Total items in category Tinkering (Other): 7
Ceiling Mounted Carbonite Cog Chain
This item can be placed on the ceiling in any house type.


Purchased from Myron in Steamfont Mountains (-581, 171, 997)
requires the achievement "Bits and Baubles" to be completed
for 2 Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs.

Reward from achievement Bits and Baubles (Live Events → Tinkerfest).

Discovered on 25 Jul 2014 at 0:05:19 PDT.
Engineer's Bouquet
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

Even gnomes sometimes like to get in ...tune...with nature.


Created by          NEKO ZERO

Purchased on the Marketplace (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations or Housing → Decorations) for 250 DBC

Discovered on 26 Jul 2013 at 9:31:11 PDT.
Floor Mounted Carbonite Cog Chain
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Purchased from Myron in Steamfont Mountains (-581, 171, 997)
requires the achievement "Bits and Baubles" to be completed
for 2 Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs.

Discovered on 25 Jul 2014 at 0:06:49 PDT.
Metalized Ring of Devotion
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

Rent Status

Crafted from More Romantic Gifts to Craft (recipe purchased from Steven in Qeynos Harbor or Steven in East Freeport) or from Romantic Gifts to Craft II (recipe purchased from Qeynos Province District or Steven in The City of Freeport).

Metalized Ring of Devotion
Toying with materials to create a dramatic, metal ring to adorn any home.
Tinkering (50)
Work Bench
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component
Metalized Ring of Devotion
Metalized Ring of Devotion
Metalized Ring of Devotion
Metalized Ring of Devotion
Metalized Ring of Devotion

Discovered on 10 Feb 2009 at 7:25:28 PST.
Swift-Kicking Pedipowered Leaper
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This mount can be removed by its owner from your home to ride outdoors.


Rent Status

Purchased from Tarly in Steamfont Mountains (-579, 171, 994) for 350 Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs 1 Platinum Tinkerfest Cog.

Furniture version of:
Swift-Kicking Pedipowered Leaper
Artisan: Alchemist, Armorer, Carpenter, Jeweler, Provisioner, Sage, Tailor, Weaponsmith, Woodworker

Discovered on 18 Jul 2019 at 0:42:17 PDT.
The Minds of Meldrath
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The Minds of Meldrath - A Study of the Infamous Gnome by Professor Andipholitz Whatzzit.


Quest reward from [200] Tinker-Bound History (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Rosealyn in Steamfont Mountains (-582, 173, 946).

Discovered on 25 Jul 2014 at 0:10:58 PDT.
The Minds of Meldrath

A Study of the Infamous Gnome
by Professor Andipholitz Whatzzit
Meldrath: Balance Sundered

Old tales recall that Meldrath had a conjoined twin with whom he was connected at the chest. One boy's heart was pure and his eyes shone with a beautiful light, while the other's heart was dark and cold and his eyes were as black as oil. Their hearts beat as one, each balanced by the extreme of the other. So balanced were they, in fact, that they were both known as Meldrath because no one thought of them as two. Meldrath's mother desired the two sons she thought she deserved, and constantly sought a way to separate them.
One day, a traveling healer provided their mother with a magic sword he claimed would disconnect them. She ran home and, finding them asleep, plunged the sword between them. Both of her sons were unharmed, and the two rubbed their eyes sleepily. She rejoiced, but as she looked from one to the other she noticed for the first time that one was beautiful and the other ugly. One looked at her with loving, sweet eyes and the other with hatred.
Suddenly, the beautiful Meldrath began to rise higher and higher into the air. His mother screamed and tried to hold him down but the ugly Meldrath bit her leg and stomped on her foot. The beautiful Meldrath floated up to the surface of Norrath and into the sky and was never seen again. The deity responsible for his ascension is unknown, but most attribute the act to Fizzlethorpe Bristlebane, ruler of the Plane of Mischief, and claim that it was he, under the guise of a healer, that had provided the magical sword.
Meldrath: The Ambitious

