Total items in category Scrolls (Paper): 57
"a letter from the Freeport Militia"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This is the letter that was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Mercenary within the Freeport Militia. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Commander Hazran.


Rent Status

Purchased from Gorga in The City of Freeport (145, -17, 140)
requires at least 10,000 faction with The Freeport Militia

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Initiate: Freeport Militia
Welcome to the Freeport Militia soldier! For your loyal service to the Overlord you've earned the title of Mercenary.


Discovered on 2 Feb 2006 at 16:17:17 PST.
Welcome to the ranks of the Freeport Militia! Here discipline and order will reign supreme and with the help of loyal citizens like you we shall never know defeat! Your service has been noticed and for that welcome to your training within our home. In honor of your accomplishment, you've been awarded the rank of Mercenary. Remember that the Overlord is always watching and that failure will not be tolerated. Be well Mercenary! ~Commander Hazran
Stop reading the letter.
"a letter from the Ravens of the North"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This scroll of appreciation was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Settler within the Ravens of the North. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Ravens of the North.


Rent Status

Purchased from Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver in Frostfang Sea (-331, 176, -47)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Ravens of the North

for 20,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Amiable: Ravens of the North
Well done, artisan. Your hard work has been of great assistance in establishing this settlement. You are a credit to the artisan community, and are hereby granted the title of Settler.


Discovered on 25 May 2010 at 13:21:07 PDT.
"a message from the Academy of Arcane Sciences"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Archivist within the Academy of Arcane Sciences. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the "Foci".


Rent Status

Purchased from Brinegaggle in The City of Freeport (4, -34, -150)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Academy of Arcane Science

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Academy of Arcane Sciences
Congratulations on your grasp of magical concepts young Neophyte. For your devotion to your scholastic endeavors you've earned the title Archivist within these halls.


Discovered on 1 Apr 2005 at 12:20:26 PST.
The Academy of Arcane Sciences congratulates you on gaining complete acceptance within these hallowed halls. Your discipline and strength of power in the arcane arts is very impressive and has earned you a position of honor among your fellow practitioners. From this day forward, you will be known as an Archivist, do not let you will or studies falter. Death is the only award that will await you for failing in your calling! ~The Foci
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Celestial Watch"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Apostle within the Celestial Watch. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of "The Seeress".


Rent Status

Purchased from Meredeth in North Qeynos (564, -75, -198)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Celestial Watch

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Celestial Watch
Congratulations Disciple, your faith has reaffirmed our belief in the future. You are now a full member of the order and have been bestowed the rank of Apostle.


Discovered on 25 Jun 2005 at 2:16:00 PDT.
Hello again to our young disciple. Recently events have led you to performing many great deeds on behalf of the city. It is good to be kind disciple, but you must be ever vigilant for treachery and deceit. Have you gotten any closer to the answers that call out to you in your dreams? Word of your deeds have spread beyond this sacred place and it seems you have garnered a reputation for being able to accomplish any task you set your mind to. Your time of study has come to an end, please prepare yourself to fully join our ranks and take up the mantle of Apostle with my many thanks and personal blessing. ~The Seeress
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Celestial Watch"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Adherent within the Celestial Watch. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of "The Seeress".


Rent Status

Purchased from Meredeth in Qeynos Capitol District (525, -32, -169)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Celestial Watch

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Celestial Watch
Congratulations Disciple, your faith has reaffirmed our belief in the future. You are now a full member of the order and have been bestowed the rank of Adherent.


Discovered on 4 Feb 2006 at 18:11:14 PST.
Hello again to our young disciple. Recently events have led you to performing many great deeds on behalf of the city. It is good to be kind disciple, but you must be ever vigilant for treachery and deceit. Have you gotten any closer to the answers that call out to you in your dreams? Word of your deeds have spread beyond this sacred place and it seems you have garnered a reputation for being able to accomplish any task you set your mind to. Your time of study has come to an end, please prepare yourself to fully join our ranks and take up the mantle of Adherent with my many thanks and personal blessing. ~The Seeress
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Coalition of Tradesfolke"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Interagent within the Coalition of Tradesfolke. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of Trade Commissioner Lasarian Nasin.


