Ancient's Table • Bastion of Flames • Blackscale Sepulcher • Bloodskull Valley: The Training Grounds • Cazel's Mesa • Condemned Catacombs • Court of Innovation • Cove of Decay • Crypt of Valdoon • Deathfist Citadel • Den of the Devourer • Tower of the Drafling • Eternal Gorge • Firemyst Gully • Gobblerock's Hideout • Nest of the Great Egg • Halls of Fate • Hidden Cache • Mines of Meldrath • Nektropos Castle: The Return • Nektropos Castle: Tribulation • Nektropos Castle • Nizara, City of the Nayad • Obelisk of Blight • Poet's Palace • Valley of the Rogue Magi • Scornfeather Roost • Shard of Fear • The Acadechism • The Sanctorium • Tombs of Night • Estate of Unrest • Vault of Dust • The Sanctum of Fire • Vault of the Fallen • Vaults of El'Arad • Crypt of T'Haen
Goodies for Grobb:
Accessorizing, Grobb Style • Fundamental Furnishings • Home Cooking • Snapper Security • Swamp Reeds
Working Hard for Tupta:
Getting Plastered • House Repairs • Pottering Around • Swamp Treats • Tupta Toys
Accord Assistance:
A Rush Job • Air Repair • Letters From Home • Swamp Foot Lotion • To Dye For
Far Seas Supply Division:
Shipyard Services/Shipyard Building Work • Clockwork Rescue/Clockwork Components • Emergency Portal Repairs/Building a Better Portal • Supply Stocking/Firemyst Supply Stocking
Far Seas Supply Division Weekly:
A Recipe for Disaster • Rescuing the Relics • Restocking the Stores
Bready Goodness • Full Metal Artisan • Eats Shoots and Leaves • Stonebrunt Express • Paineel Replenishment • Further Essential Studies • Back to the Grindstone
Hua Mein Craftsmen:
A Tasty Task • Hua Mein Craftsmanship • Hua Mein Heating • The Bear Necessities • Netting More Fish • Shining Shells • Honoring the Ancestors
Kerra Isle Outfitters:
A Close Eye on Quel'ule • Kerra Kindling • Kerra Clothing • Weaving A Profit • Herbal Healing • Paw Tips and Tail Feathers • Defensive Dressing
Researchers of Quel'ule:
Supplies for the Fighters • Sampling More Strangeness • Reporting to Paineel • Equipping the Front Line • Rebuilding Materials • Reinforcing the Wards • Tracking the Void Influence
Obol Plains:
Tonic for the Soul • Herbs and Spirits • Focused Fire • Where Are All The Clean Bedrolls?
Far Seas Trading:
Botanical Divergence • Reporting Home • Fishing Up Fauna • Researching the Recordings
Altar of Malice Daily:
Sampling the Danger • Sour Tooth • Grim Running • Legendary Pepper • Salve Supplies • Small Arms for Small Arms • Fruitful Foraging
With the return of Overlord Lucan D'Lere, Freeport underwent a massive overhaul in appearance. No longer a city of rough wooden structures thrown together after the Rending and Shattering, the new Freeport shows off the power of the Overlord, including a rebuilt Dethknell Citadel.
Also at this time, the Truespirit re-awakened. Long ago, the Truespirit, in the form of animals of various forms called warders, bonded with certain mortals, known as beastlords. The Harbingers, guardians of the Codex of Khati Sha, re-appeared, and presented the Codex, which taught the ways of the beastlords, to those they found worthy, beginning the Third Awakening.
Within Drunder, the children of Rallos Zek, Sullon, Tallon, and Vallon, defeated their father, preventing him from finding Kerafyrm and obtaining the power of the twin swords. The Duality contacted the leaders of the six major cities of Norrath - Qeynos, Freeport, Kelethin, Neriak, Gorowyn, and New Halas - and got them to agree on an alliance to figure out how to prevent Age's End. While initially reluctant, the leaders of the cities were persuaded when the dragon Yelinak emerged from Thurgadin, and convinced the leaders they needed to work together.
Yelinak also showed the alliance, calling itself the New Combine, how to get through the storm barrier surrounding the area once known as the Wakening Lands. Home of the Plane of Growth, it had become corrupted and stormy. Now called the Withered Lands,
it still held Skyshrine, ruled by Yelinak and his Claws of Veeshan. Slowly pushing back the corruption, the New Combine made its way to Skyshrine.
The City of Freeport's Great Port
This painting shows the harbour of Freeport, after the construction efforts following the return of the Overlord. At the top, on the right, is the new Dethknell Citadel.
Pennant of Skyshrine Loyalty
In Skyshrine, the droag Jorlak was attempting to open a portal to the Underdepths, to prevent Kerafyrm from altering history. To do so, he needed various components, some of which could only be found in the past. Through his chronomagic, the portal was completed, and those who aided him, disguised as droag, became trusted by the inhabitants. This pennant, granted only to the most highly-trusted allies, allows one to return to the city from anywhere.
Icon of the Recondite
Found in the Lyceum of the Recondite, this icon depicts an unknown dragon. Similar styles are found all throughout the city of Skyshrine.
Crest of the Lion's Mane
Like Freeport, Qeynos also underwent renovations. The castle was remodelled, the walls fortified, and many other aesthetic improvements were made all around the city. But not all was well. The villages - the Baubbleshire, Castleview Hamlet, Graystone Yard, Nettleville, Starcrest Commune, and the Willow Wood - were attacked, and a network of spies was uncovered who were trying to resurrect Kyle Bayle to allow him to seize the throne.
This is a replica of the crest of the Lion's Mane, one of the major inns in South Qeynos.
The Stone of Kaladim
During the trouble in Qeynos, a Sullonite artefact brought to the city caused the barbarians and dwarves of Graystone Yard to suddenly start fighting each other - and not the usual drunken brawls, or fights for fun. In the middle of Graystone Yard was the Stone of Kaladim, the only reminder of their home of Kaladim, lost to bugbears and kobolds. Concerned about it being destroyed in the fighting, Mav and Marv Boilfist had a plan to move it, but a dweomer had been placed on it to make it immovable except by a member of the Stormhammer family. Another dwarf in the city, Brelaine, was discovered to be the great-grandaughter of Kazon Stormhammer's first son, and the only child of that line. At first reluctant to accept the responsibility, she was convinced that the stone was worth saving, lest the dwarves lose any more than they already
had. The stone was successfully moved, and Brelaine was hailed as the dwarven queen, not only by the dwarves of Graystone Yard, but by Councilor Harkold, who stepped down from the Council of Ten to allow Queen Brelaine to take her place, invited by Queen Antonia Bayle.
A replica of the stone is displayed here.
Navigated Travels
Before the Shattering, Qeynos was a primarily human city. Since then, members of other races whose cities were severely damaged or destroyed in the Rending have made their way there. Wishing to pass along their cultures and ways, mentors for each race were established. Those who completed the tasks were awarded with one of these compasses.
"Altar of Malice" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
After the Shattering, many survivors were rescued by the ships of the Far Seas Trading Company and brought to the Isle of Refuge, where they learned fighting, magic, healing, tracking, crafting, and many other skills that would help them survive in this new world. Several years before the defeat the of the Awakened, the Far Seas Trading Company sealed off access to the islands in the Shattered Seas, including the Isle of Refuge. Following Kerafyrm's banishment, both Qeynos and Freeport sought new pacts with the Far Seas, desiring to secure their resources for their city. Upon arrival, they discovered the isle had been magically attacked, and Malvonicus' Tower was not only shattered, but the pieces were frozen in time. Both cities believed Far Seas' Captain John Graymast to be responsible, acting on behalf of agents of the other.
Graymast was tracked to Death Weave Isle, home to the urzarach, half-spider, half-bear creatures, many of whom had gone feral and attacked. Once their trust was earned, their elder said that the traders were captured and handed over to the nearby Brokenskull pirates. Although Graymast was not located within the pirates' hideout, an artefact was found which was poisoning the minds of the urzarach, solving the mystery of the rabid urzarach.
Graymast's trail then led to the isle of South Dshinn, home of deinodon-worshipping pygmies threatened by the Allu'thoa lizardmen, and their village of Bawgava. While not entirely cooperative, the attacks by the Allu'thoa suggested the lizardmen might be responsible for Graymast's disappearance.
The island of North Dshinn, in the Phantom Sea, contained another pygmy village, along
with a Far Seas outpost. The island is divided into two main sections, the caustic Boiling Wells to the north, and Dshinn Peak to the south. While searching for missing Far Seas members, the emissaries were attacked by four-armed creatures later discovered to be Akheva, ancient beings from Luclin who served as her guardians.
To the west of North Dshinn is the island of Kithicor, the site of the legendary forest and battle. The north of the island contains the remains of Highpass, formerly connecting the forest with the Plains of Karana, now the Thundering Steppes on Antonica. The keep remains, now the headquarters of the Far Seas Trading company. Further south, below the pass, is the Teir'Dal fishing village of Ghorkhaal, which was discovered to be no mere fishing village, but the heart of the cult of the Primordial Malice, seeking to resurrect Lanys T'Vyl, daughter of Innoruuk,
slain by Firiona Vie at the Battle of Kithicor.
Keep Master Yonette Ironboard was in charge of Castle Highhold, and said Captain Greymast was there, along with his son, Dargan. After repelling an attack by the akheva, the emissaries met with Captain Greymast, who said he found his son floating among the ruins of Malvonicus' Tower, holding a book, and they were pursued by the Akheva. During the attack, Dargan was captured, and Duke Ferrin was slain.
The book found with Dargan contained Shissarian magic, and a spell of origination revealed that the artefact found among the Brokenskull was previously on Grim Shales isle. The isle contained the underground ruins of Ssraeszha Temple, where the Akheva were using Dargan in a ritual to open a portal to Luclin. The Akheva were
defeated, as were the Shissar, greatly weakened, who came through the portal, but the portal itself remained open. Using the artefact found among the Brokenskull pirates, the magic was transferred from Dargan back to the Shissarian Codex, and the portal was closed, but the shissar likely remain on Luclin, awaiting another chance to invade Norrath.
Mage Tower Mirage
Malvonicus' Tower, on the Isle of Refuge, trained refugees who arrived on the Isle of Refuge after the Shattering in the magical arts. Master Malvonicus and his student Mizan Vaeoulin resided there, along with their assistant Dreak, who taught many of the refugees how to craft items. Starting with tin bars and spikes, many of Norrath's greatest artisans started here, including the carpenter Terial, whose furniture adorns homes all over Norrath. Other mages built similar towers; two of them include Myrrin the Magnific and Sythor the All-Seeing. The tower was destroyed when a Shissar artefact unearthed by a D.I.R.T.Y. expedition activated, transferring magic from a Shissar codex into Dargan Graymast, son of Captain John Graymast, head of the Isle of Refuge for the Far Seas Trading Company. The pieces of the destroyed tower were left
suspended in time, from the chronomancy contained in the book.
Far Seas Ship's Wheel
The Far Seas Trading Company began during the Rending, formed from the union of surviving seafarers. They transport goods to every part of Norrath, serving settlements both great and small. Their headquarters is in Castle Highhold in the islands of the Phantom Sea, led by Duke Jaestan Ferrin. In addition to gathering resources, they have rescued many survivors during the Rending and the Shattering, taking many of them to their outpost on the Isle of Refuge.
Pygmy Charm Deinodon Bone Table
The pygmies of Dshinn do not often share their ways with outsiders, but did share a few of their recipes in exchange for pickles. The charm is hung in many pygmy dwellings for good luck. The pygmies make the tables from deinodon bone, which the deinodons give to them; this one is made from stone and wood.
Urzarach Cocoon
The urzarach, meaning 'spider bear', live in the village of Gorir on Death Weave Isle, in the northern part of the Tranquil Sea. This is a replica of one of their cocoons. Such cocoons are of more importance to the tribe than ever, as many of their number were recently lost, turned feral by a Shissar artefact wielded by the Brokenskull pirates. The artefact was retrieved and the pirates' hold over the urzarach was broken by emissaries from Qeynos, whom some of the urzarach called Redeemers.
Zavith'loa Hatching Egg
This egg is from Zavith'loa, the underground realm of the Allu'thoa, the lizardmen that inhabit the Shattered Seas. Growing within the eggs is a toxic fungus that the Allu'thoa sometimes feed to the deinodons, making them enraged, thus better at fighting.
Ghorkaal Weapon Rack
An example of the furnishings of the Teir'Dal village of Ghorkaal, on the southeastern coast of the island of Kithicor.
Ancient Shissar Artifact Replica
This is a replica of the artefact used to transfer the Shissarian magic from Dargan Greymast to a book, enabling the portal to Luclin in the Ssraeszha Temple to be closed without harm to him.
Subjugation of the Iksar
This wall carving, discovered in excavations on Grim Shales island in the Phantom Sea, depicts the enslavement of the iksar by the shissar.
"Chains of Eternity" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Duality's research suggested that a Shissar calendar held the missing pieces of the Chelsith Stone, which was thought to hold the knowledge of averting the Age's End prophecy. The Deepwater Circle believed that the spirit of Lord Rikantus Everling knew about the Chelsith stone. Firiona Vie drew forth his spirit, saying 'the keys of fate belong to the ring, and the ring belongs to the stone'. But shortly after this, the Koada'Dal princess was suddenly lifted into the air, surrounded by a bright blue light, then fell to the ground, lifeless. Curiously, the Deepwater Circle said this was not the first report of such a death. Ravinus, one of the Truespirit Elders, that spiritual energy was being drawn out of Norrath at an increasing rate, and to end this, mortals would have to travel to the Grey Wastes, Ethernere, the land of the dead.
Assembling amulets filled with remnants of spiritual pain, those whose souls were strong enough to resist the pull of Ethernere travelled there to investigate, arriving first in the Obol Plains, a reflection of Norrath's Loping Plains. In Cardin Ward, the Ethernere's reflection of Somborn Village, the steward of Drinal revealed that the Ethernere had become unbalanced, with many parts having already fallen to the Harrowing Horde, who were supposed to be Ethernere's protectors.
When Rallos Zek fell, a piece of his essence made its way to Ethernere, unbalancing the plane, and an alternate Cazic-Thule was attempting to enter Ethernere through the Fear Gate in the Eidolon Jungle, which reflects the Feerott in Norrath. Both were driven back. Also within the Fear Gate was a behemoth named Baelon, who held one of the Monoliths of Theer, part of the Shissar
calendar. Others were soon found in Wurmbone Crag, Wurmbone's End, the ancient vault of Chelsith, and the boat of the dead, Dreadcutter.
Drinal's Scythe: Replica
When the other deities withdrew from Norrath, Drinal was inadvertently raised to godhood, tying him to Ethernere, and causing him to suffer along with the plane. To prevent Obol Plains from falling to the Harrowing Horde, and making it impossible to reach Drinal, Firiona Vie assisted the townsfolk of Cardin Ward in fighting back, and in destroying the tourbillion spires created by the Horde. Through the knowledge of the lujien, werewolves of the Ethernere, the Relic of Fate was created, allowing entrance to Drinal's citadel Harrow's End. The boat Dreadcutter, anchored in Obol Plains, which ferries the souls of the dead from Ethernere to other planes, held a soul skiver, which is used to sever the soul's links with Ethernere upon reaching its final destination. It was thought it might also sever the links between Drinal
and Ethernere, freeing him from the plane's suffering. The plan worked in part, freeing Drinal long enough for him to send the stolen souls back to Norrath, including that of Firiona Vie. He revealed that he took the souls in a hunger for power, triggered by the influence of War and Fear on the plane, and, with the cleansing of the plane, swore to no longer do so.
Ancient Shissar Urn
The Shissar are large, snake-like beings who ruled Kunark and enslaved the iksar. They were mostly destroyed by the Greenmist, but teleported their temple to Luclin before the Greenmist fell. Whether they survived the Shattering is unknown, but it is rumoured they again moved their temple. This urn is of Shissar design, and due to their enslavement, hated by the iksar, who destroy Shissar artefacts in some of their rituals.
Strand of Blue Heroes' Festival Lights Strand of Gold Heroes' Festival Lights
Introduced for the fourth Heroes' Festival, these lights can be seen all over the cities of Qeynos and Freeport during the festival.
New Combine New Halas Banner
The New Combine, allied with Lord Yelinak and his Claws of Veeshan, continued the fight against Kerafyrm the Awakened and his drakota forces in Cobalt Scar. Each of the six cities in the alliance had a banner; this one represents New Halas.
Tubular Coral Pod
Within Cobalt Scar is Siren's Grotto, the domain of Queen Dulseris and her sirens. Many forms of coral grow within the grotto, including this tubular coral pod. The Grotto used to serve as a passage from Cobalt Scar to the Western Wastes, but such exits no longer exist. It is believed that the Western Wastes were destroyed in the Rending and the Shattering.
Tear of Veeshan Replica
The New Combine sent an expedition into Siren's Grotto to investigate the sirens' claims of undead within their caves. But instead of undead, the expedition found only sirens wishing to trap them. They escaped the sirens' trap, and discovered a strange artefact within the Grotto: the Tear of Veeshan. Tests revealed that it was an amplifier, increasing the power of any sort of magic. Bringing it to the Drakelands, Queen Antonia Bayle, Overlord Lucan D'Lere, New Combine Field Marshal Vishra, droag chronomancer Jorlak, and Lord Yelinak planned on using it to defeat Kerafyrm. Jorlak used the stone to summon the visage of Lendiniara, one of the ancient Keepers, when Kerafyrm and his chronomages arrived, attacking the group. Lord Yelinak fought with Kerafyrm, while the chronomages attempted to use the Tear to
draw Lendiniara forth from where and when she was hidden. Yelinak was slain, but his sacrifice allowed the chronomages to be defeated and Jorlak to send the Queen and the Overlord to safety - but Kerafyrm seized the Tear of Veeshan. During a meeting with Firiona Vie and the Duality, the Overlord slew Vishra and attempted to slay the Queen, stopped only by the intervention of the Duality. Although the New Combine was at an end, the threat of Kerafyrm was not.
"Desert of Flames" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Parts of the former continent of Antonica continued to be rediscovered after the Shattering. The first of these was the Desert of Ro, home to the dunes of the Sinking Sands, the dervish city of Maj'Dul, and the mesas of the Pillars of Flame. Now nicknamed the Silent City, the city of Akhet Aken, home to the Sul'Dal, or sand elves, and its temple to Anashti Sul, a former goddess of healing who was banished for inadvertently introducing undeath to Norrath, were discovered underneath the Sinking Sands.
Once unified by Sultan Ahkari, Maj'Dul has become a city divided by factions who seek to rule it. While the factions have agreed not to engage in outright war, fights between them are not uncommon, and a web of treachery and assassination binds the city
In the Pillars of Flame, the monks of the Ashen Order, one of the oldest monk clans in Norrath, and the Ashen Disciples, a group which split from the Order preferring strength and discipline to tranquillity and wisdom, make their home, along with the naga of the Anvil of Ro, who keep the secret of gaining entrance into the Shimmering Citadel of the djinn.
Court of the Blades Tapestry Court of the Coin Tapestry Court of Truth Tapestry Court of Tears Tapestry
These tapestries represent the major factions of the dervish city of Maj'Dul. The Court of the Blades protect the city from the hostile desert creatures, particularly the orcs of Rujark. The Court of the Coin control the flow of money in the city, including merchant transactions, banking, and wagering. The Court of Truth gather and maintain the knowledge of the Dervish people, and are heavily involved in the law making associated with the Arena Games. Unlike the other three, the Court of Tears remain hidden, engaging in thievery and assassination, perhaps for one - or all - of the other courts.
Carpet of El'Khazi
This flying carpet exemplifies the style of Maj'Dul, consisting of symbols, runes, and geometric designs, unlike the portraiture common in Qeynosian and Freeportian art. This particular carpet was obtained from El'Khazi, a rug merchant in the Sinking Sands. It is rumoured that this one was purchased with the spirit of a djinn lord.
A Globe of Old Norrath
This globe depicts Norrath as it was before the Shattering. This example comes from the Tunarian Alliance, the scouts' guild in Qeynos.
"Destiny of Velious" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The power of the twin swords was meant to keep the balance in Norrath. But it now resided with 'Fyr'remd Lorak' - the disguised dragon Lord Kerafyrm - who stole it following the defeat of Roehn Theer. While his plans were still unknown, the prophecy of Age's End described the dragon and the swords, and scholars knew that Kerafyrm could not contain that amount of power indefinitely. According to the research of the Duality, the runes of the Chelsith Stone relate to the prophecy, and the last one meant that the key to preventing Age's End was to be found in Velious. A horn was found that could summon immense beasts of the Ocean Lord, Prexus, and sounding it brought the giant sea turtle Lodizal to the docks of the Sinking Sands, along with worshippers of Prexus, the otter-like othmir. Their Speaker, Nipik, was the one who
received visions of Lodizal from Prexus.
Those who were brought to Velious by Lodizal found the othmir village of Fina's Retreat in the Great Divide. South of the village is the Tower of Frozen Shadow, the cursed home of Tserrina Syl'Tor, bride-to-be of the vampire Mayong Mistmoore. Also nearby are the Snowfang gnolls. Once numerous throughout the Iceclad Ocean region, they face extinction from starvation and undead attacks. On the mainland of Velious is Thurgadin, city of the coldain, ruled by Dain Frostreaver VI, and its elaborate harbour. The dwarves of Thurgadin have fought many battles against the Kromrif and Kromzek giants who also inhabit Velious, including the Ring War and the Battle of Storm Gorge. High in the mountains is the village of the goahmari goat-men. Secluded for centuries, they have emerged seeking help against the Order of
Rime, which has recently attacked them. The former Velketor's labyrinth is now home to the Order, with its leader Kraytoc Killingfrost within. But the Rime do not control the entire labyrinth: the efreet Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar continues to rule the Forgotten Pools. In the Eastern Wastes, the forces of Kael Drakkel and Drunder have ravaged the land and the forests. Not far from the Combine spires, the camp of the Ry'Gorr orcs is filled with unrest, having been subjugated by the Kromzek, who reside in the stone city of Kael Drakkel, whence they make war on the coldain and others. The fortress of Drunder, an extension of the Plane of War, has begun to materialise in the Eastern Wastes. Within, Rallos Zek has imprisoned his three children, Sullon, Tallon, and Vallon. It appears Rallos is invading Norrath against the wishes of the other deities. Nipik's Haven is the main othmir village, trying to survive in the midst
of war brewing all around them. The Pit of the Awakened holds Sleeper's Tomb, the former prison of Kerafyrm until his inadvertent release by adventurers who slew the four elemental warders keeping Kerafyrm asleep.
Nipik's Cane
Nipik, the othmir shaman who foresaw Lodizal and the arrival of those foretold, greeted the newcomers. Having them introduce themselves to the other othmir and earn their trust, they came to Nipik's aid when Lodizal became ill. They tracked the cause to the undead in the Tower of Frozen Shadow, and, destroying the tainted statues, cured the turtle. Not long after, Nipik's great-great-grandson Osh was ambushed by the undead and captured. After Osh's rescue, Nipik conducted the ceremony whereby he passed his powers as Speaker of Lodizal to Osh, before turning into sea foam and blowing away. All that was left behind was Nipik's walking stick.
Shrine of Prexus
Built from traditional othmir components, this shrine to the Ocean Lord is also a reminder that the villages of Nipik's Haven and Fina's Retreat are connected, and that both othmir camps must remain united.
Blessed Coldain Prayer Shawl
Various prayer shawls are used by the coldain, ranging from simple burlap to elaborate silk. During the reign of Dain Frostreaver IV, an outlander was able to master the techniques of crafting a silk shawl, made from the crystalline silk spun by the spiders of Velketor's Labyrinth. Once woven, the shawl was embroided with sacred coldain patterns and a velium-etched rune. Once completed, the outlander was commissioned by the Dain to create armour for the coldain in preparation for war with the Kromzek giants, and sent to recruit the gnomish pirates of the Iceclad Ocean as allies. For these efforts, the Avatar of Below appeared and blessed the shawl, granting it the power of Brell himself. The shawl was eventually lost, believed to have gone missing when its owner was killed fighting snow griffins. Following this lead, it was
discovered that the great snow griffin Stormfeather had crashed, wounded, into the goahmari village with a damaged shawl clasped in one claw. Obtaining new crystalline spider silk and the hairs of sirens, the silk and the embroidery were able to be repaired by skilled artisans. The method of creating the rune had been lost, but was revealed by Brell after prayers to him were offered in Thurgadin's temple. Once repaired, the shawl was taken to a cave near the battle site of the Ring War, where the spirits of both coldain warriors and their giant foes remained trapped, in hopes of attracting Brell's attention and freeing the spirits. Summoning the spirits to the shawl, Brell appeared and re-blessed the shawl, but informed the artisans that it was not yet the spirits' time to depart. Their help was still needed, but they would join him in the Halls of the Creator when their work was complete.
"Destiny of Velious" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Eight of the ten rings, made of various metals, were originally owned by the coldain warrior Garadain Glacierbane, and granted to those who aided the coldain. The other two were awarded by the Dain. Many of them were lost over the centuries. One copper ring was found frozen on a corpse at the site of the Ring War battle, with runes showing that it belonged to Garadain. His descendant Malidain Glacierbane, glad to have the ring returned to him, gave the second, silver ring. As did his ancestor, Malidain granted the next rings - gold, platinum, and obsidian - for additional tasks: honouring the grave of Garadain with an ancestral blanket made from the finest kodiak pelts and cougar skins, locating the body of his father, discovered to have been slain in the Tower of Frozen Shadow, and crafting the Coldain Chipper pickaxe from a
pristine rhino horn. The Chipper was used to recover the mithril ring, which was also frozen in the Ring War battlefield. An adamantium ring was held by a coldain scout who had been captured by the Order of Rime, who returned to Thurgadin with urgent news: the Rime were preparing to attack Storm Gorge. For participating in the battle and defeating the Rime cavalry, the velium ring was awarded. Hearing about the battle, the bookkeeper Marpa Coldbrow requested assistance in retrieving artefacts relating to Tserrina Syl'Tor, needed to break the curse and defeat her. These were found inside the Tower of Frozen Shadow, earning the Coldain Hero's Insignia Ring from Dain Ulrinn Frostreaver VII. But another battle awaited: the final victory of the coldain spirits of the Ring War over the Kromrif. During the battle, echoes of which were periodically re-fought, the leader of the Kromrif, Narandi the Enraged, was slain,
and the coldain cryomancers were prevented from casting their Dweomer of Ice, putting an end to the battle and allowing the coldain spirits to finally rest. For this achievement, the tenth ring, the Ring of Dain Frostreaver VI, was granted.
The coldain dwarves are named for their first leader, Colin Dain, who founded the city of Froststone, and died defending it from a Kromrif attack. He refused to allow all the coldain to perish in the defense, although they would have gladly stood with him, and he selected Glight Snowchipper to lead the rest to safety. They took refuge in the Crystal Caverns, where they built a new city, with a maze of tunnels to confuse any invaders. But they were eventually discovered by Slagd Frozentoe, who returned with two hundred and fifty Kromrif warriors. Glight fought the giants with his pick, Snowchipper, but knowing they were outnumbered, used the rubble from the construction to spring a trap. Glight and a few others led the Kromrif through the tunnels, and sprung the trap, burying not only the giants but also Glight,
who stayed behind to ensure the trap worked. During preparations for a recent exhibition in Thurgadin about early dwarven expeditions to Velious, adventurers gathering various artefacts discovered that the Ry'Gorr orcs and the Kromrif were once again seeking the Crystal Caverns. Encountering the spirit of Glight Snowchipper, the adventurers cleared the orcs from the caverns, and then defeated the spirit of Slagd, preventing him from summoning his undead frost giant army. This allowed Glight and the other coldain spirits to finally rest in peace. For this help, Glight gave them his weapon, which is displayed here.
Cursed Wedding Cake
The Tower of Frozen Shadow was built by Mayong Mistmoore for his bride-to-be, the Tier'Dal enchantress Tserrina Syl'Tor. Seeking immortality, she performed a ritual, likely in Nektulos Forest, but it appeared to have no effect. Intending on turning her into a vampire to share immortality with him, Mistmoore gave her a glass of his blood. Rather than become a vampire, however, the combination of the blood and the ritual caused Tserrina to change into something else. It was then that she discovered that the Tower was meant to be not merely a home, but her prison. Enraged, Tserrina cursed the entire tower, including all the servants inside. Mistmoore had left the tower to investigate why Tserrina failed to change into a proper vampire, and, although Tserrina continued to make preparations, he failed to return on the day of their wedding,
further driving her into insanity. When he did return, seeing her condition, he called off the wedding, and ensured she would be trapped in the tower forever. Tserrina slew all within, but her love for Mistmoore caused a piece of her soul to always remain at the altar, waiting to wed him. Despite her imprisonment, she was able to kidnap Dain Frostreaver VI. A rescue party was able to undo the curse and release Tserrina, allowing her to escape and seek revenge on Mistmoore. The cake from the wedding, displayed here, is also cursed.
"Echoes of Faydwer" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Of the major pre-Shattering continents of Norrath, Faydwer was the first to be rediscovered. Thought to have been destroyed, the tree city of Kelethin was found to be home to the Fae, small, winged beings who, like the elves, were also created by Tunare. The Fae, originating in the Lesser Faydark, still inhabit that area, but the powers unleashed during the Rending sped up the growth of the plants. No longer pine forests, giant mushrooms and vines cover the region. The Camp of the Legendary Wu, a group of human monks founded by Wu the Enlightened, who befriended the Fae, is also found there. Felwithe, city of the Koada'Dal and always somewhat isolationist, became much more so after the Shattering. The elves who lived there shortened their lifespans to encourage faster population growth, and called themselves the Renda'Dal,
or New Elves, and attack any visitors on sight, even Koada'Dal. The dwarven city of Kaladim had been taken over by kobolds and bugbears, and the control of Ak'Anon, renamed Klak'anon, was lost by the gnomes to their clockwork creations, with the gnomes retreating to the Steamfont Mountains and a new headquarters they called Gnomeland Security. The cursed Loping Plains remain home to Castle Mistmoore and its vampire inhabitants, led by Mayong Mistmoore, and the Butcherblock Mountains still contain the Estate of Unrest, in which the souls of those murdered by crazed dwarf Garanel Rucksif are said to still dwell. The ghost of Rucksif himself is said to reside deep in the manor's basement.
The Tender's Growth Floret
Grown from a seed of Growth, found only in the Emerald Halls, the lair of the dragon Wuoshi, who guarded the Bloom of Growth for Tunare until he was slain by adventurers.
Crested Shield of Mistmoore
Formerly used by glyphed ghouls in Castle Mistmoore, the ghouls now roam the Loping Plains, but no longer with their shields. Investigation of the strange tattooed flesh led to Amares D'Vehnz, a vampire who sought to slay a powerful undead ghoul lord. After restoring and upgrading a Ghoulbane sword for the task, those who did so were rewarded with this shield.
Touch of Arasai
Since the Shattering, most believed that the Teir'Dal city of Neriak had been destroyed, except for the fallen gate of the Foreign Quarter. But others were convinced it survived, particularly the Thexians and spared no effort searching for it. The city finally revealed itself when the sword Soulfire was stolen from Freeport's overlord Lucan D'Lere. It is believed he allowed it to be taken to force Neriak back into the open. Still ruled by Queen Cristanos, the city had sealed itself off after the Shattering. Through torture and dark magic Queen Cristanos created the Arasai, a twisted and corrupted version of the Fae, in much the same way that Innoruuk corrupted the children of Tunare to create the Teir'Dal.
This mushroom, named for the mischievous creatures, was grown in Longshadow Alley
and can still be found in Neriak. It is used by the Teir'Dal to create very potent poisons.
"Fallen Dynasty" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The isle of Mara consists of two main areas: the village of Shin to the south, and the Mystic Lake to the north. The Tower of the Four Winds, the monastery of the Whistling Fists Clan, founded by Zan Fi, stands on the hills above the village. In the village itself is an outpost of the Far Seas Trading Company, which, after initial distrust, have helped to distribute the highly detailed Wantia furniture made in the village according to the traditional recipes of the Nurwin family, and many other goods produced in the village. The Mystic Lake once held the city of Tanaan, until it was destroyed when they challenged Chel'Drak, the tortoise-like guardian of the 'ungod' Zebuxoruk. Zebuxoruk was released from his long vigil when Chel'Drak was defeated by a powerful group of adventurers, heralding the return of the gods to Norrath.
A Tranquil Bonsai
Bonsai is a manner of cultivating small trees in containers to mimic the appearance of full-size trees. Done for contemplation for the viewer and for the exercise of skill and effort for the planter, the art of bonsai is popular in the village of Shin. The grower must skilfully trim the plant, grown from cuttings rather than seeds, prepare areas for new branches and graft them in, and prune the tree into the desired shape. Once completed, the tree should appear completely natural.
The Spear of Sentries
To hasten the return of Mithaniel Marr, god of Valor, the Order of Marr, led by Sir Bayden Cauldthorn, prophet of Marr, searched for pre-Shattering artefacts. The Spear of Sentries was rumoured to have been buried with a priest of Mithaniel Marr named Celsar Vestagon. He was indeed found in the Freeport graveyard, but when his rest was disturbed, he demanded proof that the would-be wielder understand Valor. A Knight of Truth, Marko Quetalis, had infiltrated the Dismal Rage, investigating that group's plan to expel the goodly Orders from Freeport, when he was discovered to be a spy and murdered. Not even his family knew that he was a Knight of Truth, until his signet ring was returned to his family, restoring his, and their, honour. Next was the requirement to cross the bridge near Lucan's Mount in the Commonlands, the only
habitat of a rare beetle, without killing any of the beetles. Following this proof that the wielder valued life, the next test was a requirement to show faith, through death - by sacrificing himself on the altar in Celsar's chamber. Dutifully doing so, and having passed the tests, body and soul were reunited, and the Spear was obtained. This replica serves as a reminder that with the return of Valor also came Fear, Hate, and War.
Sacrifical Dagger of Fear
Prophet Danak Dhorentath and those who followed Cazic-Thule, god of Fear, sought to feed the Gate of Fear, believing their god would reward them once he reappeared. The ritual dagger displayed here, along with a device called a Soul Shredder, was used to harvest souls for the Gate, which then poured out minions of Fear.
The Pool of Tranquility
This pool was awarded for the rescue of followers of Quellious, goddess of Peace and Tranquillity, when some of her followers were captured by the minions of War and held in Deathfist Citadel. Sensei Makoto Shoda, then the head of the dojo in the Elddar Grove and prophet of Quellious, organised a rescue, but as they were sworn to non-violence, it had to be done without harming any of the orcs inside the fortress.
The Gong of War
To honour Rallos Zek, god of War, his prophet Tychus Zeksworn held the usual ritual: battle. Those who would follow Rallos tested their abilities in the Arena of Zek, in Deathfist Citadel. Those who were victorious were awarded with this gong, a replica of the one in the arena used to start each round of combat.
Pick of the Underfoot
At a ceremony to awaken all the followers of Brell Serilis, god of Earth and creatures below, six chieftains of the creations of Brell, dwarves, gnomes, and Darkpaw, Skindancer, Splitpaw, and Underpaw gnolls, each believed the others were not true followers of Brell and wanted to harm them. It was determined that the person responsible for spreading the rumours and stirring up the camp had also stolen the ritual tablet used to start the ceremony. With the help of a Darkpaw Sniffer, the ratonga thief was tracked to the Blackburrow Brewery, who gave the tablet back along with a letter of apology. This magical pick was awarded for the safe return of the tablet.
The Hand of Ro
Prophet Civean Il'Pernod tested those who would follow Solusek Ro, god of fire, to strengthen them for their god's return. The test required crossing the Pit of Faith. Only the willing touch of fire would extend the bridge, requiring a sacrifice of one's flesh, and the torches had to be lit in the correct order. As a memento of their triumph, those who passed the test received a replica of the Hand of Ro, which stands at the dock of Lavastorm.
Bowl of Growth Book of Hate
Long ago, the Koada'Dal acquired half of the Scroll of H'dar, an incantation used to create a channel directly with Innoruuk, the god of Hate worshipped by the Teir'Dal. The other half was in Neriak. By capturing Felwithe, the city of the high elves, Prince Talvus Thex obtained the other half of the scroll. To stop Thex and his army, which was reinforced by the forces of Commander N'Farre and his dragoons, the Kithicor Rangers met them in battle at Cauldron Hollow. During the chaos of the battle, the half of the scroll held by Thex was lost. The fall of Cauldron Hollow warped the fabric of time, allowing both Eva Corunno'thes, high priestess of Tunare, goddess of Growth, and Xilania Nevagon, Seraph of Hate, to send adventurers back in time to attempt to obtain the scroll. Both sides were suddenly attacked and slain by
Assassins of the Arm, which was unknown to previous histories. The scroll remained lost, but both rewarded the adventurers with tokens of their respective deities: an ivy-covered bowl, providing a blessing of regeneration to followers of Tunare who drink from it, and the Book of Hate, setting forth the shadowy teachings of Innoruuk.
"Kingdom of Sky" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The reactivation of the Ulteran spire teleportation network led to the Overrealm, also known as the Plane of Sky. The restored spires allowed for two-way travel, no longer requiring visitors to leap from above and hope for the best. Many flying races live among the islands of the Overrealm, including the droag, humanoid servants of the dragons, inhabiting the dusky Tenebrous Tangle, and the aviak, eagle-like beings who make their home in the Barren Sky, land of eternal sun. The gnomish Drednever expedition, despite some setbacks, has been exploring the volcanic islands of the Bonemire, shrouded in eternal twilight, where the fates of the ancient dragons Lord Vyemm and Tarinax the Destroyer may be found.
Egg Warmer A Tiny Stuffed Magical Aviak Plushie
These egg warmers aid in the hatching of aviak eggs. After the repair of the Ulteran spires, many aviaks would fight in the arena in Maj'Dul.
Ceremonial Tapestry
This tapestry is one of several designs used by the droag Cult of the Awakened, who assist their draconic master in his plans for Norrath.
Claws of the Earth Sculpture
This sculpture represents a piece of the sky held between the 'claws of the earth', a rock formation on the Isle of the Watchers, the highest island in the Barren Sky. A story is told of a fae named Clarissa Cloudpuff, whose mother, when Clarissa was young, would tell her that no matter how bad things were, looking up at the beautiful sky would make her feel better. Ever since, Clarissa and her brother Criggle searched for a piece of the sky. But one day, Criggle started acting strange, and eventually ran off with Clarissa's journal with her notes on obtaining a piece of the sky. Sadly, Criggle's bones were found in the Barren Sky - the Criggle who was still searching for a piece of the sky was an imposter who had killed the real Criggle! Clarissa hurried to complete the ritual at the Claws of the Earth to obtain a piece of the sky, doing so, but the imposter
revealed himself and the fate of her brother before escaping. Having achieved her dream, it gave her hope that the imposter would be found someday.
"Kunark Ascending" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The third shard of the Chaos Rebirth Stone remained hidden in the Arcanna'se Spire. Queen Alwenielle, sensing that the magic hiding the spire was fading, had an imitation stone created, and sent adventurers to hide the real one within a magical censer. The switch was made, but Lanys T'Vyl discovered the plan. The Queen teleported the adventurers out, but with her magic fading, she did not know where they were teleported to. They found themselves captured by the Crusaders of Greenmist, and taken to their cave in Obulus Frontier. Helping defend the camp against sarnak Sel'Nok invaders, they were freed, and Zhazsze, a disciple of Cazic-Thule, spoke of a vision of these adventures, with Cazic-Thule requiring their service. Also captured was the shaman Setri Lur'eth, who sought to help some disturbed iksar spirits, and who
had previously been seen seeking her lost granddaughter in Nektulos Forest during the Nights of the Dead. Several arcane obelisks were discovered around the area, which appeared to cause those who leave Obulus Frontier to lose their memories of the area, but this did not affect the adventurers, even after being banished from the region by elves, ending up in Kylong Plains. The elves were from the city of Nye'Caelona, in Warslik Wood, northeast of the Crusaders' camp. Although previous elven attempts to settle on Kunark had met with defeat, one of Dominus Rile's generals told the Crusaders to allow these elves to remain, as part of their cover, since it was the elven spell keeping the Crusaders from being discovered.
The elves, the Cae'Dal, requested assistance in repairing the obelisks, as the obfuscation spell was decaying. After doing so, the
adventures returned to the Crusaders' camp, where they were asked to obtain a new weapon for Dominus Rile. The original Greenmist blade had been lost at sea, and this would confirm him as the Chosen by Cazic-Thule. Venturing into the crypt of Dalnir, the great weaponsmith of Rile Sathir, a new weapon was forged from materials found within, and it was taken to the Kunzar Jungle to be blessed by Xuurk, the Hand of Cazic-Thule, and presented to Dominus Rile, along with his phylactery, ensuring Venril no longer had it. Hearing of Venril's plan to resurrect Drusella Sathir, his wife and empress, Rile planned to attack during the ritual, knowing Venril would be vulnerable. The plan, and the battle, were successful, and Rile deposed his father Venril to become emperor of the Sebilisian Empire.
After the battle, Setri Lur'eth again asked for aid, seeking shards of Dalnir's ghosts,
sarnaks doomed to wander Warslik's Woods, so she could free them. Returning with the shards, she wondered how the adventurers could leave Obulus Frontier and return without losing their memories. Realising it was the stone hidden in the censer, keeping memories that would otherwise be lost, they mentioned it to Setri. She immediately summoned Lanys T'Vyl, who, seizing the third shard of the Chaos Rebirth Stone, opened a portal to Vaedenmoor, the realm of Despair. Confronted by Innoruuk, she destroyed the stone, releasing its power to slay her father, which allowed Setri Lur'eth - revealing herself to be Terris Thule - to ascend to Goddess of Nightmares, and resurrected Saryrn, Mistress of Torment.
Scribe's Arcane Podium
Found within the Arcanna'se Spire, this podium holds the books of the scribes, including those that contain the spells to seal or release the door.
Broken Tooth Covered Jar
In the northern part of Obulus Frontier is the goblin village of Twark, where the Bloody Tooth goblins live among iksar ruins with their tame forest slugs. Artisans who gained their trust during the events surrounding the ascension of Emperor Rile learned their crafts, including this jar in their style.
Kaesora Ritual Carving
Kaesora was an iksar citadel built during the reign of Rile Sathir and used by his vampiric general Chosooth to gather knowledge. At one time, it contained the most knowledge anywhere outside the Plane of Knowledge itself. This carving was found in the ruins, perhaps merely decorative, but perhaps connected to experiments rumoured to be conducted by General Chosooth.
Torsis Ewer
The city once known as Torsis, but now commonly called the City of Mist, was built by Lord Rak'Ashiir not long after the Shissar fell. When his wife Queen Neh'Ashiir had a secret romance with High Scale Kirn, and the two fled the city, Lord Rak'Ashiir lost faith in Cazic-Thule after he took Rak'Ashiir's daughter away. This loss of faith led to many leaving Torsis, and the city's fall, now inhabited only by undead and spirits. This ewer reflects the style of the city, once full of trade and a base for the army, and richly decorated with the finest Kunark limestone, marble, and tapestries.
Cae'dal Bowl
This bowl displays the style of the elves of Nye'Caelona, the elven city in Warslik's Wood. The Cae'Dal originally lived in the Elddar Forest until they noticed it was slowly dying, and migrated to another forested land where they founded the colony of Khalee'Sri. That forest also became a desert, but they saw it as a lesson from Tunare, that the desert, no less than the forest, is teeming with life and with Growth.
Ancient Desert Urn
During the Nights of the Dead, magical pumpkins were created that, when thrown, could be pulped by others for treats. More recently, the spirits began granting gifts to the thrower, as well. One such gift was this urn, in the style of Maj'Dul, where the holiday began. It was rumoured that the spirits would grant a bat which would serve any adventurer as a mount. So many urns were obtained by people looking for the mount that they were sold for a few copper pieces each, and entire houses were built from them. It remains unknown if the bat actually exists, or if it was simply a trick by the spirits.
"Planes of Prophecy" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
As creations of Druzzil Ro, magic is intrinsic to the Yrzu. They are able to feel it flowing through them, to shape and direct it, giving them a sense of connection to their world.
Khali'Yrzu Crate of Crystals
The Yrzu use their magic to shape the rocks of the Plane of Magic, and gather many types of crystals from the plane to use for various purposes. The brighter ones are metetherial crystals, pure essences of the plane's magic, and the darker ones are from the Aetherscar, which was created by an unnatural magical eruption.
Khali'Vahla Arcanum Orb
The Vahla are one of the two houses of Allyrians, the creations of Druzzil Ro. They practise Effect magic, such as persuasion and illusion, augmenting the world as it exists in one's mind and senses. They view the Affect magic practised by the Yrzu as brutal, forcing its will upon others. They use orbs such as this one to store arcanum, the energy of the Plane of Magic.
Khali'Vahla Chest
This chest is of the Vahla style, reflecting their city and their Effect magic, distinct from the Yrzu's Affect magic.
Starfire Crystal
The Pride Pakiat sphinxes of the Pakiat Bluffs are not native to the Plane of Magic, possibly having been summoned as part of some plan that failed. These crystals are found throughout the Pakiat Bluffs, used in many magical sources, having the ability to allow magic to flow and be directed, and as a source that can be harvested or consumed.
Arcane Remnant Seal Powered Etherium Pad
These arches and pads allow for teleportation across the Plane of Magic, built from etherium, an ore common to the plane. Their magic is such that they require visiting once before use, but can then be used to access any other pad which has previously been visited.
Chrono Gate
This is a model of the gate opened by Lanys T'Vyl in the Molten Throne, destroyed with her in the detonation of the Dresolik crystal.
"Planes of Prophecy" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Students of magic, even the most promising mages, in both the Concordium and the Academy of Arcane Science began to have difficulty with their magical lessons. But more experienced practitioners felt that their magic was more empowered. Consulting the dragon Lendiniara, it was learned that these strange sensations indicated that a greater power was awakening. An ancient tome, half from Kaesora and half from Silent City, described a ritual to release the magic that was filling up the world. T'dylis, a researcher who had been working with the Concordium and Academy, performed it at the Combine Spire in the Greater Faydark, and received a message from an unknown voice thanking him for 'turning the key'.
The 'key' unlocked a new destination on the spire network: the Plane of Magic, the realm
of Druzzil Ro, goddess of Magic. Those who had worked with T'dylis travelled to the plane, where three factions resided. While not at war with each other, relations between them were tense, with a possibility of open conflict erupting at any time. Two of them were Allyrians, creations of Druzzil Ro, split into the Yrzu and Vahla houses in a long-ago schism, and residing on floating platforms on either side of the Fount of Arcanum. The third was a tribe of sphinxes, Pride Pakiat, who lived to the east in the desert and mesas of the Pakiat Bluffs, with their aluxob servants. The four arcane seals around the Fount had been shattered by Druzzil Ro herself, enabling new arts of ascension, Elementalism, Etherealism, Geomancy, and Thaumaturgy, to enter Norrath, and to draw those who had mastered their power to the plane, as Lanys T'Vyl and her Tenets of Hate, Terris Thule and Saryrn, threatened the planes of the gods as well as Norrath.
In the Coliseum of Valor, Mithaniel Marr welcomed those who would aid Druzzil against Lanys. The Hounds of War had been asked to join Lanys, but only Sullon Zek was convinced to do so. No other gods sided with the Tenets of Hate as of yet, but Bertoxxulous was believed to be the next target. The portal to the Plane of Disease was closed, but Meldrath, the gnome who had developed machines and magicks to open planar portals, was in the Plane of Innovation. That plane had never severed its ties with Norrath, allowing Druzzil to open a portal to it.
The clockworks in the Plane of Innovation led the visitors to Meldrath, who had been split into two. Meldrath the Marvelous had escaped from his brother, Meldrath the Malignant, and his experiments of forcing his consciousness into clockworks. Using
this to escape his brother, Meldrath the Marvelous did what he could to shield the visitors from his brother while they searched for parts to an Enigmatic Portal Opening Device, or EPOD. Protecting them as they were confronted by Meldrath the Malignant, and then by the Great Gear, an emerging consciousness of the plane itself, showing the very spirit of Innovation, the device was assembled and a portal to the Plane of Disease opened within the Coliseum.
