Total items in category Books (Purple): 14
A Romp Through Withered Lands
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This appears to be a collection of journal entries from a gnome tinkerer.


Offers the Quest
'Techgnical Difficulties'

Quest reward from [92] Techgnical Difficulties (Withered Lands), started by Guides in The Withered Lands.

Discovered on 17 Apr 2012 at 17:07:25 PDT.
Day 1

Oh, what I wouldn't give for a nice slab of centaur meat... Grilled to perfection! Errr, wait... I should be writing notes not thoughts... So, there I was! Sitting near the back of the room next to a broken table writing down all my genius ideas for the torso housing of my wonderful contraption, when one of the plants came alive and started spitting vile nasties at me! Let me tell you... It was rude. I even had giants nearby nearly stepping on me. I ended up dropping my schematic and ruining my brand new sweater my mother made me... It even had twirling cogs on it just for decoration. Gah! I loved that sweater.
Day 2
After losing my favorite sweater yesterday... I figured I would look around for something suitable to wear. All I can find is purple and purple really clashes with my eyes and skin tone. Anyway... I come across this poor excuse for a raptor who looks like its lost a hatchling. I mean this thing was frantic. I would be too! I once lost one of my sons in Thundering Steppes it was horrible. I was just starting to panic when I realized I had tied him to a hovering contraption tied to my backpack and he had fallen asleep. Man, was I embarrassed...
Where was I? OH YEAH! Now this is the good part... I followed the matron seeing if I could help it find its lost hatchling when all of a sudden she turns around and looks at me with hungry eyes... My heart just dropped into my boots. Which reminded me I was wearing my nifty jump boots. I rocketed up into the air away from the impending attack, but as I soared I dropped the schematic for my master control down on to the top of one of the nearby rocks... My luck just couldn't get any worse.
Day 3
So... My luck got worse. I was traveling through the Holgresh Pass and I thought to myself, "Self... This is a good time to test out my Gnomish Cloaking Device!" There were lots of flying monkeys around and they looked angry... Angry enough to cook me up for dinner even! I mean what would my mother say to her friends? "My son was eaten by flying monkeys... By the way he was a genius, but couldn't outsmart a flying monkey" NO WAY! I am good enough, smart enough, and dog gonnit people like me!
So, back to the cloaking device. I decided to take a detour since nothing could see me anyway. Something about half way down the pass caught my eye. It was a flying monkey teaching other flying monkeys hand signals... This confounded me! I snuck right up behind them to get a closer look and right when I did the larger of the bunch of flying monkeys turned around, grunted, beat his chest, and took off after me. It was so scary! I think I left yet another part of my schematic back there but I made it out alive and with a tiny bit of dignity... A very tiny bit.
Day 4
Yay! Swimming! I never turn down a chance to take a dip. This swamp was perfect. It reminded me of times back in temple street when I would pull out the wash tub and play sharks and minnows. Some gnomes thought it was odd that I would do this as an adult but hey... It was fun! Anyway, I was swimming through the swamp when what doth my eyes behold? BUBBLES!!! Being the inquisitive gnome that I am, I had to check it out. BAAAAD mistake! Apparently the bubbles were being caused by a HUGE monster under the water that formed from a pile of mud. It was terrifying. Oh yeah, I dropped another schematic. Are you starting to see a trend here? No? Me either. I just turned on my panic mode and ran on top of the water. I bet it was funny looking.
Day 5
Dry land! I finally found it. You thought I was excited before? Nope, this was it... The pinnacle of my travels. My feet were shriveled messes of wrinkles and smells you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy! And the water was making them worse! Anyway, I just noticed reading back through my journal that it is full of run on sentences and really bad punctuation... I hope no one ever reads this. It makes me look like a simpleton.
So, back to my story of day five... I was sitting there working on my tan, or lack there of, and drying my feet off when I heard this deep rumbling... I looked down and saw my cup of drinking water rippling with each loud boom. THEN A ROAR! I think I soiled my leggings... I left my possessions and ran right out of there. Figures... It was the last piece of my schematics. Who cares at this point? I lost the rest of them too.Day 6
A Romp Through Withered Lands
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This appears to be a collection of journal entries from a gnome tinkerer.


Quest reward from [92] Techgnical Difficulties (Withered Lands), started by Guides in The Withered Lands.

Purchased from Shady Swashbuckler XVIII in Nektulos Forest (804, 6, -98)
requires completing the Quest "Techgnical Difficulties"
for 1g 20s.