Rent Status

Purchased from Juvena in The City of Freeport (36, -18, 105)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Coalition of Tradesfolke

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Coalition of Tradesfolke
Congratulations our new Courier. Profit margins are climbing and you're the reason why! From now on, you'll be known as an Interagent within the organization.


Discovered on 9 Apr 2005 at 16:46:17 PDT.
Congratulations on your completion of your initial tour as a courier within the Coalition. Now you have progressed beyond the point of running mere errands. This letter is to inform you that you were nominated and approved for full membership within the organization. You will now carry the title of Interagent and you career in trade can now begin in earnest. Good luck and remember the Overlord does not have any acceptable losses. ~Trade Commissioner Lasarian Nasin
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Concordium"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Chronicler within the Concordium. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of Bellengere the Three.


Rent Status

Purchased from Shinolio in Qeynos Capitol District (713, -20, 129)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Concordium

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: The Concordium
Congratulations Novitiate, you have learned your first lessons well. As a full member of the Concordium you have advanced to the rank of Chronicler.


Discovered on 12 Mar 2005 at 16:17:28 PST.
Upon reviewing your work and due in no small part to the recommendation made by other members of the center, we wish to formally invite you to become a Pupil Adept with the Three Towers Academy of magical study. The speed with which you memorize your texts is nothing short of phenomenal and is something of an inspiration to all that practice the scholastic arts. Congratulations and welcome to the Three Towers, center of magical learning. ~Bellengere the Three
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Dismal Rage"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Acolyte within the Dismal Rage. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of High Priestess Xilania Nevagon.


Rent Status

Purchased from Zur in The City of Freeport (-89, -10, -172)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Dismal Rage

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Dismal Rage
Congratulations Devotee, for your continued faith you will now be known by the title of Acolyte.


Discovered on 11 Mar 2005 at 13:58:15 PST.
Welcome to the fold brave follower. Long and arduous is the path of conquest and might but only those with both strong belief and the will to carry it through will survive the trials. For you strength the order has decided to elevate you. Now as a full member you must learn the lessons of the Acolyte. Once you have mastered these teachings, you will truly be ready to lead our people into the destruction of the enemies of Freeport. ~High Priestess Xilania Nevagon
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Freeport Militia"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Sentinel within the Freeport Militia. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of Commander Hazran.


Rent Status

Purchased from Gorga in The City of Freeport (145, -17, 140)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Freeport Militia

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Freeport Militia
Congratulations Mercenary, you are now worthy of promotion. You will now be known by your new rank of Sentinel.


Discovered on 2 Feb 2006 at 17:00:17 PST.
Congratulations on your victories against the enemies of Freeport! I have very rarely seen the Orcs flee from battle, but you are a born soldier if I've ever seen one. You have proved yourself a true servant of the Overlord and such strength in battle deserves recognition. You will now be known by your new rank of Sentinel and are truly one of the Militia's finest warriors. Sharpen your blade and make ready your subordinates, we have many more battles to fight in order to cleanse this land of the filth that surrounds us! ~ Commander Hazran
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Freeport Militia"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

Congratulations Imaginifer, you are now worthy of promotion. You will now be known by your new rank of Tesserarius.


Rent Status

Purchased from Gorga in West Freeport (145, -17, 140)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Freeport Militia

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Freeport Militia
Congratulations Imaginifer, you are now worthy of promotion. You will now be known by your new rank of Tesserarius.


Discovered on 8 Jul 2005 at 21:05:12 PDT.
Congratulations on your victories against the enemies of Freeport! I have very rarely seen the Orcs flee from battle, but you are a born soldier if I've ever seen one. You have proved yourself a true servant of the Overlord and such strength in battle deserves recognition. You will now be known by your new rank of Tesserarius and are truly one of the Militia's finest warriors. Sharpen your blade and make ready your subordinates, we have many more battles to fight in order to cleanse this land of the filth that surrounds us! ~ Commander Hazran
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Ironforge Exchange"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Envoy within the Ironforge Exchange. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of Baron Ironforge.


