, particularly in upper body strength, and have thickly armored scales and often spikes around the neck and head that are extremely difficult to penetrate. The front of the throat and the eyes are points of vulnerability but these target areas are small and hard to hit during fast-moving combat. In summary: head and neck attacks can be an effective tactic against female iksar, but should only be used against male iksar by those with battle experience and excellent aim. If you are unable to distinguish between the two, it is recommended to avoid targeting this area.
Slashing weapons are more likely to be deflected by the iksars' protective hide, the scales of which may also cause the blade to catch. Crushing and piercing weapons are therefore recommended for beginners to iksar slaying. Poison can be effective, but is usually too hard to administer as the iksar are a deeply distrusting race and will eat only food prepared by themselves.
Iksar are naturally resilient to damage and heal unusually fast. Press your advantage once the first wound is made, do not allow the target time to recover!
Avoid combat in or near water. Iksar are born able to see clearly and breathe underwater, so they will be able to out-maneuver you, either to cause you great injury, or escape you.
Traditionally, most iksar worship Cazic-Thule, god of fear, and this is reflected in the training they receive from early youth. As a result, intimidation tactics do not work well on this race. They may also try to intimidate you with fierce war cries, displays of ferocity, raised frilliks, etc. Remember to stand your ground! We are a superior race, and their posturing is merely the defense mechanism of the inherently inferior!
Beware the tail of the iksar, which is long and muscular. While not fully prehensile, it can still be used to trip or lash an enemy.
Hand to hand combat is also a specialty, and the Swift Tail Monks are formidable in unarmed combat. Try and keep these foes at range, avoiding getting within their reach.
While there are iksar magic users, this militant race in general tends more towards military prowess, so magic based attacks can be highly effective against them if executed well.
The necromantic arts are one area of magic in which the iksar race has dedicated considerable study. Their power is generally drawn from Cazic-Thule and they have been observed to use this power to drain the life from foes, raise the dead, and command corpses to fight at their side. A fearsome foe indeed! Try to engage targets with these skills away from other combatants and corpses, so as not to give them any material from which to create reinforcements.
When an iksar warrior falls in battle, unless his remains are needed by an allied necromancer, the body is traditionally returned to Cabilis for a ceremonial interment. Traditions have changed over the years, but at the present time this is the normal procedure:
All armor and clothing are removed from the corpse, and it is washed, then wrapped in strips of white cloth. This cloth covers every inch of the body save the eyes,and is wrapped horizontally across the width of the body, only using vertical strips where necessary to pass between the legs or over the head. The arms remain separate from the torso and are normally folded over the chest as if the corpse is in repose.
The cloth is treated with scented oils, which will slow the body's decay and mask unpleasant odor. Over time, the cloth darkens in color, and can be used fairly reliably to estimate the age of a body based on the darkness of the shade.
This ceremonial burial seems important to the iksar for religious reasons, so if the goal is to demoralize and disrupt the enemy, treat the corpses in such a way that nothing remains for burial.
Incineration is highly recommended in this event. Failing this, complete dismemberment of the corpse will suffice.
Eating of iksar flesh is highly discouraged as a disposal method, as parasitic diseases that can thrive in their bodies will also attack us.
Some renegades have claimed that iksar hide can be removed and tanned to make excellent quality belts or boots, but this is generally considered a vulgar display.
The Art of Killing Iksar This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
An ancient tale recorded on mithril to stand the test of time.
Long before the clay of life was molded into the first dwarves by Brell Serilis' strong hands, Veeshan's brood dominated Norrath. Their reign had lasted for eons but it had not gone unchallenged. Large beasts, behemoths of land, sea, and air, had waged war upon the dragons and their kin throughout the Age of Scale. Though the behemoths were inevitably defeated by the vicious dragons the toll upon Veeshan's brood was high. Vast numbers had been slain, and far more had returned to their dens broken.
Brell looked out upon Norrath, this world of great wonder and beauty, and was inspired by the vast caverns of stone and gems, the glittering streams of metals, and the great expanses of immovable bedrock. So similar was the underworld of Norrath to that of his native plane that Brell would come to call it by the same name, The Underfoot. He desired other creatures to share the wonders, but before he could create creatures of sentience necessary to appreciate this realm, he knew that the threats to his creations would have to be removed.
Great titans, born of elements and arcane might, had been unleashed upon Norrath and much like the behemoths before them; they waged war upon the dragons and their kin. Once more, the children of Veeshan found their numbers dwindling.
Titans of earth lumbered across the realm causing quakes that would shake and tear the very foundations of this world. Creatures of rock, mud and ore broke from the land below its feet, while those of plant and wood grew from its back.
Titans of fire leapt from forest to forest through Norrath, engulfing all in flames and choking it in cinder. Creatures of living ash and soot were birthed in its wake, while those of lava and magma erupted from its core.
Titans of air lashed through the skies and the upper realms, swallowing all in their undying tempests. Creatures of billowing clouds of poison and energy coalesced around it, while those of captured debris shadowed the land below.
Titans of water rushed the shores, drowning all caught in their unyielding grip. Creatures of roiling sea and vapor were born of its crest, while those of ice rose up of its wake.
Brell saw these titans and realized that they were a threat to all races upon Norrath; dragon or otherwise, his creations or that of others. They could not be stopped by reason or pleading, nor could he stop them by his force alone, though he be as mighty as granite and as precious as mithril.
And so, our great creator sought help from other gods. Some refused to help out of selfish desires, while others were fearful or ignorant. Some he could not ask, as the price for such cooperation would have been too steep. Brell then approached Mithaniel Marr, the god of Valor, requesting his help in vanquishing the titans. Brell had not been the only one to notice the paths of destruction and death left by the titans. So, it was agreed; The Duke of Below and the Lord of Light would together rid Norrath of the monstrous threat!
First though, the holy pair had to carve out a clever plan to defeat the titans of destruction. Brell had observed that they tended to carry out their destruction in only certain areas of Norrath. "They must have divided up the world claiming territory for themselves" Mithaniel suggested. "No," Brell responded, "they are limited by the regional elements!"
The titans of water had traveled across forests, plains, and oceans, but never across desert or lava mountains. Likewise, the titans of fire had singed forests, plains, and mountains, but never upon the oceans. The titans of earth could be found in forests, plains and mountains, but never in the air. The titans of air spun through the skies, and touched down upon forest, plains and mountain, but would never travel under soil.
Mithaniel had made an observation concerning the titans himself, which hemade after witnessing many a dragon battle the beasts. "They can be torn asunder, their limbs ripped from socket. Their physical manifestations can be broken beyond all recognition, clawed and bitten. There can be nothing left but ember, rubble, breeze, or puddle, but given time they will mend and grow, cobbling their body anew!"
Upon this news Brell retreated to this workshop deep within his plane. Working stone and earth often cleared his mind and allowed solutions to vexing problems to shine through. It did not take long for our brilliant creator to realize that if they could not destroy the titans, then they merely need to subdue and contain them. He spoke with Mithaniel of his plan, and the Lord of Valor could see no fault within it. The plan was to be carried out in haste!
One by one, Mithaniel Marr attacked the titans, relentlessly tearing, dowsing, smothering, and crushing their physical manifestations, just as he had learned by watching the dragons. And when there was nothing left of them to subdue, Brell Serilis encased their essences within a hold specifically constructed for each titan by Varig Ro, the Forge Lord. He had forged the elemental cages out of particular materials as dictated by the Duke of Below.