Discovered on 3 May 2012 at 14:37:52 PDT.
Day 1

Oh, what I wouldn't give for a nice slab of centaur meat... Grilled to perfection! Errr, wait... I should be writing notes not thoughts... So, there I was! Sitting near the back of the room next to a broken table writing down all my genius ideas for the torso housing of my wonderful contraption, when one of the plants came alive and started spitting vile nasties at me! Let me tell you... It was rude. I even had giants nearby nearly stepping on me. I ended up dropping my schematic and ruining my brand new sweater my mother made me... It even had twirling cogs on it just for decoration. Gah! I loved that sweater.
Day 2
After losing my favorite sweater yesterday... I figured I would look around for something suitable to wear. All I can find is purple and purple really clashes with my eyes and skin tone. Anyway... I come across this poor excuse for a raptor who looks like its lost a hatchling. I mean this thing was frantic. I would be too! I once lost one of my sons in Thundering Steppes it was horrible. I was just starting to panic when I realized I had tied him to a hovering contraption tied to my backpack and he had fallen asleep. Man, was I embarrassed...
Where was I? OH YEAH! Now this is the good part... I followed the matron seeing if I could help it find its lost hatchling when all of a sudden she turns around and looks at me with hungry eyes... My heart just dropped into my boots. Which reminded me I was wearing my nifty jump boots. I rocketed up into the air away from the impending attack, but as I soared I dropped the schematic for my master control down on to the top of one of the nearby rocks... My luck just couldn't get any worse.
Day 3
So... My luck got worse. I was traveling through the Holgresh Pass and I thought to myself, "Self... This is a good time to test out my Gnomish Cloaking Device!" There were lots of flying monkeys around and they looked angry... Angry enough to cook me up for dinner even! I mean what would my mother say to her friends? "My son was eaten by flying monkeys... By the way he was a genius, but couldn't outsmart a flying monkey" NO WAY! I am good enough, smart enough, and dog gonnit people like me!
So, back to the cloaking device. I decided to take a detour since nothing could see me anyway. Something about half way down the pass caught my eye. It was a flying monkey teaching other flying monkeys hand signals... This confounded me! I snuck right up behind them to get a closer look and right when I did the larger of the bunch of flying monkeys turned around, grunted, beat his chest, and took off after me. It was so scary! I think I left yet another part of my schematic back there but I made it out alive and with a tiny bit of dignity... A very tiny bit.
Day 4
Yay! Swimming! I never turn down a chance to take a dip. This swamp was perfect. It reminded me of times back in temple street when I would pull out the wash tub and play sharks and minnows. Some gnomes thought it was odd that I would do this as an adult but hey... It was fun! Anyway, I was swimming through the swamp when what doth my eyes behold? BUBBLES!!! Being the inquisitive gnome that I am, I had to check it out. BAAAAD mistake! Apparently the bubbles were being caused by a HUGE monster under the water that formed from a pile of mud. It was terrifying. Oh yeah, I dropped another schematic. Are you starting to see a trend here? No? Me either. I just turned on my panic mode and ran on top of the water. I bet it was funny looking.
Day 5
Dry land! I finally found it. You thought I was excited before? Nope, this was it... The pinnacle of my travels. My feet were shriveled messes of wrinkles and smells you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy! And the water was making them worse! Anyway, I just noticed reading back through my journal that it is full of run on sentences and really bad punctuation... I hope no one ever reads this. It makes me look like a simpleton.
So, back to my story of day five... I was sitting there working on my tan, or lack there of, and drying my feet off when I heard this deep rumbling... I looked down and saw my cup of drinking water rippling with each loud boom. THEN A ROAR! I think I soiled my leggings... I left my possessions and ran right out of there. Figures... It was the last piece of my schematics. Who cares at this point? I lost the rest of them too.Day 6
a torn diary
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The completed diary of an unfortunate spirit that went mad in Ethernere. It has a small engraving on the corner that says G. Trunkcracker.


Quest reward from [92] Diary of a Madman (Eidolon Jungle), started by examining a torn diary in The Eidolon Jungle (167, -9, 161).

Discovered on 13 Nov 2012 at 12:38:38 PST.
I've washed on shore in what I think is the Feerrott. I haven't seen any of the rest of the crew yet, but I will keep searching. The captain is mighty, and surely will have survived the storm. In the meantime, I must scout ahead, and see if I can make a camp to ready myself for their arrival.
The camp is set, but I haven't any food. I tried going fishing, but none are biting. I should probably be more concerned about this, but I haven't noticed my hunger at all. I imagine my body has gone into some kind of survival state, and is living off reserves right now. I will probably be famished soon.
I went hunting, and saw some strange lizard men out in the jungle. I've been here before, and I don't remember this particular clan from my travels here. They are, as expected, quite aggressive, although I was able to fend them off. They have no chance against a Gunthak sailor, and when my fellows get here, their treasures will be ours.
It's been days. Weeks maybe. I haven't seen another soul, nor have I noticed any hunger or thirst. I have been looking at the sky, and I've noticed a strange hue to it. While I might not remember the Feerrott well, I do remember the sky well enough. Something is amiss.
I've been approached by a strange cloaked figure, offering me passage. To where? I asked. The Plane of Fear? Why would I want to go there? He said it where my eternity awaited. In the face of his threat, I attempted to strike him down, but my blade passed straight through him! Again and again I struck, and none of the blows landed. And his expression never changed. I fled.
I know he is looking for me. He tells me I am dead, but I know I am not. I would know if I were dead, and I am not dead. Do you hear me? I am not dead! I will not allow that creature to take me alive. I'll find out his weakness, and destroy him.
He keeps finding me and I run he keeps finding me and I run he keeps find me and I run he keeps finding me and I run he keeps finding me and I run
This time is the last time. I will kill him I will kill him I will kill him and I will be freeee... Freee freeee freee freee freee I am not dead I am freeeeee!
a torn diary
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This torn diary is incomplete, but the pages may be somewhere nearby. It has a small engraving on the corner that says G. Trunkcracker.


Required by the Quest
'Diary of a Madman '

Quest reward from [92] Diary of a Madman (Eidolon Jungle), started by examining a torn diary in The Eidolon Jungle (167, -9, 161).

Discovered on 29 Nov 2012 at 8:31:55 PST.
I've washed on shore in what I think is the Feerrott. I haven't seen any of the rest of the crew yet, but I will keep searching. The captain is mighty, and surely will have survived the storm. In the meantime, I must scout ahead, and see if I can make a camp to ready myself for their arrival.
The camp is set, but I haven't any food. I tried going fishing, but none are biting. I should probably be more concerned about this, but I haven't noticed my hunger at all. I imagine my body has gone into some kind of survival state, and is living off reserves right now. I will probably be famished soon.
I went hunting, and saw some strange lizard men out in the jungle. I've been here before, and I don't remember this particular clan from my travels here. They are, as expected, quite aggressive, although I was able to fend them off. They have no chance against a Gunthak sailor, and when my fellows get here, their treasures will be ours.
It's been days. Weeks maybe. I haven't seen another soul, nor have I noticed any hunger or thirst. I have been looking at the sky, and I've noticed a strange hue to it. While I might not remember the Feerrott well, I do remember the sky well enough. Something is amiss.
I've been approached by a strange cloaked figure, offering me passage. To where? I asked. The Plane of Fear? Why would I want to go there? He said it where my eternity awaited. In the face of his threat, I attempted to strike him down, but my blade passed straight through him! Again and again I struck, and none of the blows landed. And his expression never changed. I fled.
I know he is looking for me. He tells me I am dead, but I know I am not. I would know if I were dead, and I am not dead. Do you hear me? I am not dead! I will not allow that creature to take me alive. I'll find out his weakness, and destroy him.
He keeps finding me and I run he keeps finding me and I run he keeps find me and I run he keeps finding me and I run he keeps finding me and I run
This time is the last time. I will kill him I will kill him I will kill him and I will be freeee... Freee freeee freee freee freee I am not dead I am freeeeee!
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.


