Total items in category Books (Open): 28
a heretic's chanting podium
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

Chanting shall reveal the secrets held within.


Rent Status

Purchased from Zur in The City of Freeport (-89, -10, -172)
requires at least 10,000 faction with The Dismal Rage

or Thulkanil Shai'lin in Timorous Deep (2647, 66, 1159)
requires at least 10,000 faction with The Watchers of Timorous

for 10,000SP 30s.

Discovered on 27 Feb 2005 at 19:49:38 PST.
A Pirate's Tale
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This moldering old book is printed with the words "A Pirate's Tale" in flaking gold gilt on its cover.


Offers the Quest
'A Pirate's Tale'

Quest reward from [80] A Pirate's Tale (The Moors of Ykesha), started by examining A Pirate's Tale (found in Moors of Ykesha).

Purchased from Salty Jotz in Moors of Ykesha (-892, -1087, 1050)
requires at least 50,000 faction with Clan Brokenskull

for 0c.

Discovered on 18 Nov 2008 at 12:36:01 PST.
A Pirate's Tale
This be a tale of the mighty Gunthak in his latter years.
Gunthak's life were a long and prosperous one. Though born a lowly land lubbin' troll, he were shanghaied and brought on aboard the ship of the fearsome ratonga pirate, Seelie Lixx. It started out a joke ye see, fer trolls at that time were mighty distrustful of the sea, and when they made the young troll be thar cabin boy, they thought it twould break 'im. But Gunthak were not so soft as that.
As time went by, Gunthak proved to be the heartiest, quickest, and cleverest pirate of them all. Aye, even the cleverest. Fer a troll, he had a mighty fine brain, and he used it to overthrow 'em all and become captain himself. From that day forth, be vowed ta bring more trolls to the sea. Slowly, his boat, and then his armada, filled with trolls recruited to 'is cause.
I said this be a tale of his old age and I swear that be the case. From 'ere, it is enough to say 'e built up quite a crew of pirates, and had many great triumphs over many landlubber, even the mighty Warlord Ykesha, from who 'e stole the Grozmok stone, the most worthless priceless treasure there ever was. Though 'e'd promised to lead the landlubber trolls, 'e just left 'em in the mess they'd gotten themselves into.
After that, things quieted for old Gunthak. He had all the wealth 'e could ever need, many a fine troll wench to feed 'em 'is dinner, and hundreds to do 'is bidding. For old Gunthak, it had become enough of a job to keep it all straight. He barely saw the seas anymore, he did, which breaks an old sailor's heart to say.
Before old Gunthak knew it, he was starin' old age right in 'er saucy old face, and it had been years since 'e'd commanded a right proper skipper. Though 'e had any number of ships that were his by right, they all had captains, and those captains t'weren't eager to give up command. Gunthak's mood grew dark the day 'e' surveyed the whole of what was supposed to be his armada, and realized none of it were truly his own.
But old Gunthak did not get where he was by lettin' others get the best of him. 'e came to the one pirate 'e knew 'e could trust, the very first troll 'e ever managed to convince to come to sea, and asked 'im to help. I don't mind sayin' I was that troll, and I did as I could ta help me friend and me captain.
In the dark of the night, we loaded a small ship with everythin' Gunthak truly cared fer. I won't say Gunthak were a sentimental troll and all 'e took were 'eart felt mementos or some such trip. No, Gunthak took the most valuable of all the treasures he had pillaged in his years, no matter whether 'e'd promised it to another or not. Why, I remember slippin' an amulet what sported a sapphire the size of my fist from the neck of his favorite wench, Slippery Sal, even! It all went into the hold.
Just befer dawn came upon us, we set out, Gunthak and I, into the open sea. Lookin' at me old friend, I thought 'e looked twenty years younger than 'e'ad before. 'e truly did love the sea. As I manned the lines and he the wheel, 'e said to me, "Izak, look befer ye." So I looked befer me, and I said, "What's it be, captain? What do you want me to see? All that's out there be water." And then Gunthak said, "Exactly."
I were struck dumb and felt ashamed of meself, fer of course there were the sea! And what more should there be but that? I knew I'd disappointed him, and when the next say I woke up marooned on an isle, I knew why it were that it happened, and I couldn't blame 'im fer it. None of us 'ad ever truly loved it the way 'e did. 'e might've brought trolls to the sea, but it were fer a love 'o plunder, not a love 'o the ocean.
'e left me with one of the lifeboats and enough rations to be sure I'd find me way back without too much hurt, but that were the last I ever say of 'im. Stories would come in, simple tales on the wind, of him starting up a crew of lizardfolk somewhere, a gang of orcs there, and marauding new seas. But none could ever prove it were truly he, and 'e never did return to what 'e had built.
We all remember 'is name though, and know what 'e done fer us. The name of Gunthak'll never die so long as Clan Brokenskull sails the waters.
A Tattered Journal
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This journal documents the journey of a young traveler. It was sent to you as the travelers last wish, for your kindness in helping him escape from dire circumstances. This item can be placed in your home and read.


Rent Status

Quest reward from [40] Halting the Plague (World Event), started by Apothecary Ridren in Nektulos Forest.