Rent Status

Purchased from Fhara Hanford in Qeynos Capitol District (340, -21, -108)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Ironforge Exchange

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Ironforge Exchange
Congratulations Crier, your service to the exchange has been exemplary. Now you are truly a member of Ironforge Exchange and as such bear rank of Envoy.


Discovered on 1 Feb 2005 at 17:14:51 PST.
Excellent work Crier. My many envoys that have met with you in your short time with the exchange have said many good things about the work you have done on our behalf. We must never forget it is the duty of all citizens of Qeynos to aid in the restoration of our community and indeed in our world. I think you've learned all you can in your travels and the time has come for you to begin new assignments with the Exchange. I am hereby promoting you to the rank of Envoy. Keep your wits about you, the city will have great need of your services in the future so be careful when you leave the safety of these walls. ~Baron Ironforge.
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Qeynos Guard"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Private within the Qeynos Guard. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of Knight-General Golias Sydwend.


Rent Status

Purchased from Aldermun in Qeynos Capitol District (472, -5, -29)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Qeynos Guard

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Qeynos Guard
Congratulations Squire, your prowess has improved significantly. As a full member of the guard, you have now earned the rank of Private for your service to Qeynos.


Discovered on 4 Mar 2005 at 8:26:25 PST.
Well done squire, well done! It has been a long time since I have seen a battle where we didn't take any casualties but thanks to your heroism the enemy did not know from what direction we would strike. I and the rest of the guard salute your bravery and heroism. It is with great pride that the guard and the Royal Antonican Court ask that you join our ranks. You are hereby awarded the rank of Private and are now a full member of the Qeynos Guard with all of the privilege and responsibility that entails. These are dark times for the forces of good, but together with your skill and the leadership of the court... the gods will see us through. Best Regards Private! ~Knight-General Golias Sydwend
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Seafury Buccaneers"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Marauder within the Seafury Buccaneers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of The Siren.


Rent Status

Purchased from Exmarch in The City of Freeport (-235, -55, -11)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Seafury Buccaneers

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Seafury Buccaneers
Congratulations Mariner you are truly destined for the life of a pirate! Now, your mates will know you as a Marauder in the outfit, well done.


Discovered on 15 May 2005 at 23:51:46 PDT.
Well, it looks like I underestimated your skill at cutting throats. That's okay, I'm sorry about how we treated you before. Now that you've made it through the small time jobs I think you're ready for a real test. You're no longer a useless Mariner, you'll be a full-blown Marauder in the outfit. Keep your eyes sharp in the city and always look to your mates if you need any help with your work. We've got enough smuggling here to go around. ~Siren
Stop reading the letter.
"a message from the Tunarian Alliance"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter of membership was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Pathfinder within the Tunarian Alliance. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of The Heartwood Matron.


Rent Status

Purchased from Trillium in Qeynos Province District (654, 11, -380)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Tunarian Alliance

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Member: Tunarian Alliance
Congratulations Naturalist and our thanks for your aid. As a full member of the Tunarian Alliance you'll now be known as a Pathfinder wherever you travel.


Discovered on 12 Mar 2005 at 8:35:48 PST.
Hello again friend, I hope this note has reached you in good health. It has become apparent that even though you began with our organization as just a token of friendship, your understanding of our philosophies and what Tunare stands for cannot be brought into question. You have also demonstrated a kinship with the natural world that not many beings are able to accomplish. It is for this reason that I am writing to inform you that you will now be known as a Pathfinder within our ranks. Congratulations and you have the thanks of a grateful city for the service you have done for Qeynos! ~The Heartwood Matron
Stop reading the letter.
"a scroll from the Ravens of the North"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This scroll of appreciation was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Peregrine within the Ravens of the North. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Ravens of the North.


