Furniture can be obtained in many different ways. Along with the notes below each item, coloured borders around the item's picture indicate how it is obtained. Crafted items are made by players from recipes. Quested items are rewarded from quests, or obtained during quests. Purchased items are bought from various merchants in Norrath. Some items cost coin, some also cost status points, and some require special tokens to buy. Looted items are dropped by monsters after they are killed, either on their bodies or in chests. Plundered items are obtained by clicking on something in the world. This includes harvested items. Collection items are rewarded when a collection is turned in to a Collector. Achievements sometimes reward furniture when completed. Awarded items are given by NPCs, usually by speaking to them. Many items given by Guides are also here. Claimed items are obtained through various promotions, via the /claim window. Marketplace items are sold through the Station Cash Marketplace. Legends of Norrath items are obtained from loot cards, scenarios, or tournaments. We don't know where Unknown items are from. They might be items that were once spawned by a GM, or special rewards given to individual players. If you know where an Unknown item is from, please send feedback and let us know! |