Discovered on 6 Apr 2005 at 22:21:15 PDT.
The edges of the journal are tattered and worn. Upon the cover is a faded gilt title: "My Travel Journal." Slender threads hold the fragile pages in place. Each page but the last is crowded with letters and drawings.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 1. How envious my friends are! Though I have not yet completed my studies, our instructors chose me to be a field investigator. I will be off to distant lands, documenting what I learn in this journal, a parting gift from my family. I cannot wait to see the wonders of our world with my own eyes!
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 5. One thing I did not prepare for is the abrupt changes in my environment. Today as I studied the insects scuttling beneath an overturned rock, a sudden rain storm caught me by surprise. I had barely gathered my instruments when as quickly as it arose, the rain stopped. Taking its place in the sky: a rainbow.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 8. Now and then in the night, I hear odd creatures calling and feel compelled to pack my things and follow them. It's a marvelous thing, to be free to travel this way. I go where I please and whenever I wish. There is a band of roving entertainers camped nearby; perhaps I'll join them!
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 16. Horrible, wracking cough. I don't know where I picked this cold up, but I cannot seem to shake it. The past few days are a blur to me. I feel as though I've been fumbling in a fog. This morning, I woke out in a field without my tent or bedroll. I do not know how I got here.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 19. All better now. I've encountered some fellow travelers who offered me several different herbal remedies. Not sure which, but one of them worked. My fever is gone and I'm back to work documenting the creatures I see. Today I am tracking some fay creatures through the woods. The air sparkles about them with a gold and silver light.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 21. My cold is back. Generally feel miserable, but I must push on. I've completed a catalog of different fay creatures and have sent my report back to the school. My drawings were not as well rendered as I would like, but I cannot stop my hand from shaking.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Day 24. So cold, always. Another group of travelers is helping me. I was not prepared for how kind folks are to an unfortunate person such as myself. If I could only repay them. When I am better, I will think of something.
Read the journal.
Close the journal.
Cannot focus on the words. There is something I must do. Don't know what. Don't remember. So kind, these people are. So kind.
Close the journal.
an opened book
This item can be placed in any house type.

Arcane Tome
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The pages of this leather-bound notebook are empty and waiting for someone to scribe their tale into the history of Norrath forever.


Crafted from Bloody Tooth Advanced Scribing (recipe purchased from Scribbleclaw in Obulus Frontier
requires at least 30,000 faction with Bloody Tooth Clan
or Elmelar Stilltree in Myrist, the Great Library).

Arcane Tome
Engraved Desk
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component

Discovered on 17 Nov 2016 at 18:31:41 PST.
Bear Hide Notebook
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

The pages of this leather-bound notebook are empty and waiting for someone to scribe their tale into the history of Norrath forever.


Crafted from Sage Essentials Volume 90.

Bear Hide Notebook
Engraved Desk
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component

Discovered on 12 Nov 2013 at 11:52:29 PST.
coldain leather bound book
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Rent Status

Discovered on 25 May 2010 at 10:38:27 PDT.
Creepy Creatures Catalog
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

I obtained this odd tome by cataloging various creepy flora and fauna.


Quest reward from [200] My Creepy Catalog (World Event), started by Guides.

Discovered on 19 Oct 2005 at 23:29:38 PDT.
My Creepy Creatures Catalog

by Anonymous
There are many unusual creatures throughout Norrath, some more peculiar than others.

I shall attempt to describe the most particularly creepy creatures that I have encountered in my travels.

The venom of the false widow spider is highly toxic...to plants. While the creature appears fearsome and is indeed often mistaken for its more deadly cousin, the false widow spider is not lethal to mortals. At least, not by venomous bite. The blue widow spider is, however, another story.

Though often seen throughout the lands, some skeletons are rarer than others. There is a small skeletal brat, so-named for its habit of taunting the living.

One can occassionally find, usually near water, bloated skeletons. These are very rare as it is often impossible to determine what makes a skeleton bloated.

Flesh dripping from their maggot-pierced skin, the mucus zombies can be identified by their nasty, hacking cough.

There are also the exceptionally rare spongiform zombies. They are often mistaken for fungi, though one makes that mistake but once.

Who can possibly forget an invasion of ghast beetles? Swarms of these small obnoxious creatures have been reported in wooded areas, where they blind their prey by flying directly into their faces. Digusting! and certainly...creepy.
Diary of Butrus
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This diary contains a daily accounting of the Animists' life. The last few entries may be of relevance to your investigation.


Required by the Quest
'A Source of Malediction'

Quest reward from [94] A Source of Malediction (Heritage) (Heroic), started by Nabih Qusafi in The Stonebrunt Highlands.

Discovered on 18 Feb 2010 at 15:03:00 PST.
Day 142:
Although thoroughly insane, I was able to make a deal with Exarch Mordek in exchange for the real location of the paw. Apparently his congregation will do anything to release them from their addictive dependence to the necro-malignant bile they themselves created. One should never attempt to alter a curse as powerful as the one wrapped about that place.
Day 150:
They've bought it! The fools actually believed I had created a cure for their addictions. By the time they discover the solution is nothing more then a mere snake-oil elixir purchased from a two-bit alchemist I'll already be in possession of the artifact!
The location of the paw is said to be hidden in a place where no one would think to search. The sepulcher near Windstalker village has long remained untouched out of respect for the dead buried there. If Mordek is true to his word that sepulcher contains much more then a few rotten corpses.
Day 162:
Another thwarted attempt on my life! How is it they can continue to find me? Who are these people that they've sent? Mercenaries? Assassins? I've almost reached the Ulteran Spire. Once I reach the research hall, I can make my preparations for my journey to Antonica.
Frostfell Wonderland Pop-up Book
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

As the saying goes, "he who has not Frostfell in his heart will never find it under a tree." Fortunately, this nostalgic pop-up book will fill your heart with Frostfell cheer all year long!


Created by          Eve

Purchased on the Marketplace (Player Studio → Housing → Decorations or Housing → Decorations) for 500 DBC

Discovered on 8 Dec 2015 at 8:47:28 PST.
Halasian hardbound book
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Rent Status

Purchased from Assistant Warden Bjerne (-402, 171, -127) or Corna Kilgour in Frostfang Sea (-301, 173, -107) for 2g 40s.

Discovered on 25 May 2010 at 9:09:08 PDT.
Mistmoore Open Tome
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Purchased from Pas Yu in The Sundered Frontier (2294, -199, 2507)
requires membership and having completed 8 weekly quest from the Days of Summer 2023 merchant.
for 0c.

Obtained from:
Panda, Panda, Panda 2023 Decoration Pack 8
You may only unpack a single Panda, Panda, Panda 2023 Decoration Pack 8


Discovered on 14 Nov 2023 at 0:06:26 PST.
Nektulos Forest, by Torq De'Rech
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This book was given to me by Torq De'Rech of the Order of Nektulos. It contains his first hand descriptions of the forest today and the forest of old.