Rent Status

Purchased from Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver in Frostfang Sea (-331, 176, -47)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Ravens of the North

for 20,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Warmly: Ravens of the North
Fine work, Rebuilder. Your continued efforts have been of great assistance in the establishment of New Halas. You have the thanks of the citizens as well as that of the Ravens of the North. We are pleased to grat you the title of Peregrine.


Discovered on 26 May 2010 at 21:53:59 PDT.
This is a letter from the Ravens of the North awarding you the title of White Raven. Congratulations!
Stop reading the letter.
"a scroll from the Ravens of the North"
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This scroll of appreciation was awarded to you for receiving your new title: Rebuilder within the Ravens of the North. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Ravens of the North.


Rent Status

Purchased from Peregrine Helgreth Iceweaver in Frostfang Sea (-331, 176, -47)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Ravens of the North

for 20,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Kindly: Ravens of the North
Well done, Settler. You have worked hard towards the building of New Halas and your efforts are appreciated. Your standing within the Ravens of the North, earns you the title of Rebuilder.


Discovered on 25 May 2010 at 16:50:28 PDT.
This is a letter from the Ravens of the North awarding you the title of White Raven. Congratulations!
Stop reading the letter.
a blank piece of paper
This item can be placed in any house type.

a piece of written letter
This item can be placed in any house type.

a piece of written paper
This item can be placed in any house type.

Promotion from the Academy of Logistics
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Prime Purveyor within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Rent Status

Purchased from Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Academy of Logistics Ally Title: Prime Purveyor
This letter awards you a new title: Prime Purveyor within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Discovered on 9 Dec 2007 at 10:06:29 PST.
The Academy of Logistics is proud to confirm your appointment to Prime Purveyor. There are few among the halls of Gorowyn who can boast to have contributed as much as you. May you continue to serve Gorowyn and Norrath at large with your skills and accomplishments.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Academy of Logistics
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Stockworker within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Rent Status

Purchased from Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Academy of Logistics Title: Stockworker
This letter awards you a new title: Stockworker within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Discovered on 30 Nov 2007 at 23:10:49 PST.
The Academy of Logistics is pleased to inform you that we have accepted your apprenticeship. You show much potential and seem to be ready and willing to accept our orders and instructions. We've awarded you with the title of Stockworker. May you serve Gorowyn well with your hard work and attention to detail. Should you continue to produce such solid and speedy goods, you will find yourself rising high among our ranks.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Academy of Logistics
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Secondary Purveyor within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Rent Status

Purchased from Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Academy of Logistics Title: Secondary Purveyor
This letter awards you a new title: Secondary Purveyor within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Discovered on 6 Dec 2007 at 10:14:57 PST.
With the efforts of you and those like you, Supplytender, Gorowyn continues to grow and prosper. Your contributions have been noted and assessed, and we at the Academy of Logistics believe that you are worthy of ascending to the next rank. You will now be known among our ranks as a Secondary Purveyor and will receive the respect and accolades belonging to one of such rank. Continue to produce as you are, and you will soon find yourself commanding the attention of all in Gorowyn.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Academy of Logistics
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Supplytender within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Rent Status

Purchased from Prime Stockmajor Grelishh in Timorous Deep (2763, 126, 1216)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Academy of Logistics

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Academy of Logistics Title: Supplytender
This letter awards you a new title: Supplytender within the Academy of Logistics. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Academy of Logistics.


Discovered on 4 Dec 2007 at 8:14:06 PST.
The Academy of Logistics has taken notice of your continued performance and deigned you worthy of promotion. Henceforth, you will be known as a Supplytender; until such time as we once again believe you are ready to rise in rank. Your contributions to Gorowyn are vital in its further expansion and building of military might.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Gorowyn
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Gorowyn. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Gorowyn.


Rent Status

Purchased from Thulkanil Shai'lin in Timorous Deep (2647, 66, 1159)
requires at least 40,000 faction with The Watchers of Timorous

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
City of Gorowyn: Primary
Congratulations, Secondary. Your continued work on behalf of Gorowyn has earned you the right to the title of Primary.