There were cages of earth to contain the air titans, and ones of water to capture fire titans. The water titans were to be held by cages forged of fire and the earth titans were sealed within cages constructed of air. Each arcane encasement was then locked tight by a deific seal placed by Mithaniel Marr, ensuring it was never to be broken!
Brell buried each of the elemental cages deep within his plane, confident that he was now free to usher in a new age. Now he was free to create as he desired!
The Book of the Seven Triumphs This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A leather bound tome that is emblazoned with the four armed creature.
Long in the distant past, civil war erupted between the erudites of Erudin. The conflict was swift and savage, and the erudites unleashed terrible magics against one another, often with devestating results. The peaceful kerrans, native to the continent of Odus, were caught up in the brutal conflict, in spite of their efforts to stay out of the line of fire. The greatest loss, however, came when the armies of Paineel unleashed a powerful spell designed to completely wipe their enemies from Norrath. As a test, the erudites targeted a large kerran village on the southern end of Toxxulia Forest. In one terrifying flash, the village completely vanished (along with the mountain on which it once rested), and the Hole was formed.
The spell was based on teleportation magic, and rather than destroying the village and its inhabitants, it actually sent the entire mountainside through the Combine network, and onto the moon of Luclin. The survivors of the spell were shocked at their new surroundings, but since they were unable to reverse their situation, they soon began to rebuild on their new home.
Khati Sha, a general and advisor to the tribe elder, Kejaan Kerrath, was also one of the first explorers on the moon of Luclin. Among his discoveries were the Acrylia Mines, which gave the Vah Shir the material they would use to build their new city, and the glade of spiritual animals, which led to the rediscovery of the beastlord path. The house of beastlords became known as Khati Sha after the one who discovered them.
When adventurers came to Luclin, they met with Khati Sha, and began to learn the secrets of spiritual bonding. Thus, the teaching of the beastlords reached out beyond hte city of Shar Vhal, and back to the denizens of Norrath. Beastlords had again returned to Norrath.
Prior to the age of Cataclysms, the gods departed Norrath. Those attuned to the spiritual world began to feel the mighty spiritual guides who once spoke to them also began to retreat, although unlike the divine gods, the spiritual retreat was far more gradual. Rituals to bond spirit animals to their beastlords began to fail, and the spirits did not respond when questioned why. As a group, beastlords were becoming extinct on Norrath.
The Truespirit, who were responsible for the spirit guides, had sensed impending cataclysms and chose to retreat. Since the spirit guides themselves were tied to the essence of mortals, the disasters could threaten to destroy the Truespirit as well. Thus, they elected to retreat back to the spirit world, and await the time when they could emerge again.
The Great Wolf – Kaldrahir, the Pack Leader
Kaldrahir represents the aspect of leadership. He teaches guiding those in a common goal, of using your own courage to help others overcome their fears and follow to places they might not otherwise go. He is fair in his decisions, but is often utterly convincing of his position once he has made up his mind. It is through him that the mortals learn to lead their bonded spirits into the most perilous and darkest of places.
The Great Chokidai – Ralissk, the Keeper of Wisdom
Ralissk is the embodiment of wisdom, which draws on ages of knowledge and experience. Ralissk is the eldest of the Harbingers, and acts as an advisor to others when necessary. His wisdom can be used to serve others, or to protect one’s self in cases where it might be necessary. It is his wisdom hat teaches the beastlords how to sharpen their minds and senses to overcome the challenges they will face in their journeys.
The Great Bear – Elnakii, of Body and Mind
The personification of might, Elnakii’s strength comes from his connection of his body and mind, making them as one. Unifying these with each other gives him unbreakable will, pushes the limits of his strength, and gives him fortitude unmatched by any of the other great spirits. This important technique is taught to the beastlords, helping them to maximize their potential, and become something beyond what they might otherwise find themselves capable of.
The Great Crocodile – U’lla, the Strong Hearted
Known for her unflinching courage, U’lla’s strength lies in her conviction and bravery. She will stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds, staring down her enemies without fear, and in fact has broken down opponents with the strength of her will alone. She does not back down, and will always see things to the end – even mercilessly so. It is courage that she teaches to the beastlords, showing them not only the strength of body to stand up when others have fled, but also the courage of heart to make impossibly hard decisions and live with the choices made.
The Great Tiger – Marisha Kur, the Den Mother
The Den Mother is known for making sure that those under her care are looked after and protected. She is also a teacher, guiding others in their journeys and helping them learn the lessons they will need to survive. Along with this nurturing nature is an unmatched ferocity, as she protects that which she deems as her territory or domain. She teaches this devotion to the beastlords, so that they might give of themselves to protect that which is important to them – be it a cause, a loved one, or a profession.
* this page is covered in strange writing, and is unreadable *
The Codex of the Khati Sha This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is a copy of the original Codex, which details a bit of the history of the beastlords.
Long in the distant past, civil war erupted between the erudites of Erudin. The conflict was swift and savage, and the erudites unleashed terrible magics against one another, often with devestating results. The peaceful kerrans, native to the continent of Odus, were caught up in the brutal conflict, in spite of their efforts to stay out of the line of fire. The greatest loss, however, came when the armies of Paineel unleashed a powerful spell designed to completely wipe their enemies from Norrath. As a test, the erudites targeted a large kerran village on the southern end of Toxxulia Forest. In one terrifying flash, the village completely vanished (along with the mountain on which it once rested), and the Hole was formed.
The spell was based on teleportation magic, and rather than destroying the village and its inhabitants, it actually sent the entire mountainside through the Combine network, and onto the moon of Luclin. The survivors of the spell were shocked at their new surroundings, but since they were unable to reverse their situation, they soon began to rebuild on their new home.
Khati Sha, a general and advisor to the tribe elder, Kejaan Kerrath, was also one of the first explorers on the moon of Luclin. Among his discoveries were the Acrylia Mines, which gave the Vah Shir the material they would use to build their new city, and the glade of spiritual animals, which led to the rediscovery of the beastlord path. The house of beastlords became known as Khati Sha after the one who discovered them.
When adventurers came to Luclin, they met with Khati Sha, and began to learn the secrets of spiritual bonding. Thus, the teaching of the beastlords reached out beyond hte city of Shar Vhal, and back to the denizens of Norrath. Beastlords had again returned to Norrath.
Prior to the age of Cataclysms, the gods departed Norrath. Those attuned to the spiritual world began to feel the mighty spiritual guides who once spoke to them also began to retreat, although unlike the divine gods, the spiritual retreat was far more gradual. Rituals to bond spirit animals to their beastlords began to fail, and the spirits did not respond when questioned why. As a group, beastlords were becoming extinct on Norrath.
The Truespirit, who were responsible for the spirit guides, had sensed impending cataclysms and chose to retreat. Since the spirit guides themselves were tied to the essence of mortals, the disasters could threaten to destroy the Truespirit as well. Thus, they elected to retreat back to the spirit world, and await the time when they could emerge again.
The Great Wolf – Kaldrahir, the Pack Leader
Kaldrahir represents the aspect of leadership. He teaches guiding those in a common goal, of using your own courage to help others overcome their fears and follow to places they might not otherwise go. He is fair in his decisions, but is often utterly convincing of his position once he has made up his mind. It is through him that the mortals learn to lead their bonded spirits into the most perilous and darkest of places.