Quest reward from [25] Lay of the Land (Nektulos Forest), started by Torq De'Rech in Nektulos Forest.

Purchased from Indis Surion in Qeynos Capitol District (702, 82, 129) or Navarius Orvalis in The City of Freeport (10, -7, -134) or Piritta Silvarri in Greater Faydark (151, 109, 175) or Ricka Stonehide in Frostfang Sea (-115, 149, -90) or Beata Sringer in City of Fordel Midst (735, -9, -744)
requires completing the Quest "Lay of the Land"
for 1c.

Discovered on 13 May 2008 at 9:47:25 PDT.
When I first traveled this forest as a young dark elf I found many things fascinating. The weather here under the trees is mild and rarely changes. The air is stagnant and thick, festering with rotting life and the iron tinge of blood. Fog is prevalent, so one learns quickly to watch their step.
Nektulos Forest in the days of my ancestors was not half as dangerous as the Nektulos of today. The Nektulos of old was bordered by the Eastern end of the Commonlands, the Lavastorm Mountains and the great dark elf city of Neriak. There are rumors that the Lavastorm Mountains have been rediscovered and are in a much more dangerous state then the Lavastorm of old. There are still ruins of the old wizard spires deep in heart of the woods and ruined druid rings remain as well.
The old Nektulos was inhabited by far less species than today, but several of the old species have remained, becoming stronger through the cataclysm. The undead of old still roam, now joined by those who suffered in cataclysm. The shadowmen also remain. There were texts that were found in the ruins of Neriak that speak of worshippers of a strange god that lived in the forest, where they are today I cannot say.
The ancient dark elf city of Neriak was once protected from invaders by these woods. All the warriors knew these lands better than any interloper could ever dream of knowing them. Neriak was strong and fortified. The forest protected the entrance to the Foreign Quarter, which protected the entrance to the Neriak Commons. An invading force would have to fight through these regions before making it to the Third Gate. The Third Gate housed the training halls of the great warriors and mages. No force besides the cataclysm could have ever hoped to take on the might of the great city of Neriak. It is said that the ruins of the mighty city have been unearthed and explored.
The burial chamber of D'Morte has also been unearthed in the woods. It is told that the undead and vampires who reside within heed no visitors. As long as they remain beneath the ground the Order will not strike out against them. Let them feed on the weak; we have no other use for them. The biggest strength that the Order possesses is we know these woods as our ancestors did, none would survive challenging us here.
Nektulos Forest, by Torq De'Rech
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This book was given to me by Torq De'Rech of the Order of Nektulos. It contains his first hand descriptions of the forest today and the forest of old.

Quest reward from [25] Lay of the Land (Nektulos Forest), started by Torq De'Rech in Nektulos Forest.

Discovered on 6 Apr 2005 at 11:45:31 PDT.
When I first traveled this forest as a young dark elf I found many things fascinating. The weather here under the trees is mild and rarely changes. The air is stagnant and thick, festering with rotting life and the iron tinge of blood. Fog is prevalent, so one learns quickly to watch their step.
Read the book
Put the book away.
Nektulos Forest in the days of my ancestors was not half as dangerous as the Nektulos of today. The Nektulos of old was bordered by the Eastern end of the Commonlands, the Lavastorm Mountains and the great dark elf city of Neriak. There are rumors that the Lavastorm Mountains have been rediscovered and are in a much more dangerous state then the Lavastorm of old. There are still ruins of the old wizard spires deep in heart of the woods and ruined druid rings remain as well.
Read the book
Put the book away.
The old Nektulos was inhabited by far less species than today, but several of the old species have remained, becoming stronger through the cataclysm. The undead of old still roam, now joined by those who suffered in cataclysm. The shadowmen also remain. There were texts that were found in the ruins of Neriak that speak of worshippers of a strange god that lived in the forest, where they are today I cannot say.
Read the book
Put the book away.
The ancient dark elf city of Neriak was once protected from invaders by these woods. All the warriors knew these lands better than any interloper could ever dream of knowing them. Neriak was strong and fortified. The forest protected the entrance to the Foreign Quarter, which protected the entrance to the Neriak Commons. An invading force would have to fight through these regions before making it to the Third Gate. The Third Gate housed the training halls of the great warriors and mages. No force besides the cataclysm could have ever hoped to take on the might of the great city of Neriak. It is said that the ruins of the mighty city have been unearthed and explored.
Read the book
Put the book away.
The burial chamber of D'Morte has also been unearthed in the woods. It is told that the undead and vampires who reside within heed no visitors. As long as they remain beneath the ground the Order will not strike out against them. Let them feed on the weak; we have no other use for them. The biggest strength that the Order possesses is we know these woods as our ancestors did, none would survive challenging us here.
Put the book away.
Of Mice and Maedjinn
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This is a mastery tome. Use the knowledge contained within to gain a basic understanding of the tactics to use against the chosen foe.


Quest reward from [120] Lore and Legend: Maedjinn (Lore and Legend), started by examining maedjinn parts.

Discovered on 29 Nov 2023 at 17:04:51 PST.
Of Mice and Maedjinn

I don't recall much from before. In fact, none of us do, so it's been necessary to compare memories with one another to assemble an understanding of our past, while we can. This is our story as best we can tell. It is the story of our beginning, our divergence, and our ending.
It starts with a sudden awareness, surrounded by indescribable music, not from a single source but from all around. It is everything and everywhere joining in metaphysical song. Understanding of the moment is beyond our reach, due to our infancy, (1) but even without opening our eyes we can sense vibrations colliding and reverberating off one another, giving birth to others like us.
1) And by design. Let's not delude ourselves on that.
We are welcomed by others, those formed before us, and we acknowledge one another. We need not be coddled or protected, unlike the youth of other races, (2) nor do we require lessons to know what is expected of us. It is within us, a force that compels us to carry out tasks and do what is necessary as part of the Zakir Rish. We work together towards our shared goals, bringing glory and honor to the Sovereign. (3)
2) Evidence to the contrary. Look at how we turned out.