Discovered on 3 Aug 2008 at 15:48:34 PDT.
The City of Gororwyn is pleased to confirm your appointment to the rank of Primary. Your continued contributions to the benefit of Gorowyn have set a fine example to our younger Apprentices. May Gorowyn continue to prosper, and you within it.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Gorowyn
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Gorowyn. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Gorowyn.


Rent Status

Purchased from Thulkanil Shai'lin in Timorous Deep (2647, 66, 1159)
requires at least 10,000 faction with The Watchers of Timorous

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
City of Gorowyn: Apprentice
Well done! Your steadfast efforts have earned you the right to the title of Apprentice.


Discovered on 1 Aug 2008 at 12:50:53 PDT.
The City of Gorowyn is pleased that you come seeking apprenticeship. You have proved to be a quick study and we are pleased to award you the title of Apprentice. It is to be hoped that this is but the first step into a long a successful career in the City of Gorowyn.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Gorowyn
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Gorowyn. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Gorowyn.


Rent Status

Purchased from Thulkanil Shai'lin in Timorous Deep (2647, 66, 1159)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Watchers of Timorous

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
City of Gorowyn: Parser
Congratulations, Apprentice. Your continued work has earned you the status of Parser.


Discovered on 2 Aug 2008 at 21:44:09 PDT.
The City of Gorowyn notes that your service to our ranks has been faithful and decicated. You continue to contribute to development and research within our city. Accordingly, we grant you the rank of Parser. Congratulations on your accomplishment.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Gorowyn
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Gorowyn. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Gorowyn.


Rent Status

Purchased from Thulkanil Shai'lin in Timorous Deep (2647, 66, 1159)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Watchers of Timorous

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
City of Gorowyn: Secondary
Good work, Parser. You have earned the status of a Secondary within the city of Gorowyn.


Discovered on 3 Aug 2008 at 12:02:15 PDT.
Excellent work, Parser. You are beginning to establish a reputation throughout the Shattered Lands. We must never forget it is the duty of all citizens of Gorowyn to contribute to the growth and prosperity of our city. In recognition of your efforts in this direction, we are hereby promoting you to the rank of Secondary.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Neriak
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Neriak. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Neriak.


Rent Status

Purchased from Dalion D'Abth in Neriak, City of Hate (-106, 8, 326)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Agents of Neriak

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
City of Neriak: Dread Guard
Well done, Darkblade. You have proved your devotion to Neriak and have earned the status of Dread Guard.


Discovered on 3 Aug 2008 at 9:18:47 PDT.
The City of Neriak is pleased to confirm your appointment to the rank of Dread Guard. Your continued effort to futher the goals of Neriak is setting a fine example to our younger Scions. Congratulations, Dread Guard.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Neriak
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Neriak. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Neriak.


Rent Status

Purchased from Dalion D'Abth in Neriak, City of Hate (-106, 8, 326)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Agents of Neriak

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
City of Neriak: Scion
Congratulations, your efforts on behalf of your city have earned you the title of a scion of Neriak.


Discovered on 1 Aug 2008 at 5:16:40 PDT.
The City of Neriak is pleased to award you the position of Scion. You have proved to be a faithful contributor to the good of the city and we thank you for this. It is to be hoped that this is only the first step in a long and successful career in support of Neriak.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Neriak
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Neriak. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Neriak.


Rent Status

Purchased from Dalion D'Abth in Neriak, City of Hate (-106, 8, 326)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Agents of Neriak

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
City of Neriak: Darkblade
Congratulations, Zealot. Your continued efforts have earned you the standing of Darkblade.


Discovered on 2 Aug 2008 at 4:58:37 PDT.
Excellent work, Zealot. We are receiving good reports of your work from various sources around the Shattered Lands. In recognition of your loyalty and service to Neriak, I am hereby promoting you to the rank of Darkblade.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the City of Neriak
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This official letter awards you a new title within the City of Neriak. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the City of Neriak.


Rent Status

Purchased from Dalion D'Abth in Neriak, City of Hate (-106, 8, 326)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Agents of Neriak

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
City of Neriak: Zealot
Well done, Scion. Your efforts on behalf of Neriak have earned you the title of Zealot.