Purchased from Indis Surion in Qeynos Capitol District (702, 82, 129) or Navarius Orvalis in The City of Freeport (10, -7, -134) or Piritta Silvarri in Greater Faydark (151, 109, 175) or Ricka Stonehide in Frostfang Sea (-115, 149, -90) or Alhuurn Khalen in Myrist, the Great Library (177, -5, -26) or Beata Sringer in City of Fordel Midst (735, -9, -744) for 1c.

Discovered on 10 Apr 2011 at 22:22:31 PDT.
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle

Second Edition
This is a copy of the journal kept by a chieftain of the barbarian people of Halas. It chronicles the sad end of Halas.
Entry One:

The orcs have been riled up, but I donna know what's gotten into them. It's my job to find out, though.

I canna have them causing any more problems to our people than they already have. I just hope the Tribunal has judged us worthy enough to keep the peace and to smite those beasts down before they get outta hand.
Entry Two:

A couple of hunting parties have come back and told us chieftains that the orcs are gathering together. We're beginning to think that we should have voted differently during last thaw's vote.

Choosing to stop attacking those beasts for the time being so that we don't wipe them out like the mammoths may have been in folly.

I only hope this isn't an omen of things to come.
Entry Three:

Those blasted orcs have been amassing in greater numbers since we last checked on them. Two scouting parties never returned, and the only survivor of the third have confirmed our greatest fears.

The orcs now have an army that numbers in the thousands. Though it's impossible to think of it, we may have to prepare for war against the monsters.
Entry Four:

Our worst fears have come to pass. The massive war party of the orcs are on the move. From what the spotters have told us, they seem to be moving in the direction of our town.

I've ordered the hunters to gather as much food as they can find. In one week we will draw the rafts back from the shore and allow no access into the city. I can only wonder what crime we have performed that would cause the Tribunal to sentence us to this punishment.
Entry Five:

They've spent the past two weeks digging through the collapsed tunnels. Those monsters can't get in, but nor can we get out.

We have enough frozen food to last us a long time, but the orcs don't seem as if they're going to give up anytime soon.

I've had to double the shifts of the guards, just in case those beasts breach the defenses.
Entry Six:

The blasted buggers broke through, but they didn't know what they were getting into. It's one thing to start a fight with us barbarians, but attack our home?


Now they'll see what unbridled fury looks like. They thought we were angry before? Now they're gonna get what's coming to them!
Entry Seven:

We've got them on the run! Chopping through hundreds of orcs at a time, those beasts have seen what happens when you cross one of the True Men.

Axes swinging, we mowed through their numbers with a fury they've never seen before. Now it's time to hunt down all the stragglers.

No one attacks Halas and expects to live long enough to tell stories about it. AHHAAA! I haven't felt this alive in years!
Entry Eight:

The shamans have failed us. They say the Tribunal no longer passes any judgments, nor do they respond to our questions.

We chieftains will delay our vote to the last minute, in hopes that the Tribunal deems what is about to happen to Halas as a great injustice.

For the orcs that our men wiped out was nothing more than the forward party. The true army of orcs is still on their way. And their numbers are in the tens of thousands.
Entry Nine:

We have passed a vote that no barbarian chieftain should ever have to decide upon. With a heavy heart, we have sent many of the children and elderly away from Halas before the orcs arrive.

Guiding them will be the men and women who cannot fight. They will go to the city of Qeynos and request help from their troops. I pray the Tribunal guides them there safely.
The orcs are upon us, and we fight night and day. We will not just allow these beasts to walk in with an invitation. If they want Halas, they'll pay for it with fields of their lost blood. I only hope our people make it to Qeynos. They weren't told the real reason for their exodus. They are our only hope for survival - Halas is doomed.
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.


Collection reward from [45] Donnghail - Clan McNaggle (Tome).

Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 4 (looted from a Kromise hermit in Everfrost)
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 5 (shinies in Everfrost)
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 6 (looted from a Kromise lookout or an icegill fisher in Everfrost)
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 10 (shinies in Everfrost)
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 11 (shinies in Everfrost)
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle - Page 12 (looted from a Kromise hermit in Everfrost)

Discovered on 17 Nov 2005 at 23:59:33 PST.
Donnghail - Clan McNaggle

Second Edition
This is a copy of the journal kept by a chieftain of the barbarian people of Halas. It chronicles the sad end of Halas.
Entry One:

The orcs have been riled up, but I donna know what's gotten into them. It's my job to find out, though.

I canna have them causing any more problems to our people than they already have. I just hope the Tribunal has judged us worthy enough to keep the peace and to smite those beasts down before they get outta hand.
Entry Two:

A couple of hunting parties have come back and told us chieftains that the orcs are gathering together. We're beginning to think that we should have voted differently during last thaw's vote.

Choosing to stop attacking those beasts for the time being so that we don't wipe them out like the mammoths may have been in folly.