3) This makes it sound noble or harmonious. But they weren't really our shared goals now, were they? Maybe if we had the choice, or even the knowledge of choice, they might have been.
Our world was one of vibrant colors, reflected, and refracted, dominated by materials lustrous and malleable. We had known nothing different or even the possibility of a difference. That is, until we were selected to travel elsewhere, to the lands beyond, where the apostates cowered from our Sovereign. We departed our Aether realm arriving upon an island within Stratos, the Plane of Sky.
We were surprised to feel the land teeter under us. Its celestial moorings were decaying quickly and would soon suffer the same fate as others before it. We broke the forged chains that had temporarily secured it to other islands in the floating archipelago, letting the natural course take it, and us along with it. (4)

4) No part of this is natural though, is it? Deities, Sovereigns, chattel, machinations, and consequences. What of that seems natural?
The Plane of Sky seemingly dissolved around us as we shuddered and jostled into the Prime Plane. The air was different; ungoverned and chaotic. And the horizon was dull with only a few colors on display. If we could have pondered it, we might have wondered why subjects would have chosen a life in a drab and distressing locale as the Overrealm, when the Sovereign's realm offered so much more. Instead, we did what we were sent to do; we attacked.
We laid waste to the land and lashed out at any and all resistance, as we had been commanded. We felt an unquenchable hunger for battle pulsating through our veins, pushing us harder, even as success became more imminent. The local hooluk population fought back, some of them valiantly, but they were outmatched and ill prepared. (5)

5) Or so we thought.
Their defense tactics were unorganized and crude, mostly consisting of dodging and running, or distracting us with piercing screams. So, when a small group of their mages appeared behind us, near the center of our island-turned-troop-transport, we instinctively advanced towards them. We were going to strike them down mercilessly, no matter how brave they had been to face us. Then they flew off, as fast as they had come. Leaving us surprised at their sudden show of cowardice.
Of course, that's not really what had caused them to run off. No, they knew that they had just left a powerfully destructive arcane item in the middle of our island. They ignited it with an incendiary spell fired from above before we could realize what they had done. (6) The resulting explosion shattered the island, and the concussive blast flung most of us deeper into the woods of Splendor Sky Aerie.

6) We shouldn't be so quick to dismiss other beings, huh?
Most of us had no way of knowing the fate of the island or our mission, as we had lost consciousness. We would learn later, of course, that only a small segment of the island remained, with a kaleidoscopic scar in the planar fabric at its tilted apex. The rest of the island and the creatures that had been upon it, had plummeted to the world below, the Undercloud, no doubt breaking into smaller crumbs along the way.
We learned about it from those who had found us and showed us mercy, a small band of hooluks. They had taken us back to their huts in the Root Warrens, despite their fears, despite being our foes. They nursed our wounds and provided us with food and drink. It was a remarkable show of compassion, and we were confused by it. (7)

7) Confusion was such a new sensation!
As we regained our strength, we began to question their motives. Were we to be hostages or to be forced into servitude? No. They spoke of their history, of their culture, and of course, what they had known of their peoples' suffering under the Sovereign's reign. They treated us as individuals. Something we had never been before, as we never had a sense of self before.
During this time, although we had healed from the battle, we were feeling weaker and our skin, once lustrous and healthy, had begun growing dull and pitted. We were showing signs of corrosion! None of the hooluk potions or salves helped, which troubled all of us.
Whatever we suffered from, it would require our return to the Plane of Sky. Something we had assumed would happen inevitably. Surely, the Sovereign will send other forces to save us. (8)

8) Yes, we were that delusional.
We began questioning our assumption as the days dragged on. We found ourselves in disagreement over what to do. That too was something new for us. Discord was new and tempers flared as a result. It was obvious to our caregivers we lacked the skills to productively navigate this emotional territory. They encouraged us to talk to one another, to share our experiences, and our individual knowledge with one another.
This is how we came to suspect the Sovereign hadn't sent us to this realm to capture the aviaks, but instead as an experiment of our capabilities as an attack force upon the Prime Plane. (9) Our corrosion was an unforeseen side effect of being cut off from either the Sovereign's reach or from our birth plane, as was our new sprung individuality. We were no longer the drones we had been created to be!
9) This would be confirmed later, after a new wave of maedjinn, shiny and determined, came through the magically stabilized aether breach. Not that you survived to see it. They had mirror shards that helped to keep the entire contingent linked to the Plane of Sky!
We have chosen a new name for ourselves, the Tanhar. A new name to reflect the new people we are. The corrosion has begun to take its toll, faster and more debilitating for some than others. None of us know how long we will last, but we would rather perish adding the song of our unshackled minds as Tanhar to the universe, than be limited by the synchronized song of the maedjinn. Their tune is unmelodious to the universe. (10)
10) That's an oddly poetic way to end this collection of memories, don't you think?
<blank page>
I hope you don't mind the notes I added to the history you'd been recording. After you succumbed to the corrosion, I was a bit lost. I found your records and thought it might help to give it a bit of an edit.
Honestly, it felt like you were doing something to memorialize us, to tell our story to someone. I get it. It would be easy for the Planes to ignore us, to have our short existence lost to the vastness of the Overrealm, but you didn't want that. And you didn't want the maedjinn dismissed as the song-wrought army for the Djinn Sovereign's invasion plans. Now maybe some others will know that they are exactly that, but they can be freed of it, too. Unfortunately, the cost is high.
Maybe one of us will survive to tell the tale, but if not, these pages will have to do.
Opened Ornate Book
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Discovered on 20 Feb 2024 at 15:32:23 PST.
Scribe's Tome of Combat
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Crafted from Luclin Scribe's Tomes (recipe purchased from Krmi Hilflipper in The Blinding).