Within the Plane of Disease, the Springview Healers, the followers of the Plaguebringer, sought to stop the visitors. With the help of masks found on the healers, and then blessed by Druzzil, they made their way through the plague-ridden plane to the Crypt of Decay disguised as puslings, where Lanys was indeed attempting to recruit Bertoxxulous. She took some object from the
air, which appeared to be her true goal, as Bertoxxulous appeared to only be humouring her.
Although other gods agreed on the need to confront Lanys, they disagreed on allowing mortals to enter their planes. Some, like Quellious and Karana, were in favour, but others refused, particularly Solusek Ro, who resolved to incinerate any mortal entering his Plane of Fire. Karana was not responding to Mithaniel's summons, however, so an expedition was sent to the Plane of Storms. It found that the Primordial Malice had attacked, and Karana's Staff of the Rainkeeper had been broken, causing him to lose control over the plane. Obtaining elements from each of the plane's towers, the staff was remade. Karana, confronted by Agnarr, who had imprisoned Karana and to whom Lanys promised the Plane of Storms, transported himself and the visitors back to
the Coliseum, leaving Agnarr to be dealt with later, recognising his throne was nothing if Norrath and the planes fell to Lanys.
Druzzil believed Lanys was attempting to reach the Plane of Time. Centuries ago, she had rewoven the threads of time, which saved all of existence, but split the weave of time in two: two Norraths, two Planes of Disease, two Planes of Magic, and so on. Now Lanys was trying to obtain objects in the other reality to make them exist in this one, to re-establish a connection to the Plane of Time. A mortal enchantress from the other timeline was summoned, who built a device which she called paradoxulars, allowing one to see items from another timeline. The next item was the Globe of Dancing Flame, held by Solusek Ro in his Molten Throne. Travelling through the Tower of Solusek Ro, they were stopped by
Solusek, furious that mortals were present in his plane. He had already fought off Lanys and her army, but prevented from advancing further, Lanys was one item closer to her goal. She had taken a large crystal, not the Globe of Dancing Flame, but perhaps this was to replace the Globe. The next item was the Sphere of Coalesced Water, in the Plane of Water, within the Brackish Vaults. Mithaniel Marr transported the visitors there, who fought their way through the vault and obtained the sphere ahead of Lanys.
The good news, however, soon gave way to bad. Morell-Thule, brother of Terris-Thule, had learned from his sister, whom he had convinced to abandon Lanys, that the crystal wasn't a replacement for the Globe of Burning Flame, but the Dresolik. During the Age of Turmoil, Solusek Ro, allied with Rallos Zek, channeled and amplified
elemental power into a gem kept at the top of his tower on Dresolik Mountain. They planned to use it to annihilate Norrath, but the machine was destroyed by a band of mortals. While the crystal was detonated here - likely destroying Luclin - it remained in the other reality, until Lanys seized it, and began to construct a time gate in the Molten Throne and charge the Dresolik with the plane's energy. With the aid of Druzzil Ro, Quellius, Mithaniel Marr, who held back Sullon Zek, the mortals fought the Tenets' minions, moving towards the Dresolik. They set it to detonate, but Druzzil, Solusek, and Fennin Ro, who had just been freed by Morris-Thule, shielded them from the crystal's blast, trapping Lanys with it, destroying her.
"Rise of Kunark" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The second continent to be rediscovered after the Shattering, Kunark is home to the reptilian races of Norrath, the iksar and sarnak. Led by Dominus Rile, the iksar dwell in their city of Sebilis, deep inside the Kunzar Jungle. Originally built by Venril Sathir and destroyed by Trakanon, the city has been rebuilt. The sarnak city of Chardok is in the Kylong Plains, where a neutral city home to many races, Teren's Grasp, has been established at the site of the old Combine spires. While Karnor's Castle used to be a desert fortress, the trees now have relentlessly made their way to it. At Kunzar's Edge, near the remains of the elven city of Firiona Vie, the inhabitants defend their outpost against the attacks of the Gra'al Shul iksar.
Another sarnak city, Gorowyn, was
established 60 years ago on the islands of the Timorous Deep: Chrykori, Gorowyn, and Mok. The militaristic sarnak continue to fight the Haoaeran spirocs on the isles, and, more recently, Blackshield pirates. Gorowyn has a reputation for tolerance, and unlike elsewhere, those who are not citizens of it or its allies are not attacked on sight.
Much of the Fens of Nathsar are divided between the iksar of Riliss, bastion of the Sathirian Empire, and the sarnak of Bathezid's Watch, which, so far, has been able to stand against the Sathirian Empire. The human and elven outpost of Omen's Call sits on the coast, a starting point for those who seek the ruins of the iksar resort of Veksar, thought lost to the waters of the Lake of Ill Omen, but once again rediscovered. To the north rises Kurn's Tower, surrounded by the caves of the burynai.
In the Jarsath Wastes, the iksar city of Charasis, in the Overthere, is home to the mightiest of the iksar, the Kunzar, and was the birthplace of Venril Sathir, who united the iksar. They also inhabit the docks of the Danak outpost, operating a shipyard. The dragons' lair of Veeshan's Peak lies in the Skyfire Mountains. Many adventurers have travelled inside to try their skills against the draconic inhabitants. Some have made it back out.
Mounted Fish
The battle between the sarnak fisherman Niba'Ouz and Vethka the Gorger could only end one way: with Vethka mounted on Niba'Ouz's wall. In gratitude for their assistance, he presented the saltfin he caught to those who helped him.
Statue of a Di'Zok Warrior Statue of a Sathirian Warrior
Both the Di'Zok of Bathezid's Watch and the Sathirians of Riliss have numerous blueprints and recipes, but will only share them with those who have earned their trust. These statues depict a warrior of each group, and have been imbued with magic boosting the skill of any artisan.
Mounted Celestial Mallet
During a blight spreading across Norrath, Seeress Ealaynya Ithis was elevated to prophet of Rodcet Nife, the Prime Healer. Aided by items of healing provided by Rodcet Nife himself, the Seeress sent adventures across Norrath to cure those afflicted by the blight. Agents of Bertoxxulous, god of Disease, were discovered spreading the plague, but visions granted to the Seeress revealed their locations, and the items and visions from Rodcet Nife were able to put an end to both the plague and those spreading it. This Celestial Mallet, crafted by the Celestial Watch and blessed by the Seeress, was granted to those who aided in the healing.
Temple of Life
The Celestial Watch, the priests' guild of Qeynos, is based in the Temple of Life. While they honour all the good gods, the Temple itself is based on the design favoured by Rodcet Nife, god of Healing. This model was found in a chest in the Down Below, opened by a key which had been swallowed by one of the koalindl fish that swim in the water around the Temple. The design reminds us that, 'No matter how far we travel nor how dark the days may seem, the light of this temple burns bright. Let it guide and strengthen you, and you, in turn, will become a beacon for others in their time of need.'
Decorative Runed Battleaxe
Although currently inhabited by kobolds and bugbears, from time to time dwarves travel to Kaladim to ensure that the dwarven knowledge left behind is not lost. One such dwarf, Braxley, was researching the various axes used by the Kaladim dwarves. He shared his research with those brave enough to sneak into the city to gather information for him. This battleaxe is an example of the Kaladim style.
Succulent Plushie
These walking, eyed cacti are common in the Jarsath Wastes. Poking one causes it to release pollen, which is a component in certain spells.
"Rum Cellar" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Brokenskull pirates, after repeated attacks on the Far Seas Trading Company, was running low on rum. With some of the pirates calling this the 'rumpocalypse', claiming the most dangerous thing in the world is a sober pirate, they invaded the Far Seas Distillery in the Phantom Sea. Initially successful at taking over the facility, the Far Seas, with some outside help, fought back, eventually pushing the pirates out.
The parrot of Charandra, the Brokenskull shaman who led the attack on the Far Seas Distillery. During the attack, the bird is reported to have shouted orders to help the pirates navigate the caves and buildings. Not fond of all of the pirates, those who Nibbles almost led to their deaths took revenge on Nibbles, killing him - at least until he could be reanimated by Charandra.
Or so it was thought. Nibbles was actually Baz the Illusionist, who, following Charandra's defeat, revealed himself, ending the charades of the Brokenskull pirates in the rum cellar when he was also defeated.
Damaged Tunarbos Replica
Disturbances had been reported within the Faydark, of figures cloaked in hate and malice corrupting the strength of Growth. They were discovered to be cultists of the Primordial Malice, and there were further reports of disturbances in Antonica, the Enchanted Lands, and Everfrost. Tunarbos, the World Tree, in Everfrost, had been split open, and the cultists had bones of sentient creatures which they pierce themselves with, including their eye sockets. This allowed a spell to show what the bones witnessed: Villandre V'Zher, daughter of Lanys T'Vyl, sacrificed herself so that her mother could rise within her daughter's body.
Not long after, there were additional reports of disturbances, this time of elementals. Clockworks were found among the undergolems, and when parts were fit
together, they had a message asking for help from Moradhim and Klick'Anon to fend off an attack from 'aberrants'. Both cities mentioned were likely destroyed in the Rending, but this suggested that the city under attack was in Subtunaria or the Underfoot, and Serilian.
"Sentinel's Fate" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The repair of the Ulteran spire network made it possible to travel to Odus, torn from Norrath and shifted into Ultera. During his attempt to take control of the city of Erudin, El'Arad built a new Nexus based on the Luclin Nexus in Toxxulia Forest. Unknown to him, the gods had blocked travel through Luclin, and the energy was discharged back into the new Nexus, causing the entire continent to shift. During the chaos, El'Arad revealed that he was working with the Void and Roehn Theer, and his shadowed allies appeared in the city.
The Stonebrunt Highlands contain the remains of Erudin, along with the village of Moonfield Hamlet and the ruins of Quel'ule. The great wall in Quel'ule once divided the Erudites of Erudin, who worshipped Quellious, from the Heretics of Paineel, who
worshipped Cazic-Thule. All that now remains of the wall is the gate. In the Sundered Frontier, the city of Paineel sits above the ruins of old Paineel, commonly called simply the Hole. Digging too deep and reaching the Plane of Underfoot, elementals and minions of Brell Serilis swept through the city, forcing the Heretics to retreat to the current location of the city. The various factions of invaders still retain control over the Hole.
Further investigation into the kidnapping of Overlord Lucan D'Lere learned that he was being held captive by Roehn Theer in Erudin Palace. With the help of a strange figure named Fyr'remd Lorak, the investigation led to Anashti Sul herself, who had once allied herself with Theer to enable her to escape the Void. She said that Theer's power to slay even the gods has caused the deities to again retreat from Norrath to find a
way to defeat him. Using a binding thread obtained from the lich Perah'Celsis, mortal adventurers defeated Roehn Theer and rescued the Overlord from his captivity. With his defeat, the Void invasion of Norrath was at an end. But Lorak then appeared, and performed a rite which drained the swords Enoxus and Aeteok, the Qeynos Claymore and Soulfire, of their power, and then vanished.
Kejek Totem Pole
The kerra, originally from the city of Kejek in the Stonebrunt Mountains, now reside only on Kerra Isle, having been pushed out of the Stonebrunt Highlands by the erudites. This totem pole exemplifies their craftsmanship. Making a variety of goods, but primarily clothing and potions of various types, the kerra share their recipes once their visitors prove trustworthy.
Hua Mein Totem
Hidden from outsiders, the panda-like Hua Mein withdrew after Odus was lifted into Ultera. The war between the Hua Mein and the Erudites resulted in few Hua Mein surviving. Changed by the storm, they claim their namesake Hua Mei as their saviour, who taught them three things: nothing is lost and all things return, nothing shall remain constant, and cause and effect. She taught them to coexist with the land, and those who do good will have good things happen, and those who do bad will have bad things happen. This totem is made from bamboo, which the Hua Mein not only eat but use in building many things.
Laboratory Research Flask
With the Ulteran spires again active, researchers and artisans have returned to Quel'ule to study the site. Primarily scholars, this flask is an example of the equipment used in their research.
Truth of Marr
The paladin entrusted with Valeron Dushire's Testimony, a holy relic of the Order of Marr, by a knight captured in the former home of the Order, Freeport, was the one prophesied to return 'that which was lost' and would go on to slay mighty evils. After freeing frogloks enslaved by Sebilis, the paladin was told by a spirit to seek the Truth of Marr, to 'balance the power, carry out justice and bring peace to the innocent'. Informed by the scholar Izzal Din that the Truths of Marr, tablets of living metal, were lost in a battle against in the Sphere of Malevolance, a demi-plane of Fear, the paladin learned that the iksar in the Kunzar Jungle were worshipping Cazic-Thule with an item of malevolence. Told by a servant that the Sword of Malevolence was inside the Tabernacle of Pain and used in the Rites of Challenge, the paladin entered, defeated
the Tabernacle's grandmasters, and claimed the sword, which revealed itself to be the Truth of Marr. The tablets had reformed themselves into the sword, but were corrupted by the influence of the Sphere. Realising that an ancient Marrsian text was about the sword, not the tablets, the paladin learned to 'Cure the irascibility of the item once gallant with Rings of Contrition! Wield the sword of truth, and others will yield.' Defeating the holders of the three rings: the golem Imzok's Revenge, who had the Ring of Valor, the drachnid Tairiza the Widow Mistress, who had the Ring of Mercy, and the dragon Hoshkar, deep in Veeshan's Peak, who had the Ring of Generosity, the paladin cleansed the weapon, restoring the Truth of Marr to its full power.
Later, based on the research of Sa'ib Waseem, a member of Paineel's Hall of Wizardry, a spell was created which could transfer the
powers of a weapon directly to a person, permitting their use even without the weapon. Gathering the potent and dangerous items needed for the spell, Waseem successfully performed the ritual. The enervated weapon is displayed here.
A Vigilant Captain's Chair Fresh Fruit Assortment Authentic Cooking Pot from the Vigilant
The Sentinel was an airship originally built by the Erudin Erudites and used to haul large amounts of cargo overland. When the Void intruded into Odus, it was abandoned. The Paineel Erudites claimed the airship and re-worked it for their own purposes. It then became known as the Vigilant, as it watched over and protected the city. When the Tallonites attacked the Vigilant and captured the crew, a rescue attempt was made which successfully freed the crew but was unable to fully defeat the invaders. The decision was then made to destroy the airship rather than let the Tallonites use it. The captain's chair, fruit plate, and cooking pot are some of the items which survive the Vigilant's final destruction.
"Sentinel's Fate" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
After being freed from his grief in the Shard of Love, Mithaniel Marr searched Norrath for a place to build New Halas, to replace the city destroyed in the Rending. Finding an island in the Frostfang Sea, later named Erollis, he convinced the coldain dwarves who lived on the island to allow the building of the city. In the centre of the town is a statue of his sister, Erollisi Marr. After the city's establishment, many followers of Mithaniel Marr, particularly barbarians and frogloks, migrated to the city.
When ships travelling to New Halas were attacked by snow orcs, much like the passengers of the Far Journey who were brought to the Isle of Refuge, the survivors of the orc attacks were tended to at Pilgrim's Landing, a chunk of ice and rock upon which the New Halasians had built a camp.
This table was made from the wreckage of one of the ships.
Coldain Anvil
This anvil, made in New Halas, is of coldain design. The coldain are known for their skill at smithing, particularly with velium.
White Granite Druid Ring
Kurista, a fae servant of Tunare, sought to restore the druid rings found in various locations around Norrath: Nektulos Forest, the Enchanted Lands, Zek, the Feerrott, the Sinking Sands, Loping Plains, the Jarsath Wastes, and the Stonebrunt Highlands. Seeking help with her plan, many adventurers aided in the effort, guarding the rings from the drakota and other enemies of Growth, gathering living stones delivered from the Plane of Growth by Karana, and crafting Eldritch materials to repair the rings, allowing Kurista to perform the Rite of Renewal at each site. Once the rituals were completed, the newly-restored druid rings could be used for teleportation, adding their locations to the rings in Antonica, Butcherblock Mountains, the Commonlands, Darklight Wood, Greater Faydark, Kunzar Jungle, Kylong Plains, the Moors of Ykesha,
and the Steamfont Mountains.
This is a model of the druid ring in the Enchanted Lands, made of white granite.
Chipped Freeport Celebration Cup Chipped Qeynos Celebration Cup
To celebrate the five-year anniversary of the Isle of Refuge, which trained many heroes for Qeynos and Freeport after the Shattering, the restoration of Qeynos and Freeport, and the innumerable accomplishments made in rebuilding Norrath, rediscovering old lands, and defeating evils, Queen Antonia Bayle of Qeynos and Overlord Lucan D'Lere of Freeport held a Heroes' Festival in the two cities, and spoke to their people. These cups were made for the event.
'Good citizens of Qeynos, I come before you today in honour of our city and all of our accomplishments. It has been five years since our light guided the first refugee to the welcoming shores of our island colony. During this time you have risen to every challenge Surviving the multitude
of threats, both natural and unnatural orchestrated by neighbouring kingdoms, delusional zealots and misguided entities, alike. You have kept our city of valour safe with the sweat of your brow and the blood of your veins. It is your sacrifice and accomplishment that we honour today, within this paradise without equal!'
--Queen Antonia Bayle
'Gather around, my subjects. Heed my words and draw strength from the word of D'Lere! It has been five years since my island outpost began taking on refugees from the calming seas. During this time you have been kept secure within these walls - safe against the multitude of threats, plots and deceptions perpetrated by neighbouring kingdoms, delusional zealots and meddling entities. Rejoice in this! Take this moment to recall where you have been and
acknowledge what could have been. Destiny is not done with us yet! Five years it has been since that day, but we have a great many more ahead!'
--Overlord Lucan D'Lere
"Tears of Veeshan" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
With Lord Yelinak dead, returning to the Ethernere was the next step. The dragons' land in the Ethernere, called the Vesspyr Isles, reflects the Norrathian land they revere, the Overrealm. In the Vesspyr Isles, Lord Yelinak said that although he took up the cause of leading the Claws of Veeshan, the best choice would have been Lendiniara. It was then discovered that Kerafyrm had breached the veil into the Ethernere, and moved the Temple of Veeshan there. An attempt was made to locate her through the Nexus Core, similar to the Nexus in Odus, but upon activation, the heart of the Nexus shattered. Lord Yelinak suggested finding someone with the knowledge to repair the Heart, but Drinal's Steward refused to allow any more mortals to enter the Ethernere. But he did allow a bargain to be made, as Drinal often does. The holes in the veil go both
ways, and goblin spirits had escaped into High Keep. Capture and return them, or face the immediate judgment of Drinal. The spirits were successfully captured, but Drinal's Steward did not allow further travel into the Ethernere. Only those areas which were already accessed could be revisited. Fortunately, an erudite named Zal'Urid was in Cardin Ward, and agreed to try to fix the Nexus. He said it had a protection trap, which triggered when it was used by someone not authorised. The pieces of the Heart were scattered around Vesspyr Isles, but eventually retrieved. Zal'Urid repaired the Heart, and it was used to contact Lendiniara. She, noting that this was a Nexus of time, not just space, and that it was powered by the Tears of Veeshan, used the Tears to empower those who had entered, to enable them to destroy the Tears. With the amplified power, two of the three were destroyed, but Kerafyrm's General Raklish
had already seized the third. After the battle, where the power of the Nexus was used against him, Raklish was defeated.
The prophecy, however, was not yet averted. To complete the Shissar calendar, the final monolith of Theer was obtained from Mayong Mistmoore. The Shissar had recorded that when all sixteen events depicted on the calendar had occurred, the centre event would then occur. While the symbols detail the end of creation, they also show how it can be averted. The Duality concluded that the Nameless would destroy his creations who failed to interpret the message, and then build again in a new cycle. New runes then appeared on the calendar, representing the Awakened, the Swords of Destiny, Bayle, and D'Lere, among others. Although the swords had been drained by Kerafyrm, they were not completely inert, having been used to slay
Rallos Zek. At the location of the fall of Lord Yelinak, Lendiniara returned, bringing Firiona Vie's staff, Lifeguide, which had been lost during the events when the Overlord slew Field Marshal Vishra. Although glad to have it back, she detected that someone with malice had used it. Jorlak, Firiona Vie, Lendiniaria, Queen Antonia Bayle, Overlord Lucan D'Lere, and those who had destroyed the Tears and retrieved the monolith assembled at Skyshrine Tower for the final battle - along with Roehn Theer, to whom Jorlak had returned the swords.
High Keep Ornate Chest
The fortress of High Keep was once the centre of an empire which ruled much of central Antonica. It was reduced to the area of Highpass Hold from attacks by orcs and gnolls. Now, High Keep has fallen to the Pickclaw goblins, led by a dwarf who claimed to be Bolgin Serilis, who had been imprisoned in the dungeon of the keep. This chest shows the style of the furnishings of the keep, which, prior to the Shattering, had been a stopping point for travellers, a resort including a casino.
Bixie Lamp
Adventurers who travelled to an alternate version of Guk, where bixies now ruled, and two queens fought for control of the hive, brought back this lamp. It appears that it may have been grown, rather than manufactured.
Dark Ethernere Crystal Charged Ethernere Crystal
These crystals, charged with energy from the Ethernere, are used as lighting.
Temple Necrovat
This vat was found hanging from the ceiling in the Laboratory of Mutation in the Temple of Veeshan, containing unknown fluids used in the dragons' necromantic experiments.
A Tiny Mischievious Castle
Found deep within the Temple of Veeshan, it is rumoured that this tiny castle is the entrance to Bristlebane's Plane of Mischief.
Vibrant Banner of Antonia
This banner depicts Queen Antonia Bayle of Qeynos, and was created for the annual Heroes' Festival celebration.
Zlandicar's Tortured Heart
Dorondal, a loremaster in Thurgadin, sent adventurers out to retrieve Jaled Dar's key, promising Zlandicar's Heart to whoever found it. Unknown to him, and to the monk Khrolan, who retrieved the key, the Awakened were also seeking the Heart. Khrolan was tracked to the Laboratory of Mutation inside the Temple of Veeshan, where his body was found, but he managed to hide the Heart before he died. His spirit was located in the Ethernere, but had lost its memories from the experience of his death. The adventurers found them among the Horde, and restored them to Khrolan, who revealed the hiding place of the Heart. Fighting their way through the aerakyn in the Forsaken City on the isle of Mara, they located the Heart, retrieving it before the Awakened could get it, although they could still scry on it, as it remained linked to the
undead Zlandicar. By venturing into the Temple of Veeshan, destroying the altar the aerakyn were using for scrying, feeding the Heart with true draconic essences, and slaying Zlandicar, the link between him and his Heart was finally broken.
Moonlit Mushroom Ring
A replica of the mushroom ring and portal that appears in various areas of Norrath once a month, taking those who enter to hidden grottos inhabited by nature spirits. Those who help them are rewarded with crystals, minerals, plants, and other natural items.
"Terrors of Thalumbra" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Jaggedpine Forest, once a lush woodland, was turned into Zek, the Orcish Wastes, by the Deathfist orcs, stripping the land above of its trees, and digging mines below. The lands which remained untouched were guarded by the elven Green Hoods, who eventually assassinated Emperor Fyst in his Deathfist Citadel. Emperor Blacktusk next claimed the crown, and attacked the Green Hoods, almost wiping them out. But what came next was worse: two of the new gods of War, Tallon Zek, the god of Strategy, and Vallon Zek, the god of Tactics, raised up a new kind of orc as Sanctifier of War, to lead their orcish army from the Plane of War. These were the Scourge orcs, from the Fortress of Drunder.
This helmet was retrieved from Scourge Keep, the former Deathfist Citadel, from a chapel dedicated to Tallon Zek.
Explorer's Globe
Sold by merchants at the Heroes' Festival, this globe depicts unknown lands, ready for the brave to explore.
"Terrors of Thalumbra" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Many responded to the distress call of the undergolems and clockworks, perhaps threatened by Lanys T'Vyl and her Primordial Malice. Tinkered portal-gates were set up in Kelethin, Neriak, and Shin. Those who went through arrived in the region of Thalumbra, the Ever Deep, with the city of Maldura to the south, inhabited by deep dwarves and gnomes. Maldura was indeed the city who sent out the call for help, being under siege by Aberrants. Undead, immolated wights, had made it into the city, requiring several areas to be sealed off. Inside one of them, the Alcove of Reason, was a group called the the Dark Gears and their leader Black Bolt, who was somehow involved with the immolated. Both rulers of Maldura, gnemlin Grand Artificer Tobon Blingden and dhalgar Queen Alwenielle, ordered searches of the Stonebrunt Yards in
Thalumbra, which located several Primordial Malice cultists, showing a link between them and the Aberrant. But it was also learned that Queen Alwenielle permitted Black Bolt to create the immolated, as a last stand - or, rather, vengeance - against the Aberrant, as they were to only be released if nobody were left in Maldura. This was reported to Kelethin's Queen Amree, who suggested finding Queen Alwenielle's sister Lafenielle, who left her after a battle long ago. Refusing to lose another, the Queen ordered the immolated to be created. The search for Lafenielle led to the Luminous Peaks, home to the glaufaye and their village of Zou'Lidelas. A glaufaye named Lamari said that no dhalgar had ever resided in Zou'Lidelas, but there was a glaufaye named Lafenielle. Suspecting the Queen to either be under the influence of ancient magic, or not who she claimed to be, Lamari used an illusion trituration crystal to
reveal the Queen to be a glaufaye, and her guards as Primordial Malice cultists. Unmasked, the guards attacked. They were defeated, and while the Queen was unharmed, the Grand Artificer was killed.
The Queen, her memories restored with her true form, then told the story of how she ended up in Maldura. The glaufaye had been charged to be guardians of invaluable knowledge, knowledge that could bring justice to heavy sentences carried out in the name of Balance. Knowing that this knowledge could be lost if they were slain, she created a gem, the Chaos Rebirth Stone, that contained this knowledge and split it into three. One was placed in the Arcanna'se Spire, and she went into exile with the other two, taking the form of a dhalgar. She should have been released from the spell approximately every seven hundred years, but the duration was linked with the moons.
The destruction and reformation of Luclin affected it, giving the spell an even greater hold on her. The second shard of the stone was part of a jewelled screwdriver owned by the Grand Artificer - taken from him by the Primordial Malice when he was killed.
Meanwhile, Brytthel, one of the Queen's guard who had been injured and rescued by artisans sent by Captain Ethan from the village of Shin, and who was not replaced by the Primordial Malice, suggested that the glaufaye might know of a way to hide the stones. The glaufaye Elanluelle said that the glaufaye were servants of a goddess of magic, Zou Kunnen, who had been destroyed by Roehn Theer long ago, but before she was slain, gave the glaufaye immortality and placed them in a shard of her plane, which eventually ended up in the Luminous Peaks. Believing that a god is not truly dead until forgotten, they keep Zou
Kunnen's memory, and those of three other gods, Aniquilacion, Paixao, and Pingyuan Diqu, and placed the memories into the shards. The dhalgar once created metalwork that could enhance a stone's power, so the reverse should also be possible. Consulting the library in Maldura, the artisans drew up plans for a censer made from rare metal and imbued with the same magic as the stones, to hide what was inside. Shaped at the Forge of Brell in Maldura and imbued by the glaufaye magic of Zou Kunnen, the censer was made.
The Aberrant siege had been a diversion, to allow the Primordial Malice to enter the city to steal the shards of the Chaos Rebirth Stone. The Exceptional Screwdriver was recovered from Kralet Penumbra, a maze filled with Aberrants, but the shard had already been removed. Upon the adventurers' return, Queen Alwenielle was under attack by Tserrina Syl'Tor and
Primordial Malice cultists. While the Queen was saved, Tserrina stole the royal crown, giving Lanys possession of two of the three shards. The artisans arrived in the throne room with the newly-crafted censer, just moments late.
The third shard remained hidden in the Arcanna'se Spire.
Map of Old Tunaria
Tunaria was the elven name for the continent that Antonius Bayle later renamed Antonica. The elves lived in the Elddar Forest in the eastern part of Tunaria, before Solusek Ro forced them from their homes and they fled to Faydwer, and the Elddar Forest became the Desert of Ro. Moradhim was a dwarven mine just north of the Plains of Karana, and they had a trade route to Kaladim. The largest city on the route was Maldura.
Violet Fathomlurker Plushie
Fathomlurkers live in the caves of Thalumbra, rarely seen in open areas. They have poor eyesight, relying instead on echolocation, and fine bristles on the upper body can detect the slightest motion. In emergencies, the fathomlurker can expel inky smoke, allowing it to escape. The ten tentacles have bony claws on the ends which dig into prey, and powerful sinews make it very difficult for the prey to escape. Most are approximately the size of an ogre, but travellers have reported some which have grown to a much larger size. These reports are difficult to confirm, as few have volunteered to investigate and trap fathomlurkers for research.
Dhalgar Mining Pick
This mining pick is used by the dhalgar of Maldura. The golden colour is common in their tools, as well as in equipment made by both them and the gnemlin, including crafting stations.
Curved Lifeleaf Tree
Lifeleaf trees grow in the Luminous Peaks, home to the glaufaye, who live in Zou'Lidelas, their city among the trees.
"The Bloodline Chronicles" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Behind a waterfall in Nektulos Forest lay a new threat: vampires. Discovered by the Hand of Marr, an investigation into missing scouts initially uncovered grinnins, but the grinnin cavern was only the first room of a much larger cave system. The deeper caverns held innumerable vampires, led by Dryxl T'Rath, in search of bloodstone crystals. Once T'Rath was slain, however, it was revealed that the danger went far deeper. Further investigations into the caves and the discovery of the vampires' symbols showed several sects to be present. Adventurers using their amulets and a piece from their dark altar were able to disguise themselves as vampires and defeat another vampire leader, in the process discovering many techniques useful for fighting the undead creatures.
Bloodstone Shards
Found in the vampire caves in Nektulos Forest, it has been said that the bearer of such stones will be granted the strength of heroes lost. Beware, however, a remour is stirring through Freeport. It is being said that these lost adventurers were taken into the shadows and these stones represent their terror. To those who choose to carry the power in the stones comes a great curse. You don't believe in curses, right?
"The Shadow Odyssey" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Following the eruption of void storms all over Norrath, members of the Academy of Arcane Science and the Concordium were sent to investigate. Although the Aab'I Hayat failed to cure those afflicted with the recent blight, it did reverse the destructive void effects on tempest-affected creatures. Once reversed, voidbeasts appeared and escaped. Further investigation showed that the voidbeasts were using the tempests as portals into Norrath. Although tougher, the tempests were able to be defeated, depriving the voidbeasts of a way in.
Meanwhile, a mostly gnomish group of researchers, Dedicated Individuals Recovering Technology of Yesteryear, or D.I.R.T.Y., excavated an ancient airship in the Sinking Sands. Once restored, the airship took adventurers to the Moors of Ykesha,
the remains of the Rathe Mountains and Innothule Swamp, as well as the froglok city of Guk, now overrun by undead. A new city, Tupta, is home to a group of frogloks, and at the opposite end of the Moors, trolls still live in their city of Grobb. Members of both cities, despite the ancient enmities between the two races, have formed a group called the Survival Accord, to ally themselves against the Brokenskull pirates, Thullosian ogres, and Ykeshan trolls who also inhabit the Moors.
Also in the Moors were obelisks full of void energy, allowing the voidbeasts access to Norrath. Adventurers who entered the Void discovered the Staff of Theer, thought to be the key to stopping the void invasion. Formerly adorned with runes representing each of the Ethernauts, a group of adventurers who had stopped a previous invasion, the runes were recovered, and the
void anchors in the obelisks destroyed. Entering the Void to destroy the final anchor, the adventurers found the Ethernauts, who aided them in the battle against those behind the invasion: Anashti Sul, goddess of the Undead, and Valdoartus Varsoon the Undying, a mage who led an undead attack on Qeynos centuries ago, and burned to ashes after his defeat. With the strength of both groups, Anashti Sul and Varsoon were defeated, ending the new invasion.
An Encased Void Beast
This is one of the void beasts that invaded Norrath during the void storms.
Tuptan Vase
A traditional vase made by the Tuptan frogloks. The circular patterns are common to many of their furnishings.
Grobb Stone Basket
Many of the furnishings of the Grobb trolls are made from stone.
White Dragonscale Cloak
The White Dragonscale Cloak was originally made by the dwarven smith Karam Dragonforge in exchange for a platinum trio ring, marquise cut alexandrite, and a square-cut black sapphire necklace, for him to propose to his fiancee with. His grandson Rotheck Dragonforge, after being presented with a similar necklace for his girlfriend, revealed that another cloak had been made for Lenya Thex, a member of the Koada'Dal royal family. Brought to her in New Tunaria by Mayong Mistmoore, she told him it made her homesick, and she never wanted to see it again. The lich guarding it in Mayong's repository was slain, and the cloak retrieved.
Banner of the Unseen
This banner bears the symbol of the Circle of the Unseen Hand, a secretive organisation rumoured to have cells all over Norrath.
Lava Blossom Lava Crystal
Both of these items come from Lavastorm, sold, perhaps for a sort of garden, by a group of goblins calling themselves the Sootfoot Talent Society.
A Frosted Order of Rime Banner
The Order of Rime, led by the half-giant Kraytoc Killingfrost, landed an iceberg not far from Kurn's Tower. It was eventually discovered they sought a golden orb from the tower called the Coalescence of Life.
Spicebracket Fungus
Every month across Norrath, portals to hidden grottos open within mushroom circles. Those who aid the brownies, dryads, fauns, naiads, pixies, treespirits and zygomyds inside the grottos are rewarded with mushrooms, plants, crystals, and other items. This fungus was found in the brownie grotto.
Ornate Quellithulian Vase
The initial repair of the Ulteran spires allowed for travel only from Antonica or the Commonlands to the Overrealm and back. Wishing to restore the network, the Quellithulians enlisted the help of adventurers to repair the network. For their help in repairing damage done to the essence of the spires, defeating other-planar creatures disrupting the network, and reconnecting the torn ethereal threads linking the spires together, items of fine Quellithulian craftsmanship, such as this vase, were rewarded.
Basket of Rotting Pomegranates
Despite the return of the gods to Norrath, Erollisi Marr, goddess of Love, remained missing, rumoured to be dead. Wishing to prevent agents of Hate from corrupting the Shard of Love, the Sisterhood of Erollisi and priestess Annalisa Swornlove used a valorian bloom and Lady Shae's arrow to find the weakest point between the shard and Norrath, and opened a portal. Upon entering the remnant of the Plane of Love, they discovered that Erollisi was indeed dead, slain by Cazic-Thule, Innoruuk, Rallos Zek, and Bertoxxulous in an attack on her brother Mithaniel Marr's realm, the Plane of Valor. Although he attacked the newcomers in a trance of sorrow and self-pity, blaming himself for the death of his sister, the fight snapped him out of it, and he released his sister from the world of Norrath. The pomegranate has long been a symbol of love,
but with Erollisi's death, much of the Shard has become corrupted.
Veiled Bow of the Shard
The pieces of this statue were recovered from the Shard of Love and reassembled. Along with Love, Erollisi Marr is also the goddess of the Hunt, the bow being her favoured weapon.
"The Shadow Odyssey" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
A missing book of Bayle family lore, 'The House of the Claymore', led to the discovery of plots against the thrones of both Qeynos and Freeport. The book was taken to be translated from Old Qeynosian, containing information which could have put all of Qeynos in danger. The investigation led to Murrar Shar, one of the Queen's most trusted companions who had sent a letter to Princess Saphronia of Kelethin, which was not well-received, endangering the alliance between the two cities. Murrar Shar then slew the rest of the royal party on a hunting trip, but was defeated before he could kill the Queen. Only then was it revealed that it was not Shar's doing, but that of Kyle Antihilus Bayle, a long-dead member of the royal family who had possessed Shar. His intent was to steal the Qeynos Claymore and give it to some unknown Void being. Upon
reaching the chamber where the blade was kept, it was found to be missing, but numerous replicas, meant to deter thieves, were still there.
Replica: Soulfire
After the mysterious disappearance of Overlord Lucan D'Lere, Lucanic Knight Tallen Yevix used a gnomish devices called Tinmizer's Magnificent Messenger to contact the missing Overlord, who revealed that it was Tayil N'Velex, his closest companion, who betrayed him, opening a Void portal and holding him hostage in exchange for the sword Soulfire. Teleporting into Dethknell Citadel, Yevix took Soulfire for herself.
Shining Metallic Robe
Gabbin Bittlegrip's search for mechanical parts in the Moors led to information about an ancient gnome tinkerer, and the Shining Metallic Robe. Once the robe was in great demand by rogues, but now, trading a broken dagger to a trader in Maj'Dul resulted only in a broken pen. With nothing to go on but the name RILCOG on the pen, and knowing the pen was found in Antonica, investigating the wreckage where it was found opened a portal to a strange, alternate Qeynos under attack by clockworks, where the gnome enchantress who built the time portal was found. She needed the robe to repair the timeline. Rilgor Plegnog, the owner of the pen, had descendants in Qeynos, and Sarbith Plegnog, in exchange for the repaired pen, gave the robe, tarnished with centuries of wear. Returning back in time and
confronting Rilgor in Ak'Anon, none too pleased, a pristine robe was obtained. The robe was returned to the enchantress and the time portals, devices, and notes were destroyed to prevent further breaches of the timeline. Five hundred years later, this robe arrived in a package which had been stored for centuries.
"The Shattered Lands" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
From 3571 to 3661, severe geological disturbances occurred all over Norrath. Massive chasms and canyons opened suddenly, destroying entire cities such as Halas and Oggok. Some, such as Rivervale, survived, but in a corrupted state. Those who survived the Rending had to find new homes, bringing great change to Norrath. In 3711, Luclin, one of the two moons of Norrath, exploded. Some say Rallos Zek was responsible, others say Solusek Ro and the Dresolik crystal, and still others say it was the Sleeper, Kerafyrm. Regardless of the cause, pieces of the shattered moon rained down upon Norrath, tearing apart the continents, separating some lands and destroying others forever. The two cities of Qeynos and Freeport were rebuilt, but the fate of others - Felwithe, Gukta, Kaladim, Kelethin, Neriak, Paineel – remained
unknown. The Plains of Karana and the Commonlands, once separated by the Kithicor Forest and the fortress of Highkeep, were now separated by a vast ocean. During the upheaval, many artefacts were lost. In their quests to restore the Shattered Lands, adventurers rediscovered some and remade others, to aid in the rebuilding.
The Legendary Electrified Bone Bladed Claymore
Once found in Befallen, formerly the stronghold of the Order of Marr's Fist, the Bone Bladed Claymore was broken during the Shattering. Repaired with the energy of Redak, the troll warrior who found himself trapped in Befallen but rose to control the fortress, and Gynok Moltor, the first wielder of the sword who Redak defeated, and of a thousand sentient beings, the newly-reforged blade was then combined with a weapon which claimed to be Berik, a former Knight of Thunder who was dedicated to the eradication of undead. Calling itself Berik, Sword of Thunder, it was broken over the forge in Runnyeye to incorporate its power into the Claymore.
The Legendary Journeyman's Boots
Hasten Bootstrutter, the gnomish mapmaker and guidebook author, would give pairs of Journeyman's Boots to anyone who would bring him a shadowed rapier, held by shadowed men but which would quickly disappear once taken from them, the ancient ring worn by the Ancient Cyclops, an elusive beast which generated as many theories on how to make it appear as there were adventurers seeking it, and 3,250 gold pieces - gold only, not the equivalent in other coins. Catching up to Bootstrutter weighed down with all that coin was its own challenge! Bootstrutter's legacy is continued today by Cru Naseto and others, who have organised a contest to run the old bard mail routes. To those who can beat the allotted times, a pair of Journeyman's Boots is again the reward.
The Legendary Polished Granite Tomahawk
Used by the gnolls of Highpass Hold, the tomahawk was lost during the Shattering. It was found by a giant named Obsid, who presented this to an adventurer who saved his pet bear. Repaired with pristine granite from the Plains of Karana, now the Thundering Steppes, sharpened on the bones of the undead, and polished with ink from an Octagorgon, the magic of the tomahawk was restored.
Ancient Froglok Talisman
Following the loss of Gukta in the Shattering, a group of frogloks made their way to the city of Qeynos, where, although initially wary, they grew to trust those in their new home. Other frogloks had built the hidden village of Kugup in the Feerrott, and, after earning the trust of Chief Kaorf, those who found the village were granted a talisman as a symbol of that trust, showing the location of the village.
"The Splitpaw Saga" by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Not long after the discovery of the vampire threat in Nektulos Forest came news of another danger: cannibalistic gnolls underneath the Thundering Steppes. While initially hostile, it was found that it was possible to earn their trust, and adventurers who did so were granted spells and other items known only to the rigid caste-based Splitpaw gnolls. Many of them helped their new allies in defeating the Underpaw army, which was threatening to overrun the Splitpaw caverns.
A Mounted Dreadsnout Head
This head was taken from a dreadsnout ravager by the owner of this trophy after defeating the creature in gladiatorial combat in the depths of the Splitpaw caverns. Known for their ferocity dreadsnouts are a mighty foe indeed, widely feared throughout the Underfoot.
'Twas the Night Before Frostfell by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (Jethal's 'Twas the Night Before Frostfell contest).
Discovered on 15 Jan 2010 at 18:00:00 PST.
'Twas the night before Frostfell, and out on the ice
All the elves were preparing, with goblins (they're nice);
They hid the ingredients tied with a bow,
And scattered them 'round in the white winter snow;
The people of Norrath all slept in their beds,
And knew that tomorrow they'd have on their heads
Red and white caps, maybe blue, green, or pink,
Iced cookies to eat and cold eggnog to drink, -
The elves ran about to get everything right,
And they skated and slid 'cross the ice - what a sight!
The goblins were putting ex-trees into pails,
And made sure they wouldn't escape (they used nails).
Drinal shone down from above with its light
(For Norrathian holidays all start at night);
The gleam off the snow made it seem almost sunny
As they worked with such glee for their leader, Queen Bunny
They gathered the candy canes, boxes, and bags,
The snowballs in buckets, the wreaths, and the tags.
They loaded them up as their reindeer drew near
To take them and decorate - Frostfell is here!
To Freeport! To Haven! To Kelethin's trees!
To Neriak! Gorowyn, over the seas!
We fly into Qeynos, we fly to the dock,
We fly to the harbor and take down that clock!
Like griffons who take brave adventuring bands
Aloft in their quests through Norrathian lands
The elves and the fae and the goblins and fauns
Soared on through the night before Kinship Day[1] dawns
-------------------------------------------------------------- [1] The first of the days of Frostfell, followed by Feasting Day, Gifting Day, and Frostfell
They startled no innkeep nor blacksmith nor guard
In Nettleville, Temple Street, Commune, or Yard,
Who stood all in wonder while watching the work
The elves even let Nathan Ironforge lurk.
-------------------------------------------------------------- Day
They wore fuzzy hats that would keep them quite warm
As they rushed all around like a void-fueled storm,
Unloaded the goodies they had in their packs,
The ribbons and stockings and candles and snacks!
They smiled throughout all their labours so cheery
And onlookers said not a one was e'er weary
Some had donned vests made from rare nimbus roots,
And others wore bracers and greaves with their boots.
Red peppermints flew 'round their heads in a whirl,
Their eyes twinkled just like a ruby or pearl.
And one of them had too much pie in his belly
Which wubbaed[2] around like a cube made of jelly.
-------------------------------------------------------------- [2] Wubbaing is the way a gelatinous cube moves.
The people about couldn't help but to grin
Upon seeing the Frostfell elves dance, jump, and spin
And nobody minded, not Bayle nor D'Lere
That soon random snowballs would travel the air.
The trees were soon up and the lights all aglow
In the cities of Norrath above and below
Glad music and candy canes filled every street,
And so the elves waited for sunrise to greet
The holiday revelers who would awake
And ask them for gifts and for presents to shake;
But seek the right elves, or her[3] answer is keen:
I'm not a Frostfell elf; I'm not their queen!
-------------------------------------------------------------- [3] You know who.
'Twas the Night Before Frostfell by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (Jethal's 'Twas the Night Before Frostfell contest).
Discovered on 15 Jan 2010 at 18:00:00 PST.
10 Reasons why Lera is indeed a Frostfell elf. by Kardell This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Whether from dark, or high, or wood, Be welcomed to our Brotherhood. You'll find no pretty life of ease Or cute things here among the trees. Rely upon your human side; No one cares for elvish pride. Of us you would not have a need, But now we have a foe indeed: Here Captain Rommuls was assigned, Who wants this place without our kind. The Militia are not whom we fight They hate him, but they serve in fright Take this report within the gates. Now go. The Brotherhood awaits. You wish to help? We hear that much. But most wish torment, pain, and such. We only cut injustice short, Which walks the streets of Beggar's Court. Rommuls' power kills and harms, But few in Freeport raise alarms. Though they don't care, we will stay strong - What's happened? Tell me! What's gone
wrong? Jalya's dead, and Thaen is bound, And Revlos, sir, has gone around To Rommuls' side, although his wife By Rommuls' scheming lost her life. The traitor's cohorts soon will meet. Will you take them their defeat? We're undermanned, our newest friend: Will you be with us to the end? Buy Loamshallow's whispered fate Then hide yourself behind the gate Find out where they'll debrief their man Then poisoned cups will stop their plan. They say they'll meet him near the inn Where promised prize he thinks he'll win Instead they plan a painless death But they'll both draw their final breath. Now that our foes have suffered loss, The time has come to take their boss. The guards, by Lucan's own command Have been relieved of contraband. It's here now, in a wooden crate,
And it will be the perfect bait. We've marked some barrels full of scrap - Components for our final trap. Once the parts have been retrieved, Rommuls soon will be relieved Of his command, and of his post Of this the Brotherhood can boast. The bomb is set. The pieces fly. He runs into our men nearby. Quickly captured, led away, He's out before the end of day. The Overlord declares him weak (Not that he himself did speak) Some office that was in the know Prepared the statement long ago. One last thing - Thaen must be freed Head to his room with quickest speed. The guards are two of Rommuls' men No challenge. Thaen's soon free again. You've been key to the Brotherhood, Both human, and dark, high, or wood. Our goals and his both match up well
To Sunken City take the bell. With Thorson you should soon go speak. In everything a balance seek.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Beggar's Court 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Do you seek work or tips from me? Here's some information, free. Take no flak from lesser slop. You're human, so you're at the top Except the Overlord, you know Without him, Freeport long ago Would have crumbled all away And he hates traitors. Don't betray. Enough of that. Let's get to work. And being human, you won't shirk Unlike that coward rat. Where's he? Why did I let him work for me? Anyway - the secret stash: It could be jewellery, could be cash. The owner? He's no longer found. You're new here. If you're seen around They'll think you're lost. Ain't it delicious? 'Cause if it's me, they'd get suspicious. And if to keep it's your belief, I'd just report you as a thief. Good work. Well done. Let's sort this junk. So this is why that fellow's sunk.
Everyone here knows the lore Of Lucan's triumph in the war, His victory, single-handedly. This note, though, very candidly Claims otherwise. This shady thug, Go and squash him like a bug. Protect our valiant Overlord Retrieve these lies for your reward. You've found the thug and made him dead This confirms the note we read. These papers threaten Lucan's might I'll keep them here, where out of sight I'll study them so we might know The ways of this disloyal foe. And then the guard can have them burned. Time for another lesson learned: The Court's the blackest market 'round Where anything you might have found Can be brought here, and for a price Will go away. It's very nice. Do some legwork now for me A package needs delivery.
Sell this box to Durio I'll cut your share if you're too slow. He was found beneath the stair And asked to see these goods so rare Inside the package, a surprise: The papers filled with treach'rous lies. Of course Alucius didn't come He's shady, but he isn't dumb. He mentioned his ratonga fence? The Militia came - not seen him since. Alucius has you in a fix Can't turn him in - you're in the mix. I know where you ought to go: Take these to Captain Kaseo. He has a fairly open mind, But, to be safe, don't share this bind. While you go find him by the gate, I'll ponder our Alucius' fate. Sir? I found a troubling note That some disloyal scoundrel wrote. Are you a fool to waste my time? But no - you're quick to share this crime.
