New Altars Amenities Aquariums Arbors Arches Art Awards Barrels Baskets Beds Benches Blocks Bookcases Books Bottles Bowls Bows Bridges Broken Buckets Building Blocks Buildings Cages Candles Cauldrons Chains Chairs Chests Clocks Clothing Columns Convertible Counters Crafting Crates Currency Curtains Deeds Desks Dividers Doors Dressers Drinks Dungeon Effects Eggs Expanders Fences Fireplaces Food Forges Fuel Fungus Games Garden Globes Graveyard Houses Incense Ingredients Interactive Keys Kitchen Laboratory Ladders Lights Mailboxes Mannequins Maps Mineral Mirrors Miscellaneous Mounts Music Nautical Navigation Nests Nets Ornaments Paintings Pedestals Pets Pillows Plants Platforms Player Studio Plundered Plushies Podiums Pools Portals Presents Pumpkins Quills Racial Quest Recipes Rugs Sacks Sales Containers Scales School Scrolls Sculptures Shelves Shinies Signs Skeletons Snowglobes Sofas Stables Statues Stockings Stools Subcombines Tables Tapestries Tents Tiles Tinkering Tools Transport Trees Trophies Unobtainable Vases Vault Vehicles Wall Mounts Washstands Weapons Weather Webs Windows WORTs
Obtained by:
Legends of Norrath
Holiday or event:
Frostfell Erollisi Day Brewday Chronoportal Phenomenon Beast'r Eggstravaganza Bristlebane Day Oceansfull Festival Scorched Sky Celebration Summer Fireworks Festival Tinkerfest Nights of the Dead Heroes' Festival Summer Jubilee Moonlight Enchantments City Festivals City Festivals - Gorowyn City Festivals - Kelethin City Festivals - Neriak City Festivals - Qeynos City Festivals - Freeport City Festivals - New Halas Frogloks Shard of Love Plague Griffon Towers Return of the Gods Spires Kunark Rising A Prophet Returns Shard of Hate Gathering Tempest (Void Storms Chapter 1) Storm Break (Void Storms Chapter 2) Breaking Ground (Void Storms Chapter 3) Raising the Banner (Void Storms Chapter 4) Void Storms Quellithulian Spires Attack on the Crowns Halas Reborn Druid Rings Destiny of Velious Prelude Velious Transportation Event Beastlord Prelude A Goddess Risen Malicious Threat Sundered Growth Panda, Panda, Panda! (Days of Summer) Against the Elements Mythic Passage Dragon Attack! Haven Bound Beyond the Shattered Sea Secrets of the Sands Fractured Skies Year of Darkpaw Healers' Touch
Crafting tier:
All Common items
All Rare items
All Tier 1 (1-9)
Tier 1 Common
Tier 1 Rare
All Tier 2 (10-19)
Tier 2 Common
Tier 2 Rare
All Tier 3 (20-29)
Tier 3 Common
Tier 3 Rare
All Tier 4 (30-39)
Tier 4 Common
Tier 4 Rare
All Tier 5 (40-49)
Tier 5 Common
Tier 5 Rare
All Tier 6 (50-59)
Tier 6 Common
Tier 6 Rare
All Tier 7 (60-69)
Tier 7 Common
Tier 7 Rare
All Tier 8 (70-79)
Tier 8 Common
Tier 8 Rare
All Tier 9 (80-89)
Tier 9 Common
Tier 9 Rare
All Tier 10 (90-95)
Tier 10 Common
Tier 10 Rare
All Tier 11 (96-100)
Tier 11 Common
Tier 11 Rare
All Tier 12 (100-109)
Tier 12 Common
Tier 12 Rare
All Tier 13 (101-110)
Tier 13 Common
Tier 13 Rare
All Tier 14 (110)
Tier 14 Common
Tier 14 Rare
All Tier 15 (111-120)
Tier 15 Common
Tier 15 Rare
All Tier 16 (121-125)
Tier 16 Common
Tier 16 Rare
Recipe book:
A Cheery Key A Festive Key a Hero's Gravestone A History of Exotic Furnishings A Merry Key Abyssal Dais Acrylia Armorer's Primer Volume I Acrylia Armorer's Primer Volume II Acrylia Armorer's Primer Volume III Acrylia Carpenter's Primer Volume I Acrylia Carpenter's Primer Volume II Acrylia Carpenter's Primer Volume III Acrylia Jeweler's Primer Volume III Acrylia Weaponsmith's Primer Volume I Acrylia Weaponsmith's Primer Volume II Acrylia Weaponsmith's Primer Volume III Acrylia Woodworker's Primer Volume I Acrylia Woodworker's Primer Volume II Acrylia Woodworker's Primer Volume III Advanced Armorer Studies 01 Advanced Armorer Studies 02 Advanced Armorer Studies 03 Advanced Armorer Studies 04 Advanced Armorer Studies 05 Advanced Armorer Studies 06 Advanced Armorer Studies 07 Advanced Armorer Studies 08 Advanced Armorer Studies 09 Advanced Armorer Studies 10 Advanced Armorer Studies 11 Advanced Armorer Studies 12 Advanced Armorer Studies 13 Advanced Armorer Studies 14 Advanced Armorer Studies 15 Advanced Armorer Studies 16 Advanced Armorer Studies 17 Advanced Armorer Studies 18 Advanced Armorer Studies 19 Advanced Armorer Studies 20 Advanced Armorer Volume 100 Advanced Armorer Volume 101 Advanced Armorer Volume 102 Advanced Armorer Volume 103 Advanced Armorer Volume 104 Advanced Armorer Volume 105 Advanced Armorer Volume 106 Advanced Armorer Volume 108 Advanced Armorer Volume 109 Advanced Armorer Volume 110 Advanced Armorer Volume 20 Advanced Armorer Volume 21 Advanced Armorer Volume 22 Advanced Armorer Volume 23 Advanced Armorer Volume 24 Advanced Armorer Volume 25 Advanced Armorer Volume 26 Advanced Armorer Volume 27 Advanced Armorer Volume 28 Advanced Armorer Volume 29 Advanced Armorer Volume 30 Advanced Armorer Volume 31 Advanced Armorer Volume 32 Advanced Armorer Volume 33 Advanced Armorer Volume 34 Advanced Armorer Volume 35 Advanced Armorer Volume 36 Advanced Armorer Volume 37 Advanced Armorer Volume 38 Advanced Armorer Volume 39 Advanced Armorer Volume 40 Advanced Armorer Volume 41 Advanced Armorer Volume 42 Advanced Armorer Volume 43 Advanced Armorer Volume 44 Advanced Armorer Volume 45 Advanced Armorer Volume 46 Advanced Armorer Volume 47 Advanced Armorer Volume 48 Advanced Armorer Volume 49 Advanced Armorer Volume 50 Advanced Armorer Volume 51 Advanced Armorer Volume 52 Advanced Armorer Volume 53 Advanced Armorer Volume 54 Advanced Armorer Volume 55 Advanced Armorer Volume 56 Advanced Armorer Volume 57 Advanced Armorer Volume 58 Advanced Armorer Volume 59 Advanced Armorer Volume 60 Advanced Armorer Volume 61 Advanced Armorer Volume 62 Advanced Armorer Volume 63 Advanced Armorer Volume 64 Advanced Armorer Volume 65 Advanced Armorer Volume 66 Advanced Armorer Volume 67 Advanced Armorer Volume 68 Advanced Armorer Volume 69 Advanced Armorer Volume 70 Advanced Armorer Volume 72 Advanced Armorer Volume 73 Advanced Armorer Volume 74 Advanced Armorer Volume 75 Advanced Armorer Volume 76 Advanced Armorer Volume 77 Advanced Armorer Volume 78 Advanced Armorer Volume 79 Advanced Armorer Volume 80 Advanced Armorer Volume 82 Advanced Armorer Volume 83 Advanced Armorer Volume 84 Advanced Armorer Volume 85 Advanced Armorer Volume 86 Advanced Armorer Volume 87 Advanced Armorer Volume 88 Advanced Armorer Volume 89 Advanced Armorer Volume 90 Advanced Armorer Volume 91 Advanced Armorer Volume 92 Advanced Armorer Volume 93 Advanced Armorer Volume 94 Advanced Armorer Volume 95 Advanced Armorer Volume 96 Advanced Armorer Volume 97 Advanced Armorer Volume 98 Advanced Armorer Volume 99 Advanced Artisan Volume 1 Advanced Artisan Volume 2 Advanced Artisan Volume 3 Advanced Artisan Volume 4 Advanced Artisan Volume 5 Advanced Artisan Volume 6 Advanced Artisan Volume 7 Advanced Artisan Volume 8 Advanced Artisan Volume 9 Advanced Carpenter Studies 01 Advanced Carpenter Studies 02 Advanced Carpenter Studies 03 Advanced Carpenter Studies 04 Advanced Carpenter Studies 05 Advanced Carpenter Studies 06 Advanced Carpenter Studies 07 Advanced Carpenter Studies 08 Advanced Carpenter Studies 09 Advanced Carpenter Studies 10 Advanced Carpenter Studies 11 Advanced Carpenter Studies 12 Advanced Carpenter Studies 13 Advanced Carpenter Studies 14 Advanced Carpenter Studies 15 Advanced Carpenter Studies 16 Advanced Carpenter Studies 17 Advanced Carpenter Studies 18 Advanced Carpenter Studies 19 Advanced Carpenter Studies 20 Advanced Carpenter Volume 100 Advanced Carpenter Volume 101 Advanced Carpenter Volume 102 Advanced Carpenter Volume 103 Advanced Carpenter Volume 104 Advanced Carpenter Volume 105 Advanced Carpenter Volume 106 Advanced Carpenter Volume 107 Advanced Carpenter Volume 108 Advanced Carpenter Volume 109 Advanced Carpenter Volume 110 Advanced Carpenter Volume 20 Advanced Carpenter Volume 21 Advanced Carpenter Volume 22 Advanced Carpenter Volume 23 Advanced Carpenter Volume 24 Advanced Carpenter Volume 25 Advanced Carpenter Volume 26 Advanced Carpenter Volume 27 Advanced Carpenter Volume 28 Advanced Carpenter Volume 29 Advanced Carpenter Volume 30 Advanced Carpenter Volume 31 Advanced Carpenter Volume 32 Advanced Carpenter Volume 33 Advanced Carpenter Volume 34 Advanced Carpenter Volume 35 Advanced Carpenter Volume 36 Advanced Carpenter Volume 37 Advanced Carpenter Volume 38 Advanced Carpenter Volume 39 Advanced Carpenter Volume 40 Advanced Carpenter Volume 41 Advanced Carpenter Volume 42 Advanced Carpenter Volume 43 Advanced Carpenter Volume 44 Advanced Carpenter Volume 45 Advanced Carpenter Volume 46 Advanced Carpenter Volume 47 Advanced Carpenter Volume 48 Advanced Carpenter Volume 49 Advanced Carpenter Volume 50 Advanced Carpenter Volume 51 Advanced Carpenter Volume 52 Advanced Carpenter Volume 53 Advanced Carpenter Volume 54 Advanced Carpenter Volume 55 Advanced Carpenter Volume 56 Advanced Carpenter Volume 57 Advanced Carpenter Volume 58 Advanced Carpenter Volume 59 Advanced Carpenter Volume 60 Advanced Carpenter Volume 61 Advanced Carpenter Volume 62 Advanced Carpenter Volume 63 Advanced Carpenter Volume 64 Advanced Carpenter Volume 65 Advanced Carpenter Volume 66 Advanced Carpenter Volume 67 Advanced Carpenter Volume 68 Advanced Carpenter Volume 69 Advanced Carpenter Volume 70 Advanced Carpenter Volume 71 Advanced Carpenter Volume 72 Advanced Carpenter Volume 73 Advanced Carpenter Volume 74 Advanced Carpenter Volume 75 Advanced Carpenter Volume 76 Advanced Carpenter Volume 77 Advanced Carpenter Volume 78 Advanced Carpenter Volume 79 Advanced Carpenter Volume 80 Advanced Carpenter Volume 81 Advanced Carpenter Volume 82 Advanced Carpenter Volume 83 Advanced Carpenter Volume 84 Advanced Carpenter Volume 85 Advanced Carpenter Volume 86 Advanced Carpenter Volume 87 Advanced Carpenter Volume 88 Advanced Carpenter Volume 89 Advanced Carpenter Volume 90 Advanced Carpenter Volume 91 Advanced Carpenter Volume 92 Advanced Carpenter Volume 93 Advanced Carpenter Volume 94 Advanced Carpenter Volume 95 Advanced Carpenter Volume 96 Advanced Carpenter Volume 97 Advanced Carpenter Volume 98 Advanced Carpenter Volume 99 Advanced Coldwork Carpenter's Volume I Advanced Coldwork Carpenter's Volume II Advanced Coldwork Carpenter's Volume III advanced craftsman volume 10 advanced craftsman volume 11 advanced craftsman volume 12 advanced craftsman volume 13 advanced craftsman volume 14 advanced craftsman volume 15 advanced craftsman Volume 16 advanced craftsman volume 17 advanced craftsman volume 18 advanced craftsman volume 19 Advanced Deity Altar Crafting Advanced Hizite Carpenter's Volume I Advanced Hizite Carpenter's Volume II Advanced Hizite Carpenter's Volume III Advanced Jeweler Studies 09 Advanced Jeweler Studies 10 Advanced Jeweler Volume 107 Advanced Jeweler Volume 109 Advanced Jeweler Volume 22 Advanced Jeweler Volume 26 Advanced Jeweler Volume 32 Advanced Jeweler Volume 34 Advanced Jeweler Volume 36 Advanced Jeweler Volume 38 Advanced Jeweler Volume 42 Advanced Jeweler Volume 44 Advanced Jeweler Volume 46 Advanced Jeweler Volume 48 Advanced Jeweler Volume 52 Advanced Jeweler Volume 54 Advanced Jeweler Volume 56 Advanced Jeweler Volume 58 Advanced Jeweler Volume 60 Advanced Jeweler Volume 64 Advanced Jeweler Volume 66 Advanced Jeweler Volume 68 Advanced Jeweler Volume 70 Advanced Jeweler Volume 74 Advanced Jeweler Volume 76 Advanced Jeweler Volume 78 Advanced Jeweler Volume 80 Advanced Jeweler Volume 84 Advanced Jeweler Volume 86 Advanced Jeweler Volume 88 Advanced Jeweler Volume 90 Advanced Jeweler Volume 95 Advanced Jeweler Volume 97 Advanced Outfitter Volume 10 Advanced Outfitter Volume 11 Advanced Outfitter Volume 12 Advanced Outfitter Volume 13 Advanced Outfitter Volume 14 Advanced Outfitter Volume 15 Advanced Outfitter Volume 16 Advanced Outfitter Volume 17 Advanced Outfitter Volume 18 Advanced Outfitter Volume 19 Advanced Provisioner Volume 90 Advanced Sage Volume 90 Advanced Scholar Volume 12 Advanced Scholar Volume 16 Advanced Tailor Studies 01 Advanced Tailor Studies 02 Advanced Tailor Studies 03 Advanced Tailor Studies 04 Advanced Tailor Studies 05 Advanced Tailor Studies 06 Advanced Tailor Studies 07 Advanced Tailor Studies 08 Advanced Tailor Studies 09 Advanced Tailor Studies 10 Advanced Tailor Studies 11 Advanced Tailor Studies 12 Advanced Tailor Studies 13 Advanced Tailor Studies 14 Advanced Tailor Studies 15 Advanced Tailor Studies 16 Advanced Tailor Studies 17 Advanced Tailor Studies 18 Advanced Tailor Studies 19 Advanced Tailor Studies 20 Advanced Tailor Volume 100 Advanced Tailor Volume 101 Advanced Tailor Volume 102 Advanced Tailor Volume 103 Advanced Tailor Volume 104 Advanced Tailor Volume 105 Advanced Tailor Volume 106 Advanced Tailor Volume 107 Advanced Tailor Volume 108 Advanced Tailor Volume 109 Advanced Tailor Volume 110 Advanced Tailor Volume 20 Advanced Tailor Volume 21 Advanced Tailor Volume 22 Advanced Tailor Volume 23 Advanced Tailor Volume 24 Advanced Tailor Volume 25 Advanced Tailor Volume 26 Advanced Tailor Volume 27 Advanced Tailor Volume 28 Advanced Tailor Volume 29 Advanced Tailor Volume 30 Advanced Tailor Volume 31 Advanced Tailor Volume 32 Advanced Tailor Volume 33 Advanced Tailor Volume 34 Advanced Tailor Volume 35 Advanced Tailor Volume 36 Advanced Tailor Volume 37 Advanced Tailor Volume 38 Advanced Tailor Volume 39 Advanced Tailor Volume 40 Advanced Tailor Volume 41 Advanced Tailor Volume 42 Advanced Tailor Volume 43 Advanced Tailor Volume 44 Advanced Tailor Volume 45 Advanced Tailor Volume 47 Advanced Tailor Volume 48 Advanced Tailor Volume 49 Advanced Tailor Volume 50 Advanced Tailor Volume 51 Advanced Tailor Volume 52 Advanced Tailor Volume 53 Advanced Tailor Volume 54 Advanced Tailor Volume 55 Advanced Tailor Volume 57 Advanced Tailor Volume 58 Advanced Tailor Volume 59 Advanced Tailor Volume 60 Advanced Tailor Volume 61 Advanced Tailor Volume 62 Advanced Tailor Volume 63 Advanced Tailor Volume 64 Advanced Tailor Volume 65 Advanced Tailor Volume 67 Advanced Tailor Volume 68 Advanced Tailor Volume 69 Advanced Tailor Volume 72 Advanced Tailor Volume 73 Advanced Tailor Volume 74 Advanced Tailor Volume 75 Advanced Tailor Volume 76 Advanced Tailor Volume 77 Advanced Tailor Volume 78 Advanced Tailor Volume 79 Advanced Tailor Volume 81 Advanced Tailor Volume 83 Advanced Tailor Volume 84 Advanced Tailor Volume 85 Advanced Tailor Volume 86 Advanced Tailor Volume 87 Advanced Tailor Volume 88 Advanced Tailor Volume 89 Advanced Tailor Volume 90 Advanced Tailor Volume 92 Advanced Tailor Volume 93 Advanced Tailor Volume 94 Advanced Tailor Volume 95 Advanced Tailor Volume 96 Advanced Tailor Volume 97 Advanced Tailor Volume 98 Advanced Tailor Volume 99 Advanced Vetrovian Carpenter's Volume I Advanced Vetrovian Carpenter's Volume II Advanced Vetrovian Carpenter's Volume III Advanced Vetrovian Carpenter's Volume IV Advanced Vetrovian Carpenter's Volume V Advanced Vetrovian Tinkerer's Volume V Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 01 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 02 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 03 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 04 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 05 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 06 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 07 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 08 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 09 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 10 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 11 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 12 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 13 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 14 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 15 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 16 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 17 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 18 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 19 Advanced Weaponsmith Studies 20 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 100 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 101 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 102 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 103 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 104 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 105 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 106 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 107 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 108 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 109 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 110 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 20 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 21 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 22 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 23 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 24 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 25 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 26 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 27 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 28 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 29 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 30 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 31 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 32 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 33 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 34 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 35 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 36 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 37 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 38 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 39 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 40 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 41 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 42 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 43 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 44 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 45 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 46 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 47 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 48 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 49 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 50 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 51 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 52 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 53 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 54 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 55 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 56 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 57 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 58 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 59 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 60 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 61 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 62 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 63 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 64 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 65 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 66 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 67 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 68 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 69 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 70 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 71 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 72 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 73 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 74 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 75 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 76 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 77 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 78 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 79 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 80 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 81 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 82 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 83 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 84 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 85 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 86 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 87 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 88 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 89 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 90 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 91 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 92 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 93 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 94 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 95 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 96 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 97 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 98 Advanced Weaponsmith Volume 99 Advanced Weaponsmith: Ruby Heartwood Crossbow Advanced Woodworker Studies 01 Advanced Woodworker Studies 02 Advanced Woodworker Studies 03 Advanced Woodworker Studies 04 Advanced Woodworker Studies 05 Advanced Woodworker Studies 06 Advanced Woodworker Studies 07 Advanced Woodworker Studies 08 Advanced Woodworker Studies 11 Advanced Woodworker Studies 12 Advanced Woodworker Studies 13 Advanced Woodworker Studies 14 Advanced Woodworker Studies 15 Advanced Woodworker Studies 16 Advanced Woodworker Studies 17 Advanced Woodworker Studies 18 Advanced Woodworker Studies 19 Advanced Woodworker Studies 20 Advanced Woodworker Volume 100 Advanced Woodworker Volume 101 Advanced Woodworker Volume 102 Advanced Woodworker Volume 103 Advanced Woodworker Volume 104 Advanced Woodworker Volume 105 Advanced Woodworker Volume 106 Advanced Woodworker Volume 107 Advanced Woodworker Volume 108 Advanced Woodworker Volume 109 Advanced Woodworker Volume 110 Advanced Woodworker Volume 20 Advanced Woodworker Volume 21 Advanced Woodworker Volume 22 Advanced Woodworker Volume 23 Advanced Woodworker Volume 24 Advanced Woodworker Volume 25 Advanced Woodworker Volume 26 Advanced Woodworker Volume 27 Advanced Woodworker Volume 28 Advanced Woodworker Volume 29 Advanced Woodworker Volume 30 Advanced Woodworker Volume 31 Advanced Woodworker Volume 32 Advanced Woodworker Volume 33 Advanced Woodworker Volume 34 Advanced Woodworker Volume 35 Advanced Woodworker Volume 36 Advanced Woodworker Volume 37 Advanced Woodworker Volume 38 Advanced Woodworker Volume 39 Advanced Woodworker Volume 40 Advanced Woodworker Volume 41 Advanced Woodworker Volume 42 Advanced Woodworker Volume 43 Advanced Woodworker Volume 44 Advanced Woodworker Volume 45 Advanced Woodworker Volume 46 Advanced Woodworker Volume 47 Advanced Woodworker Volume 48 Advanced Woodworker Volume 49 Advanced Woodworker Volume 50 Advanced Woodworker Volume 51 Advanced Woodworker Volume 52 Advanced Woodworker Volume 53 Advanced Woodworker Volume 54 Advanced Woodworker Volume 55 Advanced Woodworker Volume 56 Advanced Woodworker Volume 57 Advanced Woodworker Volume 58 Advanced Woodworker Volume 59 Advanced Woodworker Volume 60 Advanced Woodworker Volume 61 Advanced Woodworker Volume 62 Advanced Woodworker Volume 63 Advanced Woodworker Volume 64 Advanced Woodworker Volume 65 Advanced Woodworker Volume 66 Advanced Woodworker Volume 67 Advanced Woodworker Volume 68 Advanced Woodworker Volume 69 Advanced Woodworker Volume 70 Advanced Woodworker Volume 71 Advanced Woodworker Volume 72 Advanced Woodworker Volume 73 Advanced Woodworker Volume 74 Advanced Woodworker Volume 75 Advanced Woodworker Volume 76 Advanced Woodworker Volume 77 Advanced Woodworker Volume 78 Advanced Woodworker Volume 79 Advanced Woodworker Volume 80 Advanced Woodworker Volume 81 Advanced Woodworker Volume 82 Advanced Woodworker Volume 83 Advanced Woodworker Volume 84 Advanced Woodworker Volume 85 Advanced Woodworker Volume 86 Advanced Woodworker Volume 87 Advanced Woodworker Volume 88 Advanced Woodworker Volume 89 Advanced Woodworker Volume 91 Advanced Woodworker Volume 92 Advanced Woodworker Volume 93 Advanced Woodworker Volume 94 Advanced Woodworker Volume 95 Advanced Woodworker Volume 96 Advanced Woodworker Volume 97 Advanced Woodworker Volume 98 Advanced Woodworker Volume 99 Advanced Woodworker: Ruby Heartwood Crossbow Advanced Zimaran Carpenter's Volume I Advanced Zimaran Carpenter's Volume II Advanced Zimaran Carpenter's Volume III Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 10 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 20 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 30 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 40 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 50 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 60 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 70 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 80 Agnostic Mastercrafting vol. 90 Amphibious Othmir Table Ancient Armor of War Ancient Knowledge: Azure Bracers of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Azure Bracers of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Azure Cuffs of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Azure Gussets of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Azure Gussets of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Azure Vambrace of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Azure Vambrace of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Bo Staff of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Katar of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Calamitous Pouch of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Greatsword of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longbow of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Destructive Longsword of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Devout Bracers of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Devout Breastplate of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Dire Mace of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Dire Sledge of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Dire Wand of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Bracers of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Glorified Tunic of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Brutality Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Distortion Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Elusivity Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Engagements Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Execution Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of Rapidity Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of the Neurotic Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Coat of the Umbral Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Brutality Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Distortion Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Elusivity Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Engagements Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Execution Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of Rapidity Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of the Neurotic Ancient Knowledge: Melodic Wristguard of the Umbral Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Agony Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Destruction Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Extermination Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Fate Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Havoc Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Torrents Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Velocity Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Dagger of Volatility Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Agony Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Destruction Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Extermination Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Fate Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Havoc Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Torrents Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Velocity Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Staff of Volatility Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Agony Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Destruction Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Extermination Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Fate Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Havoc Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Torrents Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Velocity Ancient Knowledge: Ominous Wand of Volatility Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Bracers of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Reinforced Gi of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Coat of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Alleviation Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Communion Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Impetus Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Momentum Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Revelations Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Smiting Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Solace Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of Synergism Ancient Knowledge: Reverent Wristguard of the Profound Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Brutality Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Distortion Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Elusivity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Engagements Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Execution Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of Rapidity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of the Neurotic Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Blade of the Umbral Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Brutality Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Distortion Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Elusivity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Engagements Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Execution Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of Rapidity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of the Neurotic Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Bow of the Umbral Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Brutality Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Discipline Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Distortion Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Elusivity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Engagements Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Execution Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of Rapidity Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of the Neurotic Ancient Knowledge: Toxic Dagger of the Umbral Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Agony Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Destruction Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Extermination Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Fate Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Havoc Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Torrents Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Velocity Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Bands of Volatility Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Agony Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Destruction Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Extermination Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Fate Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Havoc Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Impulse Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Torrents Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robe of Volatility Ancient Knowledge: Tranquil Robes of Velocity Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Bracers of Virtue Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Authority Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Dominance Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Dynamism Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Energy Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Rancor Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Stratagems Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of the Boundless Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of the Mountain Ancient Knowledge: Vanguard Breastplate of Virtue Apprentice Blueprints 0.006 Apprentice Blueprints 0.007 Apprentice Blueprints 0.009 Apprentice Blueprints 0.011 Ark of the Combine Armorer Essentials Volume 100 Armorer Essentials Volume 101 Armorer Essentials Volume 102 Armorer Essentials Volume 103 Armorer Essentials Volume 104 Armorer Essentials Volume 105 Armorer Essentials Volume 106 Armorer Essentials Volume 108 Armorer Essentials Volume 109 Armorer Essentials Volume 110 Armorer Essentials Volume 20 Armorer Essentials Volume 21 Armorer Essentials Volume 22 Armorer Essentials Volume 23 Armorer Essentials Volume 24 Armorer Essentials Volume 25 Armorer Essentials Volume 26 Armorer Essentials Volume 27 Armorer Essentials Volume 28 Armorer Essentials Volume 29 Armorer Essentials Volume 30 Armorer Essentials Volume 31 Armorer Essentials Volume 32 Armorer Essentials Volume 33 Armorer Essentials Volume 34 Armorer Essentials Volume 35 Armorer Essentials Volume 36 Armorer Essentials Volume 37 Armorer Essentials Volume 38 Armorer Essentials Volume 39 Armorer Essentials Volume 40 Armorer Essentials Volume 41 Armorer Essentials Volume 42 Armorer Essentials Volume 43 Armorer Essentials Volume 44 Armorer Essentials Volume 45 Armorer Essentials Volume 46 Armorer Essentials Volume 47 Armorer Essentials Volume 48 Armorer Essentials Volume 49 Armorer Essentials Volume 50 Armorer Essentials Volume 51 Armorer Essentials Volume 52 Armorer Essentials Volume 53 Armorer Essentials Volume 54 Armorer Essentials Volume 55 Armorer Essentials Volume 56 Armorer Essentials Volume 57 Armorer Essentials Volume 58 Armorer Essentials Volume 59 Armorer Essentials Volume 60 Armorer Essentials Volume 61 Armorer Essentials Volume 62 Armorer Essentials Volume 63 Armorer Essentials Volume 64 Armorer Essentials Volume 65 Armorer Essentials Volume 66 Armorer Essentials Volume 67 Armorer Essentials Volume 68 Armorer Essentials Volume 69 Armorer Essentials Volume 70 Armorer Essentials Volume 72 Armorer Essentials Volume 73 Armorer Essentials Volume 74 Armorer Essentials Volume 75 Armorer Essentials Volume 76 Armorer Essentials Volume 77 Armorer Essentials Volume 78 Armorer Essentials Volume 79 Armorer Essentials Volume 80 Armorer Essentials Volume 82 Armorer Essentials Volume 83 Armorer Essentials Volume 84 Armorer Essentials Volume 85 Armorer Essentials Volume 86 Armorer Essentials Volume 87 Armorer Essentials Volume 88 Armorer Essentials Volume 89 Armorer Essentials Volume 90 Armorer Essentials Volume 91 Armorer Essentials Volume 92 Armorer Essentials Volume 93 Armorer Essentials Volume 94 Armorer Essentials Volume 95 Armorer Essentials Volume 96 Armorer Essentials Volume 97 Armorer Essentials Volume 98 Armorer Essentials Volume 99 Armorer's Primer Volume 01 Armorer's Primer Volume 02 Armorer's Primer Volume 03 Armorer's Primer Volume 04 Armorer's Primer Volume 05 Armorer's Primer Volume 06 Armorer's Primer Volume 07 Armorer's Primer Volume 08 Armorer's Primer Volume 09 Armorer's Primer Volume 10 Armorer's Primer Volume 11 Armorer's Primer Volume 12 Armorer's Primer Volume 13 Armorer's Primer Volume 14 Armorer's Primer Volume 15 Armorer's Primer Volume 16 Armorer's Primer Volume 17 Armorer's Primer Volume 18 Armorer's Primer Volume 19 Armorer's Primer Volume 20 Armorers' Battleground Secrets of the Kerra Artisan Essentials Volume 1 Artisan Essentials Volume 2 Artisan Essentials Volume 3 artisan essentials volume 4 artisan essentials volume 5 artisan essentials volume 6 artisan essentials volume 7 artisan essentials volume 8 Artisan Essentials Volume 9 badly burned notes on tapestry weaving Ballads of Zimara: Furniture Recipes: Zimaran Court Bathezid Arcana Volume II Bathezid Craftmanship Volume I Bathezid Craftmanship Volume II Bathezid Heavy Armoring Volume I Bathezid Heavy Armoring Volume II Bathezid Light Armoring Volume I Bathezid Light Armoring Volume II Bathezid Woodworking Volume I Bathezid Woodworking Volume II Blood-Imbued Wurmslayer Bloody Tooth Advanced Armoring Bloody Tooth Advanced Carpentry Bloody Tooth Advanced Jewelry Bloody Tooth Advanced Scribing Bloody Tooth Advanced Tailoring Bloody Tooth Advanced Weapons Bloody Tooth Advanced Woodworking Bloody Tooth Armoring Essentials Bloody Tooth Carpentry Essentials Bloody Tooth Jewelry Essentials Bloody Tooth Tailoring Essentials Bloody Tooth Weapons Essentials Bloody Tooth Woodworking Essentials Blueprint: Gnomish Cannon Blueprint: Gnomish Pirate Spirits Blueprint: Hotwired Gnomish Hoverpad Blueprint: Personal Depots Bookbinding for Beginners Brewday Accoutrements to Craft Brewday Accoutrements to Craft II Brewday Accoutrements to Craft III Brewday Accoutrements to Craft IV Brewday Accoutrements to Craft IX Brewday Accoutrements to Craft V Brewday Accoutrements to Craft VI Brewday Accoutrements to Craft VII Brewday Accoutrements to Craft VIII Brewday Accoutrements to Craft X Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XI Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XII Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XIII Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XIV Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XV Brewday Accoutrements to Craft XVI Brewday High-tech Distilleries Carpenter Essentials Volume 100 Carpenter Essentials Volume 101 Carpenter Essentials Volume 102 Carpenter Essentials Volume 103 Carpenter Essentials Volume 104 Carpenter Essentials Volume 105 Carpenter Essentials Volume 106 Carpenter Essentials Volume 107 Carpenter Essentials Volume 108 Carpenter Essentials Volume 109 Carpenter Essentials Volume 110 Carpenter Essentials Volume 20 Carpenter Essentials Volume 21 Carpenter Essentials Volume 22 Carpenter Essentials Volume 23 Carpenter Essentials Volume 24 Carpenter Essentials Volume 25 Carpenter Essentials Volume 26 Carpenter Essentials Volume 27 Carpenter Essentials Volume 28 Carpenter Essentials Volume 29 Carpenter Essentials Volume 30 Carpenter Essentials Volume 31 Carpenter Essentials Volume 32 Carpenter Essentials Volume 33 Carpenter Essentials Volume 34 Carpenter Essentials Volume 35 Carpenter Essentials Volume 36 Carpenter Essentials Volume 37 Carpenter Essentials Volume 38 Carpenter Essentials Volume 39 Carpenter Essentials Volume 40 Carpenter Essentials Volume 41 Carpenter Essentials Volume 42 Carpenter Essentials Volume 43 Carpenter Essentials Volume 44 Carpenter Essentials Volume 45 Carpenter Essentials Volume 46 Carpenter Essentials Volume 47 Carpenter Essentials Volume 48 Carpenter Essentials Volume 49 Carpenter Essentials Volume 50 Carpenter Essentials Volume 51 Carpenter Essentials Volume 52 Carpenter Essentials Volume 53 Carpenter Essentials Volume 54 Carpenter Essentials Volume 55 Carpenter Essentials Volume 56 Carpenter Essentials Volume 57 Carpenter Essentials Volume 58 Carpenter Essentials Volume 59 Carpenter Essentials Volume 60 Carpenter Essentials Volume 61 Carpenter Essentials Volume 62 Carpenter Essentials Volume 63 Carpenter Essentials Volume 64 Carpenter Essentials Volume 65 Carpenter Essentials Volume 66 Carpenter Essentials Volume 67 Carpenter Essentials Volume 68 Carpenter Essentials Volume 69 Carpenter Essentials Volume 70 Carpenter Essentials Volume 71 Carpenter Essentials Volume 72 Carpenter Essentials Volume 73 Carpenter Essentials Volume 74 Carpenter Essentials Volume 75 Carpenter Essentials Volume 76 Carpenter Essentials Volume 77 Carpenter Essentials Volume 78 Carpenter Essentials Volume 79 Carpenter Essentials Volume 80 Carpenter Essentials Volume 81 Carpenter Essentials Volume 82 Carpenter Essentials Volume 83 Carpenter Essentials Volume 84 Carpenter Essentials Volume 85 Carpenter Essentials Volume 86 Carpenter Essentials Volume 87 Carpenter Essentials Volume 88 Carpenter Essentials Volume 89 Carpenter Essentials Volume 90 Carpenter Essentials Volume 91 Carpenter Essentials Volume 92 Carpenter Essentials Volume 93 Carpenter Essentials Volume 94 Carpenter Essentials Volume 95 Carpenter Essentials Volume 96 Carpenter Essentials Volume 97 Carpenter Essentials Volume 98 Carpenter Essentials Volume 99 Carpenter's Primer Volume 01 Carpenter's Primer Volume 02 Carpenter's Primer Volume 03 Carpenter's Primer Volume 04 Carpenter's Primer Volume 05 Carpenter's Primer Volume 06 Carpenter's Primer Volume 07 Carpenter's Primer Volume 08 Carpenter's Primer Volume 09 Carpenter's Primer Volume 10 Carpenter's Primer Volume 11 Carpenter's Primer Volume 12 Carpenter's Primer Volume 13 Carpenter's Primer Volume 14 Carpenter's Primer Volume 15 Carpenter's Primer Volume 16 Carpenter's Primer Volume 17 Carpenter's Primer Volume 18 Carpenter's Primer Volume 19 Carpenter's Primer Volume 20 Carpentry Secrets of the Hua Mein Celebrations of the Dead Celebrations of the Dead II Celebrations of the Dead III Celebrations of the Dead IV Celebrations of the Dead IX Celebrations of the Dead V Celebrations of the Dead VI Celebrations of the Dead VII Celebrations of the Dead VIII Celebrations of the Dead X Celebrations of the Dead XI Celebrations of the Dead XII Celebrations of the Dead XVI Celebrations of the Dead XVII Circle of Flames City of Mist Home Builder's Kit Clan Bloody Tooth Mercenary Gear Clurg’s Family Stein Recipe Coldwork Carpenter's Primer Volume I Coldwork Carpenter's Primer Volume II Coldwork Carpenter's Primer Volume III Common Deathfist Adept Armor Plans Common Deathfist Blood Threaded Armor Plans Common Deathfist Consecrated Armor Plans Common Deathfist Darkruned Armor Plans Common Deathfist Harmonious Armor Plans Common Deathfist Mossy Armor Plans Common Deathfist Nightbane Armor Plans Common Deathfist Thistle Etched Armor Plans Common Deathfist Umbrae Armor Plans Common Deathfist Warborn Armor Plans Compendium of Mineral Refining Techniques craftsman essentials volume 10 Craftsman Essentials Volume 11 craftsman essentials volume 12 Craftsman Essentials Volume 13 craftsman essentials volume 14 Craftsman Essentials Volume 15 craftsman essentials volume 16 Craftsman Essentials Volume 17 craftsman essentials volume 18 Craftsman Essentials Volume 19 Crowning Achievements of the Deepforge Founders Custom Fired Vases: By Coalition of the House Fordel Potters D.I.R.T.Y. Digging - Gold Marble Blocks Dabbler's Blueprints 0.001 Dabbler's Blueprints 0.002 Dabbler's Blueprints 0.004 Danak Arcana Volume II Danak Craftmanship Volume I Danak Craftmanship Volume II Danak Heavy Armoring Volume I Danak Heavy Armoring Volume II Danak Light Armoring Volume I Danak Light Armoring Volume II Danak Woodworking Volume I Danak Woodworking Volume II Decorating With Axes Decorative Deity Shrines Deepforge Advanced Armoring Deepforge Advanced Carpentry Deepforge Advanced Scribing Deepforge Advanced Tailoring Deepforge Advanced Weaponsmithing Deepforge Advanced Woodworking Deepforge Armoring Essentials Deepforge Carpentry Essentials Deepforge Scribing Essentials Deepforge Tailoring Essentials Deepforge Tinkering Blueprints Deepforge Weaponsmithing Essentials Deepforge Woodworking Essentials Deepwater Retreat Recipe Book Deific Teachings: Portal to the Arena of the Gods Deity Altar Crafting Delightful Doors Desert Research: Desert Fires Desert Research: Desert Music Boxes Desert Research: Landscaping with Rocks Desert Research: Petrified Shrubs Desert Research: Petrified Trees Desert Research: Takish Copper Building Blocks Desert Research: Takish Stone Tablets Dhalgar Home Builder's Kit Display Stands for All Occasions Draconic Knowledge: Arcane Dragon Statue, Version 1 Draconic Knowledge: Arcane Dragon Statue, Version 2 Draconic Knowledge: Arm Of The Draconic Battlepriest Draconic Knowledge: Barbute Of The Draconic Defender Draconic Knowledge: Benevolent Dragon Statue, Version 1 Draconic Knowledge: Benevolent Dragon Statue, Version 2 Draconic Knowledge: Caduceus Of The Draconic Battlepriest Draconic Knowledge: Cleaver Of The Draconic Defender Draconic Knowledge: Coarse Skullcap Of The Dragon Seer Draconic Knowledge: Dirk Of The Draconic Miscreant Draconic Knowledge: Draconic Defender's Bo Staff Draconic Knowledge: Dragon Sinew Strung Bow Draconic Knowledge: Dragonhide Shroud Of Deathdealing Draconic Knowledge: Dragonscale Plate Pauldrons Draconic Knowledge: Drakota Statue, Version 1 Draconic Knowledge: Drakota Statue, Version 2 Draconic Knowledge: Edge Of Seething Torrents Draconic Knowledge: Epaulets Of The Draconic Oracle Draconic Knowledge: Fierce Dragon Head Statue, Version 1 Draconic Knowledge: Fierce Dragon Head Statue, Version 2 Draconic Knowledge: Gauntlets Of The Draconic Battlepriest Draconic Knowledge: Gloves Of The Draconic Battlepriest Draconic Knowledge: Hammer Of Concussive Omens Draconic Knowledge: Mace Of Radiant Divinity Draconic Knowledge: Noble Dragon Head Statue, Version 1 Draconic Knowledge: Noble Dragon Head Statue, Version 2 Draconic Knowledge: Scaled Cloak Of The Archmagus Draconic Knowledge: Scaled Dragonhide Gloves Draconic Knowledge: Sceptre Of The Draconic Oracle Draconic Knowledge: Shamanistic Dragonhide Helmet Draconic Knowledge: Shroud Of The Draconic Miscreant Draconic Knowledge: Skullcap Of The Draconic Defender Draconic Knowledge: Unbreakable Dragonbone Guard Draconic Knowledge: Wand Of The Draconic Oracle Draconic Knowledge: Worked Dragonhide Arm Wraps Draconic Othmir Banner Dragon's Tongue Staff Empyral Armorer Studies 17 Empyral Tailor Studies 11 Empyral Tailor Studies 12 Empyral Tailor Studies 13 Empyral Tailor Studies 14 Empyral Tailor Studies 15 Empyral Tailor Studies 16 Empyral Tailor Studies 17 Empyral Tailor Studies 18 Empyral Tailor Studies 19 Empyral Tailor Studies 20 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 11 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 12 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 13 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 14 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 15 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 16 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 17 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 18 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 19 Empyral Weaponsmith Studies 20 Experimenter's Blueprints 0.003 