Discovered on 1 Aug 2008 at 21:45:49 PDT.
The City of Neriak notes that your service to our ranks has been faithful and devoted. Accordingly, we grant you the rank of Zealot. Congratulations on your continued success, and may your service to the city remain zealous.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Dark Bargainers
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Trafficker within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Rent Status

Purchased from Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 30,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Dark Bargainers rank: Trafficker
This letter awards you a new title: Trafficker within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Discovered on 9 Aug 2007 at 10:10:12 PDT.
Excellent work, Facilitator. Many of our factors that have met with you throughout the Shattered Lands have said many good things about your business sense and priorities. We must never forget it is the duty of all citizens of Neriak to aid in the restoration of our community, and what better way to facilitate this, than to ensure those of our ranks are placed in powerful and wealthy positions within the city? In recognition of your loyalty to the Dark Bargainers, I am hereby promoting you to the rank of Trafficker. Keep your wits about you, keep your allies close, and your coin pouch closer.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Dark Bargainers
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Facilitator within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Rent Status

Purchased from Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 20,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Dark Bargainers rank: Facilitator
This letter awards you a new title: Facilitator within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Discovered on 3 Aug 2007 at 1:20:04 PDT.
The Dark Bargainers note that your service to our ranks has been faithful, and, more importantly, profitable. You continue to be a quick study in the methods of commerce and trade, and how to ensure that profit continues to flow regardless of obstacles. Accordingly, we grant you the rank of Facilitator. Congratulations on your continued prosperity, and may your bank vault remain heavy.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Dark Bargainers
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Bargain Hunter within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Rent Status

Purchased from Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 10,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Dark Bargainers rank: Bargain Hunter
This letter awards you a new title: Bargain Hunter within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Discovered on 1 Aug 2007 at 9:03:05 PDT.
The Dark Bargainers are pleased that you come seeking apprenticeship. You have proved to be a quick study in the methods of commerce and trade and you have earned the rank of Bargain Hunter within our ranks. Of course, this is but the first step into a long and profitable career but the needs of the city must always come first... especially when they coincide with our own. May Lord Platinum favor your business.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Dark Bargainers
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Acquisitions Expert within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Rent Status

Purchased from Acquisitions Expert Kyri Velkyn in Neriak, City of Hate (-170, 0, 303)
requires at least 40,000 faction with The Dark Bargainers

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Dark Bargainers rank: Acquisitions Expert
This letter awards you a new title: Acquisitions Expert within the Dark Bargainers. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Dark Bargainers.


Discovered on 18 Aug 2007 at 10:41:47 PDT.
The Dark Bargainers are pleased to confirm your appointment to Acquisitions Expert. Your continued pursuit of profitable business opportunities have set a shining example to our younger Bargain Hunters. Long may Neriak prosper ... especially when that prosperity coincides with our own. May Lord Platinum continue to smile upon your ventures.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the House of Falling Stars
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Rent Status

Purchased from Ulun Miloo in Greater Faydark (101, 89, 501)
requires at least 40,000 faction with House of Falling Stars

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Presbyter: House of Falling Stars
This letter awards you a new title: Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Discovered on 5 Aug 2008 at 0:31:39 PDT.
Due to your great efforts to help the House of Falling Stars, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Presbyter. Thank you for your continued support of the House.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the House of Falling Stars
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Rent Status

Purchased from Ulun Miloo in Greater Faydark (101, 89, 501)
requires at least 20,000 faction with House of Falling Stars

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Maar-Presbyter: House of Falling Stars
This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Discovered on 28 Mar 2007 at 16:51:38 PDT.
Due to your great efforts to help the House of Falling Stars, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Maar-Presbyter. Thank you for your continued support of the House.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the House of Falling Stars
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Minor Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Rent Status

Purchased from Ulun Miloo in Greater Faydark (101, 89, 501)
requires at least 10,000 faction with House of Falling Stars

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Minor Presbyter: House of Falling Stars
This letter awards you a new title: Minor Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Discovered on 24 Nov 2006 at 10:23:30 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the House of Falling Stars, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Minor Presbyter. Thank you for your continued support of the House.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the House of Falling Stars
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Rent Status

Purchased from Ulun Miloo in Greater Faydark (101, 89, 501)
requires at least 30,000 faction with House of Falling Stars

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Meti-Presbyter: House of Falling Stars
This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Presbyter within the House of Falling Stars. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the House.