Don't make me deal with trifles small. It isn't, sir - it's not at all. The scoundrel, sir, he tried to sell This note to me, before he fell. He tarnished Lucan's mighty name. I slew him. May he rot in shame. Well done, most loyal citizen. Your tale will show what happens when The people have some civic pride - And when our Overlord's defied. Has it been done? What did he say? Alucius might be scared away. You, they've no reason to suspect And those who help them, they protect. Alucius tried to stir some strife He'll now fear for his very life. You're back, but lacking goods or coin: So now there's someone you will join. Might that be your ratonga friend? You heard of him? You'll meet his end! But if you carry out that threat, Militiamen will be upset.
They were quite pleased to get your note And now they'll help me stay afloat. Quite clever, friend - I'll give you that I should have kept that lesser rat. But humans, being at the top - I'll have to let this matter drop. Back once more beside the stair Durio then told me where I'd find his friend, a better guide Than he whose scheme I just denied. To Thorson, with the Dismal Rage: My next step onto Freeport's stage.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Big Bend 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
You've picked a time that's rather bad For Captain Sorio is mad. The guards are here, was the alert, But they still saw the shards and dirt. We praise Rallos when we fight But Zek's a threat to Lucan's might And Sorio, the little punk, Told me to clean up the junk. And since we're under Lucan's thumb, To disobey would just be dumb. I'll make it worth your while if you Do this task that I must do. The gate is clean. The junk is gone. But this is no use for our brawn. All non-humans they push hard - 'Cept those in the army and the guard. They would not allow us here If in their ranks we'd not appear. Do what they say, seem to agree, They won't suspect your treachery. The Green Mist came, and brought us down, But one day we will take this town.
But Rallos still awaits our praise, No fight this time, but other ways. Go barsh some rats and bring them back I'll get the rest. Go smash and hack. Here they are. There's not much left. Lucan's soul! You've got some heft! You've flattened these that squeak and crawl, Made these ratonga very small. Ratonga? Ha! That's what we need, But these will do. We can proceed. This ritual of fume and fire, More sacrifices he'll admire. From Zukogg, Barch, and Crattok seek Flesh from those among the weak, Some blood that's from our enemies, And last, some incense, to appease. Zukogg, you can sell me skins? I gots many in the bins For armour, or a bed or tent. For Rallos' glory these are meant. Keep it down! The flesh you seek Will symbolise those who are weak.
When we rise, when it's completed, It is their fate to be defeated. But Rallos Zek deserves his flesh Not from my stock. It isn't fresh. See tailor Darby, with all speed, His hunters bring him what you need. Barch strong hunter! How 'bout you? I love to barsh! These skins will do. For Rallos Zek I need some blood. It honours him, with every flood. I need blood from an enemy. For fire and fume you come to me. There are prisoners, and one's an elf, They put his things up on the shelf. Go retrieve an elven vase, And I'll find blood that's from their race. I've brought the vase you told to me. The writing's swirly. There's a tree. That sounds elvish. I will fill It with the blood you'll need to spill. You look new, who now appears: You want elf skull? With yummy ears?
No, Crattok, I need incense here. Cense what? Since now. Stops that: be clear. Some smelly powder. It has smoke. Oh, I have that. But you look broke. It costs one silver. Which I lack. I'll talk to Kroota. I'll come back. You have it all? No, she wants coin. We need the incense. It will join With destruction's stench of death Carried to him, on its breath. Trolls' sense of value, though, is skewed: What they prize is mostly food. I knew these rats would have a use. She'll trade the powder for their juice. You have four silver? I have more: Ten yummy rats. Deal! Food galore! You have the things. Now let us start. And I want you to have a part. You won't be there? No, I can't go. They're watching me, and must not know. Go see Somdoq, to the west. What brings you here? Kroota's request.
Good. Then let the tribute start. Burn incense, rip the flesh apart. Smear the blood onto your face, Smash to bits the elven vase. Born in conflict, there we thrive To smash the weak in war we strive. We fight our battles in your name, Strife and conquest we proclaim. Broken bones, torn flesh is slain, Their ashes rise up to your plane. Until that feast when time will end, Warlord, father, these we send. You did this not for a reward, But Rallos Zek will use your sword. Take these. They'll help bring victory, But as for being here with me, Go see Kurdek, in the Sprawl. Help him. They won't suspect at all Our secrets, or the death we bring, For Rallos Zek your sword will sting.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Big Bend 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Huzzah! I knowed you'd soon be here. I heard so much. Now you appear. Braz learns da new trolls 'bout the Bend The old ways have come to an end. The Overlord's in charge, and he Says, 'Don't eat everything you see.' He leaves us mostly all alone With trolls for guards, we keeps our own. I tells ya more, but I got work A special job I cannot shirk. You're new here - you could do this fast I tells ya more when help is past. Thick-Headed Ruzb will get us beat He eats li'l gnomes from Temple Street. Go find him and get him to stop, Or he will be the one we chop. Go get your own! This gnomesteak's mine! Bad Ruzb! Not eat! You cannot dine On gnomes. But why? They taste so good! The guards will come, and then you would Have no more gnome, not any more. I'll get you something from the store
To chew on. I'll be back, so just Stay here. Not sure... okay... me trust. You're back! What yummies did you bring? Real chunks of dorf! They're just the thing! Eats them up! Now munch, munch, munch! And on the gnomes you must not crunch! How did it go? Must Braz get mean? Nooooo. We gud. I 'splained. He seen. Good job. You're quite the stand-up troll. Come back to hear about our role. I'll 'splain Big Bend. In here we rule, The favourites of Cazic-Thule. He's not 'round much, so some trolls say The Inkie god's who we should pay. But hate is weak. We worship fear. No matter, though. The gods aren't here. What we want is what we'll do And what I want is rats from you. I have a-some'tin for their meat. Oh good! You mean I'll get a treat? Whut's diz you brought? These rats iz burned! No blood! No taste! You haven't learned!
I's sorry, Braz! Not cooked too much! I thought you'd like the extra touch. Iz okay. The juice will flow When the mizzus skins them so. But I'll still tell the bestest tale, Although at getting rats, you fail. My fahver told me, as a lad What's a fahver? Uh... like dad. Anyway, it's 'bout da frogs. Not even Marr could save their bogs. It was a great troll victory. We barshed and stomped them, all we'd see The froggies were all led by Marr - Delicious, though, is what they are. He was barshing us real good But something happen - yes, it would. A big green cloud, with Cazic-Thule! He came out and barshed that fool! And den whut? Go do my patrol, Come back and then I'll tell the whole. Oh, you look bad! What did you see? Dis giant... thing! jumped out at me!
Ha ha! Looks like I won my bet! I knew you'd get that haffer yet! Now one last thing. I know no more. Here's something you not heard before. From Braz's troll-in-Freeport school: Don't let that stupid tummy rule. Aww, that's no fun! Not say don't eat, But careful or you might get beat. There's things out there that even has Big pointy teeth that could eat Braz! Do one last thing. Check from before And see if Ruzb eats gnomes no more. And if he is, you barsh him down Or Freeport's guards will crush our town. These gnomesteaks made of yummy flesh, So super gud, is nice 'n' fresh! Gnomore gnomesteaks! Bad Ruzb! Bad! Me put you down! You make me mad! I hoped he'd learned no gnomie parts, But not all trolls have gots da smarts. Now Braz is sad. You'll go to glory, Forget old Braz was in your story.
Take this ring of Cazic's fear, And you remember Braz was here.
Me Graktak want a tasty shrub Get it for me or you be grub! What is it? Where? And what's it called? It shrub. Me just care where it's hauled. Much tastiness I need for stew, No shrub of goodness, me eat you. You have it! It need goodness smashed. We good at eating what we bash. But they say me can't eat the gnomes, Graktak misses swampy homes. An old mean troll made Graktak go And not smash frogs - ha, ha, they're slow. The frogs made Grobb no longer smell, We lived with dark skin elves, as well They were mean. Won't let us chomp. Graktak want stew, from the swamp. Stew of goodness! Smell like feet! Remind of swamp or you be meat! Swamp water stew! It tickles nose. Graktak remember slugs on toes. So me not smell you more today, For yummy, when you look away.
And now me share some things to tell, About new city where we dwell. More fun to smash big things than small, Like Dreadnaughts gang out in the Sprawl. Hurt Graktak once. Graktak lose sword. Go bring it back. Me have reward. Dreadnaught kick sword into the wet. Me not go in. There Graktak get All dirty, like that human smell. I'll get it. I think water's swell! Sword not there, for frogman steal. Go smoosh him for a later meal. He hide behind the northeast door, But Overlord say eat no more, For all Big Bend, he'll make me meat. Then Graktak sad. Not there to eat. You found it! Now my sword is back! And frog meat Graktak does not lack! Troll secret now. Trolls like to kill, Eat yummy goodness, bellies fill. But can't be great inside Big Bend, You go outside, or meet troll friend.
But first you prove you say right thing, Then me tell what help will bring. Why trolls here and not in swamp? The frogloks came. In Grobb they stomp. Why tasties here not every dish? 'Cause Lucan stronger. Lucan squish. Why tasty frogmen we not like? They made Grobb's troll smell take a hike. What secret be to be good troll? Be strong to smash, and eat things whole. And last, what Graktak like the best? The swamp. You good! You pass my test! Go talk to Braz. Braz help in here. Or Kurdek's work give sword or spear. His work is hard, but do not eat. You eat him, you the trolls will beat. Thanks for your help. I hope you find More tasty things to smash and grind.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Longshadow Alley by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
You seem confused, but I sense hate, Flowing, wild, but could be great. We'll temper you to his dark will, A creature of his vengeance still. I'm not confused. You bother me. I'm busy, so just let me be. Don't speak to me with tongue so keen, Though to the rest we may be queen, Equal respect here, elf to elf. Don't bring dishonour to yourself. First you must know your way around This Freeport home where we're now found. You mean this slum? We must make do. We're vigilant, and patient, too. Several places you must stop: The gates, the bank, the vendors' shop, The Knowledge Portal, now destroyed, The grates above the hidden voids. You need familiarity. Go find these and return to me. Good. You made your passage back. This place, it twists like Neriak.
The high elves sealed our home away, But we will have revenge someday. We always strike with subtlety: This lesson you'll next learn from me. Teah - who's a common thief - Just stuffs himself beyond belief. If we all know, the time is right. Today we shall remove this blight. The fungus known as Shadow's Kiss, Collect it and we shall not miss. Ahh, good. It soon will be distilled And then our plan can be fulfilled. Our magic and our alchemy Our father gave to you and me. We are quite fortunate, indeed. It's done. Kalraath has what we need: A medium that one can eat, Say it's for me, but be discreet. Aldera needs a medium. She sends you for this tedium? What type, and what's it needed for? Lots of things are in my store.
Ingestible. You know she pays. She's teaching me our ancient ways. Take it. I've no time to pry. An answer from you as to why. Good. You're back. I need not ask If you told what this will mask. The truth - you teach our proper arts. That answer's true, and shows your smarts. And now it's mixed within this dough, To Lynsia it soon will go. He often steals things from her shop, Tonight he'll steal, and then he'll stop. But first I ask - I must be sure - Who is it that receives our cure? Teah. Why? He's brought great shame To us and to the Teir'Dal name. Good. I'm glad that you agree. Now, finally, where? The food booth. Free. Correct. If someone else might eat, Collecting you'd have to repeat. A true Teir'Dal thinks of the cost, If only now, the future's lost.
One other thing I'll share with you: Our people's loyalties are two. Some stay in Freeport, though it's bleak, The Thexians, though, say that's weak. They will not live within this shack: They strive to find our Neriak. What's wrong with that? We want our home. We do, but there's no need to roam. Gain strength and knowledge, day by day, Instead, they throw their lives away. But enough. Now take this loaf, And place it for the greedy oaf. He'll find it soon, and then he'll learn His unbecoming ways to spurn. Good, good. The plan that we have hatched Has led to Teah's quick dispatch. But learning other strengths awaits Out in the Graveyard, near the gates. Go see Custodian Zaddar, You'll gain respect, and will go far.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Scale Yard 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
I've not seen your face afore - I'd cut your throat, but I sense more. We ain't no elves, with tree and leaf, I'm Malachi, and I'm Clan Chief. Stay out of trouble, with your wits, Or be prepared to take some hits. Good, I'm looking for a fight! Point me where I'll show my might. Ha! That's what they always say! I've just the thing for you to slay. Some hood wasps here cause great distress: They're poisonous, an awful mess. Get rid of them, destroy their hive, You'll establish that you can survive. The hive is squashed, the wasps are dead. You've shown your strength. That being said, We've one more thing to help us rise. Fear! So give your best war cries! Although I love to show my brawn, Bloodshed's sometimes frowned upon. Ginmarr Grimgut, says the tale, Caused so much panic with his wail,
Although in stature he was small, He chased his foes and killed them all. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ... I gotcha! Let 'er rip! Ahhhhhh! What is that little yip? AHHHHHHHH! That's better AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't quit! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Again! "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" That's it! You'd scare the ugly off a troll Now here's a list of who's your goal. Vleske? What's on your little mind? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Don't worry, it's your kind. Someday I know you'll learn to speak. But... bye. Now Caleb needs a shriek. Caleb? What can I do you for? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I yelled, and nothing more. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! the cry came from his maw, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! again, and
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! ... a draw. And finally, Jondy Cobbleblork: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! You made me foozlespork My clangerfimbles! Stop, by Brell! And mom, and tinkered things, as well! Don't hurt me! It would make a mess! Ha! At last, I can impress! Well done, young cub! I heard that here! I'm sure that you'll soon master fear. But though you may be tough as nails, Be careful near the ones with scales. The iksar are a shifty lot, Always in some scheme or plot, They've gained some power in the Yard, A few might be in Lucan's guard. That might be false, it might be true, Right now it's talk. I have my crew Assembled, ready to go fight. A thousand orcs we'll slay tonight. The captain, Issik, plans the raids, Go tell him he can have our blades.
Speak, or die. Choose which you like. Your orders for the chief to strike Our enemies, his men await. Well, good for him. Too bad he's late. Others are on this endeavour. He's for later. Maybe never. You'll notice I don't speak to you. Just move your feet. That you can do. Your insolence I won't forget. We'll meet again. We're not through yet. When do we go? Soon blood will spill! He sent others for this kill. That two-faced gecko said we're next! He's gonna pay. He's made me vexed. I ought to go and - Stomp some tail? Not with his rank. The Militia, they'll Send more officials snooping 'round. Instead, his furniture we'll pound. He's broken a Halasian's trust. His office desk and chair are dust, His weapon rack I've gone and smashed. I've heard that Issik's home was trashed.
It's like a comet made of ice - You didn't hear. I'll say it twice: I've heard of this. It wasn't clean. It appears that you were seen By agents of the Overlord. They're still nearby. Go use your sword. Won't the guards come to their aid? They're only here as a blockade For Freeport. If the riff-raff's out, What's in here they don't care about. They're slain. They won't have a report. Good. Our plans they will not thwart. What plans are those? Since you've helped me, I'll tell you what this place will see. We'll place our agents, they will rise, The Militia will be filled with spies, First we control, and then we'll act, He'll have no help when he's attacked. The Overlord? He wasn't voted. Here, by force you are promoted. For now, we'll follow in our places,
But then expel non-human races, And when we've reached at what we've aimed, Our New Halas we'll have claimed.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Scale Yard 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Something wicked comes this way: Who's this new broodling here today? I'd love to share with you a tale, But other matters now prevail. I'll help. What would you have me do? Just blackmail. Some extortion, too. Sounds interesting! Yes, does it not? So who's the target of our plot? I cannot tolerate this snub: Melvin Drunford, at the pub, Stole a shipment meant for me, Components from my alchemy. I went to him; he wouldn't tell, But I can see, and I can smell. So show to him our little game: This puppy collar, and its name. If this theft does not soon end, Poor Wittens will meet my trollish friend. Melvin Drunford? Leave me be! My mates are watching - can't hurt me! Brood Matron Vrim says one more chance. They've got my back! Here, take a glance -
He was a gift from my late wife! I'll tell you where! Just spare his life! Your... co-operation I will note. I found your box, right where he wrote. Oh, you are too good to me! You have bold intrepidity. You can scare, but can you, though, Bend the wills of those below? Large, squishy things are in this place: It was decreed we share this space. Suggestible and prone to act Is what they are, so let's extract A bit of fun that we could use. I recently have heard the news Captain Issik's room was trashed, And a barbarian had dashed Away from there. So find a brute Named Tristan, and then say his route Was seen by Wesley Tundrafoot, Who Tristan, you will say, can put Him at the scene. Enjoy the fight, The chaos that we can incite.
Tristan? Yes? What can I do? No, I've a thing to offer you. The name of who just got you framed For Issik's office. You've been blamed. I didn't do a thing with that! That's not what Wesley says. The rat! He probably did it, that I bet. To think of this he'll soon regret! May I suggest a club or hammer? I know you'll deal well with his clamour. Wesley? Is it time to fight? You won't be slaying things tonight. The Militia think that you're to blame For Issik's office. What's the name Of the one who said this thing? Tell me, lizard. Tell me! Sing! It's possible that it's not true, But I hear Tristan told on you. That under-handed - this is how He pays me back - back-stabbing cow! I'll pummel him! His blood will spray! I'll take my leave now, sir. Good day.
Splendid work! They took the bait. Your silver tongue will make us great. We've been enslaved, we've been the master, Our cities rise, meet with disaster, Despite our struggles, we still last, By paying homage to the past: The Faceless One placed us in Kunark's lands, We were enslaved, and by the Shissar cursed. The sacred Green Mist brought us from their hands We, unaffected, watched our captors burst: We descrate all things they once had made. Then Venril Sathir rose, and we were one, And Sebilis was built - for so he bade. But Trakanon destroyed what he had done. We burn their bones, with honour, in a pile The Rending came, and smashed an iksar ship: Survivors took their refuge on an isle. They battled, but were bound in Lucan's grip. We fought Rallosians with him to be free: Cast his oppressive tools into the sea!
A ritual lets us connect With our forebears, and reflect. This was a thing for me to do, But it's more benefit to you. Go to my room, just up the stair. You'll find the things you'll need in there. First I smash the Shissar vase, Then slay the asp it did encase, The iksar skulls are set afire, A spirit comes forth from the pyre. Then shackles thrown into the sea: It's finished. What is gained? Tell me. We've suffered, but we've prospered, too. What's been destroyed, we will renew. Learn more at the Academy, But there is one more task from me. Issik's busy, since the crime, For other duties, there's no time. One of his men is such a waste Let's skip the forms: get him replaced. I don't care how, but do it soon, With sword, or bow, or bolt, or spoon.
To guard some corner in this slum Just makes no sense. This is so dumb! Anthony? What? Who are you? That's not important. You are through. No one fires me but me! Not that I would. So Bwah! to thee! Cease your banter! Draw your blade! Retirement is not delayed. How did it go? He's dead, Vrim. Good. But I'm surprised that no one would Care about what happened here. They know what's best, and this was clear. One would act if you did not More iksar come. I must allot My time to them so they don't fall. You go to Kurdek, in the Sprawl. Gain riches; may your foes be cowed. Strike-tail, young one. You do us proud!
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Temple Street 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
All my theories are amazing! If just one is right, they'll be praising Me throughout all history. If none are right? Well, then I'll be Known for thinking up the most Amazing theories which are toast! So would you like to hang around? My new invention will astound! Right now, it doesn't have a name, But things will never be the same! It transfers objects, instantly. The last one worked, but didn't. See, I felt the surge the power adds, I saw myself on both the pads. When I awoke, the thing was gone! I must, for science, carry on. A few more times it needs to fail, Before perfection will prevail! Will you help me to succeed? Old powder kegs are what I need. The stuff is cheap, and left around. They won't be missed if they are found.
Good! The main control we'll load... Wow! I knew it would explode! You knew? Yes, it was made from scrap. We need a better blasting cap. The hyper-organic suppressor's crate Is C68F, near the gate. Twergo sells a dongle-sweep Particle buoy that isn't cheap. And lastly, to complete the haul, An arcanic tracer from Qwergo's stall. Wonderful! It's good as new! We'll try again. Test number two! Tell Frondo that I need a pig: I sense we're on to something big. Frondo? I had a pig that knew The meaning of life. I swear it's true. Though to me it made no sense, The differences are quite immense From pig to gnome - which I'd forget. Or I just wasn't ready yet. Neezer Grund has sent me here. My pigs are still too small, I fear.
It's not to eat - a test today. Last time was bacon, anyway. Here you go. Into the cage! We're ready for the final stage! I'll start the process, turn this cog... WOW! It's perfect! I'm agog! It didn't move. I think it failed. No. not at all! For I've unveiled A whole new military way: Mutated pigs! I know they'll pay! Go find some buyers: Malyk, yonder, Darsus, and Malvik. I must ponder. If figures aren't exact, that's fine. I'll know what's meant. Now sell my swine! Neezer Grund? What's he to show? Aggressive pigs? How tough? Don't know. Tusks and fire from its back? I see, but data you still lack About what this device will do To gnomes - and to ratonga, too. I'm interested. But I need more Results. Come back, but not before.
Speak quickly. I don't have all day. Neezer Grund? What's he to say? His new device would not transport, At that it fell a little short. The pig mutated. Hmm. I see. Tell Grund I'll pay the standard fee. With more results, the price will slide, Four-fifty percent I would provide. The processes within my mind You're interrupting. I'm behind. Grund? You have some news for me? He supplies our R&D. His work moves objects here to there, And his device is very rare. It moves these objects instantly. Alright, the standard fifth rank fee. The subject that was placed within - Was terminated? Fourth rank, then. The pig mutated, snout to flank, It grew some tusks. Wow! Seventh rank. You sure? It's dangerous, with fire. All right, rank eight. We can't go higher.
I brought your bid. The pig has fled! It found ratonga! Now they're dead! I'll be ruined, or in jail, Or executed, without fail. Find him! Capture him, at least. No, you can't catch this wild beast. He must be killed. But pigs don't lack Their share of smarts. He might go back To his owner, or stomping ground. Frondo might know where he'll be found. Go to Frondo, pick his mind, But careful! If you die, I'm fined! You need more pigs? What's Neezer learned? The old pig's what he needs returned. Why? What's happened? Won't you say? He escaped. He ran away. Hah-hah, Jimbly! Way to go! He's dangerous! Ol' Jimbly? No. The old one's not. The new one is. Neezer and these schemes of his. Why come to me? We thought you'd know Any place where he might go.
He hasn't come back here today, But Jimbly always liked to play On the stairwell, just nearby, I'm gonna miss that little guy. Jimbly tries a fiery snort, Very quickly I retort. Did you stop it? Yes, it's dead. Great! Disaster will not spread. You've been a help. You saved my life. This project's caused a lot of strife. It might seem quite heretical, But I think theoretical Is how my work will have to be. At least for now. At least, mostly. It won't be powered for some time, So I won't need your help. But I'm Sending you to one in need. To Inquisitor Thorson now proceed. We'll see each other once again, Unless you die. Well, he'll explain. There's much to do. Your purpose here? Neezer told you I'd appear.
Ah, yes. Great promise you afford, An asset to the Overlord.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Temple Street 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
When I saw you standing near, I knew you would approach me here. I merely read you, nothing more, That's what people pay me for. I have offers, one or two, Tasks that you might want to do. There's one outside who you could meet, Or I have work in Temple Street. I think I'll stay in here for now. There's a mistake I can't allow. An item, recently, was shipped And neither party has been tipped Off about its power yet, But I knew, and I was set To intercept it, but I was late. A week went by. There was no crate. Delivered? Someone got there first. My treasure's theft must be reversed. The Forest Spider's what it's called. We - ratonga - had it hauled From the earth where it did lie - And its owners tend to die.
It's not malevolent, or cursed, But if the owner's weak, the worst Of them it leads to doom: But in the right hands, it will bloom. Crate B8CF - find some clues At the scene, and bring back news. Claw marks, broken wood, and hair - Another ratonga's who was there. I think I know who it might be, But go see Neezer. Pay his fee. We might know, by the dust that's found, A long-time resident's around. If he's sick, we'll learn some more. I bet I've met him once before. I love to test! What do you need? I need to find where dust will lead. How long he's been here, and if these Show any hints of a disease. I'll do your tests, but they're not cheap. Not just the coin, but you must reap From piles of trash, filth gobbler glands - Don't get their acid on your hands.
When you get back with what I'll use, I'll be done. You'll have your clues. Perfect! So, what did you find? He's been in Freeport for some time, But there's no illness in this grime. Thank you, Neezer, that will do. No sign of sickness? Still a clue. Here's some coin so you're well-fed: To keep you with me up ahead. Another source for us to scout Is Malyk. Find him, ask about The spider, for if he can tell, That means someone wants to sell. How may I help? I want to buy. Many things I can supply, What is it that you'd like to own? A small, green spider, made of stone. Hmm... why would this interest me? I want it back. I see, I see. How long ago did someone sneak Away with it? About a week. No one's sold to me since then,
At night they come within my den. But people say there lurks a beast, And so my business has decreased. There's also been an awful flu. But I'll survive. I always do. A flu, and no one in a week? Then the doctor we must seek. Jubil Frankobi isn't far, Ask her what the symptoms are. If they're flu-like, was there one In whom no fever had begun? This flu has given me much pause: I cannot find a cure or cause. Contagious, febrile, and acute, But I think 'flu' does not compute. There was one, he had no fever, That's why I'm not yet a believer. Anomaly, or not the flu? Was he the first? Yes, that is true. His file, then, I need to see. No! Patients would not come to me If I just hand out every note,
Retaining them keeps me afloat! I just heard a ratonga squeak! I think he's hurt! You should go peek! I'll save him! (And my coin will grow.) Ha! It worked! And in I go! Sparzit says his brain is sore, Angignioitus, nothing more. To treatment he will not adhere: No tinkering - at least a year. Neezer feels he isn't whole. It's wreaking havoc on his soul. He feels split, so he did mention, Since he tried out his invention. He thinks he acts within his sleep: So a placebo that's not cheap. Iarog - his nose is stuffed. He couldn't pay, so off he huffed. Back in a week, he had sore bones Still no money, lots of moans. Now his symptoms are not rare, But fever's one he doesn't share. He could have brought an illness in,
That's just a theory. Kind of thin. Iarog - I should have known. I can't be seen, so act alone. His room is southwest of the gate, But careful if he's in a state. You try to takes it... go away! No, Iarog, you end today. On the Spider, quite compact, 'My poison's slow, but it will act Until my power is unlocked.' You got it? No. And I was shocked He didn't have it. Any clues? Nothing there that we can use. With all their plans, these thieves must know The power that it can bestow. You must stop them, at the forge. What is there? Will it disgorge The Spider's power? Or some sign? That information's only mine. Stop them there, and then bring back The Forest Spider which we lack. Holding it near has no effect,
Something else should now be checked - Placed in the glowing coals so deep, Then tongs... Unlocked! But it's asleep! Did you find them? Who was there? No one. All this work! Despair! By now, they're probably far away. When it unlocks, who knows where they Might be. Much work? I did the most. That's slightly true, but you can't boast. You'd not have known, if not for me, Where to go or who to see. Instrumental was my part In failure, but I can restart. We've wasted time. You should leave. But your help I did receive. Go to Thorson. Take the bell. And for the favour, he will tell The other task I spoke about. My mood is bad, so now get out. Fedul sent me here to you. Yes, I've heard what you can do. More undead activity
Is why the Dismal Rage sent me. It's dangerous, with deadly stakes - Within its bag, the stone awakes.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues-Stonestair Byway 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
So, it seems we finally meet. I've seen your talent. Quite elite. A job's not really what I need. No, much more for you, indeed, A waste for you to sweep the floor - That's what we have the kerra for. They're pets. We've no need for their kind. The not-a-job, then, on your mind? We have a little... group in here. No details - who you are's not clear. But with a story I will start: When the world was torn apart, Not many cities were maintained. Those of us who still remained Came to Freeport, but were feared, A threat to Lucan we appeared. The 'qualified' who passed his test Stayed in the city. Here, the rest. But he didn't just reduce Our numbers - there's one more abuse: The kerrans, and they always stray. We need to keep those beasts away
From the experiments we do So this is what need from you: Collect some herbs. Their seeds will drop. The scribe can grind them at his shop. I found the seeds, and crushed the pod. Take this to Sevri Il'Bethod. This comes from Vess? So you're the one Who's helping with what we've begun. Vess has outstanding qualities, But eyesight isn't one of these. To see what's needed for a spell Is something he can't do so well. He didn't say. No, he would not. Such weaknesses would harm our plot. These things must tightly stay inside The Abbatoir, since our divide. We are a secret brotherhood. We'll keep it secret. Understood? With silver tweezers, get some fur Directly from the ones who purr. I got the fur, and some to spare. Achoo! This hair is everywhere!
So you're allergic, I suppose? No! It drifted up my nose. For if I were, it would be hard To live here, with what they discard. I'll add this in. Return to Vess. Our situation he'll address. You've helped a lot. We've reached new heights, But we're... deficient with our rites. Since the Divergence, our technique Has been improved, but parts are weak. What's the Divergence? When it came, The world was rent, and changed our frame. We do not speak of why today, But our appearance was not grey. We had no runes, much darker skin, And Odus's knowledge lost within. But where we're weak, we sense you're strong, Our ritual cannot go wrong. Once warded, then the kerra can't Disturb our work. Now learn the chant. Kah Shee-jah Ver-ata Nik-su
Gej-raz. Now go, and speak it true. Get Sevri's mixture for the spell, I've marked the place. Good luck. Be well. Here's the mix. I was not sure You could assist, but you endure. With the progress that you've made, We will succeed. We won't be stayed. Kah! Shee-jah! I heard you shout The barrier will keep them out. Our trust is paid. You do impress. I'm pleased we've had this great success. Zaddar waits in the Graveyard's shade, Take this reward, then lend him aid.
3rd Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues-Stonestair Byway 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
We must speak, but, friend, stay near, So that those... things don't overhear. They killed Kejaan, who brought us peace, They torment us, and never cease. Do you not feel the hate between Their kind and ours? It's almost seen. Defiling Odus, all we held Sacred - then we were expelled! For justice our ancestors cry. Collect the offerings nearby. You'll find our rituals worthwhile. Stones from Odus, Kerra Isle, And Luclin guard the Byway's gates, There the sacred dust awaits. You found the dust? I did. Good, good! But I only wish we could Perform our rituals, with them Not mocking us. Next you must swim In cleansing water, where you'll pray Kejaan his blessing to convey. Across the sea our home did lie, On land, the wind then makes us dry.
Our mother's wind, our father's stone, Nashii will make these things your own. Their presence is disturbing me - My advice is let them be. Their fate they'll reach, their plans unfold, Hear their ascension's tale, of old. No longer did their paths conflict, Disciple and the Heretic, In Stonebrunt was their citadel, But we knew all wasn't well. Their temples were to peace and fear, But we dug deep. More would appear. Not only temples was this place: They built an arcane power base. On Kerra Isle they would wait, Leaving Odus to its fate. Then in a week, a mighty sound Echoed, faded, then around The continent, a cloud of mist. We thought no life would still exist. But we were wrong, for soon there came The Erudites, with altered frame.
But if they're asked, they will not show: The Erudites think we don't know. To keep this secret's for the best. Return, and take Batarra's test. The base, the flight, the noise, the cloud, You know these things. This makes me proud. But knowing history's not enough, Living at their side is tough. They call us simple, twist our trust, We're peaceful, so they think we must Be stupid. But don't be the fool. Go to The Hole, and find a stool. It's by the fountain, not too far. Miala is behind the bar. Batarra said... Hush! Beware! They have spies most everywhere. Killing us is what they've planned. Speak with Melai. He knows first-hand. Did they send you? They're watching me! I'm no exhibit. Let me be! Miala said you might know more About the plans they have in store.
Miala? Then I'll speak to you. The room I had - my brother, too - Was full of rats, and not maintained, My brother finally complained To the landlord - one of THEM. His response was very grim. Some Erudites appeared one night. They slit his throat, and bound me tight, Cats, they said, should all be drowned, But they ran off when we were found. Then the guard said I'm to blame, I would not harm my kin. The shame! No one who hears this tale believes Kerra would lose to Erudite thieves. There should be vengeance! Yes, there should, I am watched. But Thindel could. Welcome! Bows or arrows, friend? I've other business to attend: Melai said I should speak to you. And what you think that we should do. They thought his family had heard About their schemes, so they transferred
His business to the Freeport gate, Their prying eyes on every crate. They call us beasts, but they're far worse. Their schemes and plots we'll soon disperse. The room they meet's where they attacked. Hide by the wall. You won't be tracked. I will go, and I will hear. Stonestair Byway will be clear Of all these pests. They'll be declawed. You're right, Batarra. I applaud Your courage to go learn their plans. We should act. But there are bans On open fighting. So, then we Should take down one, and secretly. We'll slowly whittle down their ranks. Yes, that's the plan! You have my thanks. Someone's listening, drawing near... He'll pay. He must not interfere. From the shadows one's emerged, But this threat is quickly purged. I see the fire in your eyes. How went the battle? A surprise.
If every kerra kills just one, Then soon our battle will be done. Last time we had tried to flee, And overwhelmed we seemed to be. With ones like you, we'll be secure, Our future's bright. We will endure. Still, more secrets we must learn. Zaddar is where you next should turn. Though one of them, endure the pain. It's worth the knowledge you'll obtain.
4th Festival of Unity and 1st Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2010 Festival of Unity and Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunts).
Discovered on 1 Dec 2011 at 12:00:00 PST.
The Fourth Annual
Festival of Unity
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
The First Annual
Festival of Discord
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. Come on in and have a beer Forget about your troubles here Where you, alone or with a friend, Can eat and shop and rest and mend.
1. Come on in and have a beer Forget about your troubles here Where you, if you've an ogre friend, Can eat and shop and rest and mend.
2. O sweet wubbly cubes! I know that you are in there! So I'll wave to you.
2. O sweet wubbly cubes! I know that you are down there! So I'll come hug you.
3. Here's a task that can't be beat: Harvest every fish and meat, Find each food and mine each ore, (It's cheating if they're from the store) Then you'll need to chop some wood, But not for Hwal, though boots are good. Then a pelt, the gems, and root, Maybe there's a neat rock suit? While Antonica you roam, Don't forget about the loam. You don't need anything that's rare: We'll save that for the evil fair. Then bring them back so I can go Return and give these things to Qho!
3. Here's a task Qeynosians beat: They harvested all fish and meat, Found each food and mined each ore, (No cheating; they weren't from the store) Then they chopped some maple wood, But not for Hwal, though boots are good. Then a pelt, the gems, and root But we've long had a neat rock suit. Through Antonica they'd roam, Not forgetting salty loam. But you need anything that's rare: We've saved that for the evil fair. Then keep it for when you will go Back to the start - it's not for Qho!
4. Once you found his ancient port He seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up his bubbly, He'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
4. Once you found her ancient port She seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up her bubbly, She'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
5. Wand'ring as I please, I see them on the trees. For practice with my bow, I'll take it as I go.
5. Floating as they please, I see them in the trees. For practice with my bow, I'll take one as I go.
1. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And evil scheming in a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
1. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And schemers hid inside a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or to the caves or bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would adventure on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane, While others fought the gnolls for good, By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound For snakes and lizards, mites and rats, Manta rays and sonic bats. Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So stop on by and choose a task From in between the crate and cask As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or graveyard or the bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would fight the gnolls for good By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood, While others journeyed on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound Snakes or spiders, seeping ooze, Shrilling bats or gloom snakes choose, Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So to the forest take a stroll And from the table pick a scroll As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
2. Could this be for the Guurok, If we could visit him? No, just for silly goblins, For they are often dim.
2. These could be for the Guurok, If we could visit him. Perhaps I'll see him someday So I'll go take a swim.
3. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) I think you should go take a look For there could be a long-lost book.
3. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) So take a look and be astute, For there could be some long-lost loot.
4. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you could both use just anywhen But till you had this, druids simply would not let you in.
4. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you could both use just anywhen But till you had this, druids simply would not let you in.
5. While on the beach and hunting crab, I soon discovered something drab: Just a bone, a sandy shard. Something else that I'll discard. Wait! What's this? There's some design On this item from the brine. Could the other crabs have more As they scurry on the shore? Yes! The others have them, too! Now what shall I use for glue? I can use the fishes' skin, Won't even have to gather ten. Then I'll take another look At what I found and what I took. The goblins, they should have a cord: Got it! What a nice reward! Very useful scrimshaw token, Now that it's no longer broken. I have long moved on from here: One day I was hunting deer. I found a tiny piece of fur Looks like from some gnollish cur.
5. While on the beach and hunting crab, I soon discovered something drab: Just a bone, a sandy shard. Something else that I'll discard. Wait! What's this? There's some design On this item from the brine. Could the other crabs have more As they scurry on the shore? Yes! The others have them, too! Now what shall I use for glue? I can use the fishes' skin, Won't even have to gather ten. Then I'll take another look At what I found and what I took. The goblins, they should have a cord: Got it! What a nice reward! Very useful scrimshaw token, Now that it's no longer broken. I have long moved on from here: Hunting orcs both far and near. I found on one a stony wedge But with, alas, the dullest edge.
From what I learned before I grew, I know exactly what to do! I've gathered ten more - that was rough. Now for something I can stuff Into these gloves, some griffon down Before I can return to town. And finally, a tendon thread To sew it shut and get ahead.
From what I learned before I grew, I know exactly what to do! Five giants slain for whetting stones, And undead pirates for their bones Now all I need to make it rip: Hide of an elephant for grip. You fowl will soon feel mighty pain! Flee from me! I'll be your bane!
6. They're cooking here, so go retrieve A spark of the hot. But too bad troll Chef Gorga Cannot enter her pot.
6. They're cooking here, so go retrieve A spark of the hot. But too bad troll Chef Gorga Cannot enter her pot.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Baubbleshire 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Good day to you! How are you, friend? You're here to learn? That's good! We tend To thrive on thrills of new things learned, And junk into inventions turned. But don't lose sight of what's around When building with the things you've found: The target model, the ideal, Keep it in mind to make it real. A clockwork gnoll? Observe the brute. A wolf? Then wolves. If clockwork fruit - But anyway, I have a need, The price of metal's high indeed. And I enjoy life's finer things: Especially free cogs and springs. Scrap metal fills the Baubbleshire So bring me bits and bobs and wire. Excellent! A job well done! And from this I have learned a ton! My clockwork gnomes were lacking, see, A certain gullibility. But I've another project planned, It's something really rather grand.
My breakthrough will leave quite a mark, Bigger even than Nogginspark! Who's he? It's good that you don't know That means he's managed to lay low. He studied rats from tail to snout But everyone was quite creeped out He disappeared from his detractors But he still sends me his Reactors. If it needs power and is small, A Nogginspark Reactor's all You need. But now he hides below And made the population grow Of rodents - yet they're really not. His clockwork rats are how they're brought. So go bring seven back for me I'll be here, pond'ring patiently. Well done! Don't think of halflings, quick. I'll show you now my latest trick. With this technique I will obtain The foremost thoughts upon the brain. Your thoughts I'll read most easily: Halflings there are what I see.
Go ask around these questions five And from this data I'll derive What they have upon their mind From just the first word that you find. What's the way you'd calibrate A Fizzo Torque Wrench in the state You'd do some work in Lavastorm And same in Everfrost perform? What's the measurement from Keen On a Druther-Nest, to Preen? To vote for Queen, if you'd a voice, Would nut or bolt obtain your choice? Although it isn't proven yet, What theory is most widely set How thermoparticles decide The flow of metaphysic tides? Isn't Neezer Grund amazing, Shouldn't you his mind be praising? The Banton particle's amounts Of what are high, by most accounts? First to Drundo - he seems drunk. It's likely that he's going to flunk.
Erm, he says, and nothing other. What was that about my mother? I don't understand at all, And, Thermo-what? I don't recall. Neezer Grund's amazing! Who? And, I don't understand - part two. To Remo Zigg - Now go away! But just hear what I have to say! Leave me be! The answer's nine, A nut! Now leave!, I can't opine. Neezer Grund's amazing! Who? Is it tension? Tension! Shoo! And last, not least, to Fillzer Fuzzle. Maybe he can solve this puzzle. Variable from hot to ice: It's 0.034, precise. In bolts, it's twenty over fifty, Going to abstain - he's shifty! No idea, then Neezer - Who? I think it's tension. Is it? Oo! Erm, leave, variable - the first. What, the, in's what they conversed.
The third! I need more data! More! I, nut, going. Now for four. Theramwatt is right! I, no. Who, who, who. Oh, ouch! How low! I, is, I. Tautology! Exciting stuff to busy me! Analysis will take a while All this data to compile. You should go visit Poko Zing And take this Tickerdoodle thing. What do you want? A random task? There's hostiles here. You shouldn't ask. Help with that? I don't know you. But here's some random work to do. Go find assorted metal parts I'll use them in my tink'ring arts. You've brought them back - wait, this one's new And this is bad - Freeportian, too. Go and tell the guard Germain What these ruins now contain. What is it, citizen? I've news.
I found things Poko Zing could use, But this one's from across the sea - Freeportian's what it seems to be. The bad news, it just doesn't cease, With one more thing to break the peace. I thank you for defending, gnome, All those who call fair Qeynos home.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Baubbleshire 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Hello! Good day, my friendly friend! We're matched just right, I do contend. You offered me a mug of ale, So welcome, friend of Rivervale! We halflings need to stick together Both in fair and fouler weather. My friend Maela, she's been down Would you see about her frown? She's over by the waterfall. It's calming here. Life gets us all. That's all she'd say. She won't say more. She's helped too much to just ignore. I know what will bring her cheer: The shadebloom flowers growing here! Oh, Shadebloom. Thank you, I suppose. Rondo said to give you those. That ruffian! That little tease. My husband used to give me these. The call of home has its demands, He's off in the Enchanted Lands. I miss him oh so terribly And I don't want my friends to see
Me be a burden and complain. But you help them without disdain. Oh, I suppose you're probably right, And thank you, friend, for this delight. So how'd it go? I knew she'd share. Her husband's absence shows its wear. And now that she has let it out Her friends can help her; there's no doubt. It's good to help - and good to joke. Not Maela, she's too sweet to poke. Pranks! Our gift from Bristlebane Although of late I must abstain My reputation, well, they'd know, So I'll send you and watch the show. This kit of prank preparedness Has all you need for your success. Inside are pies and Remmy's note, And the instructions Rondo wrote. First Drundo. He replaced my brew And turned my lips a purple hue A walnut pie all topped with cream Will seem to him the halfling's dream
But he's allergic to the nut He'll swell up like a lush's gut! Wherever shall I set this pie? For one just like it I did buy I couldn't help but eat it whole And then I had to take a stroll - Twin pies, you say? Pies need a home. I wouldn't want a pie to roam. A berry pie? Just leave it here. It might go rather well with beer. Let my second prank unfold: Jayla charmed me from my gold. And third, well, Bolo's getting old With his opinion of himself. So give him pie from on my shelf. You bring to me dear Remmy's note? I want to meet you's what he wrote! And it says he'll bring some pie He's interested! I'll soon be by! That Bolo keeps on asking me, But Remmy's who I want to see. Now Bolo's getting quite the news,
An offer that he won't refuse. Jayla wants to meet with him. No, I don't think so. I'm not dim. Well, in case you turned her down There's someone else from here in town - Wait! You said she wants a pie? She's there in Oakmyst? off I fly! An hour, though? That's rather quick. Your berry pie would do the trick! It was for a delivery, I'll get another. Take it, free. Rondo will be quite amused With all the mischief he's diffused. He'll tell them what he shouldn't know The looks upon their face will grow It's priceless, but it's also dear To spread around such halfling cheer. A baker who's a friend of mine Made for me these pies so fine. Bees are something we don't lack. Their honey's what I'll pay her back. This honey's good. You've really grown.
It's time for pranking of your own. The guard thinks Remmy stole some pies It might be true, it might be lies. So with him in this little jam Go and call him Pie Man Sam. Hello! Nice day! That's why I'm here. You're Pie Man Sam, that's very clear. They weren't for me! They had no food, This family and their little brood - Here! I'll pay you any fine! Seven, eight, and here is nine! You dare to offer me a bribe? Your punishment I will describe: A fine's not all we had in store, Days and nights with every chore Within the kitchen where you stole I can't do that! I'll make it whole! But maybe you'll avoid the charge If my pocket's filled up large With silver. I'll do anything! No, wait! Before, that was a sting. Just take me now! I cannot bear
To stay within this endless snare! Rondo knew you'd fall for this! You got me good! But it's amiss. I didn't make those pies go poof But I can't find them any proof. Something got into the shed Please go search for clues instead. This barrel's smashed, there's bits of wood, But what is this? Oh, this is good! It's very coarse, this patch of fur, Looks like from some gnollish cur. Remmy's not who they'll accuse: Germain appreciates this news. He's glad to hear, but must beware Could this be big, or something rare? Without more proof, the guard stays short - Erm, no offense. None taken, sport.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Castleview Hamlet 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Greetings to ye, noble one! Every breath, Marr's will be done. Marr hath often aided us Let us now our tale discuss. Overwhelmed, we fled to Guk The Rallosians had us stuck But our valour made him proud He unleashed the Greenmist cloud. Gukta we could then reclaim But slavery and the Shattering came. Again Marr's blessing with us dwelt We won, but many wrongs were dealt. I'm parched with telling you this tale - Wouldst thou fetch a pint of ale? A sweet bog spirit to drink down Thou wilt find within this town. Here's a coin; I must wait here For a message to appear. Ah! This drink is what I crave But, alas! The news is grave. An ogre in the Down Below! Inquiry Rrak if this is so!
Mine eyes have struck me to the quick I desired to fight and kick But bats and spiders he'd assail, So I returned to tell the tale, What hast thou learned and brought from Rrak? Will this beast emerge? Attack? Go below and search for clues, Something that can bring us news. Thou hast returned! What didst thou find? Did he leave anything behind? This satchel's ogrish in design, But on it is a Qeynos sign. By the truth of Marr he's swayed, Freeport's overlord betrayed! It seems he's good. May Marr be praised! But many here will be amazed. We're duty-bound to help in need So now within these walls proceed To spread these tenets to the elves They share honour with ourselves. To elf and froglok news must spread
Lest they both be filled with dread. The word is shared. They will not fret. The ogre poseth not a threat. Graac Justheart needeth now thy hands Above the stairs with tads she stands. What service dost thou now desire? Water do the tads require. Procure from Carpenter Goroop A barrel for my taddish troupe. Then fill it from the fountain here Although the water's far too clear. I come from Graac. A barrel, sir. My services belong to her! I'll part with one, she need but ask, Made tight and sturdy for her task. The barrel's filled, but froak! Alas! The tads are now upon the grass! What hath happened, dearest lady? Who hath done this deed so shady? An ogre ran within the walls! 'Twas he who caused these dreadful falls? Nay, I hurried to protect
But my speed could not be checked. Instead my haste did tip a barrel Help me save them from this peril. Ye found them all amongst the weeds! Marr's name is praised through noble deeds. Thou aidedst them without a yelp Lost were they without thy help. Kwa requesteth all details: Please, regale me with thy tales. No harm did on the tads befall. Thou bringst Marr's blessing to us all. One more favour I would ask, If thou hast no other task: In Oakmyst Charlin needs thine aid He serveth in the Queen's brigade. With faith in Marr, please go assist And do his will within our midst.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Castleview Hamlet 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Koada'Dal have need of you - Who are they? What are you, new? If it should be Tunare's will Koada'Dal will die, or kill A high elf's not among our peers, That's human with some pointy ears. We've fought in wars both small and great And we would never hesitate. Now we're here as refugees Our time has gone without reprise. To help our people's what I do These tasks must be attended to. In Felwithe were the Green Wisp plants At night they glowed; their light would dance I wish those here in Castleview Could see what all of us once knew. Fill this flask with water, blessed, The soil in that barrel's best, Around the fountain are the seeds: These three satisfy our needs. Excellent! They have been found. See those planters all around?