Fanciful Faucets Far Seas Strategic Pricing (2nd Edition), Volume I Far Seas Strategic Pricing (2nd Edition), Volume II Far Seas Strategic Pricing (3rd Edition), Volume I Far Seas Strategic Pricing (3rd Edition), Volume II Far Seas Strategic Pricing Manual, Volume I Far Seas Strategic Pricing Manual, Volume III Far Seas Strategic Pricing Manual, Volume IV Far Seas Trading Company Recipe: Basic Root Preserves Far Seas Trading Company Recipe: Insulating Cushion for Cool Climates Fiery Combine Forge Fletchers' Secrets of Mistmoore, Volume I Fletchers' Secrets of Mistmoore, Volume II Focus of the Spirits Forgemasters Carpentry Studies Forgemasters Tailoring Studies Forgemasters Weaponry Studies Forgemasters Woodworking Studies Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts II Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts III Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts IV Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts IX Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts V Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts VI Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts VII Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts VIII Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts X Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XI Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XII Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XIII Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XIV Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XV Frostfell Feasts and Decorative Crafts XVI Frostfell Outfits You Can Make Frostfell Outfits You Can Make II Frostfell Outfits You Can Make III Frostfell Outfits You Can Make IV Frostfell Outfits You Can Make IX Frostfell Outfits You Can Make V Frostfell Outfits You Can Make VI Frostfell Outfits You Can Make VII Frostfell Outfits You Can Make VIII Frostfell Outfits You Can Make X Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XI Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XII Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XIII Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XIV Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XV Frostfell Outfits You Can Make XVI Golden Sand Brick Building Blocks Granite Tomahawk Recipe Grobb Tradishunal Furnushings Gryphon Fur Conditioning Recipe Helms of Psionic Shielding House Actor Crate Hua Mein Special Baked Fish Recipe Ironforge Exchange Basic Recipes Jeweler Essentials Volume 100 Jeweler Essentials Volume 107 Jeweler Essentials Volume 110 Jeweler Essentials Volume 22 Jeweler Essentials Volume 26 Jeweler Essentials Volume 32 Jeweler Essentials Volume 34 Jeweler Essentials Volume 36 Jeweler Essentials Volume 38 Jeweler Essentials Volume 42 Jeweler Essentials Volume 44 Jeweler Essentials Volume 46 Jeweler Essentials Volume 48 Jeweler Essentials Volume 52 Jeweler Essentials Volume 54 Jeweler Essentials Volume 56 Jeweler Essentials Volume 58 Jeweler Essentials Volume 60 Jeweler Essentials Volume 64 Jeweler Essentials Volume 66 Jeweler Essentials Volume 68 Jeweler Essentials Volume 70 Jeweler Essentials Volume 74 Jeweler Essentials Volume 76 Jeweler Essentials Volume 78 Jeweler Essentials Volume 80 Jeweler Essentials Volume 84 Jeweler Essentials Volume 86 Jeweler Essentials Volume 88 Jeweler Essentials Volume 95 Jeweler Essentials Volume 96 Jeweler Essentials Volume 97 Jeweler Essentials Volume 98 Jeweler Essentials Volume 99 Jeweler Secrets of Quel'ule Jeweler's Primer Volume 06 Jeweler's Primer Volume 07 Kate's Fish Oil Candle Recipe Kerra Traditional Medicine Knowledge of Assembling the Dragon's Marrow Learning To Weave Fine Fabrics Leatherfoot Knuckles Design Loremaster Solstrin's Notes on Engraved Royal Velium Field Plate Loremaster Solstrin's Notes on Traditional Formal Wear Luclin Scribe's Tomes Marble Seru Tileset: Volume I Marble Seru Tileset: Volume II Marble Seru Tileset: Volume III Masque de Lorme Pattern Master Tinkerer Blueprints 1.0 Master Tinkerer Blueprints 2.0 Master Tinkerer Blueprints 3.0 Master's Blueprints 0.004 Master's Blueprints 0.007 Master's Blueprints 0.009 Master's Blueprints 0.010 Master's Blueprints 0.011 Metalshapers' Secrets of the Battlegrounds Metalworkers' Secrets of the Void, Volume I Metalworkers' Secrets of the Void, Volume II New Combine Bellows New Combine Bookcase New Combine Freeport Banner New Combine Gorowyn Banner New Combine Halas Banner New Combine Hall Table New Combine Kelethin Banner New Combine Neriak Banner New Combine Nightstand New Combine Qeynos Banner New Combine Symbol Rug New Combine Worktable notes on fancy plant pots Notes on special mirrors Nurwin Family Secrets Oak-shafted Wurmslayer Othmir Folding Table Othmir Gardening Tools Othmir Warding Totem outfitters essentials volume 10 outfitters essentials volume 11 outfitters essentials volume 12 outfitters essentials volume 13 outfitters essentials volume 14 outfitters essentials volume 15 outfitters essentials volume 16 outfitters essentials volume 17 outfitters essentials volume 18 outfitters essentials volume 19 Pastel Marble Building Blocks Perfectly Serious Items to Craft Perfectly Serious Items to Craft II Perfectly Serious Items to Craft III Perfectly Serious Items to Craft IV Perfectly Serious Items to Craft IX Perfectly Serious Items to Craft V Perfectly Serious Items to Craft VI Perfectly Serious Items to Craft VII Perfectly Serious Items to Craft VIII Perfectly Serious Items to Craft X Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XI Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XII Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XIII Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XIV Perfectly Serious Items to Craft XV Planar Recipes: Greased Tinker's Cloak Planar Recipes: Molten Cloak Plate Recipes For All Occasions Plateaus Carpenter's Primer Volume I Plateaus Carpenter's Primer Volume II Plateaus Carpenter's Primer Volume III Pleasantries of Twilight: Volume IX Practical Bird Cages Practical Furnishings for All Occasions Provisioner Essentials Volume 90 Rare Deathfist Adept Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Blood Threaded Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Consecrated Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Darkruned Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Harmonious Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Mossy Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Nightbane Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Thistle Etched Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Umbrae Armor Plans Rare Deathfist Warborn Armor Plans Recipe for a Censer of Containment Recipe Scroll: Azure Glowing Brazier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Basket of Blueberries Recipe Scroll: Basket of Cranberries Recipe Scroll: Dark Glowing Brazier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Dark Glowing Chandelier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Divine Weapons of Rathe Recipe Scroll: Divine Weapons of Ro Recipe Scroll: Divine Weapons of Sky Recipe Scroll: Elven Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Excavation Toolset Recipe Scroll: Faefly Stool Recipe Scroll: Fiery Skull Candelabra Recipe Scroll: Flat Clay Plate Recipe Scroll: Flat Silver Plate Recipe Scroll: Floating Sconce (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Glowing Double Sconce (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Glowing Hands Sconce (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Great Covered Stone Counter Recipe Scroll: Great Helm Centerpiece Recipe Scroll: Great Stone Counter Recipe Scroll: Kasa's Mischievous Sconce Recipe Scroll: Leucosia's Humanoid Recipes Recipe Scroll: Light Bent Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Light Glowing Chandelier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Light Glowing Crystal (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Light Glowing Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Light Glowing Sconce (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Light Standing Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Lit Brazier of War (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Lit Orb of War (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Metallic Glowing Brazier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Natural Blooming Chandelier (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Noble Brazier of Light (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Noble Chandelier of Light (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Noble Sconce of Light (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Overcooked Jum Jum Pie Recipe Scroll: Pointed Emerald Throne Recipe Scroll: Shooting Star Shrubbery Recipe Scroll: Singing Crimson Shrubbery Recipe Scroll: Small Bamboo Light Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Tall Bamboo Light Lamp (Lightsource) Recipe Scroll: Throne of Past Kings Recipe Scroll: Tock's Tinkered Tinkerstation Recipe Scroll: Velium Pottery Round Recipe Scroll: Velium Pottery Short Recipe Scroll: Velium Pottery Tall Recipe Scroll: Wall Shield Emblem: Type I Recipe Scroll: Wall Shield Emblem: Type II Recipe: Card Case Recipes for Matoppie Bedding Recipes for the Aggressor's Claws Recipes for the Chamberlain's Flayed Skin Recipes for the Counselor's Head Recipes for the Kettleleader's Preserved Corpse Recipes for the Taskmaster's Gullet Recipes for Wayward Defenders Reflections of the Grandmasters Reflections of the Grandmasters, vol. II Reflections of the Grandmasters, vol. III Reflections of the Grandmasters, vol. V - 1 Charge Recipe Reflections of the Grandmasters, vol. VI Reformed Wurmslayer Reign of Shadows: Furniture Recipes: Shar Vahl Relics of Drunder Renewal of Ro: Furniture Recipes: Sands of Renewal Riliss Arcana Volume II Riliss Craftmanship Volume I Riliss Craftmanship Volume II Riliss Heavy Armoring Volume I Riliss Heavy Armoring Volume II Riliss Light Armoring Volume I Riliss Light Armoring Volume II Riliss Woodworking Volume I Riliss Woodworking Volume II Romantic Gifts to Craft Romantic Gifts to Craft II Romantic Gifts to Craft III Romantic Gifts to Craft IV Romantic Gifts to Craft IX Romantic Gifts to Craft V Romantic Gifts to Craft VI Romantic Gifts to Craft VII Romantic Gifts to Craft VIII Romantic Gifts to Craft X Romantic Gifts to Craft XI Romantic Gifts to Craft XII Romantic Gifts to Craft XIII Romantic Gifts to Craft XIV Romantic Gifts to Craft XV Romantic Gifts to Craft XVI Romantic Gifts to Craft XVII Sage Essentials Volume 90 Sage Secrets of Quel'ule Sanctus Seru Promenade Furniture Recipes Scars of Destruction: Furniture Recipes: Drakiz Crypt scholar essentials volume 12 scholar essentials volume 16 Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell II Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell III Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell IV Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell IX Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell V Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell VI Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell VII Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell VIII Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell X Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XI Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XII Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XIII Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XIV Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XV Scholarly Pursuits for a Festive Frostfell XVI Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Breastplates Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Chain Bracers Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Chain Gloves Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Chain Leggings Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Chain Mantles Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Coifs Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Gauntlets Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Greaves Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Helmets Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Pauldrons Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Vambraces Scourge Armor Plans: Blood Iron Vests Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Breeches Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Cloth Gloves Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Cuffs Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Headwraps Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Hoods Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Leather Bracers Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Leather Gloves Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Leather Sleeves Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Pants Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Robes Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Sleeves Scourge Tailor Plans: Blood Iron Tunics Scribes' Secrets of Miragul, Volume I Scribes' Secrets of Miragul, Volume II Sculptors' Secrets of Mistmoore, Volume I Sculptors' Secrets of Mistmoore, Volume II Secrets of the Destroyer, Volume I Secrets of the Doomwing, Volume I Secrets of the Doomwing, Volume II Secrets of the Doomwing, Volume III Shadow Prospecting Armorer [Tier 10] Shadow Prospecting Armorer [Tier 11] Shadow Prospecting Armorer [Tier 12] Shadow Prospecting Armorer [Tier 7] Shadow Prospecting Tailor [Tier 10] Shadow Prospecting Tailor [Tier 11] Shadow Prospecting Tailor [Tier 12] Shadow Prospecting Tailor [Tier 7] Shadow Prospecting Weaponsmith [Tier 10] Shadow Prospecting Weaponsmith [Tier 12] Shadow Prospecting Weaponsmith [Tier 7] Shadow Prospecting Woodworker [Tier 10] Shadow Prospecting Woodworker [Tier 12] Shadow Prospecting Woodworker [Tier 7] Shadowscream Armorer Studies I Shadowscream Armorer Studies II Shadowscream Armorer Studies III Shadowscream Carpenter Studies I Shadowscream Carpenter Studies II Shadowscream Carpenter Studies III Shadowscream Jeweler Studies III Shadowscream Tailor Studies I Shadowscream Tailor Studies II Shadowscream Tailor Studies III Shadowscream Weaponsmith Studies I Shadowscream Weaponsmith Studies II Shadowscream Weaponsmith Studies III Shadowscream Woodworker Studies I Shadowscream Woodworker Studies II Shadowscream Woodworker Studies III Sharp-bladed Wurmslayer Silken Padding Recipe Snowfang Dreamcatcher Recipe Sootfoot Armoring Secrets Spidermech Defender Blueprints Spinning Wheel Basics Sprocket's Interlocking Plane Builder's Kit Supplying the Armies of War: Bladeturning Cloaks Supplying the Armies of War: Shields, Pouches, and Bows Supplying the Armies of War: Symbols of War Supplying the Armies of War: Weaponry Supurple Brick Building Blocks Tailor Essentials Volume 100 Tailor Essentials Volume 101 Tailor Essentials Volume 102 Tailor Essentials Volume 103 Tailor Essentials Volume 104 Tailor Essentials Volume 105 Tailor Essentials Volume 106 Tailor Essentials Volume 107 Tailor Essentials Volume 108 Tailor Essentials Volume 109 Tailor Essentials Volume 110 Tailor Essentials Volume 20 Tailor Essentials Volume 21 Tailor Essentials Volume 22 Tailor Essentials Volume 23 Tailor Essentials Volume 24 Tailor Essentials Volume 25 Tailor Essentials Volume 26 Tailor Essentials Volume 27 Tailor Essentials Volume 28 Tailor Essentials Volume 29 Tailor Essentials Volume 30 Tailor Essentials Volume 31 Tailor Essentials Volume 32 Tailor Essentials Volume 33 Tailor Essentials Volume 34 Tailor Essentials Volume 35 Tailor Essentials Volume 36 Tailor Essentials Volume 37 Tailor Essentials Volume 38 Tailor Essentials Volume 39 Tailor Essentials Volume 40 Tailor Essentials Volume 41 Tailor Essentials Volume 42 Tailor Essentials Volume 43 Tailor Essentials Volume 44 Tailor Essentials Volume 45 Tailor Essentials Volume 46 Tailor Essentials Volume 47 Tailor Essentials Volume 48 Tailor Essentials Volume 49 Tailor Essentials Volume 50 Tailor Essentials Volume 51 Tailor Essentials Volume 52 Tailor Essentials Volume 53 Tailor Essentials Volume 54 Tailor Essentials Volume 55 Tailor Essentials Volume 56 Tailor Essentials Volume 57 Tailor Essentials Volume 58 Tailor Essentials Volume 59 Tailor Essentials Volume 60 Tailor Essentials Volume 61 Tailor Essentials Volume 62 Tailor Essentials Volume 63 Tailor Essentials Volume 64 Tailor Essentials Volume 65 Tailor Essentials Volume 66 Tailor Essentials Volume 67 Tailor Essentials Volume 68 Tailor Essentials Volume 69 Tailor Essentials Volume 70 Tailor Essentials Volume 72 Tailor Essentials Volume 73 Tailor Essentials Volume 74 Tailor Essentials Volume 75 Tailor Essentials Volume 76 Tailor Essentials Volume 77 Tailor Essentials Volume 78 Tailor Essentials Volume 79 Tailor Essentials Volume 81 Tailor Essentials Volume 83 Tailor Essentials Volume 84 Tailor Essentials Volume 85 Tailor Essentials Volume 86 Tailor Essentials Volume 87 Tailor Essentials Volume 88 Tailor Essentials Volume 89 Tailor Essentials Volume 90 Tailor Essentials Volume 92 Tailor Essentials Volume 93 Tailor Essentials Volume 94 Tailor Essentials Volume 95 Tailor Essentials Volume 96 Tailor Essentials Volume 97 Tailor Essentials Volume 98 Tailor Essentials Volume 99 Tailor's Primer Volume 01 Tailor's Primer Volume 02 Tailor's Primer Volume 03 Tailor's Primer Volume 04 Tailor's Primer Volume 05 Tailor's Primer Volume 06 Tailor's Primer Volume 07 Tailor's Primer Volume 08 Tailor's Primer Volume 09 Tailor's Primer Volume 10 Tailor's Primer Volume 11 Tailor's Primer Volume 12 Tailor's Primer Volume 13 Tailor's Primer Volume 14 Tailor's Primer Volume 15 Tailor's Primer Volume 16 Tailor's Primer Volume 17 Tailor's Primer Volume 18 Tailor's Primer Volume 19 Tailor's Primer Volume 20 Tailors' Casualwear Secrets of the Kerra Tailors' Battleground Secrets of the Kerra Tailors' Secrets of the Battlegrounds Tailors' Secrets of the Sebilisians, Volume I Tailors' Secrets of the Sebilisians, Volume II The Finer Points of Rituals The Legends of Fyst The Tender's Secrets Volume 4 Thirneg's Cultivation Volume 1 Thirneg's Cultivation Volume 2 Thirneg's Cultivation Volume 4 Tinkerfest Blueprints 1.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 10.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 11.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 14.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 15.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 2.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 3.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 4.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 5.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 6.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 7.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 8.0 Tinkerfest Blueprints 9.0 Traditional Kerra Cloth Weaving Traditional Othmir Drum Recipe Traditional Pygmy Furnishings Transcribe Notes on Maldura Traveler's Guide of the Tailor Volume 3 Traveler's Guide of the Tailor Volume 4 Traveler's Guide of the Tailor Volume 5 Traveler's Guide of the Tailor Volume 6 Traveler's Guide of the Tailor Volume 7 Triangles of Maldura Tunare's Gifts, volume 1 Tunare's Gifts, volume 2 Tunare's Gifts, volume 3 Tunare's Gifts, volume 5 Tupta Traditional Furnishings Turtle Shell Shield Sketches Unknown Soldier's Grave Vale Briarwood Bookcase Plans Valefolk Shawl How-To Vetrovian Carpenter's Primer Volume I Vetrovian Carpenter's Primer Volume II Vetrovian Carpenter's Primer Volume III Vetrovian Carpenter's Primer Volume IV Vetrovian Carpenter's Primer Volume V Visions of Vetrovia: Furniture Recipes: Vacrul Vulrich Drumsticks Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 100 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 101 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 103 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 104 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 105 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 106 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 107 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 108 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 109 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 110 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 20 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 21 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 22 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 23 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 24 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 25 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 26 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 27 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 28 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 29 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 30 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 31 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 32 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 33 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 34 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 35 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 36 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 37 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 38 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 39 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 40 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 41 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 42 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 43 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 44 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 45 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 46 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 47 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 48 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 49 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 50 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 51 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 52 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 53 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 54 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 55 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 56 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 57 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 58 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 59 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 60 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 61 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 62 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 63 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 64 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 65 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 66 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 67 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 68 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 69 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 70 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 71 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 72 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 73 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 74 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 75 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 76 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 77 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 78 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 79 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 80 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 81 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 82 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 83 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 84 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 85 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 86 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 87 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 88 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 89 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 90 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 91 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 92 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 93 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 94 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 95 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 96 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 97 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 98 Weaponsmith Essentials Volume 99 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 01 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 02 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 03 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 04 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 05 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 06 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 07 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 08 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 09 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 10 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 11 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 12 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 13 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 14 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 15 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 16 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 17 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 18 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 19 Weaponsmith's Primer Volume 20 Woodworker Essentials Volume 100 Woodworker Essentials Volume 101 Woodworker Essentials Volume 103 Woodworker Essentials Volume 104 Woodworker Essentials Volume 105 Woodworker Essentials Volume 106 Woodworker Essentials Volume 107 Woodworker Essentials Volume 108 Woodworker Essentials Volume 109 Woodworker Essentials Volume 110 Woodworker Essentials Volume 20 Woodworker Essentials Volume 21 Woodworker Essentials Volume 22 Woodworker Essentials Volume 23 Woodworker Essentials Volume 24 Woodworker Essentials Volume 25 Woodworker Essentials Volume 26 Woodworker Essentials Volume 27 Woodworker Essentials Volume 28 Woodworker Essentials Volume 29 Woodworker Essentials Volume 30 Woodworker Essentials Volume 31 Woodworker Essentials Volume 32 Woodworker Essentials Volume 33 Woodworker Essentials Volume 34 Woodworker Essentials Volume 35 Woodworker Essentials Volume 36 Woodworker Essentials Volume 37 Woodworker Essentials Volume 38 Woodworker Essentials Volume 39 Woodworker Essentials Volume 40 Woodworker Essentials Volume 41 Woodworker Essentials Volume 42 Woodworker Essentials Volume 43 Woodworker Essentials Volume 44 Woodworker Essentials Volume 45 Woodworker Essentials Volume 46 Woodworker Essentials Volume 47 Woodworker Essentials Volume 48 Woodworker Essentials Volume 49 Woodworker Essentials Volume 50 Woodworker Essentials Volume 51 Woodworker Essentials Volume 52 Woodworker Essentials Volume 53 Woodworker Essentials Volume 54 Woodworker Essentials Volume 55 Woodworker Essentials Volume 56 Woodworker Essentials Volume 57 Woodworker Essentials Volume 58 Woodworker Essentials Volume 59 Woodworker Essentials Volume 60 Woodworker Essentials Volume 61 Woodworker Essentials Volume 62 Woodworker Essentials Volume 63 Woodworker Essentials Volume 64 Woodworker Essentials Volume 65 Woodworker Essentials Volume 66 Woodworker Essentials Volume 67 Woodworker Essentials Volume 68 Woodworker Essentials Volume 69 Woodworker Essentials Volume 70 Woodworker Essentials Volume 71 Woodworker Essentials Volume 72 Woodworker Essentials Volume 73 Woodworker Essentials Volume 74 Woodworker Essentials Volume 75 Woodworker Essentials Volume 76 Woodworker Essentials Volume 77 Woodworker Essentials Volume 78 Woodworker Essentials Volume 79 Woodworker Essentials Volume 80 Woodworker Essentials Volume 81 Woodworker Essentials Volume 82 Woodworker Essentials Volume 83 Woodworker Essentials Volume 84 Woodworker Essentials Volume 85 Woodworker Essentials Volume 86 Woodworker Essentials Volume 87 Woodworker Essentials Volume 88 Woodworker Essentials Volume 89 Woodworker Essentials Volume 91 Woodworker Essentials Volume 93 Woodworker Essentials Volume 94 Woodworker Essentials Volume 95 Woodworker Essentials Volume 96 Woodworker Essentials Volume 97 Woodworker Essentials Volume 98 Woodworker Essentials Volume 99 Woodworker's Primer Volume 01 Woodworker's Primer Volume 02 Woodworker's Primer Volume 03 Woodworker's Primer Volume 04 Woodworker's Primer Volume 05 Woodworker's Primer Volume 06 Woodworker's Primer Volume 07 Woodworker's Primer Volume 08 Woodworker's Primer Volume 11 Woodworker's Primer Volume 12 Woodworker's Primer Volume 13 Woodworker's Primer Volume 14 Woodworker's Primer Volume 15 Woodworker's Primer Volume 16 Woodworker's Primer Volume 17 Woodworker's Primer Volume 18 Woodworker's Primer Volume 19 Woodworker's Primer Volume 20 Woodworking Secrets of the Hua Mein Wracked Foliage: Volume I Zimaran Carpenter's Primer Volume I Zimaran Carpenter's Primer Volume II Zimaran Carpenter's Primer Volume III
A History of the Age of Monuments A Polished Mirror abyssal angler abyssal pelt acrylia cluster adamantine cluster aerated mineral water Aether Ore alder lumber Aligned Ore altered mineral amber amber lens Amboyna Burl amethyst Ammolite Amsonia Roots Apatite Gem araucaria lumber Arborian Wedge Arcane Umbra Gravel arcannium ardent dye ash dowel ash lumber ashen root Astral Candle Astral Coal Astral Filament Astral Incense Astral Kindling Astral Sandpaper augmented leather pelt aviak meat Azure Sapphire azurite cluster bamboo shoot banyan root Baptista Root barbarian love note Basic Candle Basic Coal Basic Filament Basic Incense Basic Kindling Basic Sandpaper basilisk meat baubbleshire cabbage bear meat belladonna root Berenz's Severed Head beryllium cluster Birch Wood Bittersweet Vineroot black coffee bean Black Fabric Dye blackened iron bar blackened iron cluster blackened iron plate Blue Fabric Dye boiled cord boiled leather pelt Bolt of Cotton bonded loam bone lumber Bonytail Chub bornite nodule Bourbon Brandywine Breadfruit Brell Barley brellium ore briarwood dowel briarwood lumber bristled pelt Brittlebush Taproot broadcloth cloth broadcloth padding broadcloth thread broadcloth yarn Brontotherium Meat bronze bar bronze cluster bronze plate bubinga lumber burlap cloth burlap padding burlap thread burlap yarn Cactus Fruit cadmium ore Candy Corn Candy-Striped Staff Pattern canvas cloth canvas padding canvas thread canvas yarn carbon dye carbonite bar carbonite cluster carbonite plate carbonite sheet carbonite shod carbonite spike carbonite strut carbonite stud carmine dye Casiun Root cedar lumber Celestial Mote Celestial Sandpaper Cerulean Gem of Joy Chalcedony charcoal chunkette Charger Meat chloro resin chloro wash Chromatic Carp Chromatic Essence chrysogena fungus Chunk of Wax Circinata Root cloth swatch cloth thread cnidcara hide cobalt cluster Compressulized Fermentron 2500 Coruscating Candle Coruscating Coal Coruscating Filament Coruscating Incense Coruscating Kindling Coruscating Sandpaper Corymbia Wood Cotton Twine Crusty Bone Crystalline Spiderling Silk cuirboilli leather pelt Cup of Cranberries Cured Ham cured leather pelt cut stone cutthroat trout dandelion fiber darkstone Dasheen deadly mushroom deadly terrorfruit deepstone root Deino Hide deklium cluster Desert Willow Wood dewpalm lumber diamondine cluster Dichroic Titanium Direbeak Hide Disabled Spidermech Abdomen Disabled Spidermech Cephalothorax Disabled Spidermech Exhaust Valve Disabled Spidermech Eyes dough Dragon Hide dragonhide leather pelt Dustmaw Hide ebon bar ebon cluster ebon plate Effulgent Candle Effulgent Coal Effulgent Filament Effulgent Incense Effulgent Kindling effulgent material Effulgent Sandpaper Electrum Cluster elephant meat elm dowel elm lumber Elven Magic Emerald Clovers enamelled glass engraved leather pelt Eom Va Liako Vess' Severed Head Erudite Hairpiece etched cord etched leather pelt Ethereal Candle Ethereal Coal Ethereal Filament Ethereal Incense Ethereal Kindling Ethereal Sandpaper etherium etherwood lumber Ettin-Headed Coin eucalyptus lumber Everfrost Icicle Fancy Black Wrap fancy blue and white wrap fancy blue wrap fancy green wrap Fancy Purple Wrap fancy red and gold wrap Fancy Red and White Wrap Fancy Red Wrap fancy yellow wrap ferrite cluster Festive Fabric feyiron bar feyiron cluster feyiron plate feyiron sheet feyiron shod feyiron spike feyiron strut feyiron stud feysteel bar feysteel cluster feysteel plate figwart root fir lumber flitterfin tang float glass Forlorn Ore fossil temper Fox Pelt Fresh Celery Fresh Eggs Frilly Ribbon frostbitten parsnip Frosted Apple Frostfell bow pattern Frostfell Candle Mold Frostfell Coloring Frostfell Snowdrift Spell Scroll Frostfell Spice Frostfell Stocking Pattern fulginate bar fulginate cluster fulginate plate fulginate sheet fulginate shod fulginate spike fulginate strut fulginate stud Gigglegibber Baking Mix Gigglegibber pre-mixed 'nog Gigglegibber Sweet Tooth Ginormous scrap metal Glimmering Candle Glimmering Coal Glimmering Filament Glimmering Incense Glimmering Sandpaper Glittery Powder Glowing Candle Glowing Coal Glowing Filament Glowing Incense Glowing Kindling Glowing Sandpaper gnarled entwood Goahmari Herb Goat Meat gold cluster Gold Fabric Dye golden ember Golden Fleck Golden Grapes greatmole meat Green Fabric Dye Greytusk Hide Grieg Veneficus' Broken Egg griffin meat ground limestone guild hall trophy pedestal Halfling Stilts Handful of Snips 'n Snails hanging root Hardened Zelniak Pelt hidebound pelt High Elf Funny Bone Holiday Cheer Holiday Spirit Hornbeam Spruce Log horned leather pelt Humming Azurite Icy Snowball Ilmenite Ore incarnadine cluster indium bar indium cluster indium plate indium spike indium stud iodocus cluster iridium cluster iron bar iron cluster iron gual dye iron plate iron sheet iron shod iron spike iron strut iron stud Judicator Palm Heart jumjum Jungle Kumquat kaborite cluster Kamapor Tea Khati Sha the Twisted's Broken Arm lac dye Lambent Candle Lambent Coal Lambent Filament Lambent Incense Lambent Sandpaper Larch Wood larix lumber lead cluster leaded loam leathery shadeleaf leonid root lichenclover root linen cloth linen thread lion meat Lord Commander Seru's Severed Head Luclizite Cluster lumicite Luminous Candle Luminous Coal Luminous Filament Luminous Incense Luminous Sandpaper Magical Thread Mahngavi Mango mahogany lumber malduran lumber Maligonian Horns Malleable Gold Bar Malleable Silver Bar mantrap root maple dowel maple lumber Marr cherry matoppie roots matron's heart Mechanized Thurgadin Distillery metallic reptile hide Molasses mottled pelt murdunk orange Narra Wood natural fireplace blueprints Needlescale Hide Nelon Hes' Written Plea nepeta bud nightmare cichlid Nilborien Hide nimbic hide nimbus root Noble Hops oak lumber oak root Ogre Tutu Onyx Gem of Joy Orange Rind ornate cobalt fireplace blueprints ornate sandstone fireplace blueprints osmium cluster palladium cluster Pallasite Ore Palomidiar Allakhaji's Severed Head panther meat Parchment Parchment Sheets Pepitas Seeds Persimmon petrified lumber pig meat planed alder lumber planed ash lumber planed bone planed briarwood lumber planed cedar planed elm lumber planed fir planed maple lumber planed oak planed sandalwood lumber planed teak lumber pliant loam plumewit hide plump haddock plump lychee porous loam Prime Drake Fang Prime Maligonian Horns Prime Skyshrine Golem Core Prismatic Pike pristine vial of meso resin pristine vial of meso wash pristine vial of mezzolith temper Ptarmigan Meat Pteradon Meat Purple Fabric Dye quicksilver cluster Rainbow Corymbia Wood ravasect meat raw black tea leaf raw carrot Raw Fowl Raw Vanilla rawhide cord rawhide leather pelt Red Fabric Dye Red Lichen Redfin Pickerel redwood lumber reef cluster refined cobalt reflective smoldering shard Reinhopper Meat Repaired Spidermech Abdomen Repaired Spidermech Cephalothorax Repaired Spidermech Exhaust Valve Repaired Spidermech Eyes rhenium ore rhodium cluster ripe mangosteen rock fern root rough agate rough bloodstone rough fire emerald rough kunzite rough lapis lazuli rough linen cloth rough linen padding rough linen thread rough linen yarn rough lumbered ebony rough lumbered rosewood rough malachite rough moonstone rough nacre rough opaline rough pearl rough topaz Rough Turquoise roughspun cloth roughspun thread rubicite ore ruckas cloth ruckas thread ruthenium cluster sackcloth cloth sackcloth thread saguaro root salix bark salty loam sandalwood dowel sandalwood lumber sandcloth cloth sandcloth padding sandcloth thread sandcloth yarn scaled leather pelt Scarlet Gem of Joy Scarred Coal Scented Sandalwood Scintillating Filament Scintillating Incense Scintillating Sandpaper Scrap of White Fur seahorse roe Sedge Root Seed of Growth severed alder severed ash severed bone severed briarwood severed cedar severed elm severed fir severed ironwood severed maple severed oak severed sandalwood severed teak shadebark Shadowed Humming Azurite Shadowed Humming Sapphire Gem Shadowed Jumping Creeper Shadowed Luclizite Cluster Shadowed Lunar Mushroom Shadowed Primal Luclizite Shard Shadowed Rockhopper Hide Shadowed Spruce Log Shik'Nar Imperiatrix's Severed Head Shiny Tinkerfest Cog silver cluster silvered fleck sisal root Skyshrine Golem Core Slow Creeping Root Small Thurgadin Distillery Smoldering Coal Smoldering Incense Smoldering Sandpaper smooth sandstone snowcreature instructions solidified enneanoid loam solidified hexanoid loam solidified isonoid loam solidified pentanoid loam solidified trinoid loam solidified unodecanoid loam soluble loam Spark of Goodwill Sparkling Candle Sparkling Coal Sparkling Filament Sparkling Incense Sparkling Sandpaper Speckled Grayling Splitfin Dartfish splitiron ore spotted pelt spring water Star Diopside steel bar steel cluster steel plate stonehide cord stonehide leather pelt storm ent heartwood storm stalk strand of ether strangler root strengthened cord strengthened leather pelt stretch of boiled leather stretch of etched leather stretch of rawhide leather Stretch of Reindeer Leather stretch of stonehide leather stretch of strengthened leather stretch of tanned leather Subjectulation Mobilizton Draft Agitator 6000 succulent root sugar Sugar 'n Spice Mix sumac lumber supple loam Svarni Silverfin swamp ash lumber sweet onion Sweetened Bread Takish Fig Tales of the Age of Enlightenment Tales of the Elder Age tanned cord tanned leather pelt teak dowel teak lumber thalumbral root Thaumic Coal Thaumic Incense thaumic material Thaumic Sandpaper thick bear pelt threadbare padding threadbare thread threadbare yarn tin bar tin cluster tin plate tin sheet tin shod tin spike tin strut tin stud titanium ore toxnettle root Trystine Gem Tsavorite Tuber Strand tungsten ore tussah root tynnonium cluster ulteran diamond umbral pelt umbral trout umbrite Unadorned Silk vanadium cluster Vanilla Bean velium cluster vial of chloro oil vial of eolith temper vial of golgi oil vial of golgi resin vial of golgi wash vial of granum oil vial of granum resin vial of granum wash Vial of Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra's Blackened Goo vial of meso oil vial of neolith temper vial of paleolith temper vial of sepia dye vial of stroma oil vial of stroma resin vial of stroma wash vial of thylakoid oil vial of thylakoid resin vial of thylakoid wash vial of xeolith temper vulrich meat Vyzh'dra's Severed Head wandervine fruit Warsliks clay waxed leather pelt Weathered Kindling white peony tea leaf wild apple Wild Rhino Meat Wild Rice Wild Yeast Wracked Wood Wedge xegonite cluster Xerkizh The Creator's Severed Head yarrow Yucca Wood Zimaran Candle Zimaran Coal Zimaran Filament Zimaran Incense Zimaran Kindling Zimaran Sandpaper
Quest or collection:
'Snot A Problem [35] (Tradeskill) 'Til Only Ash Remains [80] (The Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen) [Fabled Guk] Amok in Guk [] () [Fabled Guk] Triumph: Toadal Destruction [] () [Heroic SoH] Triumph: Decimate Hate [] () "Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" [35] (Rivervale) "Bestest Orc Emperors" [38] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Bronsin" [49] (Permafrost) "Destroyer's Folly" [48] (Permafrost) "Even More Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" [35] (Rivervale) "Foreman Garz'gog Dyeree" [40] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. I" [35] (Miscellaneous) "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. II" [35] (Miscellaneous) "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III" [35] (Miscellaneous) "Horguz" [35] (Runnyeye) "How to Serve Mortals - Flowing Thoughts" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "How to Serve Mortals - Slow Thoughts" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "Jerb Northstar's Journal" [39] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Leatherfoot Brigade Field Training Guide" [35] (Rivervale) "More Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" [35] (Rivervale) "Remembrances - Berrox" [43] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Remembrances - DyzAz" [43] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Remembrances - Norrath" [46] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Remembrances - Nyalla-Phon" [46] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Remembrances - Prime" [47] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Remembrances - Tel'riia'mil'an'ane'ie" [43] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Rise of the Orcs - The Ascension" [36] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Rise of the Orcs - The Deadtime" [34] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Rise of the Orcs - The Fall" [39] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Rise of the Orcs - The Rejoining" [39] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Rise of the Orcs - The Rousing" [35] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "Ship's Log - Bountiful Mane" [47] (Permafrost) "Telanius Menonius Ledger - Warmstill" [49] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "Termble Clankerbang Findings Vol. 98" [47] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "The Age of Cataclysms" [49] (Permafrost) "The Age of Destiny" [50] (Permafrost) "The Age of Monuments" [48] (Permafrost) "The Age of Scale" [46] (Permafrost) "The Age of Turmoil" [49] (Permafrost) "The Amygamalion - The Dulling" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Amygamalion - The Form" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Amygamalion - The Four That Are We" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Nine Contemplations" [38] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "The Orcs of Norrath" [40] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) "The Pawn" [35] (Miscellaneous) "The Pirate Queen and the Heart" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Pirate Queen and the Map" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Pirate Queen and the Nightmare Creature" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Pirate Queen and the Seafury Buccaneers" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Pirate Queen and the Temple" [45] (Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule) "The Shadows of Lonesome Hollow" [43] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 1 - Varsoon and the Combine Era" [28] (Ruins of Varsoon) "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 2 - The Quest for Immortality" [33] (Ruins of Varsoon) "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 3 - The Gift of Immortality" [33] (Ruins of Varsoon) "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 4 - The House of Varsoon" [32] (Ruins of Varsoon) "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 - The War of Plagues" [33] (Ruins of Varsoon) "The Wall" [35] (Enchanted Lands) "The Words of Freedom" [48] (Permafrost) "Watcher of the Mauls Theriig" [48] (Permafrost) "Words to Remember - by Mother Deasie" [35] (Miscellaneous) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 291 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 315 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 315 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 289 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 289 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 290 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 290 AS [40] (Tome) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 291 AS [36] (Feerrott) 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 291 AS [40] (Tome) 3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook [36] (Feerrott) 3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook [40] (Tome) A Base of Operations [95] (Hallmark) A Binding Contract [25] (Tradeskill) A bit of Fire, A bit of Ice [70] (Miscellaneous) A Body to Die For [200] (The City of Qeynos) A Calling in the Forest [28] (Nektulos Forest) A Caravan of Death [65] (Deity) A Chance For Redemption [95] (Signature) A Chapter on the Planes [Duo] [117] (Mission: Weekly) A Chapter on the Planes [Event Heroic] [117] (Mission: Weekly) A Chapter on the Planes [Raid I] [118] (Mission: Weekly) A Chapter on the Planes [Raid II] [118] (Mission: Weekly) A Cleansing This Temple Needs... [85] (Lavastorm) A Clockwork Snafu [200] (World Event) A Cold-Hearted Snake [200] (World Event) A Collector's Paradise [23] (Crypt of Betrayal) A Crusade to Faydwer [60] (Greater Faydark) A Cure for Maldura [100] (Tradeskill) A Dangerous Pet to Keep [120] (Tome) A Deeper History of the Truthbringer [65] (Deity) A Deeper Plot [200] (The City of Qeynos) A Deepice Mystery [200] (World Event) A Deino Saved is a Deino Earned [99] (Tranquil Sea) A Demonstration of Meldrath's Might [100] (PVP Task) A Devious Plan [68] (Barren Sky) A Disgusting Disguise [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) A Dismal Discovery [200] (The City of Freeport) A Draft Pick [90] (World Event) A Dragon and a Ninni [70] (Bonemire) A Dragonfly, A Spider [97] (Tranquil Sea) A Dream Adventure [200] (World Event) A Dream, By Any Other Name [200] (World Event) A Drum to Beat [90] (Great Divide) A Dry Goods Run [15] (Tradeskill) A Fallen Idol [98] (Hallmark) A Far Seas Favor [80] (Tradeskill) A Fated Confrontation [200] (The City of Qeynos) A Feather for Your Thoughts [64] (Barren Sky) A Ferocious Inconvenience [6] (Darklight Wood) A Fistful of Diaku [128] (Wracklands: Diaku Corral) A Foul and Polluted Place [90] (Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs) A Frostfell Favor [200] (World Event) A Game of Fetch [90] (Great Divide) A Gathering Obsession Beyond The Grave [95] (Tradeskill) A Ghostly Runed Tome [80] (Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [5] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [15] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [25] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [35] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [36] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [45] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [46] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [55] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [65] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [75] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [85] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [95] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [105] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [115] (World Event) A Gigglegibber's work is never done (by a Gigglegibber). [125] (World Event) A Harrowing Experience [94] (Obol Plains) A Harrowing Tale [95] (Tradeskill) A Hatred Repressed [65] (Deity) A Healthy Sheen [90] (Great Divide) A Hint of Fear [25] (Deity) A History Lesson [35] (World Event) A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. I [62] (Tome) A History of the Vah Shir, Vol. II [62] (Tome) A Keener Sheen [90] (Tradeskill) A Lack of Information [10] (Caves) A Lethal Contingency [95] (Tradeskill) A Light for the Shadow [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) A Martyr's Tale [21] (Crypt of Betrayal) A Master Among Masters [200] (The City of Qeynos) A Mighty Blessing [75] (Fens of Nathsar) A Miner Threat [120] (Echo Caverns) A Missing Mask [35] (Heritage) A Misty Missing Key [65] (Barren Sky) A Monk's Heart [103] (Heritage) A Murky Miasma of a Mystery [10] (Frostfang Sea) A Mysterious Black Tome [75] (Kunark) A Mysterious Green Tome [75] (Kunark) A Mysterious Red Tome [72] (Kunark) A Mysterious Trinket [85] (Signature) A New Calling [88] (Great Divide) A Night at the Theatre [88] (The Stonebrunt Highlands) A Night in the Theater [80] (Mission) A Nightmarish Illness [200] (World Event) A Nightmarish Return [200] (World Event) A Noseful of Dryeyes [65] (Barren Sky) A Persons House is Their Castle [100] (Altar of Malice) A Pirate's Tale [80] (The Moors of Ykesha) A Plethora of Nails [125] (Tradeskill) A Plethora of Pranks [] () A Portrait of Destiny [30] (Nektropos Castle) A Potion Remedy [80] (The Sundered Frontier) A Rat's a Rat's a Rat [80] (The Moors of Ykesha) A Real Whose Hoos [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) A Roof Over Our Heads [95] (Tradeskill) A Ruinous Bath [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) A Salty Breeze [98] (Cobalt Scar) A Salty Farewell [96] (Cobalt Scar) A Sample of Evil [84] (Mission) A Sampling [80] (Mission) A Savage Lesson [60] (Deity) A Scary Little Frostfell [200] (World Event) A Serilis Reminder [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) A Sojourn of Faith [72] (Tome) A Source of Malediction [94] (Heritage) A Stealthy Guarding [70] (Bonemire) A Stitch in Time, Part II: Lightning Strikes [110] (Tradeskill) A Strange Black Rock [30] (Heritage) A Sturdy Adamantine Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Ash Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Ashen Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Bamboo Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Bear Hide Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Bear Hide Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Belladonna Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Boiled Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Boiled Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Briarwood Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Bristled Hide Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Bristled Hide Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Carbonite Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Etched Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Etched Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Ferrite Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Feyiron Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Fulginate Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Hanging Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Horned Hide Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Horned Hide Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Indium Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Iron Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Lichenclover Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Maple Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Matoppie Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Mottled Hide Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Mottled Hide Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Redwood Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Rhenium Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Rosewood Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Sandalwood Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Stonehide Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Stonehide Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Strengthened Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Strengthened Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Succulent Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Sumac Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Swamp Ash Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Tanned Apron [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Tanned Toolbelt [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Teak Mallet [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Titanium Knife [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Tuber Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Sturdy Tussah Root Basket [200] (Tradeskill) A Super Secret, Evil, Dark Plan [100] (Neriak) A Swinging Wake [30] (Nights of the Dead) A Tale of the Arena [55] (Tome) A Talon Here, A Talon There... [92] (Icy Keep: Retribution) A Thing of the Past [80] (Veksar) A Thorn of Old [70] (Heritage) A Time of Growth [25] (Deity) A Timeless Instrument [91] (Tradeskill) A Tinkerer's Clockwork Catalog [90] (World Event) A Tower's Deadly Shadow [89] (Miscellaneous) A Trail of Greed [80] (Mission) A Truffle Matter [80] (The Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen) A View of the Ruins [90] (Great Divide) A Vision of Valor [200] (World Event) A Wealth of Wyrmstone [130] (Western Wastes) A Weapon to Slay the Gods Themselves [108] (Signature) Abating the Evil [83] (Mission) Abominable Abominations [80] (Emperor Atrebe's Laboratory: The Fabled City of Kor-sha) Abomination Eyes [70] (Eyes) Abyssal Carpet Fragments [80] (Kurn's Tower) achievements on Kael Drakkel [] () Acidic Properties [93] (Eidolon Jungle) Acorns [20] (Greater Faydark) Adding a Little Something [95] (Tradeskill) Adja-Beryl Berms Catalog [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Adja-Beryl Berms Gemstones [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Adorning the Pirate [30] (Tradeskill) Advanced Alchemist Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Armorer Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Carpenter Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Jeweler Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Journeyman Tasks [55] (Tradeskill) Advanced Provisioner Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Sage Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Tailor Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Weaponsmith Service [45] (Tradeskill) Advanced Woodworker Service [45] (Tradeskill) Adventure Andante [] () Aether Racing: Antonica [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Butcherblock Mountains [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Commonlands [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Gorowyn [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Great Divide [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Greater Faydark [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Halas [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Lavastorm [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Neriak [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Tenebrous Tangle [200] (World Event) Aether Racing: Thundering Steppes [200] (World Event) After the Shifting [120] (Tome) After the Siren [130] (Western Wastes) Against All Odds [101] (Mission) Against the Elements for Freeport [110] (World Event) Against the Elements for Qeynos [110] (World Event) Age of Turmoil Talismans [60] (Chronoportal Phenomenon) Age's End: Shattered Fate [103] (Signature) Agent of Rage [200] (The City of Freeport) Aggressive Advertising in Freeport [200] (World Event) Aggressive Advertising in Qeynos [200] (World Event) Aid For The Nearly Deceased [80] (Mission) Air Fare [80] (Tradeskill) Airs Above the Ground [95] (Destiny of Velious) Airship Architect [100] (Altar of Malice) Ak'Anon coins collection [45] (Coin) Akhet of the Day [50] (Akhet) Akhet of the Night [50] (Akhet) Akhevan Antiquity [100] (Altar of Malice) Akhevan Runes [100] (Altar of Malice) Albalatin Terrace Gemstones [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Ale Goggles [200] (World Event) Ale in a Day's Work [120] (World Event) all city tradeskill writs [] (City Tradeskill Tasks) all city writs [] (City Tasks) All for Good Research [66] (Bonemire) All Purpose Sprockets [200] (Tradeskill) All Wrapped Up [] () Alliz Evol Ew [40] (Tome) Alliz Onu [36] (Feerrott) Alliz Onu [40] (Tome) Alliz Tae Ew [36] (Feerrott) Alliz Tae Ew [40] (Tome) Allu'thoa Abduction [100] (Phantom Sea) Alpha Hunter [106] (Mission) Altar Addition - Grikbar Prayer Necklace [] (Overseer) Altar Addition - Umbrite Icon of Brell [] (Overseer) Altar of Malice Medals [100] (Altar of Malice) Always In Demand [100] (Tradeskill) Amalgamations for All: Luclin Largesse [120] (Tradeskill) Amalgamations for All: Plane of Magic [100] (Tradeskill) Amalgamations for All: Surrounding Knowledge [110] (Tradeskill) Amalgamations for All: Vetrovian Verdure [125] (Tradeskill) An Ancient Desert Power [55] (Heritage) An Authority on Hate [4] (Darklight Wood) An Axe from the Past [30] (Heritage) An Ayonic Journey [85] (Signature) An Exalting Experience! [200] (World Event) An Eye for Art [106] (Plane of Magic) An Eye for Power [45] (Heritage) An Eye on the Celestial Watcher [200] (Timorous Deep) An Important Meeting [10] (Oakmyst Forest) An Oasis in the Desert [53] (Tome) An Old Memoir [70] (Tome) An Otherworldly Survey [80] (Mission) An Unfinished Relic [95] (Obol Plains) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 19 [125] (Mission) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 27 [125] (Mission) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 30 [125] (Mission) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 48 [125] (Mission) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 50 [125] (Mission) Anashti Sul Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 68 [125] (Mission) Anaz Mal, Blackfang [55] (Tome) Ancient Animals [100] (Altar of Malice) Ancient Armor Ingredients [95] (Destiny of Velious) Ancient Elven Pottery Shards [100] (Live Events) Ancient Erudite Crests [85] (Sentinel's Fate) Ancient Kithicor Artifacts [100] (Altar of Malice) Ancient Secrets of the Goblin Chefs [80] (Runnyeye: The Gathering) Ancient Spices [] (Overseer) Ancient's Legacy [92] (Destiny of Velious) Anemone Arms [80] (Shadow Odyssey) Anger-Fang [12] (The Ruins) Animal Magnetism [92] (Eastern Wastes) Annihilate the Opposition [100] (PVP Task) Anniversary Artisan [] () Another Bite Out of Crime [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Another Broken Brain [64] (Barren Sky) Answering Zalara's Summons [50] (Maj'Dul) Anti-Rime Ammunition [90] (Tradeskill) Antiquities Roadshow [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Antiquities Roadshow [Solo] [133] (Mission) Antonica Creature Cataloging [20] (Tome) Anvil Research Requisition 1541 [120] (Tradeskill) Anvil Research Requisition 1542 [120] (Tradeskill) Anvil Research Requisition 1543 [120] (Tradeskill) Any Witch Way [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Appeasing the Inside Voice [130] (Western Wastes) April: Child's Play [] () Arcane Science Versus Dark Faith [200] (The City of Freeport) Arcane Tome Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Arcaneframe Sigils [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Archeology and You! [95] (World Event) Ardathium, Vol. I [62] (Tome) Ardathium, Vol. II [62] (Tome) Ardathium, Vol. III [62] (Tome) Ardathium, Vol. IV [62] (Tome) Ardathium, Vol. V [62] (Tome) Ardathium, Vol. VI [62] (Tome) Arming Maldura [100] (Tradeskill) Armor of the Rime [90] (Destiny of Velious) Articles of Argent Sanctuary [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of Etosh [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of Hasira [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of Shanrazad [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of Strungstone [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of the Duende [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of the Golden Rule [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of the Ironborne [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of the Jann [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of the Yazdani [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Articles of Zenith Helionae [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Artifacts of the Dead [80] (Mission) As Ishinae Intended [120] (Shadeweaver's Thicket) Ash Front [106] (Mission) Ashway Ulm [17] (Greater Faydark) Assaulting the Chains [90] (Tradeskill) Assorted Erudite Gardening Tools [85] (Sentinel's Fate) At Low Tide [27] (Edgewater Drains) At Peace With the Past [25] (Deity) Athenaeum Update [81] (Jarsath Wastes) Attack and Defend [106] (Mission) Attack from Within [101] (Mission) Attack from Within [106] (Mission) Attuning the Portal [100] (Tradeskill) Auduborian Colossus Collectables [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Augur Aggression [95] (Obol Plains) August: Withered Lands and Makers Hands [] () Avazek Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Aversion [70] (Tome) Aviak Talons [65] (Talons) Awakened Mark [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Awakened's Tomb Hoard [92] (Destiny of Velious) Awakened's Tomb Legacy [92] (Destiny of Velious) Awakened's Tomb Shards [92] (Destiny of Velious) Awakened's Tomb Trinkets [92] (Destiny of Velious) Awakened's Tomb Weapons [92] (Destiny of Velious) Awakening of the Underfoot [70] (World Event) Awaking Phenocryst [92] (Eastern Wastes) Axe And Ye Shall Receive [200] (Miscellaneous) Ayr'Dal in The Forest Ruins [200] (The City of Qeynos) Back to the Corral [128] (Wracklands: Diaku Corral) Back to the Fold [200] (The City of Freeport) Back to the Plan [20] (Greater Faydark) Bad Fish [92] (Eastern Wastes) Bad Juju [100] (Altar of Malice) Baelon's Reprise [] () Ballads of Zimara [] () Ballads of Zimara [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Ballads of Zimara: Ascending Collection [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Facing the Heat [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Fractal Chorus Finale [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Hard Act to Follow [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Lunatic's Lament [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Mystics in Miasma [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Neighborhoot Watch [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Razeland Rousing Ditty [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Riddlestone Remediation Services [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Song of the Maedjinn [130] (Signature) Ballads of Zimara: Vaashkaani Crescendo (Reprise) [130] (Signature) Banners of Remembrance [95] (Chains of Eternity) Banners of Thalumbra [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Bar Glasses [80] (Tradeskill) Bargaining in Beggar's Court [200] (The City of Freeport) Barking at the Moon [101] (Signature) Barrel Full of... Something [80] (Mission) Barreling Around [88] (The Stonebrunt Highlands) Barren Doors [60] (Tradeskill) Basalt Artifacts [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Basement Building: Feeding Renfry [125] (Tradeskill) Basement Building: Forlorn Furnishings [125] (Tradeskill) Basement Building: Restocking Run [125] (Tradeskill) Basement Building: Treats for Ziggy [125] (Tradeskill) Basilisk Scales [65] (Scales) Bathezid Apprentice Craftsman Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Apprentice Outfitter Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Apprentice Scholar Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Journeyman Craftsman Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Journeyman Outfitter Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Journeyman Scholar Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Master Craftsman Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Master Outfitter Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Master Scholar Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Senior Craftsman Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Senior Outfitter Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Bathezid Senior Scholar Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Bats All, Folks! [120] (Savage Weald) Battlefield of Ganak [] () Battlefield Relief [102] (Phantom Sea) Batwing Crunchies for Jerben [10] (The City of Qeynos) Beach Party Brawl [200] (World Event) Beaks Away! [35] (Tradeskill) Beam Handler Decoder Rings [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Beardback's Hit List [71] (Kylong Plains) Beauty's Only Skin Deep [90] (Heritage) Becoming a Shadow Assailant for Freeport [200] (World Event) Becoming a Shadow Assailant for Qeynos [200] (World Event) Beer Hunter [200] (Miscellaneous) Beers for Brell! [200] (World Event) Befall Penumbra [106] (Mission) Beginner Botany: Antonican Flora [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Butcherblock Mountains [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Commonlands Plants [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Darklight Diversity [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Frostfang Flora [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Greater Faydark [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Nektulos Forest [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Thundering Steppes [200] (Miscellaneous) Beginner Botany: Timorous Deep [200] (Miscellaneous) Behind Orc Lines [8] (Greater Faydark) Beholder Eyes [60] (Eyes) Believe in Me [20] (Deity) Bellywhumper Grumble [76] (Fens of Nathsar) Berik's Revenge [20] (Stormhold) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 17 [125] (Mission) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 21 [125] (Mission) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 34 [125] (Mission) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 43 [125] (Mission) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 52 [125] (Mission) Bertoxxulous Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 66 [125] (Mission) Bestest Orc Emperors [35] (Tome) Bethra's Crystal Desires [90] (Great Divide) Better Living Through Tinkering [90] (Tradeskill) Between Realities [96] (Mission: Weekly) Between Realities [100] (Mission: Weekly) Beyond the Shimmering Portal [120] (World Event) Billy Doll Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Binding Nipik's Haven and Fina's Retreat [92] (Eastern Wastes) Biological Warfare [92] (Eastern Wastes) Bird Watching - The Ash Dodo [25] (Nektulos Forest) Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I [32] (Enchanted Lands) Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I [35] (Tome) Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II [32] (Enchanted Lands) Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II [35] (Tome) Bird Watching - The Double-Headed Thrush [25] (Nektulos Forest) Bird Watching - The Horned Woodpecker [25] (Nektulos Forest) Birds of a Pink Feather [] () Bite Club - Sun Manes [] (Overseer) Bits and Baubles [] () Bitten By Alligators [] (Overseer) Black Swill for Blackswell [200] (World Event) Blackshield Operation [11] (Timorous Deep) Blackshield Orders [10] (Timorous Deep) Blessed Healing [100] (Tradeskill) Blessing the Bit [90] (Tradeskill) Blessings for the Grandson [90] (Tradeskill) Blight on the Horizon [200] (World Event) Blood Stained Objects [100] (Altar of Malice) Blood, Sweat, and Gears [200] (World Event) bloodstone shard collection [50] (Shard) Blooming Good Tea [200] (World Event) Bog Mountain's Eruption [200] (World Event) Bone and Marrow [95] (Tradeskill) Bone Dust [6] (Graveyard) Bone-afide Dabrutu Destroyer [130] (Raj'Dur Plateaus) Bonemire Doors [60] (Tradeskill) Bones, Bones, Everywhere Bones [72] (Language) Boney Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Booming Business [49] (Lavastorm) Bootstrutter's Trail Guide to Ro [50] (Prison of Admiral Grimgadget) Border Totem Task [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Bouquet of Thorny Trust [200] (World Event) Bouquet of Trust [200] (World Event) Breaking a Blood Bond [15] (Darklight Wood) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 13 [125] (Mission) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 20 [125] (Mission) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 38 [125] (Mission) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 49 [125] (Mission) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 54 [125] (Mission) Brell Serilis Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 69 [125] (Mission) Brell's Everlasting Brew [200] (World Event) Brew Bowl Bedazzlement [200] (World Event) Brewday Beer Guardin': Butcherblock [200] (World Event) Brien - Clan Icereaver [45] (Tome) Brien - Clan Icereaver [47] (Everfrost) Brilliant Dust [125] (Shattered Overture) Brimfire and Flame [200] (World Event) Bring It On Home [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Bring on the Blight [200] (World Event) Brink of Annihilation [17] (Timorous Deep) Bristlebane Bounce: Sinking Sands [200] (World Event) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 18 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 29 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 35 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 44 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 57 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 62 [125] (Mission) Bristlebane Day Snack Snatcher: Enchanted Lands [200] (World Event) Bristlebane's Memories [70] (Tradeskill) Broken Droag Teeth [70] (Teeth) Broken Mirrors [120] (World Event) Brokenskull Bites [100] (Altar of Malice) Brokenskull Booze [100] (Altar of Malice) Brokenskull Bullion [100] (Altar of Malice) Brokenskull Earrings [100] (Altar of Malice) Brother Pang's Trial: Combating Corruption [68] (Village of Shin) Brothers in the Hills [91] (Eastern Wastes) Buccaneer at Arms [200] (The City of Freeport) Buckle Down [200] (Tradeskill) Building A Better Dummy, Part 1 [35] (Tradeskill) Building a Better Portal [80] (Tradeskill) Building a Better Rat Trap [80] (Signature) Building a Foundation of Devotion [25] (Deity) Building an Altar of Valor [20] (Deity) Building Blocks [200] (World Event) Building Site Security [200] (World Event) Building Site Security Continues [200] (World Event) Built to Kill [53] (Steamfont Mountains) Bull Full of Beef [90] (Great Divide) Burbles, Baubles and Pandemonium [Heroic I] [128] (Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic I]) Burbles, Baubles and Pandemonium [Heroic II] [128] (Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic II]) Burbles, Baubles and Pandemonium [Solo] [128] (Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Solo]) Burning Hand Remnants [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Burns of a Feather [120] (Scorched Sky) Burnt Bark Bits [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Burrower's Timber Leaves [130] (Ballads of Zimara) But Can They Open Doors? [100] (Tranquil Sea) By Hook or by... [45] (Heritage) By Land, Air, or Teleporter [80] (Tradeskill) Bygones Betwixt Bygones [Heroic] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Heroic]) Bygones Betwixt Bygones [Solo] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Solo]) Caged Calamari [92] (Eastern Wastes) Calming the Storm [90] (Great Divide) Camping the AC! [200] (Public) Can't Fight This Feeling [200] (World Event) Candles [75] (Castle Mistmoore) Candy Crusher [] (Live Events) Cannons Away [90] (Tradeskill) Cannot Build with These Nails [125] (Tradeskill) Canopic Jars [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Captain Greymast [96] (Tranquil Sea) Captain Overboard? [95] (Tradeskill) Captive Heart [200] (World Event) Captured By Dervish [] (Overseer) Captured by Pit Fighters [] (Overseer) Captured by Sandfury Brutes [] (Overseer) Captured By Sandscrawler Goblins [] (Overseer) Captured By Windsister Harpies [] (Overseer) Capturing Day and Night [60] (Access Quests) Carnivorous Corpse Eater Blooms [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Carrion Status Report [70] (Bonemire) Castaway [10] (Tradeskill) Castle Highhold Heirlooms [100] (Altar of Malice) Castle Vacrul: Throne of the Ydal [Solo] [128] (Mission) Casualties of the War of the Fay [60] (Heritage) Catacomb Rat Rummaging [8] (Starcrest Commune) Cataloguing Vesspyr: Agents of Scale [103] (High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion) Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde [103] (High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion) Cataloguing Vesspyr: Rage Infused [103] (High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion) Catching a Thief [85] (Signature) Caught in a Sandstorm [] (Overseer) Caustic Collection [99] (Phantom Sea) Cavern Crawl [106] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 116 [125] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 125 [125] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 139 [125] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 143 [125] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 150 [125] (Mission) Cazic-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 166 [125] (Mission) Celestial Watcher [200] (The City of Qeynos) Cellar Cleanup [3] (Hallmark) Cepholex Critter Bits [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Cerulean Flames [101] (Mission) Cerulean Flames [106] (Mission) Chain Breaker [96] (Kael Drakkel) Chamber Keepers [96] (Mission) Chamber Keepers [100] (Mission) Chamber Raiders [96] (Mission) Chamber Raiders [100] (Mission) Chandelier Made Good [100] (Altar of Malice) Changing of the Guard [200] (Qeynos Capitol District) Chaos Descending: Delightful Deliveries I [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Delightful Deliveries II [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Delightful Deliveries III [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Fresh Prints I [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Fresh Prints II [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Fresh Prints III [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Going Viral I [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Going Viral II [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Going Viral III [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Testing Your Grit I [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Testing Your Grit II [110] (Tradeskill) Chaos Descending: Testing Your Grit III [110] (Tradeskill) Charming Gnoll Display [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Chart Fragments [80] (Tradeskill) Cherished Confections [] () Chess Pieces [35] (Butcherblock Mountains) Chilled to the Bones [72] (Kylong Plains) Chokidai Collars [85] (Kunark) Choose the Slug Life [100] (Tradeskill) Chosen Foes: Jarsath Wastes [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: Nektulos Forest [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: Sinking Sands [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: the Enchanted Lands [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: the Feerrott [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: the Loping Plains [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: the Stonebrunt Highlands [200] (World Event) Chosen Foes: Zek, the Orcish Wastes [200] (World Event) Chromacloud Substances [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. I [62] (Tome) Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. II [62] (Tome) Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. III [62] (Tome) Chronicle of Gromok, Vol. IV [62] (Tome) Chrono Escape - Mummy Dearest [] (Overseer) Cinder Ore [60] (Ore) Circumstantial Evidence [92] (Eidolon Jungle) Citrine Solution [130] (Aether Wroughtlands) Cleaning the Scriptorium [55] (Shimmering Citadel) Cleaning Up the Mess [200] (The City of Freeport) Clearing the Filth [80] (Mission) Clearing the Mind [80] (Mission) Clefts of Rujark Creature Cataloging [60] (Tome) Cleverspring's Cog Query [100] (PVP Task) Clinical Trials for Trees [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Clockwork Components [80] (Tradeskill) Clockwork Dockwork [90] (Tradeskill) Clockwork Gazer Parts [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Clockwork Rescue [80] (Mission) Clockwork Spybots [90] (Tradeskill) Closet Full of Skeletons [] () Closing the Black Market [200] (The City of Qeynos) Closing the Gaps [80] (Mission) Clothes Off Their Backs [72] (Fens of Nathsar) Clothing of the Kejek [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Cod, That Was Horrible [76] (The Moors of Ykesha) Cogs on the Droags [57] (Tenebrous Tangle) Coin To Be Made [130] (Western Wastes) Cold Heat [80] (Mission) Coldain Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Collapse [40] (Rivervale) Collapsing the Capitol [95] (Mission) Collecting Decaying Carrion [80] (Mission) Collecting the Spirits [18] (Darklight Wood) Colony Jewel Heist [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Colorful Egg Shells [20] (Beast'r Eggstravaganza) Colossal Smash and Grab [53] (Lavastorm) Combing the Continent: Forlorn Gist [128] (Mission) Combing the Continent: Karuupa Jungle [128] (Mission) Combing the Continent: Mahngavi Wastes [128] (Mission) Combing the Continent: Svarni Expanse [128] (Mission) Combusting at the Seams [200] (World Event) Come And Get It! [60] (Tradeskill) Come To My Parlor [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Comforting Confections [200] (World Event) Committed to Growth [] () Commonlands Creature Cataloging [20] (Tome) Competitive Market Strategies [132] (Merchant's Den) Components for Corpseolynne's Concoction [132] (Forlorn Gist) Compound Problems [130] (Western Wastes) Conflagrant Rites - Crozier Quest [] (Overseer) Connecting Threads [200] (World Event) Conniving Confections [] () Construct Deconstruction [95] (Tradeskill) Construction Materials - Tier Eight, Gemstone [79] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Eight, Lumber [79] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Eight, Ore [79] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Eight, Roots [79] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Five, Gemstone [49] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Five, Lumber [49] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Five, Ore [49] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Five, Roots [49] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Four, Gemstone [39] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Four, Lumber [39] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Four, Ore [39] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Four, Roots [39] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier One, Gemstone [9] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier One, Lumber [9] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier One, Ore [9] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier One, Roots [9] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Seven, Gemstone [69] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Seven, Lumber [69] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Seven, Ore [69] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Seven, Roots [69] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Six, Gemstone [59] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Six, Lumber [59] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Six, Ore [59] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Six, Roots [59] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Three, Gemstone [29] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Three, Lumber [29] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Three, Ore [29] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Three, Roots [29] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Two, Gemstone [19] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Two, Lumber [19] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Two, Ore [19] (World Event) Construction Materials - Tier Two, Roots [19] (World Event) Consumer's Hoard [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Containing the Stone [100] (Tradeskill) Continued Fuel for the Fire [95] (Tradeskill) Contract Termination [132] (Merchant's Den) Convention of Elements [Heroic] [] () Convention of Elements [Raid] [] () Convention of Elements [Solo] [] () Cooking With Barbarians [13] (Commonlands) Cooking With Elves [13] (Commonlands) Cooking With Halflings [14] (Commonlands) Copper Slivers [125] (Shattered Overture) Coppercurl Maze Catalog [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Coppercurl Maze Gemstones [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Corilac Gem Stones [20] (Scorched Sky) Corpses Galore [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Corrosion Commotion [130] (Aether Wroughtlands) Corrupted Spring Investigation [95] (Tradeskill) Corruptor Thurizil [19] (Greater Faydark) Could It Be Magic? [200] (World Event) Countertrap! [95] (Tradeskill) Covering Your Snow Tracks! [200] (World Event) Covert Operation: Dark Days [Solo] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Covert Operation: Night Terrors [Solo] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Covert Operation: Pitch Black [Solo] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Crab Bits and Pieces [45] (Everfrost) Crack Pot [14] (Commonlands) Crafting Apprentice [30] (Tradeskill) Crafting the Perfect Solution [95] (Tradeskill) Craftsman Errands [80] (Signature) Crafty Sootfoots: Another Man's Treasure [45] (Tradeskill) Crate Courier [101] (Treasure Hunt) Creamating the Creation [80] (Mission) Creating Hope [95] (Tradeskill) Creating the Amber Storm [95] (Tradeskill) Creatures of the Creators Cataloging [35] (Catalog) Creatures of The Plane of Magic [112] (Mission: Weekly) Crime Pays Someone [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Crossing At The Crossing [106] (Plane of Magic) Crunchy and Satisfying [90] (Great Divide) Crushbone Assault: Camp Rutok [18] (Greater Faydark) Crushed Scarab Collection [50] (Insect) Crustacean Collection [95] (Cobalt Scar) Cry of the Siren [100] (Cobalt Scar) Crystalline Acid Collection [89] (Great Divide) Cull the Threat to the Pioneers [41] (Everfrost) Culling All Guards [80] (Mission) Culling the Cult [84] (Mission) Culling the Disloyal [200] (The City of Freeport) Curiosities of Fractures Skies [25] (Live Events) Curse and Tell [130] (Raj'Dur Plateaus) Cursed Objects of Unrest [74] (Unrest) Cut-throat Competition [132] (Merchant's Den) Cuts Like A Knife [100] (World Event) Cutting the Ranks [92] (Miscellaneous) D.I.R.T.Y. Business [100] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Crafters! [200] (World Event) D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - Artifacts [125] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - Picking Posies [125] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - Samara and Dust [125] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - Scrollwork [125] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Jobs - The Right Tools [125] (Tradeskill) D.I.R.T.Y. Work [100] (Tradeskill) Da Capo [103] (Heritage) Dabbling in Draconic Alchemy [97] (Skyshrine: The City of Dracur) Dag the Blasphemer [70] (Tome) Daily Desert: Blood and Sand [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Blood and Sand [Signature] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of Night [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of Night [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of Night [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of the Storm [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of the Storm [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Eye of the Storm [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Foundation of Knowledge [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Grave Grange [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Grave Grange [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Kigathor's Glade [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Kigathor's Glade [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Overgrowth [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Overgrowth [Solo] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Terrene Threshold [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Terrene Threshold [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: Terrene Threshold [Signature] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: The Sacred Gift [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: The Sacred Gift [Signature] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: The Sultan's Dagger [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Daily Desert: The Sultan's Dagger [Signature] [133] (Mission) Daily Objectives [] () Danak Legion Medals [82] (Kunark) Danak Master Craftsman Work Requisition [80] (Tradeskill) Danak Master Outfitter Work Requisition [80] (Tradeskill) Danak Master Scholar Work Requisition [80] (Tradeskill) Dance of the Ancient [40] (Feerrott) Dangerous Plant Samples [120] (Reign of Shadows) Darathar's Reprise [] () Daring Rescue [100] (Cobalt Scar) Dark Encounters [106] (Mission) Dark Horrors [101] (Mission) Dark Side of the Dark Side [120] (Tradeskill) Dark Travels: Predator or Prey [120] (Mission: Weekly) Darkhaven Cavedrifter Upgrade [] () Darkness Ascending: Tear in the Drakelands [101] (Signature) Darkpaw Ascends [] () Dead Iksar Tell Tales [103] (Phantom Sea) Dead River Defender [200] (World Event) Deadly Plants [100] (Altar of Malice) Deadtime Stories of Bertoxxulous [110] (Tome) Death Weave Flora [100] (Altar of Malice) Death, Blood, Death [100] (Altar of Malice) Deathfist Forge Scraps [80] (Tradeskill) Debaucher Disposal [80] (Mission) December: Top of Your Class [] () Decoration Additions in Freeport [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in Gorowyn [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in Haven [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in Kelethin [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in Neriak [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in New Halas [200] (World Event) Decoration Additions in Qeynos [200] (World Event) Decoration Duplication [92] (Mystery Crate) Deep Marshes [38] (Feerrott) Deep Thoughts [] () Deep Within Hammerhall [200] (World Event) Defending the Defenders [90] (Tradeskill) Definitely Overdue [84] (Mission) Deino-bite! [100] (Phantom Sea) Deliver to Nepther'tum [67] (Bonemire) Delta Field Research Requisition A [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Delta Field Research Requisition B [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Delta Field Research Requisition C [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Delving Into the Depths [96] (Mission) Delving Into the Depths [100] (Mission) Delving the Darkened Passages [130] (Western Wastes) Dereliction of Duty [103] (Heritage) Descent into Madness [200] (The City of Freeport) Desert of Fame [] () Desert of Ro Charms [20] (Heroes' Festival) Desert Sand Collection [50] (Sand) Desserts from the Desert [60] (Miscellaneous) Dessicated Desert [50] (Tradeskill) Destroy Drogan Supplies [80] (Mission) Destroy the Dread Exarch! [85] (Mission) Destroyer of Beta [] () Destructive Tendencies [200] (The City of Freeport) Devotion and Compassion [65] (Deity) Diary of a Madman [92] (Eidolon Jungle) Dig Site Security [200] (World Event) Digging Deeper [80] (Mission) Digging For Grubs [60] (Tradeskill) Digging in the Dirt [88] (Heritage) Dimension Retention [90] (Great Divide) Dire Delivery to Ironforge [200] (The City of Qeynos) Dirt Digging [30] (Tradeskill) Dirty Dingy Pages [82] (Runnyeye: The Gathering) Dirty Work [30] (Tradeskill) Disassemble: Hide if You Can [125] (Tradeskill) Diseased Harbinger Gases [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Dismal Portents [200] (The City of Freeport) Dismantled Statue Pieces [55] (Shard of Love) Dispelling the Hate [200] (World Event) Distill Water Runs Deep [200] (World Event) Distillation Inspiration [85] (Miscellaneous) District in Turmoil [101] (Mission) Do You Dare? [93] (Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls) Do You Dew? [50] (Tradeskill) Doctor's Orders: Plane of Disease [110] (Mission) Doctor's Orders: Plane of Innovation [110] (Mission) Doctor's Orders: Solusek Ro's Tower [110] (Mission) Doctor's Orders: Torden, Bastion of Thunder [110] (Mission) Doing the Dirty Work [90] (Tradeskill) Donnghail - Clan McNaggle [45] (Tome) Doomsday Prep [106] (Plane of Magic) Doors to Somewhere [60] (Tradeskill) Double Attack [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Strategist's Stronghold) Dousing the Fire [80] (Mission) Draco Mortuus vos Liberatio [70] (Heritage) Dragon Bone Shards [60] (Shards) Dragon Insignias [60] (Insignias) Dragoon K'Naae of the Thexians [30] (Heritage) Dragoon Zytl - Black Rank [25] (Nektulos Forest) Dragoon Zytl - Blood Rank [25] (Nektulos Forest) Dragoon Zytl - Green Rank [20] (Nektulos Forest) Drake Die-Kaput Time [53] (Lavastorm) Dreadscale Invasion of Dracur Prime [100] (Skyshrine: The City of Dracur) Dream Weaving [90] (Tradeskill) Dreamwalk Empire, Part One [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Dreamwalk Empire, Part One [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Dreamwalk Empire, Part One [Solo] [128] (Mission) Dreamwalk Empire, Part Two [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Dreamwalk Empire, Part Two [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Dreamwalk Empire, Part Two [Solo] [133] (Mission) Dreary Dating Game [95] (Obol Plains) Drednever journal pages [65] (Pages) Dressed the Part [74] (Kunzar Jungle) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 15 [125] (Mission) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 28 [125] (Mission) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 39 [125] (Mission) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 40 [125] (Mission) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 56 [125] (Mission) Drinal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 60 [125] (Mission) Drinks Are On The House! [200] (World Event) Drolvarg War Armor [72] (Kunark) Drowning in Drink [100] (F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar) Drunk and Disorderly [101] (Mission) Dryad Danger - Save the Flutterwasps [] (Overseer) Dryad Leaves [80] (Live Events) Dumsel In Distress [90] (Miscellaneous) Dust to Dust [10] (Darklight Wood) Dustpaw Relics [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Dustpaw Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Dwarven Fuel [90] (Tradeskill) Dwarven Steins [35] (Kaladim) Dying to Have You [107] (Obulus Frontier) Dynamist on the List [110] (World Event) Dyymona's Deception [200] (The City of Freeport) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 16 [125] (Mission) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 24 [125] (Mission) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 31 [125] (Mission) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 42 [125] (Mission) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 59 [125] (Mission) E'Ci Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 61 [125] (Mission) Earthly Tasks [200] (World Event) Edge Research Requisition 971 [120] (Tradeskill) Edge Research Requisition 972 [120] (Tradeskill) Edge Research Requisition 973 [120] (Tradeskill) Effulgent Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Efreeti Ciphers [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Egg Hunt in the Nest [68] (Barren Sky) Eggscellent Adventure in the Necropolis [130] (Western Wastes) Eldritch Stonecraft: Jarsath Wastes [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: Nektulos Forest [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: Sinking Sands [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: the Enchanted Lands [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: the Feerrott [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: the Loping Plains [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: the Stonebrunt Highlands [200] (World Event) Eldritch Stonecraft: Zek, the Orcish Wastes [200] (World Event) Elemental Marbles [120] (Reign of Shadows) Elemental Task [73] (Fens of Nathsar) Elements of Destruction [] () Elements of Destruction: Face the Chaos [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Flames of Order [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Gusts of Order [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Layers of Order [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Planes of Disorder [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Pure Adventure [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Pursuit of Justice [110] (Signature) Elements of Destruction: Waves of Order [110] (Signature) Elements of Spire Importance [110] (World Event) Elements of Time [80] (Chronoportal Phenomenon) Eliminate Ahk'Mun Rhoen [] (Overseer) Eliminate Blademaster Thul [] (Overseer) Eliminate Harbinger Siyuth [] (Overseer) Eliminate Herald Zydul [] (Overseer) Eliminate Lady Samiel [] (Overseer) Eliminate Meathooks [] (Overseer) Eliminate the Djinn Master [] (Overseer) Elmo's Fire [200] (The City of Freeport) Emerald Trout [9] (Greater Faydark) Emergency Portal Repairs [80] (Mission) Enamored of Erollisi [] () Enchanted Lands Creature Cataloging [40] (Tome) Encompassing Goal [40] (Tradeskill) End of Immortality [96] (Hallmark) End of the Forsaken [80] (Mission) End of the Rending [41] (Rivervale) Endangered Species [60] (Miscellaneous) Ending the Elders [83] (Mission) Enemies in the Ever Deep [108] (Mission) Ennoblement of Penitence [120] (Tradeskill) Entering the Veil [65] (Loping Plains) Epic Assassination [200] (The City of Freeport) Epic Repercussions [90] (Signature) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 12 [125] (Mission) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 25 [125] (Mission) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 33 [125] (Mission) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 46 [125] (Mission) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 51 [125] (Mission) Erollisi Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 67 [125] (Mission) Errand of Destiny [13] (Timorous Deep) Erudin Book Minions [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Erudin coins collection [15] (Coin) Escape from Klick'Anon [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Escape the City [200] (Betrayal) Esoteric Books [120] (Reign of Shadows) Essaying Assaying [35] (Tradeskill) Essence of a Dragon Knight [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Essence of the Dreadscale [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Essential Sparks [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Estate Mementos [74] (Unrest) Etch the Stone [91] (Tradeskill) Eternally Enamored of Erollisi [] () Ethereal Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Eviction! [8] (Stonestair Byway) Ewer of Sul'Dae [] (Overseer) Excavation Trinkets Collection [80] (Trinkets) Execution of Executor Zynos [80] (Mission) Exemplar of Retribution [] () Exotic Soups [10] (Sunken City) Explosive Powder [90] (Tradeskill) Extermination [11] (Kelethin) Extinguish the Flames [102] (Treasure Hunt) Eye In The Mist [105] (Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market