I only hope this isn't an omen of things to come.
Entry Three:

Those blasted orcs have been amassing in greater numbers since we last checked on them. Two scouting parties never returned, and the only survivor of the third have confirmed our greatest fears.

The orcs now have an army that numbers in the thousands. Though it's impossible to think of it, we may have to prepare for war against the monsters.
Entry Four:

Our worst fears have come to pass. The massive war party of the orcs are on the move. From what the spotters have told us, they seem to be moving in the direction of our town.

I've ordered the hunters to gather as much food as they can find. In one week we will draw the rafts back from the shore and allow no access into the city. I can only wonder what crime we have performed that would cause the Tribunal to sentence us to this punishment.
Entry Five:

They've spent the past two weeks digging through the collapsed tunnels. Those monsters can't get in, but nor can we get out.

We have enough frozen food to last us a long time, but the orcs don't seem as if they're going to give up anytime soon.

I've had to double the shifts of the guards, just in case those beasts breach the defenses.
Entry Six:

The blasted buggers broke through, but they didn't know what they were getting into. It's one thing to start a fight with us barbarians, but attack our home?


Now they'll see what unbridled fury looks like. They thought we were angry before? Now they're gonna get what's coming to them!
Entry Seven:

We've got them on the run! Chopping through hundreds of orcs at a time, those beasts have seen what happens when you cross one of the True Men.

Axes swinging, we mowed through their numbers with a fury they've never seen before. Now it's time to hunt down all the stragglers.

No one attacks Halas and expects to live long enough to tell stories about it. AHHAAA! I haven't felt this alive in years!
Entry Eight:

The shamans have failed us. They say the Tribunal no longer passes any judgments, nor do they respond to our questions.

We chieftains will delay our vote to the last minute, in hopes that the Tribunal deems what is about to happen to Halas as a great injustice.

For the orcs that our men wiped out was nothing more than the forward party. The true army of orcs is still on their way. And their numbers are in the tens of thousands.
Entry Nine:

We have passed a vote that no barbarian chieftain should ever have to decide upon. With a heavy heart, we have sent many of the children and elderly away from Halas before the orcs arrive.

Guiding them will be the men and women who cannot fight. They will go to the city of Qeynos and request help from their troops. I pray the Tribunal guides them there safely.
The orcs are upon us, and we fight night and day. We will not just allow these beasts to walk in with an invitation. If they want Halas, they'll pay for it with fields of their lost blood. I only hope our people make it to Qeynos. They weren't told the real reason for their exodus. They are our only hope for survival - Halas is doomed.
Excerpts from the Journal of Puab Closk
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

I found this book on the shelves of Kufu, the Keeper of Knowledge in the Cave of Knowledge. It is handwritten excerpts from the journal of Puab Closk. I can place this book in my house.


Plundered from The Cave of Knowledge (239, 3, 287).
requires at least 50000 faction with The Ashen Order

Discovered on 14 Sep 2005 at 21:51:22 PDT.
Excerpts from

the Journal of Puab Closk
My journey is nearly ended. It seems I

have spent over a season in the desert.

The moisture in the air is alarming,

it feels wasteful. It may take me a

while to adjust being in the city again.

I have also found that distancing myself

from civilization has made me more

attuned to its moods. The areas

surrounding Freeport feel more

dangerous than before. Everyone I come

across seems on edge and fearful.

I have spent three nights in the city

and I am very disturbed by what I have

learned. It seems Freeport has a new

leader. I knew D'Lere was vying for

power before I left, but I never

imagined he would succeed.

Strangely, I feel like we have

betrayed ourselves allowing this to

happen. I must ask myself, would we

have interfered if I were here? I

will meditate on that question tonight,
I have searched my feelings and

decided that we would not have stopped

D'Lere and that realization saddens me.

We have always been apart from politics,

but this feels different. I cannot yet

say why this has affected me so

I have observed the monastery from

afar for a day now. All seems the same

as when I left, except some of the

students were causing a bit of a

ruckus with the militia. I feel some

trepidation at the thought of returning.

I feel as though some great evil looms

on the horizon waiting to devour us all.

I don't trust this place.
It is odd... I spent only a season or

so in the desert and it feels far more

like home than Freeport. It is strange

how travel and learning can do that to

a man. I have spent several weeks

speaking with the Sensei and the

council. I have explained and

demonstrated to them what I have

learned. They are excited and a bit

scared. I cannot blame them for their

initial fear.
I have taught the leaders the Arcane

Combat styles. They absorbed each

stance and movement like a desert plant

does water. It was beautiful to watch

the realization wash over them. They

have felt the power given to us by

Quellious and can now wield it.

They look at me with a bit of reverence

in their gazes, I must squash that

immediately. They cannot come to

depend on me, they each must believe
Riots have broken out again tonight. We cannot stay here. I will not allow our knowledge to fall into D'Lere's hands. That fool would tear the world asunder with no one to check him. We have packed up all of the libraries and we have begun filtering out of the city slowly to keep from drawing attention to our departure. We will go into the desert. There we will train and learn all we can of this new combat. There we will make our home and protect the Arcane Combat from the villainy of evil men.
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Offers the Quest
'Living Geomancy'

Discovered on 14 Jun 2006 at 11:36:01 PDT.
"Geomancy -- the Art of Fine Living through Planned Development" by Cho Zei Nurwin
In the past, we lived by placing our homes randomly without thought for how placement affects the energies which can be harnessed by our unconscious thought.

By building homes in harmony with our surroundings, we have created a peaceful environment born of the chaos that drove our people to Mara Island.
This book does not boast that you shall find peace by redirecting only your home.

In many cases, there is no easy solution. It is not always possible to rebuild a home to these specifications.

Yet, knowing how Shin came to be so successful may ensure you will at least keep geomantic solutions in mind.
What is geomancy?

In its simpler form, it is an examination of pebbles to divine the future.

It can also be much more complex, where changing the environment itself can bring about changes.