Plant the wisp beside the tree Their beauty everyone shall see. The blessed water, seed, and soil Make this work an easy toil. The plants grow at a stunning rate Seven done, but what is eight? An agitated wisp attacks! But soon is slain within its tracks. Have you planted all the bushes? You're planting one and something pushes Out from deep within the plant? This evil must be fixed. I can't Cleanse this taint all by myself But I know another elf. Seek Shae'Ahla by the gate. Learn from her the green wisp's fate. All the sentients follow pain. What does that mean? Please explain. Elves and humans, gnomes and trolls, All of Norrath's sentient souls, Without intent, do yet embark Upon the paths of chaos dark.
Worlds in strife produce no glee What has brought you here to me? The green wisp gave you quite the scare? You see? Corruption's everywhere! But I can help. Please, give your hand. Take this blessing to the land. Rub your fingers on the leaf, Then this plant shall have relief. The blessing worked, but then a sprite Emerged and it began to fight. A sprite had this corruption's breath? I'm sorry that we've caused its death. We only wanted to bring growth, But seek its spirit for us both. The spirit will remain nearby And maybe even tell us why. Tell me, sprite, what have you sown? For what I've done, I can't atone. This day is sad, for I did fall Corruption has me in its thrall. I just remember one green thread But I must go. I'll tend this bed.
What did she say? Her thread is strong She yet may to Tunare belong. Now go to Oakmyst, tell this tale To Adalin Emerael. What this corrupted sprite might mean He knows, for Oakmyst, too, has seen Unpleasant things of unknown source. While I was upon my course To cleanse the trees and make then clear A gnoll did suddenly appear. Fighting skills I've not achieved, And, sadly, I was not believed When I escaped and told the guard. Please cleanse these trees which have been marred. While you're out on this patrol, If indeed you find a gnoll, Find some proof and bring it back. Evidence we must not lack. The trees are cleansed, for this I saw, And you have a gnollish paw? If their plan we would avert,
The Qeynos guard we must alert. Lieutenant Charlin's not enthused: You're the second one confused By what you saw - a gnoll, right here? A paw? Now this is cause for fear. You have some proof. I'll send the word, Now that this is not absurd, On up the chain, to my command. Our people thank you, and our land.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Graystone Yard 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Good to see you! We've not met. We've things in common, though, I bet. Sometimes we don't know who we are, Which, for our kind, is quite bizarre. Who are you, if you're so in touch? The answer doesn't matter much If it's something you believe, It can change, but to achieve, Keep present whate'er it may be, Now go remind another three. The young learn who they are through war, The old reminded what they're for, Go around and spread this light, Find these three, and start a fight. The guards are used to such a thing, The way we are, and what we bring. First is Marus, at the bar, And second Angus, not too far From the armoury, near the dock, And Dunda, third, would quickly knock Your head and punch and take a whack, But lately she's been holding back.
There sits Marus, drinking beer - Is someone making cheese in here? What did you say? Now closer, well, It is your feet that cause that smell. Oh, that's good - he takes a swing, But soon he's down. That has to sting. Angus, standing by the wall Needs to have a healthy brawl. Did someone put a lighthouse in? Oh, just your forehead, all that skin. Did I hear what you said to me? It's shiny! That's B-A-L-D! He lunges - You are going down! We'll see! He charges with a frown. The struggle's brief. He soon is beat. Just one more to go complete. What d'ya need in Dunda's place? Mav was right about your face. Don't mention her! Now you'll regret The thrashing you're about to get! Maybe so, or maybe not - She's down in just a single shot.
Hah hah! You're back! Those fights remind One of his place - that's what you'll find. I like you. I won't send you off quite yet. This problem has me quite upset. My package isn't in my grip. I hope that it survived the trip. Take this manifest from me, It's shipment GG4QC. I hope I'm not a worrier - Should I fight the courier? No, don't do that. Just go and ask. This should be a simple task. GG4QC is here, But on the list does not appear. I'm working through the overflow, Outside of that, I wouldn't know. The coordinator's at the pier, Now are we done? I'm working here. You're here for Burk about a crate? Its arrival's very late? All new shipments we receive Are unloaded, and we leave
Them on the dock until they're moved. Go and check them. You're approved. Was it there? In the thirteen Crates and barrels that you've seen? No? Ask the loader of the dock - Marus'll know about this stock. You're back. Still looking for a fight? Sometimes, yes, but not tonight. A shipment that you helped unload Should be here, but never showed. I've been following its path - Oh, that one! That one took a bath. He said it fell and floated down? I hope you're not afraid to drown. Put these buoys on each crate, We'll pull them out and save this freight. You found my package! Another, too, That must be a gift for you. I'm glad this package wasn't lost, A weaving found in Everfrost. It details my family's past, Our whole story we've amassed,
It's very educational, Important, inspirational. This must immediately adorn Our house. I'll send you now to Jorn. In Oakmyst, where I'm sure he will Have a task you can fulfil. What duty might Jorn soon require? That little blasted, jerk-faced liar! Burk sent me - did he not speak true? Oh, no, not Burk. This gnome is who Has got me steamed, for he's a cheat At high-stakes cards, and he'll get beat. He fled out here. I was too drunk To smash his face, the gnomish punk. I've been out here for several days, The guards would tell me if he strays. But I could really use some rest, I saw him heading to the west. He can't get out, but he could sneak. The docks are where you need to seek. There you are, and now you'll pay! Oops, I'll go the other way!
We need to talk. What's this about? Jorn wants his money, cheating lout! Oh, no, you don't! I won't go down! You don't run this stupid town! But to the ground he quickly sags. I had to kill him. Here's his bags. I'm glad you got my money back, But what is this within his sack? A book in the Lucanic tongue? Looks like our gnomish friend had sprung From Freeport - this is not for me. This is something guards should see. Go to Charlin, tell the tale. He can follow up this trail. I have some news. I found a tome Brought here by a cheating gnome. You found this here, among the oaks? With my luck, it's a book of jokes. I'll send it to be studied well, And see what secrets it may tell. I thank you for this loyal deed, It may to something bigger lead.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Graystone Yard 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Well, hello! You're sort of new? I could use some help from you. My husband's been out for a while, The shop is starting to compile Many tasks that must be done, But, right now, I'm only one. Here's what I need you to do: Right here is my fermenting brew! I found a family recipe, And got the mix to all agree. Ingredients for my next batch Are here, but sadly, this dispatch Is sitting here - it's unassigned. The shipping company's behind. My honey, cherries, and my yeast Have been here two whole days, at least. I have an overflow manifest Which will help upon this quest. Here are 4QGCG's Barrels - spices - some old cheese - Under that, the frozen cherries! Wow, this barrel really varies.
Inside 2DF0F's hid The yeast right underneath the lid, And lastly, for the dwarven chef, Is barrel QGC4F. Packed in 'gnomish misc.' and coal, The honey jar remains quite whole. You found them all, and just in time! This batch is done, and in its prime. It's been so long that all must think That I made up my family drink. I must stay here and tend my shop, So would you go and give a drop To several friends? Collect the jug And take my brew for them to chug. Gnor and Gurna in the inn Will love to give this brew a spin And Dunda Frostgrip gets a share She's by the scribe shop, over there. Gnor thinks it keeps you warm at night, And Gurna says it's got some bite. But Dunda's not so fond of Mav - What great, big, new thing does she have?
Twice in a row, can't be one-upped - Retaliation must erupt. She brewed her family's recipe. She didn't! Trouble! Where is she? I'll pound that brew - it's aley bliss! Delicious - but don't tell her this! Your brew is shared all over town, It actually knocked Gnor right down. Gurna loved it, Dunda, too, Although she said to not tell you. I knew she'd love it! She had thought The recipe would ne'er be wrought. Although she teased about my booze, Today is filled with such good news! And there's more! A package from My cousin's here. It's finally come! But the shipping's all a mess, It certainly is not express. It's on the docks, so would you go Before it's dropped in overflow? Mav's new shipment's what you need? She has a backlog. But proceed
Down on the dock. It's at the end. Go retrieve it for your friend. You got my package from the dock! For months I've waited for this rock! From Kaladim is whence it came - You surely know that dwarven name. To visit it one day's my dream, Impossible as that may seem. But here we also have a stone, A monument to halls unknown. Please take it there. It might react. Perhaps our home remains intact. The stone is cold, and rather rough For building, though, it's just the stuff. The stones together give a sense Both audible and quite intense. Hammers, chisels, very strong, Moving carts, a dwarven song. What happened with what I had asked? Sounds and visions from our past. It's strong with you, Kaladim's spirit. My husband, too, would love to hear it.
He's very late; he's been delayed Probably from the shipping trade. But if his drunkenness is rife, Come back - that job will need a wife. But without or with a mug, I really miss him, that old lug. In Oakmyst Forest he awaits, Surprisingly, quite near the gates. There you are! You must be Marv. I'm glad you're not about to starve Mav sent you here, and on the double, She thinks I'm drunk, or else in trouble. But I'm fine. I'm waiting here. The courier lost half my beer. If I ship this half, extra fees, And if I leave, then theft's a breeze. He dropped my kegs right in the drink. Would you retrieve what he let sink? You've found them all! Ah, this is great! But wait - I didn't order eight. Someone else has been about. This one says Blackburrow Stout.
Don't take it back - the guard will know Just where that keg will need to go. You found a keg of gnollish ale? You're not the first to come and hail Me with some news about a gnoll Here in the forest, on patrol. Things are getting rather strange. That they are. May they soon change.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Nettleville Hovel 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
May the gods bring you their blessing! Erm, if you're the sort who is professing - You used to tell just by one's race Which god it is he would embrace But a human might maintain Faith in Tunare or Bristlebane. All you can assume's we strive, No matter what, that we'll survive. The only thing that's constant's change, We adjust, adapt, and rearrange. Although other cities fell, Here in Qeynos, all may dwell. I follow Quellious and her peace, Which, of late, seems to decrease. If we knew ourselves and neighbours, We'd have no war, nor all its labours. Oh! Andret said that I could borrow, Yesterday, some books tomorrow! Would you pick them up for me? He should have two, or maybe three. Here's the books for her to start. The one on Brell, though, came apart.
Hmm - 'Age of Blood, Age of Glory', The Combine Empire's violent story. Human power was at its heights. 'Humans, Barbarians, and Erudites' All related, did you know? This understanding helps us grow. Although the Combine Empire fell, That's not to say we did, as well. Our time has not come and gone, Our city adapts and carries on, Our queen's admired - another book? And it's ancient, by the look. It's called 'Followers of Brell Serilis', but some pages fell. Too bad this knowledge now has flown, Scattered, and the wind has blown Them who-knows-where in Nettleville. I dropped them, so I shall refill Your tome that's filled with ancient lore. They're here. Have you another chore? You've fit in quite well 'round here, Where we help, not rule by fear.
I don't have another task My four friends, though, you could ask. Amazu, if I might obtain Some work - I'm from your friend Helain - My friend, you say? I'll run you through! Aaaah, I'm sorry! Just teasing you! For that, I should have you declawed! Ha! I like you! I applaud! I've nothing, though, to fetch or shovel. Then others wait within the Hovel! You're back! Don't say she finished those! Not yet! Her interest really shows. Might you, though, have a task for me? Not today? To number three! Bahati Linnxar's by her stall, But, sadly, has no work at all. She says Helain is sweet, but odd, With talk of Quellious, her god. On my hunting she has frowned, My hunt is where my peace is found! And last, Laudine. You're new here, friend? Yes, but I've run from end to end
Of Nettleville, sent by Helain, So its knowledge I might obtain. Helain? I like her. You'd excel If you take a page from her book well. No thanks, those take forever to find. What was that? Oh, never mind. She had sent you here because - For work? I've none, but Johfrit does. Sounds good. He's not a stable boy? Ha ha! No, that's not his employ. You're here for work? See, I procure Goods that are a bit obscure. My suppliers made my shipment shrink: They dropped two items in the drink. And they decided not to dive To make my life hard, I contrive. They didn't finish; they weren't paid. Now get them and complete my trade. You found my barrel and my crate. Well done. My customers await. You're all slimy and smell like fish. But you've retrieved the goods they wish,
You sure that this is honest work? Of course! But let the guards not lurk Till of these goods you've gotten rid - Take Amazu his imported squid, And Laudine her ale. That's how she knew To send me to find work from you! Be sure they pay, else I cannot Pay you for the goods you got. You brought my squid! You smell so tasty! All the Kerra will follow, hasty! Here's your ale, but for a price. More than willing for drink this nice. Here's the money that they paid For the goods I have conveyed. Here's your cut. An item, too. Don't go! I have no more to do, But I know others who can use Some help. I know you won't refuse. Lieutenant Dawson needs a hand It's honest work that she has planned. She's in the Bog, right through the gate Thank you. Hmm. I'll head there straight.
A question? My mind's occupied. With what? Not sure. Things coincide. Strange things are happening in the Bog. The ecology just took a jog We need a stronger presence here, But Qeynos says that isn't clear. I'm still working on my plan, But I know you'll help as soon as you can.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Nettleville Hovel 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Is direction what you seek? Purpose, meaning, when it's bleak? Of words and friendship I can boast, With rituals I help the most. We hold to them, for that's their aim, And know that others do the same. You will not have far to roam: This one acquaints you with your home. The Ritual of Hearth you'll learn. Gather soil, then return. Gather it from places three: By the market's western tree, By tree that's near the bog of peat, By Qeynos' gate will this complete. Now take these soils, let them fall Through your fingers. That is all. Nettleville will now know you, And, perhaps, you'll know it, too. Wait - this soil's from each site? The smell and colour isn't right. Something might be very wrong, There's elements that don't belong
Someone's conducting a Pa'Rok, This mystery we must unlock. Take this to the Spiritist. Laharn's his name. He can assist. This soil causes some concern? Let us see what we can learn, But it's quicker to enlist The help of a human alchemist Ask Gunta to identify What's here. She's with the scribe, nearby. You say it's an important task? I don't have time for what you ask. I must label; I must sort, So I must cut our meeting short. I won't, if I don't tend the store, Be his assistant any more. And leave the alchemist alone, For he has problems of his own. To help us, sadly, she refused. Not surprising is this news, For we are often all alone. This makes us stronger. We have grown.
Three things I need if they won't stop: Reactive Kesmith from his shop, A Litsuth bag the tailor sells, And Selkie mushrooms by the bells. Lakosha asked you for this test? She thought the compounds might suggest The ceremony was corrupt, And something bad might soon erupt. Pa'Rok's a way we mourn our dead, But it's too long, or old, some said: It helps not those who think such things, For others, closure's what it brings. If this corruption does not cease, The ceremony brings no peace. It threatens the link with the soul Another may come, or not the whole, This study we have not employed, It's something that we must avoid. Tell Lakosha what I've said. We must stop the stage ahead. The performer's in great danger here, And we don't know what might appear.
Return to where the soil was, And tell him what corruption does. By the Peat Bog! He's the one! Don't interrupt! This must be done! Contaminants are in the soil. This has made the ritual spoil. The final offering's been made - She appears - Ja'neth's shade. Because of the corrupted stage, She's not at peace, but in a rage. What have I done? Instead of bliss, I've poisoned her because of this. She fights, but soon is put to rest - Now must my penance be addressed. Ralkesh, Ja'neth will be just fine. Do you believe that, with this sign? I'll tell Lakosha of her fate: It was completed, I was late, But he'll prepare and try again, And now we'll find whence comes this stain. The botanist will run some tests To find exactly what infests
The soil. So I need some clues From the sludges and the ooze. They eat the mud in which they slink, I'll need that, too, to find this link. The samples found, the tests will run Just a moment... now they're done This mineral is not found here, But in the Caves it does appear. Lieutenant Dawson needs to know The results my tests all show. What is this about the dirt? Alone, no need for an alert, But other things are going on. This worries me, who might be drawn With these changes in the land - But I thank you for your hand.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Starcrest Commune by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
To seek the truth's the greatest quest, And next enlightenment is best. Will you achieve this goal you seek? You do not know? That's not unique. Enlightenment, though, of our race I will achieve, but now the pace Is rather slow. Those who are here And those in Freeport don't adhere To the same compassionate views. I'll show them something else to choose. Their views, though, I can tolerate, Their evil action's what I hate. A heretical relic has been brought Into Qeynos. This must be fought. Its ideals are adverse To Qeynos. It may have a curse Or just attract those who promote Keeping those ideals afloat. Go see a human behind the shop, Climb the bench, for he's up top. Cayan's friends can help us find The package that I have in mind.
It was brought to Oolium, His path has kept our agent from Following, for he'd be seen, So learn what Cayan's friends can glean. He'll want some payment - not in coin - A favour's what he will rejoin For information flows his way Through favours and his friends' array. Oolium's package is what you seek? I will need some time to speak With friends, but I'll get what you ask. In the meantime, here's my task: Red sun berries grow around Starcrest Commune, near the ground. I get them, then I'd be accused Of having things assassins used. An Erudite, well, say that you're Looking for an ancient cure. But their malicious properties Are not what I intend for these. They're at the bush's heart to take So reach on in and give a shake.
You've got them? Good. A statue, small And bronze is sold at Zinun's stall No one who's in their right mind Would purchase such a useless find. To you it has a certain charm. Go buy it. Really. What's the harm? The statuette has lost its sheen, But there's a tiny seam between The upper and the lower part A minor twist, and it's apart. Inside, a note: We found your grey But he threw the box away. He must have thought we're on to him He made the package take a swim. It landed with a heavy thud And likely in three feet of mud. It could be in the Peat Bog, deep, Or eaten by the beasts that creep. This note is bad. Now we won't know To whom the package was to go. Who knows who could find it now? That we simply can't allow.
We were so close! Wait... there's a grate That might have stopped our precious crate. In the water, there's debris, Or is that the box I see? It was pushed here by the tide, It's far too large, but what's inside The package which I just have seen Can easily be pulled between The bars. Inside, a metal box, And soggy note beneath the docks. There's arcane symbols all in black, I should get these quickly back. The ink has run, but I sense more: Velderoth is who it's for. That's the box? These runes... oh, dear. A Soul Spike is what's found in here. A weapon of the heretic, He must be out of Qeynos, quick. We must make this Soul Spike known. Once it's destroyed, he will have flown. Go to Cayan, get the stand, Then tap it with this stone in hand.
The stand is up. A magic sting - No! How could you do this thing? Heretic, you should now flee. Your insults will just anger me. This knowledge should not be destroyed! For power it can be employed. If this isn't what you seek, You're not an Erudite. You're weak. He's gone. We should not share this news. To keep the peace, the truth must lose. He could cause, indirectly, harm If this gets out. There'd be alarm. All this, illusions, strictly play, Is how this must be explained away. Go to the Peat Bog, seek a friend, He'll help put this to an end. Maareona sent me here With news of heretics, I fear. He and his Soul Spike are now gone, No one else knows what went on. So you've been Maareona's aide? Not long? Then you can help here in the
shade. My contact doesn't know my face, So I can send you in my place. Take the path to near the tree My contact's waiting there for me. The dark figure says, "Ist neelum" The reply, "Ret katha est al inum" Which means that 'it all cancels out', You're the one, without a doubt. To the south, a sunken log, Where you'll find Pale here in the Bog. "An ambiguous reflection" Is what you'll say for his direction. The password worked. Go to the north, And veh'ra will quite soon come forth. Say it's by the "light of the moon" You'll have what you seek very soon. Veh'ra gives the envelope. Then back. No trouble, then, I hope? Not really. Good. Exciting news! Lieutenant Dawson, she can use The information you retrieved.
Here's the note that I received. From Rujiarmo? A bit suspect. But still, my thanks. I'll have this checked.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Willow Wood 1 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Well met, Ayr'Dal. That much is clear. Worry not, you'll find friends here. Your mother's side? Sentimental, then. Or father's, a more practical ken. Such patterns I have come to see, And others, well, you'll soon agree. Go talk to Gar, behind the inn, See how he treats one of our kin. Then Lia, by the Elddar's gates, And see what attitude awaits. You want some work? For coin, no doubt. You just thought that you'd help me out? Good deal for me, for I've a task, But I know coin is why you ask. Some kids moved all my labels 'round So that my goods cannot be found. Check each box and take a peek And find where are the things I seek. Clay figures, raisins, carving wood Bottles, herbs - your work is good. That was quick, and thorough, too. I'm sorry that I snapped at you.
Lia, you've a troubled look. What can I do? A strong wind shook The birds who nest among the trees, Not that you care for things like these. A half elf wouldn't understand Silly concerns about the land That's not an insult, simply true - So you don't want my help, do you? I'm sorry to come off as such, I didn't think you'd care too much. Very well. Go check each nest. If eggs are fallen and distressed, Bring them back. I'll give them care. How will I know which bird goes where? Just like an Ayr'Dal to ask that. I know where every bird is at. The northeast corner of the inn Is where your search should go begin, Then to the north, there grows a tree, And by the Ruins will make three. You found them all! They've been retrieved With greatest care. I'm most relieved.
It looks like all three can be saved. You've returned. Were they behaved? Assuming, rude, but thanked my aid. Unfortunate this was displayed. But not surprising, and here's why I showed you what is here nearby. We're often judged, but we're well-versed In tending to assume the worst. We think look down is what they'll do And see it when it isn't true. It's hard to deal with, but there's more. Go see Milo, in the store. Ask of Lyssia, seek her out, Ask her what Milo's all about. Milo, you're quite chipper, sir. Lyssia? You'll marry her? I'm very lucky, I confess, That she to this plain guy said yes. She's beautiful, with wit and grace, And wisdom from the elven race. When I mess up - which is a lot, An even temper's what she's got.
It sounds like you're a lucky man. I'll be as lucky as I ever can. Lyssia! You must be she. Milo's delightful, isn't he? I spoke with him. He says you're great. But he is of a plainer state. Well, how embarrassing is that! He thinks his own worth's rather flat. But his modesty appeals to me, He's careful, strong, don't you agree? Love comes to all of us in time, He doesn't see it, though, but I'm Able to tell he's quite the man, And share this joy as oft I can. You're back, but something has occurred. Milo's story must be deferred. The essay that I had to write Has pages which just took a flight. I took a break, forgot a stone, When I got back, the wind had blown Them all around the Willow Wood. Will you find them, if you could?
I have to now rewrite a bunch Of pages a dog had for lunch. You found all five! Now, where were we? Milo and Lyssia - what did you see? He loves her beauty, wisdom, wit, She thinks he's strong, compassionate. Their races' strengths are what they love, Just as before, we'd spoken of What's weak in elves and humankind, But also keep these strengths in mind. We're not better or worse than each, Though that conclusion others reach. This can be hard, but has rewards, My essay's on what this affords. It's now complete, so would you take A copy over to the lake? In the Ruins, west of here, My friend Elvic will appear. I thank you, friend, for Daelyn's work. But something has begun to lurk. Something's off - I know not what - I've found abandoned camps here, but
It's mostly junk, though sometimes clues. Would you help, and find out who's Causing all the mystery here. See if something makes this clear. An old, worn brush, a mouldy doll, A mug that's cracked. Could this be all? Finally! I found a note! This clue, it was a gnoll that wrote. The guard must see this right away, You found this here? This means that they Could likely have some plans in store, And Qeynos isn't sending any more Guards out here for quite some time. Unfortunate. At least though, I'm On this, if but only one, And grateful, friend, for all you've done.
6th Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Willow Wood 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Welcome to the Willow Wood! An eager learner, that is good. Speak with Davyn, he's the same, And learn Feir'Dal's not just a name. Offer help - he's just ahead - And then return with what is said. Good day to you. And you, as well. I'm busy, though. My thoughts propel Me everywhere. I'm quite distracted, And my focus is impacted. It must be from some inner distress, But my dear friend's tribute can't progress. Your help I most appreciate, See Aelis. She will help create. I knew that he'd accept your aid. Do you know why a tribute's made? You will learn. It will grow clear. Reverence for something dear, Friends or family, nature, too, Crafting tributes is what I do. I help the one who comes to ask Make something worthy for his task.
We'll build not just a physical shell, But metaphysical as well. It's strange that he does not desire To take more part or to acquire The things we need. But as he please. First Dewdrop leaves. You'll gather these. The quality can be great or scant, Each must be from a different plant. Here are the leaves. What's next to do? The tribute needs a task from you. It's Davyn's tribute, after all, So do it for him - grand or small. Is my tribute finished yet? A task for you must now be met. That's funny, since you're doing one. What sort of task must now be done? It could be anything you need. I've one, though dangerous, indeed. I'll try. A wolf was seen last night, And gave the citizens a fright. The first report's from Taval Zane. Go speak to him and find this bane.
And if you haven't yet gone in, There's one-room lodging at the inn. Good day. The wolf report was yours? You've chosen, too, to stay indoors Where it's safe. Yes, that was me Who saw the wolf out by the tree. I ran inside and closed the door Before the wolf could do much more. Later, when I dared peek out, Towards the scribe it went about. Jana's usually there, but I've Doubts that she is still alive. Last night, a rabid wolf was here Jana, did you see it near? I did not, but you should check JUst to the north, that wooden wreck. When I arrived, I saw that cart Looked like it was torn apart. Aha! Some tracks lead to the east And soon I've found the rabid beast. It growls and charges from ahead, But very soon, the wolf is dead.
To Davyn, with some news for him: You've helped, although the task was grim. Aelis then asks what you did. I tracked a wolf and then got rid Of it. No, no, with more detail, Or else the ritual will fail. He asked me how his tribute was, And sought a task. He said he does Have a task he'd give to me: Put the wolf out of its misery. And how did this task make you feel? Sad? Or scared? With eager steel? All these feelings began to dawn. Interesting. Please carry on. He then sent me to the inn Where Taval was afraid within. Did you comfort Mr Zane? Yes, I helped his fear to wane. Then Jana's often by the shop, So she became my second stop. She hadn't seen it, wasn't worried, But pointed out a cart. I hurried
Over to see goods and sacks Rummaged through, and found some tracks. Were you nervous or on edge? A bit. Continue. On the ledge, In the hills I found the beast It leapt at me - then was deceased. Now that it's done, have you regret? Nature kills when there's a threat. Most interesting. I'm now inspired To write the tribute that's required. The last component's all around: Woodsun flowers must be found. You got the flowers? Here they are. Take it to Davyn. It's come far. How goes your tribute? It's not mine. You and Aelis made this sign. It would show great disrespect To Ulinir if I elect To place this tribute on his grave. I would not wish to so behave. He was worthy, though you didn't know Ulinir. Yes, I will go.
The Forest Ruins have a river, Its end is where you will deliver This tribute which you have acquired. May others also be inspired By the friendship you have shown, And may see how much you've grown. The grave is found, the tribute placed: May his memory never be erased. Ilaen Lilac stands nearby And speaks about the earth and sky. If we don't work to save this land, No one else will raise a hand. With what problems are you so in tune? If you've not felt it, you will, soon. The movement, interest, deaths quite strange, There's been a most alarming change. Though there are signs of this new threat, The Guard has not shown interest yet. Deer are slain at such a rate, Some say it's wolves that just predate. A few, but most, definitely not For these deer are left to rot.
Their wounds seem like from arrow fire, But no clues I could acquire. You've returned from your patrol This arrow was made by a gnoll. Take this arrow to Germain, Maybe now it will be plain. Citizen, what have you brought? I hope that isn't what I thought. The gnolls are likely on the move, Although one arrow doesn't prove Enough to spur the city. I'm Sure the proof will come, in time. I'm sure this problem will be won, Thank you again for all you've done.
Barbarian recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The barbarian is best eaten as steaks or roasted. Here is an interesting recipe of roasted barbarian with herbs.
Some weird people like spit-roasted sucking pig. Even if it s nice, nothing can compare with spit-roasted barbarian. If you can catch a Rothgar unaware (invite him to a feast, let him get very very drunk then hit him on the head), you can taste this great recipe. You can even stuff the barbarian first!
* 1 Rothgar * Heart and liver of the Rothgar * 1kg (2.2 lb) onions if you use a 12 kg (26.5 lb) barbarian kid, at least 6kg (13 lb) onions for * a whole Rothgar * 2 cloves of garlic (or 12) * Chopped parsley * 10 slices of sandwich loaf (or 60) * 25 cl (8.5 fl oz) milk (or 1.5 l/50 fl oz) * 2 teaspoon thyme (or 12) * Salt, pepper
* 2 eggs (or 12)
Prepare the stuffing by chopping the heart and liver. Add in the chopped onions and garlic. Put the milk unto the bread then add to the mix.
Mix the stuffing with thyme, parsley and eggs. Put the stuffing in your barbarian then sew it.
Skewer the barbarian on the spit and cover the ears with aluminium foil so they do not burn.
Prepare a marinade to cover your Rothgar with during the cooking process. Fill a big bowl with olive oil with thyme, bay leaf, salt and pepper.
Heat the embers and put the barbarian to turn over them. Brush it very often with the marinade during the whole cooking phase at least 3 to 4 hours) so it doesn t burn or turn crisp.
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 1 - Setting Up by Graceey This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Purchased from the broker for 20g (on Halls of Fate).
Discovered on 30 Jul 2016 at 18:40:00 PDT.
Basic Layout Editing – By Gracey <Maj Dul server> for use with Layout Editor version An Introduction - Layout Editing is a way of manipulating the location numbers of items that are placed in a house (or hall). Everything in Norrath has a location and you are no exception. To see your location in the world type /loc. See those silly number? Those are the numbers you are changing on items by using an outside program (Layout Editor). JesDyr made this outside program to help us do this. His Layout Editor can be downloaded at: Get your download installed and make sure that IN GAME you are in windows mode (Alt+Enter) so you can use it while you are playing.
First Things First! There are some things you have to do in game and in the editor to make
it work ! This is the only real hard part of using the Layout Editor and once they are done you will be able to use everything easily. When you begin to use the Layout Editor it is best to be in an (almost) empty house with just an item or two set down to work with. You need to have your items set down on an actual in game floor (no – beaches don’t work correctly). You are going to begin with the use of /house. You don’t have to be on or near the door of your house to use /house and open up the same window. So the first button at the bottom is a “Save” button if you hover over the icon. The second button is a “Load” button (icon).
To start – type /house Click on the “Save” button and make a file called With – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully.
Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Without – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully. Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Working – once again you should get the layout saved successfully message.
MACRO”S Now you are going to make some Macro’s. You will be making 3 macro’s and moving the macro icons to an empty spot on your hotbar To make the macro’s go to your EQ2 button > Socials > Tab at the top says Macro’s > you will see Edit under this tab. Click on Edit. Macro 1: Name will be: With and this will be a command type macro so click on Add a Command line and go to that line. Type in /save_layout With Click on Test and make sure it works and you should see a message that says Layout Saved Successfully. While you are in the macro setup – find an icon that you like at the top by clicking thru them. Click OK
and then drag that icon to your hotbar. Macro 2: Name will be Without and following the steps above… the Command line will read: /save_layout Without Once again, test this and find an icon you like at the top then drag it to your hotbar. Macro 3: This one is just a tad different and please make sure you get the command line in correctly. Name will be Working Command line will read: /load_layout Working Yes. you read that right – you are not saving on this one – you are loading. Find a unique icon and hit ok on that one as well. Make sure all 3 macro’s are now on your hotbar. You can name these 3 macro’s anything you like – but if you are talking to the community, those 3 names are ones that are generally used and you can usually get help using those names.
You are ready to open the layout editor
On the top bar of the layout editor you will see: File – Edit – Tools – Help You will choose FILE and go down to New from Dif (Control+Alt+D). Now you will see a box with 3 lines in it. The first line says Original File and the button at the end says select file. You want to go select a file. If you are aware of where your files are kept on YOUR computer – Select the With file. If you are not aware of where your files are stored on YOUR computer there are 3 possible paths to your files that I know about (every computer is different). Possible Paths:
C: > Users > Public > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games > Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Data > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games >
Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Files (x86) > Sony > Everquest II > saved_house_layouts > With
If you still can’t find the file, I would go browse your files and see where your game is kept outside the layout editor and write down the path. Then come back and follow the above steps.
Line 2 – This is the Difference File – go select the Witout File in the same manner as described above. Line 3 – This is the Destination File – Select the Working File in the same manner as described above.
Click on Go at the bottom. It won’t actually do anything at this point, but this is just the setup steps.
We are done setting up and you are ready to
use the Layout Editor!!’
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 1 - Setting Up by Gracey This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Basic Layout Editing – By Gracey <Maj Dul server> for use with Layout Editor version An Introduction - Layout Editing is a way of manipulating the location numbers of items that are placed in a house (or hall). Everything in Norrath has a location and you are no exception. To see your location in the world type /loc. See those silly number? Those are the numbers you are changing on items by using an outside program (Layout Editor). JesDyr made this outside program to help us do this. His Layout Editor can be downloaded at: Get your download installed and make sure that IN GAME you are in windows mode (Alt+Enter) so you can use it while you are playing.
First Things First! There are some things you have to do in game and in the editor to make
it work ! This is the only real hard part of using the Layout Editor and once they are done you will be able to use everything easily. When you begin to use the Layout Editor it is best to be in an (almost) empty house with just an item or two set down to work with. You need to have your items set down on an actual in game floor (no – beaches don’t work correctly). You are going to begin with the use of /house. You don’t have to be on or near the door of your house to use /house and open up the same window. So the first button at the bottom is a “Save” button if you hover over the icon. The second button is a “Load” button (icon).
To start – type /house Click on the “Save” button and make a file called With – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully.
Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Without – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully. Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Working – once again you should get the layout saved successfully message.
MACRO”S Now you are going to make some Macro’s. You will be making 3 macro’s and moving the macro icons to an empty spot on your hotbar To make the macro’s go to your EQ2 button > Socials > Tab at the top says Macro’s > you will see Edit under this tab. Click on Edit. Macro 1: Name will be: With and this will be a command type macro so click on Add a Command line and go to that line. Type in /save_layout With Click on Test and make sure it works and you should see a message that says Layout Saved Successfully. While you are in the macro setup – find an icon that you like at the top by clicking thru them. Click OK
and then drag that icon to your hotbar. Macro 2: Name will be Without and following the steps above… the Command line will read: /save_layout Without Once again, test this and find an icon you like at the top then drag it to your hotbar. Macro 3: This one is just a tad different and please make sure you get the command line in correctly. Name will be Working Command line will read: /load_layout Working Yes. you read that right – you are not saving on this one – you are loading. Find a unique icon and hit ok on that one as well. Make sure all 3 macro’s are now on your hotbar. You can name these 3 macro’s anything you like – but if you are talking to the community, those 3 names are ones that are generally used and you can usually get help using those names.
You are ready to open the layout editor
On the top bar of the layout editor you will see: File – Edit – Tools – Help You will choose FILE and go down to New from Dif (Control+Alt+D). Now you will see a box with 3 lines in it. The first line says Original File and the button at the end says select file. You want to go select a file. If you are aware of where your files are kept on YOUR computer – Select the With file. If you are not aware of where your files are stored on YOUR computer there are 3 possible paths to your files that I know about (every computer is different). Possible Paths:
C: > Users > Public > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games > Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Data > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games >
Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Files (x86) > Sony > Everquest II > saved_house_layouts > With
If you still can’t find the file, I would go browse your files and see where your game is kept outside the layout editor and write down the path. Then come back and follow the above steps.
Line 2 – This is the Difference File – go select the Witout File in the same manner as described above. Line 3 – This is the Destination File – Select the Working File in the same manner as described above.
Click on Go at the bottom. It won’t actually do anything at this point, but this is just the setup steps.
We are done setting up and you are ready to
use the Layout Editor!!’
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 1 - Setting Up by Gracy This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Purchased from the broker for 20g (on Antonia Bayle).
Discovered on 29 Jul 2016 at 13:10:00 PDT.
Basic Layout Editing – By Gracey <Maj Dul server> for use with Layout Editor version An Introduction - Layout Editing is a way of manipulating the location numbers of items that are placed in a house (or hall). Everything in Norrath has a location and you are no exception. To see your location in the world type /loc. See those silly number? Those are the numbers you are changing on items by using an outside program (Layout Editor). JesDyr made this outside program to help us do this. His Layout Editor can be downloaded at: Get your download installed and make sure that IN GAME you are in windows mode (Alt+Enter) so you can use it while you are playing.
First Things First! There are some things you have to do in game and in the editor to make
it work ! This is the only real hard part of using the Layout Editor and once they are done you will be able to use everything easily. When you begin to use the Layout Editor it is best to be in an (almost) empty house with just an item or two set down to work with. You need to have your items set down on an actual in game floor (no – beaches don’t work correctly). You are going to begin with the use of /house. You don’t have to be on or near the door of your house to use /house and open up the same window. So the first button at the bottom is a “Save” button if you hover over the icon. The second button is a “Load” button (icon).
To start – type /house Click on the “Save” button and make a file called With – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully.
Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Without – you should get a message that the layout saved successfully. Click on the “Save” icon again and make a file called Working – once again you should get the layout saved successfully message.
MACRO”S Now you are going to make some Macro’s. You will be making 3 macro’s and moving the macro icons to an empty spot on your hotbar To make the macro’s go to your EQ2 button > Socials > Tab at the top says Macro’s > you will see Edit under this tab. Click on Edit. Macro 1: Name will be: With and this will be a command type macro so click on Add a Command line and go to that line. Type in /save_layout With Click on Test and make sure it works and you should see a message that says Layout Saved Successfully. While you are in the macro setup – find an icon that you like at the top by clicking thru them. Click OK
and then drag that icon to your hotbar. Macro 2: Name will be Without and following the steps above… the Command line will read: /save_layout Without Once again, test this and find an icon you like at the top then drag it to your hotbar. Macro 3: This one is just a tad different and please make sure you get the command line in correctly. Name will be Working Command line will read: /load_layout Working Yes. you read that right – you are not saving on this one – you are loading. Find a unique icon and hit ok on that one as well. Make sure all 3 macro’s are now on your hotbar. You can name these 3 macro’s anything you like – but if you are talking to the community, those 3 names are ones that are generally used and you can usually get help using those names.
You are ready to open the layout editor
On the top bar of the layout editor you will see: File – Edit – Tools – Help You will choose FILE and go down to New from Dif (Control+Alt+D). Now you will see a box with 3 lines in it. The first line says Original File and the button at the end says select file. You want to go select a file. If you are aware of where your files are kept on YOUR computer – Select the With file. If you are not aware of where your files are stored on YOUR computer there are 3 possible paths to your files that I know about (every computer is different). Possible Paths:
C: > Users > Public > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games > Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Data > Sony Online Entertainment > Installed Games >
Everquest 2 > saved_house_layouts > With C: > Program Files (x86) > Sony > Everquest II > saved_house_layouts > With
If you still can’t find the file, I would go browse your files and see where your game is kept outside the layout editor and write down the path. Then come back and follow the above steps.
Line 2 – This is the Difference File – go select the Witout File in the same manner as described above. Line 3 – This is the Destination File – Select the Working File in the same manner as described above.
Click on Go at the bottom. It won’t actually do anything at this point, but this is just the setup steps.
We are done setting up and you are ready to
use the Layout Editor!!’
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 2 - Using the Layout Editor by Graceey This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Purchased from the broker for 20g (on Halls of Fate).
Discovered on 30 Jul 2016 at 18:45:00 PDT.
BASICS There are a gazillion possible ways to use the Layout Editor and I hope you can explore them later. We are going to be concerned with 2 possible ways to use the layout editor. Manually Changing the numbers: Find an item in your house and click on the With macro in game. Right click on that item and send the item to the moving crate. Click on the Without macro. In the Layout Editor – click on File – New from Dif and hit go. You should now see the item you wanted to work with in the editor. The item name will be listed along with its location information. Any number in this file can be changed except the ItemID – Item Name – and UID. The first way you can use the Layout Editor is to manually change a number. So say you are looking at an item and the Scale says 1. If you wanted to increase the size of the object, you would go to the cell the number 1 is in (under scale) and type in 3 or whatever size you
desire. This is limited by how big an object CAN get. You cannot push the object to get bigger (or smaller) than it would in game. When you have changed the number hit Save All at the bottom of the Editor. Now you go back in game and click on the Working macro. You should see your object you are working with reappear in a larger size. The steps are: These are the same no matter which method you are using. •With macro •Move item (or items) to the moving crate by right clicking on it •Without macro •Open Layout Editor •File > New from Dif > Go •Make the changes you want made to the item •Save all •In game Working macro Highlighting the row and using the controls in the upper right side:
Following the same steps listed above (With macro – move item(s) to crate – Without macro In Editor File > New from Dif > Go) You should now see the item(s) you want to work with in the layout editor. To select a row that an item is on: click to the left of the Item ID on the row the item is in. This should make the whole row light up. Now you can use the controls in the upper right side of the Layout Editor. If you wanted to move an item a little to the North, you would go to the box that says Move Amount – and say you want this to go 3 to the north. Using your compass in game helps a lot! (more on distance later). Change the move amount to 3 and then click on the N button (N – North) (S – South) (E – East) (W – West) then there are arrows to move things northwest/southeast etc.. For now – you are just changing the move amount and clicking on the N button. Click on Save all at the bottom. In game – hit the Working macro.
You should see the item further north now. You have now learned the 2 ways of manipulating an item’s location!! Below is a breakdown of what each number means as you move left to right in the layout editor heading row. •Blank (this is where we click to highlight a row) or click in the heading row to highlight all items. •Item ID – this is the unique item number assigned by the developers to each item. Say you have a Fayberry Muffin Plate and you see 3 of those in the layout editor. Each one of the Fayberry Muffin Plate’s will have this same number, but a white tile will have a different number assigned to it. •Item Name (self explanatory) •x (E/W) – this is the east/west location of the item(s)
•z (Up/Down) – this is the up/down location of the item (s)
•y (N/S) – north / south location of the item(s) •z (Rotate) – this would be how much the item has moved in a circular manner from its anchor point •x (Pitch) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over east to west. 89.94 degrees puts an object on its side. 180.06 degrees flips an object upside down. •y (Roll) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over north to south 90 degrees puts an object on its side. 180 degrees flips an object upside down. •Scale – the size of an object •Crate – you can move an item back to the moving crate using this check mark •Notes – this is for YOUR notes on the item (to help you distinguish one item from another or any other way you want to use it). Just type in the notes you want for that item •UID – This is a unique item number for EACH and EVERY object you are working with. Say those Fayberry Muffin Plates from
the above example are in the file – you will see DIFFERENT numbers assigned to each Fayberry Muffin Plate. Multi controls for using the highlighted row method: •Move amount – how much you want an object to move or rotate, pitch , or roll. This is degrees for pitch – roll – rotate. •N/S/E/W and arrows are direction buttons •Rotate – Pitch – Roll (from above) •Scale – you can also change the size of an object here – be sure to use the set to box •Crate – move an item to the crate •Comment – place notes for the item you have highlighted Other Buttons •Apply Edit – simply shows you in the layout editor what the changes are, but doesn’t make a save to your file •Save All – To save your work so you can load it in game POINTERS
•An object CANNOT be moved outside the boundary of a house/hall. If the developers didn’t render anything in that area, you can’t move something into it and it will make the item disappear every single time you try to put something there. This is from the ANCHOR POINT of the item. If the anchor point is within the boundaries – you can get it to move. If that same object’s anchor point is moved outside the boundary – it will disappear. This is what causes flooring to disappear and objects you are trying to move into a wall to disappear. •You can tell what the Anchor Point is on an item by rotating it before you work with it •Objects come out of your bags in a n/s/e/w direction. Use this to your advantage when doing flooring and walls. If you have moved an item around, it would be best to put it back in your bag and set it down anew before starting to work in the layout editor. •When Pitch is used to tip an item over
(east/west) don’t use a whole number. This is a defect in the game - not the layout editor. If you use a whole number – you will see an item start to spin. If you want to tip something over 90 degrees, use a number like 89.896 instead of 90. (Pitch is a *itch is the easiest way to remember). •You can use negative numbers by just putting – in front of the number or say-90 in the roll – or -89.896 in the pitch. You can also use negative numbers to rotate.
•Always have fun!! This is a game – it isn’t life or death. There are always people in the homeshow channel that can help you if you just ask. /join Antonia_Bayle.Homeshow in game
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 2 - Using the Layout Editor by Gracey This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
BASICS There are a gazillion possible ways to use the Layout Editor and I hope you can explore them later. We are going to be concerned with 2 possible ways to use the layout editor. Manually Changing the numbers: Find an item in your house and click on the With macro in game. Right click on that item and send the item to the moving crate. Click on the Without macro. In the Layout Editor – click on File – New from Dif and hit go. You should now see the item you wanted to work with in the editor. The item name will be listed along with its location information. Any number in this file can be changed except the ItemID – Item Name – and UID. The first way you can use the Layout Editor is to manually change a number. So say you are looking at an item and the Scale says 1. If you wanted to increase the size of the object, you would go to the cell the number 1 is in (under scale) and type in 3 or whatever size you
desire. This is limited by how big an object CAN get. You cannot push the object to get bigger (or smaller) than it would in game. When you have changed the number hit Save All at the bottom of the Editor. Now you go back in game and click on the Working macro. You should see your object you are working with reappear in a larger size. The steps are: These are the same no matter which method you are using. •With macro •Move item (or items) to the moving crate by right clicking on it •Without macro •Open Layout Editor •File > New from Dif > Go •Make the changes you want made to the item •Save all •In game Working macro Highlighting the row and using the controls in the upper right side:
Following the same steps listed above (With macro – move item(s) to crate – Without macro In Editor File > New from Dif > Go) You should now see the item(s) you want to work with in the layout editor. To select a row that an item is on: click to the left of the Item ID on the row the item is in. This should make the whole row light up. Now you can use the controls in the upper right side of the Layout Editor. If you wanted to move an item a little to the North, you would go to the box that says Move Amount – and say you want this to go 3 to the north. Using your compass in game helps a lot! (more on distance later). Change the move amount to 3 and then click on the N button (N – North) (S – South) (E – East) (W – West) then there are arrows to move things northwest/southeast etc.. For now – you are just changing the move amount and clicking on the N button. Click on Save all at the bottom. In game – hit the Working macro.
You should see the item further north now. You have now learned the 2 ways of manipulating an item’s location!! Below is a breakdown of what each number means as you move left to right in the layout editor heading row. •Blank (this is where we click to highlight a row) or click in the heading row to highlight all items. •Item ID – this is the unique item number assigned by the developers to each item. Say you have a Fayberry Muffin Plate and you see 3 of those in the layout editor. Each one of the Fayberry Muffin Plate’s will have this same number, but a white tile will have a different number assigned to it. •Item Name (self explanatory) •x (E/W) – this is the east/west location of the item(s)
•z (Up/Down) – this is the up/down location of the item (s)
•y (N/S) – north / south location of the item(s) •z (Rotate) – this would be how much the item has moved in a circular manner from its anchor point •x (Pitch) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over east to west. 89.94 degrees puts an object on its side. 180.06 degrees flips an object upside down. •y (Roll) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over north to south 90 degrees puts an object on its side. 180 degrees flips an object upside down. •Scale – the size of an object •Crate – you can move an item back to the moving crate using this check mark •Notes – this is for YOUR notes on the item (to help you distinguish one item from another or any other way you want to use it). Just type in the notes you want for that item •UID – This is a unique item number for EACH and EVERY object you are working with. Say those Fayberry Muffin Plates from
the above example are in the file – you will see DIFFERENT numbers assigned to each Fayberry Muffin Plate. Multi controls for using the highlighted row method: •Move amount – how much you want an object to move or rotate, pitch , or roll. This is degrees for pitch – roll – rotate. •N/S/E/W and arrows are direction buttons •Rotate – Pitch – Roll (from above) •Scale – you can also change the size of an object here – be sure to use the set to box •Crate – move an item to the crate •Comment – place notes for the item you have highlighted Other Buttons •Apply Edit – simply shows you in the layout editor what the changes are, but doesn’t make a save to your file •Save All – To save your work so you can load it in game POINTERS
•An object CANNOT be moved outside the boundary of a house/hall. If the developers didn’t render anything in that area, you can’t move something into it and it will make the item disappear every single time you try to put something there. This is from the ANCHOR POINT of the item. If the anchor point is within the boundaries – you can get it to move. If that same object’s anchor point is moved outside the boundary – it will disappear. This is what causes flooring to disappear and objects you are trying to move into a wall to disappear. •You can tell what the Anchor Point is on an item by rotating it before you work with it •Objects come out of your bags in a n/s/e/w direction. Use this to your advantage when doing flooring and walls. If you have moved an item around, it would be best to put it back in your bag and set it down anew before starting to work in the layout editor. •When Pitch is used to tip an item over
(east/west) don’t use a whole number. This is a defect in the game - not the layout editor. If you use a whole number – you will see an item start to spin. If you want to tip something over 90 degrees, use a number like 89.896 instead of 90. (Pitch is a *itch is the easiest way to remember). •You can use negative numbers by just putting – in front of the number or say-90 in the roll – or -89.896 in the pitch. You can also use negative numbers to rotate.