) Fabled A Dragon's Dream Come True [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Abyssal Carpet Fragments [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Akhevan Antiquity [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Awakened Emblems [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Blood Vials [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Chokidai Collars [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Coldain Relics [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Cracked Bone Fragments Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Danak Legion Medals [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Dragon Entertainment [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Dragons to Be [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Droag Scales [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Essence of Dragonkin [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Estate Mementos [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Gardens of Erudin [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Ghostly Essences [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Glowing Shards Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Gnoll Bone Fragment Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Gnomish Devices [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Gukish Cuisine [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Hua Mein Bamboo Items [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Hunters of Obol Plains [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Keepsakes of Eidolon [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Kerran Toys [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Large Pieces of Airship Plating [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Library of Erudin Murder Weapons [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Medals of the Guardians [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Memories of a Cursed Bride [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Memories of Velketor [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Mists of Vesspyr [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Najena's Lab Equipment [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Nektulos Pine Needle Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Objects of Malice [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Othmir Vestments [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Pirate Coat Buttons [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Planar Orbs [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Rare Stones [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Reet Knight Armor [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Relics of the Battle of Thurgadin [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Relics of the Onaya [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Remnants of Refuge [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Rivervale Coins Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Scorpikis Stingers [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Sebilisian Symbols [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Shining Locust Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Shining Scarab Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Shining Solifugid Collection [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Shiny Lamp [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Shissar Tools [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Songs of the Grotto [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Stained Glass Fragments [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Symbols of the Planes [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Tales of Kael Drakkel [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Tarton's Wheel [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Tattered Mummy Wrappings [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled The Merchants of Skyshrine [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Time Traveler [] () Fabled Tunarian Spearheads [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Withered Lands Dragon Sigils [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Fabled Yeti Fur [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Facing Your Fears [20] (Nights of the Dead) Fae Fireflies [80] (Tradeskill) Fae Lichen [80] (Live Events) Fae's Shadow [90] (Miscellaneous) Failed Omelets [120] (Tradeskill) Failed Signals [120] (Tradeskill) Failing Experiments [96] (Mission) Failing Experiments [100] (Mission) Faith Gnoll More [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Fall of the Risen [80] (Mission) Fallen But Not Forgotten [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Fallen Gate: 10th Season Adventurer [] () Famed Phosphorescence [] () Fancy Dishes [83] (The Sundered Frontier) Fangs Away! [68] (Hallmark) Far Seas Harvest Technique [] (Tradeskill Prestige) Far Seas Requisition: Special Delivery [110] (World Event) Far Seas Requisition: Special Order Crafting [110] (World Event) Far Seas Requisition: Special Order Gathering [110] (World Event) Far Seas Requisitioner [] () Far Seas Seasoning [100] (Altar of Malice) Far Seas Supply Division - A Recipe for Disaster [80] (Mission) Far Seas Supply Division - Restocking the Stores [80] (Mission) Far Seas Supply Division: Rescuing the Relics [80] (Mission) Far Seas Trading: Botanical Divergence [95] (Tradeskill) Far Seas Trading: Fishing Up Fauna [95] (Tradeskill) Far Seas Trading: Reporting Home [95] (Tradeskill) Far Seas Trading: Researching the Recordings [95] (Tradeskill) Far Trader Relics [80] (Tradeskill) Fast Fabrication [15] (Tradeskill) Fathomlurker Fierce Bits [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Fauna of the Enchanted Lands A - K [35] (Enchanted Lands) Fauna of the Enchanted Lands A - K [35] (Tome) Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L - Z [35] (Enchanted Lands) Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L - Z [35] (Tome) Faydwer Flowers [80] (Tradeskill) Fear Itself [93] (Eidolon Jungle) Fear, Surprise, and Fanatical Devotion [200] (The City of Freeport) Fearful Intelligence [93] (Eidolon Jungle) Fearful Spirits [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls) Fearsome Weapons of the Gruengach [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Fearstalker Remains [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Feather Leaves [60] (Leaves) Feathers for Sethis [74] (Language) Feats of Burning Devotion [120] (World Event) February: Recipe Roundup [] () Feeling Crabby [100] (Tradeskill) Felwithe coins collection [10] (Coin) Feral Offerings [120] (Shadeweaver's Thicket) Festering Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Festive Flames in Freeport [200] (World Event) Festive Flames in Qeynos [200] (World Event) Festive Flowers [200] (World Event) Festive Furniture [] () Fetch Me a Bone [90] (Great Divide) Fetching Fesmiarium [120] (Wracklands) Fiddledeegrak's Great Invention [200] (World Event) Fiddtan Crest Gemstones [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Fiery Jewel of the Underfoot [85] (Signature) Fighting on Two Fronts [106] (Mission) Fighting Swamp Foot [200] (Tradeskill) Filling the Bottomless Belly [50] (Miscellaneous) Final Touches [95] (Tradeskill) Final Warning [80] (The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors) Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! [200] (Antonica) Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! [200] (Commonlands) Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! [200] (World Event) Find Raluvh [67] (Bonemire) Find Sethis Kai [73] (Language) Find the Freed Froglok [74] (Language) Find the Fury [85] (Signature) Find Your Way Home [108] (Signature) Finding Findink's Effects [128] (Karuupa Jungle) Finding Fulgation [38] (Steamfont Mountains) Finding Salvation [82] (Mission) Finding the Dain [90] (Access Quests) Finding the Remedy [20] (World Event) Finding the Remedy II [25] (World Event) Finding the Remedy III [30] (World Event) Finicky Frogloks [74] (Language) Fire and Ice Creature Cataloguing [50] (Catalog) Fire Striker [100] (Tradeskill) Firemyst Supply Stocking [80] (Tradeskill) Firing the Firelord [80] (Mission) Firmroot Moot Meet [200] (Catalog) First Place in Erollisi Day - Hearts a'Flutter contest [90] (World Event) First Time Buyer [10] (Access Quests) Fish Food [120] (Oceansfull) Fish for Grunthor [41] (Everfrost) Fishing Fishmen [92] (Miscellaneous) Fishy Treats for Hungry Beaks [90] (Tradeskill) Fisticuffs [106] (Mission) Flame On! [4] (Frostfang Sea) Flea-Bitten Sabotage [200] (Mission) Flesh Scraps [100] (Altar of Malice) Flickering Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Flocking to the Site [5] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [15] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [25] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [35] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [45] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [55] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [65] (World Event) Flocking to the Site [75] (World Event) Flora and Fauna of The Vasty Deep [85] (Sentinel's Fate) Flora of Velious [90] (Destiny of Velious) Flower Petals [80] (Live Events) Flying Feathers [90] (Tradeskill) Focal Focused in the Vaults [130] (Western Wastes) Focused Fire [95] (Tradeskill) Follow the Howls [106] (Mission) Fond Memories [95] (Tradeskill) Fooling the Serpent [17] (Serpent Sewer) Foomby's Stolen Goods [40] (Heritage) For a Few Diaku More [128] (Wracklands: Diaku Corral) For Goodness Sake [120] (World Event) For The Glory of Rallos! [20] (Deity) For the Greater Goods [25] (Tradeskill) For the Voice She Once Had [106] (Plane of Magic) For Your Eyes Only [100] (Tradeskill) Foraging under Kelethin [11] (Greater Faydark) Foray Into Ulterior Mechanica [200] (World Event) Forbidden Grimoires [120] (Reign of Shadows) Fordel Midst: Requisition 3921 [110] (Tradeskill) Fordel Midst: Requisition 3922 [110] (Tradeskill) Fordel Midst: Requisition 3923 [110] (Tradeskill) Fordel Midst: Requisition 3924 [110] (Tradeskill) Foregone Artifacts [100] (Altar of Malice) Foreman Garz'gog Dyeree [35] (Tome) Forging a Bond [23] (Deity) Forging Alliances [200] (The City of Freeport) Forgotten Complications [200] (World Event) Forgotten Trinkets [90] (Destiny of Velious) Forlorn Flavor [120] (Tradeskill) Fortunes Turned [94] (Eidolon Jungle) Four Orc Men of the Apocalypse [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Spire of Rage) Fourth Place in Erollisi Day - Hearts a'Flutter contest [90] (World Event) Fractured Skies [200] (World Event) Fragile Contents [200] (World Event) Fragments of Island Folk [100] (Altar of Malice) Framing the Project [50] (Tradeskill) Frazykyr [20] (Timorous Deep) Free Your Mind [96] (Tranquil Sea) Free-For-Brawl [101] (Mission) Free-For-Brawl [106] (Mission) Freedom Bought [200] (The City of Freeport) Freeing the Dain [90] (Hallmark) Freeing the Froglok King [80] (Mission) Freelance Fletcher [25] (Tradeskill) Freeport Band Aid [200] (World Event) Freeport Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) Freeport Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Freeport Sewers Creature Cataloging [25] (Tome) Friend, not Food! [200] (World Event) Friendly Competition [200] (World Event) Frightfully Frosted Cupcakes [95] (Nights of the Dead) From Below to Castle [20] (Tome) From Daughter to Father [50] (Tome) From Mind to Matter [106] (Plane of Magic) From Pond to Paladin, Vol. I [62] (Tome) From Pond to Paladin, Vol. II [62] (Tome) From Regions Beyond [200] (World Event) From Within the Phylactery [80] (Mission) Frost-bitten Toes [80] (Frostfell) Frostfell Candy Grab: Antonica [200] (World Event) Frostfell Candy Grab: Commonlands [200] (World Event) Frostfell Decoration Committee: Permafrost! [200] (World Event) Frostfell Fanatic! [] () Frostfell Fanatic! [200] (World Event) Frostfell Feast Delights [] () Frozen Foods [50] (Miscellaneous) Fruit of Your Labor [60] (Tradeskill) Fuel for the Fire [95] (Tradeskill) Fuels Are Forever [100] (Tradeskill) Full Metal Biologist [130] (Aether Wroughtlands) Full Metal Domicile [] () Fun in the Sun [120] (Wracklands) Fundraiser Four: (Feyiron?) Dagger of Doom [33] (Enchanted Lands) Fundraiser One: Apples Away [33] (Enchanted Lands) Fundraiser Three: Table for Two [30] (Enchanted Lands) Fundraiser Two: Sewing a Sampler [30] (Enchanted Lands) Fungal Spores [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Fungalfiend Talisman [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Fungus Groove [120] (Echo Caverns) Further Research [30] (Tradeskill) Fury Road [100] (Thalumbra) Fusible Ore Samples [100] (Live Events) Gardener's Tools [100] (Tradeskill) Gardens of Erudin [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Gathering Feathers [25] (Deity) Gathering Supplies for the Griffin Towers [25] (World Event) Gathering the Fallen [80] (Mission) Gattley's Working Mech Bull [120] (Blood of Luclin) Gearing the Competition [200] (World Event) Gears [55] (Klak'Anon) Gears of Klak'Anon [] () Gehein Conglomeration [94] (Obol Plains) Gehein Some, Lose Some [94] (Obol Plains) Gelatinous Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Gems of Ketahn Akh Sul [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Gemstone Plants [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Generations [70] (Tome) Geode Caching [19] (Frostfang Sea) Getting the Goods Back [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Getting the Smarmy Sprocket Underway [25] (Smarmy Sprocket) Ghorkaal Relics [100] (Altar of Malice) Ghost Hunter: Antonica [110] (World Event) Ghost Hunter: Commonlands [110] (World Event) Ghosts in the Machine [200] (The City of Freeport) Gifts From Prexus [98] (Cobalt Scar) Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt [200] (World Event) Gilded Cages [90] (Tradeskill) Gilzin's Glory [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Gimblelock's Short Adventure [70] (Shard of Fear) Glassy Dust [125] (Shattered Overture) Glimmering Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Glistervein Grove Catalog [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Glistervein Grove Gemstones [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Glory and Honor [100] (PVP Task) Glow as Brightly [200] (Miscellaneous) Glowing Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Glowing Runes [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Glowmyst Juice [5] (Oakmyst Forest) Glowtoad Gooey Bits [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Glyphs of Ethernere [90] (Heroes' Festival) Gnary a Joke to Tell [200] (World Event) Gnemlin Gearwork [100] (Tradeskill) Gnoll Metal Alchemist [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Gnoll More Communication [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Gnoll Threat Within [200] (The City of Qeynos) Gnoll Win Situation [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Gnolls No Bounds [] () Gnomachine Too Complicated [] () Gnomes and the Art of Clockwork Maintenance: Cogs and Sprockets [24] (Edgewater Drains) Gnomes and the Art of Clockwork Maintenance: Gears [24] (Edgewater Drains) Gnomes and the Art of Clockwork Maintenance: Valves [24] (Edgewater Drains) Gobblerock's Hideout [30] (Gobblerock's Hideout) Goblin Grub [92] (Mystery Crate) Goblin Party [96] (Mission) Goblin Party [100] (Mission) Going Down With the Keep [96] (Kael Drakkel: Iceshard Keep) Gold Coldain Insignia Ring [90] (Heritage) Golden Feathers Shall Carry You [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Golden Scarabs [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Golden Slivers [125] (Shattered Overture) Good Eatin' [45] (Tome) Good Eatin' [49] (Everfrost) Good for Firewood [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Good Housekeeping [83] (Mistmyr Manor) Good Ore Bad? [25] (Tradeskill) Goodies for Grobb - Accessorizing, Grobb Style [200] (Tradeskill) Goodies for Grobb - Fundamental Furnishings [200] (Tradeskill) Goodies for Grobb - Home Cooking [200] (Tradeskill) Goodies for Grobb - Snapper Security [200] (Tradeskill) Goodies for Grobb - Swamp Reeds [200] (Tradeskill) Gooey Bits Meta [125] (Shattered Overture) Gorililililas! [83] (The Sundered Frontier) Gorowyn Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) Gorowyn Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Gotta Fill the Pot [130] (Western Wastes) Gourd Seeds [60] (Lesser Faydark) Granville's Restaurant, Antonica [26] (Thundering Steppes) Granville's Restaurant, D'Lere [26] (Nektulos Forest) Grave Consequences [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Grave Memories [20] (Nights of the Dead) Grave New World [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Graystone Bank Tally Delivery [6] (Graystone Yard) Great Balls of Fire [200] (World Event) Greener On The Other Side [100] (Tradeskill) Griffin Tower Building Plans [15] (World Event) Griffin Tower Lumber Supplies [15] (World Event) Griffin Tower Tool Supplies [15] (World Event) Grim Grimlings [100] (Altar of Malice) Grim Reaping [103] (Phantom Sea) Grim Running [100] (Tradeskill) Grim Shales Ferns [100] (Altar of Malice) Grimling Glamour [100] (Altar of Malice) Grindsmaul's Revenge! [10] (Miscellaneous) grinnin bone fragment collection [50] (Bone Fragment) Grobb coins collection [40] (Coin) Grobb, Not Forgotten [200] (The City of Freeport) Grommulitz Everything Soup [80] (Runnyeye: The Gathering) Grotto Flower Bulbs [80] (Live Events) Grotto Wings [80] (Live Events) Growing Pains [90] (Tradeskill) Grown Up Solution [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Grumbles [120] (Tradeskill) Guardian of the Growth [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Guide Quest: Guide's Guide to Reign of Shadows [120] (Reign of Shadows) Guide Quest: Guide's Guide to Visions of Vetrovia [200] (Visions of Vetrovia) Habitat Destruction [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Hack 'n Slash [200] (Public Quests) Hadden's Earring [30] (Heritage) Halas coins collection [20] (Coin) Halas Hunting [80] (Tradeskill) Halas Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Halasian Hangover [60] (Tradeskill) Halasians for Hire [50] (Tradeskill) Half a Chance to Help Others [100] (The City of Qeynos) Halting the Plague [40] (World Event) Hand to Mouth [97] (Tranquil Sea) Handcrafted Gifts to Give [] () Hang Tight, Hizite [Heroic I] [133] (Mission: Weekly) Hang Tight, Hizite [Heroic II] [133] (Mission: Weekly) Hang Tight, Hizite [Solo] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Hanging by a Thread [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Spire of Rage) Harrowing Hoard [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Harts Full of Trust [200] (World Event) Hatching the Egg [58] (Scornfeather Roost) Hate Can Sustain You [27] (Nektulos Forest) Head over Heals [126] (Svarni Expanse) Headless or Tails [120] (Public Quest) Heal the Pain [200] (World Event) Healing for Maldura [100] (Tradeskill) Healing Leaves [90] (Tradeskill) Healing Stew Brew [90] (Tradeskill) Heartbreaker [200] (World Event) Hearts a'Flutter: Antonica [200] (World Event) Hearts a'Flutter: Commonlands [200] (World Event) Heavy Lifter [75] (Fens of Nathsar) Heirlooms of Heroes Past [100] (Altar of Malice) Heist Societies: King of Thieves [] (Overseer) Heist Societies: Send in the Clowns [] (Overseer) Heist Societies: Swipe the Swap [] (Overseer) Helping a Friend, Again [4] (Baubbleshire) Helping Skirha [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Herbal Cure [90] (Tradeskill) Herbs and Spirits [95] (Tradeskill) Here Ghost Nothing [130] (Zimara Breadth) Hero of the Far Seas Supply Division [] () Heroes' Feast in Freeport! [200] (World Event) Heroes' Feast in Qeynos! [200] (World Event) Hexes, Charms, and Protections [] () Hidden Agenda [83] (Mission) Hiding From Deinodons [101] (Tranquil Sea) High Risks, Higher Profits - Part 2 [75] (Miscellaneous) High Seas Adventure [85] (Signature) High Spirits [90] (Tradeskill) Highhold Guild Hall [] () Hired Scales [70] (Tradeskill) History of the Ayr'Dal, Part III [30] (Feerrott) History of the Barbarians, Part III [30] (Enchanted Lands) History of the Condemned Catacomb [30] (Condemned Catacomb) History of the Dwarves, Part III [30] (Feerrott) History of the Erudite, Part III [30] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) History of the Fae [13] (Kelethin) History of the Feir'Dal, Part III [30] (Enchanted Lands) History of the Gnomes, Part III [30] (Enchanted Lands) History of the Halflings, Part III [30] (Enchanted Lands) History of the Humans, Part III [30] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) History of the Iksar, Part III [30] (Nektulos Forest) History of the Kerra, Part III [30] (Rivervale) History of the Koada'Dal, Part III [30] (Ruins of Varsoon) History of the Ogres, Part III [30] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) History of the Ratonga, Part III [30] (Enchanted Lands) History of the Teir'Dal, Part III [30] (Nektulos Forest) History of the Trials [23] (Nektulos Forest) History of the Trolls, Part III [30] (Runnyeye) Hit 'Em Where It Hurts [15] (Tradeskill) Hive Invasion [96] (Mission) Hive Invasion [100] (Mission) Hivestermination [96] (Mission) Hivestermination [100] (Mission) Hoard of the Ancients [92] (Destiny of Velious) Hold on to the Phylactery [78] (Kunzar Jungle) Holdout [93] (Eidolon Jungle) Holiday Lights [] () Home Cooking [50] (Miscellaneous) Honey, I'm Home!! [61] (Tenebrous Tangle) Honing the Lust of the Dragon's Temper [85] (Signature) Honorary Gigglegibber [] () Honoring the Youngest Victims [130] (Western Wastes) Hooluk Beaks [65] (Beaks) Hope for the Forlorn [82] (Mission) Hope Reborn [95] (Tradeskill) Host of Thyr. Act II: Corruption [49] (Solusek's Eye) Hot Sales in Hopewell [130] (Raj'Dur Plateaus) House of Tulle [132] (Forlorn Gist) Hua Mein Craft: Fishy Business [85] (Tradeskill) Hungry Hungry Spiders [90] (Tradeskill) Hungry, Hungry Halflings [50] (Miscellaneous) Hunt the Past [200] (World Event) Hunter Becomes The Hunted [96] (Kael Drakkel: Throne of Storms) Hunters and Gatherers [101] (Mission) Hunters and Gatherers [106] (Mission) Hunting Contest [90] (Miscellaneous) Hunting for History [90] (Tradeskill) I Believe Icon Purify [126] (Svarni Expanse) I Hate Old Plans [35] (Enchanted Lands) I Melt With You [200] (World Event) I, Spybot [80] (Tradeskill) Iceshard Keep Soldier Symbols [90] (Destiny of Velious) Icky Goblin Parts [80] (Mission) Icons of Ultera [70] (Heroes' Festival) Icy Something Worth Mining [200] (World Event) Identifying Igneous Rocks [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Idol Destruction [103] (Obulus Frontier) If I Had A Hammer [5] (Tradeskill) If They Only Had a Brain [200] (World Event) Ignatia Cellus' History of Antonica [19] (Antonica) Igneous Ideal [100] (Altar of Malice) Igore's Request: Items for the Far Seas [125] (Tradeskill) Iksar Intent - Into the Essence [] (Overseer) Iksar Intent - Nathsar Key Maker [] (Overseer) Iksar Intent - Obulus Key Maker [] (Overseer) Iksar Intent - Sebilis Key Maker [] (Overseer) Iksar Intent - Spire Sabotage [] (Overseer) Ilene Cellus' History of Antonica [24] (Stormhold) Ill-Gotten Gains [96] (Mission) Ill-Gotten Gains [100] (Mission) Ill-Seen Kill Scene [101] (Mission) Ill-Seen Kill Scene [106] (Mission) Impossibly Rare Objects [20] (Weird) Improving Relations with the Locals [55] (Village of Shin) In A Bind [50] (Tradeskill) In Chains Again [200] (The City of Freeport) In Honor and Service [19] (Heritage) In Our Own Hands [200] (The City of Freeport) In Our Own Way [200] (The City of Qeynos) In Plain Sight [200] (Miscellaneous) In Search of a Bot [63] (Barren Sky) In Search of Tarnished Tablets [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) In Search of the Wooly Mammoth [45] (Tome) In Search of the Wooly Mammoth [47] (Everfrost) Incandescent Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Incantation Oration [4] (Stonestair Byway) Infighting [94] (Eidolon Jungle) Infiltrating the Sanctum: Emissary Kvikz [63] (Sanctum of the Scaleborn) Infiltrating the Sanctum: Epilogue [67] (Sanctum of the Scaleborn) Infiltration System [73] (Fens of Nathsar) Information on the Village [55] (Village of Shin) Inheriting Family [40] (Tradeskill) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 14 [125] (Mission) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 26 [125] (Mission) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 32 [125] (Mission) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 47 [125] (Mission) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 53 [125] (Mission) Innoruuk Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 65 [125] (Mission) Insider Trading [81] (Tradeskill) Instruments of Subjugation [80] (Mission) Into the Citadel [200] (World Event) Into the Fold [25] (Deity) Into the Heart of Mistmoore [70] (Butcherblock Mountains) Into The Spire [100] (Tradeskill) Ireatan's prayer book [65] (Temple of Scale) Iriana Cellus' History of Antonica [23] (Thundering Steppes) Iron Flats Catalog [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Iron Rations for an Iron Army [95] (Tradeskill) Iron Slivers [125] (Shattered Overture) Ironforged Requests [200] (The City of Qeynos) Isabella Cellus' History of Antonica [10] (Antonica) Isabella Cellus' History of Antonica [13] (Antonica) Isolation Explained [110] (Myrist, the Great Library) It's A Long Way Down [90] (Tradeskill) It's a Trap! [90] (Great Divide) It's Alright, Hizite [Heroic I] [133] (Mission: Weekly) It's Alright, Hizite [Heroic II] [133] (Mission: Weekly) It's Alright, Hizite [Solo] [128] (Mission: Weekly) It's Time to Sleigh the Dragon! [200] (World Event) Jack-O-Lantern Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Jailer Keys [75] (Kunark) Jars Aplenty [120] (World Event) Jerb Northstar's Journal [35] (Tome) Johnny Pomegranate Seed [200] (Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor) Joining the Crew of the Bane of Prexus [200] (The City of Freeport) Joining the Crew of the QSS Valiance [200] (Qeynos Harbor) Joining the Family [57] (Lesser Faydark) Journeyman Service [20] (Tradeskill) Joy in Place of Sadness [87] (Great Divide) July: Crafty Sentinels [] () June: Essential Equipment [] () Jungle Offerings [128] (Karuupa Jungle) Junior Hootie in the Making [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Just a Drop Will Do [80] (Mission) Just Deserts: Blood and Sand [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Blood and Sand [Signature] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of Night [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of Night [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of Night [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of the Storm [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of the Storm [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Eye of the Storm [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Foundation of Knowledge [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Grave Grange [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Grave Grange [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Kigathor's Glade [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Kigathor's Glade [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Overgrowth [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Overgrowth [Solo] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Terrene Threshold [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Terrene Threshold [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: Terrene Threshold [Signature] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: The Sacred Gift [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: The Sacred Gift [Signature] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: The Sultan's Dagger [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Just Deserts: The Sultan's Dagger [Signature] [133] (Mission) Just Plume Tired! [92] (Icy Keep: Retribution) Justice for JoJo [85] (Heritage) Kael Drakkel Workforce Signets [90] (Destiny of Velious) Kaladim coins collection [30] (Coin) Kamapor It On: Carrion Crag [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Carrion Crag [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Carrion Crag [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Caverns of the Forsaken [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Dedraka's Descent [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Heart of Conflict [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Heart of Conflict [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Heart of Conflict [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Nightmares of Old [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Nightmares of Old [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Phantasmal Shades [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Phantasmal Shades [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Predator's Perch [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Predator's Perch [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Rosy Reverie [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Suite of Screams [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Suite of Screams [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Warpwood Cairn [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor It On: Warpwood Cairn [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Carrion Crag [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Carrion Crag [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Carrion Crag [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Caverns of the Forsaken [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Dedraka's Descent [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Heart of Conflict [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Heart of Conflict [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Heart of Conflict [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Nightmares of Old [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Nightmares of Old [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Phantasmal Shades [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Phantasmal Shades [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Predator's Perch [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Predator's Perch [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Rosy Reverie [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Suite of Screams [Event Heroic II] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Suite of Screams [Solo] [128] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Warpwood Cairn [Heroic I] [133] (Mission) Kamapor Me a Daily: Warpwood Cairn [Solo] [128] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 112 [125] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 120 [125] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 137 [125] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 141 [125] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 152 [125] (Mission) Karana Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 165 [125] (Mission) Karath Smoothmane - Breaking of the Pact [20] (Thundering Steppes) Karath Smoothmane - Winter Comes [20] (Thundering Steppes) Karuupa Knicknacks [120] (Tradeskill) Keeper of the Crypt [28] (Crypt of Betrayal) Keeping the Borderline [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Keeping the Pot Filled [130] (Western Wastes) Kelethin coins collection [25] (Coin) Kelethin Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) Kelethin Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Kelethin: Citizenship [20] (Kelethin) Kennel Collection Club [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Kerig'Dal Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Key to Curing the Spellpox [108] (Signature) Kicking the Bird Out of the Nest [65] (Miscellaneous) Kill the Harridan [70] (Bonemire) Kithicor Pine Cones [100] (Altar of Malice) Kitty Wants to Play [6] (Starcrest Commune) Klandicar's Hoard [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Klangfangled Intentions [100] (Cobalt Scar) Knightly Assistance [82] (Tradeskill) Knights in the Round [65] (The Acadechism) Koyame's Elemental Study [110] (Plane of Magic) Kralet Killer [106] (Mission) Kromzek Medals Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Kromzek War Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Kromzek Warrior Badges [90] (Destiny of Velious) Krulkiel Intentions [200] (World Event) Kunark Ascending: A Chosen Weapon [100] (Signature) Kunark Ascending: A Nightmare Realized [] (Signature) Kunark Ascending: Beta Tradeskiller (Crafting) [] () Kunark Ascending: Beyond the Veil [104] (Signature) Kunark Ascending: Destroyer of Beta (Heroic) [] () Kunark Ascending: Destroyer of Beta (Solo) [] () Kunark Ascending: Quester of Beta (Quest) [] () Kunark Runes [50] (Heroes' Festival) Kurron's Legacy [115] (Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity) Kusala'Din's Conjured [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Lab Dust [120] (Reign of Shadows) Lab Flasks [120] (Reign of Shadows) Lab Keys [120] (Reign of Shadows) Lady Naga [52] (Access Quests) Lady Naga [55] (Access Quests) Lambent Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Lamentations [4] (Stonestair Byway) Large Droag Claws [70] (Claws) Lashvine Removal Service [128] (Karuupa Jungle) Lava Bath [80] (Mission) Law of Viscosity [53] (Steamfont Mountains) Lay of the Land [25] (Nektulos Forest) Leader of the Pack [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Leaping to Conclusions [30] (Miscellaneous) Learning the Path [100] (Hallmark) Learning Their Place [106] (Plane of Magic) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part One [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part One, 2nd Ed. [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Three [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Three, 2nd Ed. [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two, 2nd Ed. [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part One [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part One, 2nd Ed. [37] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three [38] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three, 2nd Ed. [38] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Two [38] (Rivervale) Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Two, 2nd Ed. [38] (Rivervale) Leaves to Scarstone [99] (Cobalt Scar) Leech Liberator [102] (Treasure Hunt) Legacy of Power: Drawn to the Fire [110] (Signature) Legacy of Power: Hero's Devotion [106] (Signature) Legacy of Power: Realm of the Plaguebringer [110] (Signature) Legacy of Power: Secrets in an Arcane Land [105] (Signature) Legacy of Power: Tyrant's Throne [110] (Signature) Legend of Kunark [] () Legends of the Dragons [52] (Tome) Lend a Helping Hand [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Let The Spinning Wheel Spin [15] (Tradeskill) Library of Erudin Murder Weapons [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Lichveil Crockery [120] (World Event) Lift For Dead [120] (Wracklands) Light Amongst Shadows: The Vault of Omens [110] (Signature) Lighting the Way [120] (Tradeskill) Lightning Bug Hunt [104] (Obulus Frontier) Like It Ore Not [200] (World Event) Like Pulling Teeth [55] (Lavastorm) Liquid Hot Mag-ma [80] (Mission) Liquid Lunch [200] (World Event) List of Acquisitions for the Continuing of Research [40] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) Littered Along the Pass [100] (Obulus Frontier) Little Lost Goblin [100] (Frostfell Workshop) Live and Let Dye [126] (Svarni Expanse) Live Bait [100] (Tradeskill) Live Free or Sky Hard [] () Living Geomancy [55] (Village of Shin) Local Color - Halas [45] (Everfrost) Local Color - Halas [45] (Tome) Local Positioning [87] (Great Divide) Locate the Legate [70] (Language) Loose Screw Repairs [130] (World Event) Loosening Anchors [80] (Mission) Loot Rights Denied [130] (Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]) Loping Doors [60] (Tradeskill) Lore and Legend: Akheva [120] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Allu'thoa [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Aviak [70] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Awakened Aerakyn [95] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Bixie [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Boarfiend [70] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Brownie [60] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Bugbear [65] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Burynai [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Centaur [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Cepholex [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Clockwork [55] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Cyclops [60] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Di'Zok [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Djinn [60] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Drachnid [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Drakota [70] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Droag [70] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Drolvarg [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Efreeti [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Elemental [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Evil Eye [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Fairy [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Fathomlurker [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Ghost [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Giant [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Gnoll [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Goblin [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Golem [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Gruengach [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Harpy [60] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Harrowing Horde [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Kappa [130] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Kobold [35] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Lizardman [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Maedjinn [120] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Mephlin [110] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Minotaur [55] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Naga [60] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Nightblood [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Orc [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Planar Elementals [110] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Poxfiend [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Ravasect [70] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Roekillik [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Shadowed Man [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Siren [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Skeleton [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Treant [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Urzarach [100] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Vampire [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Werewolf [65] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Yha-lei [80] (Lore and Legend) Lore and Legend: Zombie [50] (Lore and Legend) Lore Delver in Terrors of Thalumbra [] () Lost Dwarven Caravan [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Lost Frostfell Gifts [200] (World Event) Lost Gnemlin Remains [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Lost in Thought [106] (Mission) Lost Keys [94] (Eidolon Jungle) Lost Memories [120] (Savage Weald) Love Lines [200] (World Event) Love of Ages Past [5] (World Event) Love of Ages Past [8] (World Event) Love Potion Number One [200] (Miscellaneous) Love Will Lead You Back [120] (Public Quest) Love's Foundation [25] (Deity) Lovely Lacquer [] () Lower Hall Monitor [80] (Mission) Luclin Landscaping: Aurelian Coast [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: Big Baddies [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: Echo Caverns [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: Savage Weald [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: Shadeweaver's Thicket [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: The Blinding [125] (Mission: Weekly) Luclin Landscaping: Wracklands [125] (Mission: Weekly) Lujien, Not Lycan [95] (Obol Plains) Luminous Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Lunar Locales [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Lurkers in the Depths [106] (Mission) Lurking in the Grass [100] (Altar of Malice) Machinations of Chaos [110] (Tome) Mad Crown's Quest [94] (Obol Plains) Mad for Marble [] () Maedjinn Out Like a Bandit [130] (Aether Wroughtlands) Maedjinn Symbols [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Magical Run Off [15] (Greater Faydark) Magics of Kusala'Din [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Magmalatorr's Magmas [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Magnum Opus [] () Mahngavi Mischief [120] (Tradeskill) Maintaining the Propylons [110] (World Event) Maj'Dul Inhabitants Cataloging [60] (Tome) Make Like a Tree [13] (Greater Faydark) Making It Up to Brell [130] (Western Wastes) Making Sense of Miragul, Part 1 [80] (Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice) Making the Connection [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Malduran Medicine [100] (Tradeskill) Malduran Mouths to Feed [100] (Tradeskill) Malduran Refills [100] (Tradeskill) Mammoth Fur Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Man-o-War [96] (Cobalt Scar) Manta Steak and Eggs [129] (Raj'Dur Plateaus) Many Paws Make Light Work [130] (Western Wastes) Mapping the Vale [35] (Rivervale) March: Nature's Bounty [] () Mark of a Thief [200] (World Event) Mark of a Thief - A Bristlebane Tale [200] (World Event) Mark of the Warlord [80] (Mission) Market Research [80] (Tradeskill) Market Shortages [15] (Tradeskill) Martini of the Macabre [84] (Mission) Mastering the Art of Erudite Cooking [86] (The Stonebrunt Highlands) Material Support [35] (Tradeskill) May: Collecting Mounts [] () Means and Ends [101] (Signature) Meaty Meals for a Growing Gryphon [90] (Tradeskill) Mechana Arcanus - Celestial Component [] (Overseer) Mediate the Masters [59] (Village of Shin) Memories Are Made of This [120] (Savage Weald) Memories of a Cursed Bride [90] (Destiny of Velious) Memories of Eidolon [95] (Tradeskill) Memories of Misty Thicket [39] (Runnyeye) Memories of Obol Plains [95] (Tradeskill) Memories of Velketor [90] (Destiny of Velious) Memories of Vesspyr Isles [95] (Tradeskill) Memory Bloom [101] (Treasure Hunt) Menace in the Mine [100] (Tradeskill) Mender Mending [52] (Sinking Sands) Merchants' Wishes [125] (Tome) Merciful Banishment [80] (Mission) Merry Mischief [200] (World Event) Mess of Trouble [120] (Savage Weald) Message for Zwena [10] (The City of Qeynos) Message From the Matron [2] (Greater Faydark) Metal Extraction [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Metal Extractor [200] (World Event) Metal-Infected Fragments [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Metalbound Behemoth Articles [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Metallic Figurines [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Midday Perk [200] (Tradeskill) Middlegame: Hunting for Korok Hai [98] (Fortress of Drunder: Strategist's Stronghold) Midst Mission: Chaotic Caverns [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Chaotic Caverns [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Feral Reserve [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Feral Reserve [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Fort Grim [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Fort Grim [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Fungal Foray [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Fungal Foray [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Loda Kai Isle [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Loda Kai Isle [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Quarry Quandary [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Quarry