Scribe's Tome of Combat
Channeling your knowledge to create: Scribe's Tome of Combat
Woodworking Table
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component

Purchased from Becka Quantem in Great Divide (1193, -533, 462) for 43g 40s 25c.
requires Lore and Legend server

Discovered on 6 Jan 2020 at 8:55:15 PST.
Scribe's Tome of Magic
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Crafted from Luclin Scribe's Tomes (recipe purchased from Krmi Hilflipper in The Blinding).

Scribe's Tome of Magic
Channeling your knowledge to create: Scribe's Tome of Magic
Woodworking Table
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component

Purchased from Becka Quantem in Great Divide (1193, -533, 462) for 43g 40s 25c.
requires Lore and Legend server

Discovered on 24 Dec 2019 at 11:09:30 PST.
Scribe's Tome of Shadows
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Crafted from Luclin Scribe's Tomes (recipe purchased from Krmi Hilflipper in The Blinding).

Scribe's Tome of Shadows
Channeling your knowledge to create: Scribe's Tome of Shadows
Woodworking Table
Primary Component
Build Components
Fuel Component

Purchased from Becka Quantem in Great Divide (1193, -533, 462) for 43g 40s 25c.
requires Lore and Legend server

Discovered on 1 Jan 2020 at 5:58:34 PST.
Secret Legacy
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A tale of love and grief, and the legacy it can create.


Collection reward from [120] Secret Legacy (Tome).

Secret Legacy - Page 2 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 3 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 4 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 5 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 6 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 7 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 8 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 9 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 10 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 11 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])
Secret Legacy - Page 12 (shinies in The Merchant's Den [Solo] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic I] or The Merchant's Den [Heroic II])

Discovered on 12 Apr 2022 at 17:34:06 PDT.
Secret Legacy

A tale of love and grief, and the legacy it can create.
There once was a captivating elf, an Elddar of beauty and grace, who caught the eye of a dark, mysterious man. From Hate he sprang, now the last of his kind.

On Norrath he found her, in a city of gilded stone and towering trees. Being around her was as soothing and revitalizing as a cleansing breath; something he had a dim memory of, as it had been hundreds of years since his last one.
She could not resist being charmed by his charisma, his passion, or the darkness that clung to him. They were infatuated with one another, and soon infatuation turned to love. Not even the knowledge of his affliction could turn her from him.
He had explained it, but never offered it to her. She adored the fleeting things in life, the changing leaves, the emerging butterfly, the newborn calf. She would wither, her eyes would become bleak, if she saw the inevitability of it all, the pointlessness of being witness to the ages.
He knew this meant their time was limited, and so he filled the days with passion and excitement. Soon she announced some news of her own with him, for she was with child! He is elated! The thought of their pairing bringing about an heir, when he had long been the last, the only, invigorated him.
He celebrated his beloved and their unborn child, with gifts and festivities. He moved her into his keep, along with her old handmaid, who had attentively waited on her for years. By this time, the crone was mostly blind, but her devotion wouldn't let that stop her.
Weeks turned into months. The handmaiden saw to the mother-to-be's every need. Tonics were served, potions were brewed, and lotions were applied. The handmaiden's skills and her knowledge of esoteric remedies and healing magic seemed to do the trick. The pregnancy advanced with no signs of trouble, though sometimes, the expectant mother swore there was an odd pinch or bite amongst the kicks and jabs she felt from within her womb.
Then came the fateful day, the day he thought would deliver pride and certainty, but instead brought tragedy. His beloved started to show unexplained difficulty. The child was born, but at great cost, and disfigured and weak of heart, something there had been no hint of. The new mother's struggle continued. There was another child! This one was born strong and of perfect form. Unfortunately, the mother did not survive the ordeal.
Fueled by grief, anger, and disgust, the mourning father attempted to destroy the deformed baby, his firstborn, only to find his attack deflected. His child was protected by arcane means! It escaped his understanding, in fact, much of the events that unfolded that day did. He was left to presume it was a side effect of the child being his own son. After all, there had never been a child born to a mortal elf and one of his kind before.
The handmaiden was the one to offer the few answers ever suggested. It was her theory that a curse was to blame.

It had been placed upon the mother with the intent of the child's destruction. The ancient health potions and tonics she had made, some of which derived from forbidden knowledge, protected the mother and the children until the birth, but took its toll on the first child. As there was no knowledge of the second child, the curse was not placed on him, too.
The handmaiden stayed on, not that the father ever asked, but she did. She watched over the two boys, and cared for them as she could, for many more years. Her talents and knowledge continued to come into use for the boys and the father, alike. When Drinal's Steward finally came for her, many lives had she outlived, yet few knew of her. Quiet and hunched, blind and feeble, she left Norrath with a legacy few would ever realize.
The Legend of Nipik
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

A book given to you in honor of the late Nipik.


Quest reward from [87] Joy in Place of Sadness (Great Divide), started by Rui in Great Divide.