•Always have fun!! This is a game – it isn’t life or death. There are always people in the homeshow channel that can help you if you just ask. /join Antonia_Bayle.Homeshow in game
Basic Layout Editing - Volume 2 - Using the Layout Editor by Gracy This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Purchased from the broker for 20g (on Antonia Bayle).
Discovered on 29 Jul 2016 at 13:15:00 PDT.
BASICS There are a gazillion possible ways to use the Layout Editor and I hope you can explore them later. We are going to be concerned with 2 possible ways to use the layout editor. Manually Changing the numbers: Find an item in your house and click on the With macro in game. Right click on that item and send the item to the moving crate. Click on the Without macro. In the Layout Editor – click on File – New from Dif and hit go. You should now see the item you wanted to work with in the editor. The item name will be listed along with its location information. Any number in this file can be changed except the ItemID – Item Name – and UID. The first way you can use the Layout Editor is to manually change a number. So say you are looking at an item and the Scale says 1. If you wanted to increase the size of the object, you would go to the cell the number 1 is in (under scale) and type in 3 or whatever size you
desire. This is limited by how big an object CAN get. You cannot push the object to get bigger (or smaller) than it would in game. When you have changed the number hit Save All at the bottom of the Editor. Now you go back in game and click on the Working macro. You should see your object you are working with reappear in a larger size. The steps are: These are the same no matter which method you are using. •With macro •Move item (or items) to the moving crate by right clicking on it •Without macro •Open Layout Editor •File > New from Dif > Go •Make the changes you want made to the item •Save all •In game Working macro Highlighting the row and using the controls in the upper right side:
Following the same steps listed above (With macro – move item(s) to crate – Without macro In Editor File > New from Dif > Go) You should now see the item(s) you want to work with in the layout editor. To select a row that an item is on: click to the left of the Item ID on the row the item is in. This should make the whole row light up. Now you can use the controls in the upper right side of the Layout Editor. If you wanted to move an item a little to the North, you would go to the box that says Move Amount – and say you want this to go 3 to the north. Using your compass in game helps a lot! (more on distance later). Change the move amount to 3 and then click on the N button (N – North) (S – South) (E – East) (W – West) then there are arrows to move things northwest/southeast etc.. For now – you are just changing the move amount and clicking on the N button. Click on Save all at the bottom. In game – hit the Working macro.
You should see the item further north now. You have now learned the 2 ways of manipulating an item’s location!! Below is a breakdown of what each number means as you move left to right in the layout editor heading row. •Blank (this is where we click to highlight a row) or click in the heading row to highlight all items. •Item ID – this is the unique item number assigned by the developers to each item. Say you have a Fayberry Muffin Plate and you see 3 of those in the layout editor. Each one of the Fayberry Muffin Plate’s will have this same number, but a white tile will have a different number assigned to it. •Item Name (self explanatory) •x (E/W) – this is the east/west location of the item(s)
•z (Up/Down) – this is the up/down location of the item (s)
•y (N/S) – north / south location of the item(s) •z (Rotate) – this would be how much the item has moved in a circular manner from its anchor point •x (Pitch) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over east to west. 89.94 degrees puts an object on its side. 180.06 degrees flips an object upside down. •y (Roll) this is how many degrees the item is tipped over north to south 90 degrees puts an object on its side. 180 degrees flips an object upside down. •Scale – the size of an object •Crate – you can move an item back to the moving crate using this check mark •Notes – this is for YOUR notes on the item (to help you distinguish one item from another or any other way you want to use it). Just type in the notes you want for that item •UID – This is a unique item number for EACH and EVERY object you are working with. Say those Fayberry Muffin Plates from
the above example are in the file – you will see DIFFERENT numbers assigned to each Fayberry Muffin Plate. Multi controls for using the highlighted row method: •Move amount – how much you want an object to move or rotate, pitch , or roll. This is degrees for pitch – roll – rotate. •N/S/E/W and arrows are direction buttons •Rotate – Pitch – Roll (from above) •Scale – you can also change the size of an object here – be sure to use the set to box •Crate – move an item to the crate •Comment – place notes for the item you have highlighted Other Buttons •Apply Edit – simply shows you in the layout editor what the changes are, but doesn’t make a save to your file •Save All – To save your work so you can load it in game POINTERS
•An object CANNOT be moved outside the boundary of a house/hall. If the developers didn’t render anything in that area, you can’t move something into it and it will make the item disappear every single time you try to put something there. This is from the ANCHOR POINT of the item. If the anchor point is within the boundaries – you can get it to move. If that same object’s anchor point is moved outside the boundary – it will disappear. This is what causes flooring to disappear and objects you are trying to move into a wall to disappear. •You can tell what the Anchor Point is on an item by rotating it before you work with it •Objects come out of your bags in a n/s/e/w direction. Use this to your advantage when doing flooring and walls. If you have moved an item around, it would be best to put it back in your bag and set it down anew before starting to work in the layout editor. •When Pitch is used to tip an item over
(east/west) don’t use a whole number. This is a defect in the game - not the layout editor. If you use a whole number – you will see an item start to spin. If you want to tip something over 90 degrees, use a number like 89.896 instead of 90. (Pitch is a *itch is the easiest way to remember). •You can use negative numbers by just putting – in front of the number or say-90 in the roll – or -89.896 in the pitch. You can also use negative numbers to rotate.
•Always have fun!! This is a game – it isn’t life or death. There are always people in the homeshow channel that can help you if you just ask. /join Antonia_Bayle.Homeshow in game
Christmas-elf Jello by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
We all know cubes, and we all know that they are tasty, yummy and just the perfect Frostfell treat. Lucky for us, in Norrath, we don't have to actually create jello to make the dish, we only have to catch some cubes and freeze them first before using them! This will be the perfect treat to offer to your local Frostfell Elf!
(true recipe is after the fun one)
Ingredients: * a Candycane Frostfell cube * an Eggnog Candycane Frostfell cube * a Haberdasher's Frostfell Plushy * 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk * 1 cup boiling water
Instructions: * Freeze the jelly cubes * Combine the sweetened condensed milk and one cup boiling water. * Cut one slice of candy cane Frostfell cube * Slowly pour a thin layer of the sweetened condensed milk mixture over the lime jello, and return to the freezer. * Cut one slice of Eggnog Candycane
Frostfell cube and put it over the milk. * Pour another layer of the sweetened condensed milk mixture and freeze * Cut one slice of Haberdasher's Frostfell Plush and put it over the milk. * Pour another layer of milk mixture. * Repeat the process until you're out of cube slices * Cut into small squares and top with whipped cream and sprinkles if desired.
Enjoy and share with your Frostfell Elf!
(true recipe taken from:
Christmas Jello is a holiday classic dessert for the whole family. It's bright and festive with little effort to make which makes it a favorite of mine!
* 2 3 oz boxes cherry jello * 2 3 oz boxes lime jello * 6 packages Knox unflavored gelatine * 1 14 oz can sweetened condensed milk * 6 cups boiling water
* ¼ cup cold water
* Lightly spray a 9x13 baking dish with cooking spray and gently blot away excess oil. * Line up 5 small bowls. * In the first small bowl, combine 1 box cherry jello, one package unflavored gelatin and one cup boiling water. Stir until dissolved and set aside to cool. * In the second small bowl, combine 1 box cherry jello, one package unflavored gelatin and one cup boiling water. Stir until dissolved and set aside to cool. * In the third small bowl, combine 1 box lime jello, one package unflavored gelatin and one cup boiling water. Stir until dissolved and set aside to cool. * In the fourth small bowl, combine 1 box lime jello, one package unflavored gelatin
and one cup boiling water. Stir until dissolved and set aside to cool. * In the fifth small bowl, combine the sweetened condensed milk and one cup boiling water. * Mix 2 packages of unflavored gelatin into ¼ cup cold water, then pour into the sweetened condensed milk mixture. * Wait until the jello mixes have cooled off slightly before proceeding. * Pour one bowl of the lime jello into the baking dish. Place in the freezer for about 5 minutes, or until the gel is set. * Slowly pour a thin layer of the sweetened condensed milk mixture over the lime jello, and return to the freezer. (The sweetened condensed milk layers will take slightly longer than the plain jello.) Keep in the freezer until it is set. * Pour one bowl of red jello over the sweetened condensed milk layer and return to freezer. Continue this pattern, using white
between each color until you end with a final layer of red. * When all the layers are set, you can gently separate the jello from the baking dish, and flip upside down to remove. * Cut into small squares and top with whipped cream and sprinkles if desired.
Cookies Recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1kg flour 300g butter 600g brown sugar 0.1 l water 1 pinch of salt 2 eggs (optional) 1 teaspoon baking powder (optional) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional) 1 tablespoon spices
Spices mix:
3 1/2 teaspoon grinded cinnamon 1 tablespoon grinded nutmeg 1 tablespoon grinded clover 2 teaspoon grinded ginger 1 teaspoon cardamom 1 teaspoon white pepper Only NEEDED spices are cinnamom and clover
mix together butter, brow sugard, spices, aroma and water until it makes a cream. Add slowly the water to the mix.
Add slowly flour and baking powder and mix until it makes a thick paste. Don't mix too long. If the dough starts to stick, put it a little time in a fridge.
Roll it out at 4-5 millimeters thick and cut out shapes or squares.
Bake at 175-200 °C for 10-15 minutes.
Addind eggs or baking powder will make the cookies softer, so it all depends on your taste: do you like soft or hard cookies?
Cook at 180°C for 10 minutes until the top starts to turn a little brown.
It's not the regular "congolais" recipe which
is made with only egg whites. Both are pretty nice.
1 kg flour 1/2 kg sugar 1/2 litre oil powdered cinnamon powdered vanilla (optional) orange flower water
Mix flour, sugar, oil and vanilla. Add a little bit of orange flower water to make the paste stick a bit better.
Make balls of dough and put a pinch of cinnamon on top.
Cook at 150°C for 20 minutes. The cookies should be very soft and crumbling under
the teeth. You can cook a bit more if you want them harder. Those can be flavored with cocoa or more cinnamon.
The sablé is my favorite cookie and can be flavored with mostly anything, be it cocoal, vanilla extract, almond extract, almond powder, orange extract and so on.
500g flour 200g sugar 250g butter 1 egg 1 pinch of salt
Mix sugar and egg until it makes a white cream. Add in butter and flavors. Add the flour and mix until the butter is
well spread out.
Form a ball with the dough and roll it to form a "sausage" and then slice it in disk (1 cm thick)
At this stage, you can add a bit of marzipan on top of each cookie.
Cook at 180 °C for 15 minutes until it turns a golden brown on top.
Wash and thinly slice almonds, then allow to dry. Thinly slice pistachios. Mix sugar, honey and oil and cook over high heat stirring occasionally until sugar melts and turns golden.
Add almonds and continue cooking while stirring occasionally until almonds also turn golden. Avoid too much stirring of the mix. Dissolve saffron in a bit of hot water and add to the mix.
Pour some oil on a flat tray and rub over the entire surface. Pour a small amount of the mix on the tray. If it solidifies quickly, the mix is ready, Turn the heat very low.
Pour small portions of the mix using a teaspoon on the tray at equal distances so that the portions do not touch. As soon as each portion is poured on the tray, place a few slices of pistachio on top. Allow to cool.
Separate the sohaan from the tray using a knife and keep in a covered container.
HALVA (Iranian recipe)
250g wheat flour 200g sugar 200g oil 1/2 tablespoon saffron 1/2 cup rosewater crushed pistachio and almonds
Heat oil in a frying pan until it is hot.
Add flour, reduce heat and stir frequently until the mix changes colour to golden,
thickens and becomes fragrant.
Add sugar to one glass of water and bring to a boil.
Add saffron and rosewater and stir.
Let flour cool slightly, then add the mix and stir well.
If the mix is not thick, heat for 1-2 minutes but not longer. Serve with crushed pistachio and almond sprinkled on top.
Create Your Own Adventure - Faydwer Fair 2024 - Part 1 of 2 by Serran This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
During the story event, the audience made suggestions as to what they want to happen next. So together we present to you
The Bunny Witch Pioneer Episode 2
Our heroine had traveled the perilous waters keeping the new island in sight. As she got close it seemed to grow bigger and bigger. Strange sounds came from it drawing her ever onwards. When she got close to the island she looked for a landing spot. She saw dolphins breaking the water around the bow of her ship. She followed them and they helped guide her into a sandy beach. Quite different then most expected as the sands were black.
There were signs that a great volcano had once erupted here. But now the lush
vegetation was starting to take over. When she finally landed on the beach she looked around spotting everything from coconuts to sand dollars.
Marilyn even spotted a beach party going on with an interesting collection of beings. She saw a gossip of sirens, all celebrating together. There were animals of all sorts wandering around, even pixies in the air. Marilyn got out of her boat, some of her enchanted snow bunnies following her towards the party.
When the sirens spotted her they started singing a song to lure her into their party. Their voices echoed and twined around her, tugging on her spirit to make her join their fun. You see, the sirens really wanted her to join their party so they could lure her into a dance.
One that would pull her deep into their enchantment so they could take all that belonged to her. Her treasures, her bunnies, her power, anything of any value. She took one step closer, than two, moving towards the party
Suddenly the sacred shell on the snowflake necklace the villagers had gifted her filled her ears with the sounds of the ocean trying to fight that pull of the sirens. Marilyn was caught between the two forces.
The roaring sound of the ocean called the snow bunnies to battle. They hopped forward charging the sirens. Now these sirens were creatures of warmth, and the bunnies of enchanted snow. Their icy touch hurt the sirens causing them to stop singing. This fully broke Marilyn out of the trance she was in and she started to fight back.
Marilyn managed to pull on some earmuffs to dull the sound of the Sirens. They recovered from the cold touch and started to rally back, singing to try and entice her back under their control. The snow bunnies didn't like this.
They found driftwood around the beach and sat on it, drumming with their back feet. The loud thumping of the bunnies is a counterpoint to the siren's song to help disrupt it. They wove their rhythm with that of the ocean.
Much like the waves upon the sand and the pull of the tides. The sounds flowed back and forth, one strong pulse after another. But like the tide, eventually one side won out.
Marilyn found support in her song from Othmirs that were nearby and just thought it was a grand old party. They liked her rhythm and joined in. Together the forces overpowered the Sirens. While the pixies giggled overhead having a wonderful time.
When the sirens finally stopped fighting and gave up, and the party paused, Marily turned to the sirens and asked. "Why were you having a party, was it just to lure in people?"
The sirens replied, "we were celebrating our queen, and had no gifts for her. So we wanted to give her your treasures."
So Marilyn decided to help them make gifts for their queen. They gathered the coconuts and shells scattered on the sand. The sirens helped bring in seaweed, and the bunnies
the driftwood. They brought the items to the pixes.
The pixes spread their magic glitter over the items and they came to life as curious, friendly and helpful beach constructs to serve the queen.
The queen loved the gift and now everyone joined in the giant party, the sirens, pixies, othmir, Marilyn and the snow bunnies. They partied all night until the sun rose again over the beach painting the sky with many beautiful colors.
At this point Marily was pretty tired and in need of a place to sleep, so she looked around and found the Othmir had woven a giant hammock for her and the bunnies. The sirens brought out special pillows and filled the hammock to make it even more comfortable.
They tied the hammock between two strong trees right where the shade met the sand so she could rest out of the way for the sun. Marilyn and the bunnies got into the hammock and fell asleep.
They dreamed of monkeys, lots of them, moving through the lush vegetation. They led Marilyn and the snow bunnies deep into the jungle. There in the distance something sparkled. But before they could get there, they woke up!
Some of the bunnies thought they saw a silver dragon. Some thought they saw treasure. Most agreed it was very strange they all had the same dream. So they decided to gather supplies to make a trek into the jungle.
They got food rations, a hammock they could bring with them and the pillows
bundled in in case they needed a nap. They got sleeping powder from the pixes. They might need to continue the dream, or to subdue a foe
Once they had all the supplies together, they tried to find the path the monkeys had taken in the dream. They looked towards the broken peak of the dormant volcano to see if they could find a clue.
There in the distance they saw smoke and peeking through it a strange blue fire. What could that be, because they knew of no fire that was naturally blue. So they carefully entered the jungle. The monkeys made the journey look easy in the dream. Yet dream journeys are often difficult when you are awake. Still they persevere. Each time they considered going back, they saw the smoke and blue fire again. An ever flickering hint of something magical.
Finally they broke through the jungle to the foot of the volcano. There in front of them they saw a great cave and the hints of some sort of structure within. Carefully they entered the cave and moved towards what appeared to be a temple in ruins.
Create Your Own Adventure - Faydwer Fair 2024 - Part 2 of 2 by Serran This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
They still had yet to see the source of the blue flame, so they moved closer and there was the head of a silver dragon laying poking out the entrance of the temple. The dragon was snoring! That was the source of smoke and blue flame.
Marilyn and the enchanted snow bunnies looked at each other trying to figure out what to do. They decided to see if they could use the sleeping powder to keep the dragon asleep so they could explore the temple.
They carefully made their way closer and Marilyn moved to place the sleeping powered. Unfortunately some of the bunnies accidently tickled the dragon and it woke up with a snort. "Who are you and why have you disturbed my sleep!" The dragon demanded.
Marilyn decided to tell the dragon the truth of their vision and how they followed it. Because everyone knows lying to dragons is a bad idea because people are crunchy and good with ketchup.
The dragon stared at them, as if judging Marilyn and the snow bunnies. The light peeking through the cave entrance glinted off his silver scales as Marilyn and the dragon staaaaared at each other. Finally the dragon turned and led them deeper into the temple.
As they followed the dragon in, torches lit by blue fire sprang up to help light the way. Finally they reached a huge room with a tall golden statue of a monkey. Three large chests sat at the foot of the statue.
"Choose," the dragon told them. "But choose wisely, for there are consequences if you do not."
"I choose adventure." Marilyn said. "I have no need for treasure, or tipping the balance of power. I just want to explore the world with my snow bunnies and help the people I find." She paused for a moment. "And fight orcs because they are just mean."
The dragon lowered his head and stared her in the eyes. The end of his snout just inches from her. He told her. "You have chosen . . .wisely." Then lifted his head and gave a great booming laugh.
"You are the first to have been lured here and made the right choice. Tell me little adventurer, is there anything else you do want?" So Marilyn thought about it and said "friendships with those I meet, answers
to the questions I have, more places to travel, and perhaps someday I will also find love."
The dragon said "Follow me little adventurer, and let us see what we can find." So Marilyn followed the dragon. As to what happened next? Well, that's for the next episode of Marilyn Bunroe, Bunny Witch Pioneer.
Create Your Own Adventure - Festival of Unity 2024 by Serran This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
During the story event, the audience made suggestions as to what they want to happen next. So together we present to you
The Bunny Witch Pioneer Episode 3
Marilyn followed the dragon and he led her to . . . .
He took her down the leftmost path and found a clearing full of candy to tempt her with. All kinds of colors and flavors. More than anyone could eat in a year. Yet there there is a noticeable section in the candy hoard where some of it was missing . . . .
Now one thing you never want to do, is take from a dragon’s horde. They tend to get a bit upset about it. So why would anyone want
to steal from a dragon? Marilyn though about it, she decided that . . .
Whomever took the candy likely didn’t realize it was a dragon’s horde. They were probably just hungry. It's also possible they may have left something in trade so she looked around and found some very small strange footprints.
Near the footprints she found a whole bunch of tea. Now she was even more confused. Who would have small footprints and leave tea behind? So she started to follow the tracks. Eventually she found . . .
Marilyn heard them before she saw them. Entering a clearing she found a party of Panda cubs having a merry tea party. Apparently they had left some tea in trade so they could have candy for their party.
They did not realize that the candy was from a dragon horde and were rightfully concerned about upsetting the dragon. So they decided to . . .
Invite the dragon to the tea party! They couldn’t return the candy they had already eaten, so they decided to see if the dragon would like to join them instead.
Now the dragon had never been invited to a tea party before. You see that is something people just don’t think to do, so he was very intrigued. So he decided to give it a try.
He made his way to the clearing, but not all of him would fit inside it! Instead of squishing anyone he stuck his head through the opening and settled best he could to join the party. He had Marilyn sit next to him to help. Then . . . .
Marilyn realized all the cups would be too small for him. So she used her magic to make a special big cup just for him! It was decorated with pictures of bunnies that magically moved around jumping and having fun.
The Panda cubs brewed up a whole bunch of tea to fill the cup with. Soon they were all once again enjoying the party. The dragon had never had this kind of tea before, he found that . . .
He was starting to feel funny. All the sudden he started shrinking! He got small enough to fit inside the clearing and then he started changing. Instead of a dragon, he was a dragon bunny with floppy ears and a fuzzy tail.
Everyone was very surprised by this, they . .
Were happy he could fit inside the clearing with the rest of them now. They decided to teach the dragon to dance. They of course started with the bunny hop. Now the dragon was having fun, and he knew he could change back later
So he enjoyed showing off his fuzzy wings and asked if they wanted him to make the fire bigger!
They all agreed, starting to pile wood on the fire. They looked through their supplies and realized they could make s’mores. Now the dragon had never had s’mores either so thought that this was a fine idea.
He looked over at Marilyn, gave a dragon-bunny grin and blew a great fireball in the form of a fire-bunny. It hopped through the air before diving into the wood pile. A huge fire roared up and everyone cheered.
Then they started making s’mores sharing around so everyone got one. Soon everyone was stuffed but not ready to end the party. They decided to . . .
Play a bunch of games! They started with hoptoad, but decided it really should be called the bunny hop game. Others were having fun dancing near the fire. And the dragon. . . did it all. He had never had such fun before.
The dragon was glad he decided to have Marilyn follow him. So he decided to . . .
Offer to join her on her adventures. It had been a long time since he had such fun and new experiences. They could always use magic to make a super-monkey-bunny to guard the ruins and what was left behind.
He also made a deal with the panda cubs that if they make sure the candy was safe, he’d bring them something fun from their trip and have a party when they got back. Marilyn thought it would be nice to have a friend on her adventures.
She did point out that having a dragon all the time would be a bit conspicuous. So the dragon decided to join her as . . .
The Dragon-bunny form, size dependant on what they needed. He could fly them places in the bigger form, and could be carried as a little one. He was also nice and fuzzy and warm. So he could make for an excellent backrest when it was time to sleep.
And who would attack a large dragon, even a dragon-bunny, at night?
What happened next? Well that’s the next part of the story.
Create Your Own Adventure - Halas Highland Games 2024 by Serran This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
During the story event, the audience made suggestions as to what they want to happen next. So together we present to you
The Bunny Witch Pioneer Episode 1
Once upon a time, a witchy pioneer decided to travel to the lands of ice and cold. She had heard of many mysterious happenings in the land and wanted to check it out for herself. So she braved the cold to travel there.
Upon landing on the dock the first thing she saw was . . .
A band of orcs that had launched an attack upon some fisherman. They had attacked the fisherman as they headed into land, so they could not retreat to their boats.
They had attacked because they heard the fisherman had found a spot where they fished up some magical fish. They wanted to get the fish for themselves, and did not care who they hurt to get it. Upon seeing this the witchy pioneer did . . .
Call up elementals made of snow in the shape of bunnies to attack the orcs. She fired carrot shaped ice projectiles to further help her snowy furry friends in battle.
The orcs were understandably startled by their attackers and the first couple were completely trampled into the snow by them. They started to fight back but it quickly became a rout, and the orcs were either pummeled into snow or driven off.
The fishermen came over to the witch and . . .
Thanked her for her help asking for her name. “I am Marilyn Bunroe, a witch pioneer that has traveled to your lands. I heard there were many mysteries here and wanted to find out for myself.”
Thankful for her help the fishermen offered her . . .
Invited her back to their village for their festival of fish. There would be a feast that night and they wanted to make her a guest of honor for her help. Wanting to see the village for herself she accepted, and traveled with them to their home
When she got to the village she saw . . .
The houses were decorated with special shells strung from seaweed. They had a sparkily, glittery look to them that made little speckles of reflected light dance around. In the center of the village there was a giant ice sculpture of a bunny!
This made Marilyn very happy and she went right up to inspect the giant ice bunny. When she got close she noticed . . .
In the reflection of the ice she spotted orcs
that were trying to sneak attack the village for revenge! Marilyn summoned more of her giant snow bunnies to defend the village. She sent carrot shaped ice projectiles aimed at the dastardly orcs.
During the battle . . .
The giant ice sculpture of the bunny comes to life! You see it was the guardian spirit of the village and it leapt into battle to protect it. The giant Ice Bunny spirit strengthened the large snow bunny elementals.
Together they overwhelmed the orcs, smashing them very firmly into the snow! The villages looked on in awe as the witch’s bunnies worked with their guardian spirit. They looked at Marily and . . .
Cheered for her and the victory over the orcs. Amazed by how her bunnies worked
with their guardian spirit they said. “You must have been sent by the spirits, blessed of the bunnies.
Would you stay on, speak with our guardian spirit and help protect our village.” Marilyn was ver flattered by their offer and thought about it. She said . . .
Before she could answer a deep voice that was felt within each person sounded. One that was not heard with the ears but by their very soul. They knew it was the Guardian Bunny that spoke to them all.
“This one should stay, for she is blessed by my kind. However I have seen her heart, and she should not be pinned to only one place. We will give her a base so she may explore these lands and help us with their mysteries.”
The villagers . . .
A hush fell over the villagers as they waited for her answer. After a moment of silence the witch spoke out. “I will stay with you, this village of ice, snow and bunnies.” The villagers cheered and the festival became one of thanks and welcome.
They started fixing everything for the feast and some of the fishermen came by with a tub of fish that started the whole fight in the first place. The witch looked at the fish and saw . . .
That one of them was special. Sparkling with all the colors of the rainbow, shimmering in the light. She called for a tub of water and they put the fish inside it and the fish . . .
Started to talk. “Please return me to the waters, for I am a guardian fish. Return me and I will help protect your boats out on the ocean.”
Considering the village and the witch understood the importance of guardian spirits they immediately agreed. A small group including the witch went back to the docks to put the fish in the waters. When they did so they saw . . .
That the waters shimmered with all the reflected colors of the world. That shimmering coalesced into a trail that led across the waters. There in the distance a veil of fog parted and they could glimpse a mysterious island.
Well now the witch was really excited because she loved a good mystery. It was
why she was here after all. She looked to the villagers and said . . .
“Let's go on an adventure! Tonight we feast, tomorrow we have new mysteries to explore. Anyone that wants to join me is welcome to.” The group decided to take their wonderful news back to the village.
Back to the village they had all kinds of foods laid out. In fact Marilyn spotted one of her favorite foods . . .
Carrot cake, they even had a wonderful carrot salad, and a vegetable lasagna with seaweed noodles as well. She was excited to get through the food so she could get to her favorite part, dessert!
All the villagers had a wonderful time and after the feast they danced. They even pulled Marilyn into joining them dancing around
and celebrating the Festival of the Carrot. Some even brought her little gifts like . . .
A necklace of everlasting snowflakes that glittered in the light. On it hung a sacred shell for protection. If you put it up to your ear you could hear the sounds of the oceans and the guiding spirits there.
They gave her hand warmers to help keep her warm. They also gave her a gnome made device that would explode to defend her. She made sure to put that in a safe spot so that there would be no premature explosions.
She thanked them for her gifts, and as the depth of the night approached they took her to the head of the clan’s lodge to rest with promises of a home for her soon.
As to what happened next . . . well that’s another story.
Cronyn's Dwarf Tamales by Cloudrat by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
* 2 pounds trimmed flat, first-cut brisket * 6 dried New Mexico, Anaheim or ancho chiles * 1 14-ounce canned diced tomatoes , preferably fire-roasted * 4 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped * 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon chili powder * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 cup Corona or Dwarven ale * 1 tablepoon canola oil
Meat Preparation:
1. Tear chiles into 1-inch pieces and place in a large bowl. Cover with hot water and let sit until softened. at least an minutes. Drain. 2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F . Place tomatoes and their juices, onion, garlic, chili powder, cumin, salt and the drained chile pieces in a food processor. Process until
smooth. Transfer to a large bowl and stir in beer. 3. Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium heat. Add brisket and brown on all sides, about 6 minutes total. Pour the chile sauce over the meat and bring to a simmer. 4. Cover, transfer to the oven and bake for 2 hours. Stir in beans and continue baking until the meat is fall-apart tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour more. 5. Transfer the meat to a cutting board and pull apart into long shreds using two forks. Stir the shredded meat back into the sauce
Beer-Braised Dwarf (or Beef) Tamales
Ingredients: 2 lbs brisket prepared as shown above * Salt and pepper, to taste * 2 onions, peeled and sliced * 1 garlic bulb, cloves removed and peeled * 4 ounces dried New Mexico
chilies * 2 ounces ancho chiles * 2 ounces pasilla chiles * 2 tablespoons cumin seed, toasted * 1 tablespoons salt * 2 bags dried corn husks, about 3 dozen * 4 cups masa mix * 1 tablespoon baking powder * 2 teaspoons salt * 4 cups reserved beef broth, warm * 1 cup vegetable shortening Directions Prepare Dwarf (or beef) as above. To prepare the sauce, remove the tops of the dried chilies and shake out most of the seeds. Place the chilies in a large stockpot and cover them with water. Add the cumin, remaining sliced onion and garlic. Boil for 20 minutes until the chiles are very soft. Transfer the chiles to a blender using tongs
and add a ladle full of the chile water (it is best to do this in batches.) Puree the chiles until smooth. Pass the pureed chiles through a strainer to remove the remaining seeds and skins. Pour the chili sauce into a large bowl and add salt, stir to incorporate. Taste to check seasonings, add more if necessary. Add the shredded Dwarf (or beef) to the bowl of chili sauce, and mix thoroughly. Refrigerate until ready to use. Go through the dried cornhusks, separate them and discard the silk, be careful since the husks are fragile when dry. Soak them in a sink filled with warm water for 30 minutes to soften. In a deep bowl, combine the masa, baking powder, and salt. Pour the broth into the masa a little at a time, working it in with your fingers. In a small bowl, beat the vegetable shortening until fluffy. Add it to the masa and beat until the dough has a spongy texture. Rinse, drain, and dry the corn husks. Set
them out on a sheet pan covered by a damp towel along with the bowls of masa dough and Dwarf (or beef) in chili sauce. Start with the largest husks because they are easier to roll. Lay the husk flat on a plate or in your hand with the smooth side up and the narrow end facing you. Spread a thin, even layer of masa over the surface of the husk with a tablespoon dipped in water. Do not use too much! Add about a tablespoon of the meat filling in the center of the masa. Fold the narrow end up to the center then fold both sides together to enclose the filling. The sticky masa will form a seal. Pinch the wide top closed. Stand the tamales up in a large steamer or colander with the pinched end up. Load the steamer into a large pot filled with 2-inches of water. The water should not touch the tamales. Lay a damp cloth over the tamales and cover with lid. Keep the water at a low boil, checking periodically to make sure the water doesn‘t boil away. Steam the tamales
for 2 hours. The tamales are done when the inside pulls away from the husk. The tamale should be soft, firm and not mushy. To serve, unfold the husk and spoon about a tablespoon of remaining Dwarf (or beef) filling on top.
Dark Elf recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Dark elves do not have a very tasty meat. It definatedly lacks fat and can be poisonous. For that reason, only Dark Elf blood can be used. I heard some liquors could be made out of it, but never dared to try those myself.
Tier'Dal have a very thick and dark blood. They're all blood. And blood is tasty!
Cut 2 slices of sandwich loaf in little cubes.
Cut one clove of garlic in tiny bits.
Chop a tablespoon of parsley.
Put everything in a soup dish and distribute evenly
Take fresh Zoltaroth's blood obtained through the Teir'Dal blood extractor (or bleed a chicken if you want to do the real recipe!) and add it to the soup dish.
Optional: Add a handful of diced bacon (Dwarf or Halfling bacon are the best as the
fat gives a nice taste to the sanquet)
Let the mix coagulate a bit then cook in a frying pan in a bit of olive oil at low heat until it solidifies and turns a dark brown.
Serve hot!
Dev's leftovers Recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The problem with cooking devs is that they're big and you're bound to get leftovers, either from the meals or random unused parts from the corpses. Here are some ideas to use them up.
After cooking up all your favorite devs, you'll be left with a lot of bones. Don't throw them away but turn them into a very tasty soup.
Buttermilk biscuit: * 2 cups flour (250g) * 8g baking powder * 2 tablespoon salt * 1 tablespoon white cheese/tartar * 1/2 cup olive oil * ½ cup dry milk * 2/3 cup buttermilk * 2 teaspoon basil
Mix all and divide the dough into 6-8 balls. use the palm of your hand to flatten each ball of dough into a circular shape.
Bake 15 minutes at 450°F/230 °C
Parmesan, garlic and basil mashed potatoes
Peal and boil the potatoes for 30 min/1h until they're tender then start to mash them. Put cream, butter, garlic and basil in a saucepan and boil it. Add it to the mashed potatoes and continue to mash and add cream until the mixture gets the consistency that you like. Add in some Parmesan cheese and mix it.
Dev's bones soup * Leftover dev's bones (or chicken if all your devs are already killed and cooked) * 2 carrots * 1 oignon * 1 branch of celery * 1 clove of garlic * thyme
Brown 1 chopped onion gently in a bit of butter in a stewpot. Add in all your dev bones. Add carrots, garlic (chopped or whole), chopped celery. Cover with water, add thyme, salt and pepper, bring to the boil and let simmer for one hour. Fish out your dev bones and pick them clean of meat. Add back the meat to the pot and cast away the bones.
Take large bowls and put one biscuit in it. Cover with hot mashed potatoes and cover with the dev's bones soup.
If you made too many dev's sausages, or have other meat leftovers, you can cook them in a farçun (could be called stuffing in English). I won't give exact numbers of what quantity you need, it all depends of what you have around.
* meat bits (sausage bits or sausage meat are best) * greenery (old salad leaves, beet leaves and such) * bits of bread
* egg
Put greenery into a skillet filled with boiling water and let it boil for 5-10 minutes. When it's done, rinse under cold water and drain between your hands, rolling them into a ball. Chop the ball. Chop the meat Cut the bread into little dices. You can use stale bread.
Mix everything and add in the egg or eggs. Volumes should be along the lines of 2/8 meat, 4/8 greenery, 1.5/8 bread, 0.5/8 egg.
Add salt and pepper, put into a dish, cover with bread crumbs and cook for 30 minutes at 350°F/180°C (depending on size of dish).
Domino by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Welcome to the Dev's Restaurant Domino ! I hope you'll enjoy your first quality dinner and have fun with all of us! You'll be able to eat fellow late coworkers with friends. I do recommend skipping menu 2 or at least the pie. It is Halfling pie after all. But I can guarantee the cookies are good!
Here you'll be able to eat your nicely prepared fellow developers for a moderate fee. You'll be able to choose between 2 menus, featuring various races of developers. The first course is always the yummiest developer around, aka our beloved gnome Gninja. We'll also finish by more gnome, either Frizznik or Zoltaroth's gnome followed by a selection of cookies.
You'll be able to drink fine Teir'Dal wines or strong dwarven bear as you prefer.
All recipes are available in the kitchen.
Take the time to pay your respects to Gninja's Mausoleum before leaving!
Dreamweaver's Recipes (part I) by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
As far as devs and community managers go, Dreamweaver is a treat! He happens to sport multiple races which will allow us to make tons of dishes just with a single community manager! This is a perfect addition to my restaurant and I hope you'll enjoy those recipes as much as I do! We'll start by arasai wings, then froglok legs, a perfect dwarf steak the various iksar recipes, an all-in-one fondue and finally, a full buffet of Dreamweaver's Smörgåsbord. Enjoy!
Grab an arasai Dreamweaver and pluck its wings. You can now prepare the dough. Then simply dip your wings in the dough and fry them. If you don't have arasai or fae wings, anything can go into this dough (vegetables, fruits, meat, acacia or elder flowers, mixed with pureed pumpkin, anything). As said by Maj_dul.Ouka, to use the rest of the arasai, the easier way is to make arasai feel inferior to Fae enough and they'll stew in their own hatred!
- 1 pinch of salt - 1 egg (or 1 egg white) - lukewarm water Instructions: - put the flour in a bowl, make a well and add yeast and oil - mix in while adding the water a bit at a time until it forms a ribbon - add the slighly beaten egg - wait 2 hours before use. You'll probably need to add a bit of water or milk before use (more or less depending on the texture of what you're dipping in it). You can add sugar or cinnamon to the dough for fruits.
This marinade is a perfect way to turn a Dreamweaver Dwarf steak into an awesome meal! You can substitute beef for dwarf but dwarf is better! And as Niami said, dwarf is really best with rum!
Ingredients - 1/2 cup pineapple juice - 1/3 cup rum - 1/4 cup soy sauce - 1 to 2 small green onions (finely chopped) - 2 tablespoons brown sugar - 1 tablespoon ginger (grated) - 2 cloves garlic (minced)
- 1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (crushed) - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
Instructions - Combine all ingredients in a medium non-metal bowl. - Toss to combine and let stand for 15 minutes. - Add steaks to a zip top bag. - Pour marinade over steaks, seal bag and let marinate meat for 3 to 4 hours (but no more), in the refrigerator. - If you are working with a larger piece of meat, double the recipe and marinate for 6 to 8 hours. Making this marinade 1 day in advance and storing it in the refrigerator until ready to
use will give the acids, spices, and sugar the time needed to really combine.
Lemongrass and chili are the perfect ingredients for Mara-style Dremweaver froglok legs. You can substitute froglok by regular frog if needed!
Ingredients - Dreaweaver legs (or 4 pairs of large frog legs) - 4 lemongrass stems
- 4 cloves of garlic - 2 chilies (or more to taste) - 1 small shallot - 1 tsp curry powder - 1 tsp chicken powder
Instructions - Wash the froglok legs under cold running water with a little salt. Dry and set aside. - Peel the outer layer of the lemongrass and finely slice it (white part only). Finely chop the shallots, garlic, and chilies. - In a bowl, add the froglok legs, half the chopped ingredients, and the curry and chicken powder. Stir and let marinade for 20 minutes. - Over medium heat, add the remaining garlic and shallots to the oil. Cook for a few minutes until aromatic. - Add the froglok legs and marinade
mixture (not the juice). Cook until brown then reduce the heat. - Keep stirring until cooked through, adding the remaining lemongrass and chili in at the end. - Place on a serving plate and make sure you don t leave any of the crunchy bits in the pan! - Serve with rice and a cold beverage. Enjoy!
Dreamweaver's Recipes (part II) by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is the second part of the famous DREAMWEAVER'S RECIPES! Don't forget to check for the 2 Dreamweaver's Smörgåsbord recipe books too!
If you don't have Dreamweaver's iksar handy you might replace it with python.
Ingredients - Iksar Steaks (1 kg) - Shallots (4-5 peeled and sliced) - Turmeric powder (1 tablespoon) - Garlic cloves (5-7 cloves, peeled and pounded) - Ginger (2-3 inches long, peeled and pounded) - Lime wedges - Lemon grass (ten stems, peeled; tender parts finely chopped and pounded) - Paprika (2 tablespoons) - White rice wine Salt (2 tablespoons) - Peanut oil (2 tablespoons) - Spring water (2 quarts)
Instructions - Boil and poach the steaks with lemon peel, rough lemon grass stem parts, and skins of shallots, garlic and ginger in the quart of spring water.
- When the flesh is soft, take the Iksar steaks out and let cool.
- Sauté shallots on low heat until lightly brown and add the ginger, garlic and all other spices.
- Turn up the heat until the toasted aroma arise from the pot.
- Add flaked Python, rice wine, and more spring water and reduce heat for 10 minutes.
- Serve with hot steamed rice and greens
and cold crisp Chardonnay wine.
DREAMWEAVER'S IKSAR NUGGETS If you don't have Dreamweaver's iksar handy you might replace it with Burmese Python.
Ingredients - Iksar meat, ground or chopped finely - 1 egg - 1 cup milk - 1/2 cup flour - 1/2 teaspoon salt - 1 teaspoon minced garlic - 1 teaspoon cayenne pepper - 1 tablespoon Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning (if you don't have access to it, the mix is as follows: 1/4 cup fine sea salt, 1 teaspoon cornstarch, 5 teaspoons cayenne pepper, 5 teaspoons garlic salt, 4 teaspoons ground black pepper, 1 tablespoon seasoned
- In a separate bowl, combine the flour, salt, garlic, Tony Chachere's Creole Seasoning and cayenne pepper.
- Dip the nuggets in the egg mixture, and then dredge in the flour mixture.
- Deep fry at 375 degrees until crispy and
golden brown.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's iksar handy you might replace it with rattlesnake.
- Take a piece of tinfoil
- Place a 3/4" thick steak of skinned, cleaned iksar on it
- Add a pat of butter, sprinkle of garlic seasoned salt, black pepper, and a tbs of water.
- Wrap tight, and toss on the grill.
- Cook 10 — 15 min. till done.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's iksar handy you might replace it with rattlesnake.
Ingredients - 1 iksar, skinned and cleaned - Pinch of salt - Pinch of cayenne pepper - Pinch of black pepper - 1 Teaspoon garlic powder - 1/2 Teaspoon onion powder
- 1 Cup all-purpose flour - 2 Tablespoons cornstarch - 3/4 Cups buttermilk - Vegetable oil, for frying
Instructions - Cut the iksar into 4-inch pieces.
- Combine the salt, peppers, garlic powder, onion powder, flour, and cornstarch in a medium bowl and set aside.
- Soak the iksar in the buttermilk for 30 minutes to an hour.
- Heat 2 inches of oil in a medium pan until it reaches 375 °F.
- Dredge the iksar pieces in the flour.
- Cook the iksar in the oil in batches to not overcrowd the pan. Cook 2 to 3 minutes or until the pieces are golden brown. Serve.
Fondue Bourguignonne is a type of fondue which consists of putting various meat or fish or vegetable bits in hot oil with a fork to cook them, then dip them in various sauces and eat them. This is the perfect meal if you have access to several devs or a community
manager sporting several races. Really, any meat or seafood will work.
As Dreamweaver's is a frog, an iksar, a dwarf and an arasai, this is a perfect dish to eat all of them at once. Froglok and iksar being more meat-like than fish-like, you can eat them with dwarf and arasai. You can also make 2 separate fondues, one with fish and one with meat.
Prepare the sauces: - Mayonnaise: 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon mustard, 1 tea spoon salt, 1 tablespoon lime juice, pepper. Mix ingredients then add, a bit at a time 250ml (1 cup) olive oil and mix until fluffy.
- Tartare sauce: mix 125 g mayonnaise with 2 tbs caper, 1 tbs minced fresh parsley and 3 chopped gherkins
- Aïoli sauce (great for fish): grind or mix 4 garlic cloves with salt and olive oil. If you want an easier version, you can add 1 tbs lime juice and/or an egg yolk.
- Anchovies & tomato sauce: mix 3/4 cup pureed tomato, 3 grounded anchovies and 6 chopped green olives. - Black pepper sauce: mix 1/3 cup mayonnaise with 2/3 cup yogourt salt and pepper to taste. You can add parmesan and dill if you like.
onion and mushrooms in the wine with laurel and thyme. Strain through a chinois. Add 1/3 butter over low heat, then the rest of the butter.
Prepare the oil: - put oil in the fondue pot and add laurel, thyme and pepper. You can also use dill and fennel if you want to make a fish fondue. - chop your meats
Cook and dip your meat pieces and enjoy!
Dreamweaver's Smörgåsbord (part I) by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The Smörgåsbord is a traditional buffet combining a multitude of fish and meat dishes which is absolutely perfect if you have multiple devs available or a community manager sporting multiple races.
This great idea was brought to us by Rivervale.Emmaa!
Catch your Dreamweavers, slaughter them and get ready to make fabulous dishes! This buffet is made of the following dishes: - cold fish: pickled or marinated fish, salted fish (gravlax), fish roe, shellfish, smoked fish served with boiled potatoes, hard-boiled stuffed eggs, chopped onion, dill, mustard and such... - cold meat: cold roasts, sausages, cold-smoked meat, pâtés, meat aspic and of course fried arasai wings served with mustard, blackcurrant, gooseberry jelly... - salads - hot fish: grilled, oven-baked and poached fish steaks or fillets, anchovy or herring and potato gratins (Jansson's temptation, etc)... - hot meat: oven-baked roast, fried or grilled meat, meatballs, meat stew, knackwurst... - desserts: fruit salads, mousses, ice cream, ... We will explore one recipe for each type.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's froglok handy you might replace it with herring.
Ingredients - 1/4 cup salt - 5 cups water, divided - 1 pound froglok fillets - 2 cups distilled or white wine vinegar - 1/4 cup sugar - 1 teaspoon mustard seed - 2 teaspoons whole allspice - 2 teaspoons black peppercorns - 3 bay leaves - 3 cloves - 1 lemon, thinly sliced - 1 medium red onion thinly sliced
Instructions * Heat 4 cups of water enough to dissolve salt. Let this brine cool to room temperature. When it does, submerge the froglok fillets in the brine and refrigerate overnight, or up to 24 hours. Meanwhile, bring the sugar, vinegar, the remaining cup of water and all the spices to a boil. Simmer 5 minutes, then turn off the heat and let this steep until cool.
* When the froglok have brined, layer them in a glass jar with the sliced lemon and red onion. Divide the spices between your containers if you are using more than one. Pour over the cooled pickling liquid and seal the jars. Wait at least a day before eating. Store in the fridge for up to 1 month.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's iksar handy you might replace it with very fresh salmon.
Ingredients - 1 (3 1/2 to 4-pound) iksar fillet - 1 cup sugar - 1/2 cup salt - 1 teaspoon dill seeds - 1 tablespoon freshly ground pepper - 2 bunches of fresh dill (don t skimp on the dill, for this is what gives gravlax its unique flavor).
While gravlax is normally prepared using an iksar fillet with the skin on, it works equally as well to use a skinless fillet if that is what is available at your local market.
Instructions * Rinse the iksar and pat dry with paper towels (if using salmon, remove any bones with tweezers) * Cut the fillet into two equal halves. * Combine the sugar and salt, then cover both sides of each fillet half with the mixture. * Wash and roughly chop the bunches of dill, stems and all. Sprinkle the flesh side of each fillet half with the dill seeds and ground pepper. * Next, place one fillet half, flesh side up, in a dish just large enough to hold it. Place the chopped dill on top of this fillet, then cover with the second half, flesh side down. It will look like you have a huge raw fish-
and-dill sandwich! * Cover the dish lightly with plastic wrap and let marinate at room temperature until the sugar-salt mixture has melted into the fillet (but no more than 6 hours. Skip this step entirely if you are making your gravlax in hot weather). * Weight Down the Gravlax: Place a small pan or plate on top of the plastic wrap-covered gravlax. Weight the plate lightly, using a few rocks or canned items. * Refrigerate the weighted gravlax for at least 2 days (48 hours) and up to a week. * Every 12 hours, turn the fish sandwich over in the brining liquid that has accumulated in the bottom of the pan to ensure that all parts are evenly marinated. Re-cover with the plastic wrap and the weighted pan and return to the refrigerator. * After curing for 2 days: Remove the gravlax from the refrigerator. Scrape off most of the dill and seasonings; pat dry with
paper towels. * Using a sharp knife, cut the cured gravlax into paper-thin slices, pulling each slice away from the skin (if your fillet has the skin on). * Layer the gravlax slices on crispbread or rye bread. Traditionally accompanied by sweet dill mustard sauce (in Swedish, hovmästarsås), gravlax also pairs well with capers and finely chopped onions as an appetizer or with a variety of garnishes on an open-faced sandwich. Gravlax can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week and in the freezer for up to a month.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's dwarf handy you might replace it with raindeer or caribou or a venison saddle. This dish can be served hot with a sauce or cold.