The Great Chokidai – Ralissk, the Keeper of Wisdom
Ralissk is the embodiment of wisdom, which draws on ages of knowledge and experience. Ralissk is the eldest of the Harbingers, and acts as an advisor to others when necessary. His wisdom can be used to serve others, or to protect one’s self in cases where it might be necessary. It is his wisdom hat teaches the beastlords how to sharpen their minds and senses to overcome the challenges they will face in their journeys.
The Great Bear – Elnakii, of Body and Mind
The personification of might, Elnakii’s strength comes from his connection of his body and mind, making them as one. Unifying these with each other gives him unbreakable will, pushes the limits of his strength, and gives him fortitude unmatched by any of the other great spirits. This important technique is taught to the beastlords, helping them to maximize their potential, and become something beyond what they might otherwise find themselves capable of.
The Great Crocodile – U’lla, the Strong Hearted
Known for her unflinching courage, U’lla’s strength lies in her conviction and bravery. She will stand fast in the face of overwhelming odds, staring down her enemies without fear, and in fact has broken down opponents with the strength of her will alone. She does not back down, and will always see things to the end – even mercilessly so. It is courage that she teaches to the beastlords, showing them not only the strength of body to stand up when others have fled, but also the courage of heart to make impossibly hard decisions and live with the choices made.
The Great Tiger – Marisha Kur, the Den Mother
The Den Mother is known for making sure that those under her care are looked after and protected. She is also a teacher, guiding others in their journeys and helping them learn the lessons they will need to survive. Along with this nurturing nature is an unmatched ferocity, as she protects that which she deems as her territory or domain. She teaches this devotion to the beastlords, so that they might give of themselves to protect that which is important to them – be it a cause, a loved one, or a profession.
* this page is covered in strange writing, and is unreadable *
The Fire Within This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Fire Within The Search for Complex Formulas In Metallurgy By Ridwick von Ridwinger
Cover Page - The Fire Within (achievement reward from Triumph: Answer the Call)
The Fire Within - Complex Formulas For Metallurgy (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 1 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 10 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 11 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 12 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 13 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 2 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 3 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 4 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 5 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 6 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 7 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 8 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
The Fire Within - Page 9 (looted from named mobs in Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic])
Discovered on 25 Aug 2020 at 10:26:29 PDT.
The Fire Within
The Search for Complex Formulas In Metallurgy
By Ridwick von Ridwinger
For 11 days I toiled through the acrid smoke and poisonous fumes of this land. Many days I was unsure of my own mortality, many dangerous creatures lurk about this scarred and fiery terrain. For the most part I struggle to breathe as the very heat saps my vitality and I fight for each scalded gasp. However, this is my plight as an alchemist and the only way for me to uncover new compounds for my experiments. I will press forward.
Today I came upon what looks to be a door in the side of the volcanic mountain, it looks very much like gnomish engineering. Giants that appear to be extremely hostile guard its location; I will attempt to sneak through the gate tonight.
I managed to sneak past the Giants last night and into this torrid lair of the unknown. Already I am cataloging new and unusual rocks and elements I have never witnessed before in all my days. The new and strange metals show great promise for the future.
As I walk through these winding caverns the distance I've traveled, since my last look at the sun, seems measureless. For what seems many days now I have not encountered a soul, man or beast. Luckily my spells of light have held fast and guided my journey deeper into the mountain. Today alone I have found 3 new compounds that look like they are stronger then most metals I have worked with, there are many new element samples to bring home.
Today I made camp at what seems the bottom of a winding decent. Here I will set up my equipment and attempt to process some of the many compounds I have in my bag. Strangely enough I feel as if I am no longer alone. The heat here is a little more bearable at times, though I feel I have moved closer to the volcanic core. These compounds seem to meld 20 times easier than other metals and elements I have worked with. I have managed to form a sheet of alloy with my simple tools and chemicals. It appears to be almost obsidian in nature, yet malleable as gold or lead. It won't require massive amounts of force and heat to work it. I have heard unusual noises today, like flame being forced through a gust of wind. It's very strange.
I managed to break down the compound I have created into a solution and used it to coat the head of my metal pick. I am using my powers to create a barrier around myself in order to get closer to the molten rock nearby. Amazingly enough I can place this tool directly into the magma flow and it seems to remain cool, almost as if it is hear resistant. I will need to make more of the compound and perform more tests before I am totally convinced of my findings.
Amazing! With these series of compounds and a little chemical and metallurgical know how, I have managed to create a coating that is what I can only describe as fire and heat resistant. I have coated the tongs I use for extracting molten rock from the flows that course through the fiery veins of this mountain cavern. The tongs are cool to the touch only seconds after handling molten rock. Tomorrow I will do tests with this compound and cloth and see if it is truly fire proof.
One thing of note, I have heard noises that appear to be coming from below me. They appear to be voices though I have never heard voices of this nature. The heat and the lack of water are starting to play tricks on me perhaps. Tomorrow I will make my way back up the ascent and try to get to one of the small pools of water I encountered days before my arrival at the base camp.
On my journey back to the surface I was attacked at the water hole by a creature that seemed to be made entirely from flame. I sustained many wounds and only the compound treated robes I now wear are what saved me from certain death. Although I managed to defeat the creature, sadly I am quite certain the wounds I sustained will claim my life before I can reach the surface.
To my victory, all of my experiments have been successful with this new compound. Even the fabric of my robe has become virtually invulnerable to flame and heat. The process is relatively easy in nature and can be done with very little equipment as long as the exact order of events is followed to the letter.
In my last hours, I have worked feverishly in the little light I can still magically produce, to record the process of my amazing discovery. My wounds are grave and I must sleep for what seems days before I have the energy to continue. So grave are my wounds that I cannot manifest enough power to return myself home. I can only create enough light to be able to finish these final entries. It won't be long now and I fear each time I sleep that it will be the last.
I am unable to continue last power has faded and I was able to produce a small light stone with the last of my powers. This has proved enough light source to make this final entry and ensure that my formula is recorded. Unfortunately, my tome is fragile, so I am recording my experimentation formulas on a separate piece of vellum paper. I have used my own personal encoding book to encode the formulas so they may not be stolen.
My hope is that someone uses this to make a great treasure someday as I will not have the opportunity.
My head and limbs grow heavy...must rest.
The Goblish Stones - A Translation This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Ayndrew Celladar's translation of the goblish stones found within Runnyeye Hoard Pits.
"...our made men would know no peace with wyrm kind on rock, in water, and in air." Brother god agrees, "How to end them and make the world safe for our made men?" "Wyrms is big, and mean hitters and biters. It took other big hitters and biters to kill many, many wyrms before." "Brell smart!" Brother say, -With mud we shape big, mean, hitters and biters, too!"
Stone 2
The big ones did as they were shaped. Wyrms were broken, and nests unmade across all of world. Bolgin Serilis smiled! Now their made men would not be eaten, and smashed by wyrms. But his brother-god did not smile. Brell attacked the big ones! Bolgin Serilis had angry tongue, and yelled at his brother, "Why do you attack?" "They are to be broken!" Brell spitted back...
Stone 3
The brother gods of the under-rock fought each other. Not a wrestle fight as kin do for laugh. Their battle lasted many suns. Hit against hit, kick against kick, bite against bite! They were same, too much, in blood and magics. No stronger was one Serilis over other, only different. The battle ended. Both needed sleep and heals.
Stone 4
... how long he slept. He searched the land, and air, and water for the big ones. He did not find them. Bolgin Serilis went back to his under-rock home. He wanted his own made men! If he shape men small and quick, and give them ables to make more mens, Brell not be able to kill them all! ...