The extent of the ugly Meldrath's wickedness and insanity was not at first apparent to the citizens of Ak'Anon. Meldrath's temper tantrums and fits of rage abated as he matured yet still he had the look of hatred in his eyes, thus found few friends amongst his fellow gnomes. Those who did associate with the ugly, spiteful Meldrath tended to be other gnomes of notorious repute.
Eventually, Meldrath managed to join the Eldrich Collective under the tutelage of a wizard who believed Meldrath was simply suffering from a traumatized youth and could yet become a respectable citizen of Ak'Anon. To the surprise of many and the pleasure of his mentor, Meldrath excelled at the wizardly arts and quickly rose through the ranks of the Eldrich Collective. Meldrath became particularly fascinated, some would say obsessed, with magic that dealt with teleportation, translocation, and alternate planes of existence.
Meldrath's talent for the sorcerous arts grew to the point where it rivaled, if not exceeded, his mentor's, and he began to select pupils of his own to aid him with his research into what he called "other worlds." It was obvious to those who associated with Meldrath that he sought something in these other worlds, but whatever it was, Meldrath never spoke of it. Then one day, Meldrath was gone. His pupils did not admit to knowing the whereabouts of their mentor, or the nature of his passion with other worlds.
It is not known precisely when Meldrath returned to Ak'Anon, but it has been estimated based on events that we now know were tied to Meldrath's return. Over a period of time his pupils also began to vanish from the Library Mechanamagica, and despite the Eldrich Collective's inquiries into the disappearances, no clues as to the nature of the disappearances were found.
Meldrath: The Malignant

The mines of Ak'Anon had long been used as a source of materials for the construction of Ak'Anon's clockwork guards and servants. That changed the day the whereabouts of the missing sorcerer Meldrath and his pupils were discovered. Ak'Anon's miners had begun toiling early that morning, but when they did not return to their homes that evening their friends and families became alarmed.
King Ak'Anon ordered a small patrol of guards to investigate the whereabouts of the miners, but they too failed to return. What did emerge that night, shortly after the patrol had entered the mines, were creatures of death, shadow, and flame! The animated corpses of the miners, along with creatures summoned from other worlds, stalked the tunnels of Ak'Anon, slaying and destroying all in their path and swelling their numbers with the animated corpses of the freshly dead.
By the time King Ak'Anon could organize the Gemcutters, Eldrich Collective, and Deep Muses to defeat the monstrosities, the devastation had reached proportions never before inflicted upon the city of Ak'Anon. A powerful charm was cast by the most powerful of the Eldrich Collective that temporarily nullified the use of magic within Ak'Anon, while the Gem Cutters and Deep Muses fought their way through the tunnels of Ak'Anon, toward the mines.
When the forces of King Ak'Anon reached the mines, they found them devastated far worse than the rest of the city. The mechanical mining apparatuses utilized by the miners had been destroyed and the clockwork miners and ore haulers had been reprogrammed to slaughter. To the chagrin of the good gnomes of Ak'Anon, Meldrath and his minions had already fled the city, their tainted seed of corruption already planted.
Meldrath: The Mad

Meldrath and his apprentices, exiled from Ak'Anon and collectively dubbed the Asylum of the Mad, began construction of a fortress deep in the Steamfont Mountains. For years the Asylum of the Mad constructed clockwork war-machines, far more advanced than any clockworks previously constructed by the tinkers, that plagued the Watchmen of Ak'Anon.
Eventually, the Asylum of the Mad were captured, slain, or disappeared. Meldrath, however, remained at large, plotting and executing his mad schemes. The mad sorcerer had somehow earned the allegiance of a tribe of minotaurs, and employed them to capture gnomes to toil in his mines and complete his twisted, mechanical fortress. Many of the Eldrich Collective speculated as to the nature of Meldrath's madness and talents with both sorcery and mechanics, but their theories were never proven.
Tinkered Glow Skimmer
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

An interactive candle and creature, perfect for floating on top of water within your home or guildhall.


Purchased from Tarly in Steamfont Mountains (-579, 171, 994) for 5 Shiny Tinkerfest Cogs.

Discovered on 25 Jul 2014 at 0:01:43 PDT.