Total items rewarded from Sacred to the Aurai: 1
Sacred to the Aurai
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A tome written by a scribe from the Yazdani tribe of the Aurai.


Collection reward from [130] Sacred to the Aurai (Tome).

Sacred to the Aurai - Page 2 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 3 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 4 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 5 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 6 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 7 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 8 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 9 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 10 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 11 (shinies in Zimara Breadth)
Sacred to the Aurai - Page 12 (looted from a page turner in Zimara Breadth)

Discovered on 29 Nov 2023 at 13:10:32 PST.
Sacred to the Aurai
For ages the Children of Veeshan claimed the firmament lands of the Plane of Sky as their realm by birthright, professing to serve the legendary crystalline dragon and her interests while lording over all others in their inherited lands. But even they fought for supremacy amongst their kind. Fractured and rapacious, they warred amongst themselves often, one dragon lord fighting another, and sending their vassals to die at the claws of another. Wurm against wurm. Kin fighting kin.

If they were created in Veeshan's image then it is no wonder she has remained absent for so long. They are too self-serving, too focused on personal glories and power to see how strength lies not in an individual, but as a collective. And that is why they fell. That is why so many different beings of various powers were able to rise against them and lay claim to separate domains of the endless sky through the eons.
Zimara Breadth has always been a jewel of the plane with its abundant deposits of various ores and semiprecious gemstones on dramatic islands that have found magical purchase upon the intangible layers of sky. One cannot deny its attraction, whether you are one with power in your grip, or one looking to wrest it from others. We, the Yazdani of the Aurai, have lived here for hundreds of mortal years, while the wurms had languished here for ages before. A few other insignificant creatures had claimed it for short breaths between, before being unseated themselves in a succession of violent but ultimately doomed upheavals.
The land was fated for the Yazdani!
Though we had not always been of one ourselves, either. Great Queen Shabereh of the Four Winds (Glory to her name!) united our tribes, formed us as one, and directed our talents that we could reach the monumental heights of our collective potential. The oldest matrons still recall the day she led our people up a precarious trail, filled with desperate defenders and deadly switchbacks. They speak in awe of her dazzling speed and energizing verve as we gained every bit of ground, undeterred, until reaching the very pinnacle of Strungstone Peaks, known then as Veeshan's Gaze.
The statue of the Wurmmother would crumble by war's end, and the rule of the Yazdani would be sealed!

Those who had come before were shown defeat, just as those who have attempted to come after us, or to deny our fated position, have been since, and forever, they shall be!

Time and time again, a group of petulant creatures try to claim their independence or refuse to pay proper homage to us. They are swiftly corrected, and examples are made of them. The repercussions of not doing so were a lesson also taught to our tribe under Great Queen Shabereh.
A small contingent of Yazdani. including the Great Queen's youngest child, Jeria the Windmaid, had been sent to collect tributes from a growing nest of dragonkin who were refusing to pay. Upon seeing the impressive contingent standing before them in shined and sharpened armor, the resistant dragonkin must have seen the error of their ways, for they quickly expressed remorse. Upon being told that one of the Queen's daughters was amongst the aurai force, they invited the entire contingent to enjoy a meal in the Queen's honor, as recompense.
The contingent's captain decided to take mercy upon the simpering dragonkin. They accepted the invitation and the aurai were soon treated to a bountiful feast, as promised. But not all was as it seemed, for the food had been poisoned. While realizing what the dragonkin had done, and reeling from its effects, an even larger force of dragonkin fell upon them from the shadows.
Recognizing the dire situation, Jeria takes a two-pronged lance from one of the dragonkin and imbues it. The Windmaid extends the lance out from her in one hand and proceeds to spin it around furiously, summoning a torrent of wind to follow suit, causing further chaos around the room. Her whirling lance suddenly struck the dragonkin leader's chest, causing the lance to vibrate, ringing out to the very stone and gems of the Plane of Sky. Elementals, compelled to seek it, spilled into the room tearing through or crushing the dragonkin who happened to stand in their way.
Unfortunately, Jeria the Windmaid would not survive the events that day, but others of her contingent did because of her. They returned to the Great Queen with the lesson of betrayed mercy and the tale of her youngest daughter's quick thinking before presenting her with the imbued lance they owed their lives to. Great Queen Shabereh took the lance with great reverence and declared it an icon of the tribe and a memorial to her daughter.
Even now, years after the Great Queen's passing, the lance's effects still ring out. The Windmaid's memorial on Columnar Highgarden is inundated by elementals compelled to congregate near it, where it serves as a reminder to all Yazdani of the lesson learned that day and as a warning to those feeble others who would deny us.

Of course, a warning is only as good as the wisdom and willingness of others to heed it. Time has shown there's always another on the wind who believes they are a wing above the aurai. Doomed fools!
Take for instance, the hooluks, the meekest of Xegony's progeny. They are a people of all feather and fluff, with no scale to speak of. And yet, when it came time for crowning Queen Yserie'selka, they refused to send tribute. Such insolence would not go unanswered! When confronted by Yazdani emissaries they claimed ignorance before insulting our Queen further by offering moldy grain and dried gourds. They attempted to deceive us, portraying their flock as destitute, but the emissaries had seen the wealth they held.
The confab ended and the siege of their nest land began! It became a violent lesson for the hooluks. The flock was left decimated and reeling. And our emissaries returned to Queen Yserie'selka's throne with a glorious pearl containing a vertiginous storm of vibrant colors. The Swirling Sphere of Color has remained a prized spoil for our tribe and to this day sits at the highest point on Claved Fate Islets serving as a pilgrimage goal for our young when coming of age.
Leave no mistake, Stratos was fated to be held by the strongest, the smartest, the deadliest; the Yazdani of the Aurai!