The Journal of Ryizz' Eianshieoll, Volume 1 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
My name is Ryizz’ Eianshieoll, a student of Daleen Blackwood and a high ranking channeler. The words in this book represent my thoughts, theories, and pursuit of greater mastery in this art, which will hopefully be put to good use by those who share my passion. Channeling has thus far progressed in fits and starts, due in large part to the organic and disorganized nature of our experimentation. By formally investigating and documenting my successes and failures, we can more rigorously advance our school, instead of simply fumbling around in the dark.
Thus far, in our short tenure here on Norrath, we have been limited in the entities we channel – mindless or near-mindless beasts, creatures, and critters. To this point, I don’t believe that any of us truly understands why this is, nor have many even asked this question. There does not seem to be an intrinsic reason for a limitation of this nature, an animal spirit ostensibly is no different than a humanoid spirit, outside of their ultimate destination (as an animal spirit travels to the great sea, while humanoids travel to Ethernere and then the planes beyond). If there ARE fundamental differences between spirit types, then identifying those differences is important to our art. If we do not discover any differences, then we must re-examine how we apply our abilities, and unshackle ourselves from a self-imposed limitation.
To that end, my first step will be to channel elementals as a proof-of-concept. These entities are an amalgamation of spirit, corporeal presence, and limited sentience. Certainly a higher order than the dumb beasts we traditionally interact with. My hypothesis, should I successfully channel an elemental, is that a construct I created with an elemental’s essence should be able to function independently of my command, but still be wholly within my control. And of an order of magnitude more powerful.
Thus, I begin my search for a place to reliably summon an elemental of sufficient power and independence. While I suppose I could employ the efforts of a conjurer, the interactions of mystical abilities inject additional variables into the research that would needlessly complicate my investigation.
I feel that I am at the ground floor of an earth-shattering discovery, and I anxiously await the next time I am able to put words to this journal!
The Journal of Ryizz' Eianshieoll, Volume 2 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Someone has been in my lab and taken my journal. Strange, but I must be more careful – my research has the potential to be severely abused, and if it fell into the wrong hands...
In any case, I must be more vigilant.
So! Success with the elemental phase of my experiment. It was more difficult to channel the fire elemental: I found it necessary to adjust the frequency of mana expiration, and had to put down a good number of test subjects before I found the correct modulation. An interesting discovery was that even an unsuccessful channeling had strange effects on the subject's being – they did not seem to particularly enjoy the experience.
The construct that I created with my first successful attempt was... disappointing? It was a bit more autonomous, but could only follow the most rudimentary of commands and could not effectively defend itself without my intervention. It did acquire elemental properties, which could be useful. However, and in conclusion, elemental essences do not represent a statistically significant upgrade over those of animals.
While the results were disappointing, this truly represents a giant step forward for the channelers. We are not limited in dealing with animal spirits, and the question now becomes, "What IS the limit?" Again, even if the power curve remains linear and not exponential as the elemental channeling suggests, a single channeler could potentially acquire enough power to put down Kerafyrm and represent an end to this Age of Endings nonsense.
Now I will turn my focus toward true sentience. Trolls are sentient, but only just, and so I estimate that my first steps should lie in that direction. With their rudimentary grasp of language and their purely emotional responses to the world around them, their souls should prove somewhat easier to manage than those of higher functioning races.
The Journal of Ryizz' Eianshieoll, Volume 3 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Again. I've done it. Not easily, but I've done it. And it is glorious. Daleen will be so proud of what I've done. The power of this construct is beyond anything that the channelers have been able to generate thus far. We are entering a new age of enlightenment.
Like the elementals, the trolls have not reacted well to my failed attempts. But they will be remembered as sacrifices to a greater good. I only wish I could have gotten their names.
Channeling a sentient is very similar to channeling an elemental, at least so far. I anticipate more difficulty with the more evolved races, but the methods should remain the same. Modifying the frequency of mana expiration continues to be key, and I believe that each spirit has some sort of vibrational harmonic that it is necessary to identify. Whereas the basic animal essence is simply overwhelmed and subsumed by the channeler's energy, sentient souls seem to have a natural order to them that prevents this. Finding the correct harmonics unites the channeler and the subject's souls, ‘unlocking' that defense and allowing the channeler to subsume the sentient's spirit in much the same way as an animal!
It is simple, really. Only it requires a much larger, and much more exhausting mana expenditure. Higher order creatures may require external sources of energy.
Having mastered the essence of the troll, I think that it is time I direct my attentions to humans. A hearty, middle of the road level of sentience, not quite evolved to the level of my brethren.
Luclin is particularly brilliant tonight.
The Journal of Ryizz' Eianshieoll, Volume 4 This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Surprisingly, channeling humans is not particularly different than trolls. I would have expected greater difficulty, but perhaps this is just a symptom of my greater expertise. They screamed. Bloodcurdling, but it must be done. I have to steel my heart and my emotions for the greater good.
Luclin continues to shine down on me. So beautiful at this time of year. I wonder what she looked like whole. To be up there, looking down on Norrath. Maybe one day I should travel to her?
The harmonics are different to be sure. It seems that trolls and humans are distinct in that manner, but when it comes to mana expenditure, they seem to be within the same thresholds. Something new this time though - on a hunch, I sacrificed one of my specimens to provide mana for the channeling process on another test subject, and what do you know? It worked. I can now channel safely without fearing mana burn from the incredible energies that I'm harnessing.
It's a good thing too. My arm hurts, feeling weaker than it should. Difficult to make a fist. Thankfully it isn't my writing hand. I'm almost certain that it is carelessness on my part in handling the trolls.
I'm sure it will heal though. A necessary price for the work that I am doing. They will all thank me for it eventually.
And now, to the next step of the ladder. The elves are enlightened compared to the humans and trolls, and thus should represent a greater expenditure of effort. It will be interesting, however, if like the humans and trolls, that the difference is relegated to harmonics.
Daleen would be very interested in seeing my work, I think. Imagine having her at my side - immortal, ensconced in stone and magic. She would like that. We could have invigorating discussions late into the night. And she would never leave.
The Legend of Dalnir This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 2 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 3 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 4 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 5 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 6 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 7 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 8 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 9 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar or plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 10 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 11 (plundered from bookcases in Bathezid's Watch in Fens of Nathsar)
The Legend of Dalnir - Page 12 (shinies in Fens of Nathsar)
Discovered on 15 Nov 2016 at 13:32:11 PST.
The Legend of Dalnir Author Unknown
The Haggle Barons of Cabilis are famous throughout the continent of Kunark. Charged with regulating all prices and trade services within the city, the breadth of their power is immense.
One and all they are respected and feared, and none are so famous as the mighty Haggle Baron Dalnir of legend, said to have held the role during the reign of Emperor Ganak.
Besides filling his role as Haggle Baron, Dalnir was also known as the great weaponsmith of Rile Sathir. His skill in forging metal was unmatched, and it is said even the gods acknowledged his skill.
It was Haggle Baron Dalnir who created for Rile the mighty khukri Greenmist, so named after the plague created by Cazic-Thule that destroyed the Shissar.
It was claimed at the time that the inspiration for the weapon's design came to Dalnir in a vision direct from Cazic-Thule, who blessed the weapon personally.
True or not, what is certain is that like the Green Mist plague, the Greenmist weapon brought fear and death to the hearts of the enemies of Rile Sathir.
