Total items found in The Icy Keep (Easy): 4
Blasted Goblin Popsicle
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This goblin was caught off guard by someone or something...


Rent Status

Quest reward from [200] Covering Your Snow Tracks! (World Event) (Heroic) (Repeatable), automatically given at the entrance of The Icy Keep (Easy) (-1, 0, 6) or The Icy Keep (Hard) (-1, 0, 6).

Discovered on 11 Dec 2008 at 9:43:50 PST.
Charging Goblin Popsicle
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This goblin was caught off guard by someone or something...


Rent Status

Quest reward from [200] Covering Your Snow Tracks! (World Event) (Heroic) (Repeatable), automatically given at the entrance of The Icy Keep (Easy) (-1, 0, 6) or The Icy Keep (Hard) (-1, 0, 6).

Discovered on 11 Dec 2008 at 9:49:04 PST.
Frozen Token of E'ci


Quest reward from [200] An Exalting Experience! (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Aildium Mawdrun in Frostfell Wonderland Village (10 tokens) or from [200] Covering Your Snow Tracks! (World Event) (Heroic) (Repeatable), automatically given at the entrance of The Icy Keep (Easy) (-1, 0, 6) or The Icy Keep (Hard) (-1, 0, 6) (2 tokens) or from [200] Frostfell Candy Grab: Antonica (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Snowball in Antonica or from [200] Frostfell Candy Grab: Commonlands (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Crumpet in The Commonlands (4 tokens - Enormous Prize - collect at least 75 sweets, 3 tokens - Huge Prize - collect at least 50 sweets, 2 tokens - Large Prize - collect at least 36 sweets, 1 token - Small Prize - collect at least 1 sweet) or from [200] Frostfell Decoration Committee: Permafrost! (World Event), started by Sogs Frostfoot in Frostfell Wonderland Village (10 tokens) or from [200] It's Time to Sleigh the Dragon! (World Event) (Heroic) (Repeatable), started by Snarf Frostfoot in Frostfell Wonderland Village (3 tokens) or from [200] Mission Improbable... (World Event), started by Aildium Mawdrun in Frostfell Wonderland Village (1 token) or from [200] Raiding the Gifty Storehouse (World Event) (Repeatable - 18 hours), started by Gardy Ex-Giftgiver in Frostfell Wonderland Village or from [200] The Great Candy (Cane) Chase (World Event) (Repeatable - 18 hours), started by Frestishan in Frostfell Wonderland Village (422, 72, -1557) (3 tokens).

Purchased from Gixen (44, 4, 94) for 2 Green Gifty Boxes or for 2 Red Gifty Boxes or for 2 Clockwonky Toy Gnomes or for 2 Clockwonky Toy Monsters (any two).

Looted from a Guardian of D'Ina (21 ▲) or a partially thawed goblin (20) or a tamed yeti (19 ▼) or a tamed yeti (20 ▼▼) or an enslaved snow goblin (20 ▲▲ Heroic) or an Icy Construct (21 ▲) or an Icy Shard (20) or Gate Captain H'Bri (20 ▲) or Ice Maiden D'Ina (22 ▲▲ Heroic) or Kastus (21 ▲) or Odaufe (21 ▲) or Tamer Nicoli (20) in The Icy Keep (Easy) or a Guardian of D'Ina (22 ▲▲ Heroic) or a partially thawed goblin (20 ▲▲ Heroic) or a tamed yeti (20 ▲▲ Heroic) or a tamed yeti (21 ▲) or an enslaved snow goblin (20 ▲▲ Heroic) or an icy construct (23 ▲▲▲ Heroic) or an icy shard (21 ▲▲ Heroic) or Gate Captain H'Bri (20 ▲▲ Heroic) or Ice Maiden D'Ina (23 ▲▲▲ Heroic) or Kastus (24 ▲▲▲ Heroic) or Odaufe (24 ▲▲▲ Heroic) or Tamer Nicoli (21 ▲▲ Heroic) in The Icy Keep (Hard) or an ice damaged toy maker (2) or an icy cube (1) or an icy gorer (1) or Big'n Furry (2 ▲) in Gigglegibber Gifty Storehouse.

Discovered on 11 Dec 2008 at 8:21:49 PST.
Walloped Goblin Popsicle
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This goblin was caught off guard by someone or something...


Rent Status

Quest reward from [200] Covering Your Snow Tracks! (World Event) (Heroic) (Repeatable), automatically given at the entrance of The Icy Keep (Easy) (-1, 0, 6) or The Icy Keep (Hard) (-1, 0, 6).

Discovered on 11 Dec 2008 at 10:11:34 PST.

I like cabbage.