Change can be negative or positive. By knowing what can influence the changes, one can increase positive outcomes.
The Village of Shin is a good example of planned development.

The families, brought here by mutual misfortune in the far away lands, were fortunate to find the monks of the Whistling Fist agreeable neighbors.

By carefully arranging the homes between the mountains and the sea, Brother Luk Ki channeled universal energies that allowed our fields to prosper long before we expected.
Brother Luk Ki of the Whistling Fists had used geomancy in auspiciously placing the Tower of the Four Winds at the juncture of water and mountain.

The flowing water cleanses the air while the mountains serve as a solid foundation upon which to build a structure as important as the Tower of the Four Winds. Brother Luk Ki had arranged houses in a subtle fan-shape beneath the Tower.

Though the monks had used these homes in their distant past, they no longer needed them. How very fortunate for us!
We never knew Brother Luk Ki, for this village was created long before our arrival.

In his honor, however, we named the small island near the beach for him. The Whistling Fists did not name any of the landmarks, for to them that was a trivial detail.

Our people, however, needed the security of knowing our new place in the world as the Shattering seemed to sever our ties to our past.
You will notice that the fields in which our crops are grown are on the eastern side of Shin. This is to take advantage of the first light of every day, for growth comes of light.

It also allows us to surround Shin more closely by water, the giver of life.

Water can also destroy life, as many found in the years when the seas were impassible. And yet, without water, there can be no growth and thus, no harvest.
The mountains cradle Shin in their embrace, their roots reaching deep into the ground to anchor us.

We named them the Seven Mountains, though there are obviously more than seven separate peaks.

Perhaps when we have been here for a generation, we will name each mountain for its own qualities.
It is not always possible to find a location in proximity to so many good omens, therefore, we should consider ways to bring balance to our surroundings on a smaller scale.

If you live in an area that is not surrounded by mountains, you may place stones to the north and the west in their stead. Likewise, the flow of water to the south and east may be mimicked by a fountain or basin of fresh water.

If you are fortunate enough to live in a place of good omen, construct a pavilion or bridge so that you can view the beauty surrounding you.
Notice that Shin is set amongst verdant foothills.

Tall trees sway gently in the breeze from the bay. Living plants are vital to our well-being.

Bring the outdoors to your home by introducing potted plants, placing them near doors or windows to imitate a garden in none already exists.
We were very fortunate to find that Brother Luk Ki had used geomancy in creating what is now the Village of Shin.

By taking into consideration the elements neccessary for a strong and peaceful home, substituting smaller objects when necessary, you can plan your environment to serve your needs for generations to come.
My Time with the Harpies
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A competent bookbinder is a valuable resource who can restore any book that's had pages removed.


Collection reward from [59] My Time with the Harpies (Tome).

My Time with the Harpies - Page 5 (shinies or looted in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 8 (shinies or looted in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 9 (shinies or looted in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 10 (plundered from a fish bucket at 1217, -191, -1712 in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 11 (plundered from a rock at 1489, -127, -1024 in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 14 (plundered from a harpy nest at 699, -73, -1222 in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 15 (shinies or looted in The Pillars of Flame)
My Time with the Harpies - Page 22 (shinies or looted in The Pillars of Flame)

Discovered on 13 Sep 2005 at 15:39:49 PDT.
by Frego Bintwhizz
A gnome tells a tale of the time he was abducted by harpies.
I suppose I was asking for it, poking around like I always do. Thing is, usually I'm careful.

When I salvage items, I always keep myself alter. I don't - or, at least, I am usually very careful not to - become engrossed in whatever interesting things I come across.

As tough as that is, I've always managed to keep at least one eye on my surroundings, on the lookout for other scavengers or possible threats.
I guess my pas had just never trained me to look to the sky for such threats.

And so, when I heard the screech, I looked 'round myself in all horizontal directions, failing to look up.

In my confusion at seeing nothing, I was an easy target to grasp and up we went.
I dropped the strange trinket I had found (that's a shame, too; whatever it was, it sure was intricate) and managed to put away my Socket-3 Springwrench.

I tried to twist my neck around to see what was carrying me, but everything above me was a mess of wind and feathers in my face. And so I hung there from my breeches and suspender straps.

Not willing to let a brilliant opportunity like this go to waste, I took in the beautiful view below.
We dashed around pillars and swooped over dunes. I concentrated hard to keep my bearings. At our speed and with the constant alterations in course, my wrist compass was very little help.

I was fairly confident our trip took us northwest for the most part. And when we landed high atop a rocky pillar the salty smell told me we were close to the ocean, which meant my guess at our direction had been at least partially correct.
"Thank you!" I quickly managed, "I'm quite sure I would not have been able to get up here on my own." I turned and took a bow. "Frego," I exclaimed, "pleased to meet you."

When the intentions of another party are unknown it's best to act friendly and thankful; this has gotten me out of numerous scrapes. My abductor hissed and fully faced me. I tried not to cringe but I may have anyway, an ugly beast of a harpy she was.

I don't mean to say that all harpies are ugly, but this one was quite trollish in the face.
"Thank you!" she squawked, perhaps mocking me. "Monies, treasure!" she said loudly with an aggressive flap of her wings.

"Oh, of course!" I said, "I didn't figure this was a free ride." I dug in my pockets and produced a couple of silver pieces. I extended them to her.

"Monies, treasure!" she screeched again, knocking the coins from my hand and dusting them into a corner of the shallow nest we were in.

The coins landed in a pile of other trinkets.
Immediately following the jangling of the coins that had been tossed aside, there came a loud screech from above.

Another harpy - this one coincidentally also ugly - landed near us, eyeing the pile of trinkets just as I had been.

Her eyes shined at the fresh coins and then turned to face me.

