Total items in category Crafting (Stoves): 13
A Merry Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Harvested from Merry Chest in The Commonlands or Greater Faydark.

Requires the use of:
A Merry Key
A key wrapped in holiday cheer. What it unlocks is a mystery!


Discovered on 12 Dec 2013 at 8:09:34 PST.
Desert Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A stove and keg in the desert style that can be placed in your home or guildhall to make items up to the pristine stage.


Quest reward from [125] Researchers of Ro: Sandstone Setup (Tradeskill), started by Hamdi in Takish Badlands (646, 155, -693).

Purchased from Merih Najafi in Raj'Dur Plateaus (144, -60, 584) or Tahmine in Takish Badlands (645, 155, -700) or Tarkin in Sandstone Delta (751, 116, -455)
requires completing the Quest "Researchers of Ro: Sandstone Setup"
for 300,000SP 2p.

Discovered on 30 Nov 2022 at 13:19:50 PST.
Elaborate Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Purchased from Fhara Hanford in Qeynos Capitol District (340, -21, -108)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Ironforge Exchange

or Jowling (City Merchant) (574, -8, 184)
Must be a guild member
or Tatterhorn (City Merchant) in Qeynos Capitol District (292, -18, -76)
Must be a guild member
or Mirthmire (City Merchant) (714, -17, -320)
Must be a guild member
or Rabbleson (City Merchant) in Qeynos Province District (899, -25, 53)
Must be a guild member
or Aothis Warmbreeze (City Merchant) (284, 107, 172)
Must be a guild member
or Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

or Mirva Kilgour (City Merchant) (81, 154, -160)
Must be a guild member
or Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver in Frostfang Sea (-331, 176, -47)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Ravens of the North

for 492,805SP 87g 44s 80c.

Discovered on 26 Feb 2005 at 5:11:00 PST.
Elaborate Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An elaborate stove and keg that can make items up to the pristine stage.


Purchased from Caphion (City Merchant) in North Freeport (-96, -21, -71)
Must be a guild member
or Valokis (City Merchant) in South Freeport (44, -12, 173)
Must be a guild member
or Balex (City Merchant) in West Freeport (230, -4, 111)
Must be a guild member
or Juvena in The City of Freeport (36, -18, 105)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Coalition of Tradesfolke

or Progenitus (City Merchant) in The City of Freeport (-233, -56, 97)
Must be a guild member
or Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

or Phyrra S'Vivirr (City Merchant) in Neriak, City of Hate (-92, 8, 325)
Must be a guild member
or Erlwyn Riz'mok (Guild Merchant) (2682, 107, 1197)
Must be a guild member
or Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 492,805SP 87g 44s 80c.

Discovered on 22 Mar 2005 at 14:18:54 PST.
Formed Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A formed stove and keg.


Purchased from Caphion (City Merchant) in North Freeport (-96, -21, -71)
Must be a guild member
or Valokis (City Merchant) in South Freeport (44, -12, 173)
Must be a guild member
or Progenitus (City Merchant) in East Freeport (-232, -55, 97)
Must be a guild member
or Balex (City Merchant) in West Freeport (230, -4, 111)
Must be a guild member
for 17,780SP 3g 35s 9c.

Discovered on 30 Dec 2004 at 18:48:37 PST.
Formed Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An Iron Forge Exchange formed stove and keg.


Purchased from Tatterhorn (City Merchant) in North Qeynos (413, -20, -194)
Must be a guild member
or Jowling (City Merchant) in South Qeynos (656, -13, 240)
Must be a guild member
or Rabbleson (City Merchant) in Qeynos Harbor (899, -25, 53)
Must be a guild member
or Mirthmire (City Merchant) in The Elddar Grove (714, -17, -320)
Must be a guild member
for 17,780SP 3g 35s 9c.

Discovered on 9 Dec 2004 at 20:30:22 PST.
Guild Crafting Station: Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This amenity allows for the creation of pristine quality tradeskill products. This crafting station does not count towards your amenity total.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 2p, 50g 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 5g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 12 Nov 2013 at 12:05:00 PST.
Maldura Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An elaborate stove and keg that can make items up to the pristine stage.


Purchased from Thalnor in Maldura (48, 35, -164)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Deepforge Founders

for 20 Coins of the Grand Artificer.

Discovered on 24 Nov 2015 at 14:37:05 PST.
Simple Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A simple sewing stove and keg. This limited device can craft only crude quality products at best.


Purchased from Caphion (City Merchant) in North Freeport (-96, -21, -71)
Must be a guild member
or Valokis (City Merchant) in South Freeport (44, -12, 173)
Must be a guild member
or Balex (City Merchant) in West Freeport (230, -4, 111)
Must be a guild member
or Juvena in The City of Freeport (36, -18, 105)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Coalition of Tradesfolke

or Progenitus (City Merchant) in The City of Freeport (-233, -56, 97)
Must be a guild member
or Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

or Phyrra S'Vivirr (City Merchant) in Neriak, City of Hate (-92, 8, 325)
Must be a guild member
or Erlwyn Riz'mok (Guild Merchant) (2682, 107, 1197)
Must be a guild member
or Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 6,215SP 1g 11s 64c.

Discovered on 21 Nov 2004 at 6:15:57 PST.
Simple Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An Iron Forge Exchange simple stove and keg. This limited device can craft only crude quality products at best.


Purchased from Fhara Hanford in Qeynos Capitol District (340, -21, -108)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Ironforge Exchange

or Jowling (City Merchant) (574, -8, 184)
Must be a guild member
or Tatterhorn (City Merchant) in Qeynos Capitol District (292, -18, -76)
Must be a guild member
or Mirthmire (City Merchant) (714, -17, -320)
Must be a guild member
or Rabbleson (City Merchant) in Qeynos Province District (899, -25, 53)
Must be a guild member
or Aothis Warmbreeze (City Merchant) (284, 107, 172)
Must be a guild member
or Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

or Mirva Kilgour (City Merchant) (81, 154, -160)
Must be a guild member
or Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver in Frostfang Sea (-331, 176, -47)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Ravens of the North

for 6,215SP 1g 11s 64c.

Discovered on 18 Nov 2004 at 19:53:40 PST.
Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Reward from achievement Unblemished Oeuvre (Tradeskills).

Discovered on 23 Aug 2010 at 3:51:20 PDT.
Worked Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A worked sewing stove and keg.


Purchased from Caphion (City Merchant) in North Freeport (-96, -21, -71)
Must be a guild member
or Valokis (City Merchant) in South Freeport (44, -12, 173)
Must be a guild member
or Progenitus (City Merchant) in East Freeport (-232, -55, 97)
Must be a guild member
or Balex (City Merchant) in West Freeport (230, -4, 111)
Must be a guild member
for 53,689SP 10g 27c.

Discovered on 19 Jan 2005 at 22:24:08 PST.
Worked Stove & Keg
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An Iron Forge Exchange worked stove and keg.


Purchased from Tatterhorn (City Merchant) in North Qeynos (413, -20, -194)
Must be a guild member
or Jowling (City Merchant) in South Qeynos (656, -13, 240)
Must be a guild member
or Rabbleson (City Merchant) in Qeynos Harbor (899, -25, 53)
Must be a guild member
or Mirthmire (City Merchant) in The Elddar Grove (714, -17, -320)
Must be a guild member
for 53,689SP 10g 27c.

Discovered on 17 Jan 2005 at 14:18:17 PST.

Press button to dispense cake.