Quandary [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Untamed Lands [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Untamed Lands [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Zelmie Sortie [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst Mission: Zelmie Sortie [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Chaotic Caverns [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Chaotic Caverns [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Feral Reserve [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Feral Reserve [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Fort Grim [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Fort Grim [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Fungal Foray [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Fungal Foray [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Loda Kai Isle [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Loda Kai Isle [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Quarry Quandary [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Quarry Quandary [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Untamed Lands [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Untamed Lands [Solo] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Zelmie Sortie [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Midst of a Daily: Zelmie Sortie [Solo] [128] (Mission) Mighty Mighty Metals [130] (Zimara Breadth) Mind Games [106] (Mission) Miner Details [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Mining Picks [35] (Kaladim) Minotaurs? Minotaurs! [103] (Steamfont Mountains) Mirror, Mirror [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) Mischeva's Champion [] () Mischief Managed: Duty and the Beast [110] (Tradeskill) Mischief Managed: Forming the Ak'Anon's Finest Guild [110] (Tradeskill) Mischief Managed: Forming the All's Eye Guild [110] (Tradeskill) Mischief Managed: Forming the Feyiron Skillets Guild [110] (Tradeskill) Mischief Managed: Forming the Hammer Guild [110] (Tradeskill) Mischief Managed: The Anchorage [110] (Tradeskill) Misplaced Far Seas Mementos [80] (Tradeskill) Missing Decorations in Freeport [200] (World Event) Missing Decorations in Qeynos [200] (World Event) Mission Improbable... [200] (World Event) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 110 [125] (Mission) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 123 [125] (Mission) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 132 [125] (Mission) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 149 [125] (Mission) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 153 [125] (Mission) Mithaniel Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 162 [125] (Mission) Moldfist Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Mollusks Collection [95] (Cobalt Scar) Momentary Peace for Bloody Kithicor [102] (Phantom Sea) Monitor Malfunction [100] (Tradeskill) Monitoring Maldura [100] (Tradeskill) Monitoring the Situation [100] (Tradeskill) Mood Music [90] (Tradeskill) Moon Gems [50] (Jewelry) Moon Mission: Arx Aetumus [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Arx Aetumus [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Bizarre Bazaar [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Bizarre Bazaar [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Echelon of Divinity [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Echelon of Divinity [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Echelon of Order [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Echelon of Order [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Listless Spires [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Listless Spires [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Maiden's Eye [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Maiden's Eye [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Reishi Rumble [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Reishi Rumble [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Ruins of Ssraeshza [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Sambata Village [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Sambata Village [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Vault of Ssraeshza [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Vault of Ssraeshza [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Venom of Ssraeshza [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Venom of Ssraeshza [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Mission: Wayward Manor [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Mission: Wayward Manor [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Arx Aeturnus [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Bizarre Bazaar [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Echelon of Divinity [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Echelon of Divinity [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Listless Spires [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Reishi Rumble [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Reishi Rumble [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Sambata Village [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Sambata Village [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Vault of Ssraeshza [Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Venom of Ssraeshza [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission) Moon Over My Daily: Wayward Manor [Solo] [122] (Mission) Moon Platoon [Raid] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Moon Platoon II: The Return [Raid] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Moonlight Worms [80] (Live Events) More Brews is Good News [20] (Brewday) More Components for Vixna [79] (Jarsath Wastes) More Compound Problems [130] (Western Wastes) More Crafting Nails [125] (Tradeskill) More Gnoll More Communication [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) More Metal Extraction [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) More Ore of Yore [100] (Tradeskill) More Talent in the Society [48] (Lavastorm) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 114 [125] (Mission) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 122 [125] (Mission) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 131 [125] (Mission) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 147 [125] (Mission) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 158 [125] (Mission) Morell-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 169 [125] (Mission) Motes of Growth: Jarsath Wastes [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: Nektulos Forest [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: Sinking Sands [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: the Enchanted Lands [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: the Feerrott [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: the Loping Plains [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: the Stonebrunt Highlands [200] (World Event) Motes of Growth: Zek, the Orcish Wastes [200] (World Event) Muck Slime [6] (Peat Bog) Mudpaw Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Multiplication Tables [95] (Tradeskill) Mummified Food [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Mushroom Magic [76] (Kunzar Jungle) Mushroom Spores [80] (Live Events) Mushrooms and Deinodons and Lizards, Oh My! [100] (Altar of Malice) Must Have More Power [5] (World Event) Must Have More Power [15] (World Event) Must Have More Power [25] (World Event) Must Have More Power [35] (World Event) Must Have More Power [45] (World Event) Must Have More Power [55] (World Event) Must Have More Power [65] (World Event) Must Have More Power [75] (World Event) Mutual Adversaries [200] (World Event) My Creepy Catalog [200] (World Event) My Time with the Harpies [59] (Tome) My True Beloved [20] (Tome) Mysterious Artifacts [50] (Nektulos Forest) Mysterious Designs [200] (The City of Freeport) Mysterious Rooks [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Strategist's Stronghold) Mystery in the Underdepths [98] (Skyshrine: The Underdepths) Mystery of Deepwater Watch [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Mystic Moppet parts [50] (Moppet) Nadavir's Golden Eggs [126] (Svarni Expanse) Naiad Aid [200] (World Event) Naiad Scales [80] (Live Events) Nap Time for Evigis [20] (Frostfang Sea) Necessary Preparations [90] (Tradeskill) Necromancy Killed the Cat [200] (The City of Freeport) Nektulos Creature Cataloging [35] (Tome) Neon Lights [200] (Miscellaneous) Neriak coins collection [30] (Coin) Neriak Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) Neriak Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Netting Information [80] (Mission) New Combine Defense [100] (Cobalt Scar) New Etching Tool for Froptub's Smithy [6] (Castleview Hamlet) New Halas Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) News from the South [9] (Greater Faydark) Night of the Barking Dead [110] (World Event) Nights of the Dead Devotee [] () Nights of the Dead Devotee [200] (World Event) Nine Hundred Ninety Nine [100] (Signature) No Mercy Here [93] (Withered Lands) No More Mucking Around [200] (Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor) No Nails in These [125] (Tradeskill) No Pride to Speak Of [106] (Plane of Magic) Nobody Expects It [200] (The City of Freeport) Non-Mysterious Objects [120] (Tradeskill) None Shall Pass! [20] (Thundering Steppes) Not Easy Being Green [Event] [128] (Mission) Not Enough Crystals! [90] (World Event) Not for Breakfast [106] (Plane of Magic) Not For Use In Tea [90] (Tradeskill) Not Him Again [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) Not Really Deep or Murky, Actually [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Not So Baasik Task [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Notes from the Lab [120] (Reign of Shadows) Notes of the Past [80] (Emperor Atrebe's Laboratory: The Fabled City of Kor-sha) Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye [120] (Tome) Nothin' But Artifacts [130] (Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]) Nothing Short of Perfect Execution [80] (Mission) Nothing to Waste [15] (Frostfang Sea) November: To the Moon, Alice! [] () Noxious Roundup [54] (Sinking Sands) Nurwin Family Secrets [60] (Tradeskill) Nuts and Bolts [120] (Reign of Shadows) Objects of Malice [100] (Altar of Malice) Obsidian Coldain Insignia Ring [90] (Heritage) Ocean Creatures Collection [95] (Cobalt Scar) Oceansfull of Good Food [200] (World Event) October: Prophecies and Chaos [] () Octopus Oozy Bits [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Of Dwarves and Barbarians [13] (Vermin's Snye) Of Elves and Half-Elves [13] (Vermin's Snye) Of Fire and Ice [85] (Signature) Of Fire and Ice: Suitable Components [85] (Signature) Of Humans and Halflings [13] (Vermin's Snye) Of Maj'Dul Am I [57] (Tome) Of Rime and Reason [80] (Jarsath Wastes) Of Things to Come [200] (Miscellaneous) Offering the Offerings [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Official Oriflamme [100] (Altar of Malice) Oggok coins collection [40] (Coin) Old-Fashioned Ossein [100] (Altar of Malice) On A Boat [100] (Tradeskill) On the Defensive [90] (Tradeskill) On the Run [200] (The City of Qeynos) One Afterlife to Live [200] (World Event) One for the Ages [92] (Eastern Wastes) One Last Chance at Treasure [70] (Tenebrous Tangle) One Last Voyage [44] (Everfrost) One-Eyes of War [130] (Sandstone Delta) Onto the Ridge [130] (Western Wastes) Oomba's Boomba [90] (Tradeskill) Oomba's Loomba [90] (Tradeskill) Oomba's Zoomba [90] (Tradeskill) Open Gates [94] (Eidolon Jungle) Operation Crustacean Station [106] (Plane of Magic) Opolla Relics [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Opportunistic Research Requisition 761 [120] (Tradeskill) Opportunistic Research Requisition 762 [120] (Tradeskill) Opportunistic Research Requisition 763 [120] (Tradeskill) Orcish Information: Part III [20] (Greater Faydark) Order of Rime Battle Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Orders From Above [82] (Tradeskill) Orthiss and Kirkata [70] (Tome) Ossuary Busts [100] (Altar of Malice) Ossuary Chasuble [100] (Altar of Malice) Ossuary Medallions [100] (Altar of Malice) Ossuary Skulls [100] (Altar of Malice) Ossuary Statuettes [100] (Altar of Malice) Other Crafting Nails [125] (Tradeskill) Othmir Curios [90] (Destiny of Velious) Our Lady of Betrayal [20] (Tome) Out of Mind [46] (Steamfont Mountains) Out of Sight, Out of Mind [95] (Tradeskill) Outfitter Errands [80] (Signature) Outfitting the Kerra: A Strange Spirit [85] (Tradeskill) Outfitting the Kerra: Medical Salvation [85] (Tradeskill) Outfitting the Kerra: The Best Defense [85] (Tradeskill) Outlying Freeport Creature Cataloging [15] (Tome) Outlying Qeynos Creature Cataloging [15] (Tome) Outsiders [200] (World Event) Over Halas [42] (Everfrost) Over Their Heads [30] (Tradeskill) Overgrowth Seed Stealers [130] (Takish Badlands) Overseer quests [120] () Overthrow the Guardians [96] (Mission) Overthrow the Guardians [100] (Mission) Paid on Delivery [200] (The City of Qeynos) Paineel Plumbing [80] (Tradeskill) Pains of Herding [200] (World Event) Palace Trespass [106] (Mission) Paludal Disposal [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Parchment Preservation [104] (Obulus Frontier) Partaking of Tea and Soul [83] (The Sundered Frontier) Party Plates [15] (Tradeskill) Party Sign! Excellent! [] () Party's Over [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) Past is Prologue [103] (Heritage) Path of the Past - Ancient's Table [63] (Mission) Path of the Past - Bastion of Flames [52] (Mission) Path of the Past - Blackscale Sepulcher [69] (Mission) Path of the Past - Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds [21] (Mission) Path of the Past - Cazel's Mesa [64] (Mission) Path of the Past - Condemned Catacombs [33] (Mission) Path of the Past - Court of Innovation [57] (Mission) Path of the Past - Cove of Decay [32] (Mission) Path of the Past - Crypt of T'haen [37] (Mission) Path of the Past - Crypt of Valdoon [72] (Mission) Path of the Past - Deathfist Citadel [42] (Mission) Path of the Past - Den of the Devourer [69] (Mission) Path of the Past - Estate of Unrest [74] (Mission) Path of the Past - Eternal Gorge [23] (Mission) Path of the Past - Firemyst Gully [20] (Mission) Path of the Past - Gobblerock's Hideout [30] (Mission) Path of the Past - Halls of Fate [73] (Mission) Path of the Past - Hidden Cache [60] (Mission) Path of the Past - Mines of Meldrath [55] (Mission) Path of the Past - Nektropos Castle [36] (Mission) Path of the Past - Nektropos Castle: The Return [56] (Mission) Path of the Past - Nektropos Castle: Tribulation [72] (Mission) Path of the Past - Nest of the Great Egg [67] (Mission) Path of the Past - Nizara, City of the Nayad [75] (Mission) Path of the Past - Obelisk of Blight [69] (Mission) Path of the Past - Poet's Palace [65] (Mission) Path of the Past - Scornfeather Roost [58] (Mission) Path of the Past - Shard of Fear [75] (Mission) Path of the Past - The Acadechism [66] (Mission) Path of the Past - The Sanctorium [51] (Mission) Path of the Past - The Sanctum of Fire [50] (Mission) Path of the Past - Tombs of Night [56] (Mission) Path of the Past - Tower of the Drafling [46] (Mission) Path of the Past - Valley of the Rogue Magi [20] (Mission) Path of the Past - Vault of Dust [52] (Mission) Path of the Past - Vault of the Fallen [28] (Mission) Path of the Past - Vaults of El'Arad [70] (Mission) Paying Homage to the Past [5] (Scale Yard) Paying Off a Tab: Fish Fry [85] (Signature) Paying Off a Tab: Redecoration [85] (Signature) Paying the Piper [120] (Tradeskill) Peaceful Prison Break [70] (World Event) Peacock Club Relics [80] (Tradeskill) Pelt Parlay [90] (Tradeskill) Percussion Compensation [90] (Great Divide) Petalcrown Perch Curios [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Petrified Badlands Creature Remnants [85] (Sentinel's Fate) Piano Keys [80] (Tradeskill) Pickclaw Incursion [96] (Mission) Pickclaw Incursion [100] (Mission) Picking Them Out of the Crowd [90] (World Event) Picking Up the Broken Pieces [62] (Tenebrous Tangle) Picking up the Shards [80] (Mission) Pie Pilfering [65] (Deity) Pieces For Study [80] (Mission) Piercing the Darkness: A Very Fortunate Turn of Events Part II [110] (Tradeskill) Piercing the Darkness: A Very Fortunate Turn of Events Part III [110] (Tradeskill) Piercing the Darkness: Carving a Legacy [110] (Tradeskill) Piercing the Darkness: The Sad Tale of Benosch Ironsprocket Part I [110] (Tradeskill) Pilfer Tan'ke Rei's Golden Cap [] (Overseer) Pilgrim Pelts [9] (Frostfang Sea) Pillaging the Repository [84] (Mission) Pillars of Flame Creature Cataloging [60] (Tome) Pinpointing the Cloister [83] (Mission) Pirate Coat Buttons [100] (Altar of Malice) Pirate Protection [100] (Altar of Malice) Pirate Ship Pieces [100] (Altar of Malice) Pirate Strongbox [] (Overseer) Pirates! [100] (Tradeskill) Pirates? [30] (World Event) Piratical Fashion [20] (Tradeskill) Plagued With Questions [101] (Phantom Sea) plain mushroom collection [50] (Mushroom) Planar Crafting Completionist [] () Planar Insects: Ants [110] (Planes of Prophecy) Planar Insects: Beetles [110] (Planes of Prophecy) Planar Insects: Flies [110] (Planes of Prophecy) Planar Insects: Moths [110] (Planes of Prophecy) Planar Insects: Spiders [110] (Planes of Prophecy) Planes of Prophecy: Beta Heroic Zones (Heroic) [] () Planes of Prophecy: Quester of Beta (Quest) [] () Plateaus Field Research Requisition A [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Plateaus Field Research Requisition B [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Plateaus Field Research Requisition C [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Platinum Slivers [125] (Shattered Overture) Playing Fetch [90] (Tradeskill) Poetry of the Djinn [57] (Tome) Poisoned by Cobras [] (Overseer) Polished Droag Teeth [70] (Teeth) Pollution Problem [200] (World Event) Pot of Luck [110] (World Event) Pox Raiding [102] (Treasure Hunt) Precious Peaks and Precious Defenses [130] (Aether Wroughtlands) Premonitions of Disaster [15] (Tradeskill) Preparations for the Rescue [70] (Hallmark) Preserves of the Ancients [92] (Destiny of Velious) Preserving the Flank [91] (Tradeskill) Pressed into the Brewcrew [200] (World Event) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 117 [125] (Mission) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 124 [125] (Mission) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 130 [125] (Mission) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 145 [125] (Mission) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 156 [125] (Mission) Prexus Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 161 [125] (Mission) Pride Without Prejudice [200] (The City of Qeynos) Prime Piercer [] () Printing Pressganger [90] (Great Divide) Prisa Protection Procurements [130] (Western Wastes) Prismatic Weeds in the Garden [116] (Aurelian Coast) Problem Solving [8] (The Sprawl) Project Moonchase: Carry a Big Stick [Solo] [122] (Mission: Weekly) Project Moonchase: Nowhere to Hide [Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Project Moonchase: Nowhere to Run [Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Proper Presentation [40] (Tradeskill) Protect the Griffin Towers from the Undead [25] (World Event) Protecting the Innocent [200] (Qeynos Capitol District) Protection and Reclamation [130] (Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested]) Protectors of the Protectors [200] (World Event) Prove Your Skill [5] (Tradeskill) Proving Them Wrong [95] (Tradeskill) Provisioners Fuel the Forces [120] (World Event) Pry Out Your Dead [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Pub N' Suds [] () Punishing the Purloiners [84] (Mission) Pup Piper [100] (Tradeskill) Purification [65] (Felwithe) Pushback [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Pushing Ahead [96] (Tranquil Sea) Putting the Rage in Ragefire [103] (The Nexus Core) Puzzled [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) Pyxes of the Ossuary [100] (Altar of Malice) Qeynos Band Aid [200] (World Event) Qeynos Catacombs Creature Cataloging [25] (Tome) Qeynos Festive Fireworks [200] (World Event) Qeynos Harbor Rumor Mill [200] (Qeynos Harbor) Qeynos Postage Collection [50] (Live Events) Quatcha Interference [77] (Kunzar Jungle) Quellin' the Hellion [200] (The City of Qeynos) Quest Over-Achiever in Scourge Wastes [Heroic] [] () Quest Over-Achiever in Scourge Wastes [Solo] [] () Quiet But Effective [56] (Access Quests) Quiet But Effective [56] (Shimmering Citadel) Quotes of General Urduuk [36] (Feerrott) Quotes of General Urduuk [40] (Tome) Rabbit Repellent [100] (Tradeskill) Rage Breeds Rage [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Rage in Karak Peak [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Ragebourne Relics [90] (Destiny of Velious) Raging Elemental Scintilla [100] (Live Events) Raiding the Gifty Storehouse [200] (World Event) Raja the Sunspeaker's Staff [] (Overseer) Rank Insignia [71] (Palace of the Awakened) Rare and Shiny [88] (Great Divide) Rare Stones [60] (Stones) Ratical [200] (World Event) Rattling the Pillars [80] (Mission) Raw Materials [101] (Tranquil Sea) Razeland Elements [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Re-gifting the Amulet of Benediction [200] (World Event) Reconnoitering the Repository [84] (Mission) Recruit Rewards Rank I: Delegate [] () Recruit Rewards Rank II: Attaché [] () Recruit Rewards Rank III: Consol [] () Recruit Rewards Rank IV: Diplomat [] () Recruit Rewards Rank V: Ambassador [] () Recruit Rewards Rank VI: Grand Ambassador [] () Recuso History Lesson [112] (The Binding) Recuso Tor: Requisition 7761 [110] (Tradeskill) Recuso Tor: Requisition 7762 [110] (Tradeskill) Recuso Tor: Requisition 7763 [110] (Tradeskill) Recuso Tor: Requisition 7764 [110] (Tradeskill) Red Handed [200] (Qeynos Province District) Red Lake [40] (Feerrott) Reet Knight Armor [85] (Kunark) Reign of Shadows [] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Against Thal Odds [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Echoes In the Deep [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Facing the Savage Beast [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Mapping the Dark [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Shadow on the Vahl [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Whispered Blessings [120] (Signature) Reign of Shadows: Whispers of the Gods [120] (Signature) Rekindle the Love [200] (Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor) Relentless Sky Righter [] () Relic These Moments [200] (World Event) Relics of the Battle of Thurgadin [90] (Destiny of Velious) Relics of the Lost [100] (Altar of Malice) Relics of the Onaya [85] (Sentinel's Fate) Reliving the Past [31] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) Remains to be Seen [104] (Obulus Frontier) Remembering Rivervale [39] (Runnyeye) Remnants of Refuge [100] (Altar of Malice) Remnants of the Titans [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Remote Markets [83] (Tradeskill) Remove the Blackscale Threat [70] (Bonemire) Removing Kreegar Krikneck [90] (World Event) Removing the Heads [80] (Mission) Removing Ulbrow the Empowered [90] (World Event) Renewal of Ro: Badlands Transformed [130] (Signature) Renewal of Ro: Buried Truths [130] (Signature) Renewal of Ro: Desperately Seeking Sigils [125] (Signature) Renewal of Ro: Illusion From the Disillusioned [125] (Signature) Renewal of Ro: Tailing Dragons [125] (Signature) Renewal of Ro: Tailing Dragons [130] (Signature) Repairing the Ward [9] (Graveyard) Replacement Supplies [91] (Tradeskill) Replenished in the Name of... [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Replenishing the Observers [81] (Tradeskill) Report to Cragged Spine [15] (Frostfang Sea) Report to the Proctor [75] (Fens of Nathsar) Reptilian Relics [100] (Altar of Malice) Requesting Blessing [100] (Tradeskill) Requests of the Crusaders [95] (Destiny of Velious) Required Components [4] (Nettleville) Rescue Dolloran Arkur from Azhahkar the Gatecaller [] (Overseer) Rescue Gumbolt Triggerhand [] (Overseer) Rescue Lady Mirolyn from Gorakhul the Annihilator [] (Overseer) Rescuing the Dead [89] (Great Divide) Rescuing the Princess - A Bristlebane Tale [200] (World Event) Research and Rescue [200] (World Event) Research Samples [120] (Reign of Shadows) Research Tools [120] (Reign of Shadows) Researchers of Ro: Curing the Curse [125] (Tradeskill) Researchers of Ro: Renewal [125] (Tradeskill) Researchers of Ro: Responsibility for Raj'Dur [125] (Tradeskill) Researchers of Ro: Sandstone Setup [125] (Tradeskill) Researchers of Ro: Takish Time [125] (Tradeskill) Researching a Solution [100] (Tradeskill) Researching Lavastorm: Restoring the Records [50] (Lavastorm) Researching Lavastorm: Wormling Study [45] (Lavastorm) Researching Quel'ule: Captive Creature [85] (Tradeskill) Researching Quel'ule: Creating a Craftier Critter Container [85] (Tradeskill) Researching Quel'ule: Lens Crafter [85] (Tradeskill) Researching Quel'ule: Synthetic Synthesis [85] (Tradeskill) Researching Quel'ule: Words of Warding [85] (Tradeskill) Residual Cleansing [80] (Mission) Residual Haunting [84] (Mission) Rest for the Weary [200] (Tradeskill) Restocking the Deepforge Depot [100] (Tradeskill) Restored High Keep Guild Hall, Tier 2 [] () Restored High Keep Guild Hall, Tier 3 [] () Restoring Ghoulbane [36] (Heritage) Restoring the Might [80] (Mission) Retrieve the Golden Scale [] (Overseer) Return of the Cobalt Curse [130] (Western Wastes) Returning to Lexxiuna [14] (Greater Faydark) Reunion [68] (Barren Sky) Revelations in the Temple [100] (Skyshrine: The Underdepths) Revisionist History [28] (Crushbone Keep) Revitalizing the Rusties [88] (Icy Keep: Retribution) Riddle Mei-Theiz [200] (World Event) Riddled Again [200] (World Event) Riddled Throughout the Land [200] (World Event) Riddled Yet Again [200] (World Event) Riliss Apprentice Craftsman Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Riliss Apprentice Outfitter Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Riliss Apprentice Scholar Work Requisition [72] (Tradeskill) Riliss Journeyman Craftsman Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Riliss Journeyman Outfitter Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Riliss Journeyman Scholar Work Requisition [74] (Tradeskill) Riliss Master Craftsman Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Riliss Master Outfitter Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Riliss Master Scholar Work Requisition [78] (Tradeskill) Riliss Senior Craftsman Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Riliss Senior Outfitter Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Riliss Senior Scholar Work Requisition [76] (Tradeskill) Rilissian Rings of Service [75] (Kunark) Rime Badges of Rank [90] (Destiny of Velious) Ring of Dain Frostreaver VI [90] (Heritage) Riparian Crag Flora [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Rise of the Orcs - The Ascension [35] (Tome) Rise of the Orcs - The Deadtime [35] (Tome) Rise of the Orcs - The Fall [35] (Tome) Rise of the Orcs - The Rejoining [35] (Tome) Rise of the Orcs - The Rousing [35] (Tome) Ritsy's Lucky String [90] (Heritage) Ritual of the Flame's Purification [65] (Deity) Ritualistic Tendencies [97] (Tranquil Sea) Rivervale coins collection [40] (Coin) Ro's Flame [25] (Deity) Rockpaw Relics [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Rockpaw Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Roehn Theer's Reprise [] () Romantic Flower Petals [20] (Erollisi Day) Root Bound [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Rootland Rise Wilds [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Rose Tinted Obsession [] () Round 2... FIGHT [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Royal Recognition [200] (The City of Qeynos) Rrarwk [80] (Signature (swashbuckler epic)) Rrarwrk [85] (Signature) Rubble Chunkin' [100] (Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Solo]) Rubble Chunkin' [Heroic] [100] (Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Heroic]) Rubble Rampage [101] (Treasure Hunt) Rubble Rooter [93] (Eastern Wastes) Rules of the Sandscrawler Clan [57] (Tome) Rummage for Answers [200] (World Event) Running the Holoprojector [120] (Wracklands) Running the Temple [96] (Mission: Weekly) Running the Temple [100] (Mission: Weekly) Ry'Gorr Mining Operations [18] (Frostfang Sea) Ry'Gorr Rage Trophies [90] (Destiny of Velious) Sabertooth Relics [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Sabertooth Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Sabotage and Circuses [200] (Tradeskill) Sacred to the Aurai [130] (Tome) Sacrificial Trust [200] (World Event) Saddle Up! [200] (World Event) Sage Knowledge Applied [120] (World Event) Sajas's Security Detail [11] (Greater Faydark) Salivating for Sabotage [90] (Tradeskill) Salt Encrusted Treasure Hunt [200] (World Event) Salt Of The Earth [35] (Tradeskill) Salve Supplies [100] (Tradeskill) Samples of Destiny [80] (Heroes' Festival) Samples of Fate [20] (Heroes' Festival) Samples of the Silent Deep [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Sanctimonious Solution [82] (Mission) Sanctus Seru: Requisition 8561 [110] (Tradeskill) Sanctus Seru: Requisition 8562 [110] (Tradeskill) Sanctus Seru: Requisition 8563 [110] (Tradeskill) Sand Blasted Lamp [50] (Lamps) Sand Thing Special [52] (Sinking Sands) Savage Camo [120] (Savage Weald) Savage Defense Force [126] (Svarni Expanse) Save Joana Larr [] (Overseer) Save Lord Pardun from Queen Marrowjaw [] (Overseer) Save Milo Brownfoot [] (Overseer) Save the Last Blast for Me [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Save the Pirates! [50] (Prison of Admiral Grimgadget) Save Xideus Yoatiak [] (Overseer) Saving Frostfell [200] (World Event) Saving Soles [50] (Heritage) Scale Break [200] (The City of Freeport) Scaly Superstition [100] (Altar of Malice) Scanning the Seals [100] (Tradeskill) Scar Treatment [106] (Plane of Magic) Scars of Destruction: Battle the Behemoth! [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Charnel Scarring [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Complications [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Enemies and Allies [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Into Blackhook Badlands [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Running Up That Hill [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Starting to Spiral [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Void the Spiral's Anchor [130] (Signature) Scars of Destruction: Welcome to Woe [130] (Signature) Scary Scarecrows [26] (Antonica) Scattered Charms [200] (World Event) Scattered Pieces [200] (World Event) Scattered to the Wind [93] (Withered Lands) Scholar Errands [80] (Signature) Scimitar to the Head [] (Overseer) Scintillating Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Scraptastic! [3] (Baubbleshire) Scratches needs Patches [200] (Miscellaneous) Screeching with Sang'Huuu Scouts [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Scribing Tools [120] (Reign of Shadows) Scrolls of the Mortal Champion [95] (Chains of Eternity) Scrubby Little Symbols [100] (Altar of Malice) Scuttling to Safety [100] (Tradeskill) Sea Bass Collection [95] (Cobalt Scar) Sea Star Collection [95] (Cobalt Scar) Sealed With a Curse [130] (Buried Takish'Hiz) Search and Rescue [100] (Tradeskill) Search for Thistle [115] (Sanctus Seru) Search of Scales [95] (Obol Plains) Search of The Overthere [80] (Jarsath Wastes) Searching Blindly in the Dark [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Searching for an Answer [95] (Tradeskill) Searching for Clarity [95] (Tradeskill) Searching for the Silent City [56] (Access Quests) Searching the Awakened [67] (Barren Sky) Searching the Sewers for the Strix [200] (The City of Freeport) Seasonal Blooms [200] (World Event) Second Place in Erollisi Day - Hearts a'Flutter contest [90] (World Event) Secret Legacy [120] (Tome) Secret Spices [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Secrets of Runnyeye [35] (Access Quests) Secrets Revealed: Dark Corners [Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Secrets Revealed: Dark Recesses [Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Secrets Uncovered [Event Heroic] [128] (Mission: Weekly) Securing the Future [92] (Eastern Wastes) Seed Sampling [90] (Tradeskill) Seeds of Growf [100] (Tradeskill) Seeing is Believing [95] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession II [3] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession III [3] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession IV [3] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession IX [8] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession V [4] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession VI [5] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession VII [6] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Profession VIII [7] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Tradeskill Profession [1] (Tradeskill) Seeking a Tradeskill Profession [3] (Tradeskill) Seeking Assistance [82] (Tradeskill) Seeking Enlightenment [130] (Western Wastes) Seeking Love's Fate in the City of Hate [200] (World Event) Seeking Love's Fate Through Valor [200] (World Event) Seeking Superior Salve [200] (The City of Qeynos) Selected Poems [54] (Tome) Senior Crafter Service [60] (Tradeskill) Sent for Savtek [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Sentinel Snuff Out [80] (Mission) Sentry Shards [65] (Felwithe) Sentry Trillis' Report [3] (Greater Faydark) September: Moors Mayhem [] () Servant of the Temple [37] (Feerrott) Service of the Blades [52] (Sinking Sands) Service of the Coin [52] (Sinking Sands) Service of Truth [52] (Sinking Sands) Serving in the Name of Sul [] () Set Sail for Slaver's Isle [200] (The City of Freeport) Setting the Scene [90] (Tradeskill) Sextet Symphonies [] () Shades of Drinal: Cardin Protection [96] (Signature) Shades of Drinal: Devoted Knowledge [96] (Signature) Shades of Drinal: Dreadcutter at World's End [96] (Signature) Shades of Drinal: Fate's Crusade [96] (Signature) Shades of Drinal: Puzzle Pieces [96] (Signature) Shadow Hunter [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Shadow of the Kobold [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Shadows of the Betrayed [90] (Signature) Shadowy Gems [90] (Destiny of Velious) Shall We Dance? [200] (The City of Freeport) Shards of Amenophas [90] (Desert of Flames) Sharp of Tooth, Long of Tail [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Shattered Dawn [] (Signature) Shattered Dawn: Going to Wrack and Ruin [120] (Signature) Shattered Dawn: Moments in the Sun [120] (Signature) Shattered Dawn: Puzzling Power in Ssraeshza [120] (Signature) Shattered Lands Marks [10] (Heroes' Festival) Shattered Memories [80] (Mission) Shattered Peace [200] (The City of Freeport) Shattered Potentialities [Heroic] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Heroic]) Shattered Potentialities [Solo] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Solo]) Shattered Predictabilities [Heroic] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Heroic]) Shattered Predictabilities [Solo] [130] (Shattered Unrest [Solo]) Shattered Remains [200] (World Event) Shattered Seas: Epilogue in Dethknell Citadel [104] (Signature) Shattered Seas: Epilogue in Qeynos Castle [104] (Signature) Shattered Seas: Journey to Zavith'loa [101] (Signature) Shattered Seas: Revelations in Highhold [102] (Signature) Shattered Seas: Seeds of Malice [102] (Signature) Shattered Seas: Temple of Doom [104] (Signature) Shattered Seas: The Grey of Grim Shales [103] (Signature) She's A Keeper [97] (Skyshrine: The City of Dracur) Shell or High Water [200] (World Event) Shield of Cazel the Mad [] (Overseer) Shields of Phantom Sea [100] (Altar of Malice) Shields of Tranquil Sea [100] (Altar of Malice) Shik'Near and Far [115] (The Blinding) Shimmering Citadel Creature Cataloging [60] (Tome) Shindig Up Some Parts [1] (Jubilee) Shinies Beneath the Moonlight [] () Shining Scarab Collection [50] (Insect) Shiny Lamp [50] (Lamps) Ship Wheels [100] (Altar of Malice) Shipwrecked! [5] (Tradeskill) Shipyard Building Work [80] (Tradeskill) Shipyard Services [80] (Mission) Shissar Glass Idols [100] (Altar of Malice) Shissar Tools [100] (Altar of Malice) Shiver Me Timbers [100] (Altar of Malice) Shoot for the Stars [110] (World Event) Shopping List [100] (Tradeskill) Shore to Shore [20] (Miscellaneous) Shot Through the Heart [200] (World Event) Show Not Tell [106] (Plane of Magic) Shralok Shreds [100] (Altar of Malice) Shreds of Fear [70] (World Event) Shreds of the Past [100] (Altar of Malice) Shroomblight Insignia [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Shroomblight Talisman [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Shrouded Memories of Love [200] (Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor) Side Salad [40] (Tradeskill) Siege Plans [100] (Zek, the Scourge Wastes) Sieging the Opportunity [95] (Tradeskill) Sifting Through the Remains [84] (Mission) Silencing the Music [80] (Mission) Silent City: The Delving Dead collection quests [90] (Silent City: The Delving Dead) Silver Slivers [125] (Shattered Overture) Sink or Swim [200] (The City of Qeynos) Sinking Sands Creature Cataloging [60] (Tome) Six Cense [83] (Mission) Sketch the Qeynos Claymore Monument [8] (Nettleville) Skortch Earth Campaign [130] (Sodden Archipelago) Skulls [70] (Mistmoore Catacombs) Sky Another Day [] () Skyshrine Capital Guild Hall [] () Sleeper's Tomb Essence [92] (Destiny of Velious) Sleeper's Tomb Hoard [92] (Destiny of Velious) Sleeper's Tomb Trinkets [92] (Destiny of Velious) Sleeper's Tomb Weapons [92] (Destiny of Velious) Sleeping Ugly [200] (Miscellaneous) Sleepy Solutions [130] (Splendor Sky Aerie) Sleetfoot Search Party [19] (Frostfang Sea) Slime Samples [80] (Tradeskill) Slowing Down the Progress [80] (Mission) Sluggin' It Out [104] (Obulus Frontier) Slums to Riches [200] (The City of Freeport) Small Droag Claws [60] (Claws) Small Pieces of Airship Plating [60] (Plating) Smith-on-the-Spot [25] (Tradeskill) Smithing the Hours Away [120] (World Event) Smoke Gets in Your Eyes [87] (The Stonebrunt Highlands) Smoldering Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Smuggler's Den [] () Smuggler's Slaughter [100] (PVP Task) Snacky Snacks [100] (Tradeskill) Snake's Den [96] (Mission) Snake's Den [100] (Mission) Snapper Shells [7] (Forest Ruins) Snappish Inquisition [200] (The City of Freeport) Snappy Dressing [90] (Tradeskill) Snappy Trapping [90] (Tradeskill) Sniffwhistle's Superior Attacker [14] (Greater Faydark) Snoogle's Presentation [200] (World Event) Snowfang Skinning [90] (Tradeskill) Snowfang Starvation [90] (Tradeskill) Snuffing the Fabrician of Flames [Event] [128] (Mission) Snug as a Bug [90] (Tradeskill) So Jar So Good [132] (Forlorn Gist) So, I Heard You Like Portals [200] (The City of Qeynos) Soggy Heirlooms [80] (Mission) Soil Improvements [115] (The Blinding) Solo Sonatas [] () Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 111 [125] (Mission) Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 129 [125] (Mission) Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 136 [125] (Mission) Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 148 [125] (Mission) Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 157 [125] (Mission) Solusek Ro Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 164 [125] (Mission) Somborn Spirits [63] (Deity) Something Borrowed, Something Bruised [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls) Something to Bank On [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Something Wrotten [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Sometimes You Feel Like a Knut [18] (Frostfang Sea) Sootfoot Forge Scraps [80] (Tradeskill) Sootfoot Service: Bellowing for Help [45] (Tradeskill) Sootfoot Service: Hot Rocks [45] (Tradeskill) Sootfoot Service: Ore Spillage [45] (Tradeskill) Sootfoot Service: Repairing the Repairs [45] (Tradeskill) Sorry to Disturb [80] (Mission) Soul Provider [95] (Obol Plains) Sowing Beauty [4] (Castleview Hamlet) Sparkling Adornments for the Guard [200] (Tradeskill) Sparks Fly [101] (Mission) Special Delivery [200] (World Event) Specific Resonance [106] (Plane of Magic) Spells of the Ancients [92] (Destiny of Velious) Spherical Retrieval [90] (Eastern Wastes) Spies Among Us [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Spies in Qeynos [200] (The City of Qeynos) Spire Security Force [110] (World Event) Spirit of the Hunt [101] (Mission) Spirits Amongst Them! [120] (Shadeweaver's Thicket) Spirits Astray [95] (Tome) Spirits in the Night [120] (Shadeweaver's Thicket) Spiroc Eggs [18] (Timorous Deep) Splendor Sky Aerie Berries [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Splinter of the Maiden's Eye [118] (Aurelian Coast) Splitpaw Abduction! [25] (World Event) Splitpaw Down Under, Part One [38] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) Splitpaw Down Under, Part Two [39] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) Spore Chore [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Sporist Relics [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Spotted Scarab Collection [50] (Insect) Spreading the Cure [65] (Deity) Springing the Smith [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Spire of Rage) Stained Glass Egg Shells [20] (Beast'r Eggstravaganza) Stalker Wings [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Standards of the Goblin Tribes [85] (Runnyeye: The Gathering) Starving Skeleton Bones [30] (Nights of the Dead) Statue Streak [92] (Mystery Crate) Staying in Control [100] (PVP Task) Steal Yinderis the Snake Charmer's Jeweled Pipe [] (Overseer) Stealthy Supplies: Meet and Greet [130] (Tradeskill) Steppes Creature Cataloging [35] (Tome) Steps to Acceptance [87] (Great Divide) Stewards of Freeport [200] (The City of Freeport) Sticking My Ore In [69] (Hallmark) Sticks and Stones [65] (Deity) Sticky Requests [69] (Bonemire) Stiletto's Orders Intercepted [35] (Heritage) Stirring Trouble [120] (Savage Weald) Stock The Deck [120] (World Event) Stock The Galley [120] (World Event) Stock The Hold [120] (World Event) Stockpile the Rock Pile [80] (Mission) Stolen Apotropaics [80] (Mission) Stones of the Ancients [92] (Destiny of Velious) Stop the Enclave [68] (Bonemire) Stopping the Excavation [68] (Bonemire) Stopping the March [100] (Mission) Storage Wars [132] (Merchant's Den) Storm Giant Beard Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Storming the Gates [80] (Mission) Stormy Defenses [130] (Zimara Breadth) Stragglers [96] (Tranquil Sea) Strange Occurrences [25] (Deity) Striped Scarab Collection [50] (Insect) Strong Brew Root Beer [200] (World Event) Studies in Speciation [10] (Caves) Subtle Differences [106] (Plane of Magic) Sul'Dal Studies [52] (Sinking Sands) Sun Gems [50] (Jewelry) Suna of the Griffins [92] (Eastern Wastes) Sundered Ground, an Investigation for the Order of Arcane [200] (World Event) Sundered Ground, an Investigation for The Spurned [200] (World Event) Superior Spears [15] (Tradeskill) Supply and Reprimands [132] (Forlorn Gist) Supply Run Overthere [78] (Fens of Nathsar) Supply Stocking [80] (Mission) Surveying the Land [90] (Tradeskill) Survive the Night [200] (World Event) Sustaining Souls of Bloody Kithicor [102] (Phantom Sea) Svarni Scenes [120] (Tradeskill) Swamp Fire Defense [77] (Kunzar Jungle) Swamp Terrors [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Swampflitter Extermination [15] (Greater Faydark) Sweet Spell of Success [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Sweet Tooth [40] (Tradeskill) Swifttail Shackle Links [78] (Kunark) Swimming For Shrooms [101] (Treasure Hunt) Swimming in Nightmares [106] (Mission) Syllabary of the Winds [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Symbols of Argent Sanctuary [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Symbols of the Damned [50] (Nektulos Forest) Tabards of the Deepwater Knights [90] (Sentinel's Fate) Tailors on the Task [120] (World Event) Tainted Love [200] (World Event) Take to the Skies [130] (Sandstone Delta) Takeback the Tools [97] (Fortress of Drunder: Strategist's Stronghold) Taking a little trip... [80] (Miscellaneous) Taking Back High Keep [96] (Mission) Taking Back High Keep [100] (Mission) Takish Delight: D.I.R.T.Y. Deeds [125] (Tradeskill) Takish Delight: Tickety BOOM [125] (Tradeskill) Takish Field Research Requisition A [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Takish Field Research Requisition B [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Takish Field Research Requisition C [125] (Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro) Takish'Hiz Arena: Renewal of Ro [133] (Mission) Tales of Malice [100] (Altar of Malice) Talismans of the Ancients [92] (Destiny of Velious) Taming of the Tuatara [94] (Obol Plains) Taming Wild Magic [80] (Mission) Tangled Roots of Growth [93] (Heritage) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 11 [125] (Mission) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 23 [125] (Mission) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 36 [125] (Mission) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 41 [125] (Mission) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 55 [125] (Mission) Tarew Marr Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 63 [125] (Mission) Tarnished Lamp [50] (Lamps) Task of the Rider [75] (Kunzar Jungle) Taskish Tablets for the Taking [130] (Raj'Dur Plateaus) Teach a Man to Aetherfish [106] (Plane of Magic) Teaching New Tricks [90] (Great Divide) Teaching the Drogans a Lesson [80] (Mission) Teachings of Master Wu [60] (Tome) Tear in the Grotto [101] (Cobalt Scar) Tears of Ice [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Tears of Veeshan: Falling Tears [101] (Signature) Tears of Veeshan: Shattered Dreams [95] (Signature) Tears of Veeshan: The Core Problem [101] (Signature) Tears of Veeshan: The Eternal Broodlands [101] (Signature) Techgnical Difficulties [92] (Withered Lands) Tegi Amulet Making [120] (Tradeskill) Tellurav Marshlands Grasses [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Temple of Rallos Zek Holy Symbols [90] (Destiny of Velious) Temple Visitor [100] (Tradeskill) Tenebrous Doors [60] (Tradeskill) Termite Troubles, Part III [200] (Tradeskill) Termite Troubles, Part IV [200] (Tradeskill) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 119 [125] (Mission) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 126 [125] (Mission) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 135 [125] (Mission) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 140 [125] (Mission) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 151 [125] (Mission) Terris-Thule Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 168 [125] (Mission) Terrors Run Deep [200] (World Event) Test Your Mettle: Aetheric Safety [125] (Tradeskill) Test Your Mettle: The Width of the Breadth [125] () Test Your Mettle: Time to Preen [125] (Tradeskill) Test Your Mettle: W.H.O.O.? [125] (Tradeskill) Test: Mischeva's Champion [] () Testaments of Stone [65] (Deity) Testing, Testing! [9] (Kelethin) Thalumbral Trailblazing [] () Thawed Marshes Raider [Cleared!] [] () The "Travels" of Yun Zi - An Altar-Nate Malice [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - An Eternity Without You [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - An Oasis For Your Thoughts [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - Echoes of the Past [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - I Need to See Moors Places [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - Ice to See Velious [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - In a Kingdom Far Away [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - Kunark or Bust [200] (Miscellaneous) The "Travels" of Yun Zi - Tears for Fears [200] (Miscellaneous) The Adventure of the Devoted Disciple [200] (World Event) The Adventure of the Undercover Disciple [200] (World Event) The Alliance [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors) The Anchorage: Ak'anon's Finest Requisition 1093 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Ak'anon's Finest Requisition 7642 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Ak'anon's Finest Requisition 8764 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Ak'anon's Finest Requisition 8971 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: All's Eye Requisition 4322 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: All's Eye Requisition 8764 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: All's Eye Requisition 9041 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: All's Eye Requisition 9433 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Feyiron Skillets Requisition 1002 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Feyiron Skillets Requisition 1004 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Feyiron Skillets Requisition 2283 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Feyiron Skillets Requisition 9981 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Hammer Requisition 1033 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Hammer Requisition 4472 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Hammer Requisition 7604 [110] (Tradeskill) The Anchorage: Hammer Requisition 8031 [110] (Tradeskill) The Animus Agenda [200] (The City of Freeport) The Ant Tale [70] (Tome) The Architectural Underground, Part One [10] (Vermin's Snye) The Architectural Underground, Part Three [14] (Vermin's Snye) The Architectural Underground, Part Two [10] (Vermin's Snye) The Arena of Zek [70] (World Event) The Art of Killing Iksar [70] (Tome) The Awakened [65] (Tome) The Barren Sky Creature Cataloging [70] (Tome) The Battle of Cauldron Hollow [70] (World Event) The Bear Essentials [25] (Tradeskill) The Beasts Unleashed [106] (Mission) The Bees Sees [61] (Tenebrous Tangle) The Beginning of the End? [200] (Miscellaneous) The Big Bang Theory [70] (Tome) The Blackened Scepter [] (Overseer) The Blood of the Bear, Part One [32] (Ruins of Varsoon) The Blood of the Bear, Part Three [33] (Enchanted Lands) The Blood of the Bear, Part Two [32] (Enchanted Lands) The Bone Bladed Claymore [45] (Heritage) The Bonemire Creature Cataloging [70] (Tome) The Book of Power [70] (Miscellaneous) The Book of Sacrifice [70] (Miscellaneous) The Book of Thex [85] (Heritage) The Book of Trials [70] (Miscellaneous) The Booksmith [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors) The Broken Hand [85] (Signature) The Broken Lord's Crown [] (Overseer) The Burning Grove [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Captain's Crystal [92] (The Vigilant: Rescue) The Captain's Lament [93] (Tradeskill) The Caretaker [55] (Access Quests) The Chamber of the Claymore [200] (World Event) The City of Hate and Suspicion of The Dead [100] (Neriak) The City of Hate and Suspicion of the Disciples [100] (Neriak) The Cleft Dweller [55] (Tome) The Commander's Wife [30] (Ruins of Varsoon) The Contentment [45] (Tome) The Contentment [48] (Everfrost) The Crook Cook [92] (The Vigilant: Rescue) The Cruel Conservatory [90] (Vasty Deep: The Conservatory) The Delineation of Method [120] (Tradeskill) The Desert Beasts [55] (Tome) The Desert Serpent [54] (Tome) The Devil is in the Details [62] (Barren Sky) The Dire Warg Whisperer [67] (Loping Plains) The Djinn Master's Reprise [] () The Dreadcutter's Haul [20] (Year of Darkpaw) The Dream Scorcher [85] (Signature) The Drogan Elite [80] (Mission) The Dying [43] (Everfrost) The Dying [45] (Tome) The Eagle and the Hawk [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Emerald Lake [15] (Greater Faydark) The Enchanted Serpent [15] (Serpent Sewer) The Enemy in Our Midst [200] (The City of Freeport) The Essence of a Prophet [90] (Heritage) The Essentials of Battle [95] (Tradeskill) The Estate of Rest [72] (Tome) The Everlasting Quill of Ashe Boderra [85] (Signature) The Fairy Lantern [200] (Miscellaneous) The Far Side of Tears, Part Four [37] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) The Far Side of Tears, Part One [34] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) The Far Side of Tears, Part Three [36] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) The Far Side of Tears, Part Two [35] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) The Far, Far Away Far Pelican [54] (Feerrott) The Fe'Dhar Family Brand [95] (Destiny of Velious) The Feerrott Creature Cataloging [45] (Tome) The Final Blow [100] (Tradeskill) The Fire Within [120] (Solusek's Eye: The Calling) The First Battle [45] (Tome) The First Battle [50] (Everfrost) The First Vision [62] (Tome) The Flames That Cannot Die [90] (The Hole) The Fledglings [70] (Tome) The Fleshbound Tome Speaks Again [30] (Nektropos Castle) The Forbidden Pages [80] (Tome) The Four-Armed Man [97] (Tranquil Sea) The Fourth Warrior - Unification [70] (Heritage) The Freeport Citizen's Guide to Opportunity [7] (Tome) The Freeport Citizen's Guide to Opportunity - 2nd Edition [7] (Tome) The Gardening Goblin [100] (Tradeskill) The Gauntlet [13] (Frostfang Sea) The Giftgiver's Dilemma [200] (World Event) The Gnollish Menace [200] (Miscellaneous) The Golden Tablet [] (Overseer) The Golden Trowel [] (Overseer) The Good, the Bad and the Broken [128] (Wracklands: Diaku Corral) The Grandiose Wordsmith Pursuance [120] (Tradeskill) The Great Candy (Cane) Chase [200] (World Event) The Great Flood [15] (Blackburrow) The Great Haunt [95] (Nights of the Dead) The Growing [45] (Tome) The Growing [47] (Everfrost) The Grumbling [120] (Tradeskill) The Guts of the Matter [97] (Cobalt Scar) The Halls of the Dead Creature Cataloging [30] (Tome) The Hammer of Below [65] (Tome) The Hangry Halfling: Karuupa Jungle [125] (Tradeskill) The Hangry Halfling: Mahngavi Wastes [125] (Tradeskill) The Hangry Halfling: Svarni Expanse [125] (Tradeskill) The Haunting [60] (Haunted House) The Haunting [70] (Haunted House) The Haunting [200] (Haunted House) The Healing of Amree [85] (Signature) The Heart of a Gnome [55] (Village of Shin) The Heart of Qeynos [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Heat Is On [200] (World Event) The Hedge Hollow Collection [80] (Trinkets) The History of Poetry [56] (Tome) The Jeweled Fez [] (Overseer) The Journal of Rocco Barisano [19] (Serpent Sewer) The Journey is Half the Fun [50] (Heritage) The Kaborite Stuff [130] (Sodden Archipelago) The Killer's Souvenir [103] (Vesspyr Isles) The Koada'Dal Paragon [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Lady of the Lake [39] (Feerrott) The Last Battle [43] (Everfrost) The Last Battle [45] (Tome) The Legacy of Yasva V'Alear [85] (Signature) The Legend of Dalnir [70] (Tome) The Legend of Froststone [90] (Heritage) The Legend of Roger Goldie: Booty Abound! [65] (Hallmark) The Legend of the Geargobbler [200] (World Event) The Littlest Hill Giant [70] (Tome) The Long Dark [] () The Lore of Fauna: The Behemoth [15] (Tome) The Lost Legend of Lavastorm [45] (Heritage) The Lost Miner [101] (Treasure Hunt) The Lost Othmir [96] (Cobalt Scar) The Lyresmith Poetry Collection - Children's Rhymes [43] (Obelisk of Lost Souls) The Mad Poet [56] () The Mad Poet [60] (Access Quests) The Maiden of Masks [80] (Tome) The Maiden of Masks [85] (Signature) The Man with the Tinkered Eye [100] (Tradeskill) The Master of the Fluttering Wing [74] (Access Quests) The Merchant's Deal [36] (Feerrott) The Merchant's Deal [40] (Tome) The Merchants of Skyshrine [95] (Destiny of Velious) The Minions of the Mighty Creature Cataloging [55] (Tome) The Missing Heart Leaves a Hole [] (Plane of Magic) The Monsters [22] (Nektulos Forest) The Mother Lode [12] (Darklight Wood) The Murkies [19] (Serpent Sewer) The Mysterious Egg [50] (Miscellaneous) The Mystery of Draazak [101] (Vesspyr Isles) The Mystery of the Clandestine Cabal [200] (World Event) The Mystery of the Secret Cabal [200] (World Event) The Nails That Built Guk [110] (Return to Guk) The Name of My Forefathers [50] (Access Quests) The Name of My Forefathers [52] (Access Quests) The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. I [74] (Tome) The Necropolis of Lxanvon Vol. II [74] (Tome) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Antonica or Bust [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Commonlands, Uncommon Heart [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Defrosting Everfrost [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Disenchanting the Enchanted [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Feerrott Not, I Shall Find You [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Having Fun Storming Lavastorm [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Run Nektulos Forest Run [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - Thundering Steppes By Steppes [200] (Miscellaneous) The new "Travels" of Yun Zi - To Zek With It. [200] (Miscellaneous) The Nights of the Dead [50] (Tome) The Nine Contemplations [35] (Tome) The Not So Nice Yet Accurate Prophecies of Beckah Stormsong [120] (World Event) The Old Sting of Betrayal [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) The One Who Speaks [106] (Mission) The Oops Factor [23] (Serpent Sewer) The Orcs of Norrath [35] (Tome) The Outpost of the Overlord [1] (Outpost of the Overlord) The Overlord's Impending Speech [200] (World Event) The Path to Freedom! [36] (World Event) The Pirate's Bride [60] (Village of Shin) The Planes of Power [] (Tome) The Planes: Chapters 1 through 5 [Heroic I] [114] (Mission: Weekly) The Planes: Chapters 6 through 10 [Solo] [117] (Mission: Weekly) The Platinum Eye [] (Overseer) The Play's the Thing [200] (World Event) The Poems of Alyarrah [56] (Tome) The Power of Hate [200] (World Event) The Price of the Crown [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Priceless Time Monocle [] (Overseer) The Priestess of Lesser Faydark [60] (Deity) The Proof of the Pudding [80] (Signature) The Queen is Threatened! [97] (Fortress of Drunder:Tower of Tactics) The Queen's Colony [1] (Queen's Colony) The Queen's Impending Speech [200] (World Event) The Reaching Blade of the Assassin [40] (Heritage) The Real Terror of Thalumbra [104] (Mission) The Red Shadow's Long Fingers [101] (Signature) The Rescue of the Green Hoods [40] (Heritage) The Return of the Light [20] (Heritage) The Reward for Loyalty [200] (The City of Freeport) The Rightful Heir [200] (The City of Qeynos) The Ritual of Calling [9] (Kelethin) The Ruby Emperor [100] (Altar of Malice) The Sabertooth Mining Guide, Part One [12] (Blackburrow) The Sabertooth Mining Guide, Part Two [15] (Blackburrow) The Saboteur of Peace [65] (Deity) The Saga of Yasva V'Alear [85] (Signature) The Same Wavelength [80] (Mission) The Savage Deepening of Spirit [98] (Signature) The Scepter of Life [] (Overseer) The Science of Destruction [106] (Mission) The Screaming Mace [50] (Heritage) The Scrivener's Tale: A Bee In Need, A Bee Indeed [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: A Crafter's Plea [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Animating the Inanimate [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Back to the Library, Shhhh! [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Cause for Alarm [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Copper for a Tale [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Crafting at a Snail's Pace [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Custodial Refurbishment [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Difficulties Delivering [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Erecting the Monument [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Escargot Overclocking [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Followup Friendships [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: In Preparation for Anything [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Incumbent Incubation [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Pollination Perfection [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Seeding the Tale [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: Source of Discontent [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: The Notion of a Potion [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: The Proof of Power [110] (Tradeskill) The Scrivener's Tale: The Reach of Ivy [110] (Tradeskill) The Second Wife's Tale [50] (Tome) The Secret of the Stone [85] (The Moppet Shoppe) The Shadow Odyssey, Chapter 1: Come Sail Away [80] (Signature) The Siege is Not Over [12] (Frostfang Sea) The Siege of Zek: Sacrifice [Heroic] [100] (Signature) The Siege of Zek: Sacrifice [Solo] [100] (Signature) The Skin of the Serpent [19] (Serpent Sewer) The Sky's The Limit [85] (Miscellaneous) The Smell of Home [95] (Tradeskill) The Space Between Spaces [200] (World Event) The Spear of the Sentries [70] (World Event) The Spirit of Ab'zheri [57] (Sinking Sands) The Spirit Sees All [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) The Staff of the Observers [50] (Heritage) The Stein of Moggok: It Can Be Rebuilt... [40] (Heritage) The Stolen Tome [55] (Village of Shin) The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. I [62] (Tome) The Stone Frum Pazt, Vol. II [62] (Tome) The Storm Shepherds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe [32] (Enchanted Lands) The Storm Shepherds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe [37] (Tome) The Storm Shepherds - Gremius Hazzengrav [32] (Enchanted Lands) The Storm Shepherds - Gremius Hazzengrav [37] (Tome) The Storm Shepherds - Tammin Whipperwillow [33] (Enchanted Lands) The Storm Shepherds - Tammin Whipperwillow [37] (Tome) The Storm Shepherds - The Calm [33] (Enchanted Lands) The Storm Shepherds - The Calm [37] (Tome) The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour [32] (Enchanted Lands) The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour [37] (Tome) The Story of Ankexfen [62] (Tome) The Story of Taruun [120] (Tome) The Story of the Rat Queen [20] (Vermin's Snye) The Summoning [14] (Darklight Wood) The Summoning [27] (Nektulos Forest) The Suspicious Sarnak Super Soldiers [85] (Miscellaneous) The Symbol in the Flesh [68] (Heritage) The Tablets of Judicare Septem [20] (Deity) The Tablets of the Blademaster [55] (Pillars of Flame) The Tale of the Gigglegibber Grump [200] (World Event) The Tale of the Rujarkian Warrior [55] (Tome) The Tale of the Silent City [53] (Tome) The Tale of Tirazzah [51] (Tome) The Taloned Vigil Infiltrators [68] (Bonemire) The Teachings of Yoru [45] (Heritage) The Tenebrous Tangle Creature Cataloging [70] (Tome) The Three Keys - The First [20] (Thundering Steppes) The Three Keys - The Second [20] (Thundering Steppes) The Three Keys - The Third [20] (Thundering Steppes) The Tome of Tinkering [90] (World Event) The Tower of Frozen Shadow [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) The Trainee's Test [25] (Serpent Sewer) The Trainer [70] (Tome) The Trials of Miragul [80] (Mission) The Trials of Sir Morgan [27] (Antonica) The Trials of Sir Morgan [30] (Antonica) The Triumph of Fear [80] (Heritage) The Troubling Truth [200] (Antonica) The Unclaimed Eye [70] (Tome) The Veins and Flakes Riddle [130] (Zimara Breadth) The Vexing Golden Coin [106] (Plane of Magic) The Vigilant: Runed Scrolls [92] (Sentinel's Fate) The Wall [35] (Enchanted Lands) The Wall [38] (Tome) The Warlord's Tale [80] (Ruins of Guk: The Outer Stronghold of Ykesha) The Warrior's Call: Volume I [] (Signature) The White Dragonscale Cloak [84] (Heritage) The Wick is Curiosity [] (Plane of Magic) The Will of Kyrtoxxulous [85] (Signature) The Will of the Warlord [80] (Mission) The Wizardly Harvest [90] (Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella) The Wondrous Inventions of a Crazed Gnome [65] (Heritage) The Word of the Harbingers - Freeport [200] (World Event) The Word of the Harbingers - Qeynos [200] (World Event) The Writings of an Unkempt Druid [95] (Obol Plains) The Ydalian Anlace [83] (Mission) The Year of Darkpaw Crafter [] () There Will Be Ghosts [200] (World Event) These Boots Were Made For... [25] (Heritage) Thessk Infestation [101] (Vesspyr Isles) thexian artifacts [70] (Artifacts) They're Here... [200] (The City of Freeport) Thief of Hearts [200] (World Event) Thieves in the Thicket [120] (Shadeweaver's Thicket) Third Bot is the Charm [65] (Barren Sky) Third Place in Erollisi Day - Hearts a'Flutter contest [90] (World Event) This Won't End Well... [200] (World Event) Thrael'Gorr Creature Cataloging [92] (Tome) Thrael'Gorr Idols Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Thralg's Blessed Cologne [] (Overseer) Threads of Charisa's Robe [95] (Destiny of Velious) Thready for Anything [200] (World Event) Threats Great and Not so Small [133] (Mission) Three Bushels Fresh [9] (The City of Qeynos) Throne of Storms Oathstones [90] (Destiny of Velious) Through the Belly of the Beast [120] (Tradeskill) Through the Gates of Bliss for Hate [200] (World Event) Through the Gates of Bliss for Love [200] (World Event) Through the Rathe Mountains [39] (Feerrott) Thudomatonian Monotony [90] (Tradeskill) Thugs on a Plain [94] (Obol Plains) Thumpy Sticks [100] (Tradeskill) Thunder in the Hills [90] (Tradeskill) Thurgadin Ice Brew [200] (World Event) Thurgadin Mementos [90] (Tradeskill) Tiffin for Duggin [50] (Miscellaneous) Time Is Short [100] (Tradeskill) Tin Metal Protection [200] (World Event) Tinker-Bound History [200] (World Event) Tinkered Parts [80] (Live Events) Tinkered Technology [90] (Tradeskill) Tinkerfest Cheer [200] (World Event) Tinmizer Parts Salvage [80] (Mission) Tiptoe Through the Shadows [120] (Tradeskill) Tizmak Treasure Taker [90] (Great Divide) Tizmak Trophies [90] (Destiny of Velious) To Be Up and To Arm [89] (Great Divide) To Capture a Dream [90] (Tradeskill) To Catch The Sky [65] (Barren Sky) To Echo Echo [5] (Greater Faydark) To Fail is to Learn [200] (The City of Qeynos) To Paint a Pretty Picture [83] (The Sundered Frontier) To Shell and Back [200] (World Event) To the Barren Sky [63] (Tenebrous Tangle) To The Great Shelf! [10] (Frostfang Sea) To the Pain! [76] (Kunzar Jungle) Toes, Teeth, and Death [100] (Obulus Frontier) Tokens from the Tiny [100] (Altar of Malice) Tokens of the Eastern Wastes [90] (Destiny of Velious) Tokens of the Great Divide [90] (Destiny of Velious) Tomb Guard's Chair [15] (Vermin's Snye) Tonic for the Soul [95] (Tradeskill) Tools For Their Trade [30] (Tradeskill) Torture Instruments [30] (Crushbone Keep) Torture Tools [100] (Altar of Malice) Tortured Phantasms [84] (Mission) Total Eclipse of the Heart [200] (World Event) Totemic Reinforcement [91] (Tradeskill) Totems of the Ashlok [20] (Year of Darkpaw) Toxic Cleanup [106] (Mission) Toxic Splash [106] (Mission) Tracking the Croc [80] (The Moors of Ykesha) Trader Among Us [104] (Obulus Frontier) Tradesman Service [35] (Tradeskill) Traditional Dhalgar Forgework [100] (Tradeskill) Trail of Schemes in the Catacombs [200] (The City of Qeynos) Trail of the Betrayer [96] (Mission) Trail of the Betrayer [100] (Mission) Train to Zone! [200] (World Event) Training is a Shield [40] (Heritage) Trakanon's Reprise [] () Tranquil Assistance [81] (Tradeskill) Trap Trip [90] (Tradeskill) Traveler's Feast - Butcherblock Pumpkin Bread [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Coldwind Clam Chowder [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Darklight Beetle Omelets [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Dervish Squash Curry [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Kylong Bean Casserole [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Mara Mandaikon Kakiage [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Othmir Pepper Pasta [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Rivervale Ratatouille [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Feast - Sky Cake [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Deadly Nights [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Evoking Love [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Gears and Gadgets [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Getting a Feel For Frostfell [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - More than Beer? [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Oceans for the Oceanless [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - The Meaning of Mischief [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - Under a Burning Sky [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Holidays - We Need a Hero! [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Angry, Angry, Angry [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Around the Landing [125] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Around the Landing [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Central Kylong [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Deeper into Kylong [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Focusing on Fens [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Killers in Kunzar [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Not the Panda! [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Scouting Skyfire [200] (Miscellaneous) Traveler's Kunark Catalog: Still not a Panda! [200] (Miscellaneous) Trawling the Terrors [Event] [128] (Mission) Treacherous Waters [106] (Mission) Treasure Maps [100] (Altar of Malice) Treasures of Veksar [80] (Mission) Tree Bark [80] (Live Events) Tree of Growf [100] (Tradeskill) Tree within a Tree [25] (Antonica) Trial by Pie [20] (Deity) Trial of Flame [70] (World Event) Trial of the Gatekeeper [60] (Deity) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 118 [125] (Mission) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 127 [125] (Mission) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 134 [125] (Mission) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 142 [125] (Mission) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 155 [125] (Mission) Tribunal Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 163 [125] (Mission) Tribute Flowers [5] (Willow Wood) Tribute to the Huntress [200] (World Event) Trick or Treatskiller [200] (World Event) Trickster Tails [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Tricksy Trinkets [95] (Tears of Veeshan) Tricky Treats [] () Trinkets of the Ascent [90] (Destiny of Velious) Trinkets of the Cursed [90] (Destiny of Velious) Trinni's Adventures Abroad [52] (Tome) Trinni's Adventures Aloft [60] (Tome) Trip to the Bizarre [118] (Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar) Triumph: Answer the Call [] () Triumph: Dark Side Researcher [] () Triumph: Decimation of Malice [] () Triumph: Flawless all Raid encounters [] () Triumph: Power Raider (Tier 1) [] () Triumphant Champion of Faydwer [] () Triumphs of Shattered Seas [100] (Altar of Malice) Troll Patrol [4] (Big Bend) Trouble in Haven [120] (City of Fordel Midst) Trouble in the Keep [91] (Eastern Wastes) Trust Issues [20] (Frostfang Sea) Truth and Consequences [200] (The City of Freeport) Tserrina's Strife [90] (Tower of Frozen Shadow) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 16 [125] (Mission) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 22 [125] (Mission) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 37 [125] (Mission) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 45 [125] (Mission) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 58 [125] (Mission) Tunare Celebration Research Investigation - Vol 64 [125] (Mission) Tunare's Glade Leaves [80] (Tradeskill) Turning Steel Into Gold [200] (The City of Freeport) Turning Turtle [25] (Tradeskill) Turning Water Into Wine [200] (The City of Freeport) Turtle Odds 'n Ends [47] (Everfrost) Tutorial: Alchemical Experiments [8] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: Countering Problems [4] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: Essential Outfitting [9] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: Forging Ahead [3] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: Learning to Cook [5] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: Scribing Scrolls [7] (Tradeskill) Tutorial: The Art of Weapons [6] (Tradeskill) Twark Defender [100] (Tradeskill) Twelfth Anniversary Celebration [] () Two Heads Are Better Than One [90] (World Event) Two-Pronged Assault [96] (Mission: Weekly) Two-Pronged Assault [100] (Mission: Weekly) Ulteran Spires Reward [70] (Hallmark) Ulteran Spires Support Structures [60] (World Event) Umbral Scavenger Scraps [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Unblemished Oeuvre [] () Uncertainties in the Deep [42] (Everfrost) Uncharted Profit [80] (Mission) Uncovering the Froglok Secret [25] (Hallmark) Undead of Ro Creature Cataloging [60] (Tome) Underdepths Saga [] () Underdepths Saga: Zaphardt's Defenders [100] (Signature) Underfoot Defender [100] (Tradeskill) Underpaw Gnoll Tide Resurgence [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Underpaw Relics [130] (Darkpaw Rising) Underpaw Weapons [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Undertaking Duties [80] (Mission) Unforgotten [100] (Terrors of Thalumbra) Unfriendly Sprockets [53] (Steamfont Mountains) Unknown Shores [120] (World Event) Unlikely Saviors [100] (Tradeskill) Unlock their Secrets [79] (The Moors of Ykesha) Unlocking the Elfin Lord [200] (World Event) Unsafe Harbor [200] (The City of Qeynos) Unsealed Tombs [101] (Treasure Hunt) Unwelcome Holdouts [80] (Mission) Upon the Wolves of War [90] (Great Divide) Urzarach Chaos [100] (Altar of Malice) Urzarach Weapons [100] (Altar of Malice) Vahl that Remains [120] (Shar Vahl) Valkyrie Saga - Frosthorn Ambush [] (Overseer) Valkyrie Saga - Lottie Troubles [] (Overseer) Valla Brewhammer's Special Brew [200] (World Event) Vallon's Gambit [97] (Fortress of Drunder:Tower of Tactics) Valor of the Freeblood [200] (The City of Qeynos) Valtith's Thirsting Tome [] () vampire fang collection [50] (Vampire Fang) Vampiricide [83] (Mission) Vanquishing the Chaos Descending [] () Varsoon Vanquisher [] () Veneration Protection [130] (Western Wastes) Vengeance ist Rainscour's! [48] (Everfrost) Vestiges of Growth [90] (Destiny of Velious) Vethka the Gorger [3] (Timorous Deep) Vials and Beakers [120] (Reign of Shadows) Vigilant Crew Badges [92] (Sentinel's Fate) Vigilant Navigation Maps and Tools [92] (Sentinel's Fate) Vile Creatures [106] (Mission) Viper Fangs [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Vision of Love [100] (World Event) Visions of Vetrovia [] () Visions of Vetrovia: A Smashing Success [132] (Signature) Visions of Vetrovia: Evil Dedraka [128] (Signature) Visions of Vetrovia: Handle With Scare [129] (Signature) Visions of Vetrovia: Into the Keep [126] (Signature) Visions of Vetrovia: Vacrul Intentions [132] (Signature) Visions of Vetrovia: Welcome to the Jungle [127] (Signature) Visiting Crater Pond [11] (The City of Qeynos) Voices Beyond [101] (Mission) Voices Beyond [106] (Mission) Voices of Madness [101] (Mission) Void Storms Continue [200] (World Event) Void Tempests Continue [200] (World Event) Vultak Claws [65] (Claws) Walking Dead [98] (Cobalt Scar) War and Wardrobe [35] (Heritage) War Armor of the Ca'Na [85] (Sentinel's Fate) War in the Shadows [200] (The City of Freeport) War Machines [93] (Eidolon Jungle) Ward Empowerment [200] (World Event) Ward Empowerment Continues [200] (World Event) Wards To Live By [129] (Mahngavi Wastes) Warm on the Inside [60] (Tradeskill) Warm on the Outside [60] (Tradeskill) Warn the Rilissians [72] (Kylong Plains) Watch Out Below! [19] (Frostfang Sea) Watching Over Qeynos [200] (The City of Qeynos) Water in the Desert [50] (Tradeskill) Water Skeeter Bugs [80] (Live Events) Waterfalls [65] (Tome) Waters of Strife [101] (Vesspyr Isles) Waters So Sacred [100] (Altar of Malice) Wax On [50] (Tradeskill) We Can Rebuild [200] (World Event) We Will Be Free Again [70] (Tome) Weald Field Research Requisition 421 [120] (Tradeskill) Weald Field Research Requisition 422 [120] (Tradeskill) Weald Field Research Requisition 423 [120] (Tradeskill) Weevils on the Evils [11] (Greater Faydark) Welcome to Freeport [1] (Hallmark) Welcome to Haven! [200] (Betrayal) Welcome to Kelethin! [7] (Tome) Welcome to Qeynos [1] (Hallmark) Welcome to Qeynos, Citizen! [7] (Tome) Welcome to Qeynos, Citizen! - 2nd Edition [7] (Tome) Well Worth the Troubles [94] (Obol Plains) Were Is the Messenger: Covers and Crunchies [120] (Tradeskill) Were Is the Messenger: Different Tastes [120] (Tradeskill) Were Is the Messenger: Local Living [120] (Tradeskill) Were Is the Messenger: Mad Machinations [120] (Tradeskill) Were Is the Messenger: Where the Weres Are [120] (Tradeskill) Werewolf Fangs [75] (Loping Plains) What Dreams May Come [90] (Heritage) What is Rightfully Hers [65] (Deity) What is That Noise?! [200] (World Event) What Others Could Not Accomplish [200] (The City of Qeynos) What's Going On? [90] (World Event) What's Love Got to Do With It? [200] (World Event) Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee! [100] (World Event) Wheel of Misfortune [92] (Withered Lands) Where Are All The Clean Bedrolls? [95] (Tradeskill) Whispers of Tyranny: Shadowbane and Shadowveined [120] (Signature) White Cowls, Black Hearts [200] (The City of Freeport) Whiz-Bangs [100] (Altar of Malice) Who Ordered Desert? Raj'Dur Plateaus [128] (Mission: Weekly) Who Ordered Desert? Sandstone Delta [128] (Mission: Weekly) Who Ordered Desert? Takish Badlands [128] (Mission: Weekly) Why Does There Have To Be Frogs? [80] (Mission) Will of the Stormhammers [200] (The City of Qeynos) Winds of Change [200] (The City of Qeynos) Winged Troubles - Tracking Droag [] (Overseer) Wings N' Things [65] (Barren Sky) Wintry Guardian Devotionals [20] (Frostfell) Wisdom of the Flock [71] (Palace of the Awakened) Withered Land Remnants of the Storm [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Dragon Sigils [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Evidence of Decay [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Forest Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Fossils [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Insect Collection [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withered Lands Swamp Souvenirs [90] (Destiny of Velious) Withholding Information [80] (Mission) Witness Transcripts from Kane Bayle's Trial [20] (Crypt of Betrayal) Wood You Avenge Her? [38] (Zek, the Orcish Wastes) Wooden Salvage [80] (Tradeskill) Woodworkers Cutting the Workload [120] (World Event) Working Behind the Scenes [200] (World Event) Working Hard for Tupta - Getting Plastered [200] (Tradeskill) Working Hard for Tupta - House Repairs [200] (Tradeskill) Working Hard for Tupta - Pottering Around [200] (Tradeskill) Working Hard for Tupta - Swamp Treats [200] (Tradeskill) Working Hard for Tupta - Tupta Toys [200] (Tradeskill) Worn Droag Teeth [70] (Teeth) Worthy Scion [200] (Darkpaw Warrens) Wounded by Harpies [] (Overseer) Wounds of the Heart [85] (Signature) Wrapping It All Up [60] (Silent City) Wu's Edict of the Material [55] (Lesser Faydark) Xanne's Carcanet [84] (Mission) Yazdani Figurines [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Yazdani Protector Symbols [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Yazdani Symbols [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Year of Darkpaw: Celebration Contribution [5] (Mission) Yet More "Travels" of Yun Zi - Altering the Altar [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - Destined for Destiny [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - ECHO ECHo ECho Echo echo [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - Eternally Eternity [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - More Moors [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet More "Travels" of Yun Zi - Returning to Tears [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - Rising to the Occasion [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun Zi - Skies the Limit [200] (Miscellaneous) Yet more "Travels" of Yun-Zi - Once Again in the Desert [200] (Miscellaneous) Yodie's Adventure - Kedge Curiosity [] (Overseer) You Can Kill Count on Me [100] (Obulus Frontier) You Don't Bring Me Flowers [200] (World Event) You Only Test Twice [100] (Tradeskill) You're In The Gnarmy Now [35] (Tradeskill) Yours, Stein, and Ours [120] (World Event) Zakir Rish Armor [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Zakir Rish Blood [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Zakir Rish Removal [130] (Zimara Breadth) Zakir Rish Symbols [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Zakir Rish Weapons [130] (Ballads of Zimara) Zavith'loa Allu'thoa Idols [100] (Altar of Malice) Zavith'loa Flowers [100] (Altar of Malice) Zavith'loa Mushrooms [100] (Altar of Malice) Zek Creature Cataloging [40] (Tome) Zerilia [19] (Darklight Wood) Zombie Bits [125] (Shattered Overture) Zubzub's Munchies, Part IV [200] (Tradeskill) Zygomyd Fetish [10] (Darkpaw Rising) Zygomyd Gear [130] (Darkpaw Rising)
Quest or collection starter:
"Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" "Alliz Onu" "Alliz Tae Evol" "Alliz Tae Ew" "Bestest Orc Emperors" "Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part I" "Bird Watching - The Beast of the Enchanted Lands, Part II" "Bird Watching - The Do's and Dont's of Nektulos Forest" "Bronsin" "Dance of the Ancient" "Destroyer's Folly" "Dragoon Zytl - Black Rank" "Dragoon Zytl - Blood Rank" "Dragoon Zytl - Green Rank" "Even More Adventures Of Jorbo And Mappy" "Fauna of the Enchanted Lands A - K" "Fauna of the Enchanted Lands L - Z" in the library "Foreman Garz'gog Dyeree" "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. I" "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. II" "History of the Runnyeye Goblins, Vol. III" "Horguz" "How to Serve Mortals - Flowing Thoughts" "How to Serve Mortals - Slow Thoughts" "Jerb Northstar's Journal" "Leatherfoot Brigade Field Training Guide" "Local Color - Halas" "More Adventures of Jorbo and Mappy" "Quotes of General Urduuk" "Remembrances - Berrox" "Remembrances - DyzAz" "Remembrances - Norrath" "Remembrances - Nyalla-Phon" "Remembrances - Prime" "Remembrances - Tel'riia'mil'an'ane'ie" "Rise of the Orcs - The Ascension" "Rise of the Orcs - The Deadtime" "Rise of the Orcs - The Fall" "Rise of the Orcs - The Rejoining" "Rise of the Orcs - The Rousing" "Ship's Log - Bountiful Mane" "Telanius Menonius Ledger - Warmstill" "Termble Clankerbang Findings Vol. 98" "The Age of Cataclysms" "The Age of Destiny" "The Age of Monuments" "The Age of Scale" "The Age of Turmoil" "The Amygamalion - The Dulling" "The Amygamalion - The Form" "The Amygamalion - The Four That Are We" "The Contentment" "The Dying" "The First Battle" "The Growing" "The Last Battle" "The Monsters" "The Orcs of Norrath" "The Pawn" "The Pirate Queen and the Heart" "The Pirate Queen and the Map" "The Pirate Queen and the Nightmare Creature" "The Pirate Queen and the Seafury Buccaneers" "The Pirate Queen and the Temple" "The Shadows of Lonesome Hollow" "The Storm Shepherds - Darnalithenis of Felwithe" "The Storm Shepherds - Gremius Hazzengrav" "The Storm Shepherds - Tammin Whipperwillow" "The Storm Shepherds - The Calm" "The Storm Shepherds - The Downpour" "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 2 - The Quest for Immortality" "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 3 - The Gift of Immortality" "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 4 - The House of Varsoon" "The Varsoon Collection, Volume 5 - The War of Plagues" "The Wall" "The Words of Freedom" "Watcher of the Mauls Theriig" 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 313 AS 1st Lieutenant Danarg, 315 AS 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 263 AS 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 279 AS 1st Lieutenant Dergud, 289 AS 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 289 AS 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 290 AS 1st Lieutenant Mugreeza, 291 AS 3rd Lieutenant Gerrog - Logbook a badly damaged book a book a book page a bookcase a bookshelf a bookshelf at the Fool's Gold a broken Akheva horn A Brownie Elder a celebrating barbarian a Clotl'thoa relic a coldain construction foreman a collapsed sentinel A Collection of Epitaphs a Concordium Pupil Adept a cracked horn a crate in the basement A Curious Tome a dagger over the fireplace a damaged relic a defeated drake a dilapidated journal a drained minecrawler A Dulled Blade A Dwarf's Guide to Surviving a Minotaur Attack. a fallen crate a fallen drake a Far Seas Mariner A Faun Elder a Fireworks Coordinator a forlorn apparition a Frostfell cube a Gate Caller lead scholar a glinting crystal a goblin's notebook - History of the Condemned Catacomb a grimling memory a harassed barbarian or a tormented barbarian A History of the Centaur A History of the Order of Nektulos a journal a Ka Vethan relic a loose feather a Maiden of Shadows icon a makeshift nest A Martyr's Tale A Mysterious Black Tome A Mysterious Green Tome A Mysterious Red Tome a mysterious scrap of leather A Naiad Elder A Nature Spirit Elder a note a painting of Lord Everling and his daughters a piece of ancient parchment a pile of red shards A Pirate's Tale A Pixie Elder a Planar Chronicler a potion near the pool a present a priest of Marr a scroll a shiny Iceclad crab shell a shiny spot on the ground a Silly Billy Talent Scout a skeleton a sparkling book in the Frozen Library a sphere a stack of books a statue a strand of urzarach webbing a string of shimmering, swirling pearls a tablet in the tower A Tale of Victory from a skeleton a talking dhalgar skull a terrified gnome a torn diary a tuft of urzarach fur a wilting flower a wounded stormwing Aaliya Abitha Dora abomination eyes Acolyte Kosma Acting Supplymaster Grant Adalla Ful'adin Adeela Admiral Marc Grenich Adrianna Adris Spiritshine Aelis Aerakyn parts Aether Racing Referee Agent Grisscob Agent Sidleworth Agent Willsprock Aggi Stonefist Aidia Mispah Aildium Mawdrun Ajeem Dul'zar akhets of a moonlit desert akhets of a shimmering desert Akrisha Al'Diun Stirhinis Al'Kabor Alchemist Janicia Alden Strongaxe Alghoza Aliona Maybelle Alishinu Aliyyah the Embalmer Altius Volfban Alzilius Alzir Y'maurii Ambassador Erazak Amber G'Ris Amber Walker Amygdalan an Akheva pendant an Akheva's rune stone an Allu'thoa bone spur an Allu'thoa eyeball an Allu'thoa fang an Allu'thoa tail An Ancient Draconic Pendant an animated Gehein hand an arcane science apprentice an egg an empty mushroom cart an essence of concentrated rage an offering An Old Cookbook an unknown NPC an unusual cauldron an urzarach paw an urzarach tarsus Anaximena ancient crests Ancient Koada'Dal Brooch anemone arms Anex Ann Anton the Mad Antonica Creature Catalog Apothecary Ridren Apprentice Tansya approaching Caltorsis in approaching Graveyard Plains in Aquim Arawen Architecture of the Vermin's Snye Ardoth Prowrider Arjon Arms Dealer Froptub Arqa Elharroun Arthin Dawnhammer Ashilda MacHinry Ashter Ryswell Askr Assad M'Lyshad Assistant Dreak Assistant Virdell at Graveyard Plains in At Low Tide at midnight every day at the barrier in at the entrance of at the pedestal in at the wall sconce in at Turmoil Cemetery in Atrebe's Sniveling Children Aunsellus Tishan Avatar of Below Avazek relics Avelly Perryn aviak parts Aviak talons Aynaveer Senedi Aysha Baasik Vehn'imiss badges of rank Baelfang Bailin Grove the Elder Bairam Najafi bandages of cartographer vuladis banners Bao Bao bar glasses Baradin Fastbane Baron Kaedrin Ironforge Bartleby Blatherback Basic Mining Guide, Part One Basic Mining Guide, Part Two basilisk scales Bastian Eledan Batarra Battlepriest Herga Bawli Bax Nasan beam rings bear hunting items Beauty's Only Skin Deep beholder eyes Belarshalee Do'Torlyl Belka Thunderheart Bellengere the Three Bendeer Toronga Bertram Fiddledeegrak Betanli Illya Beth Littlefort Bethra Lartius Bilgeron Cogsworth IV Bilgeron's Map and Notes Bilvee Hummingwing Bimse Binn Birchbark Oakleaf Bite Club - Sun Manes Bitter bixie parts Blaira Va'Tyrn Blantsworth Coggington III Blat Berisen Blinik Belestro Blisterzonk block coins of Kaladim Bloo bloodstone shards Bloody Tooth Banner boarfiend parts Bomkin Flickernuk Bondrin Steelfist bone chit coins of Halas Book from Jerimiah Hallstetter Book In Tradeskills Section book minions book pages Bookshelf General Store Borix Debolt Brahnagan MacLahnan Brappa Braz Gutpounder Bridon Kizzlebash Brig Bentfang Brilsa Stouthandle Brodo Gillywump Brogan MacLellan broken droag teeth broken plumbing pieces Bronlor Stormhammer Brood Matron Vrim Malthyk Broosha Gatormarrow Brother Pang Brother Pharad brownie parts Brumley Langboom Brytthel bugbear parts Buildmaster Angor Bull the Crafty Burm Grunthor burned out lightstone Burnish burynai parts Butcher Sog Buzzed by approaching the dragon ring by approaching the wizard spires Caalnia Cala Giantender Call to Frostfell Fanatics Calla Bronzeleaf Calnozz J'Melvirr Candice Cheriwith candles Capru Captain Azhub Captain Bin Nalot Captain Boshinko Captain Douglan Wakerunner Captain Ethan Captain Gimdahr Captain Gleamheart Captain Greymast Captain Gunnhilde Bluebeard Captain Ingrid Captain R. K. Irontoe Captain Screewoggins Captain Steelforge Captain Velgre Caretaker Velshin Carpus Cataloguing Vesspyr: Agents of Scale Cataloguing Vesspyr: Harrowing Horde Cataloguing Vesspyr: Rage Infused Catha Firebolt Cayliss Chambers Cek'Arctor Celsyn Beileth centaur parts cepholex parts Chandrima Charles Q Tinkersmith Charlotte O'Piesmasher Charly Ashlash Charr Chef Bugglegoon Chef Grommulitz Chelduk Hir'Vin chess pieces Chief Dampion Chief Kaorf Chief Llump the Wise Chief Scholar Lakewind Chinook chokidai collars Chrono Escape - Mummy Dearest Chymot Cippie Civean Il'Pernod Clarissa Cloudpuff Claurk D'Arket Cleaning with the Cryptkeeper Clefts of Rujark Creature Cataloging clockwork gazer parts clockwork parts Coarsequill Cobbzig Fudwinkle coins of Felwithe coins of Neriak coins of Oggok coins of Rivervale Coldain relics Collapse Collected Stories of Serpent Sewer Collection of Goblin Items collection pieces coloured sands Commissioner Varla Z'Velran Commonlands Creature Catalog Consequences of Thralldom Consul Bree Contrabulous Gizmo Controller Kenjedeau Cordelia Galeston Corpseolynne Corrith Midner corrupted samples crab bits and pieces Crafting Apprentice Notification Creatures of the Creators Catalog Crestcry Crispin Luvinius Crowhood the Olden Cru Naseto Crude Gnoll Plans Crumbling Sathirian Scroll Crumpet crushed scarabs Curator Ferris cursed objects Custodian Zaddar Sullissia Cuthbert Cogsworthy cyclops parts Dabhiti Dadeem Sam'dlu Dahar Negaru Dahnji Hujara Dain Kalus Frostreaver the VI Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver the VII Daini the Wright Dalah D'arzin Dalahmia Ja'evl Dalarim Dalron Pinot Dalvos D'Nar Damaged Serilian Libation Bowl Danak Dhorentath Dancing with Bugbears Dangle Springbolt Darathar Darga Fleetpaw Dargrim Darleen Dartain Daruk "Granite Nose" Dobbson Darvin Malkia Dasina Wester David Torchsong Daylia the Vigil Deacon Joh'N decayed items decaying fearstalker remains Deebs Beaklut Deegli Bubbowus Deema Mertshak Deep Marshes Deleea Delreri Feldrek Deputy Hopple Deputy Stoutgut Destora J'Narus Destroy All Vampires! Devotee Aborasah Dhusala Di'Zok parts Diana Heartstrings Didyma Digmaster Hidswinn Dilxena D'Xeep Dipper Director Hezreal Director Jasmine Dirin Thilae Dirty Dingy Pages discarded Deathfist forge scraps discarded Sootfoot forge pieces Disciple of Hate Disciple of Love Djinn Master djinn parts Doctor Arcana Dolas Dolgan Inkeye Dolur Axebeard Domigin Surice Donhall Somerled Doomsayer Adarius Dora Wicket Dori Dort Lumrick Dougas Troter drachnid parts dragon bone shards dragon insignias Dragoon K'Naae Drakota drakota parts Dratha Vel'neep Drednever journal pages Drinal's Steward droag parts drolvarg parts drolvarg war armor Dror Ironstein Druzzil Ro dryad leaves Duffin Brandywine Duggin Brandywine Dulamah Durkix Kizzkin Dylindra Morganna Dyrilisia Eccles Zaphardt Edgarth Serret Edrin Tarbeck efreeti parts Eidolon of Heroism Eifae Goldthorn Einva Eirik El'Khazi, Purveyor of Fine Carpets elaborate Ca'Na armour pieces Elanluelle Elawri Nazzuit Elder Lyraquel Elder Shaman Tibler Elder Yelnar Eldriaks Fe'Dhar Eleana Stormalong Eleden Calmseas elemental parts Elidarr Farvalist Ellerith Groundspark Elmin Olnara Elna Tsernin Elwe Embri Emissary Glochk Emissary Kvikz Empty Gallows Reed Basket Enchanted Lands Creature Catalog End of the Rending Ensign Geredo Envoy Tami Swifthammer Erdani Ruilep Erich Trinner Ernie Gimblelock's Adventuring Journal Erudin plants erudite gardening tools Eruvim Gul'aviz Eruzin Fah'rel estate mementos Estmund Vynaan Ethan Dariani Ethernaut Charm Bracelet Euurp Eva Corunno'thes Evdokia Everfrost Pine Arrow Shafts Everlasting Quill Evil Eye Musings evil eye parts Ewart Nefird excavation trinkets Fahimah fairy parts Fangtarn fathomlurker parts Faydwer flowers Fe'Dhars' stamps fearsome Gruengach weapons feather leaves Felice Adae Fendaris K'Lorn Fenlys Nimbledigit Fenwick Ferius Mentus Ferra Al'Darr Ferwah Shieldwall Fiddy Bobick Field Marshal Vishra Findink Topgallant Fire and Ice Creature Catalogue fireflies Firiona Vie First Flight Fisher Rissen Fivalt Fiyt Flibbit Quagmarr flight crew rank badges flora flora or fauna flower petals Foci Tamara Paust Fontren Balez Foomby Slopdigger Foreman Gibbons Forgemaster Gert forgotten trinkets fossils fragments of chart Freeport letter pieces Freeport Sewers Creature Catalog Freesia Lastchain Freid Deekat Frestishan Frigui Togginscog Frizella Emberblossom From the Trial of Kane Bayle frost-bitten toes frost-rimed armour pieces Furtog Ogrebane Fuzzmin the Lost Gaedra Rugon Galan Jokepeddler Gandy Gearlotta Garby Gingham Gigglegibber Gardening Goblin Gardy Ex-Giftgiver Gareri Greatslasher gears gems General Golias Sydwen Geomancy Gerry Stumbletoe Gersberms Gigglegibbler Gevil Gigglegibber Gh'lad Tydingz Gigglegibber Ghaunatar Trearm Ghawg Ghida Borrell ghost parts giant parts Gibrien Marsden Gigglegibber Hunt Master Gigglegibber Scalper Gigglegibber Scavenger Hunt List Gilin Rockbreath Gilma Coresprock Gimdimble Fitzwoddle Gisuka Voll glass coins of Erudin Glin Hammerhelm glowing runes Glyph Tattooed Flesh Gnibliks Shortstacks Gnoll Charm gnoll parts gnollish terraporter rune bone Gnomes and the Art of Clockwork Maintenance Gnorbert Goblin Games Ticket goblin parts Goldbeak golden scarabs Goldie Hammerfall Goldie Sams golem parts Gopton Braveheart Gorowyn letter pieces gourd seeds Gowlin Graem Vorbent Graeme Gordon Gragir Sharpe Grand Duke Lazarus Hazran Grand Historian Elred Wintershade Grandmaster Cheri Glodsdottir Grandmaster Feldmanus Grandmaster Jayak Lat'wasr Grandmaster Kawayzer Grandmaster Kimbialis Grandmaster Zyrythius Grelas the Old Griffin Tower Construction Foreman Grigissa Khuskisth Grimply Sniffwhistle grinnin bone fragments Gritstone Groag Froam Groluk Grommit Fizzlewitz Groosum Gigglegibbler Growf Grozmag The Trainer Grubthunk gruengach parts Grull Silverstump Grunty Gryphon Call Gryphon Call, rewarded from Dream Weaving Guard Captain Detri Guard Captain Kyrius Guard Scheln Guide Guide to Collecting Crypt Plates Guides Guldri Gulthga Gundeg "The Anvil" Midst Gutten Gigglegibber Gwestanna Gwinres Boulderkind Gwynvyn Gyatso Haadirr Darjin Halls of the Dead Creature Catalog Halster Glintswift Hamdi Hana Hannad Jaleel Hanny Puddlezap Harkam Nubbytoe Harla Dar Harland Brimpebble harpy parts Harrowing Horde parts Havann Elwaudi Haven Defender Hezzen Head Scholar Nabihan Healer Salinca Cheldr Hedwocket Cobbleblork Heist Societies - King of Thieves Heist Societies - Swipe the Swap Henk Newfield Herald of Cazic Thule Herald of Terris Thule Herald of the Burning Price Herald of the Fathom Lord Herald of the Grand Prankster Herald of the Huntress Herald of the Lord of Dreams Herald of the Mother of All Herald of the Oceanlord Herald of the Seventh Hammer Herald of the Silver Reaper Herald of the Stormlord Herald of the Truthbringer Herald of the Wintry Guardian Herald of Undeath Herald to the Duke of Below Herald to the Prince of Hate Heron Cogcarrier Hibbie Felfoot Hierophant Prime Jarrakas High Commander Vyrin High Guard Mavaerick High Warden Akina Hillfred Kinloch Himaduri History of the Ayr'Dal History of the Barbarians History of the Dwarves History of the Erudite History of the Feir'Dal History of the Gnomes History of the Halflings History of the Humans History of the Iksar History of the Kerra History of the Koada'Dal History of the Ogres History of the Ratonga History of the Teir'Dal History of the Trolls Holstin Coresprock Hooatio hooluk beaks Hootensia Hopson Goodsoup Hrath Everstill Hulda Flintbraid Hwal Rucksif Hydona Hyggin Hymnist Wadakha Ice Drake Talon 2 Ignatia Cellus' Family History Book Igore Ihriel the Sorceress Ikile Harmonia Ikram El'Suhaib Iksar Intent - Into the Essence