"Monies, treasure!" she, too, squawked.
The first harpy crowded in toward me as well. "Monies, treasure!" she chimed in - though I must correct myself, 'chime' is not the proper word. This was more the sound a gear might make when it's been stripped of its teeth: 'she strip-geared in,' perhaps.

I kept my wits, despite the distance between myself and them at a constant wane. I dug into my pocket again and found a few more silver pieces.

Never be stingy when your life is in danger, I say.
I held those coins out again. Just as before they were immediately knocked to the ground.

The second of the two harpies managed to scoop one up before the first could fling them all into her corner. When the second harpy flew away, another stepped up to take her place.

I was then that I noticed I had attracted a lot of attention. It was almost flattering.
This process continued. I would produce coin, they would knock it from my hands, screech "Monies, treasure!" and fly off. Then the remaining harpies would wait for me to come up with more coin.

Quickly enough I ran out of coin and had to start giving them other things I had on me: random pieces of metal, a few of my tools, basically anything I had on me that looked valuable.

Pretty soon, I was empty. I had nothing to offer them.
I could have never predicted what came next. The harpies gathered in around me, closer and closer, all the while screeching for monies and treasure.

Pretty soon I was backed into a corner with nothing more to give them! Realizing I had little left to offer them, they began going through all they had stripped me of.

I have no doubt I was red from head to toe.
As my abductor tucked all of my 'treasure' into her corner, the other harpies did their best to steal it away.

Finally, my abductor had apparently had too much. She picked up one of her own eggs and tossed it right at another harpy's face.

In all my days I have never seen anything so unintentionally comical. The whiff of the egg preceded a screech and an explosion of feathers, after which only I and my abductor remained. She calmly slid the rest of my treasure into her corner.
Over the next few days I had the fortunate luck of being left alone in my abductor's roost as she flew off, collecting more treasure.

Though things most certainly were interesting, my stomach made it all too clear to me that if I did not escape soon I would eventually die of hunger. I put my brain to work.

I had three distinct advantages: one, lots of feathers; two, assorted 'treasure' brought home by my lovely house-mate; and three, an absolutely colossal amount of feathers.
I managed to keep my work secret by hiding my tools within the rocky cracks of the nest.

Luckily I built my creation with the Telescoping-Inward Fold method of construction. This meant, simply, that until fully complete, I was able to fold and deconstruct my creation and easily hide it away.

And the feathers. The feathers came from all around, sticking to my skin and getting stuck in my hair. I would cough them up at times - much to the entertainment of my abductor.
Finally, one day as my abductor was out finding more trinkets, I unfurled my creation in all its glory.

The belt and shoulder harness were made from strips of leather, padded with my house-mate's down. From bits of piping, wire and springs, I constructed wings. Can't forget the feathers. For as long as I live I will never forget the feathers.

I perched on the edge of the nest and gave a few test flaps. The wind nearly lifted me away. I nodded, happy with my work.
As happy as I was, the screech clued me in to the distaste the harpies had for this. There in the sky was my abductor, rapidly approaching.

Though I never got to test this device in a safe environment, and though I care very deeply for my life (it is one of the most precious things I own), and though I knew my abductor had far more practice in the skies then I, I figured it was now or never.

I fully extended my wings and dove from the edge.
My inexperience in such manner of travel quickly sent me down the pillar's edge. The sun reflecting off the water told me that in my haste to escape, I had jumped from the west side - the exact side I hadn't wished to jump from.

Not letting little things like that get in my way, I stretched the wings out. My head snapped downward fast, dazing me for a bit.

I was, however, sailing un-smoothly, out towards the ocean.
I gave myself a mental par on the back, trying to recall what I knew of ocean currents to get me safely away (and, by safely, I meant not near the harpies).

In all that excitement I had forgotten what I was running from; thus, it was the perfect time for a reminder. With a swipe of her talon, my abductor tore at my wings.

"Holding steady" had previously been a monumental task; now became an impossible one. Another swipe left me at the whim of the winds.
Perhaps she got what she wanted, I fell - wings and all - into a haphazard spiral. This was probably the most fun I've ever had in my entire life.

Before long the wind resistance ripped the wings from my back and I spun in all directions. Sky tumbled over ocean in a rapidly shifting blue sphere about me.

I giggled uncontrollably this entire time. When I finally took a breath, it was just in time. Moments later, I hit the ocean.
I'm not sure when I blacked out - whether it was before the impact or after - but fate was kind to me that day.

I awoke upon the shores of the Pillars of Flame, salt in my eyes and sand in my breeches. I had but one useful item with me: my wrist compass. And somehow, with only a compass, I needed to figure out where I was, get some food, and get to safety.

But that is a tale best told later.
Ollg's Memoirs
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This memoir book seems to have had the pages ripped out of it.


Quest reward from [93] Holdout (Eidolon Jungle), started by examining incomplete memoirs in The Eidolon Jungle (-442, 5, 135).