Upon Dalnir's untimely death, Rile ordered a temple built in honor of his friend and comrade, and had him entombed in a crypt deep below. A mighty statue of Dalnir was erected in the temple so that his name and tales of his skill should live forever.
As warfare and treachery brought more deaths to those closest to Rile, the crypt was expanded to house others.
Soon the entry wings of the crypt housed the corpses of Rile's most adherent supporters, from scholars to warriors, and crafters to merchants. Dalnir's remains were moved to a room in a hidden back section of the crypt.
Slaves sent to entomb the fresh remains brought back rumors of ghosts roaming the halls. These stories were dismissed as the superstition of the ignorant, but nonetheless many slaves insisted on bringing with them bundles of herbal incense they would light and throw ahead of them to appease the lost spirits.
Once full, the crypt was sealed once more. Presumably the honorable dead inside remain at rest, undisturbed in their eternal sleep to this very day.
The Minds of Meldrath This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Minds of Meldrath - A Study of the Infamous Gnome by Professor Andipholitz Whatzzit.
A Study of the Infamous Gnome by Professor Andipholitz Whatzzit
Meldrath: Balance Sundered
Old tales recall that Meldrath had a conjoined twin with whom he was connected at the chest. One boy's heart was pure and his eyes shone with a beautiful light, while the other's heart was dark and cold and his eyes were as black as oil. Their hearts beat as one, each balanced by the extreme of the other. So balanced were they, in fact, that they were both known as Meldrath because no one thought of them as two. Meldrath's mother desired the two sons she thought she deserved, and constantly sought a way to separate them.
One day, a traveling healer provided their mother with a magic sword he claimed would disconnect them. She ran home and, finding them asleep, plunged the sword between them. Both of her sons were unharmed, and the two rubbed their eyes sleepily. She rejoiced, but as she looked from one to the other she noticed for the first time that one was beautiful and the other ugly. One looked at her with loving, sweet eyes and the other with hatred.
Suddenly, the beautiful Meldrath began to rise higher and higher into the air. His mother screamed and tried to hold him down but the ugly Meldrath bit her leg and stomped on her foot. The beautiful Meldrath floated up to the surface of Norrath and into the sky and was never seen again. The deity responsible for his ascension is unknown, but most attribute the act to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, ruler of the Plane of Mischief, and claim that it was he, under the guise of a healer, that had provided the magical sword.
Meldrath: The Ambitious
The extent of the ugly Meldrath's wickedness and insanity was not at first apparent to the citizens of Ak'Anon. Meldrath's temper tantrums and fits of rage abated as he matured yet still he had the look of hatred in his eyes, thus found few friends amongst his fellow gnomes. Those who did associate with the ugly, spiteful Meldrath tended to be other gnomes of notorious repute.
Eventually, Meldrath managed to join the Eldrich Collective under the tutelage of a wizard who believed Meldrath was simply suffering from a traumatized youth and could yet become a respectable citizen of Ak'Anon. To the surprise of many and the pleasure of his mentor, Meldrath excelled at the wizardly arts and quickly rose through the ranks of the Eldrich Collective. Meldrath became particularly fascinated, some would say obsessed, with magic that dealt with teleportation, translocation, and alternate planes of existence.
Meldrath's talent for the sorcerous arts grew to the point where it rivaled, if not exceeded, his mentor's, and he began to select pupils of his own to aid him with his research into what he called "other worlds." It was obvious to those who associated with Meldrath that he sought something in these other worlds, but whatever it was, Meldrath never spoke of it. Then one day, Meldrath was gone. His pupils did not admit to knowing the whereabouts of their mentor, or the nature of his passion with other worlds.
It is not known precisely when Meldrath returned to Ak'Anon, but it has been estimated based on events that we now know were tied to Meldrath's return. Over a period of time his pupils also began to vanish from the Library Mechanamagica, and despite the Eldrich Collective's inquiries into the disappearances, no clues as to the nature of the disappearances were found.
Meldrath: The Malignant
The mines of Ak'Anon had long been used as a source of materials for the construction of Ak'Anon's clockwork guards and servants. That changed the day the whereabouts of the missing sorcerer Meldrath and his pupils were discovered. Ak'Anon's miners had begun toiling early that morning, but when they did not return to their homes that evening their friends and families became alarmed.
King Ak'Anon ordered a small patrol of guards to investigate the whereabouts of the miners, but they too failed to return. What did emerge that night, shortly after the patrol had entered the mines, were creatures of death, shadow, and flame! The animated corpses of the miners, along with creatures summoned from other worlds, stalked the tunnels of Ak'Anon, slaying and destroying all in their path and swelling their numbers with the animated corpses of the freshly dead.
By the time King Ak'Anon could organize the Gemcutters, Eldrich Collective, and Deep Muses to defeat the monstrosities, the devastation had reached proportions never before inflicted upon the city of Ak'Anon. A powerful charm was cast by the most powerful of the Eldrich Collective that temporarily nullified the use of magic within Ak'Anon, while the Gem Cutters and Deep Muses fought their way through the tunnels of Ak'Anon, toward the mines.
When the forces of King Ak'Anon reached the mines, they found them devastated far worse than the rest of the city. The mechanical mining apparatuses utilized by the miners had been destroyed and the clockwork miners and ore haulers had been reprogrammed to slaughter. To the chagrin of the good gnomes of Ak'Anon, Meldrath and his minions had already fled the city, their tainted seed of corruption already planted.
Meldrath: The Mad
Meldrath and his apprentices, exiled from Ak'Anon and collectively dubbed the Asylum of the Mad, began construction of a fortress deep in the Steamfont Mountains. For years the Asylum of the Mad constructed clockwork war-machines, far more advanced than any clockworks previously constructed by the tinkers, that plagued the Watchmen of Ak'Anon.
Eventually, the Asylum of the Mad were captured, slain, or disappeared. Meldrath, however, remained at large, plotting and executing his mad schemes. The mad sorcerer had somehow earned the allegiance of a tribe of minotaurs, and employed them to capture gnomes to toil in his mines and complete his twisted, mechanical fortress. Many of the Eldrich Collective speculated as to the nature of Meldrath's madness and talents with both sorcery and mechanics, but their theories were never proven.
The Riddlemaster's Tome This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This magical tome was awarded to the owner for quick witted riddle-solving.
The Story of Taruun - Shard 1 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 2 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 3 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 4 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 5 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 6 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 7 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 8 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 9 (shinies in Savage Weald)
The Story of Taruun - Shard 10 (shinies in Savage Weald)
Discovered on 30 Mar 2021 at 12:19:39 PDT.
The Story of Taruun
This is the tale of Taruun, the first Vah Shir scout.
Taruun was discovered as a small child. He was found wandering the Old World continent of Odus alone. His face was scarred and his fur was burned in patches. It was apparent that he had been without food for some time. The orphan was very near death when Kerran hunters found him and brought him back to their village.
The Shir tribe adopted the child and nursed him back to health. The tribe searched for some trace of his family, but did not succeed in finding them. The young cub was either unable or unwilling to speak which made the hunt for his origins that much more difficult.
After several years of searching all efforts to find his family were officially ended and the boy was adopted into the tribe. That is when they gave him the name Taruun. As Taruun grew it became clear that he would never grow to be like the other Kerrans. It was obvious to those who knew him that whatever trauma he suffered had scarred him deeply. He never spoke, nor even growled for that matter. He kept to himself mostly, sometimes wandering off on his own for days.
