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The Deepwater Circle
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The Deepwater Circle A Brief History of Our Order By Ami'Urid


Discovered on 26 Feb 2011 at 4:17:55 PST.
The Deepwater Circle
A Brief History of Our Order
By Ami'Urid
In times past, the Deepwater Knights were the protectors of Erudin, the first line of defense against enemies of the city, and the bastion of honor and service for the erudite people. As loyal servants to Prexus, they all paid homage to him, and many of their ranks drew divine power directly from their faith in the Ocean Lord. They were revered in Erudin, feared in Paineel, and respected by other knightly orders through Norrath.
The order of Knights had battled all manner of horrors, from savage kobolds roaming the forest, agents of the dragon Toxxulia, and the necromantic creations found in the armies of Paineel. They stood fast against all of these adversaries, never faltering, even when victory seemed impossible. No enemy seemed capable of destroying the order, and Erudin always had her Deepwater Knights to watch over her.
Few could have predicted that the greatest adversary the Knights would ever face would come from within the very city they were sworn to protect. The Deceiver, El'Arad, a grand plan to the High Council of Erudin to rebuild the teleportation network, taking the power of instant transport away from the gods that had abandoned them, put that power in the hands of the erudites themselves. A few stood against the plan of EI'Arad, including members of the leadership of the Deepwater Knights.
The Knights felt that the research was not properly reviewed as is customary, and a few respected scholars in both cities felt that the plan had glaring, even dangerous, flaws. However, debates were often short and were largely just for show - El'Arad had already put the plan into motion, and within months, the Ulteran Network was completed. When it was finally activated, the whole of Odus was shaken by the massive feedback from the faulty network. and the erudites found themselves floating in another plane of existence.
It was then that El'Arad's true plans came to light. He had planned to open a portal directly to the Void, in order to let in the Godslayer - the divine being known as Roehn Theer. Smaller portals had began opening in the city itself, and terrible beasts overran the city, driving away or slaughtering any who stood before them. Erudin trembled before the massive dark onslaught.
The Deepwater Knights organized outside of the city walls. They had been caught off-guard by the sudden opening of the portals, and many Knights were overwhelmed before they could even draw their sword by rampaging shadow creatures. Those that were left were well aware of what they faced inside the city itself. Not a single Knight capable of lifting his blade refused to march against their mighty enemy, and with the unwavering conviction that they were known for, the Deepwater Knights made what would be their final march.
El'Arad and his legion of shadow-beasts achieved what no other enemy before could. They destroyed the order of Deepwater Knights.
For generations, no one took up the mantle of the Deepwater Knights. The Knights were blessed by Prexus himself, and with the absence of the gods, this ordination was impossible. Thus, the Knights faded into legend, honored by those that were left behind.
After the defeat of Roehn Theer, the Duality emerged from the libraries of Erudin, bearing terrible news. He had deciphered a portion of an ancient prophecy, predicting the end of Norrath, and the destruction of the universe in which it resides. Although the message he brought was frightening, the presence of two of the greatest minds ever known to the erudite people, Dartain and Al'Kabor, had given many people hope that the ultimate fate of Norrath might be averted.
The erudites from Paineel, Quel'ule, and the Deepwater Pavilion, offered their aid in helping with his research. There were vast libraries full of the collected knowledge of the erudite people in many places of Odus, and they all worked to collect what information they could to assist the Duality. The amount of information collected was staggering, and great minds from all over Odus began working in unison toward a common goal. Then, something miraculous happened.
Many people, from all over Norrath, came to the aid of the Duality. They crossed religious and ethical boundries, dropping old hatreds and prejudices in order to work with the erudites and help solve the mysteries of the prophecy. Together, these people would stand firm against the coming darkness, looking to turn back our dark fate, and secure the future of Norrath for all. As the Deepwater Knights once had in ages past, the new order would do so again.
Thus, I proposed that we pay homage to the Deepwater Knights, who sacrificed all to try and save all that they held dear. As they did with sword and shield, we will use our knowledge and research to defeat that which threatens us, and together, we will find a way to save our world.
Thus was born the Deepwater Circle.