Discovered on 29 Nov 2012 at 7:38:02 PST.
I heard the sky crack. I felt the ground shake. I smelled the scent of charred metal. We all did. As I watched it streak across the sky, I knew what it was. We all did. Some rejoiced immediately, some stood in awe, some tried to run after it. I stared in disbelief. Whatever the reason, he did not belong here.
I tried to speak with the general. He will not listen. I've heard the talk about the Warlord coming to conquer Ethernere, but I can't help but wonder why. He has his own war fields. He has his own perpetual battles to watch. Ethernere is not the domain of war, in spite of how many might come here as a result of it.
There is something wrong. The very air feels different. There is something terribly wrong, but no one sees it. I talked to some others, and they believe it to be the coming of war. They believe that Drinal is tightening up his forces to keep Rallos at bay. Yes we have not seen our Warlord. He has not emerged from the sea. I do not believe he is here to conquer.
The Horde sits just outside the shore, seemingly unable to cross onto the land. The others believe that they are too afraid, but I do not see fear in their movements. I see an impatient waiting. They are waiting for something, although I cannot say what that might be. It is clear, though, that if they had their way, they would be attacking Oggok.
I have thought about the Warlord's arrival at length. I believe his coming here was not his choice. To admit this, however, is to admit something far graver - that the Warlord has fallen, and has fallen for good. Even thinking that defies everything I believe and have believed my entire life. But I must admit what I see with my own eyes. The Warlord has been defeated.
I have made enemies. No one wants to hear what I have to say. Every day they make more weapons, more banners. They are ready to march in the name of War. Why can't they see, Ethernere already suffers. I can't explain why or how, but I can feel it I believe that is why the Horde masses at the shores, why Ethernere seems to be at unease. They will not listen, and they will make matters worse.
They are coming for me. I don't know what they are planning. But I will not flee. I will make a final attempt to make them see reason, but it will fail. I will stand before them, and try to fend off the inevitable. I fear that nothing can stop what has been set in motion. I pray I am wrong.
Ollg's Memoirs
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This memoir book seems to have had the pages ripped out of it.


Discovered on 7 Apr 2019 at 20:30:12 PDT.
I heard the sky crack. I felt the ground shake. I smelled the scent of charred metal. We all did. As I watched it streak across the sky, I knew what it was. We all did. Some rejoiced immediately, some stood in awe, some tried to run after it. I stared in disbelief. Whatever the reason, he did not belong here.
I tried to speak with the general. He will not listen. I've heard the talk about the Warlord coming to conquer Ethernere, but I can't help but wonder why. He has his own war fields. He has his own perpetual battles to watch. Ethernere is not the domain of war, in spite of how many might come here as a result of it.
There is something wrong. The very air feels different. There is something terribly wrong, but no one sees it. I talked to some others, and they believe it to be the coming of war. They believe that Drinal is tightening up his forces to keep Rallos at bay. Yes we have not seen our Warlord. He has not emerged from the sea. I do not believe he is here to conquer.
The Horde sits just outside the shore, seemingly unable to cross onto the land. The others believe that they are too afraid, but I do not see fear in their movements. I see an impatient waiting. They are waiting for something, although I cannot say what that might be. It is clear, though, that if they had their way, they would be attacking Oggok.
I have thought about the Warlord's arrival at length. I believe his coming here was not his choice. To admit this, however, is to admit something far graver - that the Warlord has fallen, and has fallen for good. Even thinking that defies everything I believe and have believed my entire life. But I must admit what I see with my own eyes. The Warlord has been defeated.
I have made enemies. No one wants to hear what I have to say. Every day they make more weapons, more banners. They are ready to march in the name of War. Why can't they see, Ethernere already suffers. I can't explain why or how, but I can feel it I believe that is why the Horde masses at the shores, why Ethernere seems to be at unease. They will not listen, and they will make matters worse.
They are coming for me. I don't know what they are planning. But I will not flee. I will make a final attempt to make them see reason, but it will fail. I will stand before them, and try to fend off the inevitable. I fear that nothing can stop what has been set in motion. I pray I am wrong.
Ring Around the Desert
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A scribbled set of notes. The pages are peppered with bits of sand, and several sections appear to be missing.


Purchased from Distun Delki in Antonica (326, -14, 788) or Erben Delki in The Commonlands (-1039, -69, -593) or Erben Delki in The Chronoweave (-1, 0, -10) for 1 Ancient Platinum Coin.

Discovered on 23 Mar 2011 at 10:14:50 PDT.
Entry 22:
I've been running around in this desert now for weeks. Hasten Bootstrutter is a madman... although I think I'm probably even more mad for giving in to his demands. I'm beginning to wonder if he just sent me on a wild goose chase. He mentioned that the ancient cyclops will carry the ring he asked for, but after all of these weeks, I have yet to see one that fits the description he gave me. Ring of the Ancients indeed.
Entry 23:
I came across another adventurer hunting for the ancient cyclops. Being a ranger, she mentioned that she had, in fact, tracked what she believed to be the ancient cyclops through the desert, but the shifting sands would often erase the trail before she could catch up with her quarry. This is encouraging, although I remain skeptical since she hasn't actually seen the beast for herself. I'll give a few more days before I leave this desert for good, then.
Entry 29:
I was able to defeat the cyclops I saw yesterday. However, it was not carrying the ring. I think I was too eager to find the ring, and in my excitement, I risked my own life fighting an enemy that I had no need to combat. This desert is certainly getting to me - even if I plan to remain out here and search for this creature, I'll need to resupply at some point.
Entry 30:
I SAW IT. Just over the sand dunes, not far from where I was. I raced to get to it, but I was jumped by a wandering madman. I was so fixed on my target, that I had no idea the madman was even there - I could have paid for my eagerness with my life once again. I know where the beast is now...
Entry 33:
It's clear now that I wasn't the only one who spied the ancient cyclops. I've seen several other adventurers near where I saw the beast, and it's beginning to seem like a race. Hasten must be laughing himself hoarse at this point. No matter... arrows and flashing steel can't outrun the searing power of my Pillar of Lightning spells. That ring is mine.
Entry 36:
Okay, I hate rangers. They can obviously track this thing, and always seem to be one step behind the creature, which is still a step ahead of me. So aggravating.
Entry 39:
I'm tired of dealing with all of the crowding here. With all of us tripping over ourselves, there's no way any of us are going to find that cyclops. This is pointless. I've heard, however, that there might be another tribe of cyclops out in the Ocean of Tears. Perhaps it is worth my while to...
The Founding of Alivan
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This is a collection of notes from the early settlers of the village of Alivan, in the Withered Lands.