Discovered on 22 Feb 2011 at 14:34:25 PST.
The Legend of Nipik
~ ~ ~
written in the fashion of man
by Snowflower
Long ago, we, the othmir, lived in Cobalt Scar on the western side of Velious, and there we had lived for generations and prospered. One day, a young, shy, orphaned runt named Nipik began seeing horrible visions: the sky was broken, the land shifted and cracked, and the blood of his people soaked the snow and made it crimson. He was fearful and begged his elders to flee and find a new establishment to call their home.
But the elders would hear nothing of him, they even punished him for fear mongering. But he would not stop, and instead he began telling the people to flee with him. But his pleas and doom-saying only made him more alienated than before. In the end, only a handful agreed to flee with him, including his older sister, Fina, who was like a mother to him. They set sail out on the ocean on what some would consider an odyssey. Soon after they left, the Rending occurred, which split the land and enraged the seas.
For months, the ocean raged like the gnashing of teeth and the winds howled like screams. The very world itself appeared tormented with pain from the catastrophe that had occurred. Nipik and his fellow othmir struggled on these raging ocean waves; they were tossed like a leaf on the wind, and great beasts of the deep waters would stalk them with hungry eyes, hoping one would fall overboard. They fought to stay alive, and nearly perished, but in the end, Nipik's sister sacrificed herself so the others could live. No one to this day knows what happened. Nipik would never say what occurred. All we know is that she was a strong warrior, a skilled and honored fisher, and a mother figure. Nipik suffered a great loss from losing her. The sadness never left his eyes.
Hope was quickly becoming a rare commodity upon the tiny boat, but this did not last forever, for eventually, the seas settled and eased, and Nipik began to receive new visions. Visions of a sandy beach where he could call home. Continuing to follow the voice, he landed on the eastern beaches of Velious, and they quickly began to build a new home. Not long after, survivors from Cobalt Scar began showing up, many battered and near death. They all remembered Nipik's warnings and begged his forgiveness, calling him a prophet and the savior. With the handful of survivors, the new village would be able to sustain itself, and was named 'Nipik's Haven'.
Life was good and peaceful for generation after generation, but Nipik did not die and aged very slowly. If the villagers did not know it already, they knew it now; that Nipik has been touched by a god. And still he continued to hear the distant voice that saved his people. It beckoned him, leading them to prosperity and good fortunes. But where was the voice coming from, Nipik decided one day to follow the mysterious voice.
He set out to sea once again with a few close companions, but this time the waters were calm and lazy. The voice lead him to a clustering flow of ice drifting in the Iceclad Oceans where the fishing was the best they had seen. This reminded him of his beloved sister, who loved to fish, and was excellent at it. So, in memory of her, he named the spot 'Fina's Retreat'. Because of the great fishing, it soon grew from a simple camping spot into a smaller branch of the village. Any othmir worth their whiskers knows the heroics of Fina, and so a shrine in her honor and memory was erected there.
One day, Nipik heard the voice much stronger than before. It told him that he must go on a spiritual journey if he wished to meet the entity behind the voice. Nipik prepared himself, and traversed the watery depths alone. It wasn't before long when Nipik gazed upon a shining light deep beneath the waves. Then a great mass emerged from the light; a giant and mighty turtle. He called himself Lodizal, and he spoke to Nipik with the same voice he had been hearing for so long, and he told him about his own journey.
Lodizal spoke of how he once battled adventurers many lifetimes ago. Prexus looked down upon the world and saw the mighty turtle battlign the land dwellers. So impressed was he in the strength and courage of this beast, that he decided to rescue the turtle from his attackers by bringing him to the Plane of Water. He was hand chosen by Prexus, god of the seas and oceans, to be his messenger and to be a physical representative for him on Norrath. Another reason he chose Lodizal at this time was for us, the othmir, his favored creation.
Prexus loved us more than any of his other creations because of our demeanor and loyalty. So when Prexus caught wind of the danger of the Rending on Norrath, he took measures to try and save us. He chose Lodizal because he was the biggest and mightiest of the turtles. He was proud that one of his creations became so mighty, and so he blessed Lodizal with mystical powers, including an extremely long life.
But Lodizal had no voice of his own, so he could not tell the othmir what must be done to save them. Instead, he chose one othmir among the many to speak for him. He chose the runt named Nipik and secretly blessed him with a portion of his powers, binding them together and allowing him to hear his absent voice.
Lodizal chose Nipik to receive his visions because he had a strong spirit and aura, despite his puny size. It is said that Nipik, smaller size meant that what he lacked in physical strength, he more than made up for with wits, making him more ideal to Lodizal than a physically strong othmir. He was also more ideal than a shaman, because a shaman would be more likely to misinterpret the visions and seek out spirits instead.
With these final words, Nipik's spiritual joumey was over. He climbed upon the back of the mighty turtle and rode him up to the ceiling of the ocean, breaking the surface in a mass of swirling water, waves, and spray. It was the grandest sight I will ever see for as long as I live.
After the divine connection was made public, the villagers came to recognize that it was Lodizal who led Nipik during the Age of Cataclysms, and began to worship him as a demigod alongside Prexus. Nipik became a new political and spiritual leader, loved by all who knew him.
It is clear that Nipik will surely be the oldest othmir to ever live because of his blessings from the gods. But the sad truth is that Nipik is still aging, even if it is very slowly. One day, our prophet may leave this world. Oh, what a sad day that will be for us. But for Nipik, perhaps it will be a happy day, perhaps it will be the day when the sadness finally leaves his eyes when he can gaze upon his beloved sister once more.
~ End ~
The Loresinger's Limericks
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This magical tome was awarded to the owner for assistance to the Loresinger clan.


Awarded by Guides.

Discovered on 20 May 2010 at 18:09:39 PDT.
The Loresinger's Limericks
notes by Oyni Loresinger
Songs of Norrath and Norrathians
Erudites are a most varied race,
Yet can always be told by their face.
Their wide, lofty domes
Are said to be homes
To thoughts lesser minds can not trace.
Are Gnomes naught but distracted tinkers?
Or could they also be strong thinkers?
Bright gadgets galore
From their workshops do pour...
A pity, but some are such stinkers!
Kerra are the surviving heirs
To both Kejekans and the Vah Shirs
With stealth and raw nerve,
Their historians preserve,
Yet at times they still mourn their forebears.
The High Elves are noble and wise.
All dark arts they deeply despise.
They battle for glory;
Again, tell their story...
And watch each day's new sun arise.
The ways of dark elves are mysterious
And often of evil quite serious.
Some few turn away,
Though most surely stay.
Beware, lest you make them too curious!
A mystery are the Sarnak,
Their history lost in the black.
Their past they'll reclaim,
Along with their name.
'Ware those who would hold them back!
The Prophetic Mystery
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This is a mastery tome. Use the knowledge contained within to gain a basic understanding of the tactics to use against the chosen foe.


Offers the Quest
'Lore and Legend: Kobold'

Quest reward from [35] Lore and Legend: Kobold (Lore and Legend), started by examining kobold parts or by examining The Prophetic Mystery in Butcherblock Mountains (758, 26, 589).

