Total items rewarded from Bouquet of Thorny Trust: 1
Erollisi coin
A newly minted coin in honor of Erollisi Day. Very few merchants will accept this as currency!

Quest reward from [200] Bouquet of Thorny Trust (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (2 tokens) or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Antonica or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (Antonica), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Antonica (6 tokens) or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (World Event), started by Priestess Annalisa Swornlove in The Commonlands or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (Commonlands), started by Priestess Annalisa Swornlove in The Commonlands (6 tokens) or from [200] Hearts a'Flutter: Commonlands (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Stinky Sideswiper in The Commonlands (5 tokens - Enormous Prize - collect at least 80 essences, 4 tokens - Huge Prize - collect at least 65 essences, 3 tokens - Large Prize - collect at least 40 essences, 2 tokens - Medium Prize - collect at least 25 essences, 1 token - Small Prize - collect at least 1 essence) or from [200] Total Eclipse of the Heart (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Frostfang Sea or from [100] Cuts Like A Knife (World Event), started by Trelawney in Butcherblock Mountains (-758, 102, 409) or from [100] Vision of Love (World Event), started by Illixxol in The Stonebrunt Highlands (-340, 404, 864) (5 tokens) or from [120] Love Will Lead You Back (Public Quest), automatically given at Graveyard Plains in The Commonlands (114, -48, -233) or automatically given at Turmoil Cemetery in The Commonlands (-1321, -69, 349) (1 coin - Passive Participant Crate, 2 coins - Active Participant Crate, 8 coins - Proactive Participant Crate) or from [200] Bouquet of Trust (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (2 tokens) or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (World Event) (Repeatable), started by David Torchsong in Antonica or from [200] Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Diana Heartstrings in The Commonlands (6 tokens) or from [200] Harts Full of Trust (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (2 tokens) or from [200] Hearts a'Flutter: Antonica (World Event) (Repeatable), started by Goldie Hammerfall in Antonica (5 tokens - Enormous Prize - collect at least 80 essences, 4 tokens - Huge Prize - collect at least 65 essences, 3 tokens - Large Prize - collect at least 40 essences, 2 tokens - Medium Prize - collect at least 25 essences, 1 token - Small Prize - collect at least 1 essence) or from [200] Sacrificial Trust (World Event), started by Priest Aaronolis Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (4 tokens) or from [200] Shot Through the Heart (World Event), started by Priestess Annalisa Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (2 tokens) or from [200] What's Love Got to Do With It? (World Event), started by Priestess Annalisa Swornlove in Frostfang Sea (4 tokens).

Purchased from Liannya Hartswell in Qeynos Province District (826, -23, 70) or The City of Freeport (-213, -56, -24) for 1 aberrant hard candy or for 1 aerakyn love note or for 1 akhessar love note or for 1 akheva hard candy or for 1 Allu'thoa hard candy or for 1 aluxob love note or for 1 amygdalan hard candy or for 1 arborian love note or for 1 ashlok love note or for 1 aurai love note or for 1 aviak love note or for 1 barbarian love note or for 1 beholder love note or for 1 bixie hard candy or for 1 blight faerie hard candy or for 1 boarfiend love note or for 1 Brokenskull love note or for 1 brownie hard candy or for 1 bubonian hard candy or for 1 bugbear hard candy or for 1 burynai hard candy or for 1 centaur hard candy or for 1 chetari love note or for 1 clockwork love note or for 1 cursed Elddar love note or for 1 cyclops love note or for 1 dark elf hard candy or for 1 dervish love note or for 1 djinn love note or for 1 drachnid love note or for 1 droag love note or for 1 drolvarg hard candy or for 1 dryad hard candy or for 1 dwarf hard candy or for 1 erudite love note or for 1 ettin love note or for 1 evileye hard candy or for 1 fae hard candy or for 1 Far Seas love note or for 1 flaming hard candy or for 1 froglok hard candy or for 1 galorian love note or for 1 gehein hard candy or for 1 giant hard candy or for 1 gnoll hard candy or for 1 gnome hard candy or for 1 goblin love note or for 1 golem hard candy or for 1 Grathok love note or for 1 grimling hard candy or for 1 half elf love note or for 1 halfling love note or for 1 high elf hard candy or for 1 honor elf hard candy or for 1 human love note or for 1 iksar hard candy or for 1 iksar skeleton love note or for 1 immolated dhalgar love note or for 1 immolated gnemlin love note or for 1 immolated hard candy or for 1 jopal love note or for 1 kappa hard candy or for 1 kerra love note or for 1 Kunark goblin love note or for 1 kyv love note or for 1 lizardman hard candy or for 1 loda kai love note or for 1 Lujien hard candy or for 1 maedjinn love note or for 1 mandoko love note or for 1 marid hard candy or for 1 minotaur love note or for 1 mummy love note or for 1 naga love note or for 1 netherbian hard candy or for 1 ogre hard candy or for 1 orc love note or for 1 Order of Rime love note or for 1 Ortallian hard candy or for 1 othmir love note or for 1 pusling love note or for 1 pygmy hard candy or for 1 Raj'Dur love note or for 1 ratonga love note or for 1 ravasect hard candy or for 1 roekillik love note or for 1 sarnak hard candy or for 1 satyr hard candy or for 1 scorpikis love note or for 1 shadel love note or for 1 Shard of Love candy or for 1 shik'nar hard candy or for 1 shissar love note or for 1 shroomba love note or for 1 siren hard candy or for 1 skeleton love note or for 1 Sullonite love note or for 1 Tallonite hard candy or for 1 tegi love note or for 1 thought horror love note or for 1 Thullosian hard candy or for 1 tirun love note or for 1 treant hard candy or for 1 troll hard candy or for 1 ulthork hard candy or for 1 undead froglok love note or for 1 urzarach love note or for 1 valkyrie love note or for 1 Vallonite love note or for 1 vampire love note or for 1 voidman love note or for 1 wayward hard candy or for 1 witch hard candy or for 1 wood elf love note or for 1 Yha-lei hard candy or for 1 Ykeshan love note or for 1 zelmie hard candy or for 1 zombie love note.

Random chance from:
Love Will Lead You Back Active Participant Reward Crate

Obtained from:
Love Will Lead You Back Passive Participant Crate

Random chance from:
Love Will Lead You Back Proactive Participant Reward Crate

Discovered on 12 Feb 2008 at 7:25:09 PST.