Discovered on 27 Jun 2007 at 1:48:18 PDT.
Due to your great efforts to help the House of Falling Stars, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Meti-Presbyter. Thank you for your continued support of the House.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Order of Arcane
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Rent Status

Purchased from Telo Nuneo in Greater Faydark (286, 105, 395)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Order of Arcane

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Arcanist: Order of Arcane
This letter awards you a new title: Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Discovered on 29 Jan 2007 at 6:34:54 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Order of Arcane, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Arcanist. Thank you for your continued support of the Order.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Order of Arcane
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Rent Status

Purchased from Telo Nuneo in Greater Faydark (286, 105, 395)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Order of Arcane

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Meti-Arcanist: Order of Arcane
This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Discovered on 26 Jan 2007 at 7:17:49 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Order of Arcane, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Meti-Arcanist. Thank you for your continued support of the Order.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Order of Arcane
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Minor Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Rent Status

Purchased from Telo Nuneo in Greater Faydark (286, 105, 395)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Order of Arcane

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Minor Arcanist: Order of Arcane
This letter awards you a new title: Minor Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Discovered on 9 Dec 2006 at 2:44:11 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Order of Arcane, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Minor Arcanist. Thank you for your continued support of the Order.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Order of Arcane
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Rent Status

Purchased from Telo Nuneo in Greater Faydark (286, 105, 395)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Order of Arcane

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Maar-Arcanist: Order of Arcane
This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Arcanist within the Order of Arcane. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Order.


Discovered on 26 Dec 2006 at 20:19:30 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Order of Arcane, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Maar-Arcanist. Thank you for your continued support of the Order.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Protectors of Growth
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Minor Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Rent Status

Purchased from Jilae Ilaya in Greater Faydark (322, 122, 292)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Protectors of Growth

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Minor Defender: Protectors of Growth
This letter awards you a new title: Minor Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Discovered on 21 Nov 2006 at 14:52:00 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Protectors of Growth, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Minor Defender. Thank you for your continued support of the Protectors.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Protectors of Growth
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Rent Status

Purchased from Jilae Ilaya in Greater Faydark (322, 122, 292)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Protectors of Growth

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Maar-Defender: Protectors of Growth
This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Discovered on 15 Jan 2007 at 22:53:32 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Protectors of Growth, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Maar-Defender. Thank you for your continued support of the Protectors.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Protectors of Growth
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Rent Status

Purchased from Jilae Ilaya in Greater Faydark (322, 122, 292)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Protectors of Growth

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Meti-Defender: Protectors of Growth
This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Discovered on 17 Feb 2007 at 13:27:12 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Protectors of Growth, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Meti-Defender. Thank you for your continued support of the Protectors.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Protectors of Growth
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Rent Status

Purchased from Jilae Ilaya in Greater Faydark (322, 122, 292)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Protectors of Growth

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Defender: Protectors of Growth
This letter awards you a new title: Defender within the Protectors of Growth. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Protectors.


Discovered on 24 Feb 2007 at 17:41:17 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Protectors of Growth, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Defender. Thank you for your continued support of the Protectors.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Sylvan Hunters
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Rent Status

Purchased from Selia Rilonya in Greater Faydark (307, 72, 459)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Sylvan Hunters

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Explorer: Sylvan Hunters
This letter awards you a new title: Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Discovered on 21 Jan 2007 at 9:46:10 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Sylvan Hunters, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Explorer. Thank you for your continued support of the Hunters.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Sylvan Hunters
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Rent Status

Purchased from Selia Rilonya in Greater Faydark (307, 72, 459)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Sylvan Hunters