Purchased from Indis Surion in Qeynos Capitol District (702, 82, 129) or Navarius Orvalis in The City of Freeport (10, -7, -134) or Piritta Silvarri in Greater Faydark (151, 109, 175) or Ricka Stonehide in Frostfang Sea (-115, 149, -90) or Beata Sringer in City of Fordel Midst (735, -9, -744)
requires completing the Quest "Lore and Legend: Kobold"
for 1c.

Plundered from Butcherblock Mountains (758, 26, 589).

Discovered on 28 Feb 2007 at 8:32:47 PST.
"The Prophetic Mystery" -- from the writings of Geraint Caradoc
"The under dynasty will be eaten, starting with your bottom."

This is the phrase that started it all. First it was a curiosity, and now that I have begun to look further into it, my interests have grown. I had come across the prophecy as I was rebinding some of the books in my grandfather's library that had survived these few years since the War of Plague upon Qeynos. It was in an ancient dialect of Erudish, but its mention of a dynasty eaten and my bottom made me laugh.
Due to the age of the prophecy, I have begun to wonder if this could be something that has already taken place, or something still to come. I have decided to start investigating it, and am keeping this journal as record of my findings.

"The under dynasty" may be speaking of an underworld empire or leadership of a kingdom that came from an underground location.
Gnolls, kobolds, dark elves, dwarves, halflings, minotaurs, goblins, shik'nar, fire giants, burynai, undead, and dragons all come from below, or live below ground. Ak'Anon, Neriak, Blackburrow, the Underfoot, and Nagafen's Lair can all be considered kingdoms that are located underground.

Under dynasty could also be speaking more of an underdog; the oppressed; the disadvantaged. This would also fit with the gnolls, kobolds, minotaurs, and goblins.
"Eaten, starting with your bottom," is an odd phrase to say the least.

To eat is to wear away, corrode, devour, ravage, consume or overtake. But "starting with your bottom"... what could that imply? The underside, the base, the origin, lowest point. That could be both physically, or socially. The lowest of people within that society, or the lowest point of the empire's recognized land? Maybe the foundation of the empire itself?
Dragons definitely devour, and they tend to make their lairs in underground locations. But if it were a prophecy relating to the mystically powerful dragons, then I should be able to find other related prophecies. But my search for other prophecies, so far, has had little results.

I did find several others that also referred to kingdoms coming to an end, but I was able to discern key differences to know they were not speaking of the same instance.
I consulted an oracle who is well known for her ability to see underlying meanings, and some of her previous prophecies have already come to pass. I had my notes with me, but she never even read them!

"You have Brell on the brain, and cannot dig yourself out from under it. An old enemy, always buried... quakes and cracks upon the land. They make the attack upon their holy land. Crusade to take it for all his children. Growls and drool below the man of stone and stein."

It was all she could say.
These new details of the prophecy allowed me to narrow my search; gnolls, kobolds, minotaurs, goblins, burynai, and dragons. They all make growl sounds, and drool.

The line about Brell could be because it all happens underground, or it could be that the prophecy involves some of his creations such as dwarves, halflings, gnolls, kobolds, and goblins. This is further supported with, "for all his children." The most telling was, "The man of stone and stein." That is a dwarf.
The only dwarven civilizations I know can be found on the continent of Velious and Faydwer. Of those locations, Kaladim in the Butcherblock Mountains is the one I know with suspects lurking near by; kobolds and minotaurs.

The dwarves have long held that they are the only true children of Brell Serilis. The gnolls, kobolds, and goblins have long been offended by such claims. They, as well as so many other creatures of the Underfoot, all hold him as their creator. I suspect this prophecy is about the kobolds.
Kobolds are a subterranean, tribal race that resemble oversized attack dogs. Compared with a gnoll they are bulkier, and more stout. They walk hunched over, and often on their knuckles.

They appear to be less civilized then gnolls, as they never don clothes and rarely equip tools, but they are a force to be reckoned with. They are not to be underestimated in their magic proficiency nor in their raw brute strength. They have leaders and shaman that can organize the tribe quickly and effectively.
They have long engaged in a fierce and horribly bloody grudge against the younger children of Brell, the dwarves and gnomes.

Lore tells of the direct relation of this animosity leading to the birth of the Lord of Despair, Rolfrom Zek. This sibling rivalry could easily be fanned into a blazing inferno.
Kobolds are close with nature, especially beings which they consider to be kindred souls, which can allow them to gain the cooperation of other creatures for whatever means.

They believe in the spirituality of animals, but also the existence of their deity and creator, Brell. This can make for a dangerous enemy. They can gain the cooperation of others, and they have the conviction of religion to embolden their crusades.
If this prophecy is about the kobolds and the dwarves, then it stands to reason that it has not happened, yet. It is a warning that the kobolds will rise up after an earthquake and take the city of Kaladim from the dwarves themselves!

No such feat has been attempted, but if they were to organize and shore their numbers they could have an army big enough to take advantage of the confusion and grief that would accompany an earthquake in the Butcherblock Mountains.
I wonder if I should send my studies of this prophecy to the dwarves of Kaladim, or if they would simply laugh it off. I am not a seasoned scholar of prognostication.

I should do more research before I trouble them.
Thelin Poxbourne, The Cursed
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

Thelin Poxbourne, The Cursed by Adroha Jezith


Discovered on 13 Nov 2018 at 12:09:34 PST.
Thelin Poxbourne, The Cursed

by Adroha Jezith
My pity unto Thelin. His life on Norrath was a miserable one. As a young man he began to study the workings of fear inspired by Cazic-Thule. The workings had been translated for mortals by Zebuxoruk.

Pouring over the texts, Thelin felt his mind being invaded by Cazic. This information was not for mortal usage and the malevolent god stripped him of all his earthly belongings and cursed him to live in poverty and ruin.
He lived in the streets of Eastern Freeport, begging from those passing through the port. He sat quivering, propped up against a wall with one hand out as he watched the travelers pass by. None of them even gave him a second glance.
Several years would pass before a female dwarf would arrive to trade some of her family's armor and weapons. She saw and took pity on Thelin. She knelt down, scratched her beard then began to rummage through her backpack. She then placed a jeweled dagger in his hand, smiled and returned to her former business.
This was the only gift that Thelin had received since the curse. It was beautifully crafted and would likely have fetched a handsome price upon the market. He decided to keep the dagger as it was such a kind gesture.