Taruun demonstrated abilities that no Kerran had possessed. All Kerrans could move quietly while they hunted, but Taruun was different. He moved silently, undetectable by even his fellow Kerrans. Added to this was an amazing ability to instantly blend into any background. He did so without the normal visual effects that a shaman displays while casting a spell of invisibility. Taruun could disappear at will.
The boy never spoke, but he proved his value to the tribe during those first years. He often returned from his solo treks into the wilderness with more food than the elder, more experienced hunters in his tribe. Some days he would return with more food than an entire gathering of hunters. The tribal elders watched this and grew curious.
One morning the tribal elders asked the youth if they could send hunters with him on one of his treks. He simply nodded and motioned for the elder hunters to follow. The hunters had learned to respect young Taruun prior to that day and followed the youth with open minds. It is fortunate for all of us that they did so. The skills that they learned in that expedition and all of the ones that followed it are still used today.
Taruun continued to take hunters with him for several years after that first trip. The hunters that he taught passed their knowledge to the hunters that followed behind them. Seasons passed and the tribe flourished and grew under the tutelage of the silent youth. This continued until the day that he left the tribe.
No one can remember when or why the youth left. Some speculate that he was a spirit. Others had said that he never existed. I prefer to think that he was a fleeting part of the shadows, destined to move with the sun.
Our people all learn the story of Taruun at an early age. The boy never spoke the name himself, but his actions and skill spoke like no words could. Our elders say that the story of Taruun is a lesson in humility. He helped our tribe without the use of words and with no desire for gratitude. That is why we have named our scouts after the youth. They are the epitome of what he represented to our people.
That is the story of Taruun, the child that taught a tribe to survive.
The Tome of Tinkering This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This weighty research tome includes some ancient tinkering recipes from before the Age of Cataclysms. The recipes may no longer work, but their historical value is fascinating.
Prelude The recipes contained in this tome have been painstakingly researched and recovered from before the Age of Cataclysm.
Unfortunately, the components required are no longer available in many cases and the knowledge of these techniques has been lost. However, the recipes are preserved here as a record of gnomish history.
Unforgotten Page 2 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Unforgotten Page 3 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Unforgotten Page 4 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Unforgotten Page 1 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Unforgotten Page 5 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Unforgotten Page 6 (shinies in Thalumbra, the Ever Deep)
Discovered on 21 Jan 2016 at 17:56:53 PST.
The Unforgotten
In the beginning were the deities.
Zou Kunnen the goddess of magic and Pingyuan Diqu the god of land and growth created the glaufaye. And the other gods were jealous, for were we not the most perfect of mortals?
The other gods began to bicker, and to create followers of their own in the image of the glaufaye, but none were so perfect as we.
And as the gods created followers, the balance of power was in flux, and Roehn Theer feared the consequence, and moved to restore the balance. One by one the gods fell, and all mortal memories of them ceased to exist, so we cannot say how many fell or which gods they were. New gods arose and inherited their Planes of power as if it had always been so.
But Zou Kunnen did not wish to be replaced, nor did she agree with Roehn Theer that a balance in temporary flux was a danger. So she gathered her most loyal servants the glaufaye, and crafted a plan.
When Roehn Theer's twin swords severed Zou Kunnen's link to her Plane and ended her existence, all mortal memories of her ceased to exist. No mortal remembers her existence, and no mortal knows her name. Not Zou Kunnen nor Pingyuan Diqu nor Paixao nor Aniquilacion, all destroyed by Theer.
But before this came to pass, the goddess suspended the lives of we, her most loyal servants. We are no longer mortal and so long as we never age, we remember they who created us. The unforgotten gods are not truly obliterated so long as we serve. We guard the memories of the gods and the images she sent with us.
So long as we do not live, they do not die. And we believe that one day, the time will come for them to live again, and we can cease to live and go to that final rest to be reborn as the cycle continues at last.
Praise be to the creators.
Tinkering Competition Supply Instructions This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Notes from Navier Stokes regarding the supplying of the competition set up by the Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild for testing the Froglok, Boegie.
The Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild has opened their doors to skilled tinkerers, provided that they can successfully demonstrate their tinkering skills in a challenge created by the guild. However, not all are as eager as others to welcome non-gnomes into their ranks. It was enough of a challenge to get the mathematically-inclined ratonga accepted as full members, and now tinkerers of other races are applying as well.
In the interests of fairness, I have completed a full audit of the supplies needed for the competition set up for the froglok Boegie, and found supply shortfalls as follows:
Part 1, Needed Supplies:
The supply crate is supposed to contain: 5 clockwork energizer XVII 36 electromagnetic sparklet 12 micro-gyroscopes All other items are to be scrounged by the competitor.
Part 2: Actual Supplies Due to mathematical errors by my counterpart as well as supply shortages due to Tinkerfest celebrations, the following are the actual supplies that were made available for this competition: 5 Inert Battery XVII 6 Electromagnetic Sparklet 24 Micro-gyroscope
Initial Supply Conclusions: In the interest of a fair and just competition, the following supply issues must be resolved: 5 Inert Battery XVII must be used, along with scrounged materials, to create 5 Clockwork Energizer. 24 additional Electromagnetic Sparklets must be created using the provided micro-gyroscopes and scrounged materials.
Supplies for Tinkering Volunteer to Scrounge: Once a suitable impartial tinkerer volunteer is found, they will need to scrounge the following supplies while on-site: 17 clockwork energy source 5 power regulators 12 high-tension springs 12 rotational gears
Additional Instructions for the Volunteer:
All clockworks should be inactive when the volunteer arrives.
Volunteer should leave the competition area as soon as items are emplaced. The Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild will not be held responsible for any injuries due to accidental early activation or failure to leave the testing area.
Once the additional Electromagnetic Sparklets are created, they must be distributed in specific designated areas.
Once properly energized, the Clockwork Energizers must be inserted into specific clockworks at the testing site to prepare them for remote activation. Each of these specific clockworks should also be checked for proper functionality.
Tinkering Competition Supply Instructions [Reproduction] This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A reproduction of Navier Stokes's notes regarding the supplying of the competition set up by the Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild for testing the Froglok, Boegie.
The Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild has opened their doors to skilled tinkerers, provided that they can successfully demonstrate their tinkering skills in a challenge created by the guild. However, not all are as eager as others to welcome non-gnomes into their ranks. It was enough of a challenge to get the mathematically-inclined ratonga accepted as full members, and now tinkerers of other races are applying as well.
In the interests of fairness, I have completed a full audit of the supplies needed for the competition set up for the froglok Boegie, and found supply shortfalls as follows:
Part 1, Needed Supplies:
The supply crate is supposed to contain: 5 clockwork energizer XVII 36 electromagnetic sparklet 12 micro-gyroscopes All other items are to be scrounged by the competitor.
Part 2: Actual Supplies Due to mathematical errors by my counterpart as well as supply shortages due to Tinkerfest celebrations, the following are the actual supplies that were made available for this competition: 5 Inert Battery XVII 6 Electromagnetic Sparklet 24 Micro-gyroscope
Initial Supply Conclusions: In the interest of a fair and just competition, the following supply issues must be resolved: 5 Inert Battery XVII must be used, along with scrounged materials, to create 5 Clockwork Energizer. 24 additional Electromagnetic Sparklets must be created using the provided micro-gyroscopes and scrounged materials.