Ingredients - 4 pounds of dwarf meat - 10 tablespoons butter, divided - 1 tablespoon salt - 1 teaspoon pepper - 2 cups boiling water For the sauce: - 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour - 1 cup sour cream - 1/3 cup muenster cheese, diced
Instructions * Preheat oven to 450°F. * Wash and dry meat. * Spread 4 tablespoons of butter over meat. * Sprinkle with salt and pepper. * Place in a shallow roasting pan and roast for 15 minutes, or until lightly browned. * Reduce heat to 350°F. * Add water and continue to cook until
meat is tender, 2 1/2 to 3 hours, basting frequently. * Remove meat to a platter and keep warm (or cool if you want to serve it cold) * In a skillet, melt 1 tablespoon of butter. * Stir in flour. * Gradually stir in pan drippings. * Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until smooth and thickened. * Stir in sour cream and cheese. * Continue cooking until cheese melts. * Add remaining butter and remove pan from heat, stirring until butter melts. * Serve sauce over meat.
Dreamweaver's Smörgåsbord (part II) by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This is the second part of the awesome Recipe Book known as Dreamweaver's Smörgåsbord.
We will explore a hod fish and a hot meat dish in this volume!
If you don't have Dreamweaver's froglok handy you might replace it with sprat.
Note: for the real recipe, you need Swedish anchovy fillets which are sprats and not anchovies. If you can't find them in your local IKEA, try to get fresh or oiled anchovies or sardines and add the right ingredients to the mix as seen below (I don't know the amounts, just follow your gut)
Ingredients - 1 can (125 g/81 g) Froglok parts - salt - sugar - allspice (can be subtituted by 2 parts ground cinnamon, 2 parts ground cloves and 1 part ground nutmeg) - white pepper - ground laurel (tiny amount) - ground ginger (tiny amount) - ground cloves (tiny amount) - sandalwood (tiny amount) - 1 medium or large onion - at least 500 g floury potatoes - about 200 - 250 ml cream - pinch of white pepper - butter
Instructions: * If you don't have canned spiced froglok: Marinate your Froglok with spices for at least one day in a mixture of salt, sugar, allspice, white pepper, ground laurel, ground ginger, ground cloves (and sandalwood if you're fancy). The main ingredients seem to be salt, sugar, white- or black pepper and allspice. The rest are added in somewhat tiny amounts.
* Peel the onion and cut in quarters. Slice the quarters thinly and sauté in butter until soft, translucent and golden. Do not let them brown. Set aside.
* Peel the potatoes and cut them into 5 × 5 mm wide julienne strips.
* You may plunge the potato strips briefly into cold water to remove some of the starch if you like. This prevents the potato pieces from sticking together too much while the dish is cooking. Drain the strips thoroughly. * Open the can of froglok bits and drain them, reserving the canning liquid. Layer the potato strips, froglok and onion slices in a buttered, shallow casserole dish, starting and ending with a potato layer.
* Take half of the cream and mix in it 2 tablespoons of the reserved anchovy canning liquid and some freshly ground white pepper. Pour the mixture over the ingredients in the casserole dish. Dot the surface with pats of butter. Bake at 200 °C for about 30 - 35 minutes.
* Take the dish out and pour over the rest of the cream. Then bake for a further 15 to 30
minutes. Note that you may not need to add all of the cream if the dish still seems very moist and watery. On the other hand, you may need to add even more cream if the dish has started to dry out too much. Keep checking the consistency every now and then during baking, especially if preparing this dish for the first time.
* Take the gratin out when it has nicely browned on top and the consistency is creamy, not watery. Serve with fresh, sliced cucumber or pickled gherkins or fresh, mixed salad.
* For a slightly lighter version of this dish, replace half of the cream with milk or beer. Also, if you like a stronger onion flavor, do not sauté the onion before adding it to the dish.
If you don't have Dreamweaver's arasai handy you might replace it with any meat.
- 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs - 2 tablespoons butter - 1/4 teaspoon of ground allspice - 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg - pepper and salt, to taste
Instructions: * Let the breadcrumbs, allspice, nutmeg, salt and pepper swell a little in the cream. * Roughly grate the onion and mix it and the breadcrumb mix well with the minced meat. * Roll meatballs from the mixture with
damp hands. * Fry the balls in butter over medium strong heat until they have a nice color. * Remove the frying pan from the heat and leave the meatballs there for 5 min under a lid.
Dwarf recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Dwarves are fat, meaty, with an aftertaste of ale. They're best cooked in ale or can be added to sausages (see gnome recipes vol 2) or made into tamales.
Dwarf must be cooked with ale. Everybody knows that. Here is a recipe of dwarf in an ale marinade. You can also cook the whole dwarf and, in that case, it s much better to wash the dwarf (and remove all hairs) and armor and then put the dwarf to marinate within its armor and then cook it in it. You ll need a full cask of beer of course!
If Omougi was already eaten, you can cook Cronyn, Brasse or another dwarf. If you lack dwarf, use topside or silverside beef. (idea proposed by Epiochia, Storms Server. According to Ubiohe, from Storms too, marinade is best with paladins)
* 1 1/2 lb (675g) dwarf
Marinade: * 2 cups of ale * 1 bay leaf * 1 teaspoon each of black pepper, ground cloves, allspice, cinnamon and salt * 1 tablespoon black treacle * 1/2 tablespoon brown sugar
For the sauce: * 2 onions * 2 carrots * 2 sticks of celery * 1 turnip * Butter
To make the marinade, mix all of the ingredients together and marinade the dwarf
in it for up to 12 hours.
Put the beef and marinade in a saucepan, add enough water to cover the meat, and simmer for 3 hours. Allow to cool.
To make the sauce, prepare and chop the vegetables and sauté in butter in a frying pan for 5-10 minutes.
Add the beef stock and simmer until the vegetables are tender.
Serve the meat cold and the sauce hot.
Epiphany cake, the Galette des Rois with frangipane by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
It's a cake we eat in France or the Epiphany, celebrating the coming of the Magi. In South of France, a "Gateau des Rois" (King Cake) is eaten, it's a brioche with candied fruits. In the North of France, it's a "Galette des Rois" with puff pastry and frangipane.
A "fève" is put in the cake (originally a broad bead but now a porcelain or plastic figurine). The one who get the bean is the king of the day. The youngest one eating the cake hides and tells which shares is given to whom. A golden crown in paper is usually given with the cake if you buy it, for the king to wear it.
So& Here is a recipe for the Galette des rois, as made by one of the great Chiefs of France. I'll try to translate it as best as I can.
- 12,5 cl of milk (4.41 fluid ounces, 0.528 cups) - a bit of vanilla pod - 2 egg yolks - 50g of sugar (1.764 oz) - 15g of cornflour or regular fine flour (0.529 oz)
Boil the milk with the vanilla In a bowl, beat fast the egg yolks with the sugar until this mix turns white. Add the flour or cornflour without working on it. Add the boiling milk on top of the mix and beat it a little (not very fast).
Put this cream back in the pan and let it boil 1 minute while beating it so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan.
Let the cream in the pan and work on the almond cream. CREME d'AMANDES (Almond cream)
- 167g of butter (5.892 oz) - 167g of almond powder (5.892 oz) - 167g of powdered sugar (sucre glace in French, it's a very fine sugar without granular elements) (5.892 oz) - 2 eggs - 17g of cornflour or fine flour (0.6 oz) - 1 and a half soup spoon of rum (should be around 4 tea spoons)
Knead the butter until it makes a cream. Add the almonds and sugar while kneading, then one egg each 30 seconds. Knead at a medium pace until the mix is homogeneous then add the cornflour and rum. (you can prepare this mix 8 days before
using it)
Add the cold crème pâtissière spoon by spoon. Here is your frangipane.
- 600g of puff pastry (2 disks of 28cm of diameter - 11.023622047 inch ^^) (21.168 oz) - the almond cream made previously - 1 egg - 50g of powdered sugar (1.764 oz) - a round mold of 28/30 cm in diameter (whatever exists in your country and whatever is the closest from 11.023622047 inch!)
Heat your oven at 240°C (460°F, Gas mark 8) Put the first disk of pastry in your mould. Smear the circumference of with a beaten egg on 1cm.
Smear the almond cream in the middle of the pastry, without covering the part with eggs. Put your figurine in the cream. Put the second pastry disk on top of it. Press a bit the border of the 2 disks together and make some little cuts all around the border (It is called "chiqueter")
Put the cake in the fridge for 1 hour. At this stage, you can freeze the cake in a plastic bag if you want to eat it later.
Glaze the top of the cake with the beaten egg and draw lozenges on the top to decorate. Put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 240°C (460°F, Gas mark 8 ) and then 25 minutes at 200°C (392 °F, a little bit before Gas mark 6) minutes. 5 minutes before the end of the cooking phase, sprinkle the powdered sugar on it.
Eat mild.
You may adjust a bit to the lesser as there is a bit more cream as should be for a Galette. Or put a bit more to get a Pithiviers (300g of almond cream for a Galette or 400g for a Pithiviers). For the Pithiviers, put 3cm of egg on the border, the cake will be higher.
Recipe by Le Nôtre ;)
Froglock Recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Froglocks have very very yummy legs, especially Silius. Put some big fat flies next to your froglock and catch him while he's distracted! The froglocks legs are great in the way that they're a lot bigger than regular frog legs and so way more easy to eat.
We all know Froglock legs are highly tasty. Here is a recipe to cook Silius legs. If you run out of Silius legs, or even froglock legs, you can use regular frog legs. Of course you won't have to chop the legs into tiny pieces as they're much smaller.
* 48 pairs of frogs' legs or 2 Silius leg * 2 tablespoon vinegar * 2 cloves of garlic * 5 branches of fresh tarragon * branches of chervil * 1 bunch of chive * 1 bunch of parsley * 50cl milk * 3 tablespoon olive oil * 3 tablespoon double cream * 2 egg yolk
* salt & pepper
Wash the frogs' legs with water with vinegar and dry them Chop finely the fines herbes and garlic.
If you're using Silius legs, chop the legs in small bits. If it's regular frogs, let them whole. Poach Silius' legs in the simmering milk. Put salt and pepper and let cook for 2 or 3 minutes. Fish them out, drain them and save them in a hot platter
Gently cook the chopped herbs in a frying pan with olive oil. Add the cream, salt and pepper and let cook for 2 or 3 minutes. Don't let it boil. Remove from the fire and add the egg yolks with a wooden spoon. Taste and adjust salt and pepper if needed.
Baste the Silius' legs with the hot sauce and eat.
Gninja Epitaphs by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
We will all sing this tune Poor Gninja's dead, pooor Gninja's dead all gather round his coffin now and cry He had a heart of gold and wasn't very old
We love you Gninja. Oh yes we do. We love you Gninja. And will be true When you're not near us. We're blue. Oh, Gninja, we love you.
By Rainmare
Here lies Gninja... face eaten off by a clockwork grease cleaner bot
Here lies Gninja: discoverer of the law that a mana battery set too close to a spark plug will explode
Here lies Gninja's pinky. It was all that we found after he invented clockwork raptors.
Here lies Gninja: a brave gnome that gave his life attempring to fieldtest the stealthsuit mark 2 to flee the cogs museum.
Here lies Gninja: tried to find the Meatbeasts on/off switch
Here lies Gninja: a brave gnome that
commited sepuku after witnessing a troll striptease. Here lies Gninja: crushed to death after daring an Ogre to step on him to test his 'iron gnome' suit.
Here lies Gninja: mauled by a polar bear testing the 'one size fits all' mount harness
Here lies Gninja: creator and first victim of the gnomish Big Red Button
Here lies Gninja: tried to release a geobot inside an active geyser for 'a more pure reading'
Here lies Gninja: creator and first user of the 'electric brain stimulator' later renamed 'the electric chair'. and later adapted to create a gnomish brain extractor to make delicious Gninja's Brain Vol-au-vent!
Here sits Gninja's ashes: a brave gnome that tried to get a stool sample from Nagafen for diet research.
Here lies Gninja: inventor of 'the robot' dance... later mauled by insulted clockworks
Here lies Gninja: Game Over, gnome
Here lies Gninja: died in an explosion testing Rocket powered spring boots. See you in the Ethernere, Rocket Gnome.
Here lies Gninja: electrocuted trying to replace his ears with universal translators.
Here lies Gninja: died testing a Teir'dal clockwork suit after mistranslating 'don't touch me' to 'please kiss me'
Here lies Gninja: ate too many grease covered sandwiches, attempted to ride a
Here lies Gninja's ringfinger: one does nit simply walk into Klak'Anon
By Aloysiius
News: Known Gnome Gninja gnawed gnoll kneecaps near Neriak, never seen again
R.I.P. Gninja, second victim of Alim Dabir's teleporter. May he find a luck flight cap in Ethernere!
Here lies Gninja: The first and last court jester of Lucan D'Lere
Here lies half of Gninja: Who won the bet but lost his life
Here lies Gninja's bones: The gnome had
By Jeehi
Here lies Gninja: one bug fight too many
By Whilhelmina
Here lies Gninja: Of all the devs he was the best Very friendly to server Test Couldn't let cogs go to waste Was caught and put in honey baste And overall he had good taste!
(adapted from the epitaph of the Earl of Strafford by John Cleveland)
Here lies wise and valiant dust, Huddled up 'twixt fit and just, Gninja, who was hurried hence 'Twixt treason and convenience. He spent his time here in a mist, Of bugs trying to catch the gist. Of Norrath nearest joy and grief, He had, yet wanted, all relief; The prop and ruin of world's fate, The gamers' violent love and hate;
One in extremes loved and abhorred. Riddles lie here, or in a word, Here lies blood, and let it lie Speechless still, and never cry.
Gnome recipes, vol 1 by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Gnomes are yummy. Everybody knows that. There's some other nice things about gnomes: they are often distracted and have a high mortality rate. Thus, it's very easy to catch a gnome by giving him a cog to "fix" or to find a recently deceased one.
The best gnomes are the gnome developers. They are even more distracted than the random gnome and can be easier to catch. I especially recommend using Gninja, Frizznik or Zoltaroth for any gnome cooking.
Gnomes have an overly inflated brain, as everybody knows that. Gnomish devs are the worse, so a gnome brain will definitely make a very nice dish. Remove gently the brain from our dear Gninja head to eat the most marvellous of dishes ever created!
Vol-au-vent cases * 450g/1lb puff pastry
For each vol-au-vent case: - cut one round piece of 7.5cm (3in) diameter and score the middle of it - cut a second round piece of 7.5cm (3in) diameter then cut off the middle 5.5cm (2¼ in) to form a ring of 2cm - place the ring on top of the scored round piece and glaze with an egg yolk
- bake the little round removed part alone to make a lid.
Heat the oven at 200°C (400°F). Place the cases on a flat baking tray and bake for 10 - 15 minutes until golden brown, well risen and firm. Let them get cold before starting to fill them
Vol-au-vent filling * 12 vols-au-vent cases * 1 Gninja's brain (or 2 lamb brains if you ran out of Gninjas) * 200 g mushrooms * 100 g stoned green olives * 1 bay leaf * 6 cloves of garlic * 2 tablespoon flour * 1 tablespoon butter * 1 pinch of black pepper * 1/2 teaspoon salt
Rince thoroughly the brain. Let it sweat for half an hour in water with vinegar before removing the skin and vessel strands that are around it. Cut it in 2 and then in small bits (4x2 cm). Blanch them in salted water with lemon juice for 5 minutes and let them drain.
Boil and drain the olives.
Put the brain in a stew pot with the crushed garlic, thinly sliced mushrooms, butter, salt and pepper. Let it gently cook for 10 minutes.
Add ½ litre of water, the olives and the bay leaf. Let it cook at slow fire for 30 min. Mix the flour with a little bit of water and add to the sauce.
Remove the lid of the vols-au-vent and let them reheat in a hot oven for 5 minutes.
Fill the pastry with the mix (do not overfill !) and put back the lid Baste with the remaining sauce and serve hot
Stuffed gnome can be very nice to eat, especially Frizzniks. If you ran out of gnomes, you can use a goose!
* 1 gnome * Dwarf lard for roasting
For the stuffing * 4 oz (100g) breadcrumbs * 1 apple * 1 onion * 1/2 oz (12.5 g) chopped sage * 1 egg * Salt and pepper
For the sauce * 1/2 lb (225 g) cooking apples * 1 small onion * 1 oz (25 g) sugar * 1 teaspoon vinegar * 1 oz (25 g) breadcrumbs * Mustard * Cinnamon
To make the stuffing, separate the egg and white and beat. Mix the stuffing adding the egg white last. Stuff the gnome and roast according to weight, basting regularly. Pour off surplus fat at the end. While the goose is in the oven, prepare the apple sauce.
To make the sauce, peel and core the apples, peel and chop the onions and cook together with the sugar. When soft, add the
remaining ingredients, with stock to make up any liquid loss. Simmer for 10 minutes.
Haggis is a traditional recipe that is usually made using sheep. But sheep is not the best for it, and you don't know how that dish can be good until you tasted a gnome's haggis. Catch a Gninja or a Zoltaroth and try it!
* 1 gnome's stomach * Gnome's pluck (heart, lungs and liver) * 1 large onion * 4 oz (100 g) grated suet * 1 lb (450 g) oatmeal * 8 oz (225 g) blanched, chopped almonds
* 1 oz (25 g) salt * Black pepper * Cayenne pepper * 1/2 teaspoon mixed herbs * 1 lemon
Prepare the ingredients first. The stomach must be washed and scraped thoroughly and soaked overnight in water. The gnome's pluck is also prepared the night before, by boiling for 2 hours in cater, with the wind pipe hanging over the edge of the pan and a bowl underneath to catch the drips. Leave in the liquor overnight.
On the day, grate the rind of the lemon and extract the juice. Toast the oatmeal and chop the onion.
Cut off the windpipe and mince the pluck. Keep the liquor.
Add the suet, onion, oatmeal and almonds, and mix well. Then add the salt, two types of pepper, herbs, lemon juice and rind, followed by the pluck liquor.
Mix thoroughly again and put into the sheep's stomach until it is half full. Sew up and pri ck with a fork.
Put into boiling water and simmer for 3 hours, pri cking again from time to time to prevent the stomach from bursting.
Make a saltire cross (the symbol of St Andrew) cut in the top and fold back the flaps before serving.
Gnome recipes, vol 2 by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Here is the long awaited volume 2 of our yummy Gnomes recipes!
Kebabs is the main way to eat gnomes or rats, everybody will tell you that. Especially Cloudrat who knows a lot about rats, or Gratouillis (but she's an ogre, so one never knows what those eat). Every time you catch a gnome, gnomekebab is on the menu. Every time you catch a ratonga, everybody thinks about it.
Cut the meat into small bits. In a big bowl, mix every ingredient and add the meat. Put the bowl in the fridge and let marinate for at least 4 hours (turning it at times).
Skewer the gnome bits and put them on the grill (barbecue or regular oven at 180°C/350°F). Let cook 5 minutes on one side and 3 on the other.
Take the leftover sauce and put it in a sauce pan and cook it for 2 minutes. You may add a bit of coconut milk so it may coat the kebabs better. Mix it if there's some little bits and pieces left in it.
Serve the kebabs on a dish, covered with the sauce and with chopped peanuts sprinkled on top.
Sausages are always good to eat. Why not make some with your local devs?
For 70 sausages * 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) of gnome (or pork) * 2.5 kg (5.5 lb) of dwarf (or beef) * 1/2 (whole not cloves) garlic * 15g (0.5 oz) salt per kg * 3g (0.1 oz) pepper per kg * 1 bunch of parsley * Mutton guts (24/26 cm diameter, 9.4-10.2 inches)
The previous day, put the guts to drain (keep the brine to put extra guts back in it).
Rinse them 2 or 3 times. Cut the meats in pieces and put them in a mincer together. Add a clove of garlic from time to time.
Weigh the meat mix to add the salt and pepper (2.5 oz salt, 0.5 oz pepper in our case, 75g/15g). Add parsley to the meat and mix the whole stuff with your hands.
Put the end of a gut on the end of a funnel and pour a little bit of lukewarm water in it. Rince twice.
Put the end of the gut on the mincer sausage nozzle and slip the whole gut around it except a small bit for the knot. Let the mix fill the gut until it reaches the desired length of the sausage then turn the gut to divide the sausages turning in one way the first time, then the other way the
second time and so on.
(submitted by Kuulei)
»2 Small Devs* » 1/4 cup orange juice » 1/4 cup olive oil » 1/2 teaspoon salt » 1/4 teaspoon pepper » 4 tablespoons parsley,chopped » 2 garlic cloves » 12 strips of bacon (Fyreflyte's bacon is nice)
Rinse Devs*, trim & pat dry.
Sprinkle with orange juice then brush with
olive oil (inside and out). Sprinkle with salt & pepper.
Divide chopped parsley and garlic cloves, placing inside each cavity. Place Devs* on rack in roasting pan.
Arrange bacon strips on top; bake at 350
F for 1 hour, basting often. Remove bacon and continue baking for 30 minutes, or until breasts are browned & cooked through. Let stand 10 minutes before slicing.
*If Devs are not available, you may substitute pheasant or other fowl.
Halfling recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The halfling meat is very fat and usually sugary. Do not eat too much of it, it's very bad for the health. You can roast your halfling or serve it with jumjum sauce, but the Pie is the best way to get rid of your halfling.
This recipe is perfect to cook a Halfling. If Piestro is already cooked and you have already eaten all Halflings around, you can use mutton.
* 2 lb (1.4 kg) lean Piestro (or mutton) * 2 large onions * 2 leeks * 2 oz (50 g) unsalted butter * 1 oz (25 g) flour * Shortcrust pastry (using 1 lb/450 g flour)
Slice the onions and leeks. Put them into a saucepan with the Piestro, boil and simmer for about an hour until the Piestro is tender. Strain and keep the liquor.
Cut the meat into bite-sized pieces and put
with the vegetables into an 8 inch deep pie pan.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and stir in the flour. Gradually add 2 cups of the liquor, stirring constantly. Bring to the boil then cool slightly before adding to the pie pan. Allow to cool.
Now cover with the shortcust pastry, trim and make vents for the steam to escape. Brush with milk and bake in a faily hot oven at 400°F for 15 minutes. Turn the heat down to moderate at 350°F/180°C and bake for another 10-15 minutes until the crust is golden brown.
High Elf recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
High Elves are not very tasty as the meat is extra lean. They do make some nice and crispy bacon, of way higher quality than the dwarf bacon usually used for cooking. Of course, Fyreflyte's bacon is the best bacon around!
This is the perfect dish if you have some extra Fyreflyte's bacon!
Fish and chips
* 4 large potatoes, peeled and cut into strips * 1 cup all-purpose flour * 1 teaspoon baking powder * 1 teaspoon salt * 1 teaspoon ground black pepper * 1 cup milk * 1 egg * 1 quart vegetable oil for frying * 1 1/2 pounds cod fillets
Place potatoes in a medium-size bowl of cold water. In a separate medium-size mixing
bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, salt, and pepper. Stir in the milk and egg; stir until the mixture is smooth. Let mixture stand for 20 minutes.
Preheat the oil in a large pot or electric skillet to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Fry the potatoes in the hot oil until they are tender. Drain them on paper towels.
Dredge the fish in the batter, one piece at a time, and place them in the hot oil. Fry until the fish is golden brown. If necessary, increase the heat to maintain the 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) temperature. Drain well on paper towels.
Fry the potatoes again for 1 to 2 minutes for added crispness.
* 100g (0.22 pd) of Fyreflyte's bacon (High Elf bacon is very lean) * 1 shallot * 25cl (1 cup) of single cream
Cut the bacon into thin slices and fry them in a bit of butter
Add in the thinly sliced shallot Deglaze with wine vinegar.
Add in the cream and bring to the boil then let it reduce for 5 minutes.
Serve hot with the fish and chips.
How to cook a Gnomish Dev by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This house was created for a strange purpose and I will try to explain it to you, so you may enjoy your stay better.
One year ago, in spring 2011, our dear and beloved dev Gninja, created a live event for reconstructing the druid ring and spires of Velious. A lot of testers were not happy and went back to the common test practice: crafting gnomish voodoo dolls and sticking more or less rusty pins in them. I thought this practice was way outdated and started to think about something better...
and I found it!
I always liked to cook my fellow players, especially froglocks. But gnomes do make tasty dishes too... and guess what Gninja
was? A GNOME! I also had this cute house from when we had to test the prestige housing system...
So I had this perfect idea: creating a house to trap, slaughter, cook and eat Gninja! I even added some more recipes for eating other devs, so he doesn't feel alone in our well-filled stomachs!
Then time went by. Lots of things to test, no ideas about how I could make it... And finally building blocks were added. It was a time consuming process, but I DID found how to create my perfect house...
So here is the house, and here's how to use it.
To cook a Gnomish Dev, especially one as tricky as Gninja, you'll need to prepare yourself.
1/ create the perfect bait: Launch an advertising campaign around the target house or office with sensational wording. Exemple: "Grand Opening of the Museum of Cogs! You always dreamed of seeing all the cogs of the world in a single place in all their glory? You want to discover a marvellous tinkered vehicle? You want to see all the tools, armours and cloaks that would mark you as the best tinkerer around? Come and visit this dreamlike place, in the magnificent Maj'Dul Suite of Qeynos, Test Server, under Leucosia! All gnomes welcome especially devs!
Non-gnomish developers are encouraged to come and visit with their gnomish friends!"
2/ create your trap: Put a big sign advertising your Museum of Cogs. Build the museum with every cog available. Add a cute (for a gnome) device , like a tinkered vehicle. You could build an automated mincer but it would probably be a bit too obvious. Add in a bunch of tools, cloaks and other tinker gear.
When the gnome will enter the house, he'll start hoping around every cog display. When he's the most distracted, grab a carefully hidden knife and stab him in the back. If other developers decided to visit, hit them hard with a heavy cog on the head (gnomes
are immune) while they cower in a corner seeing their gnomish friends have fun, waiting for an explosion.
3/ quickly snatch the gnome away through the back door and put them in a pen. Don't forget to shackle them, little beasts are devious.
4/ If you want to use the brain, use first the Gnomish brain extractor, and don't forget to remove the body after removing the brain. Cut them into big pieces with the big Dev Cleaver, then chop them down with the axe or with the smaller Dev Cleavers. You can mince part of the meat or extract dev's juice in the Tier'Dal Juice extractor and mincer. If your gnome has put in a bit of fat, you can make him propel the device first, as gnomes are a bit alternative for hamsters. You can also use other kind of annoying
things like Qhos or Nathans. This device is very good at extracting Teir'Dal blood to make sanquet, spirits or poisons.
5/ after catching, killing and cutting your gnome in pieces, it's time for the cooking. You'll need a very big kitchen with a big spit (if you catch barbarians), massive pots, an oven, a grill, a big fridge and, of course, a dev-sized toaster. Don't forget to stock up some beer if you want to cook dwarves, and some more if you want to catch them too!
Recipe books are on the work surface (they're totally serious recipes btw, you can eat them just fine after substituting
the various races for the actual animal used)
6/ You should keep a little place for burying your favourite dev, like a big mausoleum for our beloved Gninja. Don't forget to write down cute epitaphs for this nice little dev, and always pay your respects to his memory.
7/ build a grand restaurant that will have 2 goals: First, eating your gnome with friends in a nice setting, with cushions, music, flowers, fount and such. Don't forget to personalize your greeting cards!
Second, catching some more devs, like Cronyn or other dwarves by making them drink A LOT of beer!
I hope you'll enjoy this house I made for you. We clearly don't agree on our vision of the game, but the most important things remain: having fun, and talking. You are, in my opinion, one of the best devs around, because you explain your choices, talk with the players, and don't hesitate to
take the blame if you make a mistake. You also always take care of the Test community, which is not very common nowadays. You're the one that spawned turkeys at Frostfell and created a special item for us to level when Skyshrine went out for example. You're always very kind and responsive and that's appreciated.
I always planned to keep on playing. Now I know I'll have to quit when the PSS1 deal will come through as I refuse to create an account with a third party company. It's hard to keep on playing knowing that I'll soon leave, but I wanted to take the time to finish and polish this house for you, hoping you'll have some fun visiting it and that you'll enjoy your mausoleum ;p
The whole idea was to have some fun and I sure hope you will and will remember it later when merciless players/testers will start
sticking pins into poor little gnomish dolls once more!
Keep on your good work!
Leucosia from Test Whilhelmina from Storms Evil critter-eating froggie
Kimchi'd Gnome by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
This recipe is brought to us by Rivervale.Emmaa. Kimchi is a traditional Korean preparation of fermented cabbage. It's usually stored in earthenware container underground to preserve the cabbage through the winter. Just toss in a gnome and you're golden.
The following recipe uses small bits of gnome and cabbage, but you can use whole vegetables and a whole Gninja instead.
This could be a grand experiment: How long does it take to fully ferment and tenderize a gnome? Throw in some spices and cabbage and it's practically a crock-pot meal!
If you're sadly fresh out of gnome, you can use squid instead!
First of all, prepare the gnome (a week before): - Choose about 300 grams (2/3 pound) of very fresh gnome. - Remove the guts and bones and rinse it. - Add 3 tbs salt and mix it with a spoon. - Put it in a container or glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator for a week. - Rinse the gnome thoroughly until not slippery and drain it (you can skin it if you want). - Dry the gnome with paper towel or cotton and chop it up.
- Add it to your kimchi paste!
Kimchi ingredients Ingredients - Baechu (napa cabbage 10 pounds) - salt - sweet rice flour - sugar - water - garlic - ginger - onion - fish sauce - gnome - hot pepper flakes - leek - green onions - carrot
- radish
-Trim the discolored outer leaves of 10 pounds of napa cabbage.
- Cut the cabbage lengthwise into quarters and remove the cores. Chop it up into bite size pieces.
- Soak the pieces of cabbage in cold water and put the soaked cabbage into a large basin. Sprinkle salt. (tip: 1 cup of salt will be used for 10 pounds of napa cabbage)
- Every 30 minutes, turn the cabbage over to salt evenly (total salting time will be 1½ hours).
- 1½ hours later, rinse the cabbage in cold water 3 times to clean it thoroughly.
- Drain the cabbage and set aside.
Make porridge
- Put 3 cups of water and ½ cup sweet rice flour (chapssal garu) in a pot and mix it well and bring to a boil. Keep stirring until the porridge makes bubbles (about 5 minutes).
- Add ¼ cup sugar. Stir and cook for a few more minutes until it s translucent.
- Cool it down.
Make kimchi paste
- Place the cold porridge into a large bowl. Now you will add all your ingredients one by one.
- Add 1 cup of fish sauce, 2.5 cups of hot pepper flakes (depending on your taste), 1 cup of crushed garlic, 1-2 tbs of minced ginger, 1 cup amount of minced onion. (tip: much easier to use a food processor.)
- Wash and drain the salty gnome. Chop it up and add it to the kimchi paste.
- Add 10 diagonally-sliced green onions, 2
cups amount of chopped leek, 2 cups of julienned Korean radish, and ¼ cup of julienned carrot.
- Mix all ingredients well and your kimchi paste is done.
Action! Mix the cabbage with the kimchi paste!
- Put the kimchi paste in a large basin and add all the cabbage. Mix it by hand. (tip: If your basin is not large enough to mix all the ingredients at once, do it bit by bit.)
- Put the kimchi into an air-tight sealed plastic container or glass jar. Press down on the kimchi until the brine (the liquid that comes out) rises to cover the vegetables, leaving at least 1 inch of space at the top. Seal the jar.
- Let it ferment for 1 to 5 days. Place a bowl or plate under the jar to help catch any overflow. Let the jar stand at cool room temperature, out of direct sunlight, for 1 to 5 days. You may see bubbles inside the jar and brine may seep out of the lid.
- Check it daily and refrigerate when ready. Check the kimchi once a day, opening the jar and pressing down on the vegetables with a clean finger or spoon to keep them submerged under the brine. (This also releases gases produced during fermentation.) Taste a little at this point, too! When the kimchi tastes ripe enough for your liking,
transfer the jar to the refrigerator.
You may eat it right away, but it's best after another week or two (and it gives time for the gnome to be perfectly fermented!)
Leucosia's Humanoid Recipes This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Frosftell Elfs mostly appear only during the month of Deepice for the Frostfell festivities, bearing gifts and good cheer to all of Norrath. On rare occasions, they are known to celebrate Frostfell in July as well, though.
Frostfell Elfs are originally seen to be the creation of the desire of the people to celebrate their kin. The sheer wish made them to be light creatures who live in the heavens. Frostfell Elfs have been depicted as male or female, tiny or dwarf-like, youthful and immortal with magical powers. Later they were often referred to as living underground, in forests, springs and wells. Frostfell Elfs generally were magical beings who could control what people see as well as
experience. Frostfell Elfs are also highly associated with the mushroom Amanita Muscaria also referred to as magic mushrooms not only in art but in religious experiences.
Frostfell Elfs already a tradition associated with story telling and magic, were before the Shattering revealed by the Halasians that their true purpose was to spread joy and cubes. The Frostfell Elfs could be helpful however their mischievousness was still event in story telling. Tales suggested that how you were treated by the Frostfell Elfs depended on whether the person was thought to be naughty or nice! Particularly in Antonica the diminutive, green with pointy ears type are depicted as making toys in the workshop of Santa Glug in Frostfell Wonderland Village.
More Folklore about the Lera'Dal
According to some legends and post-Halasian folklore especially in Qeynos, Frostfell Elfs are mischievous pranksters who make special appearances during the lead up to Frostfell. For example Albtraum is a Halasian word for nightmare which also means elf dream . Earlier the word meant elf pressure as it was believed that nightmares are the result of a Frostfell Elf sitting on the dreamer s head! Frostfell Elfs also were believed to braid people s hair while sleeping, make milk sour and run off with sausages. People of Halas, Everfrost and Vellious believed that a bowl of porridge left out would prevent Frostfell Elfs from playing tricks on people especially during the festive season! Today, Elfs associated with Frostfell are symbols to remind children to be good and not naughty!
In the modern world we now have the latest Frostfell Elf defenders. They say they are
commissioned to protect the spirit of Frostfell. Their dress code is still green and red and they declare to be are armed with elf intellect, tools, charm and good looks. They defend the spirit of Frostfell against naysayers including goblins, heat mizers, scrooges and of late pure commercialism. They are sworn by the Frostfell Elf code and must remain unseen whilst defending the spirit of Frostfell!
Lore and Legend - Lera'Dal or Frostfell Elves (ed.2) by Drigg This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Lore and Legend - Lera'Dal or Frostfell Elves (ed.2) - by Drigg __________________________________________
Frostfell Elf or Lera'Dal
Frostfell Elves mostly appear only during the month of Deepice for the Frostfell festivities, bearing gifts and good cheer to all of Norrath.
On rare occasions, they are known to celebrate Frostfell in July as well, though. Frostfell Elves are originally seen to be the creation of the desire of the people to celebrate their kin.
The sheer wish made them to be light creatures who live in the heavens. Frostfell Elves have been depicted as male or female, tiny or dwarf-like, youthful and immortal with magical powers.
Later they were often referred to as living underground, in forests, springs and wells. Frostfell Elves were generally magical beings who could control what people see as well as experience. Frostfell Elves are also highly associated with the mushroom Amanita Muscaria" also referred to as "magic mushrooms" not only in art but in religious experiences.
Frostfell Elves already have a tradition associated with storytelling and magic, well before the Shattering revealed by the Halasians that their true purpose was to spread joy and cubes.
The Frostfell elves could be helpful, however their mischievousness was still evident in storytelling. Tales suggested that how you were treated by the Frostfell Elves depended on whether the person was
thought to be naughty or nice!
Particularly in Antonica, the diminutive, green with pointy ears type are depicted as making toys in the workshop of Santa Glug in Frostfell Wonderland Village.
More Folklore about the Lera'Dal +++++++++++++++++++++++++
According to some legends and post-Halasian folklore, especially in Qeynos, Frostfell Elves are mischievous pranksters who make special appearances during the lead up to Frostfell.
For example: "Albtraum" is a Halasian word for nightmare which also means "elf dream". Earlier the word meant "elf pressure" as it was believed that nightmares are a result of a Frostfell Elf sitting on the dreamer's head!
Frostfell Elves also were believed to braid
people's hair while sleeping, make milk sour and run off with sausages. The people of Halas, Everfrost and Velious believed that a bowl of porridge left out would prevent Frostfell Elves from playing tricks on people, especially during the festive season!
Today, Elves associated with Frostfell are symbols to remind children to be good and not naughty!
In the modern world, we now have the latest Frostfell Elf Defenders. They say they are commissioned to protect the spirit of Frostfell. Their dress code is still green and red and they declare to be armed with elf intellect, tools, charm and good looks. They defend the spirit of Frostfell (and its cubes) against naysayers including: Goblins, heat mizers, scrooges and of late pure commercialism. They are sworn by the Frostfell Elf Code and must remain unseen
whist defending the spirit of Frostfell!
Night of Dead fun, by Kardell This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Live Reading - The Night Before Frostfell ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Merry Frostfell, thank you for traveling dimensions to Skyfire for the first reading of The Night Before Frostfell.
When Voice begins the reading, please silence all carrier piegons and courier rats. The reading will be no longer than 5 minutes.
This event is in honor of Cloudrat, our lost friend from Antonia Bayle and everywhere, who spread cheer so far that newbs can still feel it in her absence. Be merry this holiiday season, in spite of whatever pandemics rage beyond those doors.
11:45 PST - Recommended time for grabbing a good seat. 12:00pm PST - Voice begins reading, we ask that all be seated and quiet for this. 12:05 PST - Anarchy?
Another reading will be held tonight at 4pm PST / 7pm EST if you'd like to bring a friend. This is an open event.
For copies of The Night Before Frostfell, please contact Shhh. Free to all but donations accepted if you're one of them rich types.
Moonlight Mylitia - Looking for a friendly home away from home? Stella will gladly kidnap you with kindness on all servers.
Lolz Publishing - Seeking to collaborate with all Norrathian writers, readers, and player-character lore geeks. Paying across all servers for columns, and welcoming of all contributions.
Homeshow - You like the decorating and tradeskill buttons more than the adventuring and stabby buttons? Homeshow welcomes you to their public channel across all servers. Just "/join Antonia_Bayle.Homeshow" and find help from professionals and newbs alike.
Ratonga recipes by Leucosia This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Ratongas are a nice meal, loved by every Kerra on Norrath. You can cook them with cheese sauce of course. You can also make kebabs of them or roast them using the 'Tawny Roasted Devs' recipes (recipes in "gnome recipes vol 2").
Ratonga is very nice with honey. In this recipe, we'll explore the nice taste of a fillet of Ttobey glazed with honey. If you lack ratonga, you can use a duck fillet instead. (Idea proposed by Zikmu, Storms Server)
Put the vinegar and cornflour in a bowl and mix them. Add in the honey and soy sauce. Incise the fat of the fillet with a knife Pour the marinade on the fillet and put it in the fridge for at least 2h, turning it over a couple of times.
Cook the ratonga fillet in a frying pan for 5 minutes on the fat side, then 2 minutes on the other side.
Put the marinade in a dish, and place the fillet on top. Put it in an oven preheated at 180°C/350°F. Let cook for 8 minutes and baste with the marinade midway.
Serve it sliced with rice or vegetables (red pepper, bamboo shoots, small corns and such). You can cook the vegetables in the leftover marinade.
There is a very good and easy way to eat ratongas, croquettes! Some people, like our friend Griffu from Storms, like to serve them hot with a dwarf sauce, minced berserk powder and SK coulis but it may be a bit hard to create. I prefer my ratonga's croquettes with plain tomato sauce. This recipe is also great for eating gnomes!
The Temple Moat Race is a simple game with room for funny and creative RP responses.
The host will call for all contestants to do a /ran 10 together for distance swam and the severity of challenges they encounter.
Time will be given between each roll for everyone to RP how they do. Please type emotes and dialogue in /shout (or /ooc for Free to Play folks) due to the range limits of /em and /say.
The first contestant to hit or pass 120 meters wins 1st place.
The second and third contestants to hit or pass 120 meters will take 2nd and 3rd places respectively.
The Rolls: (The listed challenges are guidelines. Feel free to RP variants of these
for why your character swam that distance. Have fun with it!)
1-2 - 8 meters. Cramp! Should have listened to mom about waiting 30 minutes after eating.
3-4 - 16 meters. Things are fine until you hit a patch of unexpectedly warmer water. Wait, did someone just pee in the moat? Oh no!
5-6 - 24 meters. You're doing pretty well until a chunk of ice breaks off into the water and slips down your swimming clothes. Eek! Cold! Get it out!
7-8 - 32 meters. You're doing great! You're in the zone! ...Right up until you swim into a froglok citizen going the wrong way.
9-10 - 40 meters. Clear swimming! You encounter nothing. This is easy!
Once 3 contestants have claimed the top 3 places, the race will be called.
In the event of a tie, there will be a swim off to determine final places.
Tenth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Big Bend 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Huzzah! I knowed you'd soon be here. I heard so much. Now you appear. Braz learns da new trolls 'bout the Bend The old ways have come to an end. The Overlord's in charge, and he Says, 'Don't eat everything you see.' He leaves us mostly all alone With trolls for guards, we keeps our own. I tells ya more, but I got work A special job I cannot shirk. You're new here - you could do this fast I tells ya more when help is past. Thick-Headed Ruzb will get us beat He eats li'l gnomes from Temple Street. Go find him and get him to stop, Or he will be the one we chop. Go get your own! This gnomesteak's mine! Bad Ruzb! Not eat! You cannot dine On gnomes. But why? They taste so good! The guards will come, and then you would Have no more gnome, not any more. I'll get you something from the store
To chew on. I'll be back, so just Stay here. Not sure... okay... me trust. You're back! What yummies did you bring? Real chunks of dorf! They're just the thing! Eats them up! Now munch, munch, munch! And on the gnomes you must not crunch! How did it go? Must Braz get mean? Nooooo. We gud. I 'splained. He seen. Good job. You're quite the stand-up troll. Come back to hear about our role. I'll 'splain Big Bend. In here we rule, The favourites of Cazic-Thule. He's not 'round much, so some trolls say The Inkie god's who we should pay. But hate is weak. We worship fear. No matter, though. The gods aren't here. What we want is what we'll do And what I want is rats from you. I have a-some'tin for their meat. Oh good! You mean I'll get a treat? Whut's diz you brought? These rats iz burned! No blood! No taste! You haven't learned!
I's sorry, Braz! Not cooked too much! I thought you'd like the extra touch. Iz okay. The juice will flow When the mizzus skins them so. But I'll still tell the bestest tale, Although at getting rats, you fail. My fahver told me, as a lad What's a fahver? Uh... like dad. Anyway, it's 'bout da frogs. Not even Marr could save their bogs. It was a great troll victory. We barshed and stomped them, all we'd see The froggies were all led by Marr - Delicious, though, is what they are. He was barshing us real good But something happen - yes, it would. A big green cloud, with Cazic-Thule! He came out and barshed that fool! And den whut? Go do my patrol, Come back and then I'll tell the whole. Oh, you look bad! What did you see? Dis giant... thing! jumped out at me!
Ha ha! Looks like I won my bet! I knew you'd get that haffer yet! Now one last thing. I know no more. Here's something you not heard before. From Braz's troll-in-Freeport school: Don't let that stupid tummy rule. Aww, that's no fun! Not say don't eat, But careful or you might get beat. There's things out there that even has Big pointy teeth that could eat Braz! Do one last thing. Check from before And see if Ruzb eats gnomes no more. And if he is, you barsh him down Or Freeport's guards will crush our town. These gnomesteaks made of yummy flesh, So super gud, is nice 'n' fresh! Gnomore gnomesteaks! Bad Ruzb! Bad! Me put you down! You make me mad! I hoped he'd learned no gnomie parts, But not all trolls have gots da smarts. Now Braz is sad. You'll go to glory, Forget old Braz was in your story.
Take this ring of Cazic's fear, And you remember Braz was here.
Me Graktak want a tasty shrub Get it for me or you be grub! What is it? Where? And what's it called? It shrub. Me just care where it's hauled. Much tastiness I need for stew, No shrub of goodness, me eat you. You have it! It need goodness smashed. We good at eating what we bash. But they say me can't eat the gnomes, Graktak misses swampy homes. An old mean troll made Graktak go And not smash frogs - ha, ha, they're slow. The frogs made Grobb no longer smell, We lived with dark skin elves, as well They were mean. Won't let us chomp. Graktak want stew, from the swamp. Stew of goodness! Smell like feet! Remind of swamp or you be meat! Swamp water stew! It tickles nose. Graktak remember slugs on toes. So me not smell you more today, For yummy, when you look away.
And now me share some things to tell, About new city where we dwell. More fun to smash big things than small, Like Dreadnaughts gang out in the Sprawl. Hurt Graktak once. Graktak lose sword. Go bring it back. Me have reward. Dreadnaught kick sword into the wet. Me not go in. There Graktak get All dirty, like that human smell. I'll get it. I think water's swell! Sword not there, for frogman steal. Go smoosh him for a later meal. He hide behind the northeast door, But Overlord say eat no more, For all Big Bend, he'll make me meat. Then Graktak sad. Not there to eat. You found it! Now my sword is back! And frog meat Graktak does not lack! Troll secret now. Trolls like to kill, Eat yummy goodness, bellies fill. But can't be great inside Big Bend, You go outside, or meet troll friend.
But first you prove you say right thing, Then me tell what help will bring. Why trolls here and not in swamp? The frogloks came. In Grobb they stomp. Why tasties here not every dish? 'Cause Lucan stronger. Lucan squish. Why tasty frogmen we not like? They made Grobb's troll smell take a hike. What secret be to be good troll? Be strong to smash, and eat things whole. And last, what Graktak like the best? The swamp. You good! You pass my test! Go talk to Braz. Braz help in here. Or Kurdek's work give sword or spear. His work is hard, but do not eat. You eat him, you the trolls will beat. Thanks for your help. I hope you find More tasty things to smash and grind.
The Eighteenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos Outlying Areas Qeynos Catacombs Antonica Stormhold The Thundering Steppes The Ruins of Varsoon
THE CLUES ------------------
1. You're finally close to all the lore But the tunnel was a chore Before continuining your quest You really need to take a rest.
2. After searching high and low Here is somewhere you can go And within you'll find a space For a respite from the race The perfect place, as it would seem, For anyone to have a dream.
3. This secret vault has double locks Inside must be the puzzle box Whatever will I do with these? I don't know where to find the keys. Are they somewhere in this sprawl? Why don't I simply take it all?
4. If you don't want to take a bath This will help you find the path Even if old Salty Joe Cannot help with where to go.
5. I hope this wasn't for a date This location I would hate. Perhaps it's for some resting guards Yet there aren't any playing cards. Whoever was here is now gone And no answers start to dawn I'm sure it really isn't theft To take a sip of what's been left.
6. Here they train, all day they fight But what about when it is night? Grab one and be on your way With what they use at close of day.
7. Once, a man in such a funk Passed his time by staying drunk But some convincing helped him see After a sobering remedy. For drunkenness to be reversed It needed three, but now the first Is what you must bring from this stroll But since it's cute, retrieve it whole.
8. Here is written every deed, Gathering things that heroes need Or, if crafting's not your thrill There are always foes to kill Don't let what you do be missed Always first peruse this list.
9. Friendly, wubbly ones, Keeping us safe from owlbears. I bring hugs for you.
The Eighth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. Every child who's a gnome Knows about their former home Inside, things whir, and spin, and chop Perhaps with this, they'll have to stop.