Later that eve, Thelin heard the calling of others that studied Zebuxoruk's workings. He recognized the language they called out in.
He approached the men and explained he had studied the writings of Zebuxoruk. One of the shaded figures then began to mutter an incantation.

Suddenly, there was a bright flash, lush vegetation and a peaceful breeze surrounded them. They had ascended here, to the Plane of Tranquility where they could further study the works without interference from the gods and mortals alike.
Thelin enjoyed it here. He assisted the other followers by using all his mana to open a portal to the Plane of Nightmares, the demi-plane ruled by the child of The Faceless, Terris-Thule.

Spent from using all his energies, he went to bed early after his victory had been achieved in this task. As he laid in bed, he looked over the dagger that had been given to him by the female dwarf. He smiled at the new peace he had found here and began to fall asleep.
Drifting away into the realm of dreams, his subconscious was assaulted by the horrors of a nightmare. He tossed and turned from the visions that came before him. So bad did he writhe in his subconscious torment that he turned on the dagger. He was critically injured, and let out a wrenching scream.

We found him and were able to heal his wound enough to keep him alive. However, he still lies in a deep coma seemingly tortured by nightmares.
It is our belief that Terris-Thule is punishing him for allowing entrance into her plane. She seems to have an exceedingly strong tie to him. Since her father has already punished him, she likely found that he was easily tormented by her own powers.

My only hope is that one day we will find a healing potion that eases his suffering, or a visiting Priest of Health is able to succeed in ending his suffering.
Thule Iz Good
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Discovered on 18 Nov 2008 at 9:44:18 PST.
Thul Iz Good
Ragnud Stomprr
Long war, long long war, ogre fight for Zek. Stoopid ogre. Many ogre die, many ogre week.
Green myst came. Green myst kiled al stoopid ogre whu fight for Zek.
Sum ogres do not di. Sum ogres watch all uthers di. Thule cume to ogres.
Thule say ogres get power. Power to say no to Zek and say yes to Thule.
Ogres not stoopid. Ogres say yes. Ogres serve Thule, not Zek. Ogres get green, but ogres not die. Ogres get power.
Ogres like the power of the green. Green is pritti. Ogres like Thule.
Thule iz good.
Toes, Teeth, and Death
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.


Quest reward from [100] Toes, Teeth, and Death (Obulus Frontier), started by examining Bloody Tooth Banner in Obulus Frontier (135, -171, -715).

Discovered on 15 Nov 2016 at 14:51:56 PST.
Toes, Teeth, and Death

A History of the Bloody Tooth Clan

Translated from stone blocks found around the village of Twark
During times ancient goblins come to Kunark. Cleaving Tooth goblin clan live long, long time in forest. We scavenge, raid, and take ruins for home.
Mountain Death goblin clan closest others, in Droga. They dig mines, take places, and make home in mountains. Cleaving Tooth good at making trades with Mountain Death. We good when clans together. Then not.
Mountain Death do bad things or lie and say Cleaving Tooth do bad things. Clan war start.
Giants sometimes fight Cleaving Tooth. Iksar sometimes fight and take Cleaving Tooth. Iksar sometimes fight and take giants, too. Cleaving Tooth strong! All goblins strong! Giants strong! Alliance of Stone. Together, giant and goblin war on iksar! Win we did! Goblins come home with may treasures!
Then giants be speaking lies. They say goblins lie! Giants show no can trust. Alliance no more.
War of Lies! Many goblins die. Many giants die! Too many, both sad. Words have between goblin chiefs and giant chiefs. Weapons put down. End of war with giants.
Still trades with other goblins. Droga Chief Guzrub, third chief after RokGus, try to do good. Try to keep goblin clans work together.
Bloody Guts clan like wars too much! War of Bloody Mountain Tooth! Goblin fight goblin! Clan fight clan! Peace with none, battle all! Peace with one, battle other! War with clans hard, many die. Many, many goblins die. Too many. Still, when try to get all peace, it not work.
Until Battle of Three Chiefs! Guzrub, Moz, and Zegm all at battle. Zegm reached for throat of Guzrub, but suddenly knocked down by god object hurled from sky! Stunned by sight, Guzrub and Moz put down weapons and begin much praying. All goblins of clans do same!
All clans together and name new Broken Toe Clan! Guzrub first chief of all clan!
Later, later come time of great rumbles across land, like big-big army march, but no army come. Rumbles come from under land! Big rocks fall, mines fill with dirt and trap! What always stable now shake and waters splash hard at land.
Broken Toes not know what must do. Goblins from Nu'roga tells goblins of Twark iksar not have new weapon and giants not do battle. Shakes and rumbles must be gods unhappy!
Goblins try pray to gods, but they no hear. Last of goblins come from Nu'roga. No traders, no talkers come with scrolls from chief. We no like not hearing, not trading, not seeing others of Broken Toes. Nu'roga fall and make all Broken Toes be dead? Goblins of Twark, past called Cleaving Tooth clan, only ones still live?
Goblins of smarts go to take scroll from Twark to Nu'roga. No come back. Strong goblins go to take scroll from Twark to Nu'roga. No come back. Them goblins not seen again.
Broken Toes no more. Big Ketch made new chief.
Goblins of Twark need new name say Ketch. Smarty goblins know gone name was Cleaving Tooth, but not all Twark from Cleaving Tooth clan. New name be Bloody Tooth! Dead now be Big Ketch, but Bloody Tooth clan still here!
Tome of Knowledge
This item can be placed on the floor in any house type.

This arcane tome contains vast sums of knowledge far beyond the ken of common mortals.


Awarded by GMs.

Discovered on 10 Jun 2008 at 19:06:15 PDT.