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Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye
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by Fassleth Buzild Updated by Ronard Cranner


Collection reward from [120] Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye (Tome).

Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 2 (plundered from pages in The Blinding)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 3 (plundered from pages in Aurelian Coast)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 4 (plundered from pages in Wracklands)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 5 (plundered from pages in The Blinding)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 6 (plundered from pages in Aurelian Coast)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 7 (plundered from pages in Wracklands)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 8 (plundered from pages in The Blinding)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 9 (plundered from pages in Aurelian Coast)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 10 (plundered from pages in Wracklands)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 11 (plundered from pages in The Blinding)
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye - Page 12 (plundered from pages in Aurelian Coast)

Discovered on 17 Dec 2019 at 20:18:50 PST.
Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye

by Fassleth Buzild

Updated by Ronard Cranner
The four-armed creations of Luclin, known as the Akheva, are intimidating both physically and mentally. So, why then did I go amongst them to learn a bit of their history? Because some allowed me, and that right there is evidence that the Akheva are not a unified people of like-minded aggression towards those of us in Sanctus Seru.

Perhaps there is a schism here to be exploited?
I have learned that the Akheva ruins found within the Maiden's Eye are the remains of a once great city. The city was called Ka Vethan. They claim it's marble walls and striking architecture have been reduced to rubble and crumbling buildings, over the years due to the devastating storm that rages in the region to this day. Apparently, it wasn't always this way!
Why then do these Akheva remain here? We know of another city, one that houses their leader, Aten Ha Ra. Do they remain simply due to sentimentalism, or familiarity?

I found my answer! Civil war keeps the Akheva of Ka Vethan separated from those within Vex Thal. They hold Aten Ha Ra responsible for the storm that rages, claiming she sent it as a weapon to slay their previous leader, Akelha'Ra, and anyone else who supported her. It succeeded and Aten Ha Ra ascended to the throne, becoming High Priestess.
Though defeated, and their ruler slain, Akelha'Ra's surviving supporters remain loyal to her. Now outcasts, they choose to stay within the ruins of Ka Vethan for an unknown purpose. They refuse to speak on the subject. I am not sure if they are being purposely evasive, or if they simply don't have a good reason to explain it for themselves.
Some say they are simply hiding, amongst the rubble of their defeat, in fear of the new ruler, but a more common regard of their actions is one of speculation surrounding a dark and much deeper purpose, one that remains well-guarded beneath anachronistic demeanor that fuels their stay.

Perhaps they are simply biding their time before enacting vengeance on the storm caller, Aten Ha Ra? This is very interesting!
Thus concludes "Notes on the Akheva of Maiden's Eye" by Fassleth Buzild. Why would I, a citizen and council member of Sanctus Seru, above reproach, provide these notes of admitted fraternization between one of our own from ages ago, now?
It is no surprise that I can find no records that his study was ever acted upon, or of his fate. He was most certainly put to the Questions as a result, and his study provided as evidence of his intended erosion and degradation of our great society.

No, my reason for collecting Fassleth's study is because I find it interesting that another force stuck here on Luclin came to the same conclusion he had.
Our scouts had recently reported witnessing Akheva entering the shissar temple in The Grey! They had met no resistance upon entry and were marching in with grimlings in tow. Fearing such an alignment, we have investigated.

We found that the Akheva in question were from Ka Vethan. They had been approached by the shissar, with claims of Emperor Ssraeshza's greatness, and offered vengeance upon Aten Ha Ra, in exchange for their cooperation with the vile snakemen! They must have accepted the bargain.
I would have thought the Akheva too smart for that. They must know they cannot trust the shissar! This just goes to prove Lord Inquisitor Seru is right once more, vile beasts of darkness will always find congress together in shadow.
Together in Truth, forever in light!

Ronard Cranner