2. Some are cheap, but some have worth, Once they're taken from the earth What's needed's also found in Ro Look around, and find the glow.
3. Come and hear about her way, Mother to both elves and fae Her high priestess you will meet, Learn from her, and grab a seat.
4. Streets, yet not one paving stone, Forests where no trees have grown Cities with no house or shop, Rivers, but water? Not a drop. Although this helps you find your way, It isn't what you need today. If you want the hunt's reward, Bring back where it could be stored.
5. Upon me a strange symbol falls, Deep within Guk's ruined halls I must know what it could mean, What secrets lie within, unseen? Those who will help do not want coin Their hidden group I have to join They sent me out to get reports But they seem like mysterious sorts, Next they tasked me with a hunt, And rogue members to confront These missions cannot be refused, Though I'm feeling I've been used Take more reports - I must fight back When their recipients attack! I'm starting not to like this way Someone soon is going to pay. No longer will they hide behind When they're much easier to find!
6. For other mounts he is your source, If you don't want a boring horse When asked, however, he won't sell Unless the population's well That seems like it's for the best Get what he needs so he can test.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes At our bouncy festival Have some great big hugs!
The Eighth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere these things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Sunken City The Graveyard The Ruins The Sprawl Freeport sewers The Commonlands Nektulos Forest
1. Most everything has been picked clean Among the ruined mill's machine It's still worth looking, and to comb, This might look nice inside your home.
2. The pages of an ancient tome Have scattered, lost, outside his home It's vital that we get them back So look, and search, perhaps attack The ones who might have taken these And with your skills they're found with ease But that's been done. So for today That's not what you must take away. Instead, you'll get, with all due speed The place where he might go to read.
3. This time of year, for something sweet, There's just the place to go. You'll find a lot that you can eat If you look for the glow But bring back what you must defeat That's what you need to show.
4. Those whose loyalties are misplaced Can very easily be erased If they won't serve the Overlord, Then others will be brought aboard. Erudite and Kerran strife - We'll go in,make sure it's rife Some have noticed things are stirred - One fight makes sure they won't be heard. And then, so things will be improved, Both leaders need to be removed. Success! They're gone, put in the ground And new, more loyal ones are found. And so, for helping with your sword, You've earned this for your reward. For aiding those who serve and fight This will stand to show their might.
5. When you walk among the dead Ideas might pop into your head And what might be inside the box? Coins? A sword? Or just some rocks?
6. You might guess that it would sink, But it still floats around the drink And that is also what it's for, A grape escape from some lost store.
7. Our city's guards are strong and stout, Keeping enemy hordes without One tries to sneak, but guards can spot - One less foe! A perfect shot!
8. A group of those who still were short Once ran the streets of Beggar's Court One day they discovered trouble: Their neighbourhood would soon be rubble But then they found a treasure map: They'd keep their homes from being scrap! They burned some eyebrows, ate some bread And followed it to where it led, Right to some pirates, and their ship Then running, startled, they would trip The trigger wire - boulders fell And smashed their foes - their ship as well,
Which poured out platinum, and gold For treasure hunters not so old. "We've saved the Court!" "Don't be so dumb! We're rich enough to leave this slum!" Although the Court was rather seedy, Perhaps if they were not so greedy Just a bit better behaved, Beggar's Court might have been saved. Alas, it's ruined, homes erased, But still their path can be retraced. Bring back what has, upon their trail, The first two pages of their tale.
9. Cubes keep our fair safe, Owlbears out and faces on They deserve a hug.
The Eighth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos catacombs Qeynos outlying areas Antonica Blackburrow Stormhold The Thundering Steppes The Ruins of Varsoon
1. In Butcherblock there is a game But elsewhere's one that is the same Those who lived there left behind The colours you will need to find.
2. Distracted by their noisy yap You ran into their hidden trap And fell straight down, right in their lap Where all you'll find is naught but scrap.
3. When keeping watch upon the plain They need some shelter from the rain Inside, the furnishings are stark But there's a place to leave your mark Whether brawler, cleric, bard, Or summoner - go see the guard!
4. Near the city, home to man, Her enemies prepare their plan. Though dangerous, they are the least, But with them lies an ancient beast. It rises up, as to appear About to strike - but do not fear! Wander right into its head It cannot eat, for it lies dead. But in case you can't be sure, Its weapons you should go secure.
5. In Stonebrunt Highlands, way upstairs You'll find Soren, with his wares But they are also down below And that is where you need to go. Then once you have what can be worn Bring back, too, a globe of corn But careful not to lose your breath When hurrying from Life to Death.
6. Beneath the trees you'll find a shop With what you'll need to bring. So hurry there and make a stop It holds most anything.
7. Hungry, wubbly cubes I must not harm you at all So I will hug you.
8. It used to go into the tea Till Ironforge said no. So when this treasure's now obtained To vendors it must go.
9. They lost their home and lost their king But some is left - there's still one thing Though it's in danger from the fight And so it must be moved tonight. But an enchantment keeps it there Except for one - Stormhammer's heir. Once the magic has been broken This replica will be your token.
The Eighth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
This is where these things will be: Three are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH --------------------------------
Frostfang Sea New Halas Everfrost Great Divide Thurgadin, City of the Coldain Eastern Wastes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Once (well, twice) there was a fight With one who had the greatest might And when this battle had been won The work of building would be done But if you fell, with armor rended, On this is where it can be mended.
2. Some things need doing every day More cannons keep their foes away Armour, meat, and driftwood, too Or perhaps a hearty stew But if you cook, then don't be fools First you must pick up your tools.
3. Sometimes things cannot be found For in this land, they're blown around Don't let them take our things away Grab one now, and make it stay.
4. The goblins once had corn and nuts Though they no longer do But beans and peaches lurk inside And sometimes pepper, too.
5. Many living on the ice Find that seafood's rather nice Some, when cooking up their meals Prefer elusive glacier eels Then once you've lunged, and caught, and swerved Find something on which they'll be served.
6. Many goods are brought by ship, But they can't always make the trip When other things need to be made The citizens will need to aid. Bring a request for what you're able Or bring them all! And bring the table!
7. Friendly, frozen cubes Keeping owlbears far away Have a festive hug.
The Eleventh Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all six answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport outlying areas Freeport sewers The Commonlands Nektulos Forest Darklight Wood
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Hordes of orcs they once did quell But one night the order fell No more bandits they'd disperse When undeath had brought its curse If this fort would be your goal It would be wise to bring some coal Named for what they used to be, You should take this to help you see.
2. Those returning from the sea, This is where they need to be It should be their soonest stop, To make new things, or store, or shop If you find your way's not clear, Perhaps this clue will help you steer.
3. These shipments need to disappear An enemy has brought them here Someone must go through the sludge To remove this problem drudge Find how they were smuggled in Otherwise you cannot win.
4. Those who turned from ways of good Faced a journey through the wood Upon their path were bats of fire, But that's not why they would expire That hazard was among the least Far worse was this most dreadful beast You had to sneak - no sound, no cough - One chomp would eat your face right off Today this danger is no more For those desiring Freeport's door Alas! the wood's just not the same Since the Great Migration came Find the place where they have gone Where they dwell, and roam, and spawn This deadly game must be renewed: One is hunter, one is food Don't let them turn your blade askew You must eat them - OR THEY'LL EAT YOU!
5. Here people used to dwell and shop But now it does not suit. The sword or armour you just bought Will set these in pursuit But bring one back alive today Because they're just so cute!
6. Good work, wubbly guards Watching at our festival You deserve a hug.
The Eleventh Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all twelve answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things are found With one in each place, all around, Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Forest Ruins Oakmyst Forest The Caves The Peat Bog Antonica Blackburrow Stormhold Thundering Steppes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. After working in the mine They head below so they can dine Do their recipes taste right, Or would they give the biggest fright? Bring a jug straight back to town Of what they use to wash it down.
2. When helping out the dancing queen Bright, shiny things will make her seen New dresses, though, have all been sold But this might keep away the cold.
3. At first, there's never any glamour But if you only had a hammer You'd craft things powerful and grand, The best goods found in any land Yet here is where you must begin, Stuck with only lead and tin Before book, chair, sword, cake, or jewel You need to grab a sack of fuel.
4. All help celebrate our feast, Whether fighter, mage, or priest Decorations they helped raise, Far above our city's ways Take one and place it your pack. (Afterwards we'll put it back.)
5. Those who keep their Lady's book Most likely do not want to look At what their faces now display So take it, take it far away!
6. An erudite with riddles four Once stood nearby the Coldwind shore And after listening to his voice Of calling points I'd have a choice When fire, water, earth, and air Had been combined in graven ware. Those without reason are alarmed But have no fear, you won't be harmed A place you've seen, yet experienced not Rise above and strike while the iron is hot! When you've the answer to these two, You'll know just what you need to do.
7. The Qeynos Guard, with gnollish plans, Was sent out on alerts: Go take away their piled junk And hit them where it hurts.
8. Though Foster's home they did erase He's still tending to his face But getting what he wants is hard It seems there has sprung up a guard You'll need to go see them removed So Foster's skin may be improved. (But not the ones in metal, mind, You need to bring another kind.)
9. I bid you welcome! Come, sit down! Enjoy a pint! Don't mind the frown On the one who pours the drink He's harmless, and he'll sell, I think. But once you've drunk up all the beer, You might need this to help you steer.
10. Careful when this one you seek Don't place your hand within its beak And though it's really made of bone, It sounds like it's as hard as stone.
11. Friendly, wubbly cubes You're here with us once again! Have a great big hug!
The Eleventh Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
This is where these things will be: Two are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH --------------------------------
Frostfang Sea New Halas Everfrost Great Divide Eastern Wastes Western Wastes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Is it for use, or for some game? It has a rather curious name The ones who made it, what it's for, Is that who it's supposed to store?
2. These new plants have just been found They're interesting - they're very round These by the camp just will not do For they lack a pretty hue. I need something that will glow, So further onward I must go.
3. At the closing of the day, The workers' cares can fade away No more thoughts of iron or jewels Once they have set down their tools A place for drink, perhaps for meat, I think that I shall take a seat.
4. Overfishing in this land Has been most harmful to this band And those who should help keep them fed Have had to fight off the undead Onward we have had to roam And few are left within our home Perhaps one day we'll set it right But for now, we must still fight Go to where we used to dwell Retrieve our banner, where it fell
5. On a journey I did go, Learning ways of ice and snow. I have managed not to drown And I will soon arrive in town. But I'd feel better in this land With something sturdy in my hand. There must be something on the wall Do I take one, or take them all?
6. Curse this museum (or a zoo?) This mission has gone all askew If only he had kept his grip My life would not now slowly slip We threw that fool into the sea But he also had the key If he hadn't dropped it in We would know where to begin.
7. Frosty wubbly cubes Keeping us safe from owlbears Have some festive hugs.
The Fifteenth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport outlying areas Freeport sewers The Commonlands Wailing Caves Nektulos Forest
THE CLUES ------------------
1. If you travel there today And take this item far away Those who are living there for free Will, thenceforth, no longer see.
2. Gloopy things that are not cubes Also need to eat And someone had a grand idea I think is rather neat Whoever would do such a thing? I bet it was a gnome This wonder I should go retrieve New pets to fill my home.
3. If you have what had been lost And bring it to the tree, You'll find his search does not exhaust But can he truly see? Though what he had before is gone Perhaps one can be found Why to this place is he drawn? I'll search upon the ground.
4. Having stolen armour, gold, and blade They have returned home from their raid But I will not let them thieve All of this I will retrieve But wait! It seems there is a trick I must be careful what I pick I must select what to bring back If I don't want to be a snack.
5. Inside, Lord Oinkles would explore But, alas, he is no more Now a few are with the guard Out there in their tiny yard. There you will find what you need Is this where they store their feed?
6. Here people used to dwell and shop But now it does not suit. The sword or armour you just bought Will set these in pursuit But bring one back alive today Because they're just so cute!
7. Wubbly ones get hugs Keeping our festival safe And the owlbears out.
The Fifteenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And eleven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things abound Qeynosian lands are where they’re found With one in each place, all around, Not counting cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District The Down Below Vermin’s Snye Crypt of Betrayal Antonica Stormhold Thundering Steppes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Friendly wubbly cubes Below in your tiny room You're so cute to hug.
2. A tale was told, by one unknown, Who fought against our king. Into prison she was thrown, To await the gallows' sting But unafraid, for she believed She'd rise with leader Kane. For this tale to be retrieved, Find what must last be slain.
3. Sometimes you'll need to take a stroll To help those who are on patrol But if you cannot find the route Any thought of aid is moot I've got it! For this seems quite smart Perhaps his locker's where to start.
4. He gave his life in sacrifice But now, well, things are not so nice His fortune has been much reversed When those he swore to serve were cursed The one who ordered his employ Is now the one he must destroy But, perhaps, before you can You should first draw up a plan You'll find an implement nearby So that these schemes won't go awry.
5. It seems some creatures have been shipped But soon got loose within the crypt Should they be, perhaps, destroyed? No! The rules say MUST AVOID! Besides, they're really much too cute So go and take their box for loot.
6. Who would be helping those who hunt? I must seek, and then confront The ones who are providing aid Qeynos must not be betrayed. But before I can accuse Perhaps the goods will hold some clues.
7. Your group's survival oft depends On being made of trusty friends And if a hall might be your goal You'll need to stop by and enrol You might sign up, but what needs down? A lovely portrait of the town.
8. 'Twas the night before Frostfell, and out on the ice All the elves were preparing, with goblins (they're nice). To Freeport! To Haven! To Kelethin's trees! To Neriak! Gorowyn, over the seas! We fly into Qeynos, we fly to the dock, We fly to the Harbor and take down... Well, not anymore. But you need to.
9. Hungry wubbly cubes I know you don't eat your friends So I will hug you.
10. There was a story of a clown Who meddled in the ways of town And when his time had come at last, Together were his bones amassed But he was treated with disdain, For there his bones did not remain Defiled like this isn't right, He and his home must reunite But I'll not carry skull and limb Instead I'll bring his home to him.
11. Festive wubbly cubes Keeeping nasty owlbears out We shall come hug you.
The Fifth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. The Shattering came, some years ago, And many things we then did lack. But we've rebuilt, and re-found lands, And even the gods themselves are back. There are those who tell their lore, Their history will make you think And when you've heard of all, you'll need To duck inside, and have a drink.
2. They flit about, so colourful, Seem like two different kinds of beast The ones above are much too big - Retrieve one I can grow, at least.
3. If you've been here with friends a while, Why not adventure with some style? Buy shiny armour, and some art, And all the charms - that's just the start! You're lucky there's a place to store All the things, since you bought more. Then while you're here, to rest your feet, Don't forget to grab a seat.
4. It lurks and stares Alone or in pairs And might eat your neighbour's dog It thinks you're a snack So watch your back It's not a log It's swimming, it's floating: but it's not made of wood But carefully grab it: eaten is bad, not good!
5. Twelve times a year you'll see it here But that won't be today. But you can find a larger kind Nearby, just off the way. They're on the ground, but not around Retrieve it, don't delay.
6. I didn't know that kobolds cook I'll have to go and take a look There's not a fire, though it's warm I'll just grab the entire swarm.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes Welcome to our festival! Here's a great big hug.
The Fifth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all twelve answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ North Freeport South Freeport East Freeport West Freeport Sunken City The Graveyard The Ruins The Sprawl The Thieves’ Way Serpent Sewer Edgewater Drains
1. As a punishment for crime Banishment to muck and slime Deep below, still bound in chains, Retrieve what little still remains. But for the chains, it might not be - For here all washes out to sea.
2. First they pray, and and then they smite For Freeport must maintain its might If enemies decline to stop Use this to give a little chop.
3. Perhaps a shop, perhaps an inn, But you would know what lay within Although this village is no more Some clues remain above the door.
4. You might be filled with a sense of dread When you walk among the dead Not from the ghouls - they're in no hurry But from these that quickly scurry.
5. As they hold their ground and fight Their commanders still must write Reports on how the orcs, though stout, Have, so far, been contained without. Find what they need for the page to fill But make sure that it doesn't spill.
6. If you decide to buy a steed Don't forget that it needs feed Quite easily it can be found It even covers all the ground.
7. It's only here but once a year And what could be within? It's near the cats and near the rats So go collect this bin.
8. On this, their power struggle hangs So I'll help balance out the gangs Besides, they've caused extensive harm To furniture, with... rustic charm I'll go among them, won't be scared And bring back seats to be repaired.
9. Far below (but not too deep) Even crazies need to sleep The rats won't miss it, if it's strayed, For 'new' ones can be quickly made.
10. The militia's schedule's not released Except by traitors (now deceased) It's been replaced by quite the fake This sort of thing we have to break. We think we know who's making more But, it seems, there is no door. Perhaps if we remove the crate These forgeries might soon abate.
11. Once, nearby, they had a boat No longer, though, is it afloat Those aboard, now on the ground, Are still together, gathered 'round. They have some tasks for you to do But first, relax, and share a brew.
12. Hungry, wubbly cubes Guarding the gates to Freeport I shall come hug you.
The Fifth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And sixteen answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Three clues for adventures in Qeynos Hills, Four within the city standing bright, Two where novices may hone their skills, Three where lie those fallen from life's light. Go begin your searching where amusement fills. One clue in gnollish halls, one clue where bones creep, One clue where thunder calls, and one clue in the knights' keep. Then return your treasures where amusement fills.
1. I yearn for figs and sycamore, Black walnut and raw thyme, But I have searched wood, plain and shore And they no longer climb As once they did, in days of yore, When they were in their prime. So gather what, from grassy floor, I'll eat, but cannot rhyme.
2. One den of treasure, one of food Some seek among the canine brood. The third is where they rest their head Don't wake them, or your face they'll shred If you don't quickly flee aloft Right after you get something soft.
3. The cubes down here must not be harmed The rats, that is less so. Their queen lurks here, don't be alarmed Just bring one from below.
4. They work away (I know not why) For homes for refugees That Qeynos guards no longer pry, A-drifting, from the seas. Get one of what, with sweat and cry, They from the hill did ease.
5. The Qeynos Guard, with gnollish plans, Was sent out on alerts: Go take away their piled junk And hit them where it hurts.
6. Outside their hive they lurk, over the stair Don't mind the smell of undead in the air One deadly shell get (or two, I don't care)
7. O sweet, wubbly cubes! Friendliest in all Norrath! I shall come hug you!
8. A shard of bone I came to own In days gone by From ones like these near bluish seas That scurry, spry, Where charter torn that lies forlorn A rogue might spy.
9. It's neat what else that you can do With Foster's slimy haul. Instead of cutting out their glands Just stick them on the wall!
10. We used to get from Saberteeth The spit we'd use to brew. Alas! those days, they are no more But now there's purple stew!
11. Wubbly and hungry! I better bring some cookies When I come hug you.
12. A fight! A fight has broken out! We should be safe here from the guard. But no, I hear the soldiers shout I'll leave my drink (but take a card).
13. Although the Overlord we spurn, About his city we should learn And what is found inside the tome That's given to whom Freeport's home.
14. O woe! the stone! it sqwisheth not! The water's far too clean! So when thou takest some of it It lesseneth the sheen.
15. If one might sit and smoosh a cube (WHICH YOU SHOULD NEVER DO!) It might look quite a bit like these That slide along and through The paths where undead creatures lurk From whence you'll carry two.
16. An erudite with riddles four Once stood nearby the Coldwind shore And after listening to his voice Of calling points I'd have a choice When fire, water, earth, and air Had been combined in graven ware. Essential to all those who live Is what you must collect and give. Clear, dark, or weak, or strong Is what you'll need to take along. It gives the land its shape and form Both slowly and by sudden storm. Near where once worked a small brass key You'll find the answer to these three.
The Fifth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. Not the place where we'll all go When our days are through below, Here is no Firiona Vie, No steward - but similarity. One of these is often left By those who find themselves bereft.
2. If they like you quite a lot You can buy what they have got. Stop on by and get a scroll From those who keep our spirits whole.
3. Those who follow ways of peace Find, sometimes, they need release. Their rather simple glowing game Compared to war, is very tame. Once you've seen it, come on back, But don't forget to grab a snack.
4. From visiting our former home We took notes, and wrote a tome What we craft (you can, as well) We have within where we now dwell.
5. There are many running 'round, Made from things that they have found. But some have seen their better days And now just sit, without a gaze. Find one to fix that's in this manner, With ratchet, foozlespork, or spanner.
6. Into Norrath, every fae From spirit buds has made his way. But to some, a tasty treat: We must stop those who would eat. Before you can complete this test You must remove this horrid pest.
7. Wubbaing cutely Within your ruined fortress You deserve a hug.
The First Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2010 Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt).
Discovered on 22 Jun 2011 at 16:00:00 PDT.
The First Annual
Festival of Discord
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. Come on in and have a beer Forget about your troubles here Where you, if you've an ogre friend, Can eat and shop and rest and mend.
2. O sweet wubbly cubes! I know that you are down there! So I'll come hug you.
3. Here's a task Qeynosians beat: They harvested all fish and meat, Found each food and mined each ore, (No cheating; they weren't from the store) Then they chopped some maple wood, But not for Hwal, though boots are good. Then a pelt, the gems, and root But we've long had a neat rock suit. Through Antonica they'd roam, Not forgetting salty loam. But you need anything that's rare: We've saved that for the evil fair. Then keep it for when you will go Back to the start - it's not for Qho!
4. Once you found her ancient port She seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up her bubbly, She'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
5. Floating as they please, I see them in the trees. For practice with my bow, I'll take one as I go.
1. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And schemers hid inside a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or graveyard or the bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would fight the gnolls for good By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood, While others journeyed on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound Snakes or spiders, seeping ooze, Shrilling bats or gloom snakes choose, Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So to the forest take a stroll And from the table pick a scroll As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
2. These could be for the Guurok, If we could visit him. Perhaps I'll see him someday So I'll go take a swim.
3. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) So take a look and be astute, For there could be some long-lost loot.
4. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you could both use just anywhen But till you had this, druids simply would not let you in.
5. While on the beach and hunting crab, I soon discovered something drab: Just a bone, a sandy shard. Something else that I'll discard. Wait! What's this? There's some design On this item from the brine. Could the other crabs have more As they scurry on the shore? Yes! The others have them, too! Now what shall I use for glue? I can use the fishes' skin, Won't even have to gather ten. Then I'll take another look At what I found and what I took. The goblins, they should have a cord: Got it! What a nice reward! Very useful scrimshaw token, Now that it's no longer broken. I have long moved on from here: Hunting orcs both far and near. I found on one a stony wedge But with, alas, the dullest edge.
From what I learned before I grew, I know exactly what to do! Five giants slain for whetting stones, And undead pirates for their bones Now all I need to make it rip: Hide of an elephant for grip. You fowl will soon feel mighty pain! Flee from me! I'll be your bane!
6. They're cooking here, so go retrieve A spark of the hot. But too bad troll Chef Gorga Cannot enter her pot.
The First Annual Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
Lera's not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
There are five places you must run Before your scavenging is done: One and two, two, two and one. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Inside the tower is a test Beat all three, and you're the best Search for what remains there, bleak - No champions - just cursed and weak.
2. Once it grew in Freeport's walls But now you must search other halls Find the colour for the bread But don't eat it, or you're dead!
3. Some people bought one for their home But there's a place where, free, they roam When you find them, they will see You not with one, but with all three!
4. The furry things that are not ore And fungus, found, or from the store Will, today, bring only doom You need what's lurking in the gloom.
5. Remember when, upon the path, They'd show the traveller their wrath? But if their young you now erase, They won't grow up and eat your face.
6. No more walls around the town Since they rose, and burnt them down Now the guards are having fits Help them smash them all to bits.
7. Nearby at another fair, Floating gently in the air Fly on up and take one down, Bring it with you back to town.
8. Underneath they guard Wubbaing below Freeport Give them a big hug.
The First Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2007 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt).
Discovered on 22 Jun 2011 at 12:00:00 PDT.
The First Annual
Festival of Unity
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. The Pumpkin King has been about Alas! His minion cannot shout It stands around, a lazy lout Bring back its stuffing, inside-out!
2. Friendly, wubbly things You're not in Antonica I'll wave by the door.
3. It lurks deep down within its cave And, well, it's kind of cute. Give it a hug or just a wave And do not at it shoot.
4. There are two ways out to the plains The path to one does bend and weave Now go and search out where it rains Although today we cannot leave.
5. 'Neath waters still Lie secrets and scum If you visit this spot You'd best bring some rum!
6. Maybe there's water inside It sounds like that's what they store The treasure today's outside I cannot go in for more.
7. There is a tower filled with bees But it is far away To get in, talk to him now, please So I'll do so today.
8. I hunted for his ancient ale But for today I cannot sail To him I'll go and shoot the breeze And wish for life upon the seas.
9. Many fought this ancient foe Deep in his ruins they did go But here was he first laid to rest So visit there to pass this test.
10. Many years ago The trembling hills shook Now go take a look But don't drink the glow.
11. With an eagle eye They let missiles fly These hunters vie Under leaf-veiled sky!
12. It sounds that winter here will blow I'll fly up north and ask Then to the noise of rainstorms go And back completes the task.
13. The necromancers hunted him He fought the highway foe To you he'll pass his guard if you About his legend know.
14. Have you been to the gnoll-filled cave? Stand outside all three and wave But since today we're at the faire Inside to go you must not dare.
15. He's down in his pound But has his own mound If he comes from the dark Beware of his bark!
The First Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport outlying areas Freeport Sewers The Commonlands Wailing Caves Nektulos Forest
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Harvest, craft, explore, or kill And then you can buy what you will If after this your spirits sink, Cheer them up and have a drink.
2. The rioters have risen up And need to be put down The Overlord has kept the peace Since his return to town But killing them is not enough, Nor when their leader's beat They shall not have a place to rest, Destroyed will be their seat.
3. Perhaps if you have lost your way A note will help to save the day But if help does not appear, They will, at least, know who was here. You may see them all around, But find the one that's not been found.
4. Very soon it will be here, The bestest day of the whole year But some items must be had, Or Freeport's children will be sad Some glimmers would really do the trick So bring them now and bring them quick!
5. Things that once were in the sky Now upon the land do lie And made what had been in the sea Also not where it should be
6. To save her people she would try, But it turned out to be a lie And though she isn't coming back, They are still planning to attack If her camp believes she's dead What use to her, then, is a bed?
7. Guarding, wubbly cubes You deserve to have some hugs, Keeping owlbears out.
The Fourteenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos Outlying Areas Qeynos Catacombs Antonica Stormhold The Thundering Steppes The Ruins of Varsoon
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Beneath the city, they're a pest: At killing stuffs, you are the best! Make dead gone these horrid beasts In Norrathland they must decrease! Bring one back - oh, one more thing, Be sure to also splat their king.
2. Long ago, a mysterious mage Lived within the Combine Age Today we know about his tale From scrolls found in a keg for ale. Solving conundrums was his aim, He mastered next the Yellow Flame Not telling much of later acts, The scrolls describe his artefacts: Wondrous stories in that keg, Of crystal rabbit, cup, and egg. But now, it seems, this story's lost, Around the land its pages tossed Seek out where they've been dispersed Go bring back what has the first.
3. Many rescued on the seas Have come ashore as refugees But many are not seen again: They hide within, and then are slain Their journey should not be so hard And so this task falls to the guard Slay their killers, option one - Or another plan which could be done: Perhaps they wouldn't want to be Within a place where they can't see Maybe we'll avert this plight If the halls were not so bright.
4. Many creatures lurk below My studies have a problem, though. I'm studying the ones about, How they compare to those without. All my specimens have fled Much easier if they were dead. But I am not the fighting sort, For you this work would be quite short. Today, though, that is not your role What you need is the control.
5. Above the shop, there is an elf Who'll cut your hair for fees But long ago, in former times, His other goods held keys. Without the washes, resins, oils And tempers made from these There was nothing to be made All crafting would just freeze. For this task, choose carefully: You need the wax of bees.
6. If you need the finest hops They won't be found in any shops You will have to take a trip And once you're there, will give a tip. Except today, she isn't here Since it is not that time of year No farmer's there who will impede Your task to bring back where they feed.
7. Those who have the expertise Build what's needed for the seas There you'll find upon the wall What might help you not to fall.
8. An erudite with riddles four Once stood nearby the Coldwind shore And after listening to his voice Of calling points I'd have a choice When fire, water, earth, and air Had been combined in graven ware. Examine what surrounds us all, Aloft, hold up the vessel, tall Where there is more, it seems like less Revel in its nothingness.
9. Festive wubbly cubes Keeping us safe from owlbears We shall give you hugs.
The Fourth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. You'll find them far above the ground Here, and there, and all around So when their daily work is done They won't be melted by the sun.
2. When there's a tear, or break, or scuff, He'll sew and fasten, join and buff And while he fixes every rip Those nearby might have a tip He will, of course, impose a charge Since some supplies can be quite large But let's see what he's put away Could these be used for storing fae?
3. Down here most everything's a ghost The tents, the dwarves, the gnollish host And if they're dead, they need not eat So you can go retrieve their heat.
4. Once you came into the town You learned his pet had broken down But what he needs is at no store Maybe you'll retrieve the ore? It's very rare. It's from the moon. Please hurry back. He needs it soon. But what's it look like? You've not seen. He says it's... erm... well, it's... it's green.
5. First some solvent, then a clue And then they send me off to Wu Then books and ledgers get me in If I want to join their kin From one whose loyalties did change I found a rune that's rather strange It's from the Obelisk of Blight And made a portal to a fight A simple staff that's made of wood? She wanted better. That's no good. And now she she says to take a box What is it? Gold? Or gems? Or socks? And then some enemies to kill Those who wish the family ill And finally, retrieve a gem - Assassins here for me! Not him! With all these tasks that I have done I'll take revenge on everyone. I've been set up! I won't be beat! I'll steal what's right beneath her feet!
6. He's very worried about their cook So asked you to go take a look It turns out she made her escape, Confronted by an elder ape Now he's a very happy guy He's glad she's back, with berry pie It's very tiring, delving deep So find where he will get some sleep.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes You've come to our festival! I must come hug you.
The Fourth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport adventure yards Freeport sewers The Commonlands Fallen Gate Wailing Caves Nektulos Forest Nektropos Castle
One of these areas has two items
1. Once, to build majestic halls, With many workers for their walls, Things were gathered far and near (Like ore and wood, not shrubs or deer) Find what remains and bring a box Of roots, or gems, or even rocks.
2. Spooky creatures can be found Outside, within, and underground Although the one you need can fly, It won't be found up in the sky. You need the one that is a ghost, Found among the orcish host.
3. Many stand upon the altar Hurry back and do not falter Her shrine's within, but not too far, Who fought with Erollisi Marr.
4. Where bears and bats once laid in wait Is home now to three plants of hate Some are short, and some are tall, You will need to find them all!
5. You learned what things are all around, Ore and roots, food from the ground You'll next learn what is made from these: This recipe should be a breeze. With metals (and a little luck) The anvil with a hammer's struck.
6. The marvellous, new wooden doll Was thrown, unwanted, with a fall Through the grate to down below - But now she wants it, so I go. Lost in here, with clothes all tattered, I wrote my tale, but it was scattered. My task has failed, but you'll be done When you bring back what has page one.
7. Although his old place was torn down He still sells goods within the town. You often need to plan ahead: It takes some time to bake his bread. Today, since time is what you lack Instead enjoy a citrus snack.
8. Filled with brains, or blood, or eyes, They stand within where hatred lies. Upon the land, beneath the earth, All power is our right from birth.
9. Many wubbly cubes Keep their guard under Freeport Thank them with a hug.
The Fourth Annual Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all six answers first derive. No harming cubes.
Lera's not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
In Teir'Dal lands you must give chase With one in each, to win this race And one that's in another place. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ----------------------- Darklight Wood Neriak Nektulos Forest The Commonlands Fallen Gate ?
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Twelve times a year you'll see it here But that won't be today. But you can find a larger kind Nearby along the way. They're on the ground, but not around And one will be your prey.
2. For years they search, and mine, and dig It must be something really big They haven't, so far, found their mark - Let's see what happens when it's dark.
3. I heard a story of a mage Who vanished in an another age To track him down, I asked a sage No one knows where he might lurk Though she's been searching - only murk But I helped her with her work. Some fallen orc skulls, from the stronger And one lost soul, now lost no longer I brought to her its residue And then we found to where he flew. With all this done, you've probably guessed That now I really need a rest. Find a place to set my head The maid won't need it, since she's dead.
4. Once you've gone and caught your food It might be baked, or fried, or stewed If you've gone out for many tries You might be low on your supplies And if your luck is also low He has some out for sale, you know.
5. If you get poisoned in their place The others might come eat your face But if you sneak up nice and slow You might find some before they grow. But even if you're rather brave You needn't go into the cave.
6. Wubbaing down there You guard the four paths, now one I must come hug you.
The Fourth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2010 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt).
Discovered on 22 Jun 2011 at 15:00:00 PDT.
The Fourth Annual
Festival of Unity
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. Come on in and have a beer Forget about your troubles here Where you, alone or with a friend, Can eat and shop and rest and mend.
2. O sweet wubbly cubes! I know that you are in there! So I'll wave to you.
3. Here's a task that can't be beat: Harvest every fish and meat, Find each food and mine each ore, (It's cheating if they're from the store) Then you'll need to chop some wood, But not for Hwal, though boots are good. Then a pelt, the gems, and root, Maybe there's a neat rock suit? While Antonica you roam, Don't forget about the loam. You don't need anything that's rare: We'll save that for the evil fair. Then bring them back so I can go Return and give these things to Qho!
4. Once you found his ancient port He seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up his bubbly, He'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
5. Wand'ring as I please, I see them on the trees. For practice with my bow, I'll take it as I go.
1. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And evil scheming in a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or to the caves or bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would adventure on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane, While others fought the gnolls for good, By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound For snakes and lizards, mites and rats, Manta rays and sonic bats. Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So stop on by and choose a task From in between the crate and cask As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
2. Could this be for the Guurok, If we could visit him? No, just for silly goblins, For they are often dim.
3. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) I think you should go take a look For there could be a long-lost book.
4. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you could both use just anywhen But till you had this, druids simply would not let you in.
5. While on the beach and hunting crab, I soon discovered something drab: Just a bone, a sandy shard. Something else that I'll discard. Wait! What's this? There's some design On this item from the brine. Could the other crabs have more As they scurry on the shore? Yes! The others have them, too! Now what shall I use for glue? I can use the fishes' skin, Won't even have to gather ten. Then I'll take another look At what I found and what I took. The goblins, they should have a cord: Got it! What a nice reward! Very useful scrimshaw token, Now that it's no longer broken. I have long moved on from here: One day I was hunting deer. I found a tiny piece of fur Looks like from some gnollish cur.
From what I learned before I grew, I know exactly what to do! I've gathered ten more - that was rough. Now for something I can stuff Into these gloves, some griffon down Before I can return to town. And finally, a tendon thread To sew it shut and get ahead.
6. They're cooking here, so go retrieve A spark of the hot. But too bad troll Chef Gorga Cannot enter her pot.
The Fourth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
You'll find these things. You need not flee. Five are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ---------------------- Frostfang Sea Great Divide Thurgadin, City of the Coldain Eastern Wastes Everfrost
1. In snow or ice they'll keep you warm And give protection from the storm Retrieve one from the store of hide Where only hardy folk abide.
2. While I was shopping at the store I wasn't sure what this was for What's this? I asked, and I was told. So that's what it was meant to hold. I'll buy one and I'll keep it near In case its contents might appear, If in my travels I might find Some dwarves, the complicated kind.
3. The dwarves and giants re-enact - Could they be helped by an artefact? A blessing powerful indeed If it's remade, they might be freed. Later, thread, and rune, and ink But first, to find it. I must think. Some notes, though damaged, were retrieved Perhaps this task will be achieved. Although I've found these words of lore I'll look again - there could be more!
4. The chief received disturbing news And you're the one he would accuse But since you found the sacred stone He would leave your head alone No wonder he's in such a mood If this is all they have for food The pickings here are very scant They just have these, which aren't a plant.
5. It's on the ground! It's all around! It's here! It's there! It's everywhere! In all my sight... But where is right? Still bereft? Which is left?
6. The beer was almost in my sight But, challenged, first I had to fight We wrestled; she was soon pinned down I poured a mug, went back to town Whoo! This brew is rather strong! And that's when everything went wrong I searched the highs, I searched the lows Before I could retrieve the clothes. One little stein of such a beer Taught me my lesson, so, this year I'll take instead, despite its fame A cup made of what's in its name.
7. The holiday that's almost here Uses things found very near Once cooked, you'll find your gathered leaf Goes nicely with your dish of beef.
8. On the shelf, in a cave She needed someone who was brave You'll be fine, and might not die. But what it's for, she said not why. You found the gems, and poured the booze So you'll succeed, and should not lose. I'm still not sure just what's her angle, But since she pays, I'll go and tangle. Then once their numbers I decreased, She had more plans for the beast. Go bring these back, we'll raise them right And they'll protect us when they fight.
9. Friendly, festive cubes Guarding the Games from owlbears Have a great big hug!
The Night Before Frostfell by Shhh This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * Twas the night before Frostfell * And Homeshow was loud * * With sweet decorations For one cloudy mouse * * * * From Freeport to Qeynos * They honored the dead With Ratonga Tree Toppers * * And praise from the Devs * * And Ennia in her white wings * And Snowman Knit Cap * Opened Gifty Bags * * For newbs to unwrap * * * * Then Frostfell Wonderland * Popped presents to gather * And the wardrobed filled in * From quester to crafter *
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * They all crossed the rainbows * To unfreeze the past * * With Lasting Thaw Potions * From Jingle's fresh batch * * * * The Fauns puffed their chests * As they danced in the snow * Near fire to defrost * * Our frostbitten toes * * * When, what to our Pickclaw Jigged ears * Should appear * * "The sound of sleighbells are ringing! * Do you hear?" * * * * * Fae, Elf and Gnome studied * The /who city lists * * And chimed in agreement * "Must be Stellacious" *
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * Norrathians all blessed * In Cloudrat's good name * Opened Frostfell houses * And Homeshow all came * * * Now, Ennia! Now, Luna! * Now, Stella and Hoaxes! * On, Celest! On, Kawfee! * On, Quiarrah and Fenlin! * * * To the walls of Mistmoore! * To the top of Highhold! * Now, decorate! Decorate! * Decorate all! * * * * Where autumn leaves pile * And butterflies fly * Now snow drifts mound peaceful * On polished ice tiles *
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * So all the house portals * They remade brand new * With trees gathering presents And Stella Claus, too * * * The Icy Kromzek Keep * They packed every room * With etched Frostfell snowflakes * Hanging from the roof * * * The Estate of Unrest * All littered with bows * And in Down Below, Cloudrat * Still heavenly posed * * * Her snowy white fur * * In sacred garments * All white robes a-glittered * And glowed where they went *
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * Her dojo still shines * And lights every path For the meek and the mighty * All across Norrath * * Her smile, so little! * Yet powerfully heavy! Her whisker specked nose! * Atop like a cherry! * Her cute little mouth Beams like her halo * Her wings of valor Pop out like a bow * * Her Nurrg's Weapon quiet Safe in its sheath Her paws carry silence * With no boots to squeak
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * All clad in white lace She hovers below And humbles each race * Like light falling snow * The sweetest and most Benevolent mouse * She watches the fun From Frostfelly Clouds * A twinkling sky * Filled deep with our friends In the dead of night Where their story ends * * They speak not a word But faintly shimmer All filled with squeakings * And ribbits and purrs
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * They sing from above Shine through all the gloom And their message is carried * By good deeds we do
So go decorate And fling lots of snowballs As the hour grows late * Be joyous and hopeful * Their message is plain Albeit out of sight * Merry Frostfell to all And to all a good night
* o ( \ O / ) --Shhh \ ( ) / * ______( )_______---------------_________--____ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The Ninth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. 'Twas once corrupt, but now rebuilt, and not in Kelethin The spire and the roads you could both use just anywhen But till you had this, druids simply would not let you in
2. There's family here, so far from home, Perhaps he's also made them roam Or harvesting fills them with dread, And that's why to here they've fled, They do not think his hobbies funny, And are here for trout and honey They've escaped, for now, at least And could set up a yummy feast. But before they can grow fat, First you need to spread the mat.
3. It holds a cactus in the ground But cacti aren't where this is found. It might become a screen or block, Or a pillar made from rock.
4. Sometimes you have to break some eggs But this you should not do. Find the ones where this is done And they will be for you. You might climb up, but not too far If you should seek this loot And there's much that can be seen When you're upon the butte.
5. You could stop and buy some art, Or a stove to make a tart Perhaps a statue of the gods, Or many other ends and odds If all this shopping has you beat You can also take their seat.
6. His clockwork pet has broken down And what he needs is strewn All across the cratered lands, Discarded by the moon It isn't far - go over there And then it will be seen. How will you know what I will need? It is - it's, well... it's green.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes At our bouncy festival Have some great big hugs!
The Ninth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport Outlying Areas Freeport Sewers The Commonlands Nektulos Forest Darklight Wood Timorous Deep
1. If you're the sort who hates the sun Perhaps from this relief is spun? Go find the thing that has this name If you want to win the game.
2. Our allies keep with them a list Of associations in their midst And once they're formed, we let them in, Whether sarnak, elves, or men. These allies, trust, but verify So go make sure that none's a spy.
3. Above, out in the the summer heat The devotees of fire meet Others below are not so charred As they roam and as they guard. These, to which you must lay claim Have no elemental flame.
4. If you've been looking for a pet This could be what you need to get Though it's near those that are the best You might prefer this furry pest.
5. When you live among the dead You need a place to lay your head So do not let the sleep be curbed But storage? That can be disturbed.
6. While on the paths you must not stray Into the trees along the way That's whay it's here, but rules I scorn So from the ground it must be torn I'm sure they'd think it's rather great For are not theirs the ways of hate?
7. For those that help you move your feet It's essential that they eat When buying, don't forget this need For many, this will be their feed.
8. Welcome, wubbly friends! You deserve a great big hug, Keeping owlbears out.
The Ninth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And eleven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District The Ironforge Exchange Workshop Qeynos outlying areas Qeynos catacombs Antonica Blackburrow Stormhold The Thundering Steppes Zek, the Orcish Wastes Everfrost
1. There are those out spreading hate And they've been busy, as of late We've tracked them down, found out their plan But they're not here. It seems they ran. Yet nearby there is a jar. Is this a clue? It seems bizarre.
2. Though not the answer to this clue, In their camp is purple stew. But getting there could be quite hard Since they have towers for their guard. It's not a place they need to be Go take this so they cannot see.
3. For those who turned to ways of good, Through bats and owlbears in the wood They set their sights, in days of old, On one that many called the Cold. But now he's gone. He is no more. So grab the food that's there in store.
4. Hug the friendly cubes! This would make a great guildhall They'd have their own room.
5. On this, perhaps, you'd wipe your feet When scribing scrolls or cooking meat. They once were found in every town Now all but one have been closed down Still fully stocked, no need to roam - But empty - everyone's at home.
6. The erudites and kerra fought, But now they work as one. And if they're injured in their fight, For potions they might run. It's fortunate there is a shop That's just outside the gate And there is where you'll need to go, There items do await. But potions you cannot bring back, The guards won't let you in. Instead, take both from on the floor If you would like to win.
7. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And evil scheming in a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or to the caves or bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would adventure on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane, While others fought the gnolls for good, By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound For snakes and lizards, mites and rats, Manta rays and sonic bats. Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So stop on by and choose a task From in between the crate and cask As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
8. It seems that someone tried to steal, Perhaps foul magic needs them real? But I don't see the thief about And yet, they almost made it out (Later we'll bring back the chest And return them to their rest.)
9. If you come and take a peek Be very careful when you sneak. One who failed is now quite dead - You'll see the axe atop his head. In and out you'll have to slink But if you make it, take a drink.
10. First (or last?) there was the wine And then some goggles, next in line A deck of cards, marked for the cheat But hat does not make this complete. For what you need, here last of all: The vase nearby that's on the wall.
11. It's neat what else that you can do With Foster's slimy haul. Instead of cutting out their glands Just stick them on the wall!
The Ninth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
This is where these things will be: Four are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH --------------------------------
Frostfang Sea New Halas Great Divide Eastern Wastes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Try not to be too afraid While you're hunting for this blade Once you've found it, I suppose, Bring it all, not just the nose.
2. If you lose your way in town And find that it is night This will help you not fall down And may restore your sight.
3. From here they made their vicious plans Though these were turned aside But many of them still remain And have their banners wide The village and the city here Must never be their aim Their banners should be here no more Go cut it from its frame.
4. Many would come here to meet Some in victory, some defeat Although no longer in the lands You'll find their emblem still to stand
5. Once there stood a mighty tree But here it could no longer be It tried to fight off the attacks, And soon fell beneath the axe Yet amidst the sorrowing gloom Things can still be found to bloom Some have one, but you need both Will here waken new-found growth?
6. Several have been stationed here In case the Ry'Gorr orcs appear And not too far from these brave troops Are pointed, festive spears, in groups Be careful if they start to fall If shattered, they won't do at all.
7. Festive wubbly ones Visiting and needing hugs At our festival.
The Second Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. Since they're tracking monks of Wu Their keeping weapons just won't do. Find the camp where they're displayed And remove from them a blade.
2.Many captains are, and were Called by some a scurvy cur. But not all sailors are the same And this one didn't fit that name. For in his chest, instead of loot, Not gold or jewels - he had fruit!
3. If you track them by their scents You'll find them gathered near their tents But hanging there's a grisly sight (Especially by moon, at night) For once their victims did depart, They strung up, well, a kind of art.
4. A tale of soldiers, and of death The last had - so it says - warm breath. You'll need to go and find the tome By one who would invade our home.
5. In this game, every single pawn When captured, will, quite soon, respawn. Although lifeless, they don't cease So find one and bring back a piece.
6. They'll give you a place to store Tools or armour, coin or ore But even if the room's confining, You'll find the light you need for mining.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes Surrounded by the undead You deserve a hug.
The Second Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive, Eleven answers they'll derive. No harming cubes.
Lera's not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
One clue in Freeport One clue in the Freeport villages One clue just outside Freeport Two clues underneath Freeport Two clues in the Commonlands One clue in the Wailing Caves One clue in Fallen Gate One clue in Nektulos Forest One clue in Nektropos Castle
1. Braaaaaaains! are what it wants to eat But Marr won't smite it down. Tear off a hunk of rotting meat And bring it back to town.
2. I want a floating book But gargoyles bar the way Please bring one back for me.
3. Remember when, upon the path, They'd show the traveller their wrath? But if their young you now erase, They won't grow up and eat your face.
4. Just what it means to be an elf I'll learn from food upon on the shelf Once poisoned, it will serve as bait For those who'd spurn the ways of Hate.
5. He could be here, or lurking 'round Three other places, if he's found. If not, your quest he would confound. If you've a mask, then you know who. But play is all he wants to do So from the table take your cue.
6. Filled with brains, or blood, or eyes, They stand within where hatred lies. Upon the land, beneath the earth, All power is our right from birth.
7. Nine small containers made of wood Stand near the fortress of the good Retrieve one to see what it's for The ghosts don't need them anymore.
8. Low tide brought many creatures in With tentacle or tooth or fin To make a whip, they'd add some weight: Go bring me one (or bring all eight).
9. Beside their engines They fell, yet they still wander Their weapons lie strewn.
10. I hope from there they do not drink, Not from the pool where oozes slink, But with a pot of greenish goo A troll could make some orcish stew.
11. O sweet, wubbly cubes! Gelatinously you roam I must come hug you.
The Second Annual Festival of the Blood Moon Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
Lera's not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
In Teir'Dal lands you must give chase With two in each, to win this race And one that's in another place. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Troops were sent, in many bands To conquer far-off elven lands But empires of both elf and man Invaded back, and war began. With many away, their strength was short But still they held their mighty fort. As rangers started to amass, They locked the gates, to hold the pass. The dragoons were few, but they were bold, And knew they only had to hold Out for a while - they'd soon grow With reinforcements from below.