Iksar Intent - Obulus Key Maker
Iksar Intent - Sebilis Key Maker Iksar Intent - Spire Sabotage Ilania At'emin Ilene Cellus' Family History Book Ill-Fated Cleric Journal Illixxol Ilmtar D'Viervs Imenand impossibly rare objects in the warped hallway in Incomplete Clockwork Repair Kit incomplete memoirs Initiate Lunaru Innkeep Frosthome Innkeeper Baily Dowden Innkeeper Blerg Splinterthumb Innkeeper Galsway Innkeeper Jerben Sleepwell Innkeeper Melus Innkeeper Millbanks Innkeeper Rothskild Innkeeper T'Mel Innkeeper T'Vok Innkeeper Twiggy Innkeeper Uglar Splinterthumb Innkeeper Valean Innkeeper Yeoni Innkeeper Zahar Innkeeper Zixi Wuggle insects Into the Hive Inzy Rut Ireatan Iriana Cellus' Family History Book Isabella Cellus' Family History Book Islanian E'vadiv Ismena Cellus Issad Isxot D'Zyath Iwarii Ble'gath Izle Tot Izzal Din Jabber Longwind Jacob Thornblade Jadrek Woolfe Jai-la Ventur jailer keys Jamie Sprocketbreaker Janitor Gorreth Jaranna Thistlebloom Jarith Icewing Jason Merrytoe Jekath Veris Jenthis Viridar Jerben Sleepwell Jeremy Jergo Wheybringer Jerome Jesinnal jewellery of the shrine Jhana Do'Zyth Jihyon Jimtun Rubbleyew Jingle Jinja the Swift Johara Najjar Jones Jorlak Jortreva Josiah Lindon Juna Crankfizz Jurie Gearshaper Justinian Theo K'rin Valdim Kagur Thunderbeard Kahla Ulno Kain Starkson Kaitlin Stonesmith Kal'ril Nightstalker Kalaish Al'Rabin Kamilis Shrezil Kapasha Talmil kappa parts Kapu Karalyn Cinderton Karath Smoothmane - The Breaking of the Pact Karath Smoothmane - Winter Comes Karik Szizz Karim Karthik Kassir Vhizzath Katia Aruzia Katife Kaystha Keep Master Yonette Ironboar Keeper Orlis Kejekan clothing Kelethin letter pieces Kella Swampfoot Kellaen Mednevn Kelraen Kerath McMarrin Kerig'Dal relics Kerra Queen Martah Kerss Rekssok Kezlack Cogturner Khat-ra Pakiat Kherix Taaj'de Kian Kildiun Kilur Beardback Kippy Kipukas Kisu Kit Oo'Loh Kitkalla Klipklap Klok Grissuc Klok Scekki Know Your Bixies Know Your Giants Know Your Gnolls Know Your Golems Knut Orcbane Kober Botley kobold parts Koyame Krahl Olswain Kreeg Krish Kromrif symbols Kromzek medals Kromzek war relics Kromzek warrior badges Krymok Quel'Gok Kudurri Kurista Kyena the Eastern Lord Kyle Antihilus Bayle Lachlyn Cauldthorn Lady Aileeta Reila Lady Astaar Evinien Lagni Lamados Danaris Lanice Lanielle Lanxena T'Xith Lararra V'Zaar large droag claws Larxena D'Ziett Lasarian Nasin Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part One Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part One, 2nd Ed Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Three Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Three, 2nd Ed. Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two Leatherfoot Tales: The Houndslayer, Part Two, 2nd Ed. Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part One Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part One, 2nd Ed. Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Three, 2nd Ed. Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Two Leatherfoot Tales: The Last of the Teir'Dal, Part Two, 2nd Ed. leaves or soil Leelav Yekl Leizoth Lemistka Lepethida Lerenth Li Ning Ventur Li Sing Librarian Aemeli Librarian Motius Feldarn Library of Erudin murder weapons Lieutenant Charlin Lieutenant Kresic Life Among the Goblins Lillita Softpaws Lilly Ironforge Limora Roamhill Lionnaeus List of Acquisitions for the Continuing of Research Livi Livia Montelius lizardman parts Lolla Cotgrove Londiar Inygad Lord Yelinak Loremaster Dorondal lost items Lothaire Stormgazer Loyalist Erityire Lucretia Nasin Lumzig Schepwicket Luras Thornbloom Lurgz Lusiri A'Fahmi Mad Mattie Mad Poet Madam Victra Madria Varas maedjinn parts Maelin Starpyre Maestra Orlita Magister De'Pater magma wormling research Magnurmal mail from Captain Ethan Darani mail from Captain Iceblade mail from Office of the Harbormaster mail from Queen Alwenielle mail from Raffik Maisy Sweetbread Majah L'Asi Makrug Tel'Kor Malidain Glacierbane Man or Beast: the Drolvarg Manifestation of Ralissk maps Marblefist Mardyp Prunt Marik McPherson III Mark of the Emissary Mashi Su'Wah Master Bowyer Mossberge Master Enzelan Master Kyau Master Makoto Shoda Master Rysian Gladewalker Master T'Lys Mathal Dewpetal Matron of the Nursery Maufoul Mav Boilfist Mayong's Cruelty: the Drachnids Mechana Arcanus - Celestial Component medallions medals Meg Gingersnap Mei Lan Mei-Theiz Meledi Augren Meli Valorfrost Memories of Misty Thicket memories of Velketor Mentha Haora mephlin parts Mergus Stonesledge Merith Iliqirelle Merrik Merza Mesmer Gearloose Mikk Eishammer Milo Faren Mimmi mining picks Minnikin Folnor Minos minotaur parts Mira Miranna Ameema Mirna Greatfrost Misa Mog molar coins of Grobb Molly Daysun Monolith of Tears moon gems Mooshga Mosi Panthira Motor Commotion all for Emotion Mourndax V'Zeaar Moyid Mr. McScroogle Mraugl Stonecrusher Mug mummified food Mur'ss Z'Hel'Viiryn Muram Bladebender Murbert Fontwiss Murchadh Veitch Murrar Shar Mushien Lou mushroom spores Mute Bard Mysterious Egg mystic moppet parts Mystic's Crystal Orb Nabih Qusafi Nadavir naga parts naiad scales Nairion Eldi Navier Stokes Ne'xath Neeta Cabbageleaf Neezer Grund Nejevani Nektulos Creature Catalog Nelena Redember Nelik Ulnya Nepther'tum Neriak letter pieces Nevid Piecrust New Halas letter pieces Nezzin Ribraker nightblood parts Nights of the Dead Devotee Challenge Nika Nipik Nisch Mas Nolphia Nisch Mas Polphar Norg Gorefist Not really Bristlebane Notes on the Survival Accord notice on the pillar Nrik Nuwat Pickletrade Nyla Shipwright Nyran Dudez Nythruth oak acorns oathstones Obsid Boulderboom Odeyana Odon Scourgeson Oglethorpe Ognit Eznertob Ol' Man Silvers Old Telescopic Lens Oldar Foambeard Olgen on the beach in On the Origins of Shadowed Men Onayan relics one of eight urzarach eyes Onerind Fe'Dhar Oogthor Oolchimedes Oolfonso Oomba Opal Darkbriar Oracle Priti Oracle Ulinara orc parts Orc Society Order of Rime battle relics Ornetta Osh Osiim Y'selade Otengrad Brauer Othmir curios Outlander Deston Outlying Freeport Creature Catalog Outlying Qeynos Creature Catalog Outrider Metinga Over Halas Overlord Lucan D'Lere Overseer Clackwhinge Overseer Daerla Overseer Ivagora Overseer Melkia Overseer Quest: Dryad Danger - Save the Flutterwasps Overseer Quest: Thralg's Blessed Cologne Overseer Quest: Umbrite Icon of Brell Overseer Sakkis Overseer Travogg Overseer Zerrin overseers Pacificator Merrek papers Parviz Peacock Club relics Pellandra D'Xatyl petrified badlands creature remnants Phaerus Thunderhorn Physiker Tsaada Hopebringer piano keys Pinchy Presentpeeler plain mushroom planar elemental parts planks Plex Plumetor Dul'Sadma polished droag teeth Porto Bunglefoot poxfiend parts Preparations Officer Zekilius Prexian tabards Priest Aaronolis Swornlove Priest of Discord Priest Oo'Rah Priestess Annalisa Swornlove Primary Sha'Ki Princess Evelyn Fadia Princess Zhyleen Principa Haleene Sirinae Prinna Springkettle Prisa Privateer Twitchwhisker Professor Dandle Farfeather Professor Heribert Professor What Prophet Bainyn Fairwind Psellic Pudge the Brave Purihni "The Edge" Fordel III Purrla Qadira the Naga Qeynos Catacombs Creature Catalog Qeynos letter pieces Quartermaster Fahris Quartermaster Roberta Robbins Queen Alwenielle Queen Antonia Queen Antonia Bayle Queen Bunny Quentin Quinn Wobble Quint Cerlius M.E. R'yleth Ragheejb Yasir Rahele Rainscour Rajni Rakira Rallosian holy symbols Ramyn Matrick Randu K'Van Ranger Alphin Ranger Zim'za'ai Rantiri Skelbre Rasel Alechaser Rassad Ali ravasect parts Reana Astia Recipes for Adventure Recovered Goods crate Red Lake Reedip Marrstongue reet knight armour pieces relics of rage relics of the Battle of Thurgadin Renfry Research Felquist Researcher Ailena Researcher Aillena Researcher Aillena Belzia Researcher Kirat Researcher Lakravanus Researcher Sel'Quar Researcher Tahar Revliss Dru'shyv Rhona MacLorna Ricaww Rilda D'Vzhiarn Rile's Phylactery Rilissian rings Rinna Rinndle Rithsar Rithuna Ritsy's Lucky String Roekillik Elder roekillik parts Rogla Dainkiller Rondo "The Belly" Roundstew Rongot's Whisper Stone Rosealyn Rosg Roslyn Mischeva royal scroll Rozokal Niba'mok Rrarwk Ruffin Ruhk Rui Rukir Pineleaf Rumdum runed scrolls Ruowwrya Russho Ry'Gorr rage trophies S'rin Valdim Sa'ib Waseem Saddor Ak'kaviz Safa Sage Ayzuku Sage's Chest Sailing with Three Sheets to the Wind Sajas Goldbeam Sakhr Salah Saldas Rubbleground Salt Encrusted Strongbox Salu Vel'nen Sam samples of destiny sand blasted lamp parts Sashra Thaltalis Sassarish Savtek Scales in Balance Scholar Al'Quylar Scholar Phinea Scion of Discord (Carnage Appraiser) Scion of Discord (Victory Appraiser) Scout Chenka Scout Kiira Scout Master Talisk V'Rass Scoutmaster Kilkar Scriptorium Keeper Samir Scuttles Seamstress Nibizz Secondary Terkenil Niba'Xi Seeress Ealaynya Ithis Sensei Makoto Shoda sentry shards Sentry Talvee Seren Leafsway Serris Servant of the Temple Sethis Kai Setri Lur'eth Sevri Il'Behtod Sezgin Shaahida Shabari shackle links Shadow shadow gems shadowed man parts Shahin Shaman Bawiggi Shaman Skullcleave Shana Burley Sharina Nybright Shasta Evergreen Shattered Brimfire Tablet Shawah Shepherd Bainyn Fairwind Shiharra Veldin shining lamp parts shining scarabs Shio Laugerwithe Shirada Shirrah Il'binlu Shissar Holoprojector Shoraka Lano Siegemaster Denstarin sigils signets of the Kael Sinephobis Sir Bayden Cauldthorn Sir Tallen Yevix Sir Thothar Durarr Sir Trodonis Sir Wolfgang Motte siren parts Sirran the Lunatic Sister Katey Dalwynn Sister Leela Prendyn Skeer Deekat Skeld Brewbeard skeleton of Yasva V'Alear skeleton parts Skeletons Skirha Skortch Skrit skulls Skyshrine Tower Rune Stone slime Slinks Hardtoes Slippery Toughshield Slixin Drusar Sliza Xarezia Smakametta small droag claws small pieces of airship plating Smapty Smiting of the Werewolf Snafu Fizzbrip Snarf Frostfoot Snoogle Blitzed Snowball Sogs Frostfoot Soliddar Sorsaadh Jarae Sparrow Cogcarrier Spirit of Restlessness Spirit of Tserrina Syl'tor Spiritbreaker Spiritist Laharn Rahai Splitpaw Down Under, Part One Splitpaw Down Under, Part Two spotted scarabs sprocket coins of Ak'Anon Sqrauwk Squire Hadley standards of the goblin tribes Starting a Tradeskill Profession statue pieces Steinmaster Borric Steinsister Daglara Steinsister Taswynn Steppes Creature Catalog Steve Echgar Steward Daedeakovoon Steward Kianoa Steward Leon Steward Loralei Steward Quyntar Steward Sal Stiletto's Orders Stinky Sideswiper stone medallion shard storm giant beards storm remnants Stormfeather's Pride Griffawn Feather striped scarabs Stundar Suel A'jilbir Sueril Omapelle Sugarbow Sumit Summoning an Elemental sun gems Supply Sergeant Anuhadux Suskanya swamp creature parts Swimming Oak Plunder Crate Swynend Sithtenias Szeth Hibis'kis Szinjiss X'Vemtor Ta-hetu Ta-sche-ra-he Tabbin Juniper Tablet of Kaesu Taechun Welby Taer Felwind Taffil Taggan Brookrich Tai Wei Tal'il Amhenti Taldar D'Aryth Tales of the Alliz Ew Talnya Umeni Taloc D'arzin Talwith Darkcloud Tamke Mudhoof Tanny Granville Tanya Alvernon tarnished lamp parts Tavian Faust Tavoken Tazstra K'Rzheett Tegin The Curator Tehes Tellar Blackswell Temry Loneivy Tertiary Karlanz Mi'xin Terwoo Tevan Brassgear Thaddaeus Price The Anaskar Stone The Bird Man of Mara The Blood of the Bear, Part One The Blood of the Bear, Part Three The Blood of the Bear, Part Two The Book of Power The Book of Sacrifice The Book of Trials The Caretaker the clipboard The Coming of the True Creator The Commander's Wife the desk The Efreeti's Scimitar the empty frame The Eye of the Night The Far Side of Tears, Part Four The Far Side of Tears, Part One The Far Side of Tears, Part Three The Far Side of Tears, Part Two The Feerrott Creature Catalog The First Wife's Tale The Forgotten The Freeport Citizen's Guide to Opportunity the ghostly red book the glowing sword The Grand Prankster The Great Flood of Blackburrow the Guardian The Haunting The Headless Horseman The History of the Fae The Journal of Rocco Barisano The Journal of Ryizz' Eianshieoll, Volume 1 The Lady of Insurrection The Lady of the Lake The Least of Brell's Creatures the lore of fauna: the behemoth The Lyresmith Poetry Collection - Children's Rhymes The Merchant's Deal The Minions of the Mighty Creature Catalog The Murkies The Nightblood The Oops Factor The Precious Fairy Book The Prophetic Mystery The Rat Queen of Vermin's Snye The Rise of Ykesha The Siren's Song The Tales of the Burynai The Tenebrous Tangle Creature Catalog The Three Keys - The First Key The Three Keys - The Second Key The Three Keys - The Third Key The Trainee's Test The Trials of Sir Morgan The Weight of the Past Thekela Gillywump Thekror Thelia N'Fyre Therven Senshun Thesla Blackthorne Thexian artefacts Theyeurn Farael Thirin Veliumdelver Thorn Thrael'Gorr Creature Catalog Thrael'Gorr idols Thrael'Gorr Oracle threads of benevolence Through the Rathe Mountains Thumore D'armer Thurgadin mementos Thurr Tibbles Aclatter Tickni Kerplooie Tiesh Tiki Tilzak N'Lim Tinker Thermald Tinkered Lock Box tinkered parts Tizmak trophies Tobel Patadash Tobias Granville Tofus Jepner tokens of the Eastern Wastes tokens of the Great Divide Tolla Clorto Toman Keltor Tomb Guard's Broken Chair Tomker Tomkin Cogsbottom Toppa Doppster Tora Toranim Skyblade Torli Blackbow Torq De'Rech torture instruments tradeskill apprentices tradeskill delegates tradeskill items Travels Into a Remote Corner of Faydark treant parts Treants tree bark Treespirit Elder Trelawney Trina Strongsong trinkets of the Ascent trinkets of the cursed Tuathil Laeds Turgen Bremhurst Turry Goldsworth turtle odds and ends Tuuak Eiylorn Tychus Zeksworn Tyshgwyn the Fury Udella Kegmail Uelmondi Ulgaf Ulgofar Wisme Ultann Zawrii upon entering Vada Doomquarts Valiin Sishami Valkyrie Feathers Valkyrie Saga - Frikka Defenses Valkyrie Saga - Lottie in Everfrost Valla Brewhammer vampire fangs vampire parts Vanesta Leaftraveler Vare Smothers Varick Stoutheart Varig Ro Veehzz the Bloodwing Vegnit Snogwit Vegupa Marrsheart Vel Adreni Velatha Zofriel Velia Truesight Venox Tarkog Vera D'Sas Verien Skysigh vestiges of growth Vethilot the Young Vethka the Gorger Vhesh Viamme Vikana Vikram Vindain Greenfaith Vire Freebrooke Vissa D'Dbth Vixna Slizzis vultak claws Vuulan VV.E.E.K.I_.Y IIIissi0N5 Vyrin Wan Sengo Warden Bretta Watchman Plarg Waulon Highpebble wedding memories Wegadas Welcome to Qeynos, Citizen! Weneb Tacklenogg werewolf fangs werewolf parts Whilhelm Nam'terin Whittier Why We Fight Wik Windsisters' Song Winged Troubles - Tracking Droag Wolfmaster Heinrich wood coins of Kelethin woolly mammoth fur Work Requisition Sergeant Zildrax Worn Bovoch Hackamore worn droag teeth Wrott Havenmore Xavi Heliul Xawon Xilania Nevagon Xuurk Yasha Redblade Yazih Year of Darkpaw: Book of Deeds Yeppa yha-lei parts Yoru The Old Ytheri Coldtouch Yulsluu Yun Zi Yutte Rocksword Yval T'laviv Zaari Zal'Urid Zalia Highbourne Zalle Dessimda Zalyn D'Kilneld Zastik Togginscog Zatirre's First Zombie Zaveta Stickyfingers Zawfeli Aull'bil Zedd Zeeil Zek Creature Catalog Zeke Two Tone Zelrene Ryzal Zendiel Zhazsze Zikana Sly'ssar Zintris Zixka Slizzis Ziyaad Al'Majid Zlexenar zombie parts Zorie Zruk Zubsugg Zubzub Zul Zuvet
Zone or quest category:
A Dark Cave a Maj'Dul residence Abandoned Island Abandoned Mine Tunnels Access Quests Accursed Sanctum [Raid] Aether Wroughtlands Aether Wroughtlands: Chaotic Currents [Event Heroic I] Aether Wroughtlands: Chaotic Currents [Solo] Aether Wroughtlands: Ferric Fields [Heroic I] Aether Wroughtlands: Ferric Fields [Heroic II] Aether Wroughtlands: Ferric Fields [Solo] Aether Wroughtlands: Tarnished Oasis [Heroic I] Aether Wroughtlands: Tarnished Oasis [Heroic II] Aether Wroughtlands: Tarnished Oasis [Solo] Aether Wroughtlands: The Delves [Raid] Akhet Altar of Abhorrence [Raid] Altar of Malice An Unfinished Mine [Solo Tradeskill] Anchor of Bazzul Antechamber of Fate Antonia Bayle's Chambers Antonica Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Expert] Arcanna'se Spire: Forgotten Sanctum [Heroic] Arcanna'se Spire: Into The Spire [Tradeskill] Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Expert-Raid] Arcanna'se Spire: Order and Chaos [Raid] Arcanna'se Spire: Repository of Secrets [Heroic] Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Event Heroic] Arcanna'se Spire: Vessel of the Sorceress [Expert Event] Arena [Heroic] Arena of the Gods [Raid] Artifacts Aurelian Coast Aurelian Coast: Maiden's Eye [Heroic] Aurelian Coast: Maiden's Eye [Solo] Aurelian Coast: Reishi Rumble [Event Heroic] Aurelian Coast: Reishi Rumble [Solo] Aurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Heroic] Aurelian Coast: Sambata Village [Solo] Aurelian Coast: The Emergent Eclipse [Challenge Raid] Awuidor: Marr's Ascent [Heroic] Awuidor: Marr's Ascent [Solo] Awuidor: Reef of Coirnav [Raid] Awuidor: The Adumbral Depths [Contested Raid] Awuidor: The Nebulous Deep [Heroic] Awuidor: The Nebulous Deep [Solo] Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Event Heroic] Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Heroic] Awuidor: The Veiled Precipice [Solo] Awuidor: Trench of Terrors Awuidor: Trench of Terrors [Heroic] Awuidor: Trench of Terrors [Solo] Ballads of Zimara Bar of Brell Barren Sky Bastion of Thunder: Lightning Strikes [Tradeskill] Baubbleshire Beaks Beast'r Eggstravaganza Befallen: Cavern of the Afflicted Befallen: Halls of the Forsaken Befallen: Necrotic Asylum Befallen: The Spread of Undeath Beggar's Court Betrayal Big Bend Blackburrow Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic I] Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Heroic II] Blackhook Spiral: Corrupted Caldera [Solo] Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic I] Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Heroic II] Blackhook Spiral: Fort Sunder [Solo] Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic I] Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Heroic II] Blackhook Spiral: Stonebrunt Defile [Solo] Blood of Luclin Bloodskull Valley Bone Fragment Bonemire Brackish Vaults [Duo] Brackish Vaults: Realm of the Triumvirate [Raid] Brewday Brokenskull Bay: Bilgewater Falls [Advanced Solo] Brokenskull Bay: Bilgewater Falls [Heroic] Brokenskull Bay: Fury of the Cursed [Raid] Brokenskull Bay: Hoist the Yellow Jack [Heroic] Brokenskull Bay: Spoils of Maraud [Contested] Buried Takish'Hiz Buried Takish'Hiz: Emergence from Stone [Raid] Buried Takish'Hiz: Empire of Antiquity [Contested] Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic I] Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic II] Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Heroic III] Buried Takish'Hiz: Foundation of Knowledge [Solo] Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic I] Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic II] Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Heroic III] Buried Takish'Hiz: Terrene Threshold [Signature] Buried Takish'Hiz: The Sacred Gift [Event Heroic II] Buried Takish'Hiz: The Sacred Gift [Event Heroic III] Buried Takish'Hiz: The Sacred Gift [Signature] Butcherblock Mountains Castle Highhold [Advanced Solo] Castle Highhold [Heroic] Castle Highhold: No Quarter [Raid] Castle Highhold: Thresinet's Den [Heroic] Castle Mistmoore Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic I] Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Heroic II] Castle Vacrul: Caverns of the Forsaken [Solo] Castle Vacrul: Haunting Presence [Raid] Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic I] Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Heroic II] Castle Vacrul: Rosy Reverie [Solo] Castle Vacrul: Suite of Screams [Event Heroic II] Castle Vacrul: Suite of Screams [Solo] Castle Vacrul: Thirst for Power [Raid] Castleview Hamlet Catalog Caves Celebration Avatar Challenge: Bertoxxulous [Raid] Celebration Avatar Challenge: E'Ci [Raid] Celebration Avatar Challenge: Erollisi Marr [Raid] Celebration Avatar Challenge: Tarew Marr [Raid] Chains of Eternity Chamber of Rejuvenation [Raid] Champion's Respite Charasis: Maiden's Chamber Charasis: Vault of Eternal Sleep Chardok Charnel Hollow Charter of the Truthbringer Chelsith Chelsith: The Ancient Vault Chelsith: The Ancient Vault [Advanced Solo] Chronoportal Phenomenon Citadel of V'uul City of Fordel Midst City of Shar Vahl City Tasks City Tradeskill Tasks Claws Cobalt Scar Coin Coliseum of Valor Commonlands Condemned Catacomb Court of Korucust Cove of Decay Covenant District Covenant District [Challenge] Crow's Resting Place Crushbone Keep Crypt of Betrayal Crypt of Dalnir: Baron's Workshop [Heroic] Crypt of Dalnir: Ritual Chamber [Expert] Crypt of Dalnir: Ritual Chamber [Heroic] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold [Expert-Raid] Crypt of Dalnir: The Kly Stronghold [Raid] Crypt of Dalnir: Wizard's Den [Event Heroic] Crypt of Dalnir: Wizard's Den [Expert Event] Darklight Wood Darkpaw Dugout Darkpaw Rising Darkpaw Warrens Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic II] Darkpaw Warrens [Heroic] Darkpaw Warrens [Solo] Darkpaw: Sabotage [Tradeskill] Deathfist Citadel Deathtoll Deity Demitrik's Bastion Den of the Devourer Desert of Flames Destiny of Velious Detroxxulous, the Plaguelands Doomfire, the Burning Lands Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Heroic] Doomfire: Elements of Rage [Solo] Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Heroic] Doomfire: Ro's Sweatshop [Solo] Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Mythic Raid] Doomfire: The Broken Throne [Raid] Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Heroic] Doomfire: The Enkindled Towers [Solo] Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Mythic Raid] Doomfire: The Molten Caldera [Raid] Doomfire: Vengeance of Ro [Event Heroic] Doomfire: Vengeance of Ro [Heroic] Doomfire: Vengeance of Ro [Solo] Dracur Prime Dracur Prime [Challenge] Dracur Prime: Sevalak Awakened Dracur Prime: Vyskudra the Ancient Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Heroic I] Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Heroic II] Dragon Necropolis: Chetari Warrens [Solo] Dragon Necropolis: Tombs of Enlightenment [Heroic I] Dragon Necropolis: Tombs of Enlightenment [Heroic II] Dragon Necropolis: Tombs of Enlightenment [Solo] Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic I] Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Heroic II] Dragon Necropolis: Vaults of Veneration [Solo] Drowned Caverns: Arena of Heroes East Freeport Eastern Wastes Echo Caverns Echo Caverns: Expedition Precarious [Raidventure] Echo Caverns: Fungal Foray [Heroic] Echo Caverns: Fungal Foray [Solo] Echo Caverns: Quarry Quandary [Heroic] Echo Caverns: Quarry Quandary [Solo] Echo Caverns: Zelmie Sortie [Event Heroic] Echo Caverns: Zelmie Sortie [Solo] Echoes of Innovation [Public] Edgewater Drains Eidolon Jungle Emperor Atrebe's Laboratory: The Fabled City of Kor-sha Emperor's Athenaeum Enchanted Brownie Grotto Enchanted Dryad Grotto Enchanted Fay Grotto Enchanted Lands Enchanted Naiad Grotto Enchanted Zygomyd Grotto Erollisi Day Erudin Research Halls Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Mythic Raid] Eryslai: The Aether Vale [Raid] Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Heroic] Eryslai: The Bixel Hive [Solo] Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Mythic Raid] Eryslai: The Empyrean Steppes [Raid] Eryslai: The Midnight Aerie [Heroic] Eryslai: The Midnight Aerie [Solo] Eryslai: Trials of Air [Event Heroic] Eryslai: Trials of Air [Heroic] Eryslai: Trials of Air [Solo] Everfrost Evernight Abbey Eyes F.S. Distillery: Distill or Be Killed [Heroic] F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar F.S. Distillery: The Rum Cellar [Solo] Fallen Gate Feerrott Felwithe Fens of Nathsar Firemyst Gully: Supply Shortage Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Heroic] Fordel Midst: Bizarre Bazaar [Solo] Fordel Midst: Remembrance [Challenge Raid] Fordel Midst: Remembrance [Raid] Fordel Midst: The Listless Spires [Event Heroic] Fordel Midst: The Listless Spires [Solo] Fordel Midst: Wayward Manor [Heroic] Fordel Midst: Wayward Manor [Solo] Forest Ruins Forgotten Pools Forlorn Gist Forlorn Gist: Akashic Incursion [Raid] Forlorn Gist: Emerging Deceit [Raid] Forlorn Gist: Nightmares of Old [Heroic I] Forlorn Gist: Nightmares of Old [Solo] Fortress of Drunder: Spire of Rage Fortress of Drunder: Strategist's Stronghold Fortress of Drunder:Tower of Tactics Freeport Frostfang Sea Frostfell Frostfell Wonderland Village Frostfell Workshop Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse Gobblerock's Hideout Graveyard Graystone Yard Great Divide Greater Faydark guildhalls guildhalls on PvE servers guildhalls on PvP servers Hallmark Halls of the Seeing Halls of the Unseen Harrow's End Harrow's End: Baleful Dominion Haunted House Haunted Mansion Haven Heritage Heroes' Festival Hidden Cache High Keep [Heroic] High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion High Keep: The Bloodless Incursion [Contested] High Keep: The Pickclaw Depths [Advanced Solo] High Keep: The Pickclaw Depths [Heroic] Hold of Rime: The Ascent Hold of Rime: The Fortress Spire houses Iceshard Keep Icy Keep: Retribution Innovation: Tinkerer's Trial Innovation: Tinkerer's Trial [Heroic] Innovation: Tinkerer's Trial [Solo] Insect Insignias Izshrash'Khar: Stratum of the Protectors [Heroic] Jarsath Wastes Jewelry Jubilee Kael Drakkel Kael Drakkel: Iceshard Keep Kael Drakkel: Throne of Storms Kaesora: Tomb of the Venerated [Event Heroic] Kaesora: Tomb of the Venerated [Expert Event] Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Expert] Kaesora: Xalgozian Stronghold [Heroic] Kaladim Karnor's Castle Karuupa Jungle Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic I] Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Heroic II] Karuupa Jungle: Dedraka's Descent [Solo] Karuupa Jungle: Heart of Conflict [Heroic I] Karuupa Jungle: Heart of Conflict [Heroic II] Karuupa Jungle: Heart of Conflict [Solo] Karuupa Jungle: Predator's Perch [Event Heroic II] Karuupa Jungle: Predator's Perch [Solo] Karuupa Jungle: The Fading Light [Raid] Kelethin Kingdom of Sky Klak'Anon Kralet Penumbra [Contested] Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Advanced Solo] Kralet Penumbra: Rise to Power [Heroic] Kralet Penumbra: Submerged Lair [Event Heroic] Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Advanced Solo] Kralet Penumbra: Temple of the Ill-Seen [Heroic] Kralet Penumbra: Tepid Depths [Heroic] Kralet Penumbra: The Hive Mind [Raid] Kralet Penumbra: The Master's Chosen [Heroic] Kralet Penumbra: Uzulu Deep [Event Heroic] Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime Kraytoc's Fortress of Rime [Challenge] Kunark Kunzar Jungle Kurn's Tower Kurn's Tower: Breaching the Void Kylong Plains Lair of the Dragon Queen Lamps Language Lavastorm Leaves Lesser Faydark Library of Erudin Lichveil Island Live Events Longshadow Alley Loping Plains Lore and Legend Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Expert-Raid] Lost City of Torsis: Ashiirian Court [Raid] Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants [Challenge Heroic] Lost City of Torsis: Reaver's Remnants [Heroic] Lost City of Torsis: The Shrouded Temple [Event Heroic] Lost City of Torsis: The Shrouded Temple [Expert Event] Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market
Lost City of Torsis: The Spectral Market [Heroic] Lost Temple of Cabilis Lost Temple of Cazic-Thule Lyceum of the Recondite Lyceum of the Recondite [Challenge] Mahngavi Wastes Mahngavi Wastes: Phantasmal Shades [Heroic I] Mahngavi Wastes: Phantasmal Shades [Solo] Mahngavi Wastes: The Engulfing Night [Raid] Mahngavi Wastes: Warpwood Cairn [Heroic I] Mahngavi Wastes: Warpwood Cairn [Solo] Maj'Dul Maldura Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [Advanced Solo] Maldura: Algorithm For Destruction [Heroic] Maldura: Bar Brawl [Advanced Solo] Maldura: Bar Brawl [Event Heroic] Maldura: Bhoughbh's Folly [Raid] Maldura: District of Ash [Advanced Solo] Maldura: District of Ash [Heroic] Maldura: Forge of Ashes [Raid] Maldura: Palace Foray [Event Heroic] Mark of a Thief [Heroic] Mark of a Thief [Solo] Merchant's Den Miragul's Phylactery: Scion of Ice Miragul's Phylactery: The Anathema Miragul's Phylactery: The Crucible Miscellaneous Mission Mission: Weekly Mistmoore Catacombs Mistmoore's Inner Sanctum Mistmyr Manor Mizan's Cellar Moors of Ykesha Moppet Munzok's Material Bastion Mushroom Myrist, the Great Library Mystery Crate Najena's Hollow Tower Naya'Patel: Realm of the Dead Nektropos Castle Nektropos Castle: Craftsman Errands Nektropos Castle: The Return Nektropos Castle: Tribulation Nektulos Forest Neriak Neriak, City of Hate Nettleville Nettleville Hovel New Tunaria Nights of the Dead Nizara, City of the Nayad North Freeport North Qeynos Nu'roga Oakmyst Forest Obelisk of Lost Souls Obol Plains Obulus Frontier Oceansfull Ore Ossuary of Malevolence [Contested] Ossuary of Malevolence [Heroic] Ossuary: Cathedral of Bones [Raid] Ossuary: Resonance of Malice [Advanced Solo] Ossuary: Resonance of Malice [Heroic] Ossuary: Sanguine Fountains [Heroic] Ossuary: The Altar of Malice [Raid] Outer Kael Outpost of the Overlord Overseer Pages Palace of Ferzhul Palace of the Ancient One Palace of the Ancient One (tradeskill) Palace of the Awakened Peat Bog Perah'Celsis' Abominable Laboratory Permafrost Permafrost Crypt: Decorating Retribution Phantom Sea Pillars of Flame Plane of Disease: Crypt of Decay [Tradeskill] Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Duo] Plane of Disease: Infested Mesa [Event Heroic] Plane of Disease: Outbreak [Heroic] Plane of Disease: Outbreak [Solo] Plane of Disease: The Emergence [Public Quest] Plane of Disease: The Source [Heroic] Plane of Disease: The Source [Solo] Plane of Disease: Virulent Insurrection [Raid] Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Heroic] Plane of Innovation: Gears in the Machine [Solo] Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Heroic] Plane of Innovation: Masks of the Marvelous [Solo] Plane of Innovation: Parts Not Included [Duo] Plane of Innovation: Parts Not Included [Event Heroic] Plane of Innovation: Security Measures [Tradeskill] Plane of Innovation: The Wasteyards [Raid] Plane of Justice: Eternal Prisons Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Mythic Raid] Plane of Justice: Scales of Justice [Raid] Plane of Magic Planes of Prophecy Plating Portal to the Past: Grobb Portal to the Past: Guk Portal to the Past: Guk [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Nagafen's Lair Portal to the Past: Nagafen's Lair [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Ocean of Tears Portal to the Past: Ocean of Tears [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana Portal to the Past: Plains of Karana [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Qeynos Hills Portal to the Past: Qeynos Hills [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins Portal to the Past: Qeynos Ruins [Fabled] Portal to the Past: Southern Desert of Ro Portal to the Past: Southern Desert of Ro [Public Quest] Portal to the Past: Steamfont Portal to the Past: Steamfont [Fabled] Precipice of Power Prison of Admiral Grimgadget Public Public Quest Public Quests PVP Task Qeynos Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Harbor Qeynos Province District Queen Antonia's Chambers Queen's Colony Raj'Dur Plateaus Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Heroic I] Raj'Dur Plateaus: Blood and Sand [Signature] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Hunt [Raid] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Heroic I] Raj'Dur Plateaus: The Sultan's Dagger [Signature] Ravenscale Repository Reign of Shadows Renfry's Basement Return to Guk Rivervale Roekillik Den Royal Palace of Erudin Ruins of Guk: The Outer Stronghold of Ykesha Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple [Expert-Raid] Ruins of Kaesora: Ancient Xalgozian Temple [Raid] Ruins of Varsoon Runnyeye Runnyeye: The Gathering Ryizz' Eianshieoll's Sanctum Sanctum of the Scaleborn Sanctus Seru Sanctus Seru [City] Sanctus Seru: Arx Aeturnus [Event Heroic] Sanctus Seru: Arx Aeturnus [Solo] Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity [Heroic] Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Divinity [Solo] Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Order [Heroic] Sanctus Seru: Echelon of Order [Solo] Sanctus Seru: Fabrication Hall Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches [Challenge Raid] Sanctus Seru: The Fading Arches [Raid] Sand Sandstone Delta Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic I] Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic II] Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Heroic III] Sandstone Delta: Eye of Night [Solo] Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic I] Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic II] Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Heroic III] Sandstone Delta: Eye of the Storm [Solo] Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Event Heroic II] Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Event Heroic III] Sandstone Delta: Grave Grange [Solo] Sandstone Delta: The Standing Storm [Raid] Savage Cay Savage Weald Savage Weald: Chaotic Caverns [Heroic] Savage Weald: Chaotic Caverns [Solo] Savage Weald: Fort Grim [Event Heroic] Savage Weald: Fort Grim [Solo] Savage Weald: Shadow's Hold [Raid] Scale Yard Scales Scorched Sky Scornfeather Roost Scourge Keep [Advanced Solo] Scourge Keep [Heroic] Sebilis Sentinel's Fate Serilian Bar Serpent Sewer Shadeweaver's Thicket Shadeweaver's Thicket: Feral Reserve [Heroic] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Feral Reserve [Solo] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Loda Kai Isle [Event Heroic] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Loda Kai Isle [Solo] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Spirit Harvest [Raid] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Untamed Lands [Heroic] Shadeweaver's Thicket: Untamed Lands [Solo] Shadow Odyssey Shar Vahl Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Expert] Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Heroic] Shar Vahl: Siege Break [Solo] Shard Shard of Fear Shard of Hate Shard of Hate: Eye Spy [Tradeskill] Shard of Love Shard of Love: A Moment of Valor Shard of Love: Seeding Corruption Shard of Love: Weeding Corruption Shards Shattered Overture Shattered Unrest [Heroic I] Shattered Unrest [Heroic II] Shattered Unrest [Heroic III] Shattered Unrest [Heroic] Shattered Unrest [Solo] Shimmering Citadel Signature Signature (swashbuckler epic) Silent City Silent City: The Delving Dead Sinking Sands Siren's Grotto: Alluring Embrace [Heroic] Siren's Grotto: Dissension Siren's Grotto: Tavalan Abyss [Challenge Heroic] Siren's Grotto: Tavalan Abyss [Heroic] Skerry Hideaway Skyshrine Capital Guild Hall Skyshrine Tower: Age's End Skyshrine: Betrayal in the Underdepths Skyshrine: Betrayal in the Underdepths [Challenge] Skyshrine: The City of Dracur Skyshrine: The Forbidden City of Dracur Skyshrine: The Underdepths Skyshrine: The Underdepths [Challenge] Sleeper's Tomb (Contested) Sleeper's Tomb: A Temporal Leap Sleeper's Tomb: the Awakening Sleeper's Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs [Advanced Solo] Sleeper's Tomb: The Forgotten Catacombs [Heroic] Sleeper's Tomb: Unearthed [Raid] Smarmy Sprocket Sodden Archipelago Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic I] Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Heroic II] Sodden Archipelago: Blackhook Badlands [Solo] Sodden Archipelago: Return to Deepwater Watch [Heroic I] Sodden Archipelago: Return to Deepwater Watch [Heroic II] Sodden Archipelago: Return to Deepwater Watch [Solo] Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic I] Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Heroic II] Sodden Archipelago: The Forsaken Isle [Solo] Solusek Ro's Tower: Citadel of the Sun [Raid] Solusek Ro's Tower: From the Ashes [Tradeskill] Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Heroic] Solusek Ro's Tower: Monolith of Fire [Solo] Solusek Ro's Tower: Radiance [Event Challenge] Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Heroic] Solusek Ro's Tower: The Obsidian Core [Solo] Solusek's Eye Solusek's Eye: The Calling Solusek's Eye: The Calling [Heroic] South Freeport South Qeynos Spirit's Resonance Spirits of the Lost Splendor Sky Aerie Splendor Sky Aerie: Marshlands Miasma [Event Heroic I] Splendor Sky Aerie: Marshlands Miasma [Solo] Splendor Sky Aerie: Vale Invasion [Event Heroic I] Splendor Sky Aerie: Vale Invasion [Solo] Ssraeshza Temple [Advanced Solo] Ssraeshza Temple [Heroic] Ssraeshza Temple: Echoes of Time [Raid] Ssraeshza Temple: Inner Sanctum [Heroic] Ssraeshza's Hallowed Halls [Raid] Ssrez'Ras: Chamber of Stasis [Advanced Solo] Ssrez'Ras: Chamber of Stasis [Heroic] Starcrest Commune Steamfont Mountains Stones Stonestair Byway Stormhold Stygian Threshold [Heroic] Stygian Threshold: Edge of Underfoot [Raid] Stygian Threshold: The Howling Gateway [Advanced Solo] Stygian Threshold: The Howling Gateway [Event Heroic] Stygian Threshold: The Toxic Pools [Event Heroic] Sullon's Spire Sullon's Spire [Challenge] Sultan's Mahallah: Daggers Drawn [Raid] Sundered Splitpaw: Gladiator's Triumph Sunken City Svarni Expanse Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Heroic I] Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Heroic II] Svarni Expanse: Carrion Crag [Solo] Takish Badlands Takish Badlands: Kigathor's Glade [Heroic I] Takish Badlands: Kigathor's Glade [Solo] Takish Badlands: Overgrowth [Heroic I] Takish Badlands: Overgrowth [Solo] Takish Badlands: The Boundless Gulf [Raid] Tallon's Stronghold Tallon's Stronghold [Challenge] Talons Tears of Veeshan Teeth Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone Temple of Rallos Zek: Foundations of Stone [Challenge] Temple of Scale Temple of the Faceless Temple of the Faceless: Imprisonment Temple of the Faceless: Imprisonment (Advanced Solo] Temple of Veeshan: Guardian's Edifice [Raid] Temple of Veeshan: Halls of the Betrayer [Heroic] Temple of Veeshan: Laboratory of Mutation [Heroic] Temple of Veeshan: The Dreadscale's Maw [Raid] Temple of Veeshan: Vulak'Aerr's Dominion [Heroic] Temple Street Tenebrous Tangle Terrors of Thalumbra Thalumbra Thalumbra, the Ever Deep The Acadechism The Anchorage [Public Tradeskill] The Backroom The Barren Sky The Binding The Blinding The Blinding: Twisted Vista [Challenge Raid] The Blinding: Twisted Vista [Raid] The Bonemire The Brokerage of Nepeta Cataria The Cave of Knowledge The Caves The Celestial Conveyance The Chamber of Destiny The Chronoweave The Circle of Vaniki The City of Freeport The City of Qeynos The Clefts of Rujark The Clockwork Menace Factory The Clockwork Workshop The Coalition Crafter's Association The Coalition of Tradesfolke The Commonlands The Community Lounge The Court of the Blades The Court of the Coin The Court of Truth The Crypt of Agony The Crypt of T'Haen The Crypt of Vox The Dark Bargainers The Deductive Directory The Deep Forge The Djinn Master's Prism The Down Below The Dreadcutter [Advanced Solo] The Duality's Vigilant Sanctum The Eidolon Jungle The Elddar Grove The Elusive Commonwealth The Emerald Halls The Estate of Unrest The Eternal Gorge The Fabled Deathtoll The Fabled Kurn's Tower [x2 Raid] The Fabled Kurn's Tower: Breaching the Void [Heroic I] The Fabled Kurn's Tower: Breaching the Void [Heroic II] The Fabled Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen [Tradeskill] The Feerrott The Forest Ruins The Forsaken City The Fortress of Drunder The Fountain of Life The Fractured Cache The Fractured Hive [Heroic] The Gates of Ahket Aken The Gigglegibber Hideout The Graveyard The Halls of Fate The Haunted House The Hedge Hollow The Hidden Village of Kugup The Hole The Icy Keep (Easy) The Icy Keep (Hard) The Icy Keep: The Return The Ironforge Exchange The Isle of Refuge The Isle of Refuge: Darathar's Flight The Keep The Laboratory of Lord Vyemm The Lesser Faydark The Living Tombs The Luminary Cache The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] The Merchant's Den [Heroic II] The Merchant's Den [Solo] The Molten Throne: Hate's Essences [Tradeskill] The Molten Throne: Portals to Nowhere [Tradeskill] The Moors of Ykesha The Moppet Shoppe The Mystic Lake The Nest of the Great Egg The Nexus Core The Obelisk of Lost Souls The Outer Vault The Overlord's Office The Palace of Roehn Theer The Pillars of Flame The Poets Palace The Ransacker's Annex The Ring of Wanderlust The Ruins The Ruins of Cabilis [Expert] The Ruins of Cabilis [Heroic] The Ruins of Guk: Halls of the Fallen The Ruins of Guk: The Lower Corridors The Ruins of Guk: Ykesha's Outer Stronghold The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Heroic] The Ruins of Ssraeshza [Solo] The Ruins of Varsoon The Sanctorium The Shimmering Citadel The Shipyard Cove The Silent City The Sinking Sands The Sprawl The Stalwart Township The Stonebrunt Highlands The Sundered Frontier The Temple of Cazic-Thule The Temple of Rallos Zek The Temple of Scale The Thieves' Way The Thundering Steppes The Tomb of Thuuga The Tower of the Moon The Vault of Ssraeshza [Heroic] The Vault of Ssraeshza [Solo] The Venom of Ssraeshza [Heroic] The Venom of Ssraeshza [Solo] The Vigilant: Final Destruction The Vigilant: Incursion The Vigilant: Infiltration The Vigilant: Rescue The Village of Pothsi The Village of Shin The War Hagglers The Willow Wood The Withered Lands Throne of Fear: Ascension Throne of Fear: Ascension (Advanced Solo) Throne of New Tunaria Throne of Storms Throne of Storms: Hall of Legends Throne of Storms: Hall of Legends [Challenge] Thundering Steppes Thurgadin, City of the Coldain Tier 1 and 2 guildhalls Tier 2, 3, and 4 guildhalls Tier 3 and 4 Freeport guildhalls Tier 3 and 4 guildhalls Tier 3 and 4 Qeynos guildhalls Timorous Deep Tomb of the Mad Crusader Tombs of Night Tome Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Duo] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Chase [Event Heroic] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Storm Surge [Raid] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach [Heroic] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Tower Breach [Solo] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Winds of Change [Heroic] Torden, Bastion of Thunder: Winds of Change [Solo] Tower of Frozen Shadow Tower of Frozen Shadow: Haunt of Syl'Tor Tower of Frozen Shadow: Shadowed Corridors Tower of Frozen Shadow: Umbral Halls Tower of Tactics Tower of the Drafling Tradeskill Tradeskill Mission: Renewal of Ro Tradeskill Prestige Trakanon's Lair Tranquil Sea Treasure Hunt Triad of Elements [Solo] Trials of the Awakened Trinkets Unrest Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Chromatic Chamber [Raid] Vaashkaani, Alcazar of Zimara: Sovereign Summons [Raid] Vaashkaani: Argent Sanctuary [Heroic I] Vaashkaani: Argent Sanctuary [Heroic II] Vaashkaani: Argent Sanctuary [Solo] Vaashkaani: Every Which Way [Event Heroic I] Vaashkaani: Every Which Way [Solo] Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Heroic I] Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Heroic II] Vaashkaani: Golden Rule [Solo] Vaedenmoor: Heart of Nightmares [Raid] Vaedenmoor: Realm of Despair [Raid] Vale of the Shattering Valley of the Rogue Magi Vallon's Tower Vallon's Tower [Challenge] Vampire Fang various Altar of Malice zones various Blood of Luclin zones various Chaos Descending zones various Desert of Flames zones various Reign of Shadows zones various Renewal of Ro zones various Scars of Destruction zones various Tears of Veeshan zones various zones Vasty Deep: The Abandoned Labs Vasty Deep: The Conservatory Vasty Deep: The Vestigial Cella Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic I] Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Heroic II] Vasty Deep: Toil and Trouble [Solo] Veeshan's Peak Vegarlson, the Earthen Badlands Vegarlson: Council's Stronghold [Heroic] Vegarlson: Council's Stronghold [Solo] Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe [Heroic] Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe [Solo] Vegarlson: Sepulcher of the Twelve [Raid] Vegarlson: The Terrene Rift [Event Heroic] Vegarlson: The Terrene Rift [Heroic] Vegarlson: The Terrene Rift [Solo] Vegarlson: Upheaval [Mythic Raid] Vegarlson: Upheaval [Raid] Veksar Veksar: The Invasion Veksar: The Sunken Theater Venril Sathir's Lair Vermin's Snye Vesspyr Isles Vex Thal [Tradeskill] Vex Thal: Beyond the Veil [Raid] Vex Thal: The Labyrinth of Solace [Raid] Village of Shin Vision of the Past Visions of Vetrovia Ward of Chaos Elements [Solo] Ward of Elements Wayfarer's Stockpilers Weird West Freeport Western Wastes Western Wastes: Charnel Scar [Heroic I] Western Wastes: Charnel Scar [Heroic II] Western Wastes: Charnel Scar [Solo] Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Heroic I] Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Heroic II] Western Wastes: Darkened Passages [Solo] Willow Wood Withered Lands World Event Wracklands Wracklands: Diaku Corral Wracklands: Diaku Corral [Heroic] Wracklands: Diaku Corral [Solo] Wracklands: Showdown at High Noon [Challenge] Wracklands: The Crimson Barrens [Raid] Wurmbone's End [Advanced Solo] Year of Darkpaw Ykesha's Inner Stronghold Zarrakon's Abyssal Chamber Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Advanced Solo] Zavith'loa: The Hidden Caldera [Heroic] Zavith'loa: The Lost Caverns [Advanced Solo] Zavith'loa: The Lost Caverns [Heroic] Zavith'loa: The Molten Pools [Raid] Zek, the Orcish Wastes Zek, the Scourge Wastes Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Heroic] Zek, the Scourge Wastes [Solo] Zek, the Scourge Wastes: The Siege [Raid] Zimara Breadth Zimara Breadth: Crested Expanse [Raid] Zimara Breadth: Razing the Razelands [Heroic I] Zimara Breadth: Razing the Razelands [Heroic II] Zimara Breadth: Razing the Razelands [Solo] Zimara Breadth: Strungstone Ascent [Heroic I] Zimara Breadth: Strungstone Ascent [Heroic II] Zimara Breadth: Strungstone Ascent [Solo] Zimara Breadth: Wisdom's Plight [Event Heroic I] Zimara Breadth: Wisdom's Plight [Solo] Zraxth's Unseen Arcanum
