Total items in category Amenities (General): 27
Advanced Adventure Writ Agent
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling acts as a guild agent assigned to interface with city governments and secure adventure writs that deal with problems on the continents of Kunark, Odus, and Velious.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Advancement Counselor
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is able to help members of the guild to reset and retrain alternate advancement and character trait selections.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Collection Binder
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling assists with turning in collections and binding books that heroes have acquired during their travels.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 19 Jan 2023 at 15:49:17 PST.
Commodities Export Hireling
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is skilled in giving you good coin for items you no longer desire or treasures you can't use, including status drops such as feysteel relics and emerald scrying stones . He dislikes being called a "junk dealer".

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Creature Conjuror
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is able to summon forth Arena Champions to test your combat abilities. Requires you have the creature in your possession before it is called.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 2p, 50g 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 5g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Farseas Express Mailbox
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

You can't send or receive mail at the guild hall without a mailbox and a delivery route, right?

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 0c

Discovered on 19 May 2022 at 15:30:16 PDT.
Gigglegibber Goblin Gamblin' Game Vendor
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This Gigglegibber goblin allows easy access to the world lottery game. Play at your own wallet's peril!

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 0c

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Buff Banner
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This beacon grants a "Guild Buff" spell that grants bonuses based off of the casters guild level.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 250,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 1g, 1,250 status

Discovered on 17 Nov 2015 at 13:00:00 PST.
Guild Cloak Designer
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is paid on retainer to modify the guild's cloak at the command of the organization's leadership.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 1p 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 2g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Hall Banker
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

The banker is charged with maintaining the guild vault as well as the personal accounts of the guild members.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Hall Bartender
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling aids the guild by supplying low price beverages to the members.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 1g, 500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Hall Chronomage
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling aids the guild by providing a service where members can lower their level through automentoring.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 100,000 status

Discovered on 5 Dec 2019 at 21:09:09 PST.
Guild Hall Faction Market Broker
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling aids with buying and selling on the faction broker market.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls on PvP servers for 10p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 20g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Hall Prophet
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling aids the guild by supplying Deity Altars to the members.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 94
Upkeep: 1g, 10,000 status

Discovered on 13 Nov 2012 at 12:00:00 PST.
Guild Hall Stylist
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is employed by the guild to make sure all members of the organization look their best by giving makeovers for the best prices!

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 1g, 500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Guild Hall World Market Broker
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling aids with buying and selling on the worldwide broker market.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls on PvE servers for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Hall Guard
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This mercenary is employed to aid in the security of the guild hall.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50p 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 1g, 500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Herbalist Hireling
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling takes care of the grounds. He will gladly trade small trinkets for any fertilizer, bones, and water you bring him.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 0c

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Mender Hireling
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is able to repair your damaged equipment. He can also be directed by the guild leaders to use funds from the guild hall escrow to assist in covering repair costs.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
PVP Writ Agent
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This agent of the guild works as a liaison between the organization and the city to secure bounty contracts and see that worthy combatants are rewarded for their efforts.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls on PvP servers for 10p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 20g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Relic and Signet Peddler
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling acts as a go-between with the city merchant and the guild to provide the organization with easy access to expendable signets, charms, and relics.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 50g 100,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 1g, 500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Research Assistant
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling can help you research spell and combat art upgrades.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 10p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 20p, 5,000 status

Discovered on 25 Jan 2016 at 2:16:39 PST.
Slayer Poster
This item can be placed on the wall in your guild hall.

This wall mounted sign reports a guild member's slayer status in regards to the various creatures found throughout Norrath.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 1p 50,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 0c

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Stable Hand
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling is employed to care for the mounts of guild members. He bestows a mount speed buff.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 5p 1,000,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 10g, 5,000 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Standard Bearer Hireling
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This hireling provides standards for use in instances across Norrath. The standards can bring a benefit to everyone within the given zone.

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 2p, 50g 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 5g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 16 Feb 2010 at 11:00:00 PST.
Training Dummy Supply Chest
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

This chest provides an endless supply of training dummies that can be set up in the guild hall. Training dummies are safe because they don't fight back!

Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 2p, 50g 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 5g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.
Uniform Mannequin
This item can be placed on the floor in your guild hall.

These mannequins are used to show your hirelings how they should dress while in your employ. Assign the individual hireling to a particular mannequin through his or her customization option window.


Purchased from guildhall amenities in guildhalls for 2p, 50g 500,000 status.
requires guild level of at least 30
Upkeep: 5g, 2,500 status

Discovered on 7 Oct 2008 at 12:00:00 PDT.