They waited there, behind the wall, But that day Neriak would fall. The forest trembled with a boom, And cities toppled to their doom. Neriak had just been sealed But yet they fought, and would not yield. No reinforcements, no supply: In battle the dragoons would die. Though Innoruuk was very proud, Much mystery would soon enshroud What they protected, and its fate, Could there still be a clue, or crate?
2. Where many came to live and shop Now dwell undead, who never stop They no longer rest their joints And do not need its wooden points.
3. There is a place that's rather great, If you need to gather hate. But do not fall into the pool, Or you, too, might become a ghoul.
4. Inside is where the brothers meet, But why? To fight? To scheme? To eat? Stop in and find out what they think And don't forget to grab a drink.
5. Where bears and bats once laid in wait Is home now to three plants of hate Some are short, and some are tall, You will need to find them all!
6. Although they're only sold in here, They're not a beast that we hold dear. Alone, or grouped they can be found, Scurrying upon the ground.
7. If you would earn an ancient scroll, Then Neriak must be your goal. But part of what it was is scattered, Ever since the lands were shattered. Collect one that is very old Of silver, platinum, or gold.
8. An elf named Teah brought great shame Upon the noble Teir'Dal name He was just a common thief Who stuffed himself beyond belief His excess was of a degree That he had lost all subtlety Since all knew, the time was right: To strike, and to remove this blight. Teah's lesson soon would come From a young elf in Freeport's slum Who, being taught the ways of this, First collected Shadow's Kiss. Soon the fungus was distilled, The first step in the plan fulfilled. Aldera asked another stop, At Kalraath the merchant's shop: 'A medium that one can eat, Say it's for me, but be discreet.' He asked what kind, and what it's for Many things were in his store. 'Ingestible. Aldera pays. She's teaching me our ancient ways.'
He gave it, with no time to pry An answer from her as to why. Aldera said, 'I need not ask If you told what this will mask.' Her lessons learned, the elven youth Said she told Kalraath the truth. 'She's teaching me our proper arts.' 'That answer's true, and shows your smarts.' And with the Shadow's Kiss within, Now the last step could begin. She had learned well. Her skills, they show. To Lynsia it next would go. He'd often steal things from her shop That night he'd steal, and then he'd stop. But careful - if one else would eat, All this they would have to repeat. A true Teir'Dal thinks of the cost, If only now, the future's lost. 'One last thing to share with you:' The Teir'Dal's loyalties were two. Some stayed in Freeport, although bleak The Thexians, though, said that's weak.
They would not live within that shack, They strove to find their Neriak. Those in the Alley wanted home But knew there was no need to roam. Grow strength and knowledge, day by day Instead of throwing lives away. The lesson placed, soon Teah learned His unbecoming ways to spurn, For the plan that they had hatched Had led to Teah's quick dispatch. Since the changes to the town Kalraath's shop has been closed down. But other merchants, through the gate, Sell goods for learning ways of Hate. Visit one of them, instead, And buy what rendered Teah dead.
9. Hungry, wubbly cubes Standing guard under Freeport I must come hug you.
The Second Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2008 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt).
Discovered on 22 Jun 2011 at 13:00:00 PDT.
The Second Annual
Festival of Unity
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. I shall eschew the mushroom And bypass, too, the snake Instead, I need this creature And it lives towards the lake.
2. I know you're in there! You're just so sweet and wubbly I shall wave at you.
3. So many things that she must do! Mail and pepper! Fish! Meat stew! She might again need help now, too So see if there's a task for you.
4. He wanted wood, he wanted ore But just what does he need it for? And now, of course, he needs some more So of each bring him half a score.
5. Poor halfling! Now how will he fish? But since you're here, he has a wish The gnolls took it away from me! Please get it back! Won't you agree?
6. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you can both use just anywhen But till you have this, druids simply will not let you in.
7. Talking cabbage, giant rings Pumpkins, bats, so many things They like potatoes, so you'll win If only you will buy a spin.
8. He'll want some food, some deer or fish, And then for ale you'll dash. But for today just learn from him And see his pretty sash.
9. The Pumpkin King has been about Fire! Burn! his minions shout But they've departed at the day Retrieve a piece from where they play
10. A port there was along the coast With clerics, knights, a valiant host But now by pirates overthrown Put them to rest; bring back a bone.
11. Whatever could be in there, Where goblins like to be? But once I can unlock it, I will jump down and see. Look out, you nasty goblins, I'm coming for you! Wheeeeeeeeeee!
12. It used to go into the beer Till Ironforge said no. So when this treasure's now obtained You to the vendors go.
13. It lurks deep down within its cave And, well, it's kind of cute. Give it a hug or just a wave And do not at it shoot.
14. There s many kinds of vermin here And these three you may know. The knights say things will be less drear For Qeynos strike a blow!
15. While we are at this pleasant fair, Take now a journey through the air: A shadowknight, perhaps by fate, Had fled to here from through the gate. Having trudged through sewer deep, And entered into Lucan's keep, He crept his way past owlbears foul Who by the path for travelers prowl, And next passed far across the sea, Then through the thund'ring plains. Here we May follow now the path he flew And see the deeds that he did do. Fly by the woods, where lay the gnolls Five hundred, now off of the rolls Of enemies of this our land Slain here by one of Freeport's band Could he perhaps have changed his ways? Fly near where he to Darvin pays A piece of gold, when he, alas, Cannot just yet his questions pass. But more he traveled, that to learn
How he from evil ways might turn. Fly past the place, where on his path Confessed he next both greed and wrath. Then back we go, to near the gate Where, fully cleansed from former hate, He travelled back, but now within Fair Qeynos as a citizen, He for the Queen shall fight and win His battles as a paladin.
The Second Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
In each place on the list you’ll see Is where you’ll find each thing to be Except for two, in Frostfang Sea. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ---------------------- New Halas Frostfang Sea Great Divide Thurgadin, City of the Coldain Eastern Wastes Withered Lands Cobalt Scar Everfrost
1. Before you travel out to sea Safety's number one (or three) Before you sail, two hang nearby In case your journey goes awry. If you no longer have a boat You might use them to stay afloat.
2. Once (well, twice) there was a fight With one who had the greatest might And after wailing, tears, and blues It stands rebuilt for all to use Now there you will find a shop And this is where you need to stop You say it won't fit in your pack? Just roll it up upon your back.
3. If you want to learn to fly Maybe you'll be stopping by And while it learns from every test You might make this, and build a nest.
4. In a land, found long ago You'll find them running to and fro They'd fit right in, to hunt or guard Or run around your frozen yard.
5. It's a pretty sort of stone So find the place where it is grown Seeing it really makes you think Oh - get the blue, not green or pink.
6. You'll find some ruins, very deep Where once the land was not asleep. Fly in, then bring back a plant Be careful - for it might enchant.
7. Nowadays, there's rosy cake But long ago, you need not bake If you wanted lower rent You'd stockpile these to great extent But though that power is no more It still looks nice upon the floor.
8. In lands of ice you must be strong Where only hardy shrubs belong. Hunt all three, while far you roam Then you can put them in your home.
9. Frosty, wubbly cubes You've come to our festival! Here's a great big hug.
The Seventeenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things abound Qeynosian lands are where they’re found With one in each place, all around. Not counting cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos Outlying Areas Antonica Stormhold Blackburrow Thundering Steppes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. From northern lands to Qeynos Hills A traveller made the trek But on one journey, written down, He met with naught but wreck Absent were the usual guards His wolf chased for a lark, No sound was heard within the pits Then rumbling in the dark Thrown to the ground, the wolf ran off And this time not for sport, Her terror echoed, then a roar - Her whimpers were cut short Our traveller knew not where to turn For gone was solid ground But for a ledge up near the roof He, too, would have been drowned His tale survives, but not intact Did it come to this age To make it whole, I must go hunt I'll start with the first page.
2. A tragic tale of an attack I shall avenge, and pay them back All remaining from this strife Is this engraving of his life.
3. There were likely those who came To watch some win, or lose a game Where they were, there's still a trace To be found within this space.
4. Twelve times a year the leaves are here But that won't be today You need not to search a lot For they aren't far away Though leaves are gone, to gaze upon Them, they can still be seen Moving round, they do abound Though looking rather green.
5. When every letter had been found, Some above, some underground When you return, it will be clear What is this? He isn't here? But wherever could he hide? Perhaps he could be trapped inside?
6. Crafting's what you're here to learn So careful not to let them burn When you've made the things to eat You can have a tasty treat.
7. Once those on the other side Had an extra tax applied Anything could be in here, From furniture to books or gear.
8. Festive wubbly cubes We have great big hugs for you Wubbaing above.
The Seventh Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. For two days only you can brew And harvest what you need anew But when you look, and search, and comb Some things can be taken home Since now it's closed, you can't get these So search instead upon the trees.
2. Their numbers have seen great increase And this could much upset the peace For then the land would grow quite dark: We must bite back at those that bark But fighting them, I must confess Would leave a really great big mess Instead I'll gather where they fish This plan could work. Perhaps. I'll wish.
3. You'll find him rather far from home Since his folk have had to roam But speak to him, and you will learn Why they've left, without return Of secret plans he told a tale And gave rewards of long-lost mail On all this history, stop and think, Go chat with him, and grab a drink.
4. At a festive time of year If you go and visit here, You'll find much chaos (and much beer) But now it's gone, and mostly clear, Except for these, which do appear: Take care it doesn't eat your gear.
5. The king gave orders that this band Should camp and mine within this land When from those there complaints were heard, Some settlement the king preferred But royal orders were ignored, There would be no peace restored Instead of what the king had sought, A massacre is what they brought Thus displeased, their god did burst From down below, and made accursed All the members of this host, Each and every one a ghost For not acting with restraint, This act of hate has left its taint Perhaps if you remove their shield The curse may, someday, finally yield.
6. Some sort of weapon's hidden here Their ledger, it might say What they've uncovered, what they've found And end our long delay They've brought many things with them They not just here today But if they cannot get some sleep Perhaps they'll go away.
7. Helpful, friendly cubes Wubbling at our festival Keep owlbears away!
The Seventh Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere these things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport sewers Freeport outlying areas The Commonlands Wailing Caves Fallen Gate Nektulos Forest Timorous Deep
1. They say they're strong and are the best So let's give them a little test Will they stand, or will they fall If they can't see atop the wall?
2. This is where the trail has led Some live within, but some are dead And yet they walk. Is it the glow? Retrieve a sample. We must know.
3. Our allies keep with them a list Of associations in their midst And once they're formed, we let them in, Whether sarnak, elves, or men. These allies, trust, but verify So go make sure that none's a spy.
4. You think it's just where filth is flung Not only cubes, though, wubba young. It needs no feeding, this I bet, So go retrieve it for a pet.
5. So far, the militia hold them back Yet soon they will again attack They might not be so brave, I think Without some courage they can drink.
6. With drolvarg, drachnid, iksar slain And dragon treasure you did obtain Many friends helped you succeed To win this power, great indeed. And then to make it better still A scholar's task you did fulfil. But what you won at greatest cost Was then, alas, most sadly lost! Yet hearing rumours, all around: What was lost is often found. Is it in there? I know not what Could be inside the crate, nailed shut So what's unlocked I first will seek I'll bring it back, and take a peek.
7. One seeks the rise of those who fight And one, of those who heal. And since they've heard about your might They offer you a deal. Go thin the ranks, they say to you, So their side will have growth But you've a better thing to do: For Freeport, slaughter both!
8. A ritual lets them connect With their forebears, and reflect They've been enslaved, they've been the
master, Their cities rose, met with disaster Despite their struggles, they still last, Find this knowledge from their past:
The Faceless One placed us in Kunark's lands, We were enslaved, and by the Shissar cursed. The sacred Green Mist brought us from their
hands We, unaffected, watched our captors burst: We desecrate all things they once had made. Then Venril Sathir rose, and we were one, And Sebilis was built - for so he bade. But Trakanon destroyed what he had done. We burn their bones, with honour, in a pile The Rending came, and smashed an iksar
ship: Survivors took their refuge on an isle. They battled, but were bound in Lucan's grip. We fought Rallosians with him to be free: Cast his oppressive tools into the sea!
9. Guarding, wubbly cubes, Here's a great big hug for you. Keep those owlbears out!
The Seventh Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos catacombs Antonica Stormhold Butcherblock The Thundering Steppes The Ruins of Varsoon
1. You can train, or you can fight (Or meditate outside at night) But win or lose, you'll be their guest Find something that will give you rest.
2. They trap the ones that live in here And other things, as well. Bring back an egg before they hatch Try not to mind the smell.
3. Above the shop, there is an elf Who'll cut your hair for fees But long ago, in former times, His other goods held keys. Without the washes, resins, oils And tempers made from these There was nothing to be made All crafting would just freeze. For this task, choose carefully: You need the wax of bees.
4. Although long dead, they still create Those who patrol and those who wait. They enchant what can be found Stored within the broken ground.
5. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) I think you should go take a look For there could be a long-lost book.
6. A tale was told, by one unknown, Who fought against our king. Into prison she was thrown, To await the gallows' sting But unafraid, for she believed She'd rise with leader Kane. For this tale to be retrieved, Find what must first be slain.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes Wubbaing inside your room I must hug you all!
8. We used to put their spit in tea This we no longer do. Instead, their camp that's near the gate Will give us purple stew.
The Seventh Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
This is where these things will be. Four are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ---------------------- Frostfang Sea Great Divide Eastern Wastes Everfrost
THE CLUES ------------------
1. A goblin who has been cast out Isn't what this clue's about Though his reward, with vengeance fed, Fits very nicely on a head Be careful not to fall asleep When seeking it within the deep.
2. They live divided into bands, Each one found in separate lands, But if you go and ask their chief You'll find division brings him grief. How can it be that he's so bright? What is it that gives him his light?
3. The bestest festive holiday Is only ten short months away But some of its delightful cheer Can be found throughout the year It has a mouth, but has no breath, And in these lands, the sun's no death This simple craft to brighten homes Is loved by all, from elves to gnomes
4. It's hard to find good things to eat In a land without much heat If anything will grow at all The cold has made it rather small Since the pickings are so scant, Bring back the entire plant.
5. Before one's hunger's satisfied, These must be set both far and wide In icy gulch or snowy grove, They might have something for the stove.
6. Long ago, in times afore, They lost their fight, but not their war Did they somehow fail their test? Why are they here, and not at rest? For what purpose have they stayed? Are answers found within this blade? (A little hint before you go: You won't need to search the snow.)
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all eight answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things abound Qeynosian lands are where they’re found With one in each place, all around. Not counting cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos Outlying Areas Antonica Stormhold Blackburrow Thundering Steppes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. This mage is in a nasty mood Does he have to be so rude? There are rumours he has heard So into action he was spurred His associate, at any rate, In the hills is where he'll wait Magic knowledge has been found Many books and tomes abound You could go in, and might not die Perhaps you'll show it's not a lie He'll pay if you can find the place I'll show him and bring a whole case!
2. While travelling away from home I met a curious assistant gnome He asked me for a jug of brew And I wondered if it's true Are they really making beer? Could a brewery be here?
3. It used to be, when paid in change Something happened that was strange You'd find yourself so loaded down That you could barely crawl to town If you sold your things next door A surprise might be in store Perhaps I'll keep a faster gait If I could only check the weight.
4. Many others live within, From places such as Kelethin But not all visitors are kind Some are here with evil mind A threat from an assassin looms Perhaps he'll be lured out with blooms But in supply these will be short If you are not the winged sort If this plot was not for you, Instead of blooms, a vine will do.
5. After you've arrived by ship There are things you must equip Things for your adventure need, To store, and see, and drink, and feed But if one flask is much too small, Behind is one that's standing tall.
6. In Starcrest Commune was a treat Although it doesn't sound so sweet Everyone just loved them here But ingredients are gone, I fear You could get what we need. You're strong. I haven't had them in so long.
7. Here is where you'd make the trek To travel to the isle of Zek But though the old routes are no more There are still ways to leave this shore While awaiting Butcherblock I thought I'd rest here, and take stock But what's nearby is much too loud And it's looking much too proud I must stop its incessant whine Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!
8. Festive wubbly cubes Guarding us from up above Here are hugs for you.
The Sixth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. Although the Queen remains in town There are assistants further down. They're very busily employed Attempting to hold back the void But for today, their tasks are through You just need plants - did they just mew?
2. Before the young can venture forth They first must learn to fight Corrupted things must be removed To keep the city right Though last resort, it must be done And now that you've come back It's very tough, this keeping safe, So grab yourself a snack.
3. To learn of fire, peace, and beer Where you need to go is here Once you've learned about all three, With one, perhaps, you might agree And after this has made you think Your brain is full - you need a drink
4. Within a land that's full of gloom These will light your way. Don't let your hunting meet with doom Bring one home today.
5. A rather festive holiday (No, not that one) is on the way With things that whirr, and clank, and spin! So go to where it will begin. And since you have a month until, You still have time for greater skill. Since these you cannot make at all Just take one down from on the wall.
6. How low our enemies will stoop, Befouling our fine stream with gloop Won't you help protect the fae? Take it! Take it far away!
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes Visiting our festival Here's a great big hug!
The Sixth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And eleven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport The Coalition Crafter's Association Freeport sewers Freeport outlying areas The Commonlands Wailing Caves Fallen Gate Nektulos Forest Enchanted Lands Rivervale Lavastorm
1. Here people used to dwell and shop But now it does not suit. The sword or armour you just bought Will set these in pursuit But bring one back alive today Because they're just so cute!
2. First (or last) there was the wine And then some goggles, next in line A deck of cards, marked for the cheat But hat does not make this complete. For what you need, right by the wall, Is something round to store it all.
3. Very useful is the light When scribing scrolls all day and night They once were found in every town Now all but one have been closed down Still fully stocked, no need to roam - But empty - everyone's at home.
4. So these are all the things they take And this is where they go. Some of it can be retrieved Before it moves below.
5. Perhaps an elemental wizard Would have an interest in this lizard. What is it, he'd like to learn That makes such a creature burn?
6. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And schemers hid inside a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat, To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await.
The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or graveyard or the bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would fight the gnolls for good By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood, While others journeyed on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound Snakes or spiders, seeping ooze, Shrilling bats or gloom snakes choose, Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold, So to the forest take a stroll And from the table pick a scroll As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
7. Once you've travelled through the gate Soon some houses will await Within is where they used to eat So stop on by, and take a seat.
8. For those who turned from ways of good, Through bats and owlbears in the wood The gates are shut - that is their plight - And so they must avenge this slight. Grab the sign that's by the Valley Then Dinas will begin the tally.
9. Here you can find several stores And could go on a tour But first get what's upon the wall To keep your things secure.
10. Medallion, monocle, or hoop Aren't what you need today. But what you do need is nearby It isn't far away. Maybe they could be a pie For last month's holiday.
11. Hungry, wubbly cubes Some think you're food, but you're not I will come hug you.
The Sixth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all twelve answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
All Karan is in the mix, Except the villages, all six Things from there we'll have to nix. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
1. Once the plants were all around, Nearby, a few can still be found. The next you'll find might not have squid, Near one of three is where it's hid. The other sunken ale, of course, Tastes much better from the source. Instead of water far too clean, Find some with a much lesser sheen. Retrieve what once was gathered twice, Free stuff's always really nice. Your team want Festival acclaim? Find remnants of the cheated game. And if you do not want to lose, Bring back, alive, what ate the clues. 'Twas thought the first, it was the third, Don't eat it, for it's most absurd. Though rare, it once was melted down, To hide the box to curse the town. Lots of junk - at last, a note! Could there be something else they wrote? Before the hunt today may cease, You'll need to find the final piece.
2. Hungry, wubbly cubes Here, have a hug for your king Sivnillinicos.
The Sixth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
This is where these things will be: One, four, and five in Frostfang Sea And two and seven, six and three. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
THE CLUES ------------------
1. After grabbing sacks of fuel, You made a sword, and cake, and jewel Now that you have got a hammer, The crafts you make will have more glamour Your skill has grown, and specialised And newer items are devised Sturdy things for homes are good So you'll need more supplies of wood.
2. You helped the father, and the son Who thought that he would roam. But now that your exploring's done They've settled in a home. So while you're here, you'll stop on by, And see the name it bears, This indication should imply That this one must be theirs.
3. Pilgrims came from near and far And travelled to this land To visit Erollisi Marr And where her cairn did stand But on their way, they were attacked By those who like to eat Help them to arrive intact And not turn into meat.
4. Some suffered wreck from dragon's flight For others, 'twas by orcish might But now the journey far was done A new adventure has begun. Though misfortune on me fell, In this frozen land I'll dwell From this setback, I will rise But for that, I'll need supplies Through the remnants I will comb For things that could equip my home: Among the things that have been strewn Perhaps a place for plate or spoon.
5. Usually no wild cubes Live near these frosty seas But other things almost as cute Wubba here with ease As though the very ground itself Has congealed and flees Take one home with you today! I'm sure that it will please, An adorable reminder of Your time near frosty seas.
6. Our foes hunt, and mine, and chop Their war against us will not stop All things here have felt their blow What once was high has been made low Retrieve the resource they have cleft, The remains which they have left.
7. Frozen cubes need hugs Keeping owlbears far away, Not eating faces.
The Tenth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all ten answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
In Greater Faydark they are found Or Kelethin, above the ground Search for them. They're all around. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
First Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
1. If they like you quite a lot You can buy what they have got. Stop on by and get a scroll From those who keep our spirits whole.
Second Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
2. Many captains are, and were Called by some a scurvy cur. But not all sailors are the same And this one didn't fit that name. For in his chest, instead of loot, Not gold or jewels - he had fruit!
Third Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
3. Not far away you'll find a foe That do not wish our land to grow. There, from a seed, you'll find a light That guards the path both day and night.
Fourth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
4. When there's a tear, or break, or scuff, He'll sew and fasten, join and buff And while he fixes every rip Those nearby might have a tip He will, of course, impose a charge Since some supplies can be quite large But let's see what he's put away Could these be used for storing fae?
Fifth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
5. Twelve times a year you'll see it here But that won't be today. But you can find a larger kind Nearby, just off the way. They're on the ground, but not around Retrieve it, don't delay.
Sixth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
6. Before the young can venture forth They first must learn to fight Corrupted things must be removed To keep the city right Though last resort, it must be done And now that you've come back It's very tough, this keeping safe, So grab yourself a snack.
Seventh Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
7. You'll find him rather far from home Since his folk have had to roam But speak to him, and you will learn Why they've left, without return Of secret plans he told a tale And gave rewards of long-lost mail On all this history, stop and think, Go chat with him, and grab a drink.
Eighth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
8. Come and hear about her way, Mother to both elves and fae Her high priestess you will meet, Learn from her, and grab a seat.
Ninth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
9. There's family here, so far from home, Perhaps he's also made them roam Or harvesting fills them with dread, And that's why to here they've fled, They do not think his hobbies funny, And are here for trout and honey They've escaped, for now, at least And could set up a yummy feast. But before they can grow fat, First you need to spread the mat.
Tenth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt
10. Friendly, wubbly cubes Bounce to us! And give big hugs At our festival.
The Tenth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive, And all ten answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
Some in the Commonlands, around, And others are in Freeport's ground Within book two, a hint is found. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
THE CLUES ------------------
The First Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
1. Once you found her ancient port She seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up her bubbly, She'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
The Second Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
2. Nine small containers made of wood Stand near the fortress of the good Retrieve one to see what it's for The ghosts don't need them anymore.
The Third Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
Big Bend
3. Carrots, oranges, beans to mash Are found within it, if you smash. Sometimes they're all that is about Pick one up! See what falls out!
The Fourth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
4. Although his old place was torn down He still sells goods within the town. You often need to plan ahead: It takes some time to bake his bread. Today, since time is what you lack Instead enjoy a citrus snack.
The Fifth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
5. First they pray, and and then they smite For Freeport must maintain its might If enemies decline to stop Use this to give a little chop.
The Sixth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
6. First (or last) there was the wine And then some goggles, next in line A deck of cards, marked for the cheat But hat does not make this complete. For what you need, right by the wall, Is something round to store it all.
The Seventh Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
7. One seeks the rise of those who fight And one, of those who heal. And since they've heard about your might They offer you a deal. Go thin the ranks, they say to you, So their side will have growth But you've a better thing to do: For Freeport, slaughter both!
The Eighth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
8. When you walk among the dead Ideas might pop into your head And what might be inside the box? Coins? A sword? Or just some rocks?
The Ninth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
9. Above, out in the the summer heat The devotees of fire meet Others below are not so charred As they roam and as they guard. These, to which you must lay claim Have no elemental flame.
The Tenth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt
10. Helpful, wubbly cubes Keeping us safe from owlbears Great big hugs for you!
The Tenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues - Willow Wood 2 by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Welcome to the Willow Wood! An eager learner, that is good. Speak with Davyn, he's the same, And learn Feir'Dal's not just a name. Offer help - he's just ahead - And then return with what is said. Good day to you. And you, as well. I'm busy, though. My thoughts propel Me everywhere. I'm quite distracted, And my focus is impacted. It must be from some inner distress, But my dear friend's tribute can't progress. Your help I most appreciate, See Aelis. She will help create. I knew that he'd accept your aid. Do you know why a tribute's made? You will learn. It will grow clear. Reverence for something dear, Friends or family, nature, too, Crafting tributes is what I do. I help the one who comes to ask Make something worthy for his task.
We'll build not just a physical shell, But metaphysical as well. It's strange that he does not desire To take more part or to acquire The things we need. But as he please. First Dewdrop leaves. You'll gather these. The quality can be great or scant, Each must be from a different plant. Here are the leaves. What's next to do? The tribute needs a task from you. It's Davyn's tribute, after all, So do it for him - grand or small. Is my tribute finished yet? A task for you must now be met. That's funny, since you're doing one. What sort of task must now be done? It could be anything you need. I've one, though dangerous, indeed. I'll try. A wolf was seen last night, And gave the citizens a fright. The first report's from Taval Zane. Go speak to him and find this bane.
And if you haven't yet gone in, There's one-room lodging at the inn. Good day. The wolf report was yours? You've chosen, too, to stay indoors Where it's safe. Yes, that was me Who saw the wolf out by the tree. I ran inside and closed the door Before the wolf could do much more. Later, when I dared peek out, Towards the scribe it went about. Jana's usually there, but I've Doubts that she is still alive. Last night, a rabid wolf was here Jana, did you see it near? I did not, but you should check JUst to the north, that wooden wreck. When I arrived, I saw that cart Looked like it was torn apart. Aha! Some tracks lead to the east And soon I've found the rabid beast. It growls and charges from ahead, But very soon, the wolf is dead.
To Davyn, with some news for him: You've helped, although the task was grim. Aelis then asks what you did. I tracked a wolf and then got rid Of it. No, no, with more detail, Or else the ritual will fail. He asked me how his tribute was, And sought a task. He said he does Have a task he'd give to me: Put the wolf out of its misery. And how did this task make you feel? Sad? Or scared? With eager steel? All these feelings began to dawn. Interesting. Please carry on. He then sent me to the inn Where Taval was afraid within. Did you comfort Mr Zane? Yes, I helped his fear to wane. Then Jana's often by the shop, So she became my second stop. She hadn't seen it, wasn't worried, But pointed out a cart. I hurried
Over to see goods and sacks Rummaged through, and found some tracks. Were you nervous or on edge? A bit. Continue. On the ledge, In the hills I found the beast It leapt at me - then was deceased. Now that it's done, have you regret? Nature kills when there's a threat. Most interesting. I'm now inspired To write the tribute that's required. The last component's all around: Woodsun flowers must be found. You got the flowers? Here they are. Take it to Davyn. It's come far. How goes your tribute? It's not mine. You and Aelis made this sign. It would show great disrespect To Ulinir if I elect To place this tribute on his grave. I would not wish to so behave. He was worthy, though you didn't know Ulinir. Yes, I will go.
The Forest Ruins have a river, Its end is where you will deliver This tribute which you have acquired. May others also be inspired By the friendship you have shown, And may see how much you've grown. The grave is found, the tribute placed: May his memory never be erased. Ilaen Lilac stands nearby And speaks about the earth and sky. If we don't work to save this land, No one else will raise a hand. With what problems are you so in tune? If you've not felt it, you will, soon. The movement, interest, deaths quite strange, There's been a most alarming change. Though there are signs of this new threat, The Guard has not shown interest yet. Deer are slain at such a rate, Some say it's wolves that just predate. A few, but most, definitely not For these deer are left to rot.
Their wounds seem like from arrow fire, But no clues I could acquire. You've returned from your patrol This arrow was made by a gnoll. Take this arrow to Germain, Maybe now it will be plain. Citizen, what have you brought? I hope that isn't what I thought. The gnolls are likely on the move, Although one arrow doesn't prove Enough to spur the city. I'm Sure the proof will come, in time. I'm sure this problem will be won, Thank you again for all you've done.
The Tenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all twelve answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
They're in Antonica. Not far. With old clues as they were, not are Clue six has hints. It's not bizarre. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
The First Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
1. The Pumpkin King has been about Alas! His minion cannot shout It stands around, a lazy lout Bring back its stuffing, inside-out!
The Second Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
2. Antonica and Commonlands and on to Kelethin The griffon and the boat you can both use just anywhen But till you have this, druids simply will not let you in.
The Third Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
3. I shall eschew the mushroom And bypass, too, the snake. Instead I need this creature And it lives towards the lake.
The Fourth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
4. Once you found his ancient port He seemed a rather friendly sort Now that you've dug up his bubbly, He'll let you have what's almost wubbly.
The Fifth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
5. I yearn for figs and sycamore, Black walnut and raw thyme, But I have searched wood, plain and shore And they no longer climb As once they did, in days of yore, When they were in their prime. So gather what, from grassy floor, I'll eat, but cannot rhyme.
The Sixth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
6. Before the hunt today may cease, You'll need to find the final piece.
The Seventh Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
7. There was a ship that sailed the sea It once was one, but now is three. (But not the ship that brought us here: It still is one, but gone, I fear.) I think you should go take a look For there could be a long-lost book.
The Eighth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
8. It used to go into the tea Till Ironforge said no. So when this treasure's now obtained To vendors it must go.
The Ninth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
9. From the sea they fished us out, Adventurers, then mage or scout, Or fighter, or not in the least, Some became a healing priest. We, now back upon dry land, Chose the Queen or Lucan's band, Having learned to swing a sword, Cast a spell, and craft a board, We fought some goblins with the guards, Not yet crusaders, shamans, bards, Put undead back in the grave, And evil scheming in a cave. Explored dark woods and undersea, Found the gnome his whatsits three, (Later giant hawk or ooze, Merchants selling special booze, Goblin tree and mole rat's bark, Vicious octopus or shark) Finally aboard their boat,
The Ninth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
To Freeport walls or Qeynos moat Though not allowed within the gate, For one more quest did then await. The guards would not yet let us in Since we were not a citizen. Off to the sunken city street, Or to the caves or bog of peat, Then back, now having passed the test For these two cities, Norrath's best. Some would adventure on the plain With orcs as foes, an endless bane, While others fought the gnolls for good, By Fippy's Hill and Archer Wood. And as they travelled all around They found that notes with tasks abound For snakes and lizards, mites and rats, Manta rays and sonic bats. Then once fulfilled, now feeling bold, They turned the order in for gold,
The Ninth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
So stop on by and choose a task From in between the crate and cask As thanks for all the skills they taught, And did it in the way they ought.
The Tenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt
10. Friendly, wubbly cubes Here at our tenth festival Have a great big hug!
The Tenth Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all ten answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
Here is where these things will be: All are found in Frostfang Sea Nowhere else you'll need to be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH --------------------------------
Frostfang Sea New Halas
THE CLUES ------------------
1st Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
1. Although here they're rather scant, Sometimes you can find a plant. Then you'll find your gathered leaf Goes nicely with your dish of beef.
2nd Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
2. Nowadays, there's rosy cake But long ago, you need not bake If you wanted lower rent You'd stockpile these to great extent But though that power is no more It still looks nice upon the floor.
3rd Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
3. Those living here, they must be bold To choose to dwell in bitter cold But in their shelter, they protect Those from the ships that have been wrecked Inside this respite from the storm You'll find what keeps them toasty warm.
4th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
4. On the shelf, in a cave She needed someone who was brave You'll be fine, and might not die. But what it's for, she said not why. You found the gems, and poured the booze So you'll succeed, and should not lose. I'm still not sure just what's her angle, But since she pays, I'll go and tangle. Then once their numbers I decreased, She had more plans for the beast. Go bring these back, we'll raise them right And they'll protect us when they fight.
5th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
5. You helped repair the wheels that spin, And made some traps with rats within But today, before you leave, Pick up what you had to weave.
6th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
6. Usually no wild cubes Live near these frosty seas But other things almost as cute Wubba here with ease As though the very ground itself Has congealed and flees Take one home with you today! I'm sure that it will please, An adorable reminder of Your time near frosty seas.
7th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
7. A goblin who has been cast out Isn't what this clue's about Though his reward, with vengeance fed, Fits very nicely on a head Be careful not to fall asleep When seeking it within the deep.
8th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
8. Sometimes things cannot be found For in this land, they're blown around Don't let them take our things away Grab one now, and make it stay.
9th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
9. Festive wubbly ones Visiting and needing hugs At our festival.
10th Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt
10. Here is written every deed, Gathering things that heroes need Or, if crafting's not your thrill There are always foes to kill Don't let what you do be missed Always first peruse this list.
The Third Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. It's hard to make your way, I've found With paths and mushrooms all around And narrow paths that bend and sway - You'll now find there's an easier way. But keeping going at that speed Must require lots of feed So when they've finished from their ride They'll find it waiting, right beside.
2. For queen and city they explore And you can help with tasks galore. So take this with you when you go To figure out what's down below.
3. Not far away you'll find a foe That do not wish our land to grow. There, from a seed, you'll find a light That guards the path both day and night.
4. In a place that looks quite glum You can learn what's yet to come And if you choose to make the trip, Take one of these - but should you sip?
5. If you need to smoosh some ore For weapons, armour, or a store There's a place some might call crazy But run on down, and don't be lazy. Then once it's all been smooshed to loam Take one of these to get it home.
6. A rather festive holiday (No, not that one) is on the way With things that whirr, and clank, and spin! So go to where it will begin. And since you have a month until, You still have time for greater skill. Since these you cannot make at all Just take one down from on the wall.
7. Friendly, wubbly ones Down there in your little room You need great big hugs.
The Third Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all six answers first derive. No harming cubes.
Lera's not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
In Teir'Dal lands you must give chase With one in each, to win this race And one that's in another place. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ----------------------- Darklight Wood Neriak Nektulos Forest The Commonlands Fallen Gate ?
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Twelve times a year you'll see it here But that won't be today. But you can find a larger kind Nearby along the way. They're on the ground, but not around And one will be your prey.
2. For years they search, and mine, and dig It must be something really big They haven't, so far, found their mark - Let's see what happens when it's dark.
3. I heard a story of a mage Who vanished in an another age To track him down, I asked a sage No one knows where he might lurk Though she's been searching - only murk But I helped her with her work. Some fallen orc skulls, from the stronger And one lost soul, now lost no longer I brought to her its residue And then we found to where he flew. With all this done, you've probably guessed That now I really need a rest. Find a place to set my head The maid won't need it, since she's dead.
4. Once you've gone and caught your food It might be baked, or fried, or stewed If you've gone out for many tries You might be low on your supplies And if your luck is also low He has some out for sale, you know.
5. If you get poisoned in their place The others might come eat your face But if you sneak up nice and slow You might find some before they grow. But even if you're rather brave You needn't go into the cave.
6. Wubbaing down there You guard the four paths, now one I must come hug you.
The Third Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
Awarded by Lera Arcamenel (2009 Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt).
Discovered on 22 Jun 2011 at 14:00:00 PDT.
The Third Annual
Festival of Unity
Scavenger Hunt
Official Clues
1. They stand around down by the sea Now having built their buildings three For those upon the side of good. They don't need more left-over wood.
2. The men out standing on their farm Have seen their crops all come to harm Help them out, with sword or pole And bring a shell out from its hole.
3. Ooo, a really nifty thing! What's it for? What could it bring? Something to put in my pack Then to collect and carry back.
4. O cute, wubbly things! Wouldn't you like to have one? I shall wave to them.
5. These don't belong upon my hat! Don't listen to Kardell. What used to hear, instead bring back. They're flying near the bell.
6. Sailing through the sky A cloud forms. Bring back a piece. Why do they explode?
7. Please do not get turned to stone When hunting these. Don't go alone. Because if you don't bring a scale When you return, this hunt you'll fail.
8. If you've a halfling here with you He'll really want to come. But must not eat what you'll retrieve If even made with jum.
9. The Pumpkin King has been about And in the fields his minions shout One stands around, the lazy lout Bring back its stuffing, inside out.
10. I shall eschew the mushroom And bypass, too, the snake. Instead I need this creature And it lives towards the lake.
The Third Annual Halasian Highland Games Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
You'll find these things. You need not flee. Five are found in Frostfang Sea The others are where one will be. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Places to search ---------------------- Frostfang Sea Great Divide Thurgadin, City of the Coldain Eastern Wastes Everfrost
1. You helped the father, and the son Who thought that he would roam. But now that your exploring's done They've settled in a home. So while you're here, you'll stop on by, Yes, that's the plan, you think, We'll tell some stories, laugh and cry, And share a frosty drink.
2. They've made their home along the coast With towers that aren't stone And here they fight the fishy host Which won't leave them alone The fenceposts keep them from defeat, Besides, they've got some heft So leave those there, but they must eat - Go gather what is left.
3. Those living here, they must be bold To choose to dwell in bitter cold But in their shelter, they protect Those from the ships that have been wrecked Inside this respite from the storm You'll find what keeps them toasty warm.
4. The Very Bestest Holiday Is only ten short months away When every building, gleaming bright Is covered in most festive white But when it's gone, you still can gaze At this at home, and count the days. This gift for others, or yourself, You got from goblins, or an elf There are still some that can be found, And you can get them all year round.
5. Careful not to find disaster Outside the fortress of the master For if first place you want to snag You'll need to go retrieve their flag.
6. The things you've found outside of town Will help your guild gain great renown But once they're sold, where are they stored? Is what's outside part of the hoard?
7. Once you've travelled very deep It looks like it's the Icy Keep Although it's not where it would be, For there's a stone, and not a tree. It must wait for another day So return along your way But careful, for you might be dead If what you need falls on your head.
8. At first, there's never any glamour But if you only had a hammer You'd craft things powerful and grand, The best goods found in any land Yet here is where you must begin, Stuck with only lead and tin Before book, chair, sword, cake, or jewel You need to grab a sack of fuel.
9. Friendly, wubbly cubes Hiding at our festival I'll find and hug you!
The Thirteenth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport outlying areas Freeport Sewers The Commonlands Fallen Gate Nektulos Forest
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Twelve times a year you'll see it here But that won't be today. But you can find a larger kind Nearby along the way. They're on the ground, but not around So take the three away.
2. Some knowledge will be very good If you will have to fight You'll know how to protect your brains And keep them safe and tight Find where you can learn these things And this will be your goal Bring back what has this lore contained But not one that is whole.
3. Sometimes here the leaping's higher And other times they worship fire This is where your path will lead Below is merely what you need.
4. This device has caused a flood But what it's brought, it isn't mud It could have only been the crazed What sort of plot might they have raised? I must remove it, stop the flow This pollution has to go.
5. The banner of our city's might Is where they speak, and where they fight But these events that we have planned Aren't all that's found within the land Another festival is here With fireworks and dreams (not beer) There the decoration glows But which should be the one you chose? This clue's start will guide you toward The one to match our Overlord.
6. Their duty they would never shirk, Fighting foes, and paperwork For this clue it would be best To find those who are in the west And this would make a lot of bread To keep all of those here well fed.
7. Guarding, wubbly cubes Keeping us safe from owlbears Have some hugs of thanks.
The Thirteenth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all nine answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will "yes" or "no" decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos outlying areas Qeynos catacombs Antonica Stormhold The Thundering Steppes The Ruins of Varsoon
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Hope they they don't eat your head While guarding tombs that hold the dead And keep an eye out for the seer, Who may, or who may not, be here But either way, you must be smart To dodge the guards and get the art.
2. Friendly, wubbly cubes Wubbaing down in your room Waiting to hug us.
3. Try catching these, if that's your wish, To make a very tasty dish You'll see them, while you are about, Delicious, scrumptious, yummy trout A pole, though, isn't needed here Use axe, or sword, or mace, or spear.
4. In Stonebrunt Highlands, way upstairs You'll find Soren, with his wares But they are also down below And that is where you need to go. Then once you have what can be worn Bring back, too, a globe of corn But careful not to lose your breath When hurrying from Life to Death.
5. An erudite with riddles four Once stood nearby the Coldwind shore And after listening to his voice Of calling points I'd have a choice When fire, water, earth, and air Had been combined in graven ware. With what the vessel must be filled, Take care that none of it is spilled With it, someday, you will be one Collect it, and your task is done Carefully you need to tread, For home is where this road has led.
6. The perfect, pointy, rocky shard Must be a shape that isn't marred But seeking one to make a knife Brings tears, frustration, lots of strife Will you find the one today? Perhaps the next one that you slay...
7. For a frog or for a toad These might make a leafy road But bigger folks, like elves or men Would sink before they could begin.
8. Inside a shop there is a gnome Who's seeking one to share his home And when he had been interviewed: He likes to tinker, and good food But where would one begin to look, For his match who likes to cook? Where is it that she might lurk? Perhaps where she can do this work. Once there, you'll find that she's away, Since now is not that holiday. She's likely made him many treats, While here, retrieve yourself some eats.
9. Festive, wubbly cubes Keeping owlbears far away Hugs for ones so cute!
The Twelfth Annual Faydwer Faire Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
1. Are the samples good or bad? This will help results be had But what you use, it must be pure For the testing to be sure Its counterpart from long ago Was rather rare, its finding slow But this is easier, a breeze, And it will not make you sneeze.
2. When engaging in a trade It's always nice to have some shade There are so many that assist One will surely not be missed.
3. Once used for hauling mighty stone All that's now contained is bone Bring them back to lay to rest And fulfil this last request.
4. This seems to be a tasty treat It's rather rare, but good to eat A thoughtful gift, when it's been got Alas, it's fouled, and full of rot.
5. If your future's what you want to know, She's to whom you need to go But once I've heard, I won't applaud It seems her words are rather broad Perhaps I'll try another pick Or it could just be a trick.
6. Here is written every deed, Gathering things that heroes need Or, if crafting's not your thrill There are always foes to kill Don't let what you do be missed Always first peruse this list.
7. Friendly, wubbly cubes Guarding at our festival Keeping owlbears out.
The Twelfth Annual Festival of Discord Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And all six answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified, put on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On D'Lere most things are found With one in each place, all around Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
Area list ------------ The City of Freeport Freeport outlying areas Freeport Sewers The Commonlands Nektulos Forest
THE CLUES ------------------
1. To beautify your nearby home You haven't very far to roam To really set your house apart, Decorate your walls with art. For the answer to be done, Go pick up his latest one.
2. What's this item I've been dealt? It seems to be an old stained belt But no: now with the missing grip, I see it's actually a whip. If it's going to help me fight, It needs to have an end with bite. Perhaps on creatures of the sea Is where the parts I need will be. They could hold a suitable weight I'll grab one - or grab all eight.
3. Their names are found outside the door But their names should be no more Pull up one, or pull the lot Freeport's traitors should be forgot.
4. The nomad band is filled with dread, Menaced by the orcish dead This problem I'm asked to address, To go an make the menace less. With promise of weapon I was sent Then, back, I go within the tent From outside I hear his voice, Open it, and take your choice Without my help, this band would fall So I just think I'll take them all!
5. Long ago, someone wrote A fishy order on a note The hand that clutched it had been chewed, The hunter turning into food. He clearly did not pass the test So I'll finish his request.
6. Friendly, wubbly guards Big hugs for watching the gates, Keeping owlbears out.
The Twelfth Annual Festival of Unity Scavenger Hunt Official Clues by Lera This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
The winner is the team of five Or one to four, who all arrive And seven answers first derive. No harming cubes.
I am not a Frostfell elf If called such, you will find yourself Disqualified and on the shelf. No harming cubes.
You'll get a snowball to the head, And on the Naughty List™, and dead To those who wear the green and red. No harming cubes.
Each team will have a referee Each item gathered he must see And, asked, will 'yes' or 'no' decree. No harming cubes.
The referee can help you fight And must be with you at each site
But other help would not be right. No harming cubes.
You may use guides to quests and lore, With information laid in store For all of Norrath to explore. No harming cubes.
On Karan's where these things are found With one in each place, all around, Except for one, where two abound. No harming cubes.
When you are at the proper spot, And wish to give a clue a shot, Emote which clue, and what you've got. No harming cubes.
/picks up a leaf from on the ground Might be an answer that you've found, Bring back all answers safe and sound. NO HARMING CUBES!
PLACES TO SEARCH ---------------------------------
Qeynos Capitol District Qeynos Province District Qeynos Outlying Areas Qeynos Catacombs Antonica Thundering Steppes
THE CLUES ------------------
1. Outside the city home to man Enemies prepare their plan Clues discovered here and there Eventually lead to their lair Within await the Qeynos guard With yet more tasks (but not too hard) Of which, completed, or cut short They still must file their report But if you take this on the run Their reports cannot be done.
2. Long ago, upon the plain Where shrubs and fungus used to reign Nothing else would be around Except these, crawling on the ground Retrieve a shimmery, verdant shell (The entire thing will do, as well.)
3. Not Faydwer, nor the Great Divide Is where this answer will abide Although the place that has this clue Sounds like it's named for both these two And though it does not show the lands It still will spin beneath your hands.
4. If you lived among the good In Commune, Hamlet, Yard, or Wood, You might have been left unaware That your room was no longer there! You had to run all over town Before you finally tracked it down All that looking made you think, So go downstairs and grab a drink!
5. These don't belong upon my hat! Don't listen to Kardell. What used to hear, instead bring back. They're flying near the bell.
6. If this answer's what you wish, You might need to find a fish And then with your newfound key You'll know where you need to be Travel there, and take a look At the model, and the book But since it isn't very bright While you're there, pick up a light.
7. Festive, wubbly cubes Here to celebrate with us Have some great big hugs!
Wolf Pup Training by Jetamio, Swiped by Riipa This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.
You will need to teach your Wolf pup three basic commands.
You will be judged accordingly to the Wolf pup's ability to follow your all of your orders.
(Judged by highest /ran roll. This will be an accumulated overall score of all 3 commands)
When each player is ready, they will go one at a time and roll a /ran. Results will be based off of the following numbered reactions. Please make sure to read each list, as they are different depending on the command.
You will teach the pup to "Stay." Issue the command before walking ten feet away from it. The goal is for the pup to stay in the place where you left it.
0-20: The Pup is very hyper and sniffing everything in sight as it ignores your orders.
21-40: The Pup seems calm for a split second before running toward you, yipping and playing at your feet.
41-60: The Pup seems to be settling down before hopping up and bouncing all around.
61-80: The Pup seems very eager and excited but soon stays seated.
81-100: The pup stays perfectly still where
you left them. Come Here
The goal is simple. Get your wolf to come to you from where they sit 10 feet away, or where they have wondered off to.
0-20: The Pup wanders about, nose to the ground, approaching everyone but you.
21-40: The Pup charged toward you! ... and past you. Was that some jerky in that hut nearby?
41-60: The Pup is very intent upon that bird in the sky! Maybe calling to him a second time?
61-80: The Pup comes half way, then stops and starts to play, begging you to join them.
81-100: The Pup yips and barks, kicking up
snow as he comes toward you as soon as you call. Heel
You want to teach your pup to walk along your side you nicely. A proper 'Heel', the wolf's head or shoulder is parallel to the handler's left side leg.
0-20: Your Pup went that way...
21-40: The Pup rolls over, begging for belly rubs.
41-60: The Pup runs ahead, never too far, but certainly not next to you.
61-80: The Pup tries, really they do, but they can't seem to understand which side you want them on and they circle your feet as you walk.
81-100: The Pup stays at your side does not stray.