Supplies for Tinkering Volunteer to Scrounge: Once a suitable impartial tinkerer volunteer is found, they will need to scrounge the following supplies while on-site: 17 clockwork energy source 5 power regulators 12 high-tension springs 12 rotational gears
Additional Instructions for the Volunteer:
All clockworks should be inactive when the volunteer arrives.
Volunteer should leave the competition area as soon as items are emplaced. The Ak'Anon Tinkerer's Guild will not be held responsible for any injuries due to accidental early activation or failure to leave the testing area.
Once the additional Electromagnetic Sparklets are created, they must be distributed in specific designated areas.
Once properly energized, the Clockwork Energizers must be inserted into specific clockworks at the testing site to prepare them for remote activation. Each of these specific clockworks should also be checked for proper functionality.
To Slay a Dragon This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This book appears to be a scouting report for a larger army.
We've made it past the kobolds and the spiders. Everything here is quite aggressive, and equally strong. We were coordinated, however, and were able to defeat each of the enemies we encountered. Although our plan is to bring many more strong adventurers through here, we will want to warn them to mind the creatures found here - carelessness will cost lives.
I've approached what appears to be a giant stone structure, like a castle. To our surprise, it appears to be guarded by a race of fire giants, which none of us are eager to fight. However, if we're going to get the information we need to confront the dragon, we will need to find a way around. We've been watching for guard shifts, or sleeping patterns... something to give us an opening.
We couldn't have predicted, but a group of adventurers came pouring through the caverns behind us. We elected to stay in the shadows and observe the group... either they will kill the dragon themselves, or we will get a good sense of how strong our adversaries are. Initially, they were able to defeat the giants guarding the enhance, and began to push their way into the structure itself.
The group has largely been successful. Several of the fire giants are now dead, and they are preparing to make a final push to the dragon. It seems that they are preparing differently for this next fight, however - one of their scouts returned from a run ahead, and it seems like he discovered something that was a cause for concern.
I was correct, but in a way I couldn't have guessed. The group engaged a creature known as Magus Rokyl - a fire giant wizard far stronger than any of his fellows. They fought well, but the giants had another card to play. It seems that the fighting drew the attention of Warlord Skarlon, another mighty fire giant, and what seemed to be the strongest of their warriors. Combined, the two giants laid waste to the adventurers, leaving only a few survivors, fleeing for their lives.
If we are to make our way to the dragon, we will have to contend with these two giants. Their power is frightening, and is something we need to prepare properly for or we will be easily overwhelmed. I have to admit that seeing the two makes me wonder if we are prepared for this at all, but at least we have the information we need to hopefully be ready. May the gods favor our victory.
Tome of History This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
"The Tome of Order and Discord was penned by the seventh member of the Tribunal and has become the key to a life of Discord, in spite of the author's pitiful warnings."
As stated by a Priest of Discord near the year 5313.
It is with great effort that we decipher the teachings found within the original tattered tome. The most we could gather from the writings are titles of chapters that we believe are basic rules to living a life of Discord. Much of the information has been updated with relevant terms of our age and it is done not to dilute the teachings, but to make sure we provide relevant information and allow everyone to grasp the essence of our philosophy.
Order and Chaos are everliving and permeate our body and mind. They are the true nature that fights for dominance in our daily lives. It is impossible to claim control over ourselves without first making the choice to follow one or the other. You have chosen the path of Discord. Discord will allow each of us to fully experience what it is to be a superior being over others that claim to be. Since the beginning of time Order and Chaos have moved across the minds of all living creatures. Only in Discord will we satiate the yearning in our hearts. We are the Seekers of Discord,
As a Seeker of Discord, you are now faced with more dangers than your average Order follower. You not only face the dangers of the wilderness but also of others that have embraced Discord like yourself. You may have felt relatively safe for the earlier part of your travels but that is only because it is not until your 10th season that you can appreciate Discord enough to participate. We will explain a few rules in the next chapters that will hopefully aid you in your path. We are separated into three casts: Exile, Freeport and Qeynos factions.
It is agreed upon that experienced fighters cannot engage less experienced fighters in combat. This disparity is determined by the location you are traveling and mainly how many seasons you have survived. Magical notices are given to each traveler when they enter a new area. There is a 30 second respite that will allow you to get your bearings before you are free to relish in the glory of a fight.
If you miss the notice, you will know soon enough by the auras your enemies emanate.
Red Aura means you are better off not attacking. Orange Aura means you are advised not to attack but you could get lucky. White Aura means you are the same level and should engage and learn from the battle. Blue Aura means you are very likely to win but they can be a threat. Green Aura means you are likely to win but they are also likely to get lucky. Grey Aura means you are much more willing to ignore the pest, unless they attack you first.
It is essential that you are always prepared. This not only means that you are aware of your surroundings but also of the thing closest to you, your equipment. It is often times that we witness a battle won not by the skill, but by the sheer lack of maintenance of their equipment.
Armor, poisons, potions, scrolls and weapons are all available through city merchants and traders. They are also found in treasures deep within lost ruins or under the belly of a dragon. It is your task to find the best way to upgrade the equipment you use in battle. Items are magically etched with the proper levels they can be used and will literally save your life.
Combat arts and spells are part of your equipment. The amount of practice and study you spend (literally) can also make the difference if fighting equally armored opponents. Each class has different combat arts and spells that help them define their strategies in combat. Take time to learn against lesser beings before you jump into the fray of battle.
Beneficial Combat Arts or Spells
Yellow etched will only affect the caster. Orange etched will affect a single friend in your group. Purple etched will affect everyone in your group or raid.
Offensive Combat Arts or Spells
Red etched will affect a single target. Green etched will affect all enemies in your target group. Blue etched will affect everyone around the caster up to the limits of the skill.
We do not follow our path for fame or fortune, but the weak must pay tribute and admire our deeds. Each city will honor your victories with acceptance into their elite circles. Rewards vary and can range from trinkets to titles that help distinguish you in the battlefield. You may find them offered by merchants in cities. The more experienced gain Discord tokens that they use as currency for the items they desire.
An alliance between cities has made it so that citizens of Freeport, Gorowyn and Neriak gain favor with The Lucanic Knights while citizens of Qeynos, Kelethin and Halas are favored by The Royal Antonican Guard. Exiles have chosen to forgo these accolades in favor of being able to engage anyone they deem worthy.
It is known that all things must come to an end. This also applies to each of us that embrace Discord. In the event that we suffer the unmentionable, there are also separate rules that followers of Discord must abide by. Reviving is limited to certain areas that may not be equal to those that follow Order. You are allowed a longer respite and will not be engaged until you decide you are ready again. You will not suffer the penalties of armor decay but you will suffer from the sickness the experience with death causes even the most fearless. You must make sure to refocus your energy before leaving the areas.
In the event that you have coin on your person, the chances of your losing at least half will be guaranteed. It is best that you seek a banker whenever you find yourself with enough coin that you would rather not give away. The same applies to any item that is not marked Legendary, Fabled or Mythical in quality. Although the chances are much less, it is a chance that you take. Titles are currently not lost in combat, but they can still be gained. You do lose fame if you are missing from the realm and that can lead to your title being lost if the duration is substantial.
It is our will to embrace Discord. The path is not for the faint of heart and the challenges will test even the strongest of us all. Let it be known that we, the Seekers of Discord, are and always will be present. It is only in Discord that you can truly find your equal, since it is we that destroy the dragons and best the avatars of the gods!
Tome of Terrors This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Transcription of all references to Maldura that could be found in the histories of the Coldain.