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Meti-Explorer: Sylvan Hunters
This letter awards you a new title: Meti-Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Discovered on 2 Jan 2007 at 20:00:43 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Sylvan Hunters, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Meti-Explorer. Thank you for your continued support of the Hunters.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Sylvan Hunters
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Rent Status

Purchased from Selia Rilonya in Greater Faydark (307, 72, 459)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Sylvan Hunters

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Maar-Explorer: Sylvan Hunters
This letter awards you a new title: Maar-Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Discovered on 9 Dec 2006 at 8:53:49 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Sylvan Hunters, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Maar-Explorer. Thank you for your continued support of the Hunters.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from the Sylvan Hunters
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Minor Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Rent Status

Purchased from Selia Rilonya in Greater Faydark (307, 72, 459)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Sylvan Hunters

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Minor Explorer: Sylvan Hunters
This letter awards you a new title: Minor Explorer within the Sylvan Hunters. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Hunters.


Discovered on 19 Nov 2006 at 10:54:37 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help the Sylvan Hunters, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Minor Explorer. Thank you for your continued support of the Hunters.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from Tunare's Pages
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Master Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Rent Status

Purchased from Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 40,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

for 50,000SP 3p 68g 64s.

Obtained from:
Master Liaison: Tunare's Pages
This letter awards you a new title: Master Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Discovered on 26 Feb 2007 at 18:28:33 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help Tunare's Pages, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Master Liaison. Thank you for your continued support of the Pages.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from Tunare's Pages
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Journeyman Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Rent Status

Purchased from Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 20,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

for 30,000SP 61g 44s.

Obtained from:
Journeyman Liaison: Tunare's Pages
This letter awards you a new title: Journeyman Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Discovered on 12 Jan 2007 at 16:00:04 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help Tunare's Pages, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Journeyman Liaison. Thank you for your continued support of the Pages.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from Tunare's Pages
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Expert Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Rent Status

Purchased from Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 30,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

for 40,000SP 2p 45g 76s.

Obtained from:
Expert Liaison: Tunare's Pages
This letter awards you a new title: Expert Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Discovered on 2 Feb 2007 at 16:46:36 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help Tunare's Pages, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Expert Liaison. Thank you for your continued support of the Pages.
Stop reading the letter.
Promotion from Tunare's Pages
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This letter awards you a new title: Apprentice Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Rent Status

Purchased from Yono Sylnu in Greater Faydark (451, 91, 343)
requires at least 10,000 faction with Tunare's Pages

for 20,000SP 15g 36s.

Obtained from:
Apprentice Liaison: Tunare's Pages
This letter awards you a new title: Apprentice Liaison within Tunare's Pages. You may place this item in your home so that others may read of your great deeds and accomplishments on behalf of the Pages.


Discovered on 28 Nov 2006 at 13:55:04 PST.
Due to your great efforts to help Tunare's Pages, we have decided to promote you among our ranks. You shall now bear the title of Apprentice Liaison. Thank you for your continued support of the Pages.
Stop reading the letter.
Umbral Furled Parchment
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The pages of this leather-bound notebook are empty and waiting for someone to scribe their tale into the history of Norrath forever.


Crafted from Deepforge Advanced Scribing (recipe purchased from Thalnor in Maldura
requires at least 10,000 faction with Deepforge Founders
or Elmelar Stilltree in Myrist, the Great Library).

Umbral Furled Parchment
Engraved Desk
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
Umbral Furled Parchment

Discovered on 17 Nov 2015 at 18:12:18 PST.
Umbral Parchment
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The pages of this leather-bound notebook are empty and waiting for someone to scribe their tale into the history of Norrath forever.


Crafted from Deepforge Advanced Scribing (recipe purchased from Thalnor in Maldura
requires at least 10,000 faction with Deepforge Founders
or Elmelar Stilltree in Myrist, the Great Library).

Umbral Parchment
Engraved Desk
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
umbral pelt
Umbral Parchment

Discovered on 17 Nov 2015 at 18:11:52 PST.

Lera plushies do not exist.