Discovered on 17 Apr 2012 at 11:07:11 PDT.
The notes of Samiir Velcana
Erudite paladin
I have given up adventuring, and have renounced my loyalty to the gods. The time I spent working for the Claws of Veeshan here in Skyshrine has shown me that there is something more important for me to focus my energy on, aside from my own power and gain. The dragons here are working toward confronting the greatest threat Norrath has ever known, and I wish to help them in their struggle. I have given over my armor in exchange for robes, and have given over my sword in exchange for books. Perhaps through study I can find a way to help the Claws of Veeshan reach victory.
The notes of Helria Melvencent
Human rogue
At first, I came here for the treasure. A dragon city? You've got to be kidding me - a place like that had to have halls filled with shimmering gold and jewels, and I wanted it. I snuck around the city for days before I came across a couple of the dragons engaged in conversation. They were talking about that other dragon... I dunno, the rainbow or prismatic dragon or whatever... and how he had escaped. I've never seen a dragon show fear, but I saw it that day. I met other people, adventurers like myself, who had spoken with the dragons, and felt compelled to follow them. I decided to lend myself to the cause. Who knows? Once this Kerawhatzit is gone, he'll have the treasure I'm looking for!
Alivan Blackraven
Human warrior
I'll never be able to explain to them... never be able to tell my family why I did this. Why I chose to stay here, and leave them to tend the fields back home. I hope that the gold I sent will sustain them and keep them safe. But I have to stay here. I have to lend my knowledge to the gathering group of mortals who have chosen to remain here with the Claws of Veeshan. I learned much about farming growing up, and if we are going to sustain mortals here, that knowledge will become necessary to keep them healthy and fed. I believe the Wakening Lands will provide us with ample fertile soil for what we need. Perhaps the dragons will let us settle there and set up a community.
Serrid Ralsent
Human warrior
Fighting... that's all I'm here to do. If the dragons want me, they're going to need to put my sword to use. Sure, I can train the other mortal followers, and help them put together some kind of standing army, but fin not going to be a farmer here. I'm not digging holes when I could be chopping giants down to size. I'll stay for now... at least until this gets boring, I guess. The rest of these people can start their farming community. I'll watch their back for now.
R'avec Altimir
Erudite wizard
There is incredible knowledge here. I am learning things at an exponential rate, even more than when I studied in the halls of Erudin. The dragons have ancient, unthinkable knowledge, which I could use to further my own magical prowess. I need to speak with them, and gain access to their great libraries. They have refused it thus far, but I'm sure they will listen to reason. I am here to help them, and in order to do that effectively, I need all the knowledge I can lay my eyes upon. Teaching this to the other settlers here can only benefit us all. We might start out as farmers, but we can be so much more.
Elria Damir
Human bard
The goddess Veeshan led me here. I could never have imagined that I was chosen to one day assist her brood themselves, but I have given myself over completely to the dragons of the Claws of Veeshan. Their wisdom will help to protect in the dark days ahead, and it is the dragons alone who can stave off the threat of Kerafyrm... that we mortals released from his confines. Ifs the least I can do to atone for the mistakes of others. We will make a life here, support the dragons, support Skyshrine, and do the bidding of Veeshan herself.
The Journal of Ubdub of the Reet
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Quest reward from [85] Find the Fury (Signature), started by Thelia N'Fyre in Darklight Wood (part of the fury epic weapon line).

Discovered on 6 Feb 2008 at 15:39:25 PST.
Our scouts observed a strange humanoid camped near us today. Recently, it has not become uncommon to see the Lost Races, but I still marvel at the sight of what I believe to be a dark elf. It seems the rest of Norrath has been preserved, and I must say they have not found us a moment too soon! Hopefully among these individuals will come heroes capable of ending the oppression of the Sathirians.
We thought it prudent to continue observing the dark elf, and we were correct. Some of our scouts watched him savage a burynai. Another set watched him tear apart a sokokar, making fine threads of its wings, skin, and organs. It is terrifying! At least the Sathirians kill cleanly. We can hope that he might be made to reason with, but I doubt it is so... We must consider him a threat.
Thought it has been decided the dark elf is certainly a threat... we are not certain what to do about it. He is incredibly powerful, and the root of his power seems to be the sword that he wields. It is a scimitar of unequaled quality. Such a powerful sword should not be in the hands of a madman such as he; such a sword could be used to accomplish great, heroic deeds!
We have decided the best course of action is to wrest the scimitar from him. Such a sword should be used to overcome evil empires, like that of the Sathirians -- not ravaging mere animals. It would be in much better hands if we were to take control of it. We are sending our best sneaks to take it from him as he sleeps... Not, perhaps, the most honorable course of action, but we could not think to confront him.
It's done! We have the scimitar! Once it was in our possession, we set upon the dark elf. We didn't want to kill him, only to scare him away, and it worked. After we overwhelmed him in his camp, he set off for only the gods know where. He did kill two of ours in the process. Even without the scimitar, he is an incredibly powerful individual. I think we might have all been killed if we hadn't caught him unprepared.
We have decided what must be done with this scimitar. We have given it to our greatest fighter and are sending a full squad of our bravest to attack Rillis directly. Brave, foolish perhaps, but with the scimitar in our hands, we know what we need: blood! They have wronged us too long! We will spill their blood, and in doing so, take some measure back of what they have taken for us for so long!
I write in a pen with a piece of charcoal that an iksar kicked at me. The attack failed. Even with the scimitar, we were overwhelmed. Our champion slew dozens of them, but in the end, he was slaughtered, along with almost everyone else. I had accompanied the squad from a distance, intending to record their heroic deeds, but I was picked up in a sweep of the area.
I was unarmed, so I wasn't killed, but now I am captive. And the scimitar is gone. We have lost it. All our hopes dashed away so quickly and easily with a most devastating defeat. I only hope that my brothers and sisters who are still free out there do not see this as a sign to surrender. We must never surrender! We may not have the scimitar, but we still have our dignity.

You have died.