Sold by:
1 Compassion Road 1 Freedom Road 1 Integrity Road 1 Justice Road 1 Walk of the Dead 10 Freedom Road 10 Integrity Road 12 Karana Court 12 Lucie Street 13 Tranquil Way 14 Karana Court 15 Lucie Street 15 Tranquil Way 17 Lucie Street 17 Tranquil Way 18 Karana Court 18 Lucie Street 2 Bayle Court 2 Freedom Road 2 Integrity Road 2 Justice Road 2 Lucie Street 2 Walk of the Dead 20 Karana Court 20 Lucie Street 21 Lucie Street 3 Compassion Road 3 Freedom Road 3 Integrity Road 3 Tranquil Way 3 Walk of the Dead 4 Bayle Court 4 Freedom Road 4 Integrity Road 4 Walk of the Dead 5 Compassion Road 5 Erollisi Lane 5 Freedom Road 5 Integrity Road 5 Karana Court 5 Lucie Street 6 Freedom Road 6 Integrity Road 6 Karana Court 7 Compassion Road 7 Freedom Road 7 Integrity Road 7 Tranquil Way 8 Erollisi Lane 8 Freedom Road 8 Indigo Road 8 Integrity Road 8 Lucie Street 9 Lucie Street a Beast'r Eggschanger a boozy celebrator a Bristlebane Day merchant a brownie trader a celebrating tinkerer a coldain construction merchant a dark talon Merchant a Deepwater merchant a Devotee of Flame a Disciple of Love a dryad trader a Far Seas fuel merchant a Frostfell elf a Frostfell Gigglegibber a furniture merchant a Gigglegibber Goblin A Gnome pirate merchant A Gratified Merchant a Heroes' Festival merchant a Jubilation merchant a large Maj'Dul residence a Maj'Dul mercenary residence a Maj'Dul merchant apartment a mysterious Quellithulian (Shard Miscellania Merchant) a naiad trader a Nights of the Dead Merchant a pixie trader a simple Maj'Dul apartment A Sparkler Merchant a Thurgadin fuel vendor Aariena Glitterflitter Abnar the Bookbinder Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn Adalion Elawynn Aelia Catus Aerie Amree Aerie Ilka Aerie Kaksi Aerie Khollo Aerie Kholmas Aerie Sajlen Al'Diun Stirhinis Aldaelon Rootbed Aldermun Aldrevia Metilla Alhuurn Khalen Alydra V'Orivirr Amarat the Procurer an affluent Maj'Dul residence an earthspirit trader an ensorcelled chest Anwyl Ashbrand Aothis Warmbreeze (City Merchant) Arcane Academy Portal Armando Farpine Assistant Warden Bjerne Baariq Balex (City Merchant) Balin Copperfoot Baniti Baranti Barika Ijumaa Barnaby Blunderbuss Barrius Nam'terin Baubbleshire Inn Room Beata Sringer Beck Quantem Becka Quantem Beggar's Court Inn Room Bellie Ros Bellin Icepike Beluba Big Bend Inn Room Bilm Threadspinner Bizzty Wonderwares Blessing of Arcanna'se Blood Haze Inn Room No. 1 Blood Haze Inn Room No. 2 Blood Haze Inn Room No. 3 Blood Haze Inn Room No. 4 Blood Haze Inn Room No. 5 Blood Haze Inn Room No. 6 Bonin Broadhammer Brindian Fordel Brinegaggle Brontis Bubbah Buch Bursar Amwar Bursar Hulna Bursar Janha Bursar Koloss Bursar Ructor Bursar Sirenia Byrtle Bobblepeg Cacklie of the Grand Prankster Caphion (City Merchant) Castleview Hamlet Inn Room Cazic Thule Divinity Merchant Ch'hok Mik'Tokk Chans Ellin Charifa Charsin Andolar Charvar Hoofscraper Chevast Quickhands Chris Weathers Chrisana D'Abth City of Mist Estate Claud Claudia Coalescu Commissioner Varla Z'Velran Concordium Tower Magical Manor Cordelia Galeston Cordilia Corianda Cogsworth Corna Kilgour Corva Eiskairn Corwin Frostbeard Court of the Master Cut-Me-Own-Tail Ssstibbler Cythala Da'azha Dafina Hujara Dalion D'Abth Dannon Ramsdell Dao Tom Darian Wells Darklight Palace Darkpaw Celebrator Katrynn Deepwater Retreat Delvakin Delvin Hailstorm Devona Ironforge Dhalgar Precipice of the Deep Portal Digret Runebrand Dilxena D'Xeep Dimensional Pocket Distun Delki Dojo Portal Donall Ironarm Donovan Herald Dora Wicket Dortha Douglas Drinal's Steward Durbain Duvawocket Dvarkor Ska'nin Edna Wingrockey Eduard Branor Elaborate Estate of Unrest Portal Elbow Ellania Ellywig Sprocketbaker Elmelar Stilltree Emmit Emmur Envoy Tami Swifthammer Erben Delki Eredykil Zum'tok Erlwyn Riz'mok (Guild Merchant) Ethernere Enclave Euurp Everfrost Portal Eviss Ryiss Ewart Nefird Exmarch Fearful Retreat Portal Feev Dimbright Felwithe Portal Fen Fen Feraha'Tet of the Forgotten Goddess Fertis Fevalin Fhara Hanford Fiami Ken'thia Fish's Alehouse Luxury Apartment Fizza Clockfixer Fizza Cogsworth Florrie Freeblood Portal Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 1 Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 3 Freeport Guild Hall, Tier 4 Freeport Large Guild Hall Fretta Toughtoes Fribbit Longpaddle Fright Manor Fryda Brushwuttle Fu Laiang Galleon of Dreams Garsleblat Gigglegibber Gemna Wilfreson Gerbi Frostfoot Gevil Gigglegibber Gevil's Special Frostfell Tree Gibby Gigglegibber Giddlenerf Gigglegibber Giddy Gigglegibber Giggawat Gigglegibber Gigglegibber Scalper Ginda B'Vaate Ginneldarf Gigglegibber Ginny Boomsprocket Gixen Glacial Villa Glargle Gigglegibber Gnort Fizzlebottom Gore Gorga Gorowyn Guild Hall Gorowyn Heights Gorowyn Heights Magical Manor Gorowyn Standards Grabby Gigglegibber Gramdur Graystone Yard Inn Room Grelva Rical Grikle Grilda Grimalda Goodhand Gruff Shadygrove Grunnthar Guhtosle Gigglegibber Guild Hall Prophet guildhall amenities Gutten Gigglegibber Gutten's Frosty Frostfell Tree Gwennie Haint Hal Halas Guild Hall Hall of the Champion Handler Pachomius Heartgar MacInnes Hegrenn Hesam Highhold Guild Hall Honor Homesteads Hoomuta Hopgip Goodsale Hua Mein Retreat Ikotth Ilmiira T'Oziarn Indis Surion Innkeep Frosthome Innkeep T`Mel Innkeeper Jerben Sleepwell Innkeeper Millbanks Innkeeper T'Vox Innkeeper Twiggy Innkeeper Uglar Splinterthumb Innkeeper Yeoni Innkeeper Zahar Innkeeper Zixi Wuggle Irontoes East Large Inn Room Isle of Refuge Prestige Home Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 01 Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 02 Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 03 Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 04 Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 05 Jade Tiger's Den Basic Room 06 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 01 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 02 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 03 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 04 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 05 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 06 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 07 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 08 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 09 Jade Tiger's Den Comfort Suite 10 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 01 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 02 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 03 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 04 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 05 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 06 Jade Tiger's Den Social Suite 07 Jadrek Woolfe Jaena Billowmix Jalfa Eiskairn Jamis Stumtrodder Jasper Sodtiller Jaurl Simetral Jawharah Izzah Jeremiah Jilae Ilaya Jimbo McDaniel Jowling (City Merchant) Juna Crankfizz Juvena Kaaj-Kaal Kaarl Ventrikur Kabcar Trapitsa Kaporuu Karalyn Cinderton Karana Divinity Merchant Kassa Keelor Freegust Keeper Chorwin Keiya Oakwood Keldra Frosthaven Kelethin Guild Hall Kerafyrm's Lair Kerafyrm's Lair Guild Hall Khuragi Mogogu Kindleclaw Klok Xe'thas Klok Zlazx Koros Splinterlimb Krishana Krmi Hilflipper Kromzek Portal Kruuprum Kwabu of the Fathom Lord Lalpy Lavastorm Portal Liannya Hartswell Librarian Dungil Librarian Motius Feldarn Library Portal Lil' Boo Lion's Mane Suite Room Lion's Mane Vestige Room - Castleview Hamlet Lion's Mane Vestige Room - Greystone Yard Lion's Mane Vestige Room - Nettleville Lion's Mane Vestige Room - Starcrest Commune Lion's Mane Vestige Room - The Baubbleshire Lion's Mane Vestige Room - Willow Wood Lizz Longshadow Alley Inn Room Lorekeeper Drelin Lower Tenements Lumia Lynda Chemroot Ma'harr Zasopor Maesy Colmiter Mage Fulcrum Gearshift Magical Academy Housing Maimm Fernwater Maj'Dul Astronomer's Tower Portal Maj'Dul Suite Portal Manors of Erollisi Manors of Mithaniel Mara Estate Marcia Betto Mareen Sternheel Marsha Stalwart Martok K'Fauxx Master Scribe Phonetia Matthew Matthias Zoe Mavla Zulexz Meglese Legarl Mehran Melimy Yolta Merchant Aelia Oakweaver Merchant Hagus Merchant Macleod Merchant Nahahizz Merchant Orikoo Merchant Rilsk Merchant Vembath Merchant Washaso Meredeth Merih Najafi Mikka Ashberry Milicent Boomfligger Minyo Viridis Mira Mirthmire (City Merchant) Mirva Kilgour (City Merchant) Mistmoore Crags Estates Mithaniel Marr Divinity Merchant Mohyon Molg Molin Driftwater Morag McMarrin Morell-Thule Divinity Merchant Morris Bund Mulka the Skinner Mwinyi Zasopor Myra Fizzleboom Myron Naris T'Vaska Navarius Orvalis Neela Filamaar Nekhebu Nelis Greenpocket Neriak Guild Hall Nettleville Inn Room New Halas Mystical Manor Niala Noble Taig Rhul Noble Tark Validus Noble Toowik Mclure Oakmyst Glade Olaf Grogson Oleene Wanderweaver Omarin T'Zaana Opera House Portal Oshin of the Silver Reaper Ovidius Calidus Pas Yu Penny Dreadful Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver Perfestus of the Wintry Guardian Personal Grotto Portal Philosopher Rhimes Philosopher Yubee Phyrra S'Vivirr (City Merchant) Piccolo Piritta Silvarri Planetarium Portal Plume of the Mother of All Prakle of the Duke of Below Prexus Divinity Merchant Prime Stockmajor Grelishh Professor Ebenezer Cogsworth VI Progenitus (City Merchant) Protea Tuminas Puck Purrak Pustisia of the Plaguelord Pytreet of the Prince of Hate Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 1 Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 2 Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 3 Qeynos Guild Hall, Tier 4 Quartermaster of the Brethren Quartermaster of the Hand Quartermaster Zrek Quellithulian Supply Officer Ra'di Ra'ki Khanahir Rabbleson (City Merchant) Ragil Raharjo Ralika Mekkila Ramella Wilidere Rannaahk Rayburn Franchot Redthel Relic Tinker Prestige Home Portal Researcher Aushta Researcher Uutecka Researcher's Sanctum Residence of the Blades Portal Restored High Keep Guild Hall, Tier 2 Restored High Keep Guild Hall, Tier 3 Ricka Stonehide Rizer Hatchtar Roakoak Flipperwill Rodya Ronald Gleneed Roshiku Rum Runners Cove Portal Ryni Frostfoot Sade Maki Sadriena Faroloifer Salonia Siculus Salty Jotz Sanctus Seru Promenade Santa Glug's Cheerful Holiday Home Santa Glug's Curious Clerk Sanya Farshore (City Festivals General Goods Merchant) Sarforth Sarishi Bloombringer Sarya Vel'Sara Sassirah Fallenleaf Sata Saviss Scale Yard Inn Room Scientist Dally Scrumplecog Scribbleclaw Scribe Hilja Saraste Scruffy T. Seafarer's Roost Royal Suite Secluded Sanctum Portal Selia Rilonya Shady Swashbuckler XVIII Shar Vahl Home Shazra Shinolio Silver Leaf Inn Sissrath Sister of War (Prestige Items Merchant) Skyblade Skiff Launchpad Skyshrine Capital Guild Hall Sllithzes Sneed Galliway Snowy Dwelling Snuffles Skunkstripe Solusek Ro Divinity Merchant Soren Spark Sprocket Sprocket's Interlocking Plane Stable Boy Pachomius Stable Hand Marcellun Iver Starcrest Commune Inn Room Steven Stonestair Byway Inn Room Storm Tower Isle Portal Sumixum the Arena Master Sunneva Nepenthes Svasha Tac Ci'Toruen Tahmine Talofa Meera Tanagh Tarkin Tarly Tatterhorn (City Merchant) Tayyar Telal J'Nix Telly Traderchent Telo Nuneo Temple Street Inn Room Tenebrous Portal Terefala Terrace Standards Terris Thule Divinity Merchant Thaldok'li Riz'Dn Thalnor Thandra The Baubbleshire the broker the Marketplace Thiadon Thomryp Thulkanil Shai'lin Thurgadin Grand Hall Tie Shan Timeless Trader Timorous Heights Tinkerer's Isle Torvil Beastamer Tower of Knowledge Trader Whitlock Tradeskill Apprentice Deshniak Tradeskill Apprentice Yelnar tradeskill apprentices Trainer Lillgard Thunderrider Trainer Lucien Laurel Tribunal Divinity Merchant Trillium Tunarian Supply Officer Tundra Villa Tuurka Flintspark Tybek Tyla Maki Tysha Rowan Ulun Miloo Uncanny Estate Portal Upper Tenements Vacant Estate of Unrest Portal Vacrul Castle Home Vale of Halfpint Delight Valencia Rhein Valokis (City Merchant) Valor Goodsale Valor Homesteads Vashlyn Verica Redbrand Verkaera Myr'zok Vhishall Vibrascia of the Loving Huntress Vikuski Villgerd Gregorson Vuchoz Wholesaler Baldmaer Duneof Wholesaler Byan Rimepack Wholesaler Dressik Wholesaler Eadward Hrypa Wholesaler Gip Ebonleg Wholesaler Jaenia Shoalslyder Wholesaler Jikoora Leaftoe Wholesaler Kali Uzima Wholesaler Kazi Wholesaler Kenda Foamrider Wholesaler Kiora Shiverstone Wholesaler Le'Gauqs Wholesaler Soly Gatherall Wholesaler Zarethe N'Kor Wilf Steamfounder Willow Wood Inn Room Wolfmaster Heinrich Xao Nurwin Xsathi Yodena Smeltfury Yono Sylnu Yun Zi Zairah Zathrak Ziggy Zinun Loospakina Ziraak Ziyuh Farijinyi Zur
Academy of Logistics Agents of Neriak Bastion of the Tranquil Bathezid's Watch Bloody Tooth Clan City of Paineel Clan Grobb Claws of Veeshan Deepforge Founders Disciples of the Circling Destiny Drednever Expedition Far Seas Supply Division Fell Blade Forgemasters of Thurgadin Guktan Guard Hizite Nomads of Ro House of Falling Stars House Vahla House Yrzu Hua Mein Hua Mein Craftsmen Kerra Isle Kerra Isle Outfitters Legion of Danak Nomads of Ro Nye'Caelona Open Hand Order of Arcane Order of Flame Port Woe Protectors of Growth Quellthulian Portal Scholars Ravens of the North Researchers of Quel'ule Riliss Scions of the Deepwater Knights Seekers of the Dark Truth Shields of Maldura Sky Watcher Sodality Sootfoot Talent Society Survival Accord Sylvan Hunters The Academy of Arcane Science The Bellywhumpers The Celestial Watch The Circle of the Unseen Hand The City of Thurgadin The Coalition of Tradesfolke The Concordium The Court of the Blades The Court of the Coin The Court of Truth The Dark Bargainers The Dismal Rage The Freeport Militia The Ironforge Exchange The Irontoe Brigade The Order of Rime The Qeynos Guard The Seafury Buccaneers The Tunarian Alliance The Watchers of Timorous Tunare's Pages
Looted from:
a beehive a Blaze Elemental A Bloom Custodian A Bloom Rider a briney catch a bush A Chameleon Rumbler a clockwonky crate a craggy lair a Deep forge footman a despaired custodian a doleful listlessness A Fairy Ambassador A Fairy Honorguard A Fairy Petitioner A Farstride Veilrunner a fragile melancholy sadness a generous gift a generous present a gifty crate a grimling runner A Grove Pandemoniac a Guardian of D'Ina A Gyrating Green Slime A Hidden Keeper A Hidden Tender a Large Black Spider a large ice golem A Large Rat A Lesser Skeleton A Light Keeper a loyal ice golem A Lurking Trapjaw A Mega-magilith A Mischievous Lure Caster a molten formation a mysterious crystal a Ning Yun guard A Panic Piper a partially thawed goblin a patchcraft keeper a perennial shrub a pile of weathered kindling a platinum treasure chest A Portal Guardian a Primordial Malice cultist a Primordial Malice cursespinner a Primordial Malice poisonspinner a Primordial Malice shadowknight a protective pack hunter a Pyre Elemental a riled grime fury a riled storm rumbler a rumbling tide walker a Scorched Storm Elemental A Seedling A Seedling Drake A Servant Of Growth a shiver of threshers a sorrowful flame sentinel a stone-handed golem a strong snow beast a suffering fury a tamed yeti A Territorial Shade Hunter a thrashing spirit a Torsis remnant a Toxxulia root culm A Tranquil Warden a treasure chest A Twilight Prowler A Veil Speaker A Virosinoid Madcap A Virosinoid Protector A Virosinoid Soothsayer a virulid assaulter a virulid bombast A Weald Knight a wild bee a wistful wairy-fitch a wretched corpsecur A Ykeshan Bodyguard aberrants abundant patch aerakyn aerating root cord aether roots aether shrub Aga-Yagaba aged arbor Agmork the Almighty Angler Agnarr the Stormlord ahkeva Aiden akhessar Aldys, Sultan of Daggers Allizewsaur Allu'thoa alluvium ore aluxob Amalgam of Chaos Amalgam of Order Amalgamon Amorphous Drake amygdalan priest amygdalans an agonizing fury an amygdalan berserker an ancient arbiter an angry wasp an elemental tempest An Emerald Entrancer an enraged mantle walker an enraged stonespren an enslaved snow goblin an eternal chapel guardian an eternal specter an ice damaged toy maker an ice drake an icy construct an icy cube an icy gorer an icy shard an infused deposit An Obulus Frontier Garden an ore gorger an undergolem Anaheed the Dreamkeeper Anashti Sul Ancient Cyclops animal den animated debris Anirath Andirin Aqile Akalay aqua goblins Arachlord Dyrraga arborians Arch Duke Latol Arch Lich Rhag'Zadune Archmagus Rezarp arid roots arid timber Arlyxir array of fish ashlok assortment of fish assortment of fungi astral shrub Auntie Grimm aviaks axe-felled lumber badlands den Baelon Baelon of Thule Baliath, Harbinger of Nightmares band of fish barbarians Baroddas Baron Bromz Baron Yosig barren stone basilisk lair bats bears beast den bedded ore bedlam of fish Behemothrus beholders Berenz, Blades of Legend Bertoxxulous Beulus the Claw Bhoughbh Nova-Prime Big'n Furry bixies Black Bolt blackened animal den blackened hermatite blackened shrubbery Blacktalon initiates bleached timber blemished ore blight faeries blizzard stone Bloodmaiden Syvanti boarfiends boars bone golems Botanist Heridal bountiful Brewday garden breeze leaf foliage Brell Serilis brellian ore Bristlebane Brokenskull pirates brood of fish brownies brutes Brutius the Skulk bubonians budding natural garden bugbears burnished stone burrow burrowed nest burynai Byzola cabilisian lode calcified timber callous ore Captain Ashenfell Captain Graybeard Captain H'bri Captain Krasnok the Immortal Captain of the Guard Captain Rattlebones cave fungus Cazic-Thule celestial lair celestial nursery centaurs cepholex cerberi Cewtie Irewater Cewtie? Champion of Flame Champion of Hate Champion of Justice Champion of Storms Cheery Chest Chel'Drak the Ancient Lord chetari chillblossom bloom Chohnkanon chokidai Chomp churning school Cinder Wasp Queen clamor of fish clay deposit clay golems Cliff Dweller Gadsin Clockwork Menace clockworks cloudy gem cluster cloven ore clump of toxic roots cluster of fish clutch of fish coalesced reef coalesced stone cluster cockatrices Cogsteady Rhinocticus collection of fish Commander Kulcath compound ore corroded arbor corrupted arbor Corrupted Lord Commander Seru coursing ore crawling root break creature den critter den crocodiles crowd of fish cruddy ore Cruhm the Overseer crumbled stones Cruor Alluvium crystalline formation cubes cyclopes damp roots Danariun, the Crypt Keeper Darathar dark elves dark fir dark ore dark stone Deathbone Lord Krasic Debitino Coperilus decaying timber decomposed arbor decrepit arbor Dedroz the Decomposer dense felled arbor dense rock dervishes desert roots desert shrub desert shrubbery devourers dismal ore displacer beasts Divka Issis djinn Djinn Master Dogwood Shrub Dozekar the Cursed drachnids drakota Drinal droag drolvarg Drusella Sathir Druushk dryads dryland brush dune fungi dusk roots dusky ore dustwood arbor dustworn ore dusty ore dwarves earth elementals earthly timber electrified ore Eltilapumj emerald jungle timber Emperor Ssraeshza Enforcer Yisith Enforcer Zifa Enraged Shik'Nar Imperiatrix Envoy to Bloodrite Eom Va Liako Vess eroded ore eroded rock eroded stone erudites Esmerelda Everghast Esodeax the Entrenched Essence of Coagulation ethereal shrub ethereal stone etherium mass ethernere lumber etherpine lair ettins eventide stone evil eyes Evynd Firestorm excavated ore excavated stone exhumed stones exposed limestone exposed lode exposed ore exposed roots exposed stone fae fae drakes fairies fairy ring fallen branch fallen dewpalm branch Fallen Emperor Vekin fallen palm Faro'Nuk fathomlurkers fearstalkers feeble roots felled arbor felled desert arbor felled elm tree felled hardwood felled high plains arbor felled lumber felled pine felled tree felled wood Fennin Ro feral animal den Feri'tal the Immeasurable ferric ore ferrite deposit Festive Chest fetid arbor field burrow Fippy Darkpaw Firelord Kaern firmament stone Fitzpitzle flame licked ore flattened bed of thistle flattened natural herb garden flecked mass flesh feeders Flora Maldehyde flowering shrubbery flying snakes fortified animal lair freewater fish fleet Frenzied Ghoul freshwater carp frigid ore frogloks frontier geode frost bound fungus frost-rimed rock frost-stunted garden frosted ore frosty den Frozen Parsnip Plant Frozen Statue of the Ice Maiden Frozen Statue of the Snowbeast fungal outgrowth fury of fish galorians gangly arbor Gardener Thirneg Gargilliviontumon the Rock Pile gargoyles Gate Captain H'Bri gazers Gear of the Ancients gehein gem cluster Gen'Ra Georg Davissi germinating roots ghosts Ghoul Assassin Ghoul Executioner Ghoul Lord ghouls giants glacial shrubbery Glaur Xrzin Gloom Chevalier Faris gnarled roots gnolls gnomes Goahmari Herb goblins Godking Anuk golden cluster golems gorgers gorillas Gorius the Gray Gorogon Grand Master Sathaz Grandmother Deliria's Heart Grathok gremlins Grendish Grethah the Frenzied Grieg Veneficus grimlings grizzled arbor growing roots gruengach Grummus Guabancek Guardian of Arcanna'se Guardian of Eternity Gynok Moltor Haggle Baron Dalnir half elves halflings Harbinger Freglor harpies hatch of fish healing herb heavy stone hermetic stone high elves high plains fungi high plains shubbery highland shrub Hinokawu Hoarfrost Pyreflyte holgresh honor elves hooluks Hoshkar Hraashna, the Warder humans Huntmaster Garton Viswin hyenas Ice Maiden D'Ina Ice Maiden of D'Ina ice-covered stone icy rock iksar iksar skeletons immolated dhalgar immolated gnemlins Impaler Tzilug insidious roots Iron Forge Constructs iron golems Jester's garden jopals jungle beast den jungle shrub Kaas Thox Xi Aten Ha Ra kappa Karana Kastus Kerafyrm kerra Khati Sha the Twisted Kigathor Stonebark King Tormax Klandicar knotted roots kobolds Komornik Syncall Kotiz the Death Bringer Kpul D`Vngur Kraletus Kraytoc Killingfrost Kromdeks Kunark goblins kunzar berrybush kunzite node kylong briar kyv Lachina, Defender of Magics Lagrecia Vyl'Tayne lamia lanky root large roots Lasna Cheroon Leafjaw leafy roots Lean'Odro Legion Captain Bloodrite Lenya Thex liches Lieutenant Grauf Thundersmash Lithania Dyrmelia lithic stone lizardmen Loda Kai Lord Ghiosk Lord Mayong Mistmoore Lord Nagalik Dredactikal Lord Rak'Ashiir Lord Vyemm Lujien luminous geode luminous ore luminous stone lunar berry bush Lysander Mistmoore Maalus Shadowfyre maedjinn Maestro Kerberos magma rock fish Magus Rokyl Majora Leviathora Malachiel Caedor mandoko marids Marn Moltor marred arbor mass of scarred coal matron's nursery Mayong Mistmoore Meldrath the Malignant Memory of the Stolen Merry Chest mesquite catch weed metamorphic stone Milas the Ancient Minotaur Hero minotaurs misty stone Mithaniel Marr Mk-Ginormous scrap heap mob of fish moldy roots molted entwood moor mole den moss covered branch moss covered ore moss encased stone mossy timber Mother Ballentree Mreeptahp The Froglok Mystic Mrwar, the Destroyer Mucus of the Deep One mud stone muddy roots mummies Munzok The Corruptor murky geode murky ore Mustapha Droughtbringer musty roots Myconid Spore King myconids Mynthi Davissi Myr'Dal mysterious pumpkin mystical natural garden nagas Nanzata, the Warder nathsarian roots nathsarian shrubbery natural garden natural herb garden natural nettle natural shrubbery Nax Sorast nayads Neh'Ashiir Nenmioseh the Night's Eye netherbians Nexona nightbloods nightmare school Nights of the Dead purple shinies Nirag the Boundless Nogrovska Vodlak Nolan Hes nutritive roots oasis shrubbery Odaufe Odelia Wretch odon lair ogres omenfish school Ongnissim the Unseen ooyogs oozes orcs ore gorgers Oreen Wavecrasher ornamental geode Ortallians osseous lumber othmir otyughs overgrown bed of greenslade overgrown fairy ring Overlord Talan owlbears Ozani pale roots Paliddius The Froglok Cavalier Palomidiar Allakhaji paltry roots parched shrubbery patchwork men pellucid stone penumbra ore Perador the Mighty Perah'Celsis Persepherator Phan'ghul Phara Dar piperaceae plains fungi plains roots plains shrubbery Player's generous gift Player's generous present Player's Gift Player's Treat plethora of fish Pli Va Liako Vess polluted natural garden Ponshudu Poppet the Thrasher poxfiends Praetor of the Phylactery prairie roots present Prexus Primordial Ritualist Villandre V'Zher Princess Cherista protruding vein Psyllon'Ris puslings putrescent duskwood arbor putrid arbor pygmies pygmy brambles Pyzjn quatchas Queen Velazul Dizok Queen Vorticia V'uul Quilliclaw Quillmane quixotic gem cluster Raaijs Viruniq Raenha, Sister of Remorse Raj'Dur rancid roots raptors Rath'Mana High Priest Rathmana Allin ratonga rats ravaged natural garden ravasects Raven ravished natural food garden ravished natural herb garden red rock repair-o-matic MkII residual ore Rheumus, Harbinger of Tarew Marr rhythmic stone rictus ore rigid stone rockhopper den rocky animal den Rodcet Nife rodent den Roehn Theer Roehn Theer, Chaos roekillik roots ropers rough ore rugged ore rugged stones Rugrat the Thief russet rock rustic stone ryjesium node Saian the Submariness salty garden salty roots Samiel pirates Sanctifier Maknok Sanctifier Yegigoth sand burrowed ore sand crawler den sand goblins sand scoured stone Sandstorm sandwashed rock Sanum Ordast Sanum Ordast the Cursed Scholar sarnaks satyrs Savretta Seyzon Sawclaw Sayhanneh scarecrows scattered ore Scholar Primarch Abdalaziz Scholar Primarch Basir Scholar Primarch Jabbar Scholar Primarch Jathibiyya Scholar Primarch Najwa Scholar Primarch Rais Scholar Primarch Saif Scholar Primarch Zaahir Scholar Primarchs school of ethereal fish school of fish school of flying fish school of glowing fish school of guppies school of iceclad cutlassfish school of iceclad swordfish school of saltfin school of shimmering fish school of sunfish school of tangs school of tiger barbs school of tiny fish scorpions scraggly shrub scraggy bush scrub thistle searing trout sedimentary ore Sentinel Primatious Sevalak of Storms Shade Of Khalan Dar Shadel shadeweave bud shadowed coalesced stone cluster shadowed crawling root break shadowed fallen branch shadowed lunar berry bush shadowed men shadowed rockhopper den shadowed school of guppies shadowed soft metal vein Shanaira the Powermonger shik'nar Shik'Nar Imperiatrix shissar shoal of fish shriveled roots Silren Di'Zok sirens skeletons skorpikis slate lumber Slither Rattlebones slugs small nest smooth planar log snakes soft metal vein Solusek Ro Sorceress Gwen'vae southshore school spawning shoal spectres sphinxes spicebracket fungus Spiceleaf Bush spiders spinechillers spirocs sporconids spotted whitesurf fish stale roots Statue of Rallos Zek steamvent coral stirges stodgy roots stone crest ore stonecrest ore stormwracked sprout strangler root break Strifewing aviaks stunted roots sturdy animal lair sturdy roots sturdy shrub Sullon Zek Sullonites sun bleached roots sundrenched cordwood surging roots swamp foot swarm of fish tainted fairy ring tainted garden tainted natural garden Tallon Zek Tallonites Tamer Nicoli tangled nest tangled roots Tarinax the Destroyer tegi tenacious roots Tender of the Seedlings Terris Thule Terris-Thule the Berserk Territus, the Deathbringer thalumbral school Thane-Malach The Abandoned Labomination The Blue Baron The Bugaboo The Butcher of Vacrul The Cloaked Dhampyre The Construct of Malice The Crumbling Emperor The Crumbling Icon The Dark Arbiter The Devoted Caitiff The Devourer The Djinn Master The Doomsmith The Final Arbiter The Gooblin King The Guardian of Spirit The Hand of Lithania The Headless Horseman The Hobgoblin Anguish Lord The Keeper of Dreams The Kly The Leviathan The Lumpy Goo The Manaetic Behemoth The Mist Reaver the Order of Rime The Reanimated Horror The Sadistic Bartender The Spirit of Vox The Strathbone Runelord The Tribunal The Vetrovian Mantrap The Vision of Vox Thornblood thought horrors throng of fish Thullosians Tidalax tirun Titanious, Essence of Reviviscence Toxxulia Toxxulia timber Trakanon treants trip roots trolls Tukaraak, the Warder Tunare Tunarian trumpetleaf twilight gem twining roots twisted lair twisted roots twisted wood ulthorks unabating sprouts uncovered stone undead Elddar undead frogloks Underworld Bodyguard unearthed ore unearthed stone unearthed stones unkempt nest unnatural garden urzarach Valigez, the Entomber valkyries Vallon Zek Vallonites Valoron the Just Vampire Lord Mayong Mistmoore vampires Vanlith the Mysterious One variety of fish various mobs various Yha'lei varmint burrow varmint den veined stone velvety roots Venekor the Elder venom flow catch Venril Sathir Ventani, the Warder Veranir verdant timber Vesspyr Shrub Vesspyr Willow vestigial roots Vhaksiz the Shade Vikomt D'Raethe Viktor T'Hoth Vin Moltor Vleecan Fele Voevoda B'Aelsqui void creatures Void Tempest Voidmen Vorigan Mistmoore Vorigan Mistmoore, the Thirstborn Vrewwx Vrewwx Icyheart vulriches vultak Vuulan Vyskudra the Ancient Vyzh'dra the Unleashed Waansu Warden of Nightmares Warlord Skarlon Warmaster Deynka Packlasher warslik timber wastelands shrub wayward weathered driftwood weathered geode weathered maple werewolves wholesome roots Wild Flameflower wildfire fungus Willowmeena wilted roots wind felled tree wind swept rock wind swept stones wind-scoured ore windblown garden Windswept Frostflowers wintry roots wishing pool witches withered arbor withered shrubbery withering shrub Woefulness wolves wood elves wretched arbor Wuoshi wyverns Xa'rgo the Cursed Xalgoz Xerkhizh the Creator Xerxes'Kade Yazdani yetis yha-lei Yitzik the Hurler Ykesha ykeshan dark ore ykeshan shellfish ykeshan stout shrubbery Ykeshans Yttriap The Froglok Assassin Zakir-Sar-Ussur the Sovereign Djinn Zannaska Zarrakon Zathra Kalystin zelmies Zlandicar the Unnatural zombies zygomids
Awarded from:
2011 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2011 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2012 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2012 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2013 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2013 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2013 Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt 2013 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2014 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2014 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2014 Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt 2014 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2014 Halas Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2015 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2015 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2015 Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt 2015 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2016 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2016 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2016 Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt 2016 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2016 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2016 Nights of the Dead Decorating Contest 2017 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2017 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2017 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2017 Gizmos N' Gadgets Tinkerfest House Swap 2017 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2018 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2018 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2018 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2018 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2019 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2019 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2019 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2019 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2020 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2020 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2020 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2020 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2021 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2021 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2021 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2021 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2022 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2022 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2022 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2022 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2023 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2023 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2023 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2023 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2024 Faydwer Faire Create Your Own Adventure Story 2024 Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt 2024 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt 2024 Festival of Unity Create Your Own Adventure Story 2024 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt 2024 Halasian Highland Games Create Your Own Adventure Story 2024 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt 2024 Halasian Highland Games Temple Moat Race 2024 Halasian Highland Games Wolf Pup Training 2025 Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt a slot machine A Tinkery Time of Year!! It's Tinkerfell Time! decorating contest A Tinkery Time of Year!! Tinkered Frightmares! decorating contest Ahma April 2024 Maj'Dul Decoraid Beata Sringer BLDG22 (Building Looks Good Dead) decorating contest Brother Niles completing player-made dungeons completing the Arcanna puzzle completing the tradeskill quest line in the Chaos Descending beta ConnecDING! Promotion creating a free Heroic character between 24 May and 7 June 2018 creating a level 85 Heroic Character creating a level 90 Heroic Character creating a level 95 Heroic character daily reward from logging in during Nights of the Dead in 2011 Dianina Onjes Drigg Dungeon Maker EverQuest II 4th and 5th birthday parties in The Community Lounge Favor of Erollisi crafting event Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt first Hall of Fame house Fishing at Faydwer Faire Fishing at Festival of Unity Fortune League competion Season 1 Fortune League competion Season 5 Gardy Giftgiver GMs GMs to Anquana as replacement house items GMs to Leipo as replacement house items GMs to Tangletwigs as replacement house items GMs to the Moonshadows guild on Antonia Bayle in memory of D'Jenchla Gnobrin Golden Cockatrice Grimwell Guides Guides - EverQuest II 5th Birthday parties Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Halden (Guide) helping with GU63 testing Heroes Decorating Event 2017 Ice Fishing Contest at Halasian Highland Games Indis Surion Inspector Rylana It Belongs in a Museum decorating contest Jenni Everling Kardell Goldha Kelryne V'Ziath Kiara Krivin Feirling Ktlk Lera Arcamenel Lera Arcamenel to Kamaia Leucosia logging in during Chronoportals 2019 mail from Douglan Wakerunner mail from Garanel Ruksif mail from McScroogle Corp. mail from Office of the Harbormaster at tradeskill level 10 Maj'Dul decoraid Momochi Navarius Orvalis Niboota Bloodyeyes' Frostfell in July - Gone Wrong! decorating contest Norrathian Home Decoration Contest Ohh, For The Love of Gear! Romancing the Machine! decorating contest packing up a furniture item Piritta Silvari Plex reaching level 101 before 13 December 2017 Reignite the Flames decorating contest Ricka Stonehide Santa Glug Shhh Shirra SOE decorating contest SOE Forum Challenge Soffrina Steward Aelin Steward Kres The Bloodline Chronicles prelude event The Grand Prankster Tiptup Strongheart Tora using a pumpkin bomb using Gifty Bag winning Blood Iron Chef winning Feyiron Chef winning Feyiron Chef: Kelethin winning Feyiron Chef: New Halas winning Guud Eetz Zatozia Zerzal
Claimed from:
1-month veteran reward 11-year veteran reward 12-year veteran reward 18-month Veteran Reward 2-5 September 2011 Welcome Back promotion 2008 Fan Faire 2009 Fan Faire 2010 Fan Faire platinum badge 2011 Fan Faire 2013 SOE Live 3-month Veteran Reward 3-year Veteran Reward 4-year veteran reward 7-year veteran reward 8-year Veteran Reward 9-year veteran reward a bonsai pot - Fallen Dynasty adventure pack a Burynai Digger - Rise of Kunark pre-order A Carnivorous Plant - Kingdom of Sky retail box a clockwork whirlygig - Echoes of Faydwer expansion a dragon egg - EverQuest II Collector's Edition A Maj'Dul Gazing Orb - Desert of Flames expansion a monkey collar - Desert of Flames expansion a Tamed Cockatrice - Rise of Kunark retail box a wrapped painting - EverQuest II Collector's Edition a wrapped statue - EverQuest II DVD edition a wrapped up painting - Desert of Flames expansion Age of Discovery Collector's Edition Age of Discovery pre-order Altar of Malice Heroic Reward - completing the Altar of Malice signature questline in beta Altar of Malice Quest Reward - completing the Altar of Malice heroic dungeons in beta Altar of Malice Tradeskill Reward - completing the Altar of Malice tradeskill questline in beta Altar of Malice: Collector's Edition Reward Bundle Altar of Malice: Standard Edition an heirloom painting - having an EverQuest account An Unusual Bottle - Desert of Flames expansion Ballads of Zimara Collector's Edition Ballads of Zimara Family & Friends Edition Ballads of Zimara Premium Edition Beckett Massive Online Gamer #10 (Rise of Kunark) Beckett Massive Online Gamer #15 Beckett Massive Online Gamer #18 Blessed of Veeshan Reward Bundle - completing 47 quests in the Tears of Veeshan beta test Blessed of Veeshan Reward Bundle - Destroyer of Beta achievement Blood of Luclin Collector's Edition Blood of Luclin Family & Friends Edition Blood of Luclin Premium Edition Chains of Eternity: Collector's Edition Bundle Chains of Eternity: Standard Edition Bundle Chaos Descending Collector's Edition Chaos Descending Premium Edition Chaos Descending Quest Beta Reward Chaos Descending Tradeskill Beta Reward characters on Vox or The Bazaar as of 27 March 2008 completing the achievement Race: 10th Season Adventurer on the Race to Trakanon server before 26 July 2016 Destiny of Velious Collector's Edition Destiny of Velious digital Collector's Edition digital Destiny of Velious Collector's Edition EverQuest 10th Anniversary promotion Fippy Fest 2024: Year of Darkpaw Painting - Fippy Fest 2024 Fan Edition, Booster Edition, Patron Edition, VIP Edition Japanese EverQuest II Collector's Edition June 2020 gift from Darkpaw Games Kaladim Explorer's Pack Kunark Ascending Collector's Edition Kunark Ascending Crafter Beta Reward Kunark Ascending Heroic Beta Reward Kunark Ascending Premium Edition Kunark Ascending Solo/Quest Beta Reward logging in during the two days after the launch of Battlegrounds Nagafen Hunter's Pack PC Gamer magazine January 2014 US issue #248 Planes of Prophecy Collector's Edition Planes of Prophecy Heroic Beta Reward Planes of Prophecy Premium Edition Planes of Prophecy Solo/Quest Beta Reward pre-ordering Kunark Ascending pre-ordering Terrors of Thalumbra purchasing a 12-month EverQuest II subscription Recruit-a-Friend (evil characters) Recruit-a-Friend (good characters) Reign of Shadows Collector's Edition Reign of Shadows Family & Friends Edition Reign of Shadows Premium Edition Renewal of Ro Collector's Edition Renewal of Ro Family & Friends Edition Renewal of Ro Premium Edition resubscribing between 9 and 31 December 2009 Scars of Destruction Collector's Edition Scars of Destruction Family & Friends Edition Scars of Destruction Premium Edition Sentinel's Fate Collector's Edition Tamer of Dragons's Treasure - Zam/ProSiebenSat.1 Games EverQuest II 9th Birthday Baking Contest Tears of Veeshan: Collector's Edition Reward Bundle Terrors of Thalumbra Collector's Edition Terrors of Thalumbra Heroic Reward - completing the Terrors of Thalumbra heroic dungeons in beta Terrors of Thalumbra Premium Edition Terrors of Thalumbra Quest Reward - completing the Terrors of Thalumbra signature questline in beta The Shadow Odyssey digital pre-order The Shadow Odyssey retail edition third month of the 2012 Facebook quest Thread Jumper's Reward Bundle - completing all the heroic dungeons in the Tears of Veeshan beta test Unknown Velious Winter Rewards programme - December Velious Winter Rewards programme - February Visions of Vetrovia Collector's Edition Visions of Vetrovia Family & Friends Edition Visions of Vetrovia Premium Edition Welcome Home Starter Furniture Pack Year of EverQuest Pack
A Mysterious Blue Coin Academy of Arcane Science's Note of Service Anchorage Chit Ancient Platinum Coin Arcane Umbra Gravel Archivist's Solidus Archivist's Tremissis Bazaar Crown Beer Token Bobbing Acorn Candy Corn City Token Coin of Ember Coin of the Eternal Queen Coin of the Grand Artificer Concordium Note of Appreciation Copper Jubilation Medal Crusader's Medal D.I.R.T.Y. D.O.G.G. D.I.R.T.Y. Money Deepwater Copper Defender's Medal Draconic Etyma Draconic Scroll Case Dungeon Mark Elemental Storm Shred Elemental Token Epic Token of E'ci Erollisi coin Far Seas Ferrin Far Seas Strongbox Far Seas Trading Company Token Floret of Growth Fool's Gold Coin Frosty Frostfell Tree Ticket Frozen Token of E'ci G.L.E.E.S.H. Mark Glug's Chocolate Coin Goblin Gold Gold Jubilation Medal Havoc Mark Inquisitive Mark of Seru Lore and Legend Token Loyalty Point Token Mark of Illumination Mark of Twilight Menagerie Mark Minted Celebration Token Mischeva's Tribute Obol Pico Planar Quintessence Platinum Tinkerfest Cog Primordial Malice Bauble Quellithulian Token of Appreciation Raj'Durabad Dinar Recuso Field Voucher Recuso Specie Renewal Talent Sabotage Silver Sandstone Shilling Shiny Tinkerfest Cog Silver Jubilation Medal Sovereign of Rile Special Frostfell Tree Ticket Spectral Mark of the Haven Takish Tokens Tears of Ro The Sovereign's Medal Token of Greater Teleportation Token of Heroism Undying Gold Coin Vetrovian Dres'Aag Void Shard void storm shred Year of Darkpaw Doubloon
Legends of Norrath set:
Oathbound Forsworn Inquisitor Oathbreaker Ethernauts Against the Void Storm Break Travelers Vengeful Gods Doom of the Ancient Ones Dragonbrood - The Anarchs Legacies Priestess of the Anarchs The Jarsath Destroyer Fall of the Estarim Debt of the Ratonga Drakkinshard 19-20 September 2009 tournament 2008 Scary Scarecrows scenario 2009 Brewday scenario 2009 Bristlebane Day scenario 2009 Erollisi Day scenario 2009 Forest Giant Verdant tournament 2009 Saving Frostfell scenario 2010 Holiday Tournament 2012 SOE Live Against the Void scenario 10 Against the Void scenario 7 April 2013 loot tournament Beware of Ogres scenario Big Game Hunters scenario December 2012 Loot Tournament Doom of the Ancient Ones scenario 3 Dragonbrood - The Anarchs scenario 3 Dragonbrood - The Anarchs scenario 6 Ethernauts - Legends 5 Bedroom Home Ethernauts scenario 5 Ethernauts scenario 7 February 2013 Loot Tournament Front Line Support Tournament Pack from March to May 2011 Inquisitor May 2008 Re-Roll January 2013 loot tournament Legacies scenario 3 Mechamatic Guardian scenario November 2009 loot tournament Oathbreaker August 2009 Re-Roll Oathbreaker July 2008 Re-Roll Oathbreaker promotion Sporali Mind Meld scenario Storm Break scenario 10 Storm Break scenario 7 Summoning Ritual tournament pack Travelers scenario 10 Vengeful Gods scenario 3 Voidman Warrior tournament
Player Studio creator:
Aelissa Amberleaf Alphadorf Bunnyshades Bunnysleeves Cambrian Man Eden Evergreen Eve IceSy Designs Jazabelle Jerry Dechant Kellen McQueen KRM Illustrations Kyle Michel Lyranny Margaret DeLaney MasterMagnus NEKO ZERO NS6 Oakbane Pheuron Ragnar Serlina Stormyheavens Stormyheavens E'Clipse Tim Mathews Tony R. Hightower UgotDapp3d Vandrago Vandrago of Freeport Zarali
House type:
All house types Houses only Guild halls only Dungeons only Houses and guild halls only Houses and dungeons only Guild halls and dungeons only
All locations
Ceiling or floor
Ceiling or wall
Floor or wall