Total items: 3
Rosy Hart Tea Cup
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A rosy tea cup perfect for serving a refreshment steeped in love.


Purchased on the Marketplace (Erollisi → Housing or Housing → Decorations) for 50 DBC or as part of Rosy Hart Tea Set (Housing → Decorations or Erollisi → Housing → Decorations) for 325 DBC

Discovered on 14 Feb 2017 at 10:20:27 PST.
Rosy Hart Tea Pot
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A rosy hart themed teapot designed to make a brew-ti-ful beverage.


Purchased on the Marketplace (Erollisi → Housing or Housing → Decorations) for 50 DBC or as part of Rosy Hart Tea Set (Housing → Decorations or Erollisi → Housing → Decorations) for 325 DBC

Discovered on 14 Feb 2017 at 10:20:27 PST.
Stacked Rosy Hart Tea Cups
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A stack of rose colored tea cups perfect for serving a heartwarming refreshment.


Purchased on the Marketplace (Erollisi → Housing or Housing → Decorations) for 50 DBC or as part of Rosy Hart Tea Set (Housing → Decorations or Erollisi → Housing → Decorations) for 325 DBC

Discovered on 14 Feb 2017 at 10:20:27 PST.