From "Tales of the Elder Age" By Lorekeeper Wystro
...During the times of settlement, our people moved slowly towards the surface and found a bounteous land above. While some brave few ventured to explore the new lands above, many remained below ground in the trade villages of the deeper tunnels. Jealousy and pride still grew in the hearts of the dwarf lords, and battles between villages were frequent, as well as attacks by other enemies from the depths of the underfoot.
Of all the trade villages, the rich mines of Maldura gave it the greatest wealth, but also attracted the most covetous attention. Declaring the need for security, the elders of Maldura encouraged construction of fortifications and soon it became the largest citadel below.
However, as the surface exploration continued, new sources of ore and gems were uncovered and artisans began to explore the properties of carbonite, feyiron, and other new metals previously unknown...
From "A History of the Age of Monuments" Transcribed from elders' tales by Lorekeeper Canvar
...these struggles ended with the reign of Dagnor Butcherblock, who united the warring tribes into the first dwarven kingdom. The capitol city Kaladim was established in the Butcherblock Mountains, and the best craftsmen from throughout the the lands came to contribute their skills to its construction.
Ore forged in deepest Maldura was used to build the great Cathedral of the Underfoot, both a tribute to and a reminder of our origins deep below.
When the cathedral was dedicated, the great hammer forged in Maldura was presented to King Dagnor Butcherblock and hung in the great hall with much ceremony, as a sign of continued goodwill and profitable trade between Kaladim and that great citadel of the underfoot.
From "A History of the Age of Monuments" Transcribed from elders' tales by Lorekeeper Canvar
...the dwindling supply of ore from Maldura was not noticed immediately, as the forges were busy working the new ores found in the surface lands. However, the largest veins in the glittervein mines were exhausted, and the smaller veins could not provide the same output. Reluctant to rely entirely on Kaladim for new ores, the elders mounted exploration expeditions of their own, delving in the opposite direction. When the mines of Moradhim were discovered and linked to Maldura with an underground trade route, the wealth of Maldura once again swelled to fill their coffers, and soon ore from Moradhim was flowing through the underground trade routes.
At this time was also the great rift between the forgemasters of the great cities; those of Maldura believed their deep forges should remain the heart of dwarven craftmanship and maintain the traditions that had served the dwarves so well, while the forgemasters of Kaladim believed the future lay in exploring and mastering the new and far more diverse ores from the lands above, and developing new techniques to refine them. Artisans throughout the kingdom aligned themselves with one or the other school of thought and, while contact and trade between the elders of the great cities remained cordial, exchange of artisanal knowledge slowed and nearly ceased.
From "Tales of the Age of Enlightenment" Transcribed by Lorekeeper Mori is clear that the future of the dwarven race lies on the surface of the land, and the many new and valuable gems and ores to be found throughout the overlands show this to be Brell's intention for us. Seeking to prove this, Colin Dain led our steadfast expedition to Odus in search of valuable new gems. We could not have anticipated the great storms that blew us off course, and when the ships turned out to be damaged beyond compare, these frigid new lands became our new home.
Despite the inclement weather, the new ores here are far more diverse than those of Maldura and even of Butcherblock, and our forgemasters are learning new ways to forge weapons superior to any seen before. We fight daily for survival but as always shall prevail...
Treatise of Trysts This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Walking in the Sand: A Case Study in Desert Spiders This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This journal has several entries within it, complete with illustrations and charts. It seems to focus on the study of large spiders within the Desert of Ro.
The Desert Spiders A Study in Large Therephosids Oran M'zal, Erudin Academy
Desert Spiderling Appearance: Very small (about the size of a small dog). Light Brown with darker brown spots on their legs. Ecology: There were the smallest of the theraphosids I was able to find. They are called "desert" spiderlings, but are actually found closer to the city, and within the small grassy patches found on the edge of the desert itself. They are terrestrial hunters, and feed on small snakes and animals. Not generally regarded as threatening creature, they largely keep to themselves.
Dune Spiderling Appearance: Small, although larger than the desert spiderlings. Brown, with darker brown stripes on their legs - can be easily mistaken for their smaller cousins at a distance. Ecology: These are larger than the desert spiderlings, and are considered more dangerous (debatable, but they are certainly more aggressive). They hunt many of the same prey, but are found mostly out in the deserts themselves, as opposed to being closer to the city. The "desert" and "dune" theraphosids are certainly different species, and the "spiderlings" appear to be immature versions of their order.
Desert Tarantula Appearance: Their body is approximately the size of a large dog. With their legs included, they are about the size of a larger sized dinner table. As with the spiderlings, they are light brown with dark brown stripes on their legs and abdomen. Eyes are more pronounces, and reflect a light red color. Ecology: Again, the "desert" moniker tends to be a bit misleading - they are found on the outskirts of the grassy areas near the desert more often then actually inside the desert itself (although there are members out there). These creatures feed on the larger snakes and coyotes that cross its path, but seems to ear infrequently - this would make sense, given how infrequently food can become available out here.
Dune Tarantula Appearance: Very large. While still similar in appearance to the smaller theraphosids in the Desert of Ro, they are notable for being far larger. Ecology: Most often found in the deeper parts of Northern Desert of Ro, these creatures feed on most anything that is smaller than themselves. They are far more aggressive than the other theraphosids, and are considered a dangerous nuisance, since they will readily attack caravan pack animals making their way through the desert.
Unknown Creature Description: In my search for more theraphosids in the southern Desert of Ro, I've come across what looks like tracks in the sand. I am aghast at the size of the tracks, and if my measurements are correct, this would be a spider of massive size. Something I wouldn't have conceived would even exist. Update: I've talked to some of the travelers who have come through this area, and they've told me a story of something called the "Terrorantula". I believe this might be the creature they are speaking of.
Terrorantula Description: Massive. It looks similar to the other theraphosids in this area, but many, many times larger. Ecology: I can't begin to describe the size of this creature. I found it some days ago and have followed its movements, and I'm awed by how incredibly huge it is. I can't be sure what its diet is, unless it is feeding off the other giants of the area. Many of us have heard stories of caravans that go missing in the desert and things of that nature... perhaps this beast has something to do with it.
Terrorantula Update: I've found what I think might be this creature's lair. I have not yet entered it, but I believe that it might go much further back than it initially appears. Although it might be risky, I am going to attempt to enter the cavern, and see how deep it might go. Surely a creature of this size couldn't simply have sprung up from no where... perhaps there are more of these beasts. I must know...
Words to Remember - by Mother Deasie This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This completed book can be placed in your house and read.
This book is titled "More Words to Remember - by Mother Deasie". It is a collection of proverbs told by the halflings long ago.
Cooperation is the flower of philanthropy. The love of evil is the root of all money.
When forced to make a choice between a greater evil and a lesser evil, choose to look for the greater good instead.
Always count the cost, for if you don't, you may wind up paying more than you expected.
Sometimes is it better to wait for the rain to stop before bailing the water out of your boat. Just always make sure you're close to shore.
Don't throw away the old bucket until you know whether the new one holds water.
Beware of all things that require a new set of clothes. When you change a person's clothes, you've changed what the person appears to be.
You can tell more about a person by what he says about others than you can by what others say about him.
To understand your parents' love you must raise children yourself. That's when you'll finally know.
You can only learn to love something once you understand it. It's easy enough to look at a rose and comment on how pretty it is, but it takes a true heart to say the same about a troll.
Before you can go adventuring on a grand and noble quest to find